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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1927)
KIDUE ljUflf MI If! Mffif HERE SOUTHERl MiFOmJIAmELlEMESitLraESE. Winding ui tfies home reason whlk areal cMmax--that Is what is in store for local baseball tans - today when the faat Albany team iavades the Senator camp at Ox ford Park In an"at tempt to repeat - its victory gained; early- in tbe ! season.? - ; -y - r Li: v : fr J That contest, which A&any took by a 5 to 3 score, was the last defeat administered to 'FriBco" Ud wardsv nt'eir on' the 4 hotne d ia naond the last they suffered any where until last week's disastrous feame aLMed(or.d. . ' , T1m& Circumstances of that- de ' feat, bowevc, ralw' question as tb the Senators: ability to achieve : revenge against" Albany today. It : wasPlack of reserve strengthen the artillery division that flowed the Ashland Boas to win 16 to 14 Thursday at Medford.' ' " '. ' Johnny Beck" Is :tn Makfl tb mound against Albany today but with Barham's arm in poo shape, if Beck, weakens. It lok- like it Will be Just too bad, r r- - - r, - ' Otherwise; the team will be up tii emrftV Osbarino will be on second base and' Faustr on thlr"d otherwise the' team will be the same as that , which ; &as played . through1' practically "the entire season.,,' : '.. ' Albany, headed by tbr weli bnbwh "Red" Rupert, will have Eajph Coleman in r the; I and Perkins facing him. wtb porting cast of scintillating stars which include Mapjeswho, ployed qutlleld here years Ago. V- j As already mentioned,, this wHl be- the last game or the year on tiie home1 dianiondr junieas some post-season games are necessary tto decide tjbe Portland City league titlel The Senators will' play lllonla.villa.4n -Portland next- Snnr day, and if they win, will be charml. pions pi oom w Schedule. If tney lose,?-men, an other game mustt-be played -wih the Modern Woodman, and if they win that: It wM be tied- "If" again, Monta villa . wins the . sec ond half, there may be a game" or 4 series to , play off,, the general title, and . that is th only chance; tat' any more; games here. -r ' J - Sd ort Mtftcisms A.. Bit! VIW:r XV UiJ-k K V T. nj ... t Football Is .becoming: a game o brains you bet it is,' when sta er have. to aeat OtftoajtpJks in a 20,000-seat stadium, . .tr. . "t .Another speedway driver killed. TMs auto race game isn't all it's cranked j to be- ; ? ri , 5 -r' c r 5 ti ; Notre Dame J wilf clash with both the Army and the Navy. And wrf never1 thought the Irtsh would declare war on the;UniAed,Sttep.. t '. i-i ' " ' '- - 1 " ' ' f S T)ftt I - Baseball fans in September tak ing a look at their team's slant ing io the second division .sudden ly reallae what a great ame loott hall is.'.- . : :. , - ... What we need now instead of a good fivecent cigar is a non mailable irsnsaUantie aixplAne., ' A trip by plane is no longer a flight. Aviators now tske off for a plunge: Ernie Johnson Signed Up : ! To Lead Portland Again S PORTLAND. Sept. (APT Ernie Johnson.V for two, seasons manager tof the Portland .baseball ' team, will lead theBeavers -again in 128 Tom Turner, aftef a'Ulk With his playing -boss following to--: Aay's 11 inning game,' announced i; that-Johnson had been signed for j it year. . "Johnson's personajity and s: great3 playing at second base pnt the spark in the Beavers and made them a winning1 team." - Tnrner . ald.. I am signing him now in- stead - of. waiting , until after the . season, to silence ajl talk, about t; a possible new manager. - Johnson will be playingHuanager next yesr not a bench-manager. i Rutter gtatne of I4ndbergb . ' . TOPEKA. Kans. A statue of qol- -.Charles A. . . Idbergh has heed made'' of 330 pounds ol bHt- , ter by J. E. Wallace, a Nebraska - HfcuAptor. . Displayed In an air tight cane in which the tern pera1 ture. is far below freezing, it is onebf the dairy exbfblta for the Kans, Free :Fsir; herea ,i h O'bi I A ry -; 7 S 4, lw f I v - ; 7 I :: -' - SV' : - ' r ' . m r C ..- -V1. , Sred Trojan hopefuls who ana.y cairydyf Junner of the Vniversity tf Southern CnUfornia to greater glory Uos season. Coach Howard Jones Is reported planning to' change some of 'these back, men 1st linemen order to strengthen, the Trajaa forward wait - " - ET HIHIHIP FOREST ALLS,. NT Y Septi 17.--CAP -r-Rene Lacoste, an iron-Berved Bon ; of France with .steel springs In his t.oe and tp accuracy (of a, rifleman' in a rack et, swept to decisive straight set , i ' i - - 1 -V.: ml f r t . 51 WX-.-.-.-T-V, w:- -a;-:-:-.-;-:-; I: ., Rnt LaroHte Victory.overAme? lea's "Big Bill T.lden today to win the tennis chamipionship. of . the United Stat es for the second time in as many years; -The score was 11-9, 6-3, it-. , :; f : y . i? Coming' close upon the French sweep of the Davis cup, the vie tojry drove home the claim of Fiance to 'individual as well as team sunremacy over, all the world... , ; , It was a yaliant battle, this last brave stand of one who rul ed unchallenged I until the coming of the Frenchman, in their, might a year figo, M-thrilled a throng of 13,000 tennis fans -who packed the went ide stadiom and literal ly held -their breath th Jong deep Court' exchanges' with which tb Frenchman wore Tilden aown in a -desperately, fought third set. ? ' , From hte start Tilden was lack ing in steadiness while Lacoste was accuracy personified. A de tailed score shows Tilden made by far the more earned points, Lacoste'a deadly marksmanship was. the - margin ? of .victory,.,. Tb battle for the most part was fought 'from back court where La cotte always ha'a" the better of eht ixehanpes. it was only when 11- dn followed his f drives .or service shots to the barrier for vollsy placements - that be -wns able to carry the battle lochia foe. T American Lieague 'Standings I O- O - W. L. New York 102 72 Philadelphia ..79 58 Washington - ,.76 65 Detroit ....V...'.. ........75 67 Chicago .:...?.r: 75 67 Cleveland ;:.;U.-r..t;l 79 St. Louis :.57 84 Boston.;. .-47 i 94 Pet. .586 .517 .545 .538 .548 .43 4Q4 .833 3T . BOSTON, Sept. i7.(AP)-r, Detroit made It two straight from Boston today by winning the sec ond game of a doubleheader, 11 to 5. The Tlgers-took the ope irg game, 8 to 4,-' Score; v ,i , R H E Detroit .1:.. I,.:... 8 12 .1 Boston . ' .......'...... 4 9 4 yBUlings, HoUOway. and Hassler; Welaer, Bush; Bennett, Cremlns and Hofmann,' Moore. ; ficQres,.w . r. ,4 R .H E Detroit 11 19 1 Hostftiu-.. - 5 11 2 " Carroll and Woodall; Willtse, Welzer," Bush, Ben net, Cremlns and Hartley, Moored NEW. YORK,, Sept. 17. (AP) rThe ryajfkeesi f trpunCed t the White Sox, 8 to 1, In the closing battle ol a double bill today, af ter taking a 3 to 2 verdict in the cpener. 'ft- 'r-X.f?4 &t i Scores: ? 'R.H E Chicago.'.. 2 1 New York 3 8 1 : Faber and Cruse;, Shocker and Collins. . Chicago 1 9 b Newj;Yprk 8 15 1 Connally and Crouse; Pennock ?nd GrabskL WASHINGTON. Sept. 17.- (AP)-4Alt hough, ' a u. t-b a t t,e d Washington sbnt out. Cleveland. 3 to 0, today in the first game of the series, . -, ' , Score: . ' R H IS Cleveland 0 8 .2 Washington ...3 5 1 , lludlin and L. Sewell; Liaenbee end Tate. r PHILADELPHIA." Sept. 17. (AP)i.The 'Athletics smothered the St. Louis Browns Jn the sec ond game of a -doubleheader i to day, winning 13 t9 0, Eddie Rom-ruel-held?'the Browns .. to . four scattered bits. The Athletics lost lost the first game C to 0. '..S.core; t R..H E St. Louis' 6 9 1 Philadelphia ...t.-.JL 12 15 . 0 Yangilder and Sehang; : Wa bcrg and Cochrane. Perkins. Score: r i: - R J' R St. IJUls ,.0 A 3 Philadelphia ..:..13 15 i 0 , : Jones', ' Ballou, Crowder and Dixon ; Rommel and . ; .Cochrane, Perkins.' "'v;J' .;-. 1.?-?J.: t NUouai League Standiiigs O- O Pittsburgh-. New York St. , Louis .... Chicago : Cincinnatti .. Brooklyn .... Boston. Philadelphia :W, J,,,. Pet - -81 ;..:8d .67 .. 59 59 ........68" 53. 58 59 62 60 82 82 91 .621 .586 .579 .563 .535 .413 .418 .389 . CHICAGO. Sept. 17, iAPJ Iioston's losing streak was extend ed to fifteen, games today when Chicago won Doth games of a don t't header to open the series, the first 3 to 2 in 13 innings, .and the second game 5 to 3. ' Score: " R H E Boston .. 2 10 3 Chicago,. ...3 15 2 Ctl? innings.) v " V . : , Genewlch and Gibson; MV Buh and Hartnett. " - Score: R H B Boston .......3 9 3 Chicago Z: ... ... ...:....5 11 3 Goldsmith, Wertz and Urban X;arl8on and Gonzales. " PITTSBURGH, . Sept. . 17. 'AP) Pittsburgh kepif up the fast pace by grabbing, both ends of tt; u(uutuautir irufii nruuKiyi today, winning the 'second game by 6. to 0, liremer allowing ony three' hits', The Corsairs won the opener by 2 to 1. The ; double tri- urapb --'ran .'the Pirates' wfnnfhk ttreak to 11 s 6Al Score: R H K Brooklyn 10 0 Pittsburgh . ..-.,10 0 ...Petty, and peberry; AWrl4ge and Gooch. : A Score: , vB-H .E Brooklyn : ............0 3 0 Pittsburgh - .... .2.... 13 0 Elliott and HenlUe;. Kremer and Smith. ; making plans to furnish the $5 seat boys at the Tunney-, Donpsey fight with early ex traj on the oulconie of the bat tle. - 'n PEMPSEY, MILUONAIRE PUG, ONCE WORKED FOR IXSS TTjrW $2 PER PAY CINCINNATTI, Sept. 17 TMna?flnrt?latttr turned back V th9 R?4?. twice today, triumphing )a the night cap by 8 to 7 after gowning tie Jteds . In', the first Struggle br 5 to 1, u ' f ' Score: 4 ' R H E NewYork 5. 8 xl Cincinnati - 1 6 ,1 Fitssimmons and Taylor; Luq ue, KOlp, Jablowosky ,and Suke forth,. PIcnich. . .. t .. , Score: T V ' ; . ll' H K New York ..' 8 10 0 Cincinnati .... 15 -3 Henry, Bentoii andfCunmlngs: Donchue, Kplp apd' Hargrave Devprmer...,;- .. -4';, .,, :..P..;..rf.r ST. LOUIS, Sept. 17. CAP) The St. Louis Cardinals shut series opener here today on a muddy field , Score: - ' ' R H E Philadelphia ....... 0 7 1 St. Louis ......11 18 0 Pruett. WUloughby and Wil son; Relnhart an4 Snyder, Schul ta. : .:?"- ' FOUR, IN DRIVER-'H SEAT Lawrence Carpenter, Silverton, was arrested last night by Officer Davis, charged with operating a car with four persons in the dri ver's seat. He was released when he posted $5 bail and promised to appear Monday afternoon at 4 p. m. TUNNEY'S EYE " IN GOOD SHAPE LA K'A VILLA." IH-i dttT 17.--(AH The Injured eye that has complicated; Gene Tunney 's final training streclj was. "very much better" today as the heavyweight champion rested on hli arms for the battle s" with f Jack Dempaey next Thursday, night. Fear that, inflamation that set in4 .yesterday: after a training 'go with! lhr thre "sparring partners would handicap the champion in the $3,000,000 title spectacle jn Soldier field, disappeared today when Gene arose early this-morning with all outward trace of the injury gone. . ' , 'HorV SMonmbutti Nortpal at ' Nov.-12 Oregon Aggie rooks at LCorvallis. 77: 'y ? ? .V .; , PUBLIC SCHOOLS BEGIN WITH CLASSES MONDAY i(Continued from Page Oae) Frosh Schedule Announced For University of Oregon KUGENK, Sept. 17. (AP)--The freshman schedule of the Uni versity of Oregon football, squad for the season was announced to day. It follows: OcL 14. Ashland Normal at Ashland. Oct. 21 -Washington State freshmen at, "Pendleton. Oct. 22 Columbia University at Eu'gene. " Oct. 2 9 University of Washing ten frosh at Eugene. NoV G-Chemawa Indiana at Eugene (morning). que?t of citizens in that district alter it ' had stood " vaeant for f many years.1 A: All' grades will! b" tAu ght !n the seven rooms In use there.' : ; -:A McKinley junior high school will become "a de school wi(.h the opening of the new5 Leslie Junior high school In Tuwlo park. Only four grades will b taught in the Lincoln school. W. A. Davenport will be principal of but It these buildings. ers In' the public school system Jfcls'year was held"esterdarTaCr nihg aj: Jbe hjli school and plans for the coming months were talk--ed-over , with aha principal.; . bicVcLe spilu Injures -..'t i. - Lit". .- V - '--, Roy Snffers Severe Injuries M1.en . -- i. ' t Wheel lilt Rut 4 ; ' Andrew "Andy Lewis. 11 year old -son of XI. ;W.-Lewis of Black Rock, met 'With a severe aec!d:nt when,' he and another small boy, Ralph Mann; were riding together on a bicycle. - r ' ' . The frorit wheel slipped Into a rut. throwing'the Lewis boy ?ne ground, crushing his elbow and alMO injuring his back. The Mann boy escaped with a badly bruised A meeting of all the 190 teach- face MSMAMn1 4f0if yt V-6 i 4 - f -r x .... . -.1 - i i EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED ; ' Ten-Years Practice in . Salem ; Phonce25 Dr. L. R. JJiirdcttc ' - Optometrist 401 First National Rank Bldff. .. fei M s Dress . :mim lip lame . Mx -'' - Jr.or -' p f :HfefA ' 'M& . ' High lEJS ,: - Young Men Come V'Z?y 'Vhl'i-ss: I 1 ' B" - : for Smarts ' - - " Hip1 - A" -tsw .1 W ;:?Mi:faJi.Shmviiig ;, tP-i :- 4- 'A" VV-J ! $25.00 SWEATERS Every Style at Better Values $5,00 to $12.50 FALI- OXFX5RDS for yoiirifir men all thifi ripw nna V are n V - here.! $6.00 to $10.00 High'i School and College! CORDUROYS i r $4.95 ahci $6.00 it iTOJPOUT. n6w in the SEASOfSv; : SMARTEST TOGS. LET US SHOW 1 1