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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1927)
-THE OREGON ST,?SiiS'Qchiy', .- SUNDAV ftOItNIKCJ, "SEPTEJinER 1S927W3"13T X He Oregon Statesman !" - Ttiwed Di!y Eet JloncUy by . ' i-i 1 THE STATESMAN PUBLlSiaXG C05IPANY , , - - 81 5 Stfc ComnreUl Strt. BU. Orcom i ? -' J6. J. lUadriek Jri 8. McSBmy -iulph C. Cirt Tietr I. Crt!s olU Bnaelt Maaris-Editor . . City Editor . flporu; Editor ,'. Society Editor n.iuMlitt4 Pre-i exclaairely entitlwd to the oaa lor fcublieatiea of all aewa Alapatebea credited '" U or not oUwrwia .credited ia Uia p per and aUo the loeal XT7SINXSS ' Hair 222-223 Security Bldf.. Portland, Ore., Telephone Broadway 24. -Si., r Oar Co?New York. 128-18 W. 31.t St.; Caieao. Marqoetto Bid. Do?r 8tnv. "oe, California mreaentatire. Sharon Bld 6am FraacUc; Chamber ir Commerce bW Loa Anrelea. ' - - , , j TEU6PH0NXS ' "'Entered at the Port Office In Salem. Oregon, s aacoad-elaca eaatter. j J , September 18, 102T -I Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, alf the earth:: make a lood noise, and rejoice and sing praise. Psalm 9 8; 4 , !: A SINGLE STANDARD OF MORALITY .Dri Norman K. Tully, speaker at the.capitol hall of the house meeting last evening in celebration of the: 140th anni versary of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States," advocated four further amendments to S the Constitution- . i - .For the regulation of child labor -For a referendum on any declaration of war excepting ihtjase of invasion . i " For an eight year term for the president of the United . States with a vote of approval or disapproval at the end of f our'Vears, as advocated, by Thomas Jefferson '. And for a kingle standard of morality. - ; These propositions have all been talked up and down and written up and down for a long time ; in the case of the presi dential term six years and a single term being favored by . raajayy- '' - V; , t- AH excepting the regulation ot the matter of a single stand ard under a fundamental law. How would it be worded? How would it be enforced ? Just what is the single standard ? tIn a general way, we all know what constitutes what is known as the single standard. V nit means, curtly, the doing away of the idea of the popular : verdict, "Jnnocent as to the man, guilty as to the wognan." But the " prohibition of the double standard by law would be hard to enforce. .Perhaps Dr. Tully merely took the occasion to impress upon Ws large and thoughtful audience the; justice of' doing away with the double standard. And that is a worthy thing. The double standard of morality is as wrong as slavery. It is a wrong as old as the race.But its antiquity is no argument for its right to exist in an enlightened age. v ATTACKS ON The Statesman this morning prints the letter infull of United States Senator Reed Smooti written for the Salt Lake Telegram of Sept. 7f and the conclusions of which were car r fed in Associated Press dispatches published the kocId.oyAi firif newpapers 6MherSth'ah(i9tb.' tr ' " , Senator Smooth outstanding figure in the upper house of . congress in relation to things financial' and economic, warns this country of powerful forces working, to break down the American protective tariff. They worked through the ' eco nomic, conference in Geneva in May, and the, international congress -of chambers of commerce at Stockholm in June and July And in the most sinister manner Under the guise of the need of the rehabilitation of Europe. This is a timely warning, and by a man who speaks "as one having authority" By one who has both authority and prestige. Tihe Ameri can protective tariff will stand. Jt must stand, if American standards of living are to be either improved br maintained. ThePrnce of Wales, through signed a marketing agreement covering 100.0 acres of grain. Canada belong to Vheat pools. Th royal approval of the co operative program adds much prestige to the movement In Canada. Can't we get a man of like influence to grow prune? in Oregon, and help in getting a 100 per, cent cooperative or ganization? , . t - ."Senator Borah knows his onions and asks for a higher protective tariff to help American producers meet the com petition of Spain and Egypt. Oregon grwers need that pro tection, too." says the Portland Telegram. The 'present, tar iff rate on onions is a cent a -pound. . Under the elastic tariff Jaw provisions, it may be made a Cent and a half. It should , be higher. If Senator Borah will go to it, and get an amend ment qn this single item, he will seta precedent that will be worth. his salary to this country for all the years of his service -and all the years of should live and remain in the senate for a thousand years. ; ' .... .... ' ti- 4 ;Tbe busincHs of Salem has Draeticall v doubled in five years Itabson's debit check" monthly ot. money checked out on banks Financiers regard the total of debit checks as a better index of local business than bank clearances. Debit checks for the four balem banks durinir the five years were as follows : 1923, $7,204,273; 1024, $7,716,922, 025, U 1,812374 ; 1926. $12,628,832 ; .1927, $14,940,365. Note the fact that debit checks of August of this year were more than double those of five years ago. And Salem is only fairly started in expansive and substantial growth.- Watch the rec ord of future years. ' , ;"7';:; ; , jThcrc is a news story in THe Statesman of this morning concerning the pmbargocs on untested poultry in the states ;oC Oregon, Washington and Idaho, t and the products of un tested poultry untestccr for -signs of the bacillary white diarrhea. It would seem that: the Oregon authorities who .proclaimed this embargo went off half cocked, as the saying : goes." They should rescind the order for the embargo, and await the findings of the government authorities who are making the research; "Then action may be taken that will Ralph H.'KIoUinc Adtertilf Manager Goo. E. Martia Bapt., Mechanical Dept. W. II. Hendrom - Citralattoa Manager E. A. Rhotea .: -' - ;Ueuck Editor W. C. Conner - . t . Paltry Editor omCMi 5SS THE TARIFF his ranch manager, recently with the Alberta wheat pool. Over half the wheat growers of his .future service, though he reports show the total amount of a citv durimr the month month of Aucust for the past be just and right, and which ali interests in the great poultry industry will abide by willingly. As it is now, the embargo orders are considered unjust arid unnecessary by some of the leading men of the industry; and bitter feelings have been engendered that would beiter be allayed. The Idaho proclam ation is fnr thf emhnrtrn tn trn intn effect November 1st;' It went into effect in Oregon and should be raised in, all three states- - Some of the pure bred Shropshire sheep from our leading breeders are being bought by agents of the government of Soviet Russia to be taken there for their experiment stations. The lambs are to be 'sold to Russian farmers in order to im prove their flocks. There is a news item in The Statesman of this morning, giving the particulars. Russia leads all countries in the number of sheep, Australia being next and the United States third. 5 D 'THS :pm VAT2 B-IFS' OF HGLSN iOF TROY nW JOHN 6RSK1M0 : PART FIVE HELENS BEAUTY '!iitT 1 ? "It simply comes to this." said Meaelaos, "that we can't find her." "That's it, raid Eteoneus. "The men have been everywhere In the neighborhood, ten m'le3. I. should say, in all directions, and no one has heard of her, ot seen her go by.' "It's very strange that a yonng girl could walk out of a house in broad daylight, In a civilized coun try, and completely .disappear!" "My notion is that she didn't go far," said - Eteoneus. "My idea isnt worth much, I confess, since I don't see how she could conceal herself near by, but if she came in at any moment I shouldn't be over-surprised, c "I should," sahd Menelaos. She's looking for Orestes, and he's not in this part of the world." "How do you know he's not?" "He wouldn't have the impu dence." said Menelaos. "On' the other hand." said Ete oneus, "it's all that yon need for vour most exquisite embarrass ment, to have him show up just as Pyrrhus arrives. That's the kind of luck you've been having lately." 'That's not my worst embarrass ment the worst will be to wel come Pyrrhus with the news that my daughter has. run. away. We must find her we must. Eteo- neous. I'm known to Pvrrhus "hiefly as the man whose wife ran off, and if I must tell him my laujrhter has gone too I can't face it, I simply can't!" 4i , "It's too much to , hope she's ?one to welcome Pyrrhus. How hc hates that man: But I'll be glad when Pyrrhus comes, and I -etire."' ' "I can't possibly spare you now till we find Hermione!" "AVell, Menelaos. I'd do any thing in reason, but I'm very tired of t my job. and I don't believe Hermione is ever coming back. You're asking me to stay for life.' -That's really what I'd like to ask you, but I mean only a rea sonable t'me. Let's "put it that way. Stay until Hermione ii found, whether she comes back" here or not; the. moment we. know oositivelv where she is, you may o. If she isn't forni .before Pvr rhus comes, stay until he goes." "T den't .know", said Eteoneus. "It saems a little complicated . . ; Do job mean I may go the mo ment we know where Hermione is" "Exactly." "Thank heaven. I can go now! What do you think of that! Here he f right behind you in the 1oor." - " i - '.'What does this" mean, Herm !one? Where have you been?' "A?k that question some other lime It's Irrelevant. I. want to peat to you and mother.'V "We have a word or to to say to you. I suppose you realize the annoyance your behaviour " '"Don't be silly, father! Where's mother?" , t j. "Helen! Oh, Helen! Herm- lone's here!" "Hernilone, dear child!" said Helen. "I'm glad indeed you came back to us." , -' I haven't come bacjc to you i t stopped 1n to tell you something and when you hear it you won't be glad. Pyrrhus Isn't coming." said Hermione. ''That's what had to tell you." "Just as well, perhaps." s?d her fother. "Hul 'd like to-kuow vthy not?" ' . "He insoItrl-XJresfeC". , ."What's that got to do with it? Orestes doesn't clipop our gunste for ti! i What aro. you tryins to .tell us?" - - . ; ."Orei-les and f met Pyrrhus on the road, and" -: ' 'Wlmt were yoi doing with Oretos?" Faid Menelaos. ''That's of no imnortaiK-e now. "a1fl Hermione. "He and I were walking logetjjer when we met Pyrrhus. I guessed who It was. Jbut said nothing. ; He rtoppod to inquiry the way, and before f I could do anything to prevent It, they found out ech other's nami; Tyrrhus stiffened up at once, and 'saM that he was to be your guest. Practically was ypur, guest at the tnoment, ho felt bound to offer me his protection. Orestes asked from whom he wanted to protect me, and Pyrrhns saidrrrom a man who would lift his hand against tr It Twa llf JCaaTi his own mother. Before I realized what was happening, they had drawn their swords." "They actually had -a fightJ'i said Menelaos. L ,f- "I sholld say! Pyrrhus is dead." ' " .- "Hermione. guest ! Don't Pyrrhus was my tell me Orestes killed a man coming to my house, on my Invitation." "Orestes killed him, father. In the circumstances I have just reported." "Now, that shows the idea of hospitality Orestes has," ?a id Ete oneus. "I'll never again be sorry I kept him out. If 'there's dif ference in such horrors, this, is, a bit worse than killing Clytemnes tra. She at least had committed a crime herself." "Did Orestes know Pyrrhus was your father's guest?" said Helen. "Yes." said Hermione. "I owe it to Pyrrhus to find his body, and bury it handsome ly." said Menelaos. "Then I sup pose I ought to take vengeance on Orestes. If I don't, people will think hie an accomplice in a trap for my former enemy." "You can't take vengeance on Orestes!" said Hermione. "He did nothing wrong. 'Had he done otherwise. I should despise him. Pyrrhus insulted him I felt as though he were insulting me too. I'm glad Orestes killed him. If he hadn't done it, I should. I made up my mind to that, the day father told me he was going to arrange a marriage, it you compel people to act in gelf-defense, they'll act." C'ytemnestra!" said Menelaos. My conventional daughter!" said Helen. , "May I ask, Hermf5TieTmereTy"' for information, if you dream of being th' wife of this murderer?" said Menelaos. "I don't dream," said Hermione, "I am." "I thought so." said Helen. "What did you say you were?" said Menelaos. 1 "His wife.t I told you quite clearlv I was going .to marry him. We . weren't married when we met Pyrrhus, and that was awkward, thoughTTf quarrel would not have been aroTcted. probably, even if we had been. But I showed Ore?tes that people would remark on our traveling together, when thev spoke of the killing, and we oiight to marry at once. So we did." '; "You nay ' leave the house!" laid Menelaos. "Eteoneus, kindly open that door for her." "One moment!" said Helen. "Menclios. we have reached the iwl. .as y-u said. We have our opinion of what Hermione and Orestes hfe done, but since they did ft on theirt own responsibility, we have no part in the consequen ce?. ; There's nothing more to be 'aid,, and we might ag well be friends." ; "I'll nevr be friends with Her mione and Orestes!" "Of cou-se you will! How ab surd! Haven't you made a mis take, now md then? I have. It's nil a question of degree. You get vonp mini -hment r -yotf don'ti but it's not the business of your t""1 P""n s r Washington August 1st friends and .your, family to punish you. Do leave something to hear en. Menelaos! When a thing's once done, I like to begin afresh and go on with my life. If yon try an avenging fate, youH Lruin your character. ,; Orestes .may lie a -criminal mat s ae But h looks to me as if he were in serious trouble, and Hermloae. too. sinee she has. undertaken to f", Ki, fnrtnnoa That reatlT does concern you and .:, me we ought to help our children wten tbey are in trouble." : "Orestes Is no child" of mine." i "Well, you're '' his nearest male relative and the only person he can turn to. You needn't forgive his act I ' don't; but v we need never mention it again. Hermione so far as I'm concerned, this home is always open .to you and your husband." "It Is not!" said Menelaos. "You v-on't live here, of course." Helen went on; "it wouldn't be comfortable for you nor for us" just now, and anyway young people ought to have their own borne. But when you wish to come to us, this is where you grew up. Hermone, and I dare say there is more love for you here than there .ever will be anywhere elee. no matter how popular you become." "That's all right for Hermione," said Menelaos, "but It doein't ap ply to Orestes. He didn't -grow up here and if heisn't more popu lar in some other place than he is here, he's a complete . social failure. Make it clear to him, Hermione. that the family affec tion is limited to yourself; we won't receive him." (To be continued) Copyright, 1925. by the Bobbs Merrill company. W. U. FRESHMAN INJURED Portland High School Graduate Fitlls Down Stairway Ruth Bauer, graduate of a Port land high school, caught her heel on the top landing of the stairs in Eaton hall at Willamette univer sity yesterday and fellljiead first to the floor. She was knocked un conscious for a period of 20 min utes. A group of. freshmen, enrolled at the university, were making a tour of the building when the ac cident occurred. R0SSMAN ARRIVES SOON Xcw Supreme Court Justice 'Will Take Oath of Office Hero Justice George Rossman o f Portland, who recently was ap pointed by Governor Patterson to succeed the late George H. Bur nett as a member.jbt the state, su- NOTICE OF .r iPfXXti SETTTiE ' : ' ..MK.S'T . . Notice i hereby given that the inderslgnad has filed in. the Coun ty Court-of the State of Oregon, tor the County of Marion, his du ly verified fjnal account, as ad ministrator of the estate of Bar bara J. Leslie, Deceased, and that aid court 'has fixed Monday, the 3rd day of October, 1927 at the hour ot ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room In the County Court House at Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objec tions thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 2nd day of 'September, 1927. ELLIOTT E. LESLIE Administrator of the Eestate of Barbara J. Leslie. Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER Attorney for Administrator Salem. Oregon. 8 3-10-17-24-0-1 NOTICE OF TvlRTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, under the assumed name ff Willamette Heat ing Co., has been dissolved by mu tual agreement." and that the busi ness will be continued by the un dersigned, E. C. Negelapach, under his own name, and that he will pay all debts and complete all con tracts of the said partnership to this date. Dated. Salem, Oregon, Sept. 16th, 1927. CLAUDE L. SE AG ROVE, E. C. NEG ELSPACH. si 7-1 8-2 f , J - .- m -... i.t f 1 5 preme, court, will arrive in Salem early .next week to assume his new duties. fThi3 information w-as con tained in a letter , received at. the offices of the supreme court Sat OTdy,:f ''':'? ' " -. ,v . It :is not' Ukely that Justice Rossman will tare" oath of? office until be reaches Salem. The oath probably will be administered by J. L. Rand, chief justice of the supreme court.' NOTICE OP INTENTION TO. DI. ; PROVE TRADE STREET FROM THE EAST LIXK OF 14TII STREET TO THE WEST . LINE OF 17TI1 STREET. Notice is hereby, given that the Common -Council of -the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares iU purpose and Intention to .im prove Trade Street from the east line of 14th Street to the west line of 17th Street, in the City of Sa lem, Oregon, by bringing said por tion of said street to the estab lished grade, - constructing Port land cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a six-Inch Portland cement concrete :: pavement, twenty-fouf feet in width, in accordance with the plans and specifications there for which were adopted by th Common Council on the 15th day of August, 1927, now on file la the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred t ard made a part hereof. ' - ' The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described lmpro ment by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon: By order of the Common Coun cil the 15th day of August, 1927. M. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication Septem ber 8. 1927. , Date of final publication Septem- oer zu, 18Z7. Sept.8to20Inc NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IJf. PROVE GAINES AVENUE FROM TITE EAST LINE OF COMMERCIAL STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF LIB- Ji-KXX STItKET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of aaiem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declare! its purpose and Intention to Im prove Gaines Avenue from the east line of Commercial Street to th west line of Liberty Street, in th CItyrof Salem, Oregon, at the r pense of the abutting and adjace property, except the street and al ley intersections, the expense ol which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the estab lished grade, constructing Port land cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a hard surface pavement, six. inch Portland cement concrete pavement, 30 feet in width, in ac cordance with the plans and spec ifications therefor .which were adopted by the Common Council ou the 15th day of August, 1927, now . on file In the office of the City Recorder, and which are here- oy reierrea to ana made- a part hereof. '". The Common Council herehv de clares its purpose and intention to make the: above; described im orovement bv and throiish tha Street Improvement Department ot the city ot saiem, Oregon. , By order of the Common Coun cil the 15th day of August, 1927. M. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first nublication Se tember 10, 1927. - " ' Date of final publication Sep tember 22. 1927. 8l0to22inc NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE THE ALLEY . IN . BLOCK 4 OF COMPTOX'S AD DITION TO THE CITY OF SA LEM, MARION COUNTY, ORE- ; GON, FROMf THE , NORTH LINE OF COLUMBIA STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF GROVE STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of. the City of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to Im prove the Alley in Block 4 of Compton's Addition to the City of Salem, Marlon County, ' Oregon, from the north line of Columbia Street- to the south line of Grove StreetiBHthe City of Salem, Mar lon County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent prop erty, except the street and alley in tersections, the expense of which will . be assumed by the City : of Salem. Oregos. by bringing said portion of said street to the estab lished -grade, constructing Port land cement concrete curbs, and results; beyond belief ,?' ; -.v . : . ..... . v AUK BKINO OBTAINED - , . . -' . , " ' by the use of PACIFIC HEALTH-OUK In the' treatment of numerous ailments such stomach and - kidney troubles; - diabetes, eczema, high blood pressure, goiter. -rheumatism.. ... .." . ...... ...... - Not a :? But a product compounded by nature, which contains In soluble form twelve of " the fourteen vital and health-maintaining minerals which are found in the normal ftand healthy, human body..--; v ; - , j j -.'- - , USKD AS A MINERAL AVATKK-4U tends to restore the normal balance, counteract acidity and place the system on an alkaline base. .... . ONE PACKAGE IS SUFFICIENT TOR TWO MONTHS' TREATMENT. -1 j - ..' -.i ,........ i '. ' " - ...... - J j . : . . - ' - , . Try it today money back guarantee ' r' ' -. ""V - FOR, SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.. . . , S . . .. .. ' "--" ... -.A .. : i'-. t - - y t ? - 1 - ' . THE MORNING ARGUMENT AUNT HET By Robert Qalllea "Pride is just ignorance, anM ain't never .felt stuck up since I seen what a vacuum cleaner could get out of rugs I thought was dean. . . ; Copyright. 192T, PnblUhert SyndicU) paving said portion of said street with - a six-inch Portland : cement concrete pavement, 1 5 feet " in width. In accordance with the plans and .specifications ' therefor which were adopted by the Com mon; Council on the 6th day of September, 1927, now on file in the office of tbet City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. f: The Common Council hereby de AUCTION 20 HIGH Jerseys . . Tills Public Sale will be held at the residence of the nnder- igiiti . 6 mi. N. of Brunk's corner on Oak Grove road, or 2 mi. south of Bethel School, on Wednesday Sept. 211:30 P. M. Some of these Cows are Pure Bred Golden Flows, All, Young, some fresh now, others freshen very soon 1 Holstein cow now milking; 1 bull 6 mos. old: 28 turkeysj 1 farm team weight 28G0; nearly new harness, wagons, etc. TERMS OF SALE, CASH Ivan Cook Owner H. F. WOODRY & SON, Auctioneers, Phone 75 Right. Down Town 271 N. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. Res. Phone 1031-M See us personally for your farm & ' city sales. ' r ' guaranteed PUBUCSALE The undersigned will sell at publio auction at his residence known hh Idtbish springs farm, 4 Ji miles MuthcNt of Gervais, or 10 miles north, of Salem on FRIDAY, SEPT. 23rd, 1927 Commencing: at 10:30 o'clock. A. M. -the following-: HOUSES, COWS,s HOGS, FARM MACHINERY, ETC. l learn, mare ana norse, weignt 1450 - - 1 Team, mare and horse, 9-10 yrs. old, weight 1500 w t Team, mare and horse, 5 yrs. eld, weight 1500. 1 Team, 2 geldings, yrs. old, weight 1250. - , v good cows, in milk 1 registered Ayreshire hull, 3 yrs. Old I yearling hellers, grade Ayer . shire . . .' I Ayreshire heifer, 3 yrs old ". I heifer calves - . I pony and saddle - 1 pure bred Duroc Jersey boar, 7 ? - ma-old ; ; ' '. 3 pure bred Duroc Jersey brood sows ' . .... , ' , 6 pure bred " Duroc - Jersey pigs, 4 mo. old . , v 2 sets of breeching harness ' 1 set of plain Harness . All collars and extra pieces of harness '. , -1 Heidcr tractor 1 seven-foot double disc,' nearly new - -1 five-fcot single disc LUNCH WILL BE SERVED AT NOON i TERMS: All sums under $20 cash; ever that amount one years time t 8 per cent Interest en bankable note; 5 per cent discount for 'cash. ' E.G.NAFTZGER; Owner H. F. Woodry & Son 271 N. Com'l. St. Salem Auctioneers Phone 75 -v"' G.T. Wadsworth, Clerk ? Mcdicinci or Drug- POOR PA By Clande CaUaa " "Ma wanted , Bltty's beau to think we didn't V have anything extra for dinner, but the child ren's rejolcln give it away.' (Copyright. 1927, , Pv&lUfaart SyndicaU) clares its purpose and intention to make the above' described im provement by and through the" Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. By order ot the Common Coun cil the 6th day of September, 19? 7. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date' of first publication Sep tember 11, 1927. Date of final publication Sep--mber 23. 1927. sllto23inc. SALE OF GRADE 20 Satisfaction 1 three-fourth Birdsell wagon. with Calif, box 1 Iron-wheel wagon, with hay , rack L seven-foot McCormick binder, nearly 'new . ,: five-foot Adrianese mower ten-foot Adrianese rake . sixteen-disc Moline drill three-section ron harrow,, nearly new two-section iron harrow; No. 50 Oliver-plow sixteen-inch Oliver plow Eleel ' fourteen-inch Syracuse plow ten-inch hop plow . 2 one-horse cultivators 1 1 1 1 two-horse cultivator fanning mill platform scales Primrose, No. 3, cream sep arator - double 8-inch Appleton feed mill hand-pump sprayer, . tank and hose . Loralne range, with coll Grindstone, forks' and all other farm tools ; r