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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1927)
THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING. SEITEMBER 18, 192T " i Capitol Theater " A big double show will be of ered at the Capitol theater on to- $nj consisting of pictures and Jauderille. . , Bob and Peaity Valentine will "present their comedy classic en-, titled, "On a ' Moonlight Night. A moonlit garden; fellow and a iirl make up the skit. . How they dodge the gfrl'e father aid plan in elopement jn limited capital ifurnlsbss many laughs. A couple f special tongs are presented dur lx.3 this offering . , ) McGreevy & Jeffries In "Now" offer. twelve 'minutes of entertain ment. The , entertainers are a jrery versatile man and woman and their repertoire of selections 1n :inrlude comedy, talking, singing, novelty music and " eccentric danc ing. '. - . j The act of Erol and Frolllckers jls one of the different type of dancing acts and people of well Jrnown circles of the ; theatre In cluding Little Dorothy McMillan. of futurlsti treatment which has In colors, every tone of. blue, Mtn manner, the theme mel ody of the presentation is entitled a "Symphony in Blue" and con tains among other things every known musical lone commonly sociated witn the "blue melody and tempo. . - ! . ArounTthe meaning of the chif fon drape, degjgu and color, Pan chon A Marco, fa nxous - producers of West Coast Theatre presenta tions, elaborated in songs, dances and Jests, featuring the famous Serpentine Girls in a new creation of spectacular dances : and cos tumes. .- :? - . In conjunction -wltk , the Fan chon and v Marco presentation. Olive Borden..; the dandy ' star, is again seen In a. gorgeous variety of costnmes in -The Monkey Talks Miss Borden plays the role of a circus performer in the screen version of. this sensational Parisian staj?e success, i in a marvelous' peacock dance and J Tne Heart of Maryland." a Miss Nell Brinkley, sister of the WarQer Bros, production starring famous artist, playing the accord ion and Mr. Winters with his vio lin, and last 'but not least, Evol with a surprise. ...... r Attired .in the somewhat pictur esque-garb "of a newsbov. Leo P. Wilson offers an Interesting mono logue -act in which- song numbers and clever novelties - are well fclendid. - Thi3 is an act which rivets v the attention r of the aud ience on the entertainer and i brim 'folf of sparkling' (fellies and Ihe vim and dash of personality' Fasola, famous oriental wonder fvorker- and Illusionist, enjoys a rorld' reputation - as' an oriental Iiaglcian and illusionist. He pre-' enta a wide array of tricks and arries -a. carload of effects' that re used in the presentation. Fas la has played all over the world nd has one of the most entertain- ng acts that , has ever been seen in any theater, Mr. Fasola enjoys he distinction of being one of he-best in the country. He knows how to put his material over and t always In demand... It is a. real eatare. for any bill.' He'adlag this is the Capitol Pep per Box Revue, a musical comedy onreany, consisting of ' twenty people, who can sing, dance and feifer some real - ntrtstnmnt Viola Vercer Holman and heT Apitol orchestra will furnish the fnnlc for this great show. On the screen will be beautiful Norma Shearer in her latest Die- lure entitled "After Midnieht L.A great program for today and Monday. Coming Tuesday, "Red liead Preferred." i . r Elsinore Theater ; r Yon can see color In music and hear musk: in color in the Fan fclion & Marco "Idea," Blues, fea turing the famous ; twenty-tour terpentine Girls, at the West f oast Elsinore theater, today and Somorrow. The Idea of the Blues presenta ioa got its inception from a pastel t,,ub ut aiarma weDster. a now residing jn A magnificent rttif. )Cnn drape .was made after th a. flign of . the ' pastel.; which ' was litled a "Symphony in Blues." The Curtain, following the original, is rantastlcally beautiful , design New York artist. Los Angeles. TODAY ONLY i Continuous 2 to 11 THE GREATEST OF t THEM ALL! L. A mm Mm .. 1 itAi Alluring romance breath taking speed constantly ac celerated action all going together in the first really novel western ever pro " duced. - IK)XT MISS THIS OVK Any Seat . - 25c DA 3EA1 ie"o ana directed by Lloyd Bacon, comes to the Elsi nore meater next Tuesday for a mnof three days. Many of the celebrated characters of the Civil "r PPar and the story has as Its storm center, Maryland Cal vert, a girl of the Southern aris tocracy, who finds herself torn be tween passionate love for her na tive State, and for a young man who decided to espouse the cause of the North "Gamine"' was made by Miss laimaage ror First National ine current attraction Oregon Theater here, t and at the gt Oregon Theater - To be ultra -fashionable, stockingless! This 1s one of -the style notes indicated by Norma Talmadge in her latest screen production. "Ca mille." a .modernixed adaptation of the classical story by the younger Alexander Dumas, in which the original theme is visualized in set tings of current period Miss Talmadge's "Camllle" la a gorgeously gowned charmer who sets the style for the most spend thrift class of Paris. And she wears no hose with any of her evening gowns. Neither does she Powder her limb. They are "au naturel." y ; , If the celebrated "Lady of the Camellias;' lived In the present age. her style creations would make all Paris gasp and would tax the genius of the French rapi, tal-s mose renowneT foh&Z'f: signers, Miss Talmadge contends. In , line with this theory the star ?s introducing a 'wealth of fads in her new starring vehicle. ' ' . '....'.' Hollytrbodl Theater r i. In, "Broken - ; Hearts of ,: Hoily wood," the Warner Bros. epic of Filmtown. directed by Lloyd Ba con, which comes to the Holly wood theater Sunday and Monday, all the comedy and tragedy of fhe Metropolis of Make Believ is pic tured as never before. The pa thftie company. f those who fall; the email galaxy of those on whom fortune Is r smiling; the have beens: the want-to-bes; the never-ran-besr are all pictured, as part of an individual story of trpmen ious dramatic power, j "Broken Hearts of Hollywood" concerns allm actress who mar ries and becomes a mother. -Then, wearying of dull home life. he 'eaves her husband and child to eturn to Hollywood. The few In- AT ELSINORE OCT. 1 1 V, c J. Jf.X - - y: U l a 1 1 " "' '" ' n r " "' ? v ' I Mm 8 J WANTS CHANGES MADE : INJJ. S. CONSTITUTION (Coy tinned .Trow pr I.) will ceas to function," Kev. Tully astterted. -' "Only? character:, has made possible its existence for 140 years, and only character can make it endnre for eternity.' Rev, Tully'a addrens was pre ceded by the reading of c?nper by -.Oscar . Hayter, a prominent Dallas attorney, who represented Governor Patterson at the gather ing. "The paper summarized Ihe history or the Constitution. - t Violin solos by F.liiabeth Levy, accompanied " by Ituth .Bedford, and a vocal solo by Lena Belle Tartar completed the program. tervening years have made her a has-been. Xo one will give her work and she slips down into the depths, through drink. In the meantime her daughter, grown to young womanhood comes to seek her fortune as a star. Circumstances place her in the position of being suspected of murder. Then comes the un known mother's chance to redeem her own soul and sare her daughter. In the telling of the story such stars as Patsy Ruth Miller. Louise Dresser, Douglas Fairbanks. Jr Stuart Holmes, Jerry Miley, Bar bara Worth, Sam LelGrasse and Euiile Chautard play important roles. Adapted from the original story written by Raymond, Schroclc and Edward Clark. "Broken Hearts of Hollywood" portrays the real Hollywood, everybody's Hol lywood city of dreams and of de spair! Of darkness and of light. And it is told by its own peoole for the tears and mirth of all people! MATINEE AND NIGHT WEDNESDAY, SEPT.2S YOUTHFUL SMOKERS CHUCIIT ' Wilfred Morgan,1 Route S, Box C8 A 1, Salem, and Tracy Baler, 1720 Lee street, fifteen year old boys. were, arrested at 11:25 p. m; last night by City Officer George Edwards, charged ' with smoking cigarettes. After being tt ken to the police station, they were cited to appear In police court at . 4 p. m. Monday after noon, and sent home. Read the Classified Ads G MAIL ORDERS NOW IttX'RIVKD The Comedy that Broke' All Records Anne Nichcl's Own Company , wv 1 1 h Now Playingr its Sixth Year in New York City h . nrwTTll N0W SH0WING Si 1 yw 1 ' 1 - -w -Sm w m 1 I'liiiu mu iniaj a s riia mm mm mm9m I Yo will watch yfifffrt motion picture jjjlj - maKing wnen j v OREGON li J&ttKAM i r P Next Thursday f " MJMllilt L- ill GET READY TO jjj SEE THEM BREAKING 'RECORD RUNS EVERYWHERE Prices: Xight 75, f 1.00 $1.50, $2.00 Plus Tax. Bargain Matinee, Wed,, 2:30 p. m.; Box'Seats $1.00 Plus Tax. Semi iu Your Mail Orders In Advance , Elsinore Monday 1 Night Sept .26 Coming To Usher In The Road Show Season 17 irri ini nrnn IT'S BIG! ITS BIG! rr OlCIlESClOSTIlIIO IILSTORIC! KPKCTACIXAR TREMENDOUSLY THRILLING Comes Tuesday to the Elsinore HOLLYWOOD THEATRE TODAY AND TOMORROW "BROKEN HEARTS OF HOLLYWOOD PATSY RUTH MILLER AND LOUISE DRESSER I44ilnl the Renins In Moviotlom ' --''4 -: J 'i-i -U B": i . I . - y v r '--V.''- "--SJ.? ---:'';.7 "i ""' , "'rJi'vj:r;i -Sunday ':"': -j - , ; 4 , ; J Continuous 2 to 11 .. i . Adults S5e , - Kiddies a Dime Anytime '. '.: Coming " ' - "The Volga Boatman" Only once in Years does the screen of fer such an oppor tunity! v DON'T MISS IT! Coming Thursday THE ROUGH RIDERS' It's Paramount's ; H u p e r Picture n it ii t ! - II ,i II tt IV H Elsinore ' Days Only Das Only STARTING TODAY J .; FANCHON-MARCO IDEA APPEAR ING AT 3:30 5:30 7:30 9:30 . 'Blues" .Featuring the 24 Famous SERPENTINE OIRLH With NORA SCHILLER "Half-pint of Blues APPEAR ING AT 3:30 5:30 v 7:30 9:36 In a MAXINE Eccentric Dancer 'Raggety-Ann' Creation MARTIN & MAYO 'Two Nuts Left Orer From Christmas" Burlesque Apache. Spanish and .Dutch Dances MISS TINA TWEEDIE "The Original Heebie Jeebie Ctrl" ON THE SCREEN WILLIAM FOX present , jne m 1W II. V TV H I V I 4 I I With Olive Rorclcn From tho 8cnsntUnul novelty stage hit of New York, Ixm don and Paris. Salem's Ainusonient Palace for the Entire Family! SUNDAY AND MONDAY wmMm AND GREAT G4ST Of MTJEIZ3fNFD& lli SCENES tilt iilCl-eiv. BUTNnrwinp Prices Tax Included MAIL ORDERS NOW Lower floor 11.65 aad $2.20 Balcony 75c; SI. 10 and $1.65 Met. Floor $2.20. Make checks and money orders payable to Elsinore The atre and enelose self addressed, stamped, envelope to insure safe return of tickets Seats now on sale at Elsinore box office after 10 a. m. daily. T ;. , . '. ' : THREE NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS CSMBKHHssflPSBHsHBBnHlssHHssHH I s a ' . - NATIONAL CAPITAL A. ' - i ii in ; - ; i it i ii .- ' r l ere . 'jf 4 - - NIAGARA FALLS SOUSA'S BAMB LtlCommander JOHN PULLIPSOUSACbndudor RAISE PRICK'S Shews at 2-4-0-8-10 OX THE STAGE SUNDAY 5 SNAPPY ACTS 5 Direct front Portland's Liberty Theatre EH A Fasola & Co Oriental Illusionist x, Iob & , Penary Valent Ine -Comedy Claiwic McGreevy & Jeffries ComedyTalking SinffinR Jean Evol A Frolickers Dancing Revue . Iieo P. Wilson The Singing Newsboy AMel for Sunday & Monday . F. D. Bligh lresents CAPITOL MUSICAL COMEDY CO. IS People 18 Viola Vcrcler Hclians Orchestra I