Zi Bill HEN 0;if,IIISEPT:28 ; Entrance Examinaton Given Preceding Saturday; Rooms Crowded 3 ORKGON, NORMAL. SCHOOL, ate' of th? openlae of the fall ,m ot the Oregon Normal School at Moumouth has been set at Sep- . . tember ,36, according to the fall schedule. f Applications avu cre dentials for admittance have been deceived from more than, 400 stu dents through the office of the f-egjstrar.au taking into eonsid .'eration the large numbef of fresh en which usually .bring their credentials :on opening day the enrollment promised to reach the thousand mark ka it did laat fall'. Entrance 'examinations will be given on Saturday the 24th, which will require Atudenta to arrive at the campus during the week-end preceding - actual regiatrat ion ou Monday. 1 r;- Ey order of the board of re gents be faculty members living Jn the women's faculty house on; the normal campus have been asked to find other quarters and the house has been slightly remod eled to accomodate the music de , partment. .-Pue . to the crowded ' conditions and lack of classrooms In the administration building the music department has been housed In the training school ia the past. i ;-lut it became ; necessary to have the entire building free "for the se of the grammar grades and 4he junior high school students. V The enrollment of the training jsohool has" increased with the growth if tha fown and the build ;..jiig.itU.up by the aUte rn 1916 as v:a training ? center' is npw barely adequate for the camber of child , Jfenjn lhe district, Another measure 'was resorted flto te order to accomodate- the . (arge classes in .the -physical edu cation department and 'anarrange l. meat: has beenv enter tJ5oto . be tween Pre8ideDt X.andejia and ihe rdffictat'.'1ijr4.BapitiAcluf'cn ; which allmv s ;jmt Tiormal to" rent - the basement .and .other rooms in the community house. 's Instructors engaged for the cdrntn'r school" year of 1927-28 are -as follows; . , Undr Vtne epajrtjnent. known -as ' The Arts the various classes In art will be handled by Alabama Brtnton, Anne Bell. Pearl Heath jBnd Katberine -Peterson; music will be taught; b,y, JxJii8Q Wood ruff" Sylvia -Osbornl GracerMitch- reil. aiid .Kathleen Wrennf home JTeconomlca .by - Jean JdcClow arid jitfyalierr tha Hall andf P, .Santeerf z r;.The department of- education will be In the handa of A. S. Jen Ben. and Mrl-R. , Bonney. The English department faculty roll consists of iKdna Mingus, Edna Culver, Beulah Thornton and Florence Johnson. President Ji S. Landers, as head of the science departmen,.t, will teach the fundamental -of science. Other' instructors In 'this depart ment include, tA. C Stranhrough, II. M. Stiles. T. Li. Meador and Homer Dodds. . ' I Social wlence instructors are Q. O. Christe'nseo, . J. ' P. Santee and Dean B V. But lor. Health, edu cation 'faculty members'-include Iaura Taylor. MargarefMylfte and Mildred Cratn. :. ,Jf. ' The training depigment will !e handled by a corp of instructors in methods and eritip teachers un der the suiervision of Than. II. Oentle, director of training schools. KENT POT I NEW TYPE BIACllINFI IXSTAL. LED BY DR. M. F. LEWIS Colle4-t.it And Sells Cactus EL. PASO, Texas During the latter part of the summer H. L. Potter, a florist here, makes trips into the highways and byways of west Texas to collect cactus, which he sails to collectors all over the country. There are 1.500 varie ties of the cactus and Potter Is an expert in distinguishing them "Nothing else In Physio-Therapy is producing such satisfactory results as Is the Duplex Major Un iversal Deep Therapy Lamp" asys Doctor M. P. Lewis, local Naturo path; who has 'installed over two thousand dollars worth of new p.nd modern electrical equipment in his offices in the Bligh Build ir g on. thecorer ot State ami South High Streets. "The Infra-Iied Rays,; of this new and valuable light, yield 85 percent of the curative, vitalizing power of the sun. : in this one lump you have the advantages of both Infra Red and Radiant Light. The Infra-Red Rays, produced In the richest quantities obtainable are absorbed lOO' by the human skin and are very beneficial. The .curative effects of light therapy are so basic and sure that it is effectivo.in. .treating the,- widest rang o eases," gays Dr. Lewis. "It offers what probably the best known, method 6i relieving pain and congestion. It Is power ful in increasing the hemoglobin carrying pawer of the blood, in stimulating the activity of both red. and white cells and In aiding metabolism. Briefly stated it se dates pain, stimulates the-capillary system, Bterillzea infections, regenerates, through ' effecting changes in the blood, eliminates, through activation or tBe lymphat ics and exudates pus. Thesolnfra Red Rays penetrate flesh from" 4 to 6 inches where they are" con verted into molecular, kinetic en ergy or heat. This ability to reach and affect deep tissues explains the curative results or these rays in early appendicitis, and other deep seated disorders. PRUXK SEASON N,f f ROSEDALE. Sept. 17. (Spec, ial) The prune season has start ed here, but early indications are that the crop will be one of the lightest in years. Mrs. D. T. Trick, who has been ill for several months, has re turned to her home. The Rosedale public school Is scheduled, to openfor; regular fall classroom work on Monday.' v ; That vacation of Jfawa farm women will be successful liutil one of them begins to wonder if her husband emptied the pan under the ice chest. IruliatfapolU News. Dr. Dougherty Dr. Dougherty had so many applications to examine the eyes of children during the last week that she-could not take care of them all, and for this, reason, we have decided to extend the time1 in which Dr. Dougherty will examine the eyes of any child without cost or obligation for at least another week. Please call 239 and make appointment to have your child's eyes examined. ,Dr. Dougherty, as we said before, has had six years training in the care of :the eyes and two years of special training on the eyes of childrn under the best instructors on the coast. -We take pleasure in introducing and recommending her. WjiJ omj Zi .: ii ompan First National Bank Building r 1 f T T T T T T T T y Y Y T Y, Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y T Y ;y Y y :f Y :Y Y Y Y Y Y 2 t;, it . Whe Oregon Shoe Co Leads in the world in good wearing style shoes at low prices. Just look over the following quotation s and if you can equal them any place in town do not come here to trade. We are backed. by the most powerful shoe organization i n Oregon and we are going to elim-' iiiate all competitiori. . . Stylish young men's oxfords, black or tan leather, - Girl' sport oxfords5 in all the late styles and;pat- dozens of styles to select from. A QC terns. Tan and black and combinations of leath- "wonderful value j..:.:!::-.. PflaD ers. These shoes can not be equaled d J . Qf " any place within two dollars of the price vfr.JiJ Boys' shoes and! oxfords both black and , tan . - - . nrr V'r leathers, all sizes II to 5.". These are- regular Exclusive agents for Ball Band rubber foot wear. f4.00 values in any other store, i d0 AC Largest stock in Oregon. Finest grade- CO ClK' AH go at- ........ ..L -i.i $LfZJD galoshes, all colors vflJ Of ' Rubber Heel day every Wednesday OHjW (uDC All 50c heels at half price . wvC S)In)(Q)G STANLEY BURGES, Manager - Next to Ladd & Bush Bank on State Street rC7 1. - t-iv-'ijiv o't. f: Vj;! ;r: Bring your foot troubles to Dr. John Sf. Gronholm, the Foot Specialist. ' : We carry I he finest ladies hose in the rUy.' Just two , prices, 91-00 ud.;fj.05. - : . . ; ; . . m Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y' t t Y Y Y 4h Y Y -Y-:Y V v 4 r - '. Y HIGHWAY DEDICATED tiCikb "feEARIDE TO XEtTPOKT OFflCIA W'V OPKXPD " KEWTORT, - Ore..: Sept. .17 ijCp) Roosevelt Jilghway, from Seaside to Newport, was ofncially opened wltlt a ceremony today dedicating the Ben F.' Johns me morial bridge across Rocky Creek ; eleven 'miles north of Newport. . Judge C. W. James presided and addresses were made by Df. VV. C. Belt, General XT. G. He Alexander, 'f.Rock of the Marna." SenatorCharlea Hall, of Coos county. Congressman W. C. Haw ley. ChaLrman Vanduxer, of . the state highway - comnUssloc. and Senator Norblad, of Astoria. Edgar Piper, editor of the Port land Oregonian, official represen tative of Governor I. L,. Patlerson, dedicated the brj dse officially, and declared the .highway j open. Julia Jonesi llttlevgranddaii?;hter of, t!he late Ben f. Jones, cat the ribbon opening the bridge. t t ; More than a -thousand persons, representatiyes'bf' frlel;fl'ii.D8'df various cities along-the new bJgh way delegations, from .chambera of oramerce, . public officials and tpurlsta attracted ,by the gather ing, assembled to hear the dedi catory : speeches , and to .listen - to the eulgleg to the ipdniory of the late Ben F, Jonest Jn "whpse honor the- .RoekyCreek bridge was pamed. ' t . .WhilOr theoretically, ' the road had-not.-until now been opened, the highway has been in nse since early nmraw. The stretch from the nejr .draw bridge over the 81 leti' river ,io Cotter Crest had not been rocked last winter and dur ing wet. months was. impassible. With the coming- of summer, high way forces we re .put tQ worlt with scrapers, an the hadlr rutted dirt grade wa put Into ihape. - METHODISM HERE SHOWS PROGRESS, SAYS REPORT f, , , f (Continoed from 1.) ? Iof the church. One Ladies' Aid so lety. In a. church with a member ship of 450 raised an average of $120 -per :a month- for the past twelve" months'. ',; All the pastors -in the , district hate ivei loyar- and efficient ser vice, according to the superinten dent, atftl1 request fumade In the report -f or; the return of -all of them to tlw district when;the apV polntments are made ..atthe? con: tng 'conference. , ' 5ir ; ' . Kevrn Feet Six ( CHESTKR; S. C rAcopv of the Chester Reporter of June 7, 1877, describes one Miles Dardes, na tive North Carolinan, who wa3 seven feet, six Inches high oihd weighed 1.000 pounds at the time of hlaldeath. 't When he was ZI years old, the paper, my 2, hisjeoat could 4 be buttoned -around tree men, aqh weighing 200 pounds . ' . - .-;...Jienry . Ford' wprid's. riebet man, says he is eager to get 'back to work. Come to think of If, work seems to be' a habit with most men who have won unusual success. Boston Transcript. ' Ac. ..... When Glasses Are Needed "APPEAL TO O'NEILL" New Location Dr. C. B. O'Neill Fourth Floor Flrit NaUonml Dank Billdlnf PhoWtzf' - I 1 FIT GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Regular $25.00 Plate for 15;00 "It Wm Pay-You To Pay Us A Vist" . 1 ' EXAftUNATIONS FREE Bridge Work from 2... ....... 5.00 Fillings from ... . 1.00 Gold Crowns from . 5.00 Dental Plates from ..:. 15.00 - - PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS 1.00 Teeth extracted free when plates or bridges are ordered. Corner State and Commerrial'sts. SaTera Corner State and . Commercial Sts. Salem DENTIST, i : : I : , I L fc1iliylitttiHi.i;iiiiMiiiini!!i:;, 3 iiminiiiiiiiniiiimiiwiii'iiinm'"wiiii' WIIW1tpM?'''W'''f!,11It''f!lllWI((ll(IW Iff nMJiiuillUilli'liiilliiHilMIIIMIMIHillilliltlMltt'f t t 3 43 11 Is!-' i j r a 1 . i ? 1 3' i 1 i '" I 1 I 1 7. .5 5 .v ,. S 3 - J ? i 3 .- SOLD ONLY AT GIESE-P0ERS p:-.- . : " ?V -r .. T 1 ' T" ! :i ' ml ' f i, , if is ouiff lize a furnace a stove within, a stove Will heat 'three or four adjoining rooms lrThe cold-ait enters at, the bottom,1 ; 'asse3 out tfcrdugh the top, C1RCU " LATING the warm, moist, healthful' t f air to the most distant corners of the adjoining rooms. Has wonderful heating capacity-r-will heat three or K four rooms comfortably in the coldest. s v ft voather-takes the, place of sevenil- ' : stoves and requires: no more fuel than , V . an ordinary heatfr .The price i3 less v ' than yon would expect for a heating . r . stove of such outstanding superiority. Shown in variousfinishes the mahog any- enameled' finish-- is ? especially " populaR.f,ir't;W;NJ .i-T ' ;. ' t -A d C A f Down ! Deli vers Your Circulatorl TBalance Small ' ,t!))Ulf Weekly or Monthly Payments; ' - .-' ; ,:, t-' :. - t Your Old Heater Taken ias Part Payment (T v. s- ? 4- USE ; YOUR . CREDIT WE: : CHARGE NO ".INTEREST Members Commercial Associate?, Largest Farn.nre Hnyng Organization In tho ; tTnited f Jiites ! ! - Si 7 K-