5 . at i 1 1 it ijutab i,-, : r THE 6REGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 25, 1927 ) I REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY PX. BEOKB HENDRICKS I 188I H. Hick TaL 16t ' LEX W. BELL 09 Bank of Ootnmaree Bldg. TeL 484 I - i 1 P. W. GXISKR 41 Court Telephone 8819 JOHN W law Bligh Bid. ORB Tel. rTRCDB J. U. PAGI 1491 a J r&lANGLS RIALTT CO. 431 Oourt Si. TeL 651 I OLHICH BOBXKTB 19 M. Commercial TeL 18S4 1 VICTOR 8CHNCIDKB, iKsltor 14T M. Com'l J Tel. 577 SQUARE DEAL REALTT jU. B. Nat'l But Bldg. TeL 470 I UOHRNSTEDT PATNB 147 N Commercial. TeL 61? The Oregon Statesirfan Published every anorning (except If on say) at Salem, the capital f Oregon ADVERTISEMENT HONEST ADVERTISING Tkese eol w mott b. kept free from anything of queatioaaale aatnrv Misrepresen tations wiU sot be tolerated Informa tion showing any question a 91 intent on tha part of tha advertiser should be reported is ths iMBr ar tka Salem Ad else INSURANCE 18 FARM LOANS PLENTT OT MONET to loan on good farm security. CITY LOAMS We ara loaning Pre dential Insurance eorcpsn y money on eitj residence and busiSeif property at 5V per cant, plus a eommteaion. Uivkioi A Roberts, lac, 505 Oregon Building. dl4tf Insure Tow konta or eat aw. Phono 191 BECKS HENDRICKS Helhg Bldg, 189 N. High St. rOR BALE rlRST AND SECOND Ifort gsgee. Traat Deeds. Contracts on houses Will oat 6 to 80 per cent. BECKE HENDRICKS Hsilig Bldg.. 180 N. Hlgk H. Jl-tf WANTED Employment 19 3F YOU A RE GOING TO BUILD OR remodel let me figure with you. . Call Mr. Way. 1613-J. 19-8-27 EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS chambermaid op dishwashing, or man- Cement of small apt. or rooming house at once. . Fhone Free Employment. 19-S-25 WANTED BY MIDDLE AGED Wo man, position as housekeeper for elder ly people, or practical nurse for semi invalid. Reasonable wages. Phone 283 before 11 a. m. mornings. S27-19 TOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT digging and taam work. TaL 7213. I 10mi 4 1 FOR RENT 21 ACREAGE, FOR RENT 7 V2 acres 2 mi lea from Salem with strictly modern house. Other good buildings. 71 ice place to lire and atill work in city. Call 970. SOCOLOFSKY SON First Nat'l Bank. Slt-22-tf STORE ROOM FOR RENT 280 PERRY et, between Front ana uommertui 'rly occupied by Withers A Neal. nionttt. inquire at Btatesman 21epr28tf FOR RENT, BUSINESS ROOM AT 260 Ferry Street. $20 par month. Inquire at Statesman offiea and ask for Rho tea or Stiffler. 21S16tf FOR RENT 4 rooms ad sleeping porch. Very well fnrnialied. only 5 block from business renter. Pay son lights and water. $ 3 per month. 5 rooms and sleeping porcn. Lignts, water and phone free. Range store goes with place. Only 8 blocks from business center, $15 per month. Possession at once. 0 rooms, just refinished. 7 blocks out n paved street. Basement tor wood. garage, f 25 per monw. possession at ofnc. v martt. VI Two 2-room apartments. One on round 1 TSloor furnished. $12 per month. I LAFLAR LAFLAR I 407 Oregon Bldg.. I Salem, Oregon. 21r25 FOR RENT Apartment 23 3 ROOM APARTMENT REASONABLE. 565 So. Liberty. 23s25 FURNISHED APARTMENT, 292 N. Summer. 23s21 FOR RENT NICE FURNISHED apartment. 590 Union street. 23l FURNISHED 2 ROOM APT. ON FIRST floor. With garage, 2361 Haiet Phone 1939-W. 23sldtf THE AMBASSADOR. 550 H. SUMMER. MoHrm 2 and 3-roons apartments fnr Tih4 unfurnished t 8 M VOW RENT -Rooms SLEEPING ROOM WITH BREAKFAST Phone-2095 3. 25-S-28 COMFORTABLE MODERN CIOSE IN rooms on bus line. Phone 747W. - 2528 BOO MP WITH BOARD AT THI A LEI aadat. TaL 139; 1080 Chsmeketa aanr1tf FOR RENT Houses 27 FIVE ROOM HOUSE NEAR HIC-H school. Phone 543-W evenings. 27s25 (tODERX 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, FUR- nished. overlooking Salem, $25.00. K3. 27sol 'tfijtrvrp rooi COTTAGES Anto Camp. 87 Oct 18 FURNISHED COTTAGES BY DAY wnek or month. Dreamland Cottages, 26th and State. " 27-o-2? 5 ROOM FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Imping porch, electric range, water beater, full basement, furnace, garage, $40.0O. Phone 82F2. 2 7 sol MODERN HOME Hplendidly furnished; ready to live in; clert nc equipment. Re this lease: reaaon abf -rentaL 355 Richmond A- 27 a-25 READY TO OCCUPY STRjICTI.Y MOD ern 4 roro bouse, hardwood floors, haaement, furnace, garage, 910 Col- - umhi, $3750. Terms to u it. Becke as Hendricka. 188 N. High. UTttel FOR RENT ' 1 jroom gtrictly -moderB house. Will tfjOtfor $40. yV ocolofaky ft Son 83 AAA SOCOIIKSKY 1SON i ' First Nat'l. Bank BWg. - S724tf STRICTLY MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT, 7fiO Maria St., S7.50. Strictly modern 5-roon rhouae, 70 Tam arack. $35.00. 5-room house. 2491 Tradw, $20.00. '4-roovu modern house, 2090 S. Church rTjHt; -$32.00. -T ? J3tX'KE k HENDRICKS i i Scriptures In -Schools BISMARCK, N D. A copy of the Tea Commandments muBt be displayed In erery school room In North Dakota, beginning- with this term, under a new state law, FOR RENT Houses 27 MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE. EAST front. Cloae in. 1247 South Com mercial. Fireplace, furnace, basement, garage, also sleeping porch. Call 50F31, 27s28 LAUNDRIES 82 TRY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN dry. Tal. 171. 1156 B 8 treat. jl7tf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "Tka Laundry of Pure Materials.' Telephone 166 1261 Broadway. THE NEW HALEM LAUNDRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telnhof -5 ? A High. TAILOR S4 D. B. MOSHER T All -OH FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. WANTED Mihrellaix.u 8.5 "URNITDRR PACKir- TOR SHIP ments. Oiaso-Powers farnitor Co. XSaorJOU WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB farm loans. We have aeToral applica tions on hand. Hawkins Roberts. Inc. 205 Oregon Bldg. 35dl4tf I WILL GIVE A HOLT CATERPILLAR tractor and a four bottom plow to any one that will plow 100 acres of level land for me. Phone 2538 R or call at l.r95 South High St. 35a-17tf WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON Rags tot smaller thaB 1 yard to use for wiping machinery. Highest price paid for good clean rags, apply at Htntssmiin office see Stiffler. 35Sl4tf MATTRESSES SO MATTRE8SES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co.. 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All w-ir guaranteed. Tel t9 U9tf FOR SALE 7 PKDTGREF. ENGLISH BULL PUPS, 254 So. Cottage. Phone 1031 -J. 37s25 FOR SALE FEMALE POLICE DOG 10 mouths old. Phone 191 7J. 37s27 COOK STOVE AND HEATER, 2233 Fairgrounds Road. Tel. L280. 37-s 27 FOR SALE MISCELLAN HEATER, pipe and base. Tel. 1938W. 37s25 RYE GRASS SEED FOR SALE J. 8. Hiatt. Rt. 1 Box 265. Tel 63F15. 37S30 CABBAGE FOR KRAUT, lc A LB. AL SO Burbank potatoes, all grades. Phone 81F13. 37S27 WALNUT DINING ROOM SET. HEAT stove, rugs, etc. l'J'Zi Waller. Phone 152J. 37s25 CONCORD GRAPES THREE CENTS per pound. Five miles east of Saleii' on pen road. Phone 66F13. 37octl SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON NEW CROP honey. Phone 8F5. H. M. Ale-1, Salem. 8 7o8 BLACK DIRT FOR 8ALE IN EITHER . North or South Salem. Reasonable TeL 72F2. 37dl2tf FOR SALE 2 OR 3 LEAF HARROW, corrugated roller, cream t.epartor, team of mare or mules. Phone 2."4 or K'i'2. :i7s27 THE NOBLE FRENCH PRUNE , TREES for sale by the man who projvoiited tc wonderful prune, i 1-2 miles, cast of the State Ho.ipital on the Fniithrfid road. Ifct. A, Box 67, Noble Andrews, Salen.1. m 37-ort-l FOR SALE Live Stock 39 6 WEEKS' OLD PIGS FOR SALE $6 each. Phone 254 or 622. 39s27 . VETERINARIAN 89a FRED W. LANGK, VETERINARIAN Off ico 529 8. Commercial. Tel. 1198. Boa. Tel. 166S. A9m23tf WOOD SAWING 42 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1677. 1610 North Commercial- 42jlyl5tf CALL W. L. HUTCHIN8 FOR WOOD sawing. Phone 1851M. 42xct.l6 WOOD FOR SALE 43 FOR SALE FIR AND OAK WOOD. TEL 58F12. 43-oct21 4 FOOT tJ4 INCH FIB. IMMEDIATE delivery. Pkono 1736. 43s26 ALL KINDS Of WOOD AND THE best in tha city at Trscey's Fue' Yard. Tal. 2313. Pricea reasonable.' 43a2tr COAL. WOOD. BRIQUETTES. SALEM Fuel and Transfer Company. Tel. 52-9. night 1988. 43a28tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Tat 7213. M. D. May field. 43flt OLD FIR, SECOND GROWTH AND OLD fir limbs. Call 1990, C. U. Harbangh. 1038 Highland Ave. 4303 BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood, 4 ft. and 16-inch. Large loads ara cheaper to bay. Mill wood is our specialty, prompt delivery and seasonable price. FRED E. WELLS 280 S. Church Tal. 1542 48d9tf GOOD DAT WOOD fOK TkU D K. Larmer. TaL 930. 43aprl6tf GOOD COAL DRY WO D PRO KPT DELIVERIEfc. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. dSaSOtf POULTRT AND EGOS 45 FRYS FOR SUNDAY DINNER. WEIGHT 2 pound. Phono 32F21. Lea Hatchery 45sl0tt POULTRY WANTED ANY KIND. SIZE or amount, top market, highest cash price. Salem Poultry Co. 145 Center St. Foot of tha bridge. Phona 2490. 45sept24 MUSIC STORES 40 GEO. U. Wluti . rlANOS, PHOSTO grsphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. R-natPip" graphs and sewing machine. 482 State atret 8a leva NEWSPAPERS 47 "HE PORTLAND TELEGRAM BALEU wmr Tk MINUTE MOVIES TTHE CrttEAT AIR MAIL MysTERY. toro v ED WHE-LfcH fcpisoc-e tcm THE UNEXPECTED MEETING- ' . v A5".J jr- Nk5J (N.VVU U?S ; -cu TV . fsVs. F v 5v 0n --p-i 'A . Vie- k 47 THE OREGON STATESMAN, 80 CENTS per month delivered to your home early each morning. TeL 23 or 588. PAPERHANGING 60 PHONE GLENN ADAMS 70R H0TJ8F decorating, paperhanginf. tUtiag, ate. Reliable workman. FAINTING CHAB. BENNETT. PAINTTNO COS tractor, N painting, paper ken gin g. 2?S-.I 187 WeM UHW MISCELLAN Korn Al rOB SALEM SCAVENGER CALL 167. mo-- W.VNTEIt CONTRACT BUILDING houses. 1043 Market, Tel 10C0-R. 51 S 25 WILL TRADE GOOD 1020 ESSEX CAR Inr snu'W car. Telephone T. 506 So. 19th. Sls25 fOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 cents a bundle. BiaMMMi, um i. South Oommereiai. 51j9tf FURNITURE UPH(,I.8TEKING AND RE pairing. Uiese-Powera Pur ni tare Store. 61s20t BUT C8ED MEN'S CIXJTHrNG. JEWEL ry. Guns, Tools. Bieycles. etc. Star Exchange. 824 N. Com 'I. TaL 856. KOIt SALE Steel filine cabinets, scales, lek, grorery r-ounter, larse size ire box, root beer fountain and other fix tures at Cosm opolitan "Store. 51-S-25 OUlt CC8TOMERH S.RB OUR BEST boosters because when we do your welding, 'tis dona, not yon. Electric and acetylene welding. large and sin si U tl. LVOppea, 696 MiU St. TeL 372 and 2086-J. tlmaytt' 8TOVE8 AND STOVE REPAIRING 8TOVE3 fOR SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kinds of woven wire fence. Fsncy and plain. Hop baskets and hooks, logan hooks. Sslem Fence ad Stove Works. 250 Court ref MjtT?f LOST AND FOUND 53 WILL PARTY WHO TOOK BROWN jardiniere with fern from 266 North Chnrch return same and receive re- ward. 53-S-25 PIANO TUNERS &4 ErWnn WPLP ETT'irRTENr'FD Piano taner. Leave orders Will's MasHe Store. PERSONAL 65 IF YOU ARE LONELY WRITE TO Portland Correspondence Club. 1009 E. 91 N.. Portland, Ore-. Strictly confi dential. Inform. lOets. 55-s-2" PRINTING 66 FOR STATIONER. CABTD9. PAMPB lets, programs, books or sny kind of printing, -rail st the Statesmen Print ing Department. 215 S. Commercial Tl. 588 MONEY TO LOAN 57 P. H. BELL. 219 U 8. BANK BLDO. Residence and business loans. Tel. 607 or 2141-W. R7arr7 FED-CRAL FARM LOAN 6. I L. Wood. 841 Bute St. i7ss7tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUJT.niVO AND on city property. B. 8. Martin L. K Martin attorneys, 418 Orea-on Building. TeL 2084. 67ml0tf CITY AND FARM, LOANS AT LOWEST rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offera yon ex pert advise and service in all lines HAWKINS BO'RT9 fin- Tel. 1427. 208 Oregon BMg. . 67fl0tf WANTED LOANS 69 WANTED Private money to loan On REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHORST A) Co. 13 1 R. Lihertv St. RO02f PLUMRING AO PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros.. 144 B. Liberty. Tel. S50 ; 19tf ' BUS. OPPORTUNITIES 61 AM SICK MUST SELL MY COXFEC tionary. Address Box 76, Statesman. 61-S-30 RADIO 02 Radiolas For every purpose, for every p '0 All standard sixes of Radio Tabea HALIK EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, as 5 Court Rt Tel 48 Naorl7tf REAL ESTATE 63 FOR SALE STUMP AGE OR LAND with timber at a bargain. John H. Seott, 305 Oregon Bldg. 63s2" TOR LEASE THREE CLOSE IN rooms. $80, $100 and $135 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST Se CO. 134 S. Liberty St. C3s27 FOR RENT 7 ROOM HOUSE AT 353 Leslie St. $35 per month, will lease for one vear. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 6323 BRAND NEW 5 ROOM MODERN HOME WELL LOCATED SALEM, OREGON. PRICE $4500.00 WITH PAYMENT OF $350.00 CASH. BAL ANCE TERMS. THIS IS AN EX CELLENT HOME. SALEM REALTY CO, 462 STATE ST. 0s25tf SIX ROOM HOUSE. NTJARLY TWO ACRES GOOD LAND LOCATED ON HIGHWAY JOINING CITY OF WOODBURN. FOR SALE DIRT CHEAP, $2500.00. TERMS ON PART. SALEM REALTY CO., 462 STATE ST. 63s25tf INVESTMENT SMALL APARTMENT house located close in on N. Front St. Income $93 per' month, all furnisbed, double garage, corner lot. Price $7350. $2 iti down, balance terms. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 6327 FINE EIGHT ROOM MODERN HOME, IDAHO. FIVE ACRE'S GRIMM AL FALFA, GOODING. IDAHO. SIX WELL LOCATED LOTS BLACKFOOT, IDAHO. ALL CLEAR. TO EX CHANGE FOR PROPERTY IN VAL LEY, WILL ASSUME. SALEM REALTY CO.. 42 STATE ST. 63i25tf fAiPTER TfeLLlM & CKl NEWSPAPERS TO GET BEADV TO AC-,-COMPANY UtrA To CALI fORMA , N-AtXSON POX OF THE -SECRET SERVCE GOES T6"tW2 AFrRTMET Or H HANCEE. . COUNTESS CADENZA r fflrtE KECT TrlOPHmG--M THEsSTATtOA", fCt , CAPT. TRACE. eHt SyLVIA ARE ; ' SEE "WE FOELTLy . . FIGURE OF U)M. lft?UflCAL. LCaWW. . - I Vtc. fNl'Nk. 03 BARGAIN LOT 50x150 ON LINCOLN St., between Commercial and Saginaw, north front, alley along side. Price only 81350. Bavement naid. Becke b Hendricks, 189 N. High. 63v27 I FAIRMONT HILL HOME 7 ROOM?, modern in every detail, hardwood, floors throughout, tiled bath, hot wa ter heat, wonderful kitehen. including tiled drain boards and automatic re frigeration. Price $12,000, terms. Becke & Hendricks, .1 89 N. High. 63s27 1 EXCHANGE 6 rooms and bath, large lot, garage. South Salem, valued at $3000. to trade for larger bouse in North Salem. Will abbuine or pay difference. SOCOLOFSKY k SON. First Nat'l. Bank Bldtf- 6325tf PAYING POULTRY PROPOSITION 25 A, Creek, fruit. 5 room house, elec tricity, 3 large chicken houses. 3 brood ers, 3 incubators, 1500 Hanson White Leehorns. rows. team, iavpletnent etc. $4000. will handle. See about this. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor 63-S-24 tf FOR SALE 7 ROOM HOUSE CLOSE in. 3 blocks from post office. Price $4000. 10 room house on Marion St.. rlose in. This is business property, rented for $50.00 per month. Triee $6000. SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State Street 63s25tf SPECIAL 20 acres all in cultivation, has all kinds of berries and fruit. 8 rooiu house and barn, 1 mile from town on good road. Priced to sell at $2650, terms. See Thomas with LEO X. CHII.DS CO, Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 63-s-24tf APARTMENT HOUSE SNAP 14 apts- completely furnished for house keeping. Income $150 per month, cheap rent with long lease. No vacancy located in down town district. Owner going east. Wilt sell at a sac rifice price for a quirk deal. See my agents LOUIS BECHTEL or J. D. SEARS. 341 State St. Room 2. 63 s-24tf TWO GOOD BARGAINS IN 5 ROOM houses, three 6 room money saverj, one 7 room priced right and an 8 room such. 3 room home and 8 room house both new and modern to rent or lease, 40 acre dairy for sale cheap, will take city home to" $3000. BARBER & BOND 200 Crav Bldg. 125 Liberty 63-s-24tf TO EXCHANGE 64 acres near Salem, has fair im provements, 12 acres of bottom fend, small creek runs through place, would make a eood Dairy farm. Price is ?9000. Will trade for city property in any good town, or would take Cali fornia property. , SEE Thomason with , LEO N. CHILDS C., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 63-s-2 5tf FOR LEASE Larse lot 165 by 165 feet, first class for service station and parkin!?. Corner lOO by lOO feet. Fine for Gas Station. Tf vou are looking for ground lea-e, SEE W. H. GRABENHORST & CO, Realtors FOR SALE Close in Duplex House. Income $55. per month. Pricp S8R2.VOO. Lot ftl by 2 Vj feet. Tlii property is semi business property. Let us sltow vou. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, Realtor 134 S. Liberty Street. 63 s-28 EXCHANGES EXCHANGFS 2. acres good land 1 mile East of Hubbard on paved road. 6 room plas ered house, good barn. Price 200. Will assume or pay difference for Salem home. Three houses and two good vacant lots. Value $65O0 for all. Wants small farm on good road near Salem. 73 acres close to Hubbard, good bui Id in its. part in fine timber. Stock and machinery to go. Pri-e $l'1.50O Will take Salem home as part, balance easy terms. 175 acres, dosI all choice timber, 8 miles out on paved road. Pr'ce $11,000. Will take Salem residence for part. To Buv. Sell or Exchange your Prop erty SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 63-s-25tf OUR lists include 3 lot with 2 good houses for sale at $3000 or trade on farm up to $8000 SERVICE with a smile. See us about this 5 acres, house and barn for $500. IS a combined wood and farm ing business right on paved road in your line. Then see us. Will trade for some thing in or near Lebonan. PROMPT action will secure this 3 acren of beaver dam land, close in and cheap at $10O0. AND if you want to trade your farm for modern home and 3 lots in good location on paved street in Portland, come in on phone 1354. RELIABLE information regarding your investments in property glad lv given vou at our office. ULR1CH & ROBERTS Realtors 129 N. Commercial St. Phonel354 63-S-29 REAL VALUES IN HOMES $5250 Attractive, modern five room home located at 2020 South High Ktreet. double garage. basement, furnace, and fireplace. $1000 down, balance easy terms to be arranged. $40(30. Nearly new modern 4 roonj Eng lish style home with large floor ed attic, has tile drain board, oak floors in living room and hall, fireplace, basement and furnace, two bed rooms, garage and paved street. Located at 1670 S. Church St. NOW VACANT. $250 down and move right in, balance $40 per month to include inter est at 7. $3.50. Modern 4 room home with base ment, located near the McKinly school, terms. $.2100. Five room home located near the Yew Park school. $250 down, balance easy terms. $30OO. New modern 4 room home locat ed north near Fair grounds. $2l)U down, balance easy terms. Near ly acre of land. $7500. New a.odern six room home with double plumbing, tile bath, doa ble garage, fine location on Fair mount Hill. LET US SHOW YOU THIS WONDERFUL BUY. $1000 down to handle. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 1Z4 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 63s29 REAL ESTATE rVf fiCTT tO GO WE SI. RITA. r-ttKD T WATe Tfc LEAVE . VCU CUT THUS CAE rMANDSjj MV EWflRE ATTENTION . VsELlMJELL : MJMO'S ss itt ' r nii r fci it ii v rt OS OWNER WILL SELL OR TRADE 5 room house, 1768 Court St., baaement, good, condition, pavement paid. $3350. Becke Hendricks, 189 N. High. 63s27 i FINE 7 ROOM STRICTLY MODERN house. East front, nice porch, shade trees, lot 71x100, close to bus and school. Price $o600.00, terms. SOCOLOFSKY & SON First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 63s22tf FOR SALE 8EVERAL BEAUTIFUL small acreage tt-acts. Very close in. Each with cit) ' Waier. ele--trir 'ty. gra vel streets, trees, view. Term to sait. Phene. owner. 27 I . 63ol7 mm FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE 1510 Fairmdunt su.ct. Built for a home. Very best finish and construc tion throughout. Large lot with a wonderful view. ' Must be seen to be appreciated. For appointments Call 1927 or see owner A. J. Rahn. 63s-28 FOR SALE SPLENDID HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT BUSINESS WELL LOCATED IN BEST CITY IN .WILL AMETTE VALLEY, PRICED AT 'IN VOICE. OTHER BUSINESS CALLS FOR ATTENTION IS ONLY REASON FOR SELLING. SALEM REALTY CO.. 462 STATE ST. 63s25tf For Sale. 44 acres. 35 cultivated. 2 acres orchard, balance pasture. 6 room house, well and springs, $2850. 160 acres Tillamook County cheap house and barn. $2700. 3-3 acres 170 culti vation, 140 acres oak timber, one acre, orchard, creek, fenced, fair buildings $40 per acre. F. L. WOOD. GEO. F. PEED C41 State Street 63S22tf NEW HOME EASY TERMS Living room and dining room with hardwood floors, built in kitchen, wir ed for range, - nice bed rooms with Urate closets, recessed bath; furnace, fireplace, stationary tubs. full con crete basement and attic, garage. East front view lot, close to. school. Price $3700 $300 cash, balance easy. SEE O. K. DeWtTT. with - WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 South High street 63S2227 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF 'i EN NEW HOMES Just built. Pr c-il froiij $2100 np to $6000. Very liberal ter;is. All have built-ins, some have fireplaces and base ments. If yon are looking for a good home that you can move right in to, let US show you these. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 3.20 State Street. Phone 1727 63s23tf TWO NEW HOMES FOR SMALL ACRE age. Full basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors! paved street just be ing finished. Accept good small acre age or old house. ANOTHER o rooms on corner fully modern -on paved street. Accept 5 A. prefer unim proved. See about these . TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor "EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS" 63 s 24tf GREATEST TRADINO ORGANIZATION ON THE P4CIFIC COAST W e have over 31100 properties listed for exchange. Every kimj of property, every price, every location We ean match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your property TODAY, fome in TODAY. 8e G ASK ILL at EARLE. Realtors 166 S. Liberty. Tel. f242 63Sltf SERVICE STATION. STORE AND MOD ern home, splendid location, excellent investment, you will never regret the purchase $7000. Restaurant at popular coast resort, busy the year around, is fully equipped, has living quarters. $500. will hsndlo. Confectionery, most modern equipment, well located. $1000 will hsndle it. 4 rn-av and alcove, new; garage, pave ment paid, $2250. $200 down. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Str. Phone 1186. 63sl8tf 5-ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. Snap $1650, $250 down. 20 A. alfalfa ranch near Hermiston. flood bMgs.. $3000. Take residence or small acreage. 7 -room house, 2 nice lots, paved street. $2000, $250 down. 6 A. suburban, good bldgs., fine soil, fruit, $3OO0, take residence. New , business block, good income, take farm for part. Gro., stock, fixtures and lease with liv ing rooms. $2000. PERRINE k MARSTERS 6Ss23tf SPECIAL 50O down, balance monthly, a new bun galow, 5 rooms, fireplace, garage, paved, street, fine lawn and shrub bery. Price $3200. $500 down, balance monthly, 5 room bungalow, basement, furnace, elec tric washer, trays. screened in porch, draperies. Price $3500. $ 50 cash, balance $30 per month, includ , ing interest, nice bungalow, 3 rooms and nook, garage, paved street, bath, east front corner lot nicely located. $2000. Loan Rentals-i-Insurance MELVIN JOHNSON 320 V. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 63s25tf JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A close in Acre Home. No City taxes snd only 9 blocks from Salem business center. Choice leTel deep alluvial soil, irrigated by a high pressure auto motive electric pump from well at house which bss 5 rooms electric lights, 2 poultry houses, garage and work shop. Now just think, we can aell you this choice land and home where you can make a living for only $2500. $700 cash and balance $25 a month, includ ing interest. Owner not able to take care of place is reason. for selling. FOR THIS CHOICE BARGAIN AND AN EXTENSIVE LI8T OF OTHER BAR GAINS in Salem city homes, acreage homes and farms 8ee Wella Tallman & Son. 216 Masonic Temple. Phone 118 63a-18tf LEO N. CHILDS CO., SPECIALS Just completed 3 -room cottage, lot COx 124 ft. Price only $850, cash $400. 4 -room house in N. Salem, city water, plumbing, electric lights, garage. A real bargain for $1200. 6 room house in good condition, large lot, fruit and garden, barn and chicken house. Price only $1250. easy terms. Well-built garage house on large fine lot in North Salem. Street improvements all in and paid. A snap for $2000. 4 -room plastered Cottage on N. Church Street, electric lights, plumbing, garage and, woodshed, fruit' and shrubbery, close to school. Price 1600, cash $200, bal ance monthly. To Buy Your Home SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727 63s23tf 3MMWXV"- WELL iff1 REAL ESTATE rrAU3T GO, "THEN PROMISE TO COME &ACK SOOvi - 0THE12VM1CE fciTA TiwTs TDtttrsi Th VOU . So6 STAY wAV TOO LOMS -WO ?r' stiKagi. .UlELt WEREl LOOk: rf eLESS wy soul, .vawEREjfM OS HAVE $16,000.00 EQUITY IN A $30,000 income property right in the heart of Hastings, Neb..which I will trade for an unincumbered Willamette Valley farm. Net annual income $2400.00. No prune ranches considered. A. C. BO H R ST EDT , Realtor Loans Insurance v 147 No. Oom'L St., Salem, Oregon 63s2Stf ANOTHER . ONE I HAVE- BUILT 16 houses in Salem Highway Tracts snd sold each when, completed or before. Tli at means real vslue. I have another, ready to occupy in one week, five rooms and unfinished upstairs, plumb ing, and electric fixtnrea. built ins. etc.. jewel, with ee-half err rich garden land. Price $3-100. Terms. $100 cash and $30 pr month. Carle Ahrsma 1465 Chemaketa Rt. Phene 1N94J. 68a7tf LOTS I LOTS LOT8I $10 down balance monthly lot on Walter. $10 de wn, $10 per mo lof on llaxel Ave., rinse to (loath St. Price 8525 $10 down $10 per mo. lot 52Vkxl28 on N. 13th St. Price $500. $50 down balance monthly, lot 52 Vis 128 large English walnut tree east front. Price $700. $50 down balance monthly, lot 45x137 en N. 16th Kansas Ave. Price $850. $100 down, balance monthly, lot 60x182 on Hood St. Price $1350. $350 down, fine east front corner lot on N. Winter St. Price $1850. $1600 fine lot on N. Summer St. Lots in all parte of tMe etty. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637. 63tl8tf . FARMS FA R M S FAR M S Bechtel and Sears Make a specialty of farm bargains, large and small. Some of them with stoc. Crop and imple ments. Here are a few priced to sell quickly. 214 acre with fine build ings, stock, crop and implements $34,500. Trade for bnsiries propertv. 2'0 acre Polk county $12,600. Or 80 acre for $5000. Or 40 acre for $2500. A 14'T acre all cult, on Paved Road, old buildings 2500. Take house in city. Fine 20 acre farm. Highly in proved, good buildings with elec. light, city water. Phone. On paved ' road, just out side of City. A good live town. Price $7500. Biggest snap of them all is a 100 acre farm. 35 to 40 acres Sandy loam soil, bal. up land timber and pasture. Large living spring water piped in house, barn, some fruit, 2 horses, I cow all implements, widow unable to run farm any longer, writes us to sell before October 1st. for low price $5600. Part cash, long time on balance. If interested in buying a farm at half of its value see LOUIS BECHTEL or J. D. SEARS. 341 State St. Phone 756 for an ap pointment phone 756 do it now. 63-s-24tf REAL ESTATE TRADES 65 TRADE Income property for Business, S4500, what have you? 594 N. Liberty. 65s25 FOR TRADE 2 FIVE ROOM HOUSES on large lot, one house modern and the snappiest in town, for some good busines', grocery preferred. FOR TRADE 4 ROOM HOUSE AND 4 lots valued at $2500. fnr ranch 25 acres or so valued at $2500 to $Z500. Inquire Secretary State Fair Board for Lane Morley. 65g2 5tf REAL ESTATE Farms 67 20 Acre ranch close to small town near Salem. Good house and barn. All under cultivation. Will take house in Salem a part payment. Good reason for selling. For good values remember KRUEGER, The Realtor 147 X. Oom'l St. Phone 217 67s25tf ACREAGE 500 buys an acre tract, $10 cash and $10 monthly. City water, electric lights, good view of Salem. 2 Acre tract, plenty of shade, 5 milea out on good road. Price $350, $50 cash, balance easy terms. For good values remember KRUEGER, The Realtor 147 N. Oom'l St. ' Phone 217 67s25tf TAXIDERMIST 68 DEER HEADS MOUNTED. GENE E. Wiggin, Taxidermist. 114 Norway. 68S-16tf REAL ESTATE Snbw-ban LOTS LOTS rLOTS , 10.00 down and balance $10.00 per month buys a lot in Rosa dale addit-on. Water, sewer, Price $275.00 to $500.00. $10.00 down and balance $10.00 per - month buyb a fine lot - in Kays Second addition. Prices $150.00 to $250.00. If you are looking for a lot, SEE W. H. GRABENHORST kk CO.. Realtors 134 S Liberty Street 69-S-29 INSTALLMENT ACREAGE BUYS $25.00 down and balance $10.00 per month buys a fine 5 acres of dark prairie soil located near the Swegle school. Price $1000.00, Int 6. $50.00 down and balance $10.00 per month buys a fine 5 acres on Garden road near Swe gle school. Price $1500.00. Int 6. . $10.00 down and balance $10.00 per month will handle 10 acres of fine -Hill land all culti vated. First class walnut, firbert and fruit soil. Price $1250.00. $50.00 down and balance $10.00 per month buys a line new acre located sooth. Price $1000. W. H. GRABENHORST CO.,Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street. 69oct 1 SMALL ACREAGE ON EA8Y TERMS Bay Now and Build $1575. Five acres all under plow located within one mile of the Swegle scho ol on the Garden road. $25 down, balance $10 per month. $1000. Five acrea located near the Swe gle school and Just off the paved highway. $50 down, $10 per. month $1285. Five acres located three miles south about 14 miles from bag line. $100. down, balance 810 per month, part in cultivation, bal ance timber. $650. One acre all in bearing fruit lo cated southeast of the McKinley school. $50 down, balance $10 per month. $1250. Ten acrea red hill land located southwest of Liberty. .All plow land, has small shack. $50 down. $10 per month. W. H. CRABENHORST -tl Co. Realtors. START YOUR HOME NOW YOU WILL SAVE 134 South Liberty Street Phone 515 9-a2l VDU SVLViA fOX wOVTULLV TELEGRArA TO WETS SCHOOL CHUM WILL IP - VJELL .UJWAT A Vkrt Okl MV lliW Ttb TOO ' wUr REAL ESTATE mi pAV FOREMAH. IWAT m TUniGS ARE WOT 1 -SUST RlSMT , 9 a-w -eaw a V CM My RAHCH TRANSFER a HAULING 70 LOCAL' AND LONO DISTANCE HAUL inc. Reasonable prices. Tel-72F2. , , I 70S20tf CAPITAL CITY TRAHSTKB CO. MS Stat St. TeL 088. Distribatlac warding snd storage ear apocialty. Get sr rates. SALEM TRANSFER rTXEL CO. Local and Untg dlatanee haIHtg 8 tors re and feel t0 8 HirV TeL 629. tOaSOtf WE MOVE STORK ANI HHTP nOrO-P hold rww Oar anawialtv ia pine en furn'tnre aaavinr We wake " try tripe. We handle the r-l 4 wood. Oall on we fr prleea. We five goo tnaarar. r ejnalitv ")d m ,r-vtai f e.-e jronv wsh wstfw ?-!rr rr tf5e art -t r,r"'-'-i.' " T oer rent discount en Aomeatir flat rate aS In avm N 4 rf ! V Me n , w er la aha Off mr t . Vl 71 T R-A-V-r T Rafely, Swiftly aad Comfortably in bnsee jtt the ' Parker Stage Liaea. S-T-A-O K-8 I.-E--V-E f-O-R Oilvr-te 1 .. 11 t. I S, SV Mi. Angel 11 a. a S p. am. Dallaa 7 m.. 9 a. m.. .1 :2S p. as. alia rtv 7 aas.. 2:1 p. m- Sri 5 Independence 7 a. m. . a. 11 -15 a. an.. S:1A " R'l p. m. 8u- day only 8:80 p. . at. Monmonth 7 a. llrlS a m .. to n ni.. 5-15 n m. Bnsday only 7:10 p. m.; 8:80 p. tn. V- n-ill 8:to a in.. 2 t p. m. 5:15 p. an. a -lO a. 3-10 m.. 5.15 p. m. Tillamook 8rS0 a. mH 2:10 p. su Call 223 or S9fl for information rTn- UP A VTTRTD H PAID FOR rUkUlH EIEEB AUTO USED CARS FOR SALE 79 WHILE YOU WAIT FOR THE NEW FORD . Let ns sell your old csr. We buy Used "Oars for cash. For sale now. 1926 Coupe, new lacquer, Racsteel Axle and other. extras.' $425. 1927 Roadster with $100 worth of ex tras, $355. 1923 8port Coup with1 Hal De Waide special body, balloons. $375. 1024 Chev. Touring. $175. 1920 Ford Touring with starter Runs good, $50. Valley Motor Co. 79 s-24tf Good Used Cars 1923 Ford 8edsn,..... $225.00 122 100.00 1924 Overland Trg 225.00 J 925 - 300.00 19.23 Overland Sedan...,- 300.00 1926 Essex Coacb 550.00 1926 Essex Coach, Trunk ...$565.00 1926 Chev. Coach. Bumpers...... 550.00 1926 Chev. Cosch 535.00 1927 Cev. Coach, New...... 650.00 1933 Chev. Trg., 185.00 1925 Star Sport Trg. S00.00 Newton Motor Co. Hudson-Essex Dealer f9-a-24tf SPECIAL PRICES BETTER USED AUTOMOBILES 12B Chevrolet Landau -Sedan 1926 Chevrolet Coach 1924 Chevrolet Touring 1926 Overland 6 Sedan 1925 Overland 4 Coupe, New finish '1925 Overland 4 Sedan, New finish Essex Roadster Essex Touring; 1926 For Roadster , 1926 Ford Coupe : 1925 Stndebsker Sedan 1926 Oakland Sedan 1924 Oakland Sedan 1926 Nash flpeeial 6 Touring 1926 Hupp Coupe Ford Truck - Dodge Screen Delivery These are attractive used automo bile. They represent good merchan dise at reasonable values. They are exchanged and reconditioned under the Pettyjohn Valuation Poliey which dem onstrates the principle of better values in nsed aotorrobilea throughout the Willamette Valley. Look - these cars over today. - F. W. Pettyjohn Co. . 365 North (Vmmereml Street Tel. 1260 "AFTER WE SELL WE. SERVE" ' 7-S-25tf LOOK - THESE - OVER 1927 Oldamobile Coupe 1926 Pontiaa Coach ., 1925 Chevrolet Sedan 1924 Buiek Sedan -$850 .4660 $450 -$575 1925 Star Conptter 1400 924 Chevrolet Bed SB .$800 Late -Ford Coupes .$800 Several other good bare so ehoosa from, prices ranging from $50 to $800 Capitol Motors Inc. Biddy Bishop 350 North High Street Two of the - Best PACKARD -OLDBMOBkLS - 79s95tf The worst thing about the leg ionnaires visit to Paris. this fall will be their French Indian anolig' Star. . '' ' ' -' By Ed Wheelan OU.tM TWILLED MCl&ENCE V CALiFDRNIA l KEUJS''' A UJr$E; ; C' : SCAr II J Valo .FArAC,;.-. IJSKJ CARS FOR 8AI.K 70 McKays For Used Cars 1923 Star Touring : ', $ 50 1923 Ford Touring . , ...$12S. 1921 Ford Coupe . v$l50 1924 . Chevrolet Touring $;0 19-5 Ford TouHng ( Balloons).. $223 1924 rd Roadster Pickup , ...$2f0 r 1926 Chev. Touring, leas than 4000 IH. 1927 Chev. Coupe Like . siew $625 Douglas McKay . , Chev, Co. 487 Center St.f. Phone 745 79s25 GOOD tTsei CARS 1924 Star Coupe. r'orU i. IU-J3 Stady. Spl. lourin. 1 19.3 Maxwell touring. 1921 liup 4 tour tia. 1923 Chevrolet touting. 1924 Kulght bed a li. 1922 Late Big Sis touring, gtaaa in eloaure. Jual , tue car for a tttaae New tires. Lota of extras. A fin find lor the class of s car., ? j Marion Auto Co. Btudebaker and Erskln Sis Dealera for Salem aad Marion Cooaty. Ask for R. la. Gibbins. Daed Car lpt 235 South Com' I. St. ' Telephone 862 USED CAR LOT, NEXT TO TIRE STATION ON CHEMEKETA. Phone 2117. 79sJ8tf I Salem Markets Orala No. 1. wheat, white $1.11H Red wheat, sacked ...$1.10 Oats, per ba. milling...,., $ .48 PORK, MTJTT0K AHS BEEP Top hogs ...., , $ 1 1.50 Sows . 6 .017 Top steers 066i.O7 4 Cows j 03.50 1927 lambs. Hinder 66 .lb .. .10 Tab live tealt t.-.. .15 Dressed pigs U;..- ...i.r.-. .15 POtTLTEY Light hens .-.U. 13 Heavy hens. , 18.20 Springs' ; .1 Roosters .18 EOOS, BUTTER, BtJTTEJtrAT St snda rds ......te... ........ ... -.33 Pound , -m ..... .12 Butterfat , .46 Print butter . '.47 VEGETAJFJTES -Beets, saeked Onions, dos. bunches New cabbage ;. New potatoes -.. Celery, buuche . Local lettuce ' . Local' spinach ... .04 .80 .02 .02 i .25 .75 .06 ...,90 1 .1.50(1 General Markets I PORTLAND OK AIM PORTLAND, Ore,, Sept. 24. fAP). Wheat bid: BBS bard white Sept. 1.27. Oct., Nov. hard white. B. H.. Baart Sept. 1.26, Oct., Nov. 1:27; federation, soft white Sept, 1.244. Oct., Nov. 1.25; western white Sept. 1.24 H. Ort, Nov. l.SSH; hard winter 8ept. 1J26, Oct., Nov. 1.86 Vk J northern spring Sept. 1.25 H, OeW Nov, 1.27; western red all I. 2.1. Oa. Np. 2, 36 pound W. 1". aad gray all $36. Barley, No. 2, 45 pound B. W, Sept $37, Oct., Nov. $38.50. Cortr, No.- -2 - E. . Y. : shipment Sept. Oct. $42. t5. afillrua. standard Sept. $27. Oct. $27. SO, Nov. $29. ' - ' . "hat - PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 24. (AP). Hay buying prices : Eaatern Oregon tin othy f20)3 l?-tN- vallv 416.50W 1 7 cheat $14.50; alfalfa $17; Oat hay i; ; 1S.50; atraw $7 per ton. Selling pru $3 a toa mora. ' PRODTJCB w PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 2 fAP). Bid to farmer: Milk, steady; raw milk (4 tSI'i cwt. fob ortlaad; butterfat 45e fob Port land, Ponttry steady; heavy hens 2122e; tight llQ13e; rprlngs 22 P 24c: broil ers 3224c: pekln white ducks 22e; colored aominsl; turkey alive nominal. Onions steady; local $11.10; pota toes $1.251.$5 sack XIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept. 24. fAP). Receipts for week: (approximate), cat tle 8,610; calves 895; hogs 8,180; sheep 8,480. Cattle Compared with week ago: Beef steer a snd fat - she stock, weak to 25e lower; medium fleshed kinds off moat;, best range steers 9.25; heifers np to 8; practical top fat cows 7.85: bulk prices; Slaaghter steers 8 to 9: heifers 6.75(7 7.75; butcher cows 5.25 iJ 7; ill cutter 8.505; bhllif S.256.15: Testers 10.50 18, a few at 13.50; atockera and feed ers 7 7.50. j Bogs, starket ,. closed fairly active, kbout steady with week. aro. late Utv 19; bulk choice : lightweights to killers II. 750 IS; medium weight aaoV heavy butchers, mostly 11.50 dawn: best feed ing pigs 12; balk sows 89. 1 Sheep Compared with week! sgo: All classes steady to strong; receipt con tinue small and of plain quality; nest fat lambs 11; strictly choice kinds Quot able to l.50:-bett yearling wethers 8. S0; . ewea m.atly 4&6. -j - OBIOAOO OBATBr ' i -- CHICXCrO. Sept. 24. (AP). With a new eold wave in tight and Canadian threshing brought to a halt, prices both far wheat and corn went rapidly higher today. Closing; quotations oa wheat ware - unsettled at 1 7-8 to 3 3-8c net gain, corn 1 3-S to 3c tin and oata vary ing from 4e decline to S-8e advance. NOTICE OP BOND SALE Sealed bids will be receired by the undersigned until the hour of 7:30 o'clock. P. ' M., on ' Monday, October 3rd; 1927; and immediate' ly thereafter opened by the Com mon Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, at the City Hall tn said City, for City of Salem General Obligation Bonds Series 1927-A is the amount of Forty Thousand Dollars ( $40,000), described as follows:!v. f-c - . City of Salem General Oblljca tion, Bonds Series 1927-A in the amount of Forty Thousand Dollars (S40.00Q), in denominations of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each, -betas dated October 1st. 1927, and. to' mature serially in numerical order; at the. rate of Twenty ..Thousand Dollars ($20, 000) on the Thirst day of October. lat, and Twenty Thousand Dol lars $20,000) on the First day of October. 19ST. I - All ot the aforesaid bonds to bear Interest fet the rate of Four and One-Half Per Cent (4 V&) per anaam;' interest payable semian nuaUy.T . ; . - . '. Bids will be receired separately for. each block-of said bonds and each. bid must . be accompanied by certified check lor Two Per Cent (2) of - the par value of the bonds.; . No bids wllj be, receired for less than par and accrued in terest. ' - .";t .- .- , . -'Thciftpp'rOTlne? legal opinion of Teal,' Wlnf ree.' McCulIoch- & Shtt ler, of. rortland, Oregon, will be furnished the successful bidder. ' The, right -is reserved to reject any and, all bids. . U. POtJLSSTT, '. Clty.Recorder, Galea, Oreson. ' Dated September 20th, 1927. . 811-22-23-24-25 ' 1 - " " "L " ' : . . ' ;:. '.'.;'.'.'.. " " , ' f '