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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1927)
TgE OREGON STATESatAN.SALEMj OREGON n ; SUNDAY-MORNING. SOTTEMBEJl 18, 1C27 C iv. Backs From Curb Into 5 " V , WM, - ' I uttcaing nis car irom wnere it was i parsed on Front street yesieraay evening, struck anouer macmne, i damaging It slightly. He reporcea to Salem nolice. I Good Room e". student or teacher. Furnace I ntai 1064 Oak street. . . sZl Agent on Trip-, , " C. B. Williams, general j agent for the Central 'Life : insurance company, with offices at 306-307 - Oregon building, , left Salem Sat urdatemornlng for a 10 day bu-t incssjitrlp to San Francisco. , V Cordially Invite - Your Inspection of Prof. T, S. Robert's Pipe Organ Console now on display at our store. Don't fail o see it. The Salem Music Co., 355 North High street. ? S18 Clatsop SheriffHere Sheriff Slasher of Clatsop county, was In Salem yesterda) bringing a charge to the boys training school. ' Women Wanted -. At Starr Fruit Products Co. Cor. Church and Mill Sts. Phone 39. Motorcycle Hits Car. '.: : O. R. Cummins, whose address was glTen as Nebraska Street, Sa- ; leni, drove his motorcycle into the side of John J.' Cook's car on Ferry street between High and Church, when he suddenly came from behind another car as Cook ; swung across the street to enter a tire ehop. Cook, who lives on Route 1, Salem, said he signaled his intention. In his report to po- ilice. The accident occurred In the early evening. 8 Oregon Pulp and Paper Co. - Preferred. Limited amount for ale; Hawkins and Roberts. Phone im " : , llTStf Divorce Asked Complaint has been filed in circuit court, by Thresa Campbell asking a divorce from elAxander Campbell, alleging -cruet and in human treatment and personal indignities rendering life burden some. The complaint recites that Campbell abandoned her, lived for a time with another woman, and was Eventually jailed for, bigamy. They were married at Vancouver, Washington, on December 29, The plaintiff asks" 3100 with which to prosecute the suit;, and restoration of her maiden name. Thjressa Pocan. J furniture Upholstered. And repairing." Giese-Powers Furniture Co. , fl3tf Wedding License A license to wed was yesterday it sued from the office of the coun ty clerk to Pratt Grafton Vickers, 40, of Woodburn, and Lulu Elea nor Wright," 37, of the same city. ; Kryptok Ileuses SJ12USO "ti Fine Toric , reading - lenses r K.95, Free examination. Credit if desired. Thompson & Glutschr Opt. Co., 110 N. CommerciaL slltf Couple Weds i. Charles R. Woodward of Med . ford, 38, yesterday took out a 11 - cense to marry Marie R. Paul of V Portland, 27. Bicyclist Hits Car ? ,. An unidentified man riding a bicycle came suddenly around the comer at North Commercial and Market streets, early 4 yesterday afternoon, and collided head-on with the automobile driven by W; E. Weaver, . 50 South 19th 2 Some GpoH Buys 12,000 for 27 acres, six miles from. Salem near paved high- ' J way; 12 aeres in cultivation, two acres fruit, balance tim ber and pasture; running spring- -water. " It1 s "worth more. 31000 down S 3.0 00 for 10 acres on Pacific -,r highway " four' : miles : from Salem, nearly all in apple - orchard. 31000 down. 32.000 for 13 acres on Salem- r Dallas highway, Nice loca--tion. 11000 down.. 34,000 for five acres. -5-room ' house, garage, lots of fruit."' .running water, only one mile ,'from Salem. $1000 down. i U. S. REALTY CO. 442 State St. . Tel. 2MM1 OLD PHOTOGRAPHS COPIED Often you want old phtojrmihs reproduced, but ; fear ,: entrusting them to strangers. ' - t - Our reputation assure th safety .and proper care of your picture, which we will copy, enlarge, frame or hand color at a price lower than the unknown agent can offer. - i street. Weaver, reported -to Salem police. The man was not b!iv,i W ' o e anjurea.? Another . 5 truck panea on North Commercial was oeuevea to have abstracted the cyclist's vision. . w omen wanted At Starr Fruit Products Co. Cor. Church and Mm s slStf Woodburn 3Iarriage . A wedding license was yester day Issued Wlllard L. Cole, 34, to marry Ethel Ai Bonney. 34. Both are residents of . Woodburn. Hotel Marion Dollar dinners served 5:45 to 8 every evening. , n26tf Kalemites IV A marriage license was Issued yesterday from, the office of tht COUntV Ilr1r tn ITtnrln IT Tnlth. . . AMU WW .u a a. t vuuw son, 23, of 2657 North Capitol I street, and Catherine Pulley, 20, of 2357 North Capitol street. Miss Pulley Is a local swimming instru- Wanted Blackberries 3 He cash. - Pacific Fruit and Packing Co., West Salem. sl5tf Justly Proud - A young lady attending the Capitol? Business College was heard to say to her (classmates: "This 'is a good school. My daddy went here years ago." She was proud to go to the same school, and justly so. ; Today, she holds a fine secretarial position with a large Salem firm and perhaps re ceives the highest salary of any office lady in Salem. She selec ted her school wisely and worked hard. Others may do likewise! Enter Monday. 8ig Couple to Marry Everett J. Kennedy, 19, of Ore gon City, yesterday took out a li cense to wed Jennie E. Searson. 17, of Mulino, Oregon. Professor T. S. Roberts . Has on display his beautiful console for his residence pipe or gan at The Salem Music Co., 355 North High Street. S18 Estate Appraised The estate of the late A. M. LaFbllette has been appraised at 340,342.13, according to papers filed with the county clerk yester day The farm is valued at 331, 000, and a house and lot in Salem at 35,000. Personal property brings, the total up to the amount named. New; Optometrist Dr-M. R. Dougherty has filed her certificate as a -doctor of opto metry with ; the . Marion county clerk. Women Wanted At Starr Fruit Products Co. Cor. Church and Mill Sts. Phone 439. - . 8l5tf Mi Carol Dibbl Miss Carol Dibble will register old and new students in expres sion Tuesday, Sept; 20, at her studio in the Nelson building, cor ner Liberty and Chemeketa streets. : i' Intensive Courses Intensive courses in Public Speaking, Platform Reading and Voice Training opening Tuesday. Sept. 2.0,. at Miss Dibble's studio. Nelson building. Xu-Bone Corsets ; Nu-Bone ; Corsets, Corslettes, also surgical corsets. Mrs.'G. H. Littlefield, Tel-2367. si 8. South Salem Pharmacy New and neat ; now open. Pre scription druggist, drug sundries, fountain. 1069 S. Commercial St. 820 Mrs. Kayser Has Accident 1 Mi?. Pauline . Kayser, 1660 North Cottage street, in backing her automobile from the curb in a downtown . street yesterday, col lided with the ' machine of Floyd Volkel, 1510 State street, se re ported. She did not see Volkel approaching,' she sale , . ?n " ale ' " Tn Bai ' Olatolag Blbkeasf aiMdal natal mM tw Stadaata S4T M. Coa'l St. victw Aoalag Msauu StrrlM C. M. LOCKWOOD f KENNELL-ELLIS STUDIO 42? Oregon TZdz. mmw: We have a late 1926 Ponliac Coach with new rubber, lots- of special ; equipment. This is a fine running car and a bargain at $700.00. mm -4The Horn That ttervlee Bmllt" Jilts Rear or Truck Edna Prescott, 291 North Com mercial street, crashed into the rear end of a truck driven by Johnny Walker, when the truck stopped suddenly on State street yesterday, she re porfetr.. Mrs. Bonney In Collision Mrs. A. A. Bonney of Salem was involved In a collision with a car bearing license number 143-559, she reported to police yesterday. The accident was at High and Court streets. J STEEVES, D0NEY MAYBE ENVOYS OF CONFERENCE (Continued from Page One) will be the reading of conference appointments Sept. 26 by Bishop Shepard, following a consultation with his superintendents. Dr. A. L- Howarth, Portland district; Dr. A. S. Hisley, eastern district; Dr. D. H. Leech, Salem district; and Dr. S. J. Chaney, southern dis trict. A number of shake-ups In Oregon pastorates are e'xpected. Among the prominent speakers at the conference will be Dr. Clar ence True Wilson, general secre tary of the Board of Temperance. Prohibition and Public morals. High Official Coming Dr. Wilson is one of the best known officials of the Methodist church, being for many years ac tively engaged as pastor, and Jn connection with the board of which he is now general secretary. He 13 known nationally as one or the most vigorous temperance leaders. He will speak at 7:30 P. m. Wednesday, i Other guests and speakers at the conference are Bishop W. O. Shepard, who will preside; Rev. Ralph Si. Cushman, pastor of First Ch u rcfi a t Roc hester, N. Jf.; Rev. J. R. ildwards, corresponding sec retary of the board of Foreign Missions; Rev, Corliss P. Hargrave of Chicago,' Rev. F. C. Eiselson; Rev. R. E. Dunlap; and Rev. W. HOME RESTAURANT Now Open Sunday . Chicken Dinner 50c Casey's Guaranteed RHEUMATISM REMEDY Money refunded if it doea not cure your case NELSON A HUNT, Druggist ' Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7 HEMSTITCHING 6, 8 and 19 cents per yard. Also buttons, stamping and pleating. ANNA H. KKUEGER Over Miller's Telephone 117 I If The ? , Name is "different". What about the rest? Wait till ? Friday! ? GO mo Where To Dine TODAY Bat Tow Sunday Din At the Gray Belle. Chicken Dinner Served all day at The Spa. i. , ' - Y For Dinner This Kvenlng Dollar dinner at the Marion hotel today. r i - ' Chicken Dinner at the Lnnch Box 181 S. Liberty St. Tables for ladles. Open all day.! Eat at Bllnto'a Chicken dinner, 50c , Special Dinner Today And home made salads,- State Cafeteria. ! Special Chicken Dinner Today at Argo Restaurant - Iat Vonr Sunday Dinner At the Home Restaurant. A big meal for 50c. B. Hollingshead. All ministers . have been as signed to Salem residences where they will receive lodging and breakfasts All official guests will be quartered at Salem hotels. A public reception to Bishop and Mrs. W. O, Shepard Tuesday evening will be addressed by Gov ernor I. L. Patterson. Conference examinations and preliminary dis cussion meetings will be other events of Tuesday. Meetings will be held throughout the week until Sunday, night. ? TRAIN HITS AUTOMOBILE Mrs. H. F. Hansen and Small Children Injured Seriously VANCOUVER, WASH., Sept 17. (AP) Mrs. H. P. Hanson of Vancouver, and her three children were injured, one of the children perhaps fatally, when a southbound freight train hit their automobile tonight. A boy, 7. was the most seriously hurt. All were taken to a hospital. A lot of women would be happy if they could only look as young as they feel. For the Best in Meats PHOXE 27 Corbets Quality Meat Market 1310 State 1P27 FREE WALLPAPER SAMPLE BOOKS Call, phone or writ BIAX a BUREN 171 N. Commercial lalam Have that Winter Coat Gone Over. We reline, shorten and make It look like new. Ladies' wool dresses cleaned and pressed, 11.00 up. Men's and Ladies'- suits cleaned and pressed SI. 00. VARLEY CLEANERS Orw Ranickii SEE OCR Perennial Gardens On the Wallace Roatf a F. BREITHAUPT Telephone" S80 51 J State St. FOR SALE OR RENT Suburban home, mile and half from i Bush Bank, paved road, modern ' house . except furnace, bearing fruit trees, F. L. WOOD, 341 State St. ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired. New or Uied Motors VTBBERT A TODD Thtngs ElectricaJ 191 South High TaL SUS YICKSOHERBCO. 3. n. LLONQ, Mgr. Our life's work" has been apent In studying the healing properties of Chinese harbe and now dally we relieve those anffering from atomtch. liver and kid ney - trouble, rheuma tiim and gall atones, also disorders' of men. and children, Sir women Free Consultation Call or Write " Opes 9 A. XX. to S P. IX. 10 Ctate Zt Calea, Oreow JIMMY JAMS BOBBY4? SlSTet? eAV BOeVCArVT COM OUT TO-DA.V. GO I GOES IT TRUE WHAT I HEARD ABOUT. HIM TEARING HIS VANTS THI& MOBNIN& A OBITUART Mrs. Sophie; ,8 6, died in Port land . September IS. She. Is sur vived by a son, George Parker of San Jose, and a daughter. Stella Williamson' of Minnesota. The fu neral cortege will leave the Webb undertaking parlors Monday at 1:30. Services will be held at the MONEY TO LOAN Homes Business Blocks Farms;; 219 U. S. Bank Building Salem, Oregon 1 Phones 607 and 2141W Boston Terrier Puppies For Sale Champion Males for Service DR. FRED ELLIS Oregon Salem, Casaiploa H(ty' - King Jt. Good Shoes Are Economical - JohnJ.lbtde 415 State SL in w Bkirnajia.t - - . LADD & BUSH, Established ISIS General Banking Business Office Honrs from 10 a. m. to S p. m. AUCTION SALE One-half mile East of Hubbard Old Palmer Place THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 10 A. M. f s- Wonderful Stock Belians Horses, Cows, O. I. C. Hogs Household Goods the very best . Machinery and Farm Implements all kinds Ifois Is An Exceptional Sale . - . f v Y w . " LUNCH ON, GROUNDS THOS. TRAAEN, OWNER 1j..A. BECKJIAN, Clerk M. HOSJETLEK, Auctioneer TRANSFER . Lon and Short Public and Private Stora-e ' ' -.J Fireproof .Dalliias i;-L. L I ( GRAIN," FEED AND1 SEED', ; Free Delivery to : . QuclaScn3 ca 5 1 ' ;PAUL TRAGUOi.Broj.;. - Day Tcltphcna 23 Twin Oaks cemetery, at Turner at z p. n. ' j . t - WEDDEU !- . -'' y Edwin, age: 32,Tdied at a local hospital September 16. He Is sur vived by his father, E.iL. Welder, a"hrpther. Van. and a sister, Mary LnniiuC of ! Neir: York. J Funeral services 411 be held at the Webb chapel at !v.m Sunday, Rev, Norman Tolly Vticlatlng. Inter ment will be in theNjlasonic ceme tery at Albany. ' ' A TERWILLIGERi ' Perfect Funeral Service N. - For lsa": Licensed Lady Morticlaa - TIQ Chemeketa Street , Telephone 734 Clear through oufjestablish- v: ment . , with .interiors so sunny, uplifting, and com forting that it lightens sad- " aess to enter wKhin. - Webb's Funeral Parlors Telephone 120 Gauzets The Perfect Sanitary Napkins Velvet edgeg that prevent any irritation - "," . " . The underlayer - protects the clothing. . - i More and more women are de manding Gautets because of the protection and comfort. 49c Box of One Dozen Perry's Drug Store 115 S. Commercial aid STORAGE Distance Uactinix any part ol fh& city I AppHctica lilzH TdcpLcns 1237-V7 mmaculate sssssssbbbSbssbHb , iin 1 1 ' i" F. IT. Wooirfa Next Wcsli'a Baio RESERVE TinS PAPER FOR REFERENCE f. c.;needhaits . ' . V ; A U C T ION ' Tiiesdayj Septcimber 20th ' ' ' ' - I 1:30 jp. Mvi 'tfV : LoArted 9 miles south of. Salcnj, turn right at Liberty tor and follovr theiarrows to j the end of Skyline road the Bruce farm. Ai ; ma':., v;4..- . " V - n i CnsJstln-of ; -5r : Horses Cewt - Tlelfersi Sheep Tbrkcn 'Hem Harness - Vara Machinery Hay Tools Etc, as folhnv: 1 black mat S years eld, welfht 115 Ib&j 1 bay mare, 12 yean . weight 140t Jbo.s Z Jersey cows S yrs. eld. milking; a Jersey heifers . t yr. eld; lZjiwre bred Sonthdewn ewes Er.; 4 pure bred' South down lambs eUjrfbleite Ber.: 1 pnre bred Southdown ram, Reg.; pare bred Cheroots ewes, eligible to Beg.; 3 Cherats lambs, eligible to Bee.; 1 pure bsed -Charcots ram 3 prs. eld, Re; t Cbeveots rams rilgible to Bee.; f.psjre bred Border Lelcestersiewe Beg.: 1 pare ; Vred Border'Lelcestei's ram 3 yrs eld, osg.t orade ewe lambs: 3 do,, chickens; 3 tnTki?y hens with yoimg "turrTsr t turkey Toms 1 rr.v ekt; 25 taTkeybcjns land2 yrs. eld;fil Inrkeys 5 mths. eld; 1 . et-T heavy larnes4- Jnst new extra Yptm and collar; 1-7-ft. . donbte leader disc; 2i Seection Iron frame Auurow; 1 1-horoe corn enltrnator; 1 l-herse garden cultivator; lX4-lnch steel pIoAr good. vnew;l hack good sas new; 1 3?4-lnch B aln special wagon xood as new; 1 dragon box; lSxlS-ft. handle rt ckwiih tight bottom like new: 125 grain sacks 1 Deerlng steklei grinder; S tonef, 'go6d fiat hay; 1 10-gaL easi eff stock molasies; 1 bbL with .70 gaL f Htock molaeses; 1 cmaof stock tonic: ciiBty barrel andAther mis. cfllancons articles. ! TCBMS An sims ef'JaLOe and nndf cash Over ,4hat amennt, 6 months time win be given to part! As farnllng sprsved bank- . able notes bearing tntensst at 8 per erAit per aanam. F. N. yVOODRY, 12?years fiJtsx9a feallisir auctioneer, In Jiarge. Phone 511rv:-A.. ' , Jf Residence arid Store ! . ... i 1. a nesday, Loeatedf.4 rrtjles SJ E. of Salem onHfee Cottage farm road, 54 miles, south of. taitmXheesei factory. Follow the arrows., r 1 bay mareit yrs3 1350 Hm. . - 1 rrey team f andi 'ConsUthii: Id. weight l..yrs. eld t weight Zsefl lbs. ' - i 5 Jeraw. Gnemsey T- HolsteW " cows from 3 fo Jy yn. old, rill were fresh in thrlst 7 wee'is. - TJ3. A-stea. . t Gnen ey Jersey heifers 1 yr. eldl 1 ' 1 Gnenev calf wet ks eld i,' 1 sheat 100 lbs. T 1 brood sow; 1 yr. old a, pen , " ' T 100 HoIlywd Hani on White Leghorn bims, a fine bnnch 100 Black Minorca hens 1 yr. eldJ ' fine lot 1 6-ft. Osborne, binder; with itrans-M irtransH zw ' -i li , i I 1 i Mi post raiger. pertatien tmsk 1 4! -ft. McCo4-nIck mower 1 9-M. McCorndck rake . 1 ff-ft. Van Brandt drill 200 sacks, forks ahowls, post and tackle, wire stretcher, seoorjs, grindstone, ehnJca and s real gcbd piano and ether household furni ture and many .ether ndseeUa aeons articles.' " TERMS : CASEL Frknk Griepentroa Owner. F. N.Woqdry, 12 yrs. . Salem's leading . auctioneer in L Res. A Store 1010 X. Skmm i GEO. PARSON'S t u t: : T I O N A Eriday, J September 1 25 - v . fi:3orM.;;; focated.'i itiile west ot Independence iand'the 2nd house north of the Undependence-Jlonmouth higtway, consist- .in?of?,, ::0(fmi:-: v-p , - 1 grey mare I ji eld, weight 15450 lbs.; 1 bay saxfre 12 v a weight 1450 lbs.; t Jersey cow 4 years old, fresh 21 months, milling 2Ji gallons; 1 Hoi stein cow V years eld, fresh month, milking S gallons; L HoUteis- eow C yrs. old, to freshen Nbv. 10th; 2 brood sows to farrow in tOct.; I reg. Doroc boar. 10 shdats SO to 125 lbs. each; 1921 HapmefcUe. good rubber, and condition; 1. Monitor drill; 1 straight tooth luarrow; 1 spring tooth harrow 1 14-Inch gyra ense plow; 1 12-lncfa John Deere plow; 1 Bain wagon; 1 McCormlck mower; 1 corrugated" roller;. 1 gBS engine and panxo ack; 1 disc; 1 cream separator; tons baled hay; 1 garden cultivator. ...i, ;.;-,,v i 'vtv;'i-f' ; ;.:c- J "'. : .- - f - ..- , ' TERMS All snms e& $204K and .nndcr cash. . Over that amount 6 months time will be given to parties furnishing approved bankable notes bearing Interest at per cent, per annum. - - Gee. Parson, Owner. r First KaUonal BankrClerk, ' ; Independence, Oregon ( f4 A '. Farmers 'Attention : ' See me personally about your sales. Complete"satisfaetion guaran teed. See my stock of new and used furniture, ranges, healers, rugs, linoleum, etc, at my only store which is located at 1610 North Summer St. Better known as F. N. Woodry's Auction Market. ' 7 AUCTION SALE ; ; Weesday " Nite 7 p. m. I i i L Fiirnitur Etc. ; J : Saturday i 1:3 3 P. I J. Ilcrses - Cows UtTJllztlii-zry Fcrnilur: , o Tccb Etc4 At . - Auction Marliet IT" J1C10 N. SuancrCt.':: zli Vzll fcr Used Furr.iicrs i - - VhM4 nu . , . '1610 N. fsnmiaer St. 6.rJ ' x i o n Sepiimber 21th w. rrape hoe ' ' .... -WW .MW. MWW 1 orchard plow . 1 2-sectlon lever harrow I Bev. disc 1 low iron wheel wagon with rack 3-lnch high wagon with S ton springs - 1 Mollne cnltlvator with - dise hiners, like new 1 5-tooth cultivator v' 1 Iowa cream separator 750 lbs. . . capacity, Mke new 1000 lbs. Fairbanks scales 1 2 In 1 wash, machine for gss . ' power : 1 170-egg SC. Helens lncnbator 200 chick breeder 1 new set doable work harness ItfA AM ml... ' : - ' set eld harness,- 2 stands bees eld buggy. 2000 new lath Iron wheel barrows chains, sledre hammer, block range, heater, lawn mower, ranee. I SL ,K ft Phone 511 F. N.- Woddry, 12 years Salem a leading auctioneer, In charge. Phone 511. II