The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 20, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Oregon
- vTiiocd Daily Exeepl Monday by t ,
21& Baata Commercial BtrMt. Salaaa, Oragaa i
St. J. Headrlcka
Irl 8. MrHharr
fctatph O. Carti
Victor D. Csrlioa
Koialla Bunch r
af aaagar
IfaaaglBK Editor
City Editor
Sport Editor
- Society Editor
u wnil rt mint
T Aaaoetated Presa ia exelnaiTly entitled to the oie ltr potlieation of all m)i
SUtoatcfeca credited it or not utbrrwi
aetrs pabuabed nereiB, -
B. B. Belt S22-MS Security Bldg.. Perttend.
Tbaa r Clark Co., New York. 128-136
: foiy el fsvype, inc., I. siiivrnia rrprnfntBjiv"t vi-
af CoaBBiereo Bltigv Ixa Angeles. : - , . --r . : ' .... i . - -- w
Newt rptl.23 or 10fl
Bmslaest Office 23 or 583
Society Editor . .106
Eatered at the Poat Office in Salem, Oregon, aa seeoad elase nutter.
Ai - "; V September 20, 1027 - i. "
Hereby pVrcslrV we the lore of God, because He laid down His
life for us; and we-ought to lay down our lires for the brethren. But
whoso hath this world's goods, and seeth his brother have need, and
shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love
of Cod .in him? First John 3:16-17. y '
This is not a paid itemv The company, owning the Salem
water works knows nothing about it- j
- It is printed in performance of a public duty.
There was an item in a newspaper yesterday telling of
the finding of the body of an insane patient at the Colony
farm, operated by the state; the body having evidently
floated 'aWnjth'e river several miles and "lodged against a
log near : the 'north tank' of the Willamette river about half
a mile above the water intake for the city supply."
The reporter probably did not intend it, but the item was
calculated to giyela'sinking feeling in the stomach of a person
using Salem watet and not being acquainted with the facts.
THe fact is, there is no "water intake" from the Willamette
river for Salem's city water supply. Nor does the item say
there is; but it infers it.
The "water intake" for the Salem water supply does not
come from the, stream of the river. It comes from wells
sunk deep into the sand bar on Minto's island, hundreds of
feet away from the river's bank during the low water period,
and filtered by many feet of sand and gravel even during
the high water periods of the rainy season.
So there is no contamination from the river's stream. The
city supply comes from. sources that are as pure as spring
water. ;
It may be added that in addition to this,, all water entering
the city mains is treated with the chlorination process,
rendering it immune from all disease germs, like those of
typhoid, etc. In Ithis respect, it is more pure than untreated
Bull Run water." Seattle, and other cities, getting water from
supposedly pure mountain sources, use the chlorine treat
ment, because in no other way can it be rendered absolutely
safe from contamination at the source, from 'dead birds, wild
an1 imals, etc.r etc ' - '
The reader may justly conclude that there is a good deal
of? bink about so-called pure mountain water, in these days
when medical science is so much more particular than it used
to be. ,
The Portland Journal of last night said:
2 ...... . , - ,
"We paid! a commonwealth's tribute to Lindy. By his feat
and by his modest, poised behavior, he won the right to it.
He received a" hero's meed and we honored ourselves by be
stowing it. It's a good thing to honor heroes both sung and
unsung. Two brothers in a poor home are blind One, now
ready for college, wants to educate himself for the ministry
or for a professorship. 'A Portlander heard of the case. He
offered to contribute ?150 of the $650 a year for four years
to fiend him through the. Universityof Oregon. Two Portland
brothers also heard of the caseT and they offered another
$150 V year. "Aren't theS'Smeri unsung heroes? An educa
tion if he could have1 it; would -probably enable this blind lad
todorn a pulpit or grace a class room. All the victories are
no$ won with war weapons, All the heroism is not great
feats of courage.' Af struggling mother with a lfamily of chil
dren 4trying to keep their little souls 'and bodies together
she is "a heroine, an unsung heroine. And they are every
where And while we are in the mood, while we are fresh
frjom our highly fitting tribute to the lone eagle of the At
lantic, why not a thought and a hope and a benison for the
uiisung heroes and heroines ?"
jSalem s full of such herpes, and has been since the begin
nings of Willametter-tmrversity- were made a hundred less
sixteen years ago r
Heroes who have helped needy students through school,
'r There is scarcely, an. uFstanding. family, or man or. woman
in , Salem now who is not assisting directly or, indirectly in
thiswork. i . - - - ' I'U r4 :'',...
' r Can you think of a greater, work, or a more useful and
unselfish one? ' , Can you think of a work projectingAitself
further for usefulness irjjtime and space i ; f:- J
: pomt the trooping generations, and into all lands . under
'the'shimng"su? 'Y : f'v'l;i'!--;'
The most worthy work in-the world is thaf' which leads to
self help i along ambitious paths of usefulness. y
Hail ib, the unsung heroes of Salem! : v.i
Powerful magnets, seven feet long, are used on state high
way trucks in South Dakota , to pick up bits of metal that
ptinctufe so many; autbmobila tires. In a test run of 20 miles,
sufh a magnet picked up 300 pounds pf steel and iron scraps,
a itove leg, art old skate, a monkey wrench,' bits of barbed
wife, 24 railroad spikes and hundreds of nails - and tacks.
This would be a good idea for 'adoption in Oregon. A man
fixing a punctured tire in the: Indian summer' sun of Sunday
afternoon last, on the Pacific highway would have been ready
to testify that there might beTgathered up a million tacka
and nails between. Salem and Portland. ; ' 1 ' ' ' X .
Someone.has" found, that there are enough Smiths in the
United States to replace the entire population of Oregon, cx
l-.:r.37Kr.7 iIat-.pihire,"Verniont, Ehoda Island, De!eware,
Ralph H. Kletsia - Advertising Manager
Oeow K. Martta - Hupi. mytuwn
W. H. neidrnat - Circulation MaBager
K. A. Kbote LieU-ek Kdttor
W. C. Conner PaHxy Kditor
credited is tats piper ana eno me iucbi
Or Telephone Broadway S0.
W. 3lt Bt.: wnicago, narqeeiio Diag.
Job Popartment
: Cirrolatien Office
.7 A writer in the Portland Telegram, commenting on the fact
that "We," the book of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, had netted
him $95?OO0Jn royalties up to last week, with sales of over
190,000 copies, concludes that all merican readers are not
seeking the salacious 1
l! That the public will buy a good clean. story --The
book being still in great demand. .
The same writer says "We" is as clean as a hound's tooth ;
as clean nterature as the author ia clean living; as carefree
as "Huckleberry Finn" and as filled with romance as Colonel
Lawrence's book on. the Arabian desert fighting during the
World war. ' j
This is complimentary to the decency, of the great masy
of the American people. .
"It requires a Visit to 56,000 clover blossoms .for honey
bee to make a pound of honey," says & paragrapher in an
exchange. ' They would have to be white clover blossoms,
too, or other than those of red clover. The "bill" of the
honeybee is too short to get the honejt from red clover, in
ordinary seasons in seasons when the aphis does not work
on tha red clover blossoms and eat away the obstructions.
"The Reverend Garnett Gunier, 21 years old, is the first
woman minister to perform a marriage ceremony in Ar
kansas," says an exchange.
"If I may put it another way,"
said Helen, "I would suggest that
we ask Hermione to send Orestes
here at once. There ought to be
no possibility of another misun
derstanding in this home, and the
wise way. I think, would be for
you to talk it out with Orestes
"I won't permit him to enter
Uie house and naturally I won't
talk with him," said Memelaos.
"Then would you mind if I
talked with him? It was my sister
he killed, ind if anyone here is to
blame for the death of Pyrrhus, it
is I, who sugested bis coming.
"I don't see what there is to say
to him Helen. He'll probably
take 'the occasion to lecture you
on your behavior, or he'll point
out where I have done wrong."
"He may ask me why you didn't
help him avenge his father." said
Helen. "If he does. 111 explain
that I kept you home. If he tells
me "that I have made mistakes,
I'll admit it. and fill in any- gaps
in bis information" about my past
life. Orestes has no terrors for
me, and I'm very eager to meet
him. How soon can you get him
here. Hermione?"
"Not here. Helen !'.' said Mene
laos. x
"The whole point would be lost
If I met him anywhere else, and it
would hardly be proper for me to
be- meeting himout of my own
house, and away from your protec
tion,' Menelaos. How soon do you
think Hermione?"
"I prefer not to have him come,
since father objects."
"Quite right." said Helen,
"but your father has withdrawn
his objection."
"I didn't know that I did."
"I beg your pardon! I thought
you agreed it was more discreet
for me to see him here than alone
and away from the house,"
"Oh. yes, in that eense." said
"Well, then, how soon do you
think, Hermione?"
"I don't want him to come, mo
ther. I'm not sure what you would
do to him." .'V
"My dear child, he's .entirely
safe. My word of honor, 'nothing
will happen to him here."
"I don't know what you would
cay to him. and I don't want bim
to see you," said Hermione. "He's
perfectly happy now or would be
If it were not for his private mis
fortunes." '
"You'd be wise to send him.-
said Menelaos. "It will come to the
same thing in the end. Your moth
er wants to see him. I assure you
I shan't let him stay long, and we
shan't do him any harm." 'i
." Let me know when he's corn
Ink." said Eteoneus, "and I'll tell
the new gate-keeper to turn his
back and pretend not to -notice
him. You couldn't give a man like
that a formal hospitality." .
"What's this about a new gate
keeper?", said Heln" : V J
"Eteoneus, J? leaving us, said
Menelaos. i - -
"Couldn't you Wtay with usEt
eoneus?"" ald Helen: You are
my oldest friends here you .open
ed the "door of this house when I
entered as avbrlde."
'And when you returned from
Troy," said Eteoneus.; "There's
nothing- more I ran do for you, and
it's time I left." v ; ' .. !
Yoa musn't ' leave-i-weirhave
to talk it over," said Helen. 'Your
decision doesn't seem final to me.
"You'll stay, all -right," ., said
Menelaos. "I forsee the. end.
' "My decision Is quite final. Hel
en, and I'd rather not discuss it
at all." - - s , .
'"I'm sorry," said Helen.; "but
yon know best. You will come In
to say good-bye to me before you
go, won't you?" i. ; :j
"I certainly will." said Etepne
us. "That does for -youV old5 mant"
said Menelaos. "And you're going
to end Orestes ii" tomorrow, Is
really not wanted here, and fine
speeches won't alter the fact."
"Go ahead, then, and leave!"
said Menelaos. "Why are yon ban
ging 'round to tell us, once in so
often, you don't approve of us?"
"Menelaos! Menelaos!" said
Helen. "I don't want Hermione to
go until she has promised to send
her husband to see us. If she will
do that, I rather think we can
some day understand one another
again all of us. If Hermione
loves Orestes so desperately, there
must be good in him I knew noth
ing about. I should like to admit
my error, If it is one; I'd like to
see for myself."
"He is a splendid man you
couldn't help admiring him. If
you knew what he really Is. The
trouble with you and father was
that you didn't know him. and you
didn't want to."
"Of course we wanted to!" said
Menelaos. "We told you to invite
him for a visit, but you couldn't
find him. It wasn't our fault that
you didn't know where he was!"
"It wasn't Hermionet's fault
either." said Helen. "The fact la
as you said, daughter we don't
know Orestes. Will you ask him to
come tomorrow?"
"I'll give him the invitation."
said Hermione. "I never know
what he has to do.".
"It was good of you to come.
Orestes." said Helen.
"I'd like to say. but I can't, that
I'm' glad to come." said Orestes,
You have every reason to hate me;
I dreaded to meet you."
"I don't hate you." said Helen,
"and on your part I hope there Is
no occasion for dread. I should
like to be friends with my daugh
ter's husband: ghat's the whol
reason why I asked you to come."
"You didn't want me to marry
Hermione," said Orestes.
"I did not."
"You wanted her to marry pyr
rhus." "I did."
"Then I'm not convinced of thi
sudden friendship."
"My dear Orestes... I always
knew r should be on good terms
with my son-in-law, when once he
was selected. The friendship .isn't
sudden-2-tbe marriage 'was.''
"I feel like a hypocrite to ac
cept your hospitality." said Ores
tes. "I haven't considered you a
"How could you know I was
But I am and may I count you
one of my friends?"
"You can't Very well. I recent
ly killed your sister." ;
"I've heard that you did." '
"And more recently I killed
your guest. Pyrrhus."
"I've heard of thai too." -J
"They are crimes of the worst
sort, most people think." ;
s "I think so, too. my dear neph
ew, but it wasn't unfriendliness to
me that made you commit them,
was It?" : i ;
"But surely you don't want to
be friends with the man who kill
ed your sister! I r
: "With the man whthas marri
ed my daughter."..; t -
: I must say yoa are generous."
' "Not at alC it's, only natural.
Don't misunderstandjne, Orestes:
what you have done'seems to me
inexpressibly horrible. You'lT-pay
heavy penalty for It, In the
treatment most f. people will give
you, and still , more In your own
thougbts;ijSt ."XwJiafai done U
doner, and we are now free to en-
Uoy each other's friendship,? and
to sympathize with ea9& other. In
the consequences of our mistakes.
I didn't Want Hermione to assume
a, aha re In your misery.
"I did not wish to lay any of tt
upon her. but she would have It
so." said Orestes. "There Is a kind
of justice in It, since she is your
child, for if we are talking: of. our
wrbngdoingVrl 'may as well ay
that t blame you for the whole
tragedy., It sll,. besan.jwlth. , yonx
beauty. Areninon. - eacrifced
r3 V
avenge her. child by killing bim,
If he should return. She was
wrong. I am sure, but.I respect
her motives. Now I have quarrel
ed fatally with your guest. iPhfe-eala-r-Agamemnon
Pyrrhus. That I the sanguin
ary logic of your behavior. " My
mother felt you were to blame.
Sh said you were inordinately
beautiful. You are.: But sh said
alaoi that wherever yon came, peo
ple "began to do wrotig. I taa see
that would be so. Can you sleep
soundly? I caa't. But what I have
done seems,' I suppose, amateurish
and unimportant to you. That's
why you can greet m'e to cheer
fully. You have caused so many
men to do awful things, who ex
cept for you would have led un
eventful and innocent lives. AH
those men dead, at Troy- -their
women captured and -disgraced!
We can never be very good friends
I couldn't bring myself to enjoy
the sight of your loveliness while
I knew the evil effects It had pro
duced." (To be continued)
Copywright. 1925, by the Bobbs-
Merrill Company
(Continued from page 1)
Hudson, Marysville, Mich.; E. K.
Campbell. Cleveland; E. W. Cleve-
lipd of Cleveland; C W. Hoi man.
Jfp. Paul: E. E. Ballough, Chicago;
Ej.vH. Lee.'hicago; John P. Woods,
fausau. Wis.; Emil Burgin, Mhi
ecla, N. Y.; Frank M. Hawks,
Houston, Texas;. N. B. Mamer,
Spokane; James S. Rae, Philadel
phia; Tex Rankin, Portland, Ore.;
J. G. O'Donnell, Whittier, Cal.;
L. T. Royal. Flint, Mich.; and R.
S. Fogg, Concord, N. H. '
Although the rules require that
their planes be heavy enough to
carry two passengers the pilots are
permitted to carry ballast instead.
Some of the pilots, however, an
nounced they would carry passen
gers on the westward race.
The first race, for lighter com
mercial planes capable of carrying
only one- passenger besides the
pilot, began here at ,,6:01 a. m.,
Eastern Standard Time, today.
The last of the transcontinental
air derbies, a non-stop race from
Roosevelt field to" Felts field, is
to start from here Wednesday.
Thus far only two of the seven en
trants have registered, Eddie Stin
son, Detroit airplane builder, and
"Duke" Schiller, whose proposed
Windsor, Canada, to Windsor,
England, flight was recently can
celled. Schiller's is the only Canadian
entry in the race. His plane, the
Royal Windsor, was built by Stln
son, -A first prize of 110,000 and
a second of $51000 are offered the
winners. The pilots are permitted
to follow any course they choose.
' Schiller today flew his plane to
Tererboro, N. J., where his engine
was overhauled.
CO, Sept. 19 ,AP) Eight air
planes were at the starting point
here tonight "all set" to'hop off
eaTly Wednesday .morning for Spo
kane in the national air races.
Four planes in each 'Class of the
San -Francisco-Spokane competi
tion had arrived at the municipal
airport late this . evening. They
were, in class A (large planes) :
Fooker universal plane, piloted
by Jack Frye. - '
Breese monoplane, piloted by
Vance Breese.
International plane" entered by
T. F. Wells, Hollywood, piloted by
Lee Shoenhalr. i. ...
Imperial monoplane piloted by
Norman" Goddard, one of those
who crashed but escaped unhurt
at the start of the Dole flight.
In Class B (light planes) ;
Brown monoplane pUoted by, Art
thur H. Borne. . -.-j'),-
International monoplane, BI'Lv
Langdon, pilot. . i'; '
Travelair plane, Vernon Brook
walker, pilot.
Eagle Rock plane. Aero Corpor
ation? of aClif ornia, entrant, Lee
Willey, pilot. . ,
Because She Took Lya E. Pi&k-lyt-i'tYe'fetaJJeCciapoTsad-
The fertile valleys of Oregon help,
to supply the tables of America.
This is possible
thru i the magic
of the humble tin
can. ;:
In one of the
canning estab
lishments. Julia
Schmidt was em
ployed. It was
complicated work
because she did
sealing and other
pirti of the
work. It was
strenuous work and see was not a
strong girt Often she forced her
self to work when she was hardly
able to sit atner machine At times
she would nave fo stay at home tor
she was so weak she could hardly
walk. For five years she was in
this Weakened condition. -
She tried various .medicines. At
last, a friend of hers spoke otXyM!a
EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
and Miss Schmidt gave it a trial,
i - fEreryone says I am a healthier
and stronger girt, she writes. "I
am . recommending i the Vegetable
Compound to all my friends who,
tell me how they suffer and I am
Twilling to answer letters from
rc - '
nivlt's aiir:t3 U 113 '
- -
7 -
h Bits Tor TJreakfaat
; Indian summer weather: . ;
Just rigbt for the finish of hop
harvest and the full flood of the
prune barvest-i j .
' V
Chamber of Commerce mem
bers at noon lunch yesterday each
had an Oregon Noble Freiu h
prune and its cousin, a California
pet'ite. at his plate.. The Noble
French was, four times'the size of
its California cousin.! iBoth weet.
The.Nuible French jookp. Jsaih year
more like .the corner; tor the fu
ture bis Otegoiinn4 ' j f t".
- jm ;-f Hi -
"To ra more f or-tbe world than
the world ,do3forou;Uiat is
s uccess. ' Dea r born Independent.
' , - S , J
All we need now ls a 2a. m.
curfew for mother and dad.
Vacation time is over and it
will be at least another ten
months before the chipmunks will
enjoy any ukulele music again.
So the violet ray makes cows
give more milk. And we thought
in our suspicious way, that blue
look was the result of, watering.
m S
"Say, pa, a man's wife is his
better half, ain't she?" .
"Yes, son, that's What we're
told." . ; v
"Then, if a man marries twice
there's nothing left of him, is
, Woman leads the world. She
used smokeless powder, for ages
before they' ever thought of in
venting it. .
,:r , v.s::.V "
, Whatever troubles Adam had,
. Altho he was a sinner, .
He never got himself in bad
By bringing friends to dinner.
(Continued fron Page One)
While nothing is definite. It is
understood v that Rev Acheson
may accede to the wishes of his
congregation and remain her.e.
Announcement Awaited
Appointments to the various
churches in the state will be one
of the interesting events of the
Oregon annual conference which
opens here today with the exam
ination of student ministers. Two
hundred ministers, many of them
with their wives, will attend the
meetings, which last until Sunday
night. On Friday. 200 laymen
will augment the gathering. Their
purpose is merely to organize and
elect lay delegates to the general
Prediction was made yesterday
that Superintendent D. H. Leech.
Cover theEaldldie Easy Way
. ... w.-.",.,.-,." Ill uai,. till, i r-l k
Statesman Classified Ads bring quick
Telephone 23 or 583
We carry In stock over 115 legal blanks suited to most any business
-transactions. We may have just the form yoa are loo kins for at a bis ,
earing as compared to made to ordtr terms. :
Some of the forms: Contract of Sale, Road Notice, Will forma, Assign
ment of Mortgajre, Mortgage f oitns. Quit Claim Deeds, Abstract forma.
Dill of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes; Installment Notes,
General Lease, Power of Attorney, Prone Books and Paris, Scale Re
ceipts, Etc -'These forms are carefully prepared for the courts and
private use. Price on forms ranges from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece, f
and on note books from 25 to 50 cents. -
The Statesman Publishing' Co. .
- At Eunl-ci t)rflcs, Grczni F!:cr
By Robert Qnlllen r
i . I
"I never kicked a cat but once,
an that time I stepped on its tail
when I was -thinkin' about the
way Grandsire Blake was whipped
by the Tories." - " '"'
(Copyrifbt, 1927, Pnbliahers SyBdieete)
of the Salem district, Dr. Carl
Gregg Doney, president of Will
amette university, and Dr. A. L.
Howarth, superintendent of the
Portland .district, would be elect
ed as three of the four miplsterlal
delegates to the general confer
ence next May. Rev. S. J. Chaney
probably will be the, fourth dele
gate. ...... ... -
Dr. B. L. Steeves, of Salem, is
the only layman being mentioned
prominently for election . aa Jay
delegate. '. Dr. U. G. Dubach, of O.
A. C, has been mentioned, but it
would be difficult for him'to' get
leave of absence - for the long
period required to attend' the gen;
era! conference,
i Portland Gains Prominence
' Aroused by a movement to
move the Methodist ' bishop's
headquarters from Portland to Se
attle, the conference ' here will
adopt a resolution against - such
-l. " rs
i. .
Insurance of
HeilijC Theater
mh q a ii
Tafsl 1 II SH C t:
if j:.
. ' f ' . ..' .... r t
Blanks That Are
I- v. J . - ' .
1 By Claude Callan
"Aunt Jenny don't try to enjoy
life. She Just works away makin'
things to be remembered by after
she is gone."
(Copyrifht, 1927, Pnbliihera Syndicate)
removal, i Washington Methodists
are becoming alarmed, , it is said,
at Portland's ascendency as the
hub of the church in the. north
west, with the announcement that
Idaho would be added to the Port
land area. f . ' '' . '
Interest also ' is centering on
who the general conference will
choose to succeed. Bishop Shepard
In this area. ' Bishop . Shepard's
term of eight years as superin
tendent in the. northwest expires
next May.. f Is a possibility
that . Bishop Smith of the Helena
area will get the call. .
? Harry . W.: Swaf ford, chairman
of the. entertainment committee,
has made arrangements to care
for. . the , ministerial . guests with
lodging, . and breakfast at resi
dences in the city. , . . "
No meals ; will be served at tho
church. . " All business meetings
will be held in. the auditorium of
the church;
All Kinds. Tel. 161.
Lobby, ISO N. High
ii ?r
sure results