) : in i V VV''V 1 AN. ,-Ai .ic ilf igiii evebt. 0:G0:TEMIDS 4 ,' re -, ,,S w 1 5; - Promoter Harrjra a plant . an puncefl-last night that Phil fayet.S Lf Salem, and Ad Mackie, of Port- and J bare been matched in a ten hound 'main event for tbe first fall potlBg- show at the Salem armory rhutsflay, September 29. r.Tljl!- event will usher In a sea on j of ... fight cards which will bclipee all others. Matchmaker Plant Indicates that he will bring o- this city, this winter such fight- rw 13 Benny Pelz and Willie Gor-t on.ir.tne people-want them, and to come out In numbers suffi to make Buch a program pos- Id the Bayea-Mackle scrap. Plant elle ves that he- has oe-entirely n Keeping, with. . hia rians for, a teiter fight season. Mackie fought (pbby' Gray. at the armory last ipring, earning a decision after he iadt all but knocked Gray into a tula. Mackie is a cool, calculating 'Ighter who Is always out to win indao dangerous is he that Port Pacific fleet'VJack Dempsey will win by a knockout in noa- more than eight - rounda.r.Tunney ; is , a better boxer but lacks experience.,' Harry Levy, chairman boxint? commas ion rm putting mv money on Dempsey' lo win in eight rounds by "a knock-out.-. M , ; .! "Spec" Keene, Willamette coach "If it goes to a decision. ifs'Tunney: otherwise Dempsey." Harty Plant, promoter "Tun ney by decision. Bob Boardman, physical direc tor at the YMCA "Tunney by a decision. . f : .National League standings O -o '? V, W. L. Pet. Pittsburgh .. 88 55 .615 New York . 85 59 .590 tr. .uouia 85 59 .590 Chicago 82 63 .566 Cincinnati 68 72 .486 Brooklyn 61 83 .424 ooston 56- 88 .389 Philadelphia .... 48 94" .338 PITTSBURGH, Sept. 21. (AP) Pittsburgh closed out the series with the Robins with a 4 to 2 victory today, tberebv Te gaining a three and i one-half anil battler are atratA tn tnt- lead in he National pen- - s inane race as tne uiants and Car- H Bayea, the local champion, has d,inal8' who "e tied for 8econd v. -: . . - I nlace. were id!i- naAn WAvrrtn or at 4- r a iwnv i ' - lor4the nast week and has W . John Miljus, former Brooklyn UUkwui I Player who waa purchased in designated as Salem , Day, all stores, shops and offices here will clone In order that employers and employes may-visit the fair. The governor's derby is a feature ot Wednesday's . program. 9. V?-; is 'i at 4 ; 80" o'clock. ' ; - v-. .. - i . . - - ; " ' to Broaqc,asi,.rigni .fjws ..Through the. courtesy of Sher man. Clay i anav company, f ocai music house, Bligh's Capitol thea tre will broadcast radio returns ftomt the -fight at Soldiens Field. , .This wlll. be )n addition to the regular pictures. . .; One of the new amplified Vic tor electrolas will .be ' installed in the theatre especially for the purpose, . v. To; meet, the objection of par ents at Inequalities on the bound ary. , -. lines ;. for. thef . nin grade schools of the city this year, three of tbe boundary lines were chang- inrther sSiwrjtentiena-oittce-yes--terday afternoon.' -t ; - ( Th boundary at Bellevue was changed to Trade street jffhlch will send a mumbeiv of k pupils, trom Waihiniton school to Park school; the : Simmer street boundary-has been moved to Capitol .'niacins more stndentr in part ietifr sctrool; and to relieve Grant school of its overload of ' pupils, the boundary Jine. was changed from p street to P street. , All, pupils Hying -sputh oftE treet: will now; go to Gar field ,. leader of Prohibition . WtoVEMENT VISITS HERE Continued from Page One) gress Is overwhelmingly dry and any movement to repeal the amendment will come swiftly to grief. Dr. Wilson was born In Dela ware. When but a boy, he moved to California where he lived until he received an appointment to Newark, N. J., as pastor . . He re turned -to the coast 23 years ago and established himself in Port land. He is a graduate of St. Johns college. Annapolis, M. D., University of Southern California, and of Macleay college of theol ogy. The board of which he Is chair man consists of 30 members and haa 26 speakers in the field. It is represented in 21 nations of the world. He fwill probably weigh in for the at 130 pounds, with mid-season from' Seattle of the Pacific Coast league by the Pir- ttl4 MtfV Bayes -improves his skill with ev- lereu ", -weeny -oi ry.card, and Is anxious to advance h1?'-rennt9tlnn thrniiB-hnnt fTno , j - w trr - I t pup nnrtfiwoat Btfll mnre.hr. n nor" nrar 1 Mirtfct-' ' r.l Brooklyn 2 5 1 w ' ' - X . . .. I Pltni1ik Ann rtrmt. iK f .l.U.;t...l. I """"'6'. " ably will be matched with Benny :.--'- Pelz two weeks later will be a . -k . . 1 1 1 A - Ml-' m jl . . I l suu greater mceniiYB tor me iwo H- tv..i i- xt - " C U" " ""- I HAntlt .i1a.fvna siamey r rye, locai Doxing in-1 o , , o strnctor. at one time champion of! 1 American JUeagae HtAnainga thd Pacific fleet, will serve as ref-1 . ; ' - . J w. la. ret. Z W 1 ? " " 'J T T m" New York 104 43 .717 ofthe season. A card will be Phlladelphla 86 59 .593 i7" " .v , " c . "jr I Washington 77 66 .579 night; for: the .remainder of the 65 79 451 Wloier. I ri o n a ' co on . iii Thursday, which will be Portland Boston 47 96 329 aay at tne state tair, nave not yet a . -S T-k r J .a. uvfuarritugvu, ruui uiu uui tuuw i onrA. T? TT unui yesteraay tnat tnere wouw St 0 5 3 PARIS. (AP) Afternoon dress es, which Paris seems determined to revive in place of sport clothes, are often called bridge dresses this season. eja cj Coast League Standing Score: R H E Cleveland 6 12 1 w. Oakland -r- 113 Sail Franclsoc 101 Seattle 95 Portland 89 Sacramento 91 L. Pet rouaaeipnia : iz z 71 .6291 Muann ana l.. seweii; yumn. 82 K52 1 Powers, Johnson and Cochrane, 83 .534 irerxms. 88 .503 I grm . w - itT I ocore: it 11 a Hollywood -Mission Loa Angeles 84 100 81 102 75 108 Score: . R. H. E rtlandrSr- 2 8 0 T.A An rt.om - . . 6 -14 2 EjDonch,,: French and Fischer, Eetro1 Tomlln; Gardner and Hannah. -. i It. H. B. Olkland, 5 8 0 btatiit ... u o, " DagUa and Read; Sunseri and Ecnmtdt. j .457 Chicago ,,.2 6 1 .443 I Boston ... . .- 3 9 2 !410 1 Blankenship, Connalls and crouse; welzer and Moore, Hart ley. - R H E 6 11 4 New York 1 7 6 Gibson and Woodall; Reuther and Collins. 5 12 1 MANY MEN BUSY WITH PREPARATIONS FOR FAIR (Continued from Page One) vrw-i ollywood 13 15' 0 1 tlons; LThe -horse show, which n Francisco 3" 9 4 I starts Monday night and continues fliollerson and Arnew; Griff In. I until Saturday night will be In liar tin and Glynn. r I charge of Jay Reynolds of Corval- .11 lis. . .. ... R. H. E. I On Wednesday, which has been Missions . Sacramento lebte Christian and Baldwin: Keating and Severeid. OPINION DIVIDED UyVS TO BIG FIGHT Too many people guessed wrong lst time, and were unwilling to express. opinions, as to the winner (II (us wemjHie-1 unuey uhivib iv night. Those who hazarded gaesses were about evenly ' dlvld- I i Here are a few: 1 Stanley Fryfe, former champion i 1 . 1- - A cheerful hotel with- a warm welcome for guests. Opposite leading theatres. . .. i - ' Room and Bath $2.50 to $3.50 Hotel Fielding SAH FRANCISCO, iai a I Why Risk the Dangers ..r. that result from A Bad Cold It is easier and safer to atopf V4? that, cough now with - i . " . iCXAEFEB'S THROAT AND Acid Stomach 'PhUlips Milk of Magnesia1 Better than Soda Hereafter. Instead of soda take a little "Phillips Milk of Magne sia" tn water any time for indi gestion or sour, acid, gassy stom ach, and relief will come Instant ly. For fifty years genuine "Phillips Milk of Magnesia" has been pre scribed by physicians because it overcomes three times as much acid In the stomach as a satur ated solution of bicarbonate of soda, leaving the stomach sweet and; free from all gases. It neu tralizes acid fermentations in the bowels and gently urges the sear lng waste from the system with out 'purging. Besides, It is more pleasant to take' than soda. Insist upon "Phillips."? Twenty-five cent and fifty cent bottles; any drug store. "Milk of Magnesia" has been the U. S. Registered Trade Mark ot The Charles H. Phillips Chemical Co. and Its predecessor Charles H. Phillips since 1875. Adv. r-r "', jgjsjfireseM FRIDAY SEPT. 30 Final return limit Oct 31 Your last opportunity 'to eo Eait on exceedingly low round trip summer excur sion fares. Liberal stop overs going and returning. Aul wiH I.D ... nm fx. f . y Mi um PACIFIC General Passenger Dept 637 Pittock Block. Portland, Ore. 1 1 - Fresh Prunes Wanted . For Canning We can use a few more fresh prunes for cannino;. PAULUS BROS. PACKING CO. I Phorie 2180 fScKaefer's l r. imva store 135 North Commercial St.! Phon 197. I- . i - -jhe Penslar. Store ; , ' Otlinil yelloiiY iTont ' . Drug S(ore v- , .-j i f n f . EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Ten Years Practice iii, Salem f Phone 625 Dr. L. R. Burdctac" f : Optometrist' 401 First National Bank Bldg. WE are featuring two Brooms of Exceptional Value for this weekend these Brooms are trie best value of any Broom we have ever offered at this low Price made of high grade Broom Corn, fine yt t ' seam; polished straight handles. ' - t , Parlor Size Bliie Handle Special This Week at 57c; Gold Handle -Special J!lus Week at 67c. Add One of These Brooms to Your Order 4 s II- Blue Handle 57c Gold Handle 67c We have another ship ment of those Tender Sweet... Sugar Cijj-ed Hams to sell at 27clb. Fresh Crisp Soda Crackers Family Size I?kg. 39c Market Day ...Raisins 4 It. Package ' 35c Bread - . FreiKj FrbiH the rOven 2 .Large Loaves 25c 3 Small Loaves 25c A Wide Selection of Seasonable Celery1 Fruits and it- IlMhhard Vegetables i, I - 1 Vf r : Hearts of Gold Danish Garit aloilpes Squash 4 wnoi Graham or .ixri ': - i e vvneai; r " Large Loaves 2 for 25c Cookies 2 dozen 25c uts Ice Gream Melons Casabas Cabbage eechNut Spaghetti Grapes Peaches Apples Cooked Rd-io Srve - 2 Large Cans 29c Young Dpughit Ctirrlbt & Beans 3 Cans 25ii Dozen 20c Maple Rolls tioz&i 20c , ,1. T Potiitoes 100 lb. Sack $1;59 Creani Rolled uai ;s NoliO.Sack Cakes 20c. French Pastry 6 for 29c Health Bread Turnips, Beets . Radishes ..svj ' ' Green Onions. Gucum SreenPenners . i,.. ...... . J0 trana I to i bets 3 Packages 25c 0- RedPepp Sweet Potatoes Cauliflfeir Sliced Pineapple I Rbsedale Brand . . PgckedfcyV, Libby McNeil ' Libby 3 Large Cans . '.' ' " 55c r Hi, 15c 1 ce Lettuce Berg LibbsMilk " ' -v :f ' '. ' ' 4 Large Cans 37c Four Deliveries Daily CoVeMnfe feritire CUiy BeK f or tKis Ittii VhA'dKfaKG&Ci:& Freik Vefietafeies and Fruit All de : ' .4 : hvered at one time. X ?rx. r 7 7 ' . x- -y &r w "w- sssssssssssssssas I . t:. T , 7'" , .l-.i , - v " ', ' ''.'v i T ( -.-V-.i, ' . v -- -,r---.:r,i- v- V r : J .'A- -'.i ' '- ' : . " .-i.;. j' -.v...-' ..f!l.,'J, Hi;--"- -, '' ' ' . ' :. v .. . .,' r i. M Mttisliil irnnn i -JT"-!