THB OREGOK STATESM AN. SALEMi OBEGCXI : WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, X927 t r t 1 m t in". New First National Bank Building Directory BASEMENT U Laze Bhlalng Parlor rorts for Ladies and Gentlemen. SECOND PLOOB Coffer" Photo Borrloo TaL 708. Over the Bp THIRD PLOOB Aerrls Optical Co. S01-803-S08 JJt. Bear? K. Mania, Optometrist Telephoae 189 a p. euiotM -Butte 810-11-13 Lawyer Telephone 10o8 Beeelefeky Boa, TL 9T9 304-308 Baal Batata, Loess. Iaamraaeo Dr. David B. Hill, Orthodontia (straigfateaiag of irregalar tooth) Suite 806 Hoora 9 to 8 Everyday 'except Thursday. EOUBTH PLOOB Ore. 0Neiu Bnrdette. Optometrists Pkeaa Ut 40i-4Ui-40-4-40a Willard H. Wirta aad Pa ml P. Burrla Attoreeys. 410-411-413 TaL 188 Laae Mar lay. 418. TaL T57; Baa. 1914 W Keel Batata - Loses laanraaco SIXTH PLOOB wee. B, Yekra M.D., Pkyaletaa Burgeon Baito 609. ToL 8878-8819 Boa. Tl Bokla D. Day aad Donald W. kOloa Attorn era a Lav TaloDkoaa 199. 610-611-611 EIGHTH PLOOB Dr. O. Ward Da Tie, Comers! Doaitlatry TaL 116. Bvenlng by appointment. Boom 03. Or. H. B. Beefleld 806 Calrooraetor. Noaroeaiossetor Borvieo NINTH PLOOB Dr. u. X. Browa, Eya, Ear. Ease Throat wtMMta1ist. sane oi TENTH PLOOB Dr. W. A. Johaaoa, Doatlat Talephaae 1388 1001 Chalmar Loo George, D. D. B. Genera 1 Deatiatry ai. bT. Grirfla. D. D. 8.. Orthodontia Talewaoao 161. Bolte 1003-1001 REAL ESTATE City and farm proporty for aala or trade Wa hare soma good tradea. What have yoal MONET TO LOAN INSURANCE RICH L. RIIMANN Realtor Pfcana 868. 318 C. B. Bank Bldg 68a74 JLocal Rates For Classified Advertising TJaUv or Bandar , One tbno Three damoa i eeata par word 6 eeata per word Six times aanta now wora 1 mo. daily aad 8aa30 eenU pa ward j la arder to aara tka mora thaa one time rata, adrartiaiag mae run n - aooaUo laaaea. . m ij t.kM laea thaa aaa. Ada run Sunday ONLT charged at a ao-time rata. Adiertl earnests (except PeraoaoJa aad atusnsaa Wan tad) will be takem OTOT tho tolophoao if tho atrertiser la a sub aeriber to vhoao. The fHataaaaaa will rooolTO adrar- tlaameats at aay uat ai taa oay or eight. Ta iasara proper eiaaauieaaioa Ada akaald bo la before l p. aa. TELEPHONB 28 OB 888 AXJCmONEERS F. N. Woodry 12 Trs. Salem'a leading Auctioneer and Furniture Jjeaiex. Bee. h Store 1610 N. Summer St. Phone 511. H. F. Woodry & Son Right dowi town. Caak paid for ased furnituri. Store 371 N. Coma J Tel. 75. Areata for Langa Rentes. 1 BATTERY ELE7TRICIAN 6 B D. BARTON EBiryr UATTERIES dUrter and canaraer wrk; iui Booth High. ToL 194 HIGH AND CENTXB JO W1L-LLAMS BLRXXEB ELECT RIO OO. HOUB1 wiring by hoar or eoatraea. aisTtmsiea rarataaaa. Tel. BO a 7 1 sjowr en BICYCLES dfc REPADUNQ 8 'LLOYD B. BAM8DEN COLUMBIA. BI errelea aad repalriaa. gay Coart. SALESMAN 12 TWO HIGH GRADE SALESMEN TO sell Frigidaire. CaU at 154 South High ' street. COLLECT AND KEEP $T COMMISSION 8 SUITS $29.50 or Bait and Overcoat. Satisfaction guar anteed. Latest Fall and Winter patterns. designs snd colors. Quick deliveries. WHITE-ABBEY CLOTHES, 236 So. Des- j plains St.. Chicago. 1221' OTLROPRACTORS 15 Dft, H. B. SOOFFTBLD, B. C 808 Fwat Natloaal Bask Bldg. OB. O. L. 800TT. PBO. CHTBOPBAOTO : aa st. Bigs. Tot. ara-sv aw- or FLORISTS 10 FLOWERS. WEDDINf BOUQUETS FaaaroJ wreataa, Soeoratiosa. O. Broitbaapt. fieri at. 819 State 8 treat TaL 36Q. MAGAZINES Farm Papers 17 IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST I fsraa paper send five 9-eaat stasias to aaa racina siomosteaa. sierh fvva t der a tarao nsoat JwBtassies tkis ad. anal aaaoeriptiaa ; POCLTRYMEN BEND EIGHT TWO seat ataasps fsr special three staatka I trial for the beat aad sMoat Jenmal i la the Waas. The artioloa aatf adver- siaaaseats are of apeaial tatareet to tka I poultry sreeaars of the Nortbweat Berthsast Poaftry Josraal. Ill 8. Com- f peg? t Wa -T REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BEOKE HSNDBICEB 18V N. High TeL let LUC W. BELL. " 601 Bask of Coeamaree Btdg. Tat. 4.86 P. W. CEI8EB 441 Onn Ttltpkn 3813 JOHN W. ORB Hew BUgk Bldg. . TeL I486 ttK&TKDDB J. PAQB Tt. use 491 H. Oo'tage ThVLANQLB 1UULTT OO. 431 Court 81 TeL 651 ULBJCH SUBIKT8 Commercial TL 18S4 199 n. VlUTOit 8CHNEIDBB. IMtor I4T N. Com'l TeL 677 ByUABE DEAL. KEALTY i Bank stdg. TeL 470 BOHKN8TEDT PAYNB 14T N. OemmerrlaL Tel. 877 The Oregon Statesman raklished ry BorelBc (except Mob- lay) at Salem. the capital of Oregea. - IDTERTIfiEMraT HONEST ADVEBT18ING These eol- nut ba keat free from anything of a questionable asture. Misrepresen tations will act ba tolerates, iniorma tie showing any questionable inteat ea tho part of the advertiser anon Id bo re parted ve tais aewspeea Balaam Ad lao. INSURANCE 18 f ABM LOANS PLENTY OP MONET to loaa oa good farm security. CITY LOANS Wo aro loaning Pro deatial Insurance company money oa eity roaidaaea aad business proporty at I par coot, pins a comuhk. Hawkina ateberta. iae arva Kjnran Baildiag. 414tf Insure Itu.itat or eai Phoae 161 BEOKX HENDRICE8 Hallig BMf, 189 N. Higb it. lit COB 8 ALB -I28T AND 8XOOND Mart- races. Trust Daods. Centraeta oa koaaaa Will set 6 to 80 par eent, BimEI Ai HENDRICKS Hailir Bldg., 189 N. High EH. Il-tf WANTED Employment. 19 POB GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT diggiag aad team work. Tel. lira. 1 bin 1 44 FOB RENT 21 STORE ROOM FOR RENT 260 FERRY treat, between Front and commercial formerly occupied by Withers Neal. 920 a month. Inauire at Statesman office. 31apr28tf FOR RENT, BUSINESS ROOM AT 260 Ferry Street. $20 per month, inquire at Statesman office and ask for Rho ten or Stiffler, 21816tf FOR RENT Apartments 23 FIRST FLOOR APARTMENT- -1835 23S-23 Suto St. e FURNISHED APARTMENT, 292 N. 23s21 Summer. CLOSE IN 5 ROOM FURNISHED apartment on ground, floor with ga rage. T. G. Albert, 860 Mill St. 23t21 FURNISHED APARTMENT. PRIVATE bath. Furnace Meat. 545 Court. Phono 1057. 23a24 FURNISHED 2 ROOM APT. ON FIRST floor. With garage, 3361 Hssel. Phone 1939-W. . 28sl8tf THE AMBASSADOR, 550 N. SUMMER. Modern 2 and 8-room apartments tar nished and unfurnished. .. 23 S 27 NICELY FURNISHED, 8 ROOM MOD- ern apartment, priTste bath, down stairs, steam heat. 1138 Coart St. S384tf 8 ROOM APARTMENT FURNISHED Cloae in. 1047 8. CoreL 211-024. FOR RENT Rooms 25 BOOMS WITH BOABD AT THB ALEX- aadar. TeL 1689; 1080 Chemefeeta. Banr91tf 2 ROOM FURNISHED HOCSE-KEEP- ing apartment; also roont for mn studenU. 790 W. Court St. 25s22 WANTED SLEEPING ROOM, GEX- tleman, reas. distance bus. dist., per manent, will psy $10 mo. Box 805, Statesman, 2522 FOR RENT Hoi 97 SACRIFICE SIX ROOM FAIRMOCNT -non-resident owners, terms. Write Box 7 Statesman. 27s23 TWO ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGES Reasonable. Dreamland. Auto Camp. 27 Oct 12 15 AND 7 ROOM HOUSES, 1 MODERN. 771 North CommerciaL 27821" 11 ROOM HOUSE, SUITABLE FOR Housekeeping Boon a. Tol-2046 M. S-7S22 FOR RENT Farms 29 60 ACRE FARM FOR RENT ON 8 TEAR Leaae at an annual cash rental of $350.00. Farm within 6 miles of Sa lem. A. C. Bohrnatedt, Realtor, Loans, Insurance, 147 No. CooJmereial St., Salem, Oregon. 29sl8tf FOR RENT 75 ACRES, GOOD LEVEL land in cultivation, fire mi lee south from Salem, adjoining .tka Willamette rirer. Would sell oa easy terms. CalL phono or write E. A. Rhotea, 1595 8. High St. Phone 2538R. 39s7tf WANTED TO RENT SO WANTED TO RENT A FARM FROM 40 to 100 acres. Pearl AngeL Kt. 7, Box 28, Salem. TeL 126F4. 3023 SMALL GRAIN OR STOCK FARM, R. 9, Box 147-B. - 3021 LAUNDRIES 82 TRY THB HO MB WET WASH LAUN dry. TeL its. ioo j etraev jiiu CAPITAL CITY LAUNDBT 'The iauadry of Pare Materials.' Tetanbane 6h 1364 Broadway MINUTE MOVIES S0 UlUEELftH'S A4EW -CWPILLER. THE GREAT AIR MAIL HYSTERY1. tsta.SOOB Y AN AHTI-tWO ADVOCATE VtBLLO MA30R STAMP? VBS -lnn PT MV CODE MESSAGE, T NO -YES ANV FURTHEP" NEW? TOO &AD -V1 I'M AFFAID iTSy (fj iigt . LAUNDRIES, I ; THE NEW SALEM LAUNDBT THE WEIDEB LAUNDBT Talapkeaa IS. . . , 168 B. High. TAILORS D. H. M08UEB TAILOB POB MEN aad womoa. 474 Coart St. WANTED Mlacelljuieoiu 85 PUBN1TOBB PACK 9M7B BH1P- mants. Uieao-r'swers Paraltaro Oa. ' &apr30tf WANTED PRIVATE MONET POB farm loans. Wo hao aeTaral appliea tioaa on hand. Hawkins 4 Roberta. Inc. 205 Oregon Bldg. 85dl4tf I WILL OIVK A HOLT CATERPILLAR tractor and a four bottom plow to any one that will plow lOO acres of level land for me. t'boae 2338 H or call at 1595 South High St, ' 35a-17tf WANTED GOOD WASHED COTTON Kb g not smaller than 1 yard to nee for wiping machinery. Highest price paid for good etraa; rags, apply at Statesman oi'v ee Stiffler. 85S14tf MATTRESSES 99 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BT THE Capital City Bedding Co.. 1190 North OapitoL OaUod for aad daliTered. All work snare n teed. TeL 19 fl9tf FOR SALE 97 CABBAGE FOR KRAUT, le A LB. AL SO Bnrbank potatoes, all grades, rnone 81P13. 87S27 AUCTION SALE, JEESET8, HORSES. Implements: 35 head dairy cattle, registered akd ' grade Jeraeya, heary producing cows, young stock, some fresh and troducinc kesrily. Implements, full farm outfit and hand tools, tractor, dairy utensils, electric brooder. Horses, six good keary work hones. Sale to be held on the John Vernon Farm adjoiniaa- the Dallas-Salem Highway 7 miles West of Salem Thursday. Sep tember 22. starting at 10 o'clock, free lunch at noon. Claude L. B rower. Owner. 87S21 FOR SALE BOSTON BULL PUPS. IN quire 833 MiUar St. 87 S Stf. SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON NEW CROP honey. Phono 8 PS. H. M. Moao. Salem. - 87o8 BLACK D1BT FOR 8 ALB IN EITHER North or South Salem. Reasonable. TeL 72F3. S7dl2tt FOR SALE Lire Stock 89 WHITE MALE PIG POB SALE. BOX 147-B. Rte. 9. 89s21 VETERINARIAN 89a FRED W. LAN OK. VETERINARIAN Office S29 8. CommerciaL TeL 118. Rea. Tel 1666. A8m23tf WOOD SAWING 42 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1677. 1610 North OommareiaL 41jlyl5tf CALL W. L. HUTCHINS FOR WOOD sawing. Phone 1851M. 42wct.l6 WOOD FOR SALE 43 FOR SALE FIR AND OAK WOOD. TEL- 58F12. 43-oct21 4 FOOT Od 18 INCH FIR. IMMEDIATE deUrerr. Phone 1736. , 48s26 ALL KINDS OP WOOD AND THE best In the eity at Traeey's 'ue Yard. TaL 2818. Prices ressonsble 43a2t: COAL. WOOD, BRIQUETTES. SALEM Fuel and Traaater uomnaar. Jei. o.v, night 1988. 43a23tf 16-INCH OLD PIR SBCOND GROWTH oak and aak. TaL 7SF3. M. D. May field. 43fl8tf OLD FIR, SECOND GROWTH AND OLD fir limbs. Call 1990, C. V. Harbaugn, 1034 Highlaad 4e. -- 4308 BEST GRADE OP W60D Dry wood, 4 ft. and 16-ineh. Large loads are cheaDer to boy. Mill wood ia our specialty. Prompt delivery and reaaonable price. FRED E. WEf.LS 280 8. Church Tel. 1542 48d9tf GOOD DRY WOOD FOB Lax-mar. . TaL 930. YOU D. 48aprl6tf ' GOOD CUALt DBY WO- D PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1856. 48a80tf POULTRY AND EGGS 45 FRYS FOR SUNDAY DINNER, WEIGHT 2 Bounds. Phone S2F21. Leo Hatchery 6el0tt POULTRY WANTED ANY KIND. 8IZE or amount, top market, highest cash price. Salem Poultry Co. 145 Center St. Foot of the bridge, mone Z4v), 45sept24 MUSIC STORES 46 GEO. U. WIxXi rlANOB, PHOiro graphs, sowing machines, sheet music aad Diane studies. Repairing phono graphs aad sewing aseehiaea. 433 State etreet. Baieta NEWSPAPERS 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM SALEM Agency. Tho Ace. TaL 989. THE OREGON 8TATX8MAN, 60 CENTS per month delivered to yoar home early pack morning. Tel. 33 or 688 PAPERHANGING 00 PHONE GLENN ADAMS POB HOUSE decorating, paperheaglng. tiatiag. eta. Reliable worm a a. PAINTING OO CHAB. BENNETT. FAINTING CON .tractor, painting, paper ha aging. 3283-J. 187 West Miner. MISCELLANEOUS 81 FOB 8 ALB OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 eeata a bundle. Smtaesaaa office, 816 Booth CommerciaL l)9tl FOB BALEM SCAVENGES CALL 197, tlflO'18 WANTED ON SHARES ONE HUN dred and twenty or leas breeding ewes. Good DBBturo. olenty of water, ei nerienced aheenmsn. P. C. Keller, Si ertn. Ore. 5123 MADlSOi fOX, ASSISTANT MEAD OF TV4E U . AaOUJ. &UN SECRET SEWWCe w HAVING PUT IH -I AN IMPORTANT PHONE CftLL CWAr?tvnNS ViSTKjRy DID r vEs- OF OOORSE. ACCIDENT - LEFT SAN PALOMA rTAy VET E KXW VJJE, MUST f?E COVER- THOSg PAPEr? AKD DOCUMENTS" pyAT ALL CQgT 81 rkNITUE UPHOLSTERING AND BE iairtag. tiiaaa-Fowara Paraitaro Btorav 61a20tf UUV U8EU MKN 8 OlATTHlHO. JKW Cla ry, Uaaa. Tools. Bicycles, ate. Stay Exchange, 384 H. OobT!. ToL 956. OUBi CUSTOM EES - ABB OCR BEST boosters becauao whea wo do yoar welding, 'tis doaa. aot yon. Eloetrio aad aeotyloBo welding, largo aad emalL O. O Oppa. e Mill Ms. TaL 373 aad 1086-J. 61swytf STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING. STOVES lt)K SALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kiada of wovaa wire fence. Kaney . aad plain. Hop baskets aad hooks, logaa hooks. Salem Keaeo ad Stovo Works. 250 Court Street. L .ST AND FOUND 53 IJST BROWN AND WHITE 8HBP- hend dog on Mission Bottoiu road. An swers to name of Jeff. Finder please call 936 3. ' 53s2l LOST 3 KEYS RIVETED TOGETHER. either in Capital theatre or on Court house grounds. Reward. Leave at Statesman. 53a2S LOST LINEMAN'S BELT AND TOOLS Between Salem and Stsyton. Return to Salem Telephone Office. Reward. U3S22 PIANO TUNERS 84 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Plaao tuner. Leave orders Will'a Maaie Store. PRINTING 58 FOB STATIONER. OAKDS. " PAMPH lata, programs, books or aay kind of printing, eall at tka Statesmsa Print ing Departmaat, 315 8. Commercial Tl. 588. MONEY TO LOAN 67 P. H. BELL, 319 U. 8. BANK BLDaX Residence aad business loaaa. ToL 607 or 3141-W. . 67apr7tf FEDERAL FARM LOAN P. L. 67m7tf Wood. 841 State St. MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND oa eity property. B. 8. Martin L. K. Martia, attorneys. 413 Oregon Building. TeL 3084. 67ml0tf CITY AND FARM LOAN 8 AT LOWE8T rates. Beat torma obtainable. Oar insurance department of f era rou ox pert advise and service la all Uaaa HAWKINS ROBERTS (lac) Tel. 1437. 305 Orsgoa Bldg. evnotf WANTED LOANS 59 WANTED Private money to loaa oa REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRAB ENHORST Co. 134 S. Liberty St. 5026tf PLUMBING 00 PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros., 144 8. Liberty. Tel. 550 lOtf BUSINESS OPPR. 01 SOME OF OUR BEST BARGAINS Hardware and implement, splen did business Garage, oil station, repair shop.J splendid .- . s.ouo.uo Grocery and dry goods, making- money 8.500.00 General store, P. O., oil station. home, acreage 14.000.00 Oil station, repair shop and ramp. Very profitable 6.000.00 Many others and good ones. See SALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. Now. 61sl8tf RADIO 89 Radiolas For every purpose, for every ppa All standard sixes of Radio Tnbea uii a, riuii vf.vipninit. anno 3S Court St. Tel. 488. 6aprl7tf, REAL ESTATE 08 FIVE CHOICE LOTS In Saft-m Heights overlooking the city, offered for a short time at a sacrifice. Price only $2000 for all. See us at once LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320. State Street. Phone 1727 C3s21tf FOR GOOD STOCK OR DAIRY FARM $17,500 equity in large new concrete business building with $400 per mo. .in come. See us ahfut this. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor 63s21tf IDEAL ACREAGE SUBDIVISION Close in near Penn. Four Corners. Lays fine to cut up over CO A. in bear ing fruit and mits for $8000. Terms. See this TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor 63a21tf TWO GOOD TRADES SIGHTLY 8H A., good 5 room house and 4 Salem lots for rsr or what hav youf ANOTHER 4 small houses and lots For all $3300. Wants " modern home to $4000. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor 63a21tf FOR SALE f ..ROOM HOUSE,' MOD ern, 2 bedrooms down stairs aad 2 up, large ' basement, good furnace, lots of built-ins, 4 acre just outside the city limits. $4650. Term. FOR TRADE-21 ACRE TRACT 6 MILES from: Salem for eheap.bouso aad lot. LANE MORLEY CO. 413 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 757 - 63s21tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 8000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of proporty every price, every location. We aaa match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your proporty TODAY, come in TODAY. Sea GASKILL EARLE, Realtora 166 B. Liberty. TeL M42 6381tf 35 acre farm near town, buildings fruit,, stock and equipment. $5000 terms. Nice modern 5 room bungalow aad garage. Fine location. $3200. Terms Extra fine all modern 5 room bun galow, Nortb Salem. $3800. Good terms. 5 room cottage, nice lot, good lo cation. $1850. Easy terms. 2 fiae large lota North Salem $650. each paved street cement walks. , - Fine modern suburban komo close in. Wsnt good residence. PERRINE MARSTER3 13 Gray Bnildinr 63!14tf T MONEy, YOU AND TM COUNTESS ALONG-- UJE'LL DISCUSS sVt?Ue "T??P TO CALIFORNIA VUVitN 1 IT MAY HAJE BEEN AN THE HAIL PLANE ICH. FTZAHqSCO WOW "SCA Sy MISCIXANEOin sr s 111 a . a , '- Tal I II 1 U I REAL ESTATE AT A SACRIFICE MODERN SIX ROOM , Fairmont -district. Tclephoae X564M. ' - i . 63821 FOR SALE ' SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL small acreage tracts. Very close i43 Each with eity water, electricity, gra vel streets, trees, view. Terms to suit. Phone, owner. 3716. 63a 17 37 ACRE FARM WELL IMPROVED With 6 room modern home atoeked aad equipped oa good road. Will take Sal em or Silverton i home in oa deal. SALEMhREALTY CO. 462 State Street' ' 63S16tf CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME SITE 5 acres, excellent soil, located two miles from business district: beauti ful view of eity. valley and mountains. Electricity available. Snap at $27. an acre. WLNNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 South High Street 63S16tf BEAUTIFUL HOME ON N. CAITOL STREET Of Colonial type, strictly modern throughout, 8 large cheerful rooms, built ins, fireplace, full basement, furnace and wash trays. Large corner' lot. Price $8750 with term. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street. Phone 1727 63s21tf LOOK 4 room new house, garage and large lot. ' I block to Bus line. A snap for $210O. terms. 5 lots in North Salem. A bargain for $1400, small cash payment. SEE Thorn anon with LEO X. CHILDS CO.. Realtora 320 State Street. Phone 1727 63a21tf BARGAINS IN HOMES $100 down, balance month 1 v. New bun - gaiow, 4 rooms k nook, basement, furnace. fireplace. hardwood floor, garage, paving, walks, etc. Price 83200. $200 down balance easy, new modern Engliah type home, 4 roon aad nook. Price 835O0. $500 down balance monthly, 7 room modern bungalow, good location. Price 84800. $1000 down terms on bslanee, beautiful ' Engliah type home $6300. Will trade for farm. Loans Tn&oranre Rentals MEI.VIN JOHNSON 320 XT. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 687. 63al8tf CLOSK IN BUNGALOW 5 large cheerful room and strictly modern, next of material and workman ship lias been used throughout. If you want a home of thU aize. Wat ed in N. Salens, do not fail to see this one. Price 8&250 with 200O cash. For Sale BY LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtora 320 State Street. Phone 1727 63s21tf SOUTH SALEM HOME: Attractive 4 room English style home with large attic located near the New Leslie School, has tile drain board. fireplace, modern plumbing, basement furnace, garage and paved street. Price for quick sale $4100. $250 down, bal ance $40 per month to include interest at 7. NOW VACANT, MOVE RIGHT IN. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty Street 63S22 3ERVICE STATION. STORE AND MOD ern home, splendid location, excellent investment, yon will never regret the purchase $7000. Restaurant at popular coast resort, busy the year sround, is fully equipped, has living quarters, $500. will handle. Confectionery, most modern equipment, well located. $1000 will handle it. 4 roa. and alcove, new ; garage, pave ment paid, $2250. $200 down. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Str. Phone 1186. 63sl8tf NORTH SALEM HOMES Large Lots. $1800, 3 rooms ft bsth. blk to bus. small down payment. $2800. $300 cash, NEW 4 rooms bath, lot 50x137, garsge, pavement. $3 150, $500 down, NEW 4 rooms, nook A bath, lot 50x150, garsge, pavement. $3,300. $500 cash, NEW 3 rooms, nook B bath, strictly modern, East front. '' fruit and nut trees, electric range i n.; . linoleum included, lot 50x120, garage. Modern houses to rent , a-, rooms, nook bsth. 7 rooms . bath SOCOLOFSKY SON First National Bank Bldg. 63c-18tf THESE ! 5-arres, 4 miles east of Salem, fruit, berries pasture, good buildings, modern chicken house and brooder house. Owner leav ing state. Reduced price $5750. iRE You renting!. Quit and buy this . new plastered 4-room bungalow : , for $2150. $100. down and the balance on easy terms. ALL You need is $100. eaah aad you can have these 8 -rooms and woodshed and large lot. Price $1000. GOOD L a n d Well improved 86 acres 3 miles from Salem. Some good timber team and machinery, all for $9500.00. TERMS. VALUES going up. See this well improv ed 40-acre f arnJ, 2 miles from good valley town. Price $5000. $2100. 5 -room house on paved street sidewalk lights etc. $3800. 32 acres in Howell Prairie sec tion. 8 acres strawberries. Fiae road. $2600. Or trade for one or two acres. where you can keep chickena. $32.50 Per month for neat 3-room bone-a low ia Palmer Court Apartments. CLRICH B ROBERTS, Realtors. 129 N. Commercial St. Phoaa 1854. 638-21 New modern borne in E. Salem. Move right in. Price $3000. year own terms. Distant owner writes us to sell ber modern borne in Englewood District. Fur nace, fire place; in fact, modern ia every way.. Price $4000, good terms. New modern home nesr the Eaglewood School Price $4000, $1000 cash, bal ance easy terms. ' Stucco home ready to. ocenpy In N. Sa lem. Shades sad draperies go with house. Price $4000. possession at once. Strictly modern hoase and garaga on N. Winter St. Owner leaving Salem and must selL Small payment down, balaaee just like rent. Good 5 room stucco bouse aad garage on . Capitol st. Modern in every way, Vacant: move right in. Price $4200, terms. Modern English style borne, lot 66x130, Esst front, vacant, distsnt owner. This is a real home. Price $4750, $1000 cash, balance terms. A real English stylo home ia tke Oaks Addition, one of best residence sections of Salem. Walktag distance from bus! ness eenter. Price $7000, $2000 cask. balance to suit. . For Good Homes remember KRUEGEB "the Realtor" Phono 21T. 147 N. Oora'l. .B3s15tf OrTlCf.SVlVUx AGAH MEETS VWXIAM LOBBV, AD 1 WTRODUCE HER FATHERS fuxhcee t& Him v k m KiwQRTLV ArTEh?. viAfcDS, Will A LOEEV.TrlE rttlT ICAl LEADER. IS UtEf?ESTED tM A MORE rTrSiD AMTI-DRUG AND 4Af?ccmc ACJ. f t ijxit CN A NEU PJT A 1 ..7 8 REAL .ESTATE 380 ACRES FARM AND ORCHARD. laear Dallas. Oregon, l!Od -acres--in U tivstioa, fiae soil. 40 1 acres -orchard, bear in:, new dryer. 2 good dwellings, '. 3. big barns, good road, R. F. and ''telephone. Beet farm ia valley. Old maple maat s0L $65 per aero; $4000 - will ksadle. L. 4). Brown, attorney, Bans, of Commerce Bldg,, Salem, Ore gon. . - ' ' 63.i23 SNAP IN BEAUTIFUL KINGWOOD PARK Ooiy new bungalow. 5 rooma owner away, writes as to sell at once to change the price from f lo.0 to S1150 lor a qnirk deal. Part cask, balaaee on straight mortgage. Vacant, immediate posaeaaioa. Why Tay Rent! Wbem-yoY ran bny a home like this for. lea money thaa it coat to biukl. See Louis Bechtel or J. I. Sears, 341 State St.. Room 2 63a2Itf lOO A. FARM SNAP - - Haa 35 to 40 A. rich river bottom land under cultivation, and loam, balaaee hill and upland with twer and pasture, fair house 7 R-. barn, machine shop, other bldgiu, 2 horse 1 row, ' all kinds of farm implements. - Price cut to 45R0O. This fana belongto a widow ' aad moat be sold a real $10,000 farm for $5600, terms. Seo Louis Bechtel or J. D. Soars, 341 State SU. Room 2. 6321tf la moderate priced modern homos we submit the following: 5 room No. 14 th St 34000.0' 7 room South Salem ' 4650.AO 4 room rosy North Salem S60O.00 6 room South Salem 5800.00 The laat 3 are new. a A. C BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loaaa Insurance 147 N. Com'!. St.. Salem. Oregon. 63alltf WEEK END SPECIALS Well improved 15 acres 8outh. Close in $8200. Would take good home in Salem for $5000 equity. We have a few good buys ia Salem homes. 6 room $1900 South. 6 room $2500 North. 6 room $2500 East. These houses are good and on good Iota. A splendid bny for the price naajed. BARBER BOND - 300 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty 63s-17tf ANOTHER ONE I HAVE BUILT 16 houses in Salem Highway Tracts aad sold each when completed or before. Thst means real value. I bava another. ready to occupy ia one week, five rooms aad unfinished upstairs, plumb- iac. ana eiertrie fixtures, built-ins. ate. a jewel, with one-half acre rich garden land. Price $3300. Terms. $100 eaah and gso per month. Carle Abrama 1465 Cbemeketa St. Phone 1894J. 63s7tf JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A close in Acre Home. No City taxes and only 9 blocks from 8alem business center. Choice level deep alluvial soil, irrigated by a high pressure auto motive electric pump from well at house which has 5 rooms electric lights, 2 poultry bouses, xarare and work shoo Now just think, we can sell you this choice land and home where yon can make a living for only $2500. $700 cash and balance $25 a month includ ing interest. Owner not able to take care of place is reason for selling. FOR THIS CHOICE BARGAIN AND AN EXTENSIVE LIST OF OTHER BAR GAINS in Salem city homes, aereage homes and farms Sea Wells Tsllmaa Son. 216 Masonic Temple. Phone 618 63s-18tf LOTS I LOTS- LOTS! iu govt oaianee monthly lot on Walter. $10 down, $10 per mo. lot on Hasel Ave., close to South St. Price $525. $10 down $10 per mo. lot 52x128 on . i3tn Bt. rrlee $500. $50 down balance monthly, lot 52 Ui izs large English walnut tree. esst front. Prica 3700. $50 down balance monthly, lot 45x137 on N. 16th Kansas Ave. Prica $850. $100 down, balance monthly, lot 60x182- on nooo sc. .Trice sisso. $350 down, fine east front corner lot on N. Winter St. Price S1S50. $1600 fine lot on N. Summer St. Lots in all parts of the city. MELVIN JOHNSON 320 P. S. Bsnk Bldg. Phono 637. 63sl8tf REAL ESTATE TRADES 05 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FOR SALEM Two faauly apartment in Pomona, California; heart of the Orange belt. Live in one. rent he other. Value $7,500.00 clear. Trade for residence in Salem to equal value, or take small er home and cash. Address Owner, P. O. Box 371, Pomona, Calif. 65s21 REAL ESTATE Farms 67 FOR SALE: Good sheep ranch located ten Bjiles south, not fsr from main highway. 160 acres with old buildings, 80 acres plow land, balance pasture and timber. Price for quick aale $65. per acre, or will exchange for eity property. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty Street 67S22 TAXIDERMIST OS DEER HEADS MOUNTED. GENE E. Wiggin, Taxidermies. IJ Norway. 688-1 6tf REAL ESTATE SobssftMiB 60 A REAL BARGAIN: FIVE ACRES. Soma -bearing fruit, new three room house, fine well, garage and woodshed. Price for quick aale. $2425, not less , thaa $700 down. Let as show you this snap, owner must sell at once. Located four miles out. W. H, GRABENHORST A CO. 134 Liberty Street 69S22 SMALL ACREAGE ON EASY TERMS Bay Now and Build $1575. Five acres all under plow located, within one mile of the 8wegle scho ol an the Gardes read. $25 down, balance $10 per month. $1000. Five acres located near the Swa- : : gla school and just off the paved highway.. $50 dews, $10 per month $1285. Five acres located throe miles soutk about 1)4 miles from bus line. -. $100. down, - bslanre' 810 per month, psrt in cultivation, bal ' ance timber. $650. One acre all in bearing fruit lo cated southeast of the MeKinley school. $50 down, balaaee $10 per montn. $1250. Ten acres red km land located aouthwest of Liberty. All plow Isnd, has amsll shack. $50 down. $10 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST A Co. Realtors. 8TART YOUR HOME NOW YOU WILL SAVE 134 South Liberty Street Phoae 515 69S25 TRANSFER 4 HAULING 70 LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAUL lag. Reasonable prices. Tel-T2F2. 70820tf COUNTESS CADEN2A , ALLCA MP MV OLD FRIENT, Mt? LOBBV - IS A POLITICIAN eUT. IN SPIIC w in n 1 1 irwt OF jHV . a-irst "J .; rMfvT-? uic?wiKir- rn vuum vou.hcart and spuLtLcee-y- EILL UJHlCH rX THINK. SlDP TO MUCH Of IHfc j WORUA EVIL MUST ILLiClT SKeJGOltN& OF r4ARCOTICg5e XTPMP& CXZjz COUNT!), ' T',r "5 W - " S." - a3 a Jafsy':', Lmm''L TRANSFER A HAULING ,70 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFEB OO. State St, TaL. 983. .Distnaauag, for warding .sad atoraga sag specialty, eat oar rata. .. WB Ml) Vat, STORE" AND SHIP BOU8K- keid goods. Oar specialty ta piano ana furtaro moving. Wa also asaka ess try trips. Wa hasdla tho bast oaal aad wood. CaU oa aa for prices. We (ire good BaeasuTo, good quality aad good eervico. Loraaer Trans far Oa. TaL 980. BALEM TBAN8FEB FUEL CO. Uoeai aad tons diataaoa aaa! flterare aad feel 899 $L High Tat. 529 7oaotf WAT1R 74 OREGON WASH. WATER SERVICE CO. . Off we 304 Santa Commercial St. Tea per coat diaeoual oa domestic flat rale paid ia edvaa. Mo dadoettoe for ab araeo ov aay eaaao a a loaa water is feet TltAVKL 70 T-R-A-V-E-L Safely, Swiftly ' aad Comfortably ta buses of the Parker Stage Li aaa. aVT-A-G-E-S L-E-A-V-E F-O R Silvertoa 7 a. su. 11 a. av. ft s. as. Mt. Aagel 11a. m.. ft p. am. Dal lee 7 a au, 9 a. au, 1:25 p. as. Falls City T a. m, 3:10 p. am 6:15. , ladepeadenee 7 a. m., 9 a. am.. 11:15 a- ss- 3:10 p aw 8:15 p. am. Sua- ' day oaly 8:10 p. s. Moamoath 7 a. aa., 11:1S a. av, 3:10 p av, 5J5 p. aa, Saaday i ' only 7:10 p. m.; 6:30 p. aa. McMinaville 8:80 a. av,' 3:10 p. av. 5:15 p. as. . Newberg 3:80 a. sv, 3:10 p. av 5.15 p. am. Tillamook 8:80 a. m 3:10 p. aa. Call 332 or 696 for information dlStf AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID POB FUHDC -EIKEB AUTO vftwl Vt' USED CARS FOR SALE 79 1923 Ford 4 door Sodas 1922 Ford Touring .$250.00 -.100.00 1924 Overland Touring 1923 Overland Sedan - .245.00 .825.00 .560.00 .285.00 1926 Chevrolet Coach 1924.. Chevrolet Roadster 1926 Estex Coach .600.00 Newton Motor Co. - 79S20tf Better Automobile Values Jordan Play Boy Roadster 1926 Nssk Sedan. Ligkt Sia 1926 Chevrolet Coach Chevrolet Sport Touring 1925 Studibaker Standard Sedan 1925 Overland Sedan 1926 Nash Touring, Special Six 1926 Essex Coach 1925 Overland Coupe 1925 Ford Coupe Commercial Cars Dodge Delivery Screen body Ford track, good ahapo Attractive prices on these excellent used car valuea. Come and look them ev er today. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 North Commercial Street Tel. 1260 ' "AFTER WE SELL WE SERVE" 79-E-20-tf 1923 Ford Toaring 1924 Dodge Coupe 1925 Ford Toil ring 1925 Ford 2 Door Sedan 1926 Chryaler Coach 1925 Ford Coupe With Rnxtol 1927 Ford Touring 1926 Ford Roadster Kirk wood Motor Co. 811 N. Comm'L We bay and sell used cars. 79S16 LOOK - THESE - OVER 1927 Oldsmobile Coupe 1926 Pontine Coach ..,. .1925 Chevrolet Sedan 1924 Buick Sedan .$8 50 .$650 ..$450 .$575 1925 Star Coonster .$400 1924 Chevrolet Sedsa .$300 Late Ford Coupes .3800 Several other rood bnva to ehoosa from, pricee raaging from $50 to $300. Capitol Motors Inc. Biddy Bishop: 350 North High Street Two of the Best PACKARD OLDSMOBvLE 79al5tf Two 1926 Hudson Coaenea One 1922 Paige Sedan One 1920 Willys Kaigbt teuriag ' One 1922 Stude baker touring. BARRETT BROS.. 2045 N. CapitoL Agency for Gardner Eight-in-line. 79s20 Valley Motor Company Used Car Bulletin - - - ..(- - 1925 truck, closed cab.. 6 speed traaa miaaion. frame extension, atarter. pnea itic tires , , aaaa 1924 Ford Touring, sew paiat $175 1924 Chevrolet touring $175 1924 Ford coupe $250 1923 Ford Touring, New top $145 1920 Delivery, $160 body $90 Many, others to pick from ineladina 1927 pickup Rdstr; 1927 Rdstr: 1926 Kdstr; 1924 Overland Couno 8edaa (4 naas.) 1920 Ford; Touring with 1-man P. ...'.. We Can Sell Your Old Car See Us About Consign ing it to our Open Air ; - Market Act before it is too late, By Ed Wheelan To ivumLE W?. FOX HAS BEEN COM MECTEt Wv "WH fOSTMASTER- cmcE Rescue IS THE-. TvTLE OF T-M0Pr?OU'S FRESEUrl ma s 'vri USED CARS FOR 3 ALE 78 - good rsn cabs 1924: Slsr Coapo,-. I IttSi Ktord Coauo. 1923 Study. SuL tearing. 1:3 Maxwell touriug. . . , ; H ' IttJI Ha-4 toortag. 1923 ChvvreJrt toaring. ; 1924 knight Sedan. 1923 Late Big Six toaring. glats in elosura. Jast tar ear for a- Stage New tires. I,ots of rstraa. A fine find i-r tke class f a car. Marion Auto Co. OtiMlekakrr aaa Erakia Sia DvaWe fas ttak-m aad Martoa Cwaalv. . tab foi st. U UikhiBB. Used Car Deft, 13 S Sowth Cobb'L 8t. Talephaaa USED CAR MIT. NEXT TO FI8K STOION tS CbEMEKKTA. Phoae 5117. 79aJ!f - - o I I o- Sa.lem Maxketa OBAXXr No. 1. wheat, white $1.12i Ke.t wheat, sacked Oats, par ba. milliag 8 PORK, kfUTTON AJTD BEEP Top kegs - $H St Bewa . - fHwl " Top steers 0w.07S. Cows . oaw -H -1927 laaaha. aader 64 Ike. .10-4 Top live veal .12 Dressed pigs 3 POTTLTBT Light keaa Heavy keaa Snriaga . ja - 17 06) n Koostera EGGS, BUTTER, BUTTEBPAT Standards . Poaad i - Battarfat .4 5- Priat butter '. .47.- VEQLTAEITS Beets, sacked Oaioaa, doa. beaches New cabbage - .80 .01 H New potatoes Celery, baachea Local levtaro Local apiaaok .90 .91.7$ $r f O- I General Iarke ts PBODUCS PORTLAND, Sept. 20. (AP) Bids to farmer: Milk steady: raw a ilk f4) $2.2 .1 , Butterfat 45c f. cwt.. f. . b. Portland: h. Portland. Poultry steady: heavy hen 21Tr22c: light 12 01 3c: springs JUi.V; broilers 25c: pekin white dark 20r; colored nominal: rnrkeya aliv. nominal. On i otis steady; local $14ttl.l. Potatoes 1.25(91.65 sack, steady. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Sept. 20. (API. Cattle and calves steady; receipts, cattle 25. cars l. lloga ateedy, reeeipta 50. Sheep and laals steady: raeeinta. aheep 250, including; C2U en contract. PORTLAND GRAIN PORTIAND. Sept. 2l. (API. Wheat hids; BB hard white PepL $1.27. Oct. 1.28. Nav. $1.30; harrt white R. S.. Kaart Sept. SI. 26. (Vt.. Nov. 61.27: federstion Sept. $1.24. Oct. $1.2. "Nov. $1.23; soft white. Stpt. $1.24, Oct..' N'o. $1.2."H: weMern white Sept. 81.24 H. Oct. $1.25. Nov. $1.26: hard winter Stpt. 31.26. Oct.. Nov. 1.27Vi: " northern aprins; Wept. 81.26. Oct., Nov. 61.S7: western red SepL. Oct. $1.22. -Nov. $1.23. Oats. No. 2. 36 nound W. F. all 83fi- ditto gray, all $35. Barley. So.. 2. 45 ponnd B. W. Sept. 937.50. Oct, Nov. $39. t'orn. No. 2 K. Y. shmment Rent. $42.50.. Oct. $42.7.1. Millrnn, standard Sent.. Oct. 827.rfi. Nov. $27.75. HAY PORTlAND. Sent. 20. ZAP T.- buying prices: Eastern Oregoa timothy 20tr21: ditto valley $16.5ul7: rheaf if 14.50: alfalfa 317: oat har 81301.1.50: straw 87 f ton. Selling prirea f 2 t ton more. " DAIRY . . PORTLAND. KeDt. 20. Illi Dairy Exchange, net prices: . ' Batter, extras 4.1 tic. standards 44e prime firsts 43r. firsts R9e. r.ggs. extras oe. firsts 31c. pallets 30c, current receipts 29c. nnderaixed 19c. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO. Sent. 20. AP1 Ineraa ing anxiety aa to whether frost will hsn.t a knockout to the corn crop led to at wild new advanced la corn pricea today. Assertions .that no important damace had resulted from, frost last night in tho northwest and west, not only failed to relieve trade tension today, hut were fol- loweo by excited fresh baying that hoist ed December delivery of eora 7e a bushel aaa pnt .all cereals and orovisiona. on , the upgrade. Corn closed flurried. 6 to 714 iua' higher, whest 5-8 to le ap and oats 1 to i a-ae aavanee. . NOTICE QF BOND SALE Sealed, bids will, be received by the undersigned until the bour of 7:30 o'clock, P, M. on Monday. October 3rd, 1927, and Immediate, ly thereafter opened by the Com mon Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, at the City Hall in said -City, for City of Salem General Obligation Bonds Series 1927-A in the amount -of r Forty ..Tbonsan 4 , uouars (14.0.000,. described as follows: City of Salem General ' Obliga tion Bonds Series 1927-A in the amount of Forty Tho'usand dollars-- (340.0001. in denominations of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each, , being dated October 1st, 1927, and to mature serially in numerical order at the rate of Twenty TBon sand Dollars ($20,- 000) on the First day of October,.' 1936, and Twenty Thousand Dol- , lars ($20,000) on the First day oC October, 1937. All of the aforesaid bonds .in bear Interest at the rate of Four and One-Half Per Cent ( tt'O P r annum, interest payable seraian nually. , Bids will be reeeired separately ' for each block of said bonds aad , each bid must be accompanied by -certified check for Two Per Cent (2) of the par value of the bonds. No bids will be reeeired ; for less than par and accrued in-, teres t. .... v t..- The approTing- legal opinion Soi Teal, Winfree. McCulloch fe ho ler, of- Portland, Oregon, wiii be furnished the successful bidr. ' . The right Is reserved to reject -any and all bids. - U. POUISEN. City Recorder. Salem,' Oregon. Dated September 20th. 1927. - 1 821-22-23-24-25 Latin Quarter Center for Commercial Relics LONDON. (AP) There is a new Industry making; "big money'- In So ho, London's Latin Quarter, its business is to make "old" :. things out of new, and sell them v.o American Tf3itors. : j. . , . From the. shipping departnest or the Soho firm Issues "antique", copper warming pans, door-knockers, toasting forks, jardinieres, fire dogs, brass kettles, tea trays, tea sets wine coolers, salvers and f!sh heaters. They are distributed to certain tea shops which resell them to tourists. i i 1 1 atareiel ag, Baiesv Ogs,