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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1927)
I---'. . 1 - - THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON . ... . . . SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 18, 1927 - V WHmSMJEM WILE CONTINUE TO u SALEM REAL ESTATE IS A GOO0I SENT 1 GROW AND TV vv it 11 ii MVESTO 1. What city in the northwest is surrounded by 34,000 acres producing berries, fruits and nuts? 2. What city in the northwest calls from 15,000 to 20,000 workers every year within a radius of 25 miles to care for the hop and prune crop? 3. What city in the northwest employs from 2,500 to 3,000 workers in its canneries during the height of the season? 'i f AIUKmIS 's the amsber JUST ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS ; What city In the northwest has no slow season. , or dull summer season ia business? ;v 5. What city in the northwest outside of the large . , cities, has such -a continuous payroll from industries , .. and state institutions? .. - ! 6. What ; city i in the northwest has 233 miles of ; . paved roads and 950 miles of macadam roads within its.. trading radius of 25 miles IT IS THE FAVORED CITY OF THE NORTHWEST. DIVERSIFIED CROPS, INDUSTRIES AND STATE INSTITUTIONS ALL TEND TO BUILD A SOLID FINAN CIAL FOUNDATION FOR J3ALEM. v . . SALEM Realty-Board "An Association of Realtors' ' Salem, Oregon Obrrer, Irileiit Winnie Vriy John, Hfrrctary Walter 31. fitiningtou, .Tmutwrrr r . REALTORS Anderson & Rupert, 169 So. High St. i A. C. Bohrnstedt," 147 N. Commercial St. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High St. H. E. Brown, 109 S. Commercial St. Lelace H. Ellis, 320 State St. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 134 S. Liberty St. viaskill & Earl, 166 S. Liberty St. Geo. W. Hubbs, Silverton, Oregon K. Burgard Kugel, 175 South High St. DIRECTORY VV. G. Kreuger, 147 N. Commercial St. E. A. Miller, 208 Oregon Bldg. Lee A. McAllister, 134 S. Liberty St. McGilchrist & Pennington, 209 UJS. Bank Bldg. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage St. L. E. Oberer, 134 S. Liberty St. Winnie Pettyjohn, 175 S. High St. .. Richard L. Reimann, 147 N. Commercial St. Victor Schneider, 208 Oregon Bldg. George Thomason S. R. Tandy, Jefferson, Oregon. Ulrich & Roberts, 122 N. Commercial St. Farms and Acreage for Salem Property Out along the Silrerton highway In that good soil district wo have some farms to sell and you can use a Salem home as payment. - i-s'v. - 40 acres 6 miles oat, 6 room good house, splendid dairy barn, a little timber and tbe rery best of soil all in wonderful state of cultivation. . ' 44 acres a little cheaper and a little rougher but all good and some fruit and fair improvement. 47 acres farther over with good improvements and this i8 all equipped and ready to go on to with the stock and feed already for you. -- ' 10 fine acres right close to Salem with good improvements a little timber some bottom land and all the very best of soil and it is equipped. 26 unimproved acres, good soil, for a Salem residence. If you want to trade your Salem property for farm or acreage come in and see us. i McGILCHRIST & PENNINGTON Realtors 2O9-10 U. S. Bank Bldg., Phone 140 Business Opportunity I have for sale a Country Store and Service Station in one of the best locations in Marlon County. Stock, Buildings and Fixtures 9COOO.OO. Annual sales about 12,000.00 and on tbe increase. August cash sales $1500.00. 7 acres with H mile River Frontage and Dance Hall paying 9100.00 per month may be included for another 3000.00. Will consider stock IUnch with outside range In Khuiiatlt Falls or Lrfikevlew res trict in exchange, or sell straight out for half cash and reason able terms to suit purchaser. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 North Com'l St. Salem, Oregon pF Farm For Fruit Ranch Fine large farm 1 mile to town, good buildings large barn, run ning water, 275 acres tillable land nearly level, some rolling, 1 00 acres timber, 1 00 rough and pasture. Price $23,500. Will take fruit farm up to 40 acres. ANDE RSON & RUPERT REALTORS 1 69 S. High, Salem, Oregon Established Eight Years Victor Schneider Chris Schneider The Firm of Real Service A Good Buy Awaits You; Come In and Investigate $3250.00 for a fine new modern North Salem home. Soldier bonus, or easy terms. $3250.00 6 rooms new and modern in Fairmount ljill section. Easy terms. ; $4000.00 for fine chicken or small dairy farm of 25 acres. See this. $5000.00 for 60 acres, North of Salenj. This is a, real buy. Half cash. i We have several of best farms in valley, stocked and equipped to trade for Salem property; j Come m to talk rthis over, it costs nothing to talk, j .y',:Sy:'r'0r .These are hard to find elsewhere and will stand investi- gation. - . - Two Good Buys In Willamette Valley Farms 50 acres 9 miles out on good road and close to Highway, most all in cultivation, fine set of buildings. 3 horses, S cows, 10 hogs, 100 chickens, all farm machinery, hay & grain in barn all to go for 18000 withjerms. 75 acres 12 miles E. of Salem,-5 miles S. of Silverton macadam road, good 6 room house, fine large Dairy barn & outbuildings, good well & spring. This is a fine little Dairy farm and priced very low. Only 15500 with $2500 cash. For Good Buys in Farms SEE 320 State Street eoMhiwsCo. REALTORS Phone 1727 A BARGAIN: List Here, We Give You Service VICTOR SCHNEIDER 4- Realtor Loans Insurance i ' , 228 Oregon Buildinj - Telephone 673 A cozy little ia one of our- Ixtnt residence district, four ruin, kitchen well built . ia, furnace, garage, large lot, ! pa v cm I titrvrt, is too small for present occupant. Will " sell f6r small down payment and easy monthly payments. $3500. You can't beat it for location and value. . 3 acres ?i ml. from city limits, paved road, variety fruit for family use, remainder of ground in young. Royal Anne cher ries, 6 rm. house, elec. lights, pressure water system, bath. S3000. . Non-resident owner( will trade for city property or lots. : ' . : WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor 175 S. High Street Greatest Trading anization ON THE PACIFIC COAST Orgi We have over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match your exenange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade . your property TODAY, come in TODAY. , We have one of the best restaurants in Salem doing a business of $125.00 or more-daily. Priced .at $4000. 100 acre ranch, fine-buildings, completely stocked ,and equipped. Soil is No. 1. Priced right at $7500.00. We have one of the best sheep ranches in Oregon, 1000 acres, 300 in cultivation, , Priced right or will' rent. ;This ranch will take care of 1000 head of Bheep. 190 acre dairy ranch, stocked and equipped. Will r trade for Salem home or close in acreage. Can give good terms on any of these ranches. - . If you are in the market for a good ranch', come in and sec us. v ' GASLCILL & EARLE, Realtors 166 South Liberty Street Phone 222 Salem Highway Tracts 1SL rat . HOVINtf ON I WITH THE RENT MONEY That's the answer our answer lo "how will we get a home of our own?" Let us show you just how this can be accomplished with a small payment down. ' $100.00 Down $30.00 Per Month Including Interest will buy new 4 or 5 room English type house with Yjl of an acre of good soil. You will have to act as there are only a few left. TO SETTLE ESTATE: 100 acres all in cultiva tion. 11 acres in prunes. Good barn. Fine well. Poor house. Price $6, )00.00. Terms.. $40J,iOO Beautitul lot. 50x150. Many fruit trees. $3,000.00. New 4 room bungalow. Fireplace. - Hardwood floor. Dutch kitchen. Built-in bathtub. Breakfast nook. Basement. Furnace. -Garage. Paved street. Very easy terms. (Mm RICH. L. REIMANN Realtor ( 318 U. S. Bank Bldg. Telephone HQS Salem 50,000 by 1930 MODERN HOME English style house in the Oaks addition. Modern in every way. Only 8 blocks N;.of the State Capitol : building. ' - For good homes see' - - v. . . ' .' W. G. KRUEGER - Realtor . 147 North! Commercial .Phone 217 Are you looking for Busi- hess Investments? Do you Want an income property which is increasing in val ue and will net you 4 to 12 per cent? j If you want a safe investment .of .this kind, see us at once. BECICE &HENDRIGICS,Rcaitors ; ' 189 North High Street c i ii .iii i t ciwtiic siaiiuii jucitiiirai. wiu Kive icn year lease. x Service station on Highway, store, splendid buy. -..; Confectionery in splendid location, new, modern equipment. - $4800. r Restaurant and confectionery, light lunches .served, . $1000. : - Restaurant on Coast, doing good business, $1000. $500 down, baL. monthly. Income property close in, $20,000. , Will lake modern house' as 1st payment. ; ; , i ' , New modern house, furnace, garage, north front, $3400. $500 down, balance monthly.' INSURE WITH THE NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE CO. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE Realtor ... : 484 Court Street i Phone 1186 A REAL INVESTMENT Small apartment house-completely furnished, located on corner lot 72x90 feet close in, will increase in value . on account of location.. Price for . quick sale -$7000.00, $2500.00 down balance terms at 7 interest. Monthly income including owners quarters $93.00 per t month. . South Salem Home Bargain Nearly new 4 room home with-large attic, oak floors " in living room, fire place, entrance hall, built in kitch en with tile drain board, breakfast room, modern bath, ; two bedrooms down " stairs, room for two bed rooms up stairs, garage with -cement floor and drive way, cement ..walks and paved street, full cement basement, t with laundry trays and furnace. - This home is now offered for $4000.00. $250.00 down, balance $40.00 per month" including interest at seven per cent,, im mediate possession. Located toear jthe new Leslie ;Junior;High School. r , W. tt GRABHfflORSTfi COJIPAHY Realtors 134 South Liberty St. Phone 515 Your Guarantee 16 years of successful service to the i public. Fall :M(wing Will. " t . . . . ' . I .,'- v- f r . . ... ' ...... i:. V.Sobn Begin BUY THAT FARM NOW '. ' : , - ' ' - ' ' : 70-acres, 5 miles from Dallas fair buildinsrs, 5 acres strawberries, all stock & implement go at $6300. Terms 10G-acres 25 acres fine timber 40 acres under I plow 10 mi. from Salem balance in pasture. Right ( on the Pacific Highway. Priced right.. ... . ... : y- 15-acres, 4 miles from Salem electricity, available good buildings, including large modern poultry brooder " house. " - , ULRICH & ROBERTS HKALTOns American Fidelity nuHcIn 129 North Commercial Street Telephone 1334