The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 25, 1927, Page 18, Image 18

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of turn
Gar Now Offers Range of
Prices From Tpp of Low
er Class To Utmost
Packard tars are nojv apearing
wi(h complete lines of body types
in three different and distinct
models and all with important im
provement; in both apearance and
ir'-ehanical features. ' The three
range jn the automotive industry
frcm the top of the lower price
ficlil to the utmost in luxury ob
tainable in automobile transporta
tion. The Packard Six now is made in
tXo typos, one the short and the
other the Ions wheel base and
with complete body type for both.
With the full line of bodies for
thj- Packard Eight there is a total
oC ID standard body typea now
prpduced by Packard and, in ad
dition. 21 custom bodies, making
40 different car3 in all.
)n the 126-inch wheelbase
sixes only the five passenger se
dan, the runabout and phaeton
formerly were produced. To thi'se
have been added others to make a
full selection of types. The long
wheelbase, 133 inches, now has
all the bodies formerly used on
the shorter wheelbase cars, round
ing out a full line for this model
and the complete choice is con
tinued with the eight. All eights
are now being produced on the
143-inch wheelbase.
A new frame with many im
provements, together with siual'er
wheels has lowered both the six
and the eighth an inch and a half.
This with slightly modified .jdy
lines has given even greater ap
pearance of sleekness. The heigh th
of the short wheelbce has been
lessened even more. However,
the added gracefulness of appoar
anec has been obtained with an
increase in room in the interiors,
rather than at 'the expT :e of pass
enger comfort. A full inch has
been added to tlu; head room of
the five passenger sedan, for in
stance. . '
Present Packard c?rs now are
going into their seventh yeir aud
I he present Packard fix and Pack
ard eight represent a culmination
or ;ttie intensive work that has
been going on constantly in thta
period to improve them. Roth
esthetiv ;rd mecha rival chanses
have been a matter of gradual de
velopment. The result has been
Ihat with all of, the beauty of lines
nd ebaoVljMw-fct1rm of th
!reFrat cars.Ctbe vehicle of seven
ears ao retain their Packard in
dividuality on the streets today.
A combination of many refine
ments in. both the s'x and eisht
motors has provided a marked in
crease in combustion efficiency
and has added grpall to the
' '
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iff tZf
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Hi sw .
When you buy your new suit of
clothes and overcoat for the com
ing winter at the present low
prices for high quality goods, it is
very likely that you are indebted
in part to the modern motor truck.
There's a pretty good chance, too,
that a Graham Brothers truck was
concerned, according to United
States Senator Francis E." Warren
of Utah, who is one of the larpe
sheep raisers of the west. Sen--:.!-
W arren and many other live
stock men have reduced the cost
of producing wool by installing
fleets of these trucks ' on their
ranches. Thf shepherds on the
outlying ranges have living quar
ters built on them as shown above.
The trucks carry feed and water
to isolated flocks in winter at
lower transportation cots and
more reliably and quickly than
possible by any other means. In
emergencies they have saved the
lives of hundreds of animals, Sen
ator Wcirren savs. by rushing sup
plies of hay to snowed-in herds.
These motor trucks not only cut
the cost of your clothes while the.
material is on the backs of the
sheep, but throughout the process,
of manufacture and merchandising
until they are delivered at your
door. Carrying the wool to -nar-ket,
transporting the textile
from the mills to wholesalers and
delivering for the retail clothing
dealer are operations in which the
cost has been largely reduced by
dependable motor transportation.
smoothness of operation. In si
lence. and smoothness both are as
serted to give the nearest ap
proach to coasting possible, re
gardless at what speed the car is
driven. Other results from the
sum total of the changes that have
been made add to the already well
known long life of the tar and to
its ease of maintenance.
Doth the six and eight motors
now are mounted at four points,
resting on rubber supports at the
front. They are set al-o slightly
lower al the back than at the
front, making a straight line drive
when t!:e car is ec Trying a full
An important feature of the new
Packard service men to have a di
rect bearing on even st ill . further
lessening the need for repair op
erators is an arrangement by
which the cylinder wall-; are au
tomatically oi'ed when the motor
is started. Each cylinder ieceiv-.
a spray of oil when' the choke i?
pulled' out for starting. This is
expected to be especially effective
against motor wear during cold
Extensive research work whi'-h
Packard has done for years for
the aircraft divisions of the I. S
army and navy and for the tank
corps division of the army led in
a large measure to two of the
rh6st important improvements in
the engines. Ono affects the
Tankshaft and the othrr is a com
ple.fejy xew type of valve spring.
The. letter, is much more important
than raight be thought, for the
motorist givei litt!; bc-ed to valve
springs, .except when one breaks.
With the r-cst of the indutrv
Packard had been giving intensive
study to valve springs for more
than a year. Their experience with
aircraft motors helped lead Pack
ard engineers to the solution. The
result has been found to be a great
improvement in vs-lve action, the
better seating of valves wi:h con
sequent lessening of necessity for
valve grinding, the end of valve
"cha'tering" at hih speed, an
even quieter motor and practica'iv
the improvements which have been
made in the cars can be enum
erated because of space limita
tions. Many add greatly to the in
terior apearancte of the bodies.
With the added beauty of lines,
too, there is available the widest
possible selection of color combin
ations. -
Acceptance of the cars by the
public is such that the Packard
factory is operating at the great
est production in the 28 years of
the company's history. .
probably dwindle for the winter,
but as soon as spring opens up, a
still greater boom in residence
building is expected to get, under
way. A number s of new tracts
have been opened, and selling of
lots has heea brisk.
Some of the , structures now )
nearing completion are the" $200,- j
000 Royal Court apartment house j
at Chemeketa and Capital; public '
market building at Marlon ana
Commercial; Fraternal temple as
sociation building, on Center be
tween Liberty and High;
20k000 .Terminal hotel
and Court. , .
and the
at High
Will Add to Formidable Total
Of City's Major Constuc
tion Activities
thp elimination of
The .spring actually ir. two
springs coiled .together in such a
manner th.-tt thay almear as one
They arP i,0 a (,;,.-n end by un
usually ingenjo;m rlate;. plow
motion picture-- during research
wo! k showed that ordinary . prings
almost tied t hem--el ves in knots,
particularly at bo'h speed, be
cause of the vibration traveling in
waves uj) and down their lenpetb.
This was common !o all automo
bile valve springs. ::, using two
small r sprint; the vibration per
iod of the new Packard spring was
raised far above any point pos
sible to be reached in operating a
ca r.
The now Packard crankshafts
hi" made much like the shafts in
aircraft motors. The connecting
rod journals are hollow. The
metal eliminated from each jour
nal lightened the weight each pis
ton must whip around the sh.-ift
bv t li rf e-T!.i rt "r of a pound.
T!tis with n newly discovered sys
tem in counterweights makes each
shaft as perfectly balanced n the
pinions of the finest watch.
With all the chtngo? that have
been made in the mechanical tea-
Frcep of gracefb
fdc -of sflenf
TPEFINITELY, you owe it to .
ybursclf to see this finer, more
advanced VVillys-Knight.
Beauty that commands your instant
admiration. Ixrw, graceful lines, with
weep and verve from the tapering,
aristocratic hood to the smoothly
curving back.
And now, on the Great Six, your
choice of many distinctive color
combinations rich, harmoniously,
blended. In upholstery, too, you are
offered optional fabrics and colors.
But your deepest and growing ap
preciation of the improved Willys
Knight will come with its smooth,
unfailing performance through the
years. The Willys-Knight brings
you. the only type of engine that
actually improves with use growing
smoother, quieter, more powerful.
The simplest and most efficient
power plant ever designed
m7CT Wmy.KKlhC Six, SI 295 to $1495. Willy.
Kight Great Six, reduced price $ 1850 to $2950
Prices & o. h. factory mod pecificariotu subject to
chase without node. W illya-Oveiiand, Inf.,
tures of both the Packard eight
and Packard six they have been
even more simplified. Packard has
found that EimpHf if ation, one of
the hardest thing3 in engineering,
has more than anything else, made
for economy and ease of mainten
ance of motor cars.
Only a very limited number of
With building permits during
the week reaching a sizable total
due to a sxidden spurt of applica
tions to construct dwellings, there
appears to be no cessation of the
unprecedented activity which Sa
lem has experienced, during the
past year.
, The announcement that the Mt.
Crest Mausoleum company would
construct in the near future a new
unit to their present structure at
a cost of $75,000, a permit secured
by D. A. Larmer to Construct a
new building at 889 North Liberty
costing 40,000, and the prospec
tive Salvation Army headquarters
building, for which funds are now
being solicited, are the most re
cent major projects.
Construction of dwellings will
Lake Lytle Hotel
Mrs. corge Watt, Mgr.
V -V rft ,
Twixt Lake and Ocean
The largest and most mod
ern hotel or) Tillamook
Surf and lake bathing,
boating, sea and lake fish
ing, clam digging, hikfng
and hunting.
Open All Year
Post Office
Rockaway, Oregon,
A Suxr Service for you hereall at
one, stop waving; time and
HMuring service
! '
Ycu Can Depend On
'Our Service
V.ur IliRh lreure Alemite Kriee
Insurs I 'roper Lubrication
Auto Electric
. Service
R. D. Barton
Batteries, Magnetos
Electric Service for
Auto or Radio
Telephone 1107
Salem Super Service Station
Service Station No. 2, corner Commercial and Chemeketa.
Service Station No. 3, corner Commercial and Mission.
Yutttt A
Iligh and
Ferry BtreeU
Don't Wait Till You're
Wet ,
Bring in your car and have your f "
vjuality Workmanship Prices That Please
North Church Phone 2152
. "Out of the High Rent District
"From days ivhen the ancients
conceived the sun as a cbartot
of fire sped by steeds of flame,
men have dreamed ana striven
to harness beat to usefw power.
& Great Companion Invention
to the Suber -Six Principle -
w -
This new companion invention to the Super-Six Principle con
verts heat, heretofore wasted in all other types, into useful power.
Together they combine the highest efficiency in power gen
eration, and the maximum efficiency in power transmission
ever achieved within our knowledge. It makes Hudson the
most economical car per pound weight in the world.
Steam Engine Smoothness and Power
The new Hudson motor delivers a flood of
mKcd power from standing start closely
resembling the mighty and elastic power
f the steam en,ine. Yet at all speeds this
power is buo3rant, vivacious and instantly
answerable to the lightest touch of the
throttle. In it are combined all advantages
of speed, snap and performance of the high
compresrdon motor, with the smooth flexi
bility of low compression type.
Spark knock heretofore characteristic
of the high-compression motor is elim
inated. Ordinary gasoline gives the per
formance results sought through special
and higher-priced fuels. By Hudson's
method of vaporizing raw gasoline that
enters the combustion chamber, oil dilu
tion is prevented, and heat formerly
(wasted through the exhaust becomes use
ful power. ;i
In all ways today's Hudson is the greatest
ever produced. And it is natural that iti
public reception surpasses anything in
Hudson history.
Now On
SUtnJmrJ Mtdeit
Coach . . . . . .
Sedan " . . ... . 138S
Custom Butlt MoJtlt !
Phaeton . . ; . . . $tm
Brougham . .' ... 1575
7-Pas$enp?r Sedan .. . . 1850
All prtttif, . h. P fit,
fUu njur txctst Uut
Corner High and Chemeketa
Telcphono 1CC0