The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 25, 1927, Page 20, Image 20

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Six-Cylinder Lino Affords
Higher Speed and Bet
ter Performance
Graham Brothers, a division of
Dodge Jlrothers, Inc., announces
the introdiic'llon of a new line of
six-eyllnder motor coaches. High
er speed and generally Improved
performance are nald to result
from several new features.
These include a powerful new,
eix-cylinder engine, four-wheel
Ixckbeeahydraullc - brakes, four
4 peed transmission and ballbear
ing cam and lever steering.
. Improved riding comfort re
sults from a better distribution of
weigBt' a'3.jlvell.la3 adoption of
three Mtage. progressive type rear
sprincBristruction and advances
In seat. design.
Thenew six-cylinder line takes
the place of the four-cylinder mo
tor roaches with - which Graham
Brothers attained a leading posi
tion Jn the industry during the
past seven years.
It comprises the 21-passenger
street car type motor coach, prob
ably the most popular size how in
use. the 16-passenger de-luxe par
ior coach and the de-luxe club
loach seating 12 passengers.
HiKh road speeds are possible
In the new coaches with safety
and comfort for passengers and
without strain to the mechanism,
it i claimed.
These speeds are attainable with
relatively moderate engine speeds
since the four-speed transmission
gives adequate gear reduction for
heavy srrades. bad roads and em
ergencies and permits the use of
faster rear axle ratios. Such a
combination directly results in
greater economv.
The high speed and fast accel
eration available from the slx-cyl-Inder
power plant is rendered safe
by heavy-duty four-wheel I.ofV
heed hydraulic brakes. These hy
draulic brakes have the odvaniie"
- of automatic equalization which
largely eliminates the necessity
of mating even the simple me
chanical adjustment provided for
each individual brake and also
does away with the use of brake
rod and other moving parts r
qulrng attention and frequent lu
brication. They are an assurance to the
driver that he can stop as quickly
as or more quickly than the ve
hicle ahead and thus high sched
uled speeds can b maintained
with safety. The large and posi
tive mechanical brak j on the drive
shaft operated with a hand lever
is entirely separate from .the ser
vice brake sysmv , ' f.
As boiVes and chassis, are built
entirely in Craham Brothers own
plants he- confplete coaches have
been designed and built as units.
This makes possible important
engineering advantages, particul
arly correct weight distribution
and elimination of excess weight
it Is claimed. v V .
. A larger proportion of t the
weight I4 .carried over the front
axie man ts usual, resulting in a
relatively short wheelbase. and
the body location on the chass's
is such that rear overhang i ; re
duced to a minimum. The 162"
wheelbase alIows easy handling
even In densest city traffic.
The engine, of the L-head type
with a bore of 3 1-4" and a stroke
of 4 1-2" is clean cut and accessi
ble in design. The crankshaft is
exceptionally rugged, weighing 89
pounds, and has seven main bear
fngs with a total main bearine
length of 11 Inches and bearijr
areas far greater than on other en
gines of comparable size. Free
dom from torsional vlbrat'on. due
to its rigidity, results in smooth
running at all speeds. -
A large hot-spot manifold and
unique , combustion chamber de
sign result in fast acceleration
and at the same time provide for
a very economical use of fuel. Au
tomatic Fnark advance is prov'ded
for better engine efficiency, re
lieving th driver'of the necessi
ty for manual adjustment.
AH the new motor coaches are
equipped with generators of 225
watt capacity with voltage regul
ator and 215 ampere-hour storage
batteries to provide sufficient cur
rent for the extensive lighting sys-
; Rear springs are of the three
. Hage-. progressive type.' resulting
. Itf easy ridfng Vhef her the coach
.Is loaded. to capacity or only par
tiaIlT'niled.j Riding comfort. Is
"further enhance1 lRy the: use of
deep cushioned seats covered with
genu foe leather. ' " ' . - -
. vTh a2-paseagei-cluh coach ha
seats-of the T individual chair
Jype, with overstuffed, air "ush-
- ton and deep springs, set at an
Wangle to th body Bides.- The it-
passenger parlor coach provides
"four; double seats along : the left
- side of the body, and four single
seats to the - "right v of the aisle
while a section of four individual
soats extends across the width of
the coach at: the rear, one' of; the
latter being quickly removable to
- provide, passage through the em
ergency rear door, .?; .
. Prices are $4045 for tie 12-pas-
Merr rlub eoh; J40fi0 Tof the
. uli -oi2:4et fenrrv
Who Is Out of Place in This
The old question. "Why does
pedestrians insist on risking their
$ & If hU 1 I
'' ? , " I 1 s II
: S3. II
X '"Z t "r-1 ' '
iwu gina wuu nro ueiween iwo nres. xneir nerves are on eoge ana me morortsis aiso are eom?wui
upset, as they , apply the brakes hastily and wonder If the young women are going to proceed or retreat.
U. S. C.
Morley Drury One of Few
Veterans Returning from
Champion 1926 Team
LOS ANGELES With the op
ening of the 1927 football season,
followers of the great American in-
ercollegiate sport have turned to
'doping" out the prospects of the
various teams that will represent
the Pacific coast conference col
The greatest enigma is the Uni
versity of Southern California. For
two years Coach Howard Jones has
had a football machine at the Los
Angeles university that has ranked
wth the best in the country. Last
year the Trojans missed the na
tional championship by two points
and the- team was one of the most
spectacular in -the United States.
But this year Coach Jones has to
build an -entirely new organization.
Sixteen of the stars of thO U. S.
C. football squad of 1926 finished
their college courses last June,
leaving but a small group of vet
erans with which Howard Jones
must develop a team to meet the
toughest schedule that the Tro
Yum the-
No lock could be safer! One turn of the key locks
both ignition and steering ivfjeef. But merely turning
off the ignition does not lock the wheel. You. may
shut off the engine and coast, if you like, and still
have your car, under, perfect control.
1 And ho lock could be more convenient! It is illumi
nated; and located within easy reach, where the
steering column meets the dash.
The Buick double-lock is an exclusive Buicl; feature
one X)f njahy important ref i n e m en ts : iv hi c li
cnaracteme ouick tor vjzzi. r -
Sedans $1415
388. N." Commercial.
1 ,1 .11 1 i.u , 14,1,
-: . I
a hen cross the street"" mlsht be
lives in traffic when the lights are
jans have ever faced.
Morley. Drury. captain of the'
Trojans this season, is Jones'
brightest star. Capt. Drury was
out practically all last season al
though he got back into shape
just in time to play a part of
the Notre Dame game. This is
Drury's last year of college foot
ball and he is expected to make
up for the time he lost last fall.
During the summer Drury
worked for a local motion pic
ture studio, doing hard work that
kept him in excellent physical con
dition. During the vacation he
kept in touch with the team mem
bers, making trips about Los An
celes and to the outside cities in
his Star convertible cabriolet, one
of the outstanding models of the
St.'ir line and a car that is very
poDuiar with the students of the
Tniversity of Southern California
tho choice of several of the Star
Trojnn athletes.
In addition to Drury. Coach
lones has Don Williams, the
Voungster who. as a sophomore,
emished h:s way through the
JVotre Dame tf5m last fall and
made a touchdown after carrying
the ball more than half the dis
tance of the field in a series of
plunges that established him as
one of the , greatest.'ba'll carriers
ever seen in the entire country.
Williams is a quarterback.
There is Howard Elliot, also a
qur.rterbaek. Elliot shared hon
ors with the great All-American
Morton Baer.. last fall. This year
to $2275
Spoci Models $1405 to $1775
. jrvernment tax to be a4letl.' The. G.Sh;A1C
financing plan, tlie mst desirabl, is 'available.
! 1
1 1
Yi i
discarded in favor of. "Whi do
against them?" Pictured above are
Elliot is expected to come Into his
own as the brilliant star of the
Trojan back field.
Jess Hibbs is the only star
Jones has left over from bis 1926
line. Hibbs played tackle last year
and he was one of the best tack
les on the Pacific coast.
This quartette, three backs and
a line man, would gladden the
heart of any football coach in
the country; but the rest of the
squad will have to be developed
and Jones has a lot of gaps to
fill. When such stars as Crav
ath. Gorrell, Taylor. Laranetta,
Hadgero. Dorsey, Baer and others
of euqal -ability leave college in
i hody throug"h graduation, there
is a tough job ahead of the coach.
Howard Jones Ki a great foot
balPcoach and he will undoubted
ly have a good team at IT. S. G
this season; but the best the Tro
jan rooters can hope for is a place
half way down the Pacific coast
onference championship ladder
unless Jones can develop a string
of eren youngsters out of the
tfroup of candidates who came up
from la3t year's freshman squad.
BOSTON Gov. Alvan T. Fuller
of Massacr.usetts, who is also head
of the Packard Motor Car Co. of
Vew England, was host recently to
400 of his employes on their an
nual outing at his summer resi
dence at Little Boars. NT. H. The
on tine; was featured by the pres
nence of leading Packard distrib
utersfioTn vaJlover the country.
- v - .
- :. i
$1405 to $2120.
Telephone 220;
. .... ; ..
Trdpliy for Wljich Many
Have Tried and Failed, '
Finally Captured ',
In the collection of trophies
which have been won in Kurope
by Chrysler cars, one of the unus
ual appropriateness ha. recently
been added in Poland, according
to advices Just received by the
Fitzgerald-Sherwin Motor Co.
The trophy, which is a fine ex
ample of artistic modeling repre
sents a bison, the animal familiar
to Americans as the buffalo, which
within the memory of many still
living roamed the western plains
of this continent in herds number
ing millions.
For 1 5, years, the Automobile
Club of Poland has offered this
trophy to any team of three cars
which could finish its six-day re
liability run without incurring
penalties or "black marks," but
until this year none of the compet
ing automobiles have been able to
comply with the difficult condi
ditions. It remained for three
Chrysler "70V to lift the prize
so intimately associated with
American backgrounds, in a com
petition which included teams of
11 well known European and
American makes.
Curiosity has often been aroused
by the offer of a statuette which
seemed so incongrous with Euro
pean matters. Students of natur
al history explain, however, that
the bison, now- associated exclu
sively with America, was one a
common in Europe as until half a
century ago it was in our own
west. The fate of the species was
the same in both continents, al
though extinction by advancing
civilization was mdnh later and
far more rapid on this side of the
Caesar mentions the bison as
equally extinct auroch. or wild ox.
in the forests of Germany and
Belgium. Even as late as the mid
dle ages if was still a familiar
sight farther east in Europe and
it is still found in a wild state in
the-Cnucaous although its apir
ance is very rare. A few rds
are also kept in captivity in Lithu
ania and other northern countries,
but these are small and are stead
ily dwindling.
The Automobile Club of Poland
used the bison as a symbol of
strength and endurance, which are
and delivery. r
Powered by the new 4-cylinder engine, the
finest Dodge Brothers ever built . . 4-speed
transmission for the most flexible use of this'
abundant power . . . 4-wheel brakes (Lock
heed hydraulic) ' ; . Reserve strength in r
chasssis . jnd '.' "
at no advance in
price. Chassis .o.b
. '
'474 S.
rimivrjvnil - I - I -V -i -f . ' j .x ;!j;r,
' cTj tT'rj "'" " 1 " 1 "" ' """"" 1 1 ..- .. l ......
the qualities associated with the
animal where it is known in Eu
rope. . The donprs of the; trophy
considered tfcafjhe same qualities
were indispensable to any car
which 1 could ' hope to win' their
prize under the difficult condi
tion's they imposed. The trails last
over a period of six daysj and a
distance of 2400 kilometres
a bout, 1 Soft miles is covered over
all possible kinds of road and
country. Speed and hill cjimbing
contests are' included in the six
day program.
The buffalo trophy was won this
year for the fir:n time since it was
offered. 1 5 years ago a team of
three' stock Chrysler totirin? cars
completing the entire six-day- test
without incurring any penalties. In
addition, the three Chryslers wan
a nrlze offered bv the Polish Min
istry of Public Works for cars fin
ishing in iimbewt mechanical con
dition, while a fourth Chrysler, in
cluded in a trim of six cars ent
errd by the nrmv of Poland, toak
i rrlze oHered bv the nrmv to anv
enr driven by an armv officer and
finishing without and bad points.
'Continued from Page One)
motorist's chief annoyance since
automobiles were an experiment.
- Because some engines are over
size and because many owners
have carbon removed regularly,
this knocking has not been bo
troublesome to everyone. Owners
of more efficient engines, with!
smaller combustion chambers and'
higher compression, however,
-Photo by Kenn.Il-E!1i.
' m, , " '
' "i
V -
Operators who have driven the new Graham Brothers
6-cyImder 2-Ton Truck pronounce it the greatest truck ever .
built. It heads a coniplete new.line of Graham Brothers trucks
and commercial cars fast, powerful, sturdy money makers.
In addition to the new 2Ton and lVTomTrucks there are
the new 1-Ton G-Boy and the new- -Ton' Commercial Car '
V 1 '""li Jlll "Z5 11,:- .--1 J- - UL Umm1lm
speeay, aepenaapic,uuu'iviviLUjig. uwu iut upMiirr
have .worried .over the fact: that
with ordinary fuel carbon has
been a pest. Carbon can of
cours. cause f valve tronble. .- but
its chief objection has been that it
took up room in the cylinders, and
thus raised compression to a point
too high for ordinary gas.
With" i be introduction of doped
fuels, t his!" :; carbon .'accumulation
was, mad useful. It made en
ginefi n ihtle nruoro modern and
suddenly turned the public eye to
a revolution in engine design and
fuel refining. Right on the heels
of this development were a mill
ion rumors and a wide assortment
of fears.-
Ti e p'an who lold me (hat two
motorists died following the-filling,
of their gasoline tank with
doped ffiUe Is the Hik me party who
claimed to have, "seeii ' one of t he
early four-wheelbrake cars turn
turtle. Many vould have us be
Ireve that we are all' due. forlow
death ' by v insidious ,' poisoning.
Thousands' of. mechanics tell of J
engines that have been ruined by
doped fuels.
Here is the situation: If we are
Auto Washing Lubrication
Repairing on all makes of cars.
252 South Liberty . Telephone 659
"The Battery Man"
See him today-He'll save you money and
give you service that satisfies
Corner . Center
Telephone 109
mx w
A smooth and Instandy responsive flow of
power from the new olinder engine . . .
4-speed transmission to convert -the power
' into pull or speed 4-wheel brakes
(Lockheed hydraulic) r Heavy duty
r chassis V The lowest
6-cylinder 2-Ton '
Truck has ever been'
sold. Chassis L o. b.
Telephone 423
to enjoy- the advantages of amaz
ing performance combined with
amazing economy, either we must
Use' and altered fuel or an altered
engine. A majority of engines and
manufacturers favor the former
for the reason that increaslug en
gine compression is largely a mat
ter of using a cylinder bead, with
a smaller combustion chamber).
Another important consideration
is the fact that doped fuehMe
now nationally marked and
shortly be available everywhere.
. ;
Oenoa, ltafy. Is adopting the ro
tary system or traffic because of
Its increased number of motor ve
hicles The tat tie of C.aribaldl
has ten moved from the side of
oneor "its public squares to'the
center,. as a jnlddle point around
w'hlch traffic revolves.
; "Both motor buses and motor
. i i 1. 1
with. "the whole system of land
transportation. j. w b i c r
Drake, Assistant SecrHtary
Commerce. 1
price at which a;
rO )
A y f
er yK.
i .