The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 18, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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i innnsDtDi.
.-... t
Seven Hurt- Fatally Near
Plainfield, New Jersey;
3. In California .
PLAINFIELD. NV Ji, Sept. 17.
(AP) Seven ' persons were
killed today and five injured when
" a . Fokker - airplane which had
flown over all the airways of Eu
rope, and had made one famous
trip from Holland to West Africa,
crashed into an apple orchard near.
New Market. The machine was
owned by the Reynolds Airways
. and was brought to this country,
from Holland about two months
ago. It set out from Hadley
field this afternoon with its load,
o passengers seeking their first
thrill in the air.
The dead:
Harry A. Chandler, New Bruns
wick, pilot. ,
J. V. "Charley" King, Plain
field mechanic. : ,
Tlussell Campbell, ' plainfield,
treasurer and superintendent of
the snburban transit company.
Russell Campbell, Jr.. aged. ,
Plainfield- " ' ' '
Miss Q'Xeill, Newark.
r Mrs. Fred Donovan, Plainfield.
Frank Heater,1 New Brun
wick. :
The injured who were brought
ta '.Muhlenberg hospital la this
city are:
Matthew 'Lutz, New Brunswick.
Lonis Pellis,, New Brunswick.,
Lorraine Donovan. Plainfield.
" Verna Itonqvan her sister.
Bessie Heater, aged 16 danghr
ter of Frank Heater. . ;
; King, the mechanic", met death
cn bis second day In aviation, he
quit a job as a garage mechanic
ri hursday - night., ta go Into some
thing with a bigger future.
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 17.
(AP) Three naval aviators ap?
parently lost' in' the Mojave des
ert when forced inland by fogs at
sea,; today crashed to their deaths
twenty two mile east. ot.Parm
dale, a small town about SO
illes from .Los Angeles. .
The dead: Lieutenant Eaton
-Booth, pilot,-attached to staff of
Rear Admiral Reeves at San Di-
"ero. ,
Machinist Mate C. S. Parrison,'
San Diego naval air station.
" Machinist Mate Kenneth Mc
Rae. San Diego air station.
According to navy officials, the
plane, a. Curtiss 2-T-4 torpedo
type, had been dispatched this
morning to Spokane with spare
. parts for the trans-continental,
air race entrants.
It was said that the fliers had
been, ordered to proceed along
tbe coast route but probably had
been forced ' Inland by the low,
haze" encountered, seaward.
. (Continued from Page One) -
. . , .. ,
Sunday morning. Levlne how-
; ever, said that private business re
quired him to be In London and
left. He said there would be no
flight until Monday.
Friction between Levlne and his
pilot developed early this morning.
wqea Levlne returned .to bed after
; having been called early because.
be saw it was raining, although
Hlncbcllff told' him that the winds
were- favorable all along the route..
IHncbcliffe went to Levine's room,
and insisted that he get up. There
was something of a scene there
and one of Hinchcllffe's relatives
suggested, that, - the pilot thrash
both Levlne and Cairisi if they
, would not agree that there would
no further delay.. . j
- On" their arrival at the air
drome. Captain Hinchcllffe Insist
ed . on an immediate start. He
was much annoyed when be found
that the plane had - not yet; been
-loaded with the personal effects of
; both men. After four hours argu
ments Levlne agreed to make the
night. t .:$ -
Aviation'experta here said (hat
If Levins , had agreed to go when
he first prrlved at the airdrome,
the plane probably would have
been able t.o. get off .the glronnd as
the wind, which was then In the
west; would have assisted the take-off;
The wind later veered to the
Having consented to go; Levlne
took .five minutes ta change. Into
flying togs. Some one asked Cap
tain Hinchcliffe while he was wait
ing,, where! Levlne was.1 and the
pilot replied "he Is packing his
tooth brush, and makng sure that
all the bristles are straight.", , ,
Before-getting into the plane,
Levlne : handed Mrs. Hinchcliffe,
the wife of the pilot, a check for
S.000 pounds sterling.
- Hinchcliffe on returning to his
hotel near here late today said:
. "Levlne and, I have had a few
words and rnow' we have come to
ah agreement.' lie will positively
fly-by: Tuesday. Carisl, the me
chanic is to have nothing more to
do with the plane and is to return
to America. . I have discovered al
ready and remedied the' engine's
defect i which vtr-Kg9JtCJosei 1QQ
revolutions per raincte. u j;
i Levlne Is one oi he nlcgsi, men
I know, and also one of the brav
est, but he cannot make up his
pijd yes or M,'. I ndnjlf wa
; . -. . .... . ,
' - -
, "..-.:::-:'..:.' v.-. :v.w.-.-
A J :-::!;::::-:.-::.:. a . v
v :-M?:;:.:.v.-.v -x-.-;- :-.-:-?: :: -.'-.i-:-:
1' ' v J
vAJk. - " - ' A I'
, ... Ibrzia Shearer ZlZzi
very much in the wrong this
morning. He told. me. this after
noon frankly that he did not want
to gp because of the press of busi
ness and JL answered that - he
should have told me so instead of
blaming, it on the rain, and field.
I sUU admit J , strongly inclined
to thrash Carisl this morning, but
I hope that ia all aver now. I want
to fly the C61umbia as I believe it
to be a better .plane and a better
engine lhan anything ia England."
Bit For Breakfast
M, E. conference this week
Bringing several hundred Meth
odists .to'spend nearly a week, with
And they will feel at home here,
for the Methodists started Salem,
and this has always been and ' Is
now a Methodist city, above , any
other denomination.
. ,
Up to the 16 th, Salem had built
29 a . dwellings this year that
many in 215 working days. Will
have to speed up a IUtle to build
a house and a half a day. There
are' 305 working days this year,
counting out Sundays and holi-
' -:v
V Salem .T eruployment offieasent
f 316 people out to work during the
week up to Friday evening. That
is about bjgh water mark. It is
about up .to .the Portland office.
I audi away ahead of any other In
: ? ' iNtis
and Chroma Acidosis Condition Quickly Disappear, No
Starvation Diet; Famous Southern Calitornia Pre
scription; in Use 21 Years. Pain Relieved
i 1 Almost at Once. Send for 16-Day
:v . Trial Off erKo Obligation . - .
Why sutlCef ?with this extreme
stooi&cb ". tmMa when we can
positively assere you full relief or
youc meney bakT We guarantee
Wolfe's. Ulcer a&4 Acidosis Treatment-
will relieve you of extreme
gastritis, oc nlpers of the stomach.,
or we. -will., positively refund your
moneys i.WoU' Ulcer and Acid
osis Treatment has been used in
CalifDcniafor these troubles for
over; Zt yea, with unvarying suc
cesa, t.Mang doctors prescribe it
regularlyt- yi -.
Newit :is offered for the first
time to the general public. Jt be
gins at on-e to give, relief from
the severe pain, vomiting and oth
er discomforts and. agonies, and
trQtEt dSJto day the Improvement
.t ; ! ; CaU 951 - .
429 Oregon Bldj.
:Th Oregon Statesman's Big Radio Prize
Contest for Boys and Girls
Cood f o
iFwtiu: v
Thi Cnuoon. when' neatly
1 1 o The Contest Department of.
' U.wl!l EOnt-for the - pcreeBCBrJKWSf -
t ; Cot out neatly. . ' - ; : ,
tk. - -Z - ' J " "
Salem building permits are awajf
ahead of those of any cit yof her
size or near her size along the
north coast. For August they
were $2 0 6.5 5 0 ; Astoria, $5985;
Eugene, $,75,600; Medford, $35,
575; Klamath Falls, $126,365.
V ' v
Crowded paper again this morn
ing, with 24 pages. On the new
press, to be in. use in about two
weeks, the pages wll be an, inch
longer. This will give. 192 more
inches on a 24 page paper, or the
equivalent of over an extra; page.
Pages have now 16.8 inches. They
will have 176 on the new press.
But there will have to be 28 to 32
pages and upward, to- accommo
date what will be demanded when
the get&Jto running,, in
the Sunday paper. There wjll be
a four page "funny," In colors,
and other: colors , as desfted oi
called, for. , f . , L :
S V' ' '.
Soviet Russia is buying some of
our pure bred Shropshire sheep in
the Salem district. We should
have none to spare. We ought to
have 20 sheep for .every onej now
on our farms. We should have a'
sheep boom. j
Well 6,3(M) Feet Deep
KANE, Pa. An experimental
well being drilled at - LaMont Is
now well over .a mile in depth As
the drillers approached 6,300. feet,
they cut through a vein of salt 80
feet thick. The United Natural
Gas company, which is drilling the
well, has installed a -cable to per
mit the drill to eink 8.000 feeW
is steady end increasingly rapid.
You are not compelled to restrict
yourself to a milk diet. You can
eat anything yon wish after taking
our treatment a few days.
What would -you give to be
able-to eat as you did when you
were a child ? It should be pos
sible with. Wolfe's Ulcer and Acid
osis Treatment, and, best of all
the cost is very little, and you are
guaranteed your money back if it
does not help you to your entire
satisfaction you to' be the sole
judge we take your word for it.
Write today for full information.
D. McKendrick, 421 Hearst Build
ing,: Desk J-15, San Francisco,
Calif. ' fc - . r" - -
25 Voles
cut out and broucht or mailed
name tS'Wtltten"nutroav((ll
' . Void after Oct. 1
Severe EarhquyFeliAJong
Border Between Call-
' for.oJa and:.Ne,v4da
BISHOP, ' CAL., Sept, 1?-
,(XP) An earthquake of . 20 sec
onds duration centering around
Owens lake near the, central Cali
fornia and Nevada border -tonight
caused; some minor damage here.
Ia lesser manifestations: at other
points the shock rattled., dishes
and . interrupted din nee Ut many
homes. . . : . . .-,
The quake shook d,own several
brick, chimneys here and numerr
ous Urxe w.indoa in store baild
ings were either cracked or brok
en. .: 1 .. :
The shock struck, here at 6:05
p. m. but was; reported ;1 other
sections as early aas, 6 p. m., and
as late as 6:10 p. m.
The tembler. spent Jtaelf ater
it rocked the Excelsior range of
mountains, in southwestern. Neva
da and Mina, a community, at (he
eastern ... '.
Extending, westward It moved
over ' an irregular, mountain
course down to. the loojjof the
great San. Joaquin, valley, and
made itself felt from Bakerslield
on thespulh to -Stockton.. the
north. The total distance cover
Finished in Blended
Just Arrived r
New Walnut Cedar Lined
Treasure Glieate'
ItThesechests are just
iiirig for-Prices are Very Reasonable See Them 7
ed ' by the tremor was appcoxlm-
atelir 550i miles.- J ; - : '
The temhlei was off the line, of
aciive, earthqaake:fAultsi A .net
work ot dead faults in the region
were checked but the dlstnrbance
.didi not, follbw anyV well define!
-quake .aeai"-..' . . 't ,
:1 rresno. in the center of thai San
Joaqnia valley reportedj, that the
6i slur banc, waa. talt in. a number
ee ad jaoent towns,' but it did. sot)
.teach, the f&auu&- Yosemite val-
lay a telegrpAJl operator there
reporting, .that he, felt! no . earth
quake.. i -; - .... . ;
It's all right to be on time, but
it's not adviaabla to be ou the
railroad, crossing- .when. , the' train
is scheduled fe be 'there
.(Continued from. Page One
Unm the Ottth. did not besit&te to
voice . the hope.' tha Smith, would
get, out and darifjr the atmospjbare
of the religious and wet issues
which, have been brought to, the
front in connection, with bla can
didacy. , Those who interpreted -the Mc
Adoo pronouncement as an invita
tion to Mr. Sniith to remove him
self f.rom. the. field pointed to the
former treasury, .secretary's .state
ment that the -democratic camr
paign had been, 'rendered abortive
by ; the i' unfortunate injection,
against my opposition, of the false
religious issne into, the democratic
national convention," and his fur
ther' declaration that If there was
See Our
Bedroom Furniture-- Any Style
Walnut Green" Lacquer add' Ivory You are
Just What You Want
.r - t
what you have been waitr
'hit 1
. II M I
La repetition oMhls next year "the
r party; would 'be reduced 'again to
h I verytblng;; possible should . be
done to. prevent the 19 2 & convene
tlon,- f no m degenerating into at
mere struggle of individuals for.
personal' preferment at the expense)
of principles and policies of funda-i
mental' Importance to party- char-
'acter and to the-welfare of the na
tion'1 Mr. McAdoo said, v "rrincl
f plea and .policiee must come first.
Principle ambitions, however, legit
lraate and every selfish purpose
should be surbordlnated to them."
. Declaring that he probably
'Khoul4 (do more to advance the ob
jects tot ihe. party, as a private cit-Uen-
than a a candidate for the
presidency,. Mr. . McAdoo r said he
preferred to stand aside in, order
that, the fieldi might, bet left clear,
"so far as i jcjjl clear it."
Then he added: . "I shall not,
thereioj. . be. a , eandldate, forr the
de;m,ociatIO:..prasidenlIal nomina
tion, In 838-" , TKWla not men?.
tionJngy S.mJUll bx name. ? Mr, Mc
Adoo, made It fairly clear la. his
pronouncement, aa he has- in; con
versation with his friends that as
a priySte citisen, he would con
tinue to oppose-the. caoididacy of
Uie NewJYork, gqjvernpr-, Morer
over, be in4icatedU,.v,ery strongly
by einphasixia that there must be
no, nulUfication. ot the constitution
that he wJJuld, oppoaet-any wet canr
didate. . , .-. - . . -. '
, Caraway Comnxentsk.. ,
While, senatora who -commented
o.u,the annpttncenienJor pAhJIQar
tlon wer,e onlck in their praise of
: "ill
f 1
k3 dill . t mnmMze
I ,5- -i- . t . 1 . I
the positloP he had taken, one of
:,them, Senstor, Caraway, democrat.
Arkansas expressed Regret that
I the former treasury secretary had
not taken the same position, three,
xearsvago.- . 4.,- y.f-r,
"If Mr. McAdoo had showp thu
sme f pm ajt xsew; otx, in, is z i
he aald.. "I think the convention!
liquid, have written an entirely, dif-j
irent nistory. At tnat ume uovw
fernor. Smith, was wilijnK.vtowUb-i
draw What he may, feel -apftut It;
pow .do,pot knnsrV; !'..,;.,'.
. Senators Harris, of Georgia and;
Fletcher, pit Florida, Joined with,
Senator Caraway, in. expressing: the
belief that if. . Governor Smith
withdrew, the - party could agree
upon a candidate, who might carry
the party to, success, in 19?8. '
"If Governor. Smith, . whose
prominence i such as. to entitle
him to be a candidate, should, feel
impelled to. follow Mr -McAdoo's
example, they next democratic' con
vention, will name the next presi
dent ot the United States," said
Senior Carsiway.
Only One-Hope-
"The only hope of democratic
success. Is to unite on some man
the. Smith and McAdoo , tactions
can agree ' upon," said ' Senator
Harris.. s"I believe the democrats
can be anjccessful without a doubt
i;. thjey. can, harmonize, their, dlf-fecences-
- . . ..
; ''We ought to. get away, from the
old. ; antagonisms of Madison
Square, Garden., and get together'
said Senator, Fletcher. "I don't see
any. reason. v)vr we should not."
- Senator ; Nye, of North PaJtqta,
the. onlv, republican, to -comment,
! WVOTft '' -
Sur to Find
expressed the s oplnlaij that tij'c
onif.' hope Hhe ' damQcrata ! had' f
drerences"v pa i canfyda,tas and Is-,
' Mr.'McAdoo'S announcement,
which long had been awaited by
democatlc . leaders, came in the
form ot a letter to George F. Mil
ton. nubllsher of the Chattanooga,
;Tenn ...New 1 The communication
was In response to one trom Mr.
Milton urging blm to, announce hla
cundidacy and .InXormluK hf " hat
h should again take the Lader
ship ot "progressive democracy."
Mr. Milton added. to hjs letter that
a survey; of the situation had con
vinced him that McAdoo could bo
nominated and ejected, ,
Attractively Decor A
ated . large vanity
Bowfobt Dcd
Chiffonier -
omcthinjj New in
. Made ' of pig skin-hand dec
orated new designs V
, i