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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1927)
? .-.-;. " THR OREGON STATESMAN. SAtfcM, OREGON ' . . ' ' SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER ift, 1027 ' I A BEAVERS BEAT OAKS III 11 IB CoMt lieajrne Standlnjra W. L. Pet. .611 .556 .531 .511 .497 .474 .444 .400 Oakland San Francisco Seattle . . . . . O1 Hollywood . . Missions Los Angeles . no 70 . .100 80 S3 72 ..89 85 .. 89 SO .. 81 99 . . 80 100 ..72 108 PORTLAND. Sept. 17 (AP) -Portland won from Oakland today C to 5, Id s spectacular 11 innings contest In which the Bearers three times came up from Detain d to tie the score. They finally won in the lltn after; Paul Strand had doubled and gone to third, when uaron pocu auunK ior - Pitcher Couch, with two out, shoved a ground single between l"Y(raf anil pcnnf.' Tha aoHo la now even at three games for each club. ' ' Score: ' Oakland S14 3 Portland 6 12 3 (11 innings): Delaney and Bool; Conch and Telle. ' ' -:vf;;... . -LOS ANGELES, Sept. 17 (AP) Hollywood scored six runs off Oliver Mitchell and drove him to the showers in three Innings to pile up a lead that was cllmaxedV by, a 10 to 3 victory over San Francisco here today. .:. Score: r:'-v. , tfi- : :;; - is . San Francisco' 3 11 Hollywood 10 15 1 ' Mitchell. Martin. Glynn and Jol ley; Shellenback and Murphy. SEATTLE, Sept., 17 (AP) ; Sacramento walked orer Seattle again today to take a doubW- hcader, 5-2 and 10-2, siring the Solons a fire to one lead on the eries. It was the same story that ft had been all week, the Tribe couldn't hit the Sac pitchers and tta Snlnni uinMii'4 Vain ,.m ?1-wA 4i Ing the India moundsmen. Sacramento 5 9 7 Seattle 2 k Singleton and Sererid; and Schmidt Sacramento . . . ; . . . . . . H Seattle . . . 2 House 7 5 Kallio and Koehler; Knight and Borreanl. ; SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17 ' CAP) Los Angeles defeated the Missions twice here today. An ' eleventh ; inning' rally gave the Angels two runs to break a 2 to' 2 tie and won first game 4 to 3 In the seven Inning second game a total of 30 hits were registered Nineteen of . them were for Los Anieles, giving it a' 11 to 8 vic- Los Angeles . ...... . . . 4 10 Missions 3 7 (11 innings) . Peters and Hannah; Bryan and Baldwin. . .... :.; r ' Los Angeles V.. I. , .. .11 19 3 Missions . . . . . . .... . 8 11 - 0 f (7 Innings) 3 Weathersby, Gardner and Sand berg; Pillette, Christian and Whit ney. RADIO CHAT Our experience, being pion eers in radio sales & service, will be valuable to you. We . carry CROSLEY & ZENITH Radio nd the best of accessories. Come in, Irt us talk it aver we can help you and will. CHAS. K. DENNISON Radio Headquarters Phone 1101 175 8. High Schaef er's j Herbal Cough Syrup g - i lOne of .the , Finest Cough I B . . . n j ....... S Syrups made' m E E 1 Gives Immediate 'Relief! From Coughing and Threat irritation i Sold Only At Schaefer' Drug Store? 5 .135 No. Commercial St. 1 Phone 197 Original Yellow Front Penslar Store STAGE ALL SET FOR ANNUAL STATE FAIR (Coa tinned from psg X.) girls clubs. It was said that vir tually, every county in Oregon would be represented In the hoys and 'girls club work. ' i Monday's program will be fea tured by automobile Taces to be held on Lone Oak track In the afternoon. ; . There also will be the usual concerts; addresses and viewing of the exhibits. The an nual horse show will onen in the stadium Monday night. ! fJranjce ray ftp. Tuesday has been designated ait Grange Day. Prominent speak ers have been provided for this occasion and it wis expected that tne program would be among the best of fair weeks, ; On Wednesday ' Salem dar. all local stores, offices and shops will close In order that emDlovers and employes may attend the fair. The program on Salem day will be featured by the Governor Pat terson derby, on Lone Oak track m tne afternoon. Thursday has been set aside as Portland day, Friday as Fraternal day and . Saturday as Children day. ' ; Every racing event has been filled and a number of special races probably :will be arranged to accommodate belated entrants. For the first time in the history of the Oregon state fair two tracks are available for racing. The new half mile track has been completed and is in readiness for use at this year's fair.' Bjr using both the mile and half mile' tracks the racing events will be expedited andothere will be no unnecessary delays between heats. Sheridan Band Present The American Legion band of Sheridan, augmented by musicians from other parts of the state, will furnish music during fair week. There also will be on hand the drum and fife corps of the Grand Army of the Republic and other musical organizations. , Besides giving-morning concerts and ap pearing at the races in the after noon the Sheridan band' will play at the night horse show. As at previous state fairs the two boys and two girls winning high scores in all club depart ments at the state fair will be entertained at a banquet to be held aboard the private car of E. L. King, superintendent of the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon. This banquet will be held on Fri day night. Besides Mr. King the banquet will be attended by Gov ernor Patterson and other 6tate officials. During theianquet the winning boys and girls will receive an in vitation to pass a week at Crater lek next summer as guests of Mr, and Mrs. Richard Priee;--rAlr. Price is manager of Crater Lake Inn. While at Crater lake watch es will be given to the boys and r Old Man Winter is Be prepared with a CHARTER Toot Guarantee la over : 80 Years Old n spi pips Parlor The fact that Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges hare been manufactured, sold and used during four generations in millions of homes, is a guar- antee of satisfaction " Correct Heating Requires Both 1. Eegulation J You win find both in a - , CHARTER OAK REGULATION Bleans controlled heat A steady, even, healthful temperature Circulation : j Means distributed heat heat that warms your back and shoulders, and does not : : . scorch your face . '( j BOTH, INCIDENTALLY, MEAN THE SORT OF ' EFFICIENCY WHICH SAVES FUEL' OToid future regrets by leeihg the. ; -"" Charter Oak now . OIT SALE BY, I SUlinnHimiHiiiiimtHim; 477 Court girls In appreciation of their work. For lovers of light entertain ment there will be a large number of shows and free attractions on the fair grounds this year. Games of chance will be barred from the grounds and every effort will be made to give the public adequate protection. ' n The grounds were never more beautiful than at the present time, while the pavilions 'and other buildings have been renovated and placed in the best of condition. With good weather prevailing yie 1927 state fair should exceed all previous events, both with re lation to exhibits end attendance. ED LIGHTS OF CAR GO OtJT, AU TO JUST BEHIND. CRASHES . One McMann, address and in itials unknown, is lying in a Sal em hospital with a badly fractur ed arm and severe bruises, as the result of an automobile accident which ocurred last night about six miles south on the Pacific highway. McMann, a transient was riding with Walter Glasgow, north bound from Oakland, California, when the lights pn the car sud denly went out A deep ditch be side the road necessitated park ing on the pavement; and before either could get out and run back to flag down on-coming traffic, a heavy machine belonging to B. O'Kean, 468 East Tenth street, Portland, crashed into the rear of the Glasgow auto, turning Tit over Into the ditch, and pinning McMann underneath. Glasgow told police be picked McMann up at Davis California, Friday evening, and that he had furnished him food - along the road. McMann was said to be on his way to Tacoma, where he is believed to have a wife. The accident occurred about 7:45 p. m., it was said; Passing motorists brought the injured man to Salem. Glasgow proceed ed to Portland, where his wife is, by stage early today:' He was but little hurt. : KICK0FF DINNER SLATED FOR TOMORROW NIGHT (Continued from Page One) was given to the Salvation Army on this property due to the na ture of the purpose for which it is to be used. A roster of campaign workers was compiled at the Elks Club campaign headquarters, last even ing. Although this roster is only partial and several organizations are still working until Monday PYfjptnfl fq j curing, lhai .names. tht- following are announced: Rotary Club volunteers:. C. A. Swope, George L. Arbuckle, L. F. just around the corner. OAK -Burl Walnut" Porcelain i Finish 2. Circulation TRANSIENT II Furnace Barr, Erie Butler, Dr, M. C. Find ley. Dr. Edgar S. Fortnerj EVlB. Grabenhorst; A. A. Lee, B. C. Miles, William McGilchrlst, Jr., E. M. Page, E. F. Smith, R. O. Snelling. J. Lyman Steel, Dr. H K. Stock well. F. D. Thielson, George Vick, E. L. Welder, Charl es R. Arc herd, T. M. Barr,! C F. Breithaupt, W. H. Dancey.i Dr. C. L. . Marshall, A. A. Mickel, F. G. Myers, B. E. Sisson, Carl j Webb. Lions club volunteers: Clarke H. Day, H. C Eakin, H. C. Haag, Otto Hillman, Dr. George E. Lew Is, Dr. Carl Emmons, J. E. Fitx gerald. Kiwanis club volunteers: C. E. Albin. George H. ' AIden, W. W. Chad wick, William P. Ellis, Q Holt. Dr. J. L. Lynch, H. J. Mobr, Dr. H. E. Morris, E. Cooke Pat- ton, Arthur Rahn, E. i F; Slade D. D. Socolofsky, Byron . Wright, L C. Farmer, Dr. O. L. Scott. Women's relief corps: i 'Mrs. Floyd Shipp, Mrs. Hattie Camer on, Mrs. Clara Adams, Mrs. Ber tha Loveland, Mrs. Rose Hage dorn, Mrs. Mary Wilson, Mrs. Jessie Crossan. Ladies Aid First Evangelical church: Mrs. Hllsiker, Mrs. J. H. Garnjobst, Mrs. G. L. Lovell, Mrs. G. N. Thompson, Mrs. J. AJ Rem ington. War mothers: Mrs. William Mc Gilchrlst, Mrs. J. F. Mollencap, Mrs. C. W. Beechler, Mrs. 'j. F. Umphreys, Mrs. F. N. Toothacre. W. C. T. U.: Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Nunn, Mrs. Sarah Oliver. Mrs. Rachel EL Reeder. Mrs. L. Dale, Mrs. Retta J. Pemberton. Grand army: Gideon Stolz, R. C. Holley, James Lisle, L. S. Carnahan, Earl Race. J. J. New- myer. Sons of Veterans: Dr. B. F. Pound, E. L. Buchanan, L. O. McShane, H. R. McWhorter, J. A. Remington, E. T. Prescott, Rev H. C. Stover, D. G. Drager. ; Ladies Aid First Unitarian church: Mrs. L. F. LeGarle, Mrs J. R. Pollock. Mrs. G. H. Little field. United artisans: Mrs. Norma Ivan Martin. Mrs. Joy T. Moses, Mrs. Ira W. Follis. Mr. Ira W Follia. Business and professional wom en: Miss Lillian Schroeder. Miss Edna Purdy, Miss Carlotta Crow ley..- ' Daughters of American Revolu tion: Mrs. Seymour Jones, Mrs the Dr. Give 4 --3 A- v Russell CaUlnrjMrsiU. O. T Snip ley,, Mrs. LeMoine'R. Clark, Mrs J. CL - Heltiel,? aiA.W.t fV, Byrd Miss Ruth,. Hulifaon. , ,-f;. i Spanlsij Amerleaa sWar Veter ans: Mrs,; M. ? WBaker; Mrsl A. T.. Wool pert; Mrs. J. Bertelson. Mrs. Marie Baker, Mr,s. Ardona rratt, Mrs. Susie Utchf ield. , vi Thursday elub: Mrs. C. P. Bish op and committee. i , P. E. O. Chapter ,0 : Mr. Wil liam; Hushes and committee. Hound-up . club: Mrs. . T. TV Kay, Mrst.J. Rand. Mrs. -J; T. Whittle . - . m . A'XS i Aid Leslie,. M. E.- church: i&irs E. A. R ho ten, ; Mrs. Ben - Ot jen, Mrs. W. JLinfoot., , . , trT rJ . OctagoBTclubr H. G. ' Maison, J. H. Jennison. Mrs. Lester Pear mine, C.I L. Newman, R. a: Meyer. Paul Btirris, Albert "Anderson, Mrs. A. C. Craggy V". ! 1 O. A. C. clubf Dick Slater, Or- al Paltneteer, ' William Niemeyer, Women's home missionary so ciety: MrsV A: B. Hansen,' Mrs. E. E. Gilbert, Mrs. Ada Miller, Mrs. C; C Wilson, i Mrs. Benjamin Blatchrord, Mrs. Harriet Durk heimer; Miss Elsie Miller, Mrs. G. E. Lewis. Aid Center street M. E. church; Mrs. CvFloer and committee. Royal" Neighbors: Mrs. C. H. Peterson," Mrs. Pearl Lickiss, Mrs. Myrtle Henderson, Mrs. Susie Parmenter; 'Mrs? ' Sarah " "Nelson Mrs.' Elizabeth Coates, Mrs. Ida McCulley, Mrs. Rose Abbott. ) Pythian Sisters: Mrs. Carl White, Mrs. C. Busey, Mrs. Q. L. Scott, Mrs. R. S. Clark, Mrs C. L. Seagrove, Mrs. Ed Craw fcrdi Mrs. Ed Pandrick, Mrs. Carl Petsen. Veterans of foreign wars: George E. Lewis, .Albert Abel, Da vid Holzman, Warren Welborn, Henry O. MilleV, J. S. Baker. . Monday night, dancing club: Walter Kirk, Leo Page, H. I Stiff. American Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. Jess George, Mrs. King Bart lett, Mrs. Frank Jirak, Mrs. John Rottle, Mrs. R. E. DeGuire, Mrs H. Reiser. United Spanish War Veterans: W. E. Hansen Carle Abrams, A. T. Woolpert. E. J. Raymond, G. J. Donaldson, Charles J. Lisle, O. J. Hull. Salvation Army: Mrs. I. Wil liams. Mrs. Arthur Tucker, Mrs Otto Hoffman, Mrs. G. Todd, Mrs REVELATIONS IN m FiTO We are now entering, into the early fall selling. The style shows in the eastern shoe centers were late and this has made our season late, but now we are beginning to receive, the new shoes approved by the most expert pattern makers of the world. ;- 4- 1 - ; ' ' "- -.-J- '!i"v';.,'"'.,si'" We have only selected the most attractive numbers front over twenty of the best manufacturers and we can safely say that we are offering you the most select and. exclusive line of shoes to be shown on the Pacific Coast. - . ' " , - ;?. ""',;' . We have just received some very wonderful, new things in Black Satin, Brown Smoke, Genuine Alligator, Wonder ful Strip and Strap effects in Patent Leather Combina tions of Suede in both Brown Kid and Black Patent Lea ther. ? .": ; .1 Prices Range From V . - ?Ar'cm:;'$10.00-'to $15.00 l -W- A Few Styles at $9.00 f : , , New Galoshes are how on display. We would advise get ting them early as there will no doubt be' a shortage when rainy season sets in. . jfet,".?' 'yVaJW4''-' John M. Gronltolm -z you m real, foot Service 4 "csX Seth Williams, Mrs. tXj Leon hardt. Ensign- and Mr Allen Pitt ' Volunteers: J. m; Rupert, E. E SladeWUllam McGilchrlst; 5. Jr, George - Arbuckle, John Farrar, Fred Thielsen, George Vlck. Lyle Barthelomew, Mrs. Little Smith, Ray Wassam, " Dr. B. F. Pound, Mrs. s Gertrude j M. Page,n Mrs. F.- A. Elliott. M r s. : Clara Patterson, Mr. ' and Mrs. P. : As .a family doctor at Monti cello, Illinois, the whole ' human ! body.''-not' any ' small part of It, j was; Dr. Caldwell's practice. More than - half his ."calls" were; on women, children and. babies. They are the ones most often sick. But their A illnesseswere usually - of a minor nature colds, fevers, head aches, -biliousness and-, all "of them required first ; ; thorough evacuation - They were constipat ed. . :;,::Z:-2ZV -i' In the course 6 Dr. Caldwell's 47 years practice , ( he was grad uated from Rush Medical College back in 1875), he found a good deal of success In such cases with a prescription of his own X con taining simple laxative herbs with pepsin. - In 1892 he decided to use this formula in the manufac ture of medicine to be known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and in that year his prescription was first placed j on the market. The " preparation ' immediately had as great a success in the drug stores as it previously had. in Dr. Caldwell's private practice. Now, the third generation is using it. Mothers are giving it to their children who were given it by their mothers. Every second ot the working day someone somewhere is going into a drug store' to buy it. Millions of bottles of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin are being used a year. ' ''! Its great success is based on merit, on repeated buying,' on. one satisfied user . telling another. There are thousands of homes in this country that are nerer with out a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syr ud Pensin. and we h3ve gotten many hundreds, of letters from grateful people telling us that it helped them when everything else failed. ft i . , t Mr, Axel ' Jarobson The Expert Shoe Rc pair man N " "-'--fet 'J," ;'! . n ., " m l E. Armstrong, B. F. Giese (Auro ra ) ; "t Diana Snyder. (Aurora) . W. L. Fuller (Brooks). Joseph Fon taine (Jefferson), Andrew Baker, (Mill i City), VMrsP Moshberger (Woodburn),J. P. Hunt (Wood burn), Mr. Norman (Woodburn), Ed Belt (Stayton)t George Kree ch (Staytrfn ), Rev. B. F, Clay (Turnef). Rev.- Crover (Turner), Colonel Baker (Turner), George Hubbs (Silvertqn). , . omen Often than Men :-::-. . . . . ?:.. .-ft.-:-:.:-:-vi ": : AT.A01 m 1 While women, children and elderly- people are especially bene fited by Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep son, it is promptly effective on the most robust constitution and in the most obstinate cases. It is mild and gentle in its action and does not cause griping and strain. Containing neither opiates nor narcotics, it Is safe for the tiniest baby. ; Children like it and take it willingly." : ..' '.. ; Every drug store sells Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. Keep a bot tle , In your home where many live someon? is sure .to need.4t quickly. : - -- We would be glad to have you prove at our,. expense how much Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin can mean to you and yours. - Just write; "Syrup: Pepsin." Mbnticello. Illinois, and we will 1 send you prepaid a FREE? SAMPLE BOT TLE, fr'r;i-vf:' ':-.-.- ; :-.,. - . -T2 n. Iff m Mm RUGS For one week, Sep tember 19 to 26 we will sell all our Wil ton Rugs-at one-third1 off. Think of buying one of these beautiful 9x12 Royal Kashon $150.00 Wiltons for $100.00 or the equal ly beautiful Royal Palmira $ I 38.0 0 Wilton for $92.00 and an. excellent quality worsted Wil ton, former price $92.50. Now at $61.70. SEE THESE BEAU TIFUL HIGH GRADE RU GS NOW ON SALE. ' We can "show you the very newest and u p-t 6-t h e-m i n u t e styles and colorings in one piece Axmin ster Rugs - All sizes. A yery. special line of patterns in the 9x15 feet. Very beautiful patterns and color ings, and at right prices. r Big' assortment of smaller size Throw rugs. ' Just the things to brighten up the living or bed room. A special one-half price on a lot of those o v a 1 ; high colored rugs; Just the thing for bed rooms. . The finest , assort ment of Armstrongs Felt base and linol eum fug3 shown any .where, in all sizes up t o 9 x 1 5, a n d a t greatly red uccd price. See these rugs at the big new store on North H i gh Street out of the hih rent district. G 1J fil a h a - ' o ( : m. -