The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 20, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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CpAs Bruised Knee- . "
psie .Schaefer, 13. West Pres
tDtt street, Portland, suffered a
bruised knee when her car waa
run into by another car Sunday
night about 8:30 p. m., on the Sil
verton road near Four Corners.
Miss Schaefer did not learn the
name of the other driver. . ..
Those Big Black Graces Now
Ripe at fiala Vineyards, three
miles north' in Polk county. Phone
132F2. . s2
Shoulder Injured
Mrs. L. G. Massey, who-resides
on Route 8, Salem, was the Tlc
tim of ah auto mishap Sunday af
ternoon near the Quinby cross
roads,, when hercar was struck
by a truck. Mrs. Massey received
a slight injury to her left shoul
der. 1
1150 to 1350. $10 down, $10
per month. W. H. Grabenhorst
&. Co.; 134 S. Liberty St. s23
Car Stole
Local police officers had a quiet
Sunday of it: Very few arrests
were made. W. H. Jolliff report
ed yesterday that his car was stol
en from the Leonard hotel. George
Dew&ld of Stayton also reported
the loss of the rear license from
his machine." ' '
Better Health linger IJfc
For a normal thoroughly re
lieving urinal flow, cleahjsing the
system of ' wastes ' that poison and
impair health, take FOLEY PILLS
diuretic, and feel again the urge
of an active ache-free body, good
appetite, sound sleep. . Kidney ir
ritations, too frequent night calls,
scanty burning secretions, rheum
atic aches, are- ample warning.
Landon Taylor, Dorchester, Iowa,
says, "I never thought that any
medicine could benefit me so
quickly and so happily, as have
FOLEY PILLS diuretic." Satis
faction guaranteed.
Kells At Portland-
C. A. Kells, general secretary
of the Y. M. C. A., spent yester
day in Portland , on association
South Salem Pharmacy
New and neat;, now open. Pre
pfWtion druggist," drug sundries,
foJWUin. 1069 S. Commercial St.
To Discuss Playgrounds-
It, R. Boardman, physical, direc
tor at the Y. M. C. A., reports
that! George Braden, head of the
playground association on the Pa
cific, coast, will be In Salem Octo
ber 11th for the purpose of dis
cussing ways and means of provid
ing more playgrounds for Salem
children. He will take the mat
ter up through the various civic
clubs and later with the city gov
ernment. ..... . ...' ...
Good Room -
For student or" teacher. Furnace
heat. 1064 Oak street. . s21
A i-it ted For Possession ,
Raymond , Brown of Gervais
and John Deibele of Woodburn,
were arested Sunday night by Sa
lem police' officers, charged with
liquor possession. - .
8 Or-goir Pulp, and Paper Co.
Preferred:- Limited. itmouat for
sale. Hawkins .and Roberts Phone
I 111. 1 PI II I I 11 II I I ' .
faui .Day,, who graduated, from
WUamette university in lV 21, has
taken his' doctorate degree; on fine
Thesis " Vitamin . A';at ,'Cdlumbla
universltyVThU'fallphejwm be
Some Good Buys
t ' . '
$2,000 for 27 acres, six miles
-from Salem hear paved high
.wajfi 12 acres in cultivation,
two -acres fruit, balance tim-
ber and pasture; running
v spring water. It is worth
-V more. $1000 down.
$3,000 'for 10 acres on Pacific
highway four miles from
Salem, nearly all in apple
"orchard. $1000 down.
$2,000 for 13 acres on Salem
Dallas highway. Nice loca
tion. $1000 down.
$4,000 for five acres, 5-room
house, garage, lots of fruit,
running water, only one mile
from Salem. $1000 down.
4'J Stat St. - TeL SMW
Often you want old photographs , .
reproduced, ' but fear entrusting i
them to strangers. , , ---'
Our reputation assures the safety and
: proper care of ''your picture, which w I
will copy, enlarge, tram or band -color ?
tt a price lower than the unkuown agent j
can offer, i
head of the chemistry department
at University , of Arkansas. Day
was one of the most prominent
students of his class. Mildred
Garrett Day, his wife, also a Will
amette graduate, acted as assist
ant to the vice-president of the
Equitable Life Insurance com
pany during the past year.
Sat in a Draft Then Suffered
It's never safe to sit where a
draft of air strikes the kidneys.
Painful congestion, severe back
ache, and a disturbed urinal flow
are usual results. Mrs. C. L. B ,
Petersburg, Va., says, "I was so
stiff and sore I could not stoop
over nor rise up without great
pain. Now, since taking FOLEY
PILLS diuretic, I have none." A
reliable valuable medicine, con
stantly in use over twenty-five
years. Take them whenever ir
ritations of the kidneys and blad
der, and an irregular urinal flow
cause distress and di3comfort.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Coulter TakS Degree
Jay Coulter, who is employed
in a government capacity at
Washington, recently took his
masters degree in patent law at
national university there, accord
ing . to a report received here.
Coulter graduated from Willam
ette university in 1923;
fast ruction In Fundamentals
"Of Expression, "Voice and Body,
Speech Work and Platform Read
ing starting now at Miss Dibble's
Studio, Nelson Bldg. b20
Muslim Gets Trophies
A German cannon and a Ger
man breast plate armor have been
presented to Willamette universi
ty museum by Charles J. Lisle.
These trophies are a part of the
lot distributed by the United
States government. The cannon
wag captured from the Germans
at Montsaucon.
Furniture Upholstered ,
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Co. fl3tf
Hertxogs Have Son
Professor and Mrs. W. H. Hert
zog, 1445 Saginaw, are parents of
a baby son, born Sunday, Septem
ber 18. He has leen named Don
ald Eugene.
Donates Books
Dr. B. J.i Hoadley, an elderly
retired minister; of theref on
conference, h as j$lxen aja umber of
new books to the Willaraetteni
versity library. Among themf is a
complete set of Lord Beacon's
Lights of History."
Women Wanted
At Starr Fruit Products Co. Cor.
Church and Mill Sts. Phone 439.
Graduate to Teach
Viola 'Carrier, a last year Will
amette graduate, will teach at
Springdale, Washington, this fall.
Hotel Marion
Dollar dinners served 5:45 to 8
very evening. n26tf
3Ir. Heinwlinan Injured
Mrs. H. W. Heinzelman, of Tur
ner, was badly bruised and shak
en up Sunday when a car in which
she was riding with her husband
collided with a truck driven by
Fted.Elser, also of Turner. The
accident occurred near the state
training school tor girls. Mrs.
Hejjtzelmap! suffered no ibroken
bdnea-.andjit'is thought, no In
ternal 'injuries, it was stated" at
the ; Salem general hospital last
evening where she was taken fol
lowing the accident. The accident
occurred ?about 10:30 Sunday
morning. "
Special Work for Children
In Voice and Body Development
and Interpretation at Studio of
Expression, Nelson Bldg. , s20.
Corvalli Students Wed
A marriage license was yester
day IssueTrMrom the office of the
Marion county clerk, to L. Wayne
Jones,. 23, and BillM Levere War
moth, 19. Both gave their res
idence as Corvallis, and their oc
cupation as student.
Divorce Asked
A complaint was filed in cir
cuit court' here yesterday . by
Gladys Trask asking legal separ
ation I from" her . husband, Fred
Trask,, on the ground of cruel
and Inhuman treatment and per-
We have a 1926 Ford road
ster equipped with a Ruck
stell axel, 75 new rubber,
Bosch ignition and several
other extras. This is a fine
running ear for $325.00.
. . sbl a i . -
"The Bonne That Hervlce Built1
sonal indignities rendering lite
burdensome. Her husband, the
plaintiff charges, acquired the
habit of remaining out late at
night, constantly nagged her.
sometimes refused to talk to her
for long periods of time," and oc
casionally became jealous and ac
cused her of flirting with other
men. She asks that $100 be
awarded her to pay for prosecut
ing the suit, and that her maiden
name. Gladys Borgan, be rftored
to her.
Women Wanted
At Starr Fruit Products Co. Cor.
Church and Mill Sts. Phone 439.
Rabbit Meeting Held
The Salem Rabbit and Small
Stock association will meet at the
Y. M. C. A. building tonight to
discuss plans having to do with
the coming Oregon state fair.
Knights of Pythias Attention
Special meeting at 8 o'clock at
Geo. C. Will, Music Store, Tues
day. 20. Business of importance
come. E. G. Knighten, C. C.
Kstate Appraised
The estate of the late Zella S.
Fletcher has been appraised at
$19,693, $520 of which is in per
sonal property, according to a re
port filed. with the court yester
day. Xrw Papi'r Filel
second amended complaint in
intervention was filed in circuit
court here. yesterday in litigation
growing out of the affairs of the
late King's Food Products com!
pany. The complaint asks that
various accounts be made, and
that a judgment of $1,615,557.41
im entered in favor f the King
Food Products company and
against the Nassau company.
Wanted Rlackborrie
3c cash. Pacific Fruit and
Packing Co., West Salem. s!5tf
License Issued
A wedding license was issued
yesterday from the office of the
Marion county clerk to Frank Da
vid Harris, 30. of route 5. and
Dolly Marie Glenn, 26, of 740
North Commercial street.
Pupils Being Registered Now
In piano and Dunning classes.
Elma Weller, Studio 695 N. Lib
erty. Tel. 1351. s20
Mrs. Fulkerson Return
Mrs. Mary Fulkerson, county
superintendent of schools for Ma
rion county, returned yesterday
to her headquarters at the county
court house. Mrs. Fulkerson has
been gone for two' weeks ' on her
annual vacation. : ?
Mandamus 'Started '
A" petition for -a writ of man
damus to compel Governor 1.. L.
Patterson and George ; E. Davis1,
corporation commissioner, to' re
instate the Oregon City Trust
company to standing in this state,
was filed in circuit court here
yesterday. The company is said
to have been dissolved and de
clared defunct following its fail
ure to keep its fees paid up.
33 Districts Start
School opened in 33 districts
of Marion coanty yesterday, ac
cording to reports sent In to the
ftffice of the county superintend-'
ent of schools. The districts which
were scheduled to start are: No.
1. 3. 4, 5, 6, 11, 20, 22, 23, 24,
43. 49, 59. 70. 71, 76, 77, 78.
79. 83, 85, 87, 91, 93, 97, 113,
116, 118, 112. 130. 135, and 143.
C. C. AHer to Add
"Business. Development ; will
be the subject discussed bv Ct C.
AHer, Salem manager of the Pa-
clfic Telephone & Telegraph Co.,
at today'3 luncheon of the Ki wan
ts club. Discussion also will be
bad pro and con on the proposal
to, organize a community chest
for Salem. .
Portland Folk Visit
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller and
family of Portland accompanied
by Jack Picton, also of that city,
were guests of Mr. and. Mrs.
Charles E. Hicks in Salem Sun
day. Lebanon Editor Here
T. R. McMillen, postmaster and
editor at Lebanon, and hisr family
visited in Salem Sunday
Community Chest Plai
A gathering has been called
for the local chamber of com
merce at 8 p. m. Wednesday night
to discuss plans for the proposed
community chest in this city, it
was announced last night by Dr.
Henry Morris, president of the
Federated clubs. Dr. Morris has
called the meeting.
Special S. A. Meet
Ensign Ronald Everhart of the
Salvation Army, state secretary
for young people's. work, will con
duct a special meeting at the lo
cal army hall, 241 State street.
I at 8 p. m. tonight. Ensign Ever-
nart is on a tour of special in
(Continued from Page One)
ences for men and women con
ducted by Dean Erickson and
Freshmen class officers prob
ably will be elected at a class
meeting in the chapel at 4 o'clock.
Among the new students this
year wil be a Korean, sent to Wil
aniette on a scholarship by Bishop
Herbert Welsh, resident bishop of
the Methodist church for Korea
and Japan. The Korean's name is
Chang Wook Meon, and he repre
sents a selected class of students
in that country.
Another unusual feature of the
class will be the enrollment of
five Chemawa Indians. Only one
Chemawa Indian. Buck Towner,
ever graduated from Willamette.
Registration for upper classmen
will take place Wednesday and
instruction will start Thursday
morning. A total enrollment of
525 students. i3 expected this year.
All buildings have been reno
vate and a crew of men has been
at work on the campus beautify
ing it in preparation for the influx
of knowledge-seeking youth.
Read .the Classified Ads. ;
Sallys Sallies
Most women prefer a man
with a million to the "man m
a million. " -
For the Best in Meats
Corbets Quality
' Meat Market
131G State .
Casey's Guaranteed -
Money refunded if it doe not
: cure your case.
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7
6, S and 10 cents per yard. Also
buttons, stamping and pleating.
Over Miller's . Telephone 117
? :
, Footwear
John J. Rottls
. - 418 Btate Etreet
Be ON r-IN FrtftTRAI t
Blow tme baii up
CL9h y
GARDEN CITY. N. Y.. Sept, 19.
(AP) In a stern golf struggle
between and during showers
which threatened Fo flood the
Cherry Valley course and drenched
some of the best women players in
four countries, 32 qualifying plac
es were won today in the national
women's golf 'championship.
Miss Ada MacKenzie of Toron
to. Canadian women's champion
showed tie way with a sensational
77, five lender the women's par of
82. She went out in .3 9 and came
home a stroke better.
, Mrs. G. Hejary Stetson of Phila
delphia, the champion, failed to
qualify and will not have chance.
to defend-he crown In the match
play beginning tomorrow.
Mrs. Stel3'5u' w-a Indisposed" as
she. started her piay and - never
struck her stride, finishing the 18
holes with a score of 96, five
strokes too many ! to win a place
in the play off at 91 vin which
seven women played, for four
Summer Lake Irrigation
Distrct to Reorganize
Rhea Luper, state engineer,
and T. B. Kay, state treasurer, re
turned here Monday after confer
ring with the directors of the Sil
ver Lake and Summer. Lake irri
gation districts in Lake county.
The purpose of the conference
was to discuss the question of- re
organization of the projects under
tke state reclamation law enact
ed at the last session of the legis
lature. '
i Mr. Luper said the bond hold
ers of the Summer Lake district
had been requested q appoint a
committee to confer with the di
rectors oft the project in connec
tion, with the reorganization pro
gram. ' . .
4 :VRi :STM.G AT Y. L C. A.
Wrestling classes for men at
the Y. "M. C. A. under the direc
tion of F. Baggott, are now being
formed. The swimming period
for girls has been changed to start
at 3:45 p. m. Girls will practise
on Wednesdays only, Boxing
classes for men have been started
and will be held Mondays and
Thursdays, unde.r the direction of
Stanley Frye., at 7:30 p. m. Boys'
classes will take place on the
days at 4:15 in the afternoons.
The Name
Counts for
. ?
Watch the
? Friday ?
As a
Daily Mouth Wash
Klenzo : Liquid Antiseptic
lias a -base of Chloride of
Zinc one - of , the finest
ant teeptiea n 4 heaUng -
'agents.- S ' ,
, It may" be effectively used
as . a mouth wash, gargle .
or 'spray. " "" -
, Small Size Dottle -
' -
Pcrry,s Dru Store ;
.'. -115 8. Ccncicrdal
Increase Over Last Year
Noted When Classes Open
v . Monday For Term '
STAYTON. Sept. .191 (Spec!,
a.1 )- School opened here Monda
with Mr, Toby as principal, and
a all corps o competent teach
ers both in high, school and the
grades. The first day attend
ance was large, and showed a gain
over last year's attendance.
Mrs. Ella Lyon, with her son
Bernard and two daughters Ber
nadine and CellneJ moved Sunday
to Corvallis where the young peo
ple will enroll as students at O.
A. C. The famHy wilt 'be missed
here, as the young people were
popular with the younger, set
Mrs. Lyon Is a sister of O. M. Ba
ker of this city.
Eugene Fpaniol and Hans Tohl
left Sunday for Corvallis' where
they will enter college. . Eugene
Spaniol graduated from Stayton
high school with the class' of
1926, and Tohr Is ,a graduate
from the Wheeler high school.
Mrs. W. W. Crabtree visited
last week !n Albany and Portland.
She returned home Sunday. Her
daughter, Mrs. George A. Mlelki,
and two. sons of Portland, accom
panied, her 'home -for ; a week's
stay ;3 . V '' .
fi. Jitfd Mrs. Alex Harold and
their daughter Marie of Salem
routed 8.'"near the Clpar Lake dis
Tlct; yisited at the Raleigh Har
old home here on Thursday and
Friday of last week. A birthday
dinner was a feature of Friday.
when Raleigh Harold and Mrs. Al
ex Harold celebrated their birth
days jointly. ,
O. V. White, principal of the
Stayton school for the past five
years, left last week with his fam
ily for a new field, and will be
engaged in school work again
this winter. Mr. and! Mrs. White
have made many friends here who
regret to see them leaving Stay
John Dunlavy Family Holds
Renuion Sunday at Brooks
BROOPS. Sept. 19. (Special).
- Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlaw
were hosts at-dinner and family
reunion on Sunday.
Those present were:
Mrs. M. E. Karten. Mr. anrt
Mrs. Clarence Phelps.' Miss Stella
Karten. Mr. and Mrs John Craig-
Call, phone or writ
17 N CommerctmJ Salent
I In re that Wiater Coat
Gone Over.
We reline, shorten and make It
look like new:
Ladies wool dresses cleaned
and pressed, $1.00 up. Men's
and Ladies' suits cleaned and
pressed $1.00. '
Orer Rutcks
Perennial Gardens
. On the Wallace Road '
Telephone S80 ! II J 8iata St.
Suburban home, mile and half
from Bush Bank, paved road,
modern house except furnace,
bearing fruit trees, - F. ' L.
WOOD, 341 State St.
Rewound and Repaired. New or
Used Motors'
:s ir
Thiigi Electrical' I
ISt South High , TeL; 21 IS
V J. II. LEONO, Mgr.
2u life's work has
ten spent in studying
the healing properties
.of Chinese hsrbs and
now dally we T relieve
; those snf ferlng , froStv
, stoRMieh. liver and kid
f ney rouble, rheama
tlnm and gall, stones,
alio disorders of : men.
and children; - ' ' '-
miles, Mr. and Mra. Henry
George Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Craigmiles and children. Barbara
and , Leslie Junior. and Lewis
walker of Portland, Mr .and Mrs.
John Naylor of Gervais, Mrs. Leon
Judd, Miss Mildred J add. Valda
Judd, Karl Cramer. Theodore Ki
lo. Naomi Judd Kreta Judd Cecil
Judd of Molalla. Mrs. C. D. Nay
lor, Miss Marie Dun lav j and John
Dunlavy, Jr., and the hosts. Mr.
and Mrs, John Dunlavjr.
. Mrs. C. D. Naylor is the house
guest of her daughter.-Mrs. John
Dunlavy, and family., .) ?
3 FUEL, AT.Kl'GKXFr' .
Three na planes landed at the
Eugene airport at 4 o'clock this
afternoon for fuel on their way
to Spokane. They hopped off
again for Vancouver as soon as
they were fueled. - . ;
f Mill .'
John A. Mills died ".suddenly at
Falls City yesterday at the age
of 53 years. He is aurvived by
his wife, two sons. Waldo O. Mills
of Salem and Harry Q. of Los An
geles; two brothers, H. Edwin and
C. F. of Pasadena; one sister, Ella
Chittenden of Illinois; and four
grandchildren. 'Funeral services
will be held Tuesday at 2:30 at
Webb'a funeral parlors with Rev.
Avlson conducting, with Rer. Tay
lor and the Odd Fellows assisting.
Interment wip take place. In City
view cemetery.
Royden Douglas Bedee "Jr., age
two years, son of Mrw and Mrs., B.
D. Bedee of 420 University -street.
Announcement of funeral later by
Rigdon mortuary. J j
(r1 '
At the residence on 679 North
High street, Monday September
19. Mrs. Hattie Patterson at the
age of 63 years, wife! of J. A. Pat
terson, mother o8 E. ' W. Patter
son of Oklahoma, G. G. Patterson
of Salem. Mrs. Ina Kelson of Eu
gene. Announcement of funeral
later by the Gigdon and Son mor
tuary. , '
Fliflet .
Martin Fliflet of Turner died:
at a local hospital last night at
the age of 61 years." He is sur
vived by his widow Johanna, three
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
BaUblbwied 1S
General Banking Business
.Office Hours from 10 a. m. to t p. m
Make your view and commercial pic-
" - ' Call 951 . j',;.
429 Oregon Bldg. '
The Oregon Statesman's. Big Radio Prize
Contest for Boys and Girls
;" Good for: 25 Votes "
Address .
This Coupon, when neatly cut out and brought or mailed
to The Contest Department of THE OIIBGON STATESMAN,
will count for the person whose name Is written thereon.
Cut out neatly. - ' Void; after Oct. I
" ' 1 1 m J'i m !,. , m n m i, i. n ijmi. ,
-----?('''f . -c " ' :'
' - f .-
t 1 -
- -3"-
Long and Shert Distance IlauJin
Public and Private Storage
Fireproof Buildlns '
Free Delivery to any part of tho city
Quotations on Application
Day Tcir-hcsa 23 . ' Tt's k'l
Have us "make a
of your eyes.
There is' no charge or obligation
connected with this service.
only $4.95
The best optical service need
not be expensive. i
. ' 1 - : ! 1
HO N. Commercial near State
sons, Levi, and Oscar, both of Sa
lem and Victor of Carlisle, Wash
ington; thite daughters. Miss
Palma of Turner,1 Mrs. Anna Kun
ke ot Turner and Mrs. Clara Mas
sey of Klamath Falls; three
brothers Alfred and Carl of Tur
locfc, California and Iver of Wis
consin, and six grand children.
The body is at the Webb Funeal
Parlors. Announcement of funer
al will be made later.
-I ' Perfect Funeral Servica' :!
i ... ' . '-For Less :
, . Licensed,, Lady Mortician ,
770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 724
True Service
Worthy arjd esteemed by
. a jb t'
many grateful iamilies
knowing our principles "of
sincerity, sympathy and
Webb's Funeral Parlors
Telephone 120
r (
Tr Cnuiiltacto Call vr Ttrtom
; or A. it. r. si .
423 rta U Cxlets Gsrrm .