The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 18, 1927, Page 19, Image 19

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CiW Model is Embodiment
of Smartness and Comfort;
Lines Striking.
aim mn i
t-Y irVyyf1Vy' :...::':.r -.U-V:5
-A Dodge Brothers Senior coupe
for four passengers is introduced
today by the Bonesteele Motor
Co., local Dodge Brothers dealers.
This fine six cylinder car is the
third car to be incorporated in the
company's new line or sixes and is
the embodiment of outward
smartness and Inward comfort.
The same handling .of horizon
tal lines that gires distinction to
the company's Senior sedan and
cabriolet roadster applies' also to
this coupe-Iong, sloping hood,
unbroken striping from front t8
rear, long windows, deep body
panels and low top structure with
short, hood visor.
The extra, length of the, body
gives an impression of the" roomi
ness for which , the designers
sirfved. With this 'as a basis,
both luxury and riding ease were
made simple. 1 The 1 driver's seat
U unusually wide and the fourth
passenger ha3. practically the same
lefe room as the driver, still leav
ing generous room lor the rear
Keat passengers behind the extra
seat. - '." ". '
; This coupe sets the same high
performance, standards as Dodge
brothers Senior sedan and jcab
xiolet roadster 7(1 " honest miiqs?
and thick telt pads between Kills
eration in traftic ' and reserve
power that makes driving a pleas
ure. Dodge Brothers have demon
strated in this car that they are
fully abreast of the trend toward
striking color effects in motor car
bodies by providing an unusually
vide variety from which to choose.
These run the gamut from the
conservative combinations for the
business man to the ultra modern
for milady's pleasure.
One of the most attractive bod
ies, in the opinion of the local
dealers. Is done in greens, striped
with gold. Another combination
that is most effective, is two
striking blues striped with
cream. With each body color com-
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Loo Wftof a Lrf tfe CwUization Will Do
markable- to the casual reader H
should "be noted that the entire
length of the route is in extreme
ly poor condition, making the
drive dangerous for even ordin
ary travel, not to mention racing.
Deep rats sharp curves and steep
hills slowed down . the drivers.
Rivers and streams crossing the
route ha.d to be forded as there
were - no bridges. Despite these
difficulties. Fa'che kept his Chan
dler at . an even ; speed without
straining the motor. . Three cars
were unable to complete the dis
tance due to strenuous conditions
encountered. " ,
peed" Omits Increased . ,
: wlthoirtAdding'toriazarti
. The development of the safety
factor in the modern motor car has
gradually caused the speed limits
in the various states to , be in
creased " without increasing the
safety hazard, points out the Ore
gon state "motor association. L A
checkup of recent legislation in
twenty-fire states shows that , the
increase in maximum speed ' al
lowed In open, country- have been
made as follows:
Idaho," from 30 to 35 miles per
hour; IsdianaV'SS toflO miles per -hour;
Nev .Hampshire, frees; 2 S ta , .
40 miles'per'hour; North Carolina;'
from; 35" to 45 mllea per.' hour;
North Dakota, rom '30 to 35 miles
per hour; Oklahoma. .from 35 to"
45 miles per hour;-Oregon, 'from
30 to 35 miles per hour; Washing
ton,, from 30 tq 40 milts per. hour.
Oklahoma's change,", however,
has been held unconstitutional by
the state supreme court because of
a defectWe title and the' legal lim
it has been restored to 35 miles
per hour, as In the old law.
Read the Classified Ads .
Xanny, a foar-month-old monntara sheep, kas heB changred
trent erne of the wildest to the tamest crwitures In the State. When
fcfce was about a month old she was picked up by the cowboys oi
the Ileart-Bar Ranch and raised on a bottle until she has become
so tame that she follows. Mrs. A. E. Swarthout around like a
poppy. Upper left Nanny standing' beside the Pontlae Six road
ster. Upper rlgrht tn the San Bernardino" Mountains near Biff
Meadows. lower Mrs. Swarthaot demonstrates bow she raised
Nanny and Nanny seems lb enjoy it too. This view was taken in
Barton's Flats, San Bernardino Mountains.
bination an appropriate shade of
fine broadcloth is used to uphol
ster the cushions and seat backs,
making the decorative scheme har
monious through out.
The body construction is note
worthy, especially the sound
cieadeninar features, which include
thick fel padding in door and
body - panels, beaded cushioning
strips between fenders and body
and thick felt pads between islls
and frame.
All the colors of the rainbow
are utilized in the exterior body
finish of the different models o
1928 Chandler motor cars. Thirty-three
distinct shades rangins
from Fawn to Medenna Lake and
from Tonapah Grey to Mountain
Ridge Green are in use as stand
ard body and decorative colors.
It is typical of America that the
first reaction of many of us to the
flood has been to say that there
ought to be a law passed. Nash
ville Banner.
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Residents of Lincoln,' Neb., have paused on the streets, recently,
to stare at this strange craft. It is an automobile chassis, propelled
by ah airplane motor, which develops unusual speed. Its owner,
above, Joseph Baird, a medical student at the University of Nebraska,
plans to equip the "thing" with runners for winter use. He intends
to use it in goin to and from his classes as well as for pleasure trips.
ll . SET 1 A
Tli wv -'i 6f
Ameiicaia f aiiiilards of Peffoimj
and Style AtAll-Amerimn Prices
You've probably harl how;
this big new Six was created
by American engineers to
meet modern American mo
toring neel9 hmv it intro
duced a big hew engine, a new
and longer chassis and many
original features of design.
You've probably walched it
on the etreet and admired the
American beauty revealed in
ita masterly lines and new
bodies' by Fisheri 1
. WW'.'.-...5'
Ilut why not consider just
for a"minutfvthe jreally imr
presivB fact? The fact, that
the' Oakland AU-American:
Six i oflered at All-American
price at prices wluh make
its luxury no luxury at all.
Value, they say, is what you
get for what you pay. And
here is the most in a motor
car that an equal amount of
money ever bought.
Size, speed, smoothness
staunchness that welcomes
"the roughest roads. Comfort,
luxury, distinction! ad
vanced features through and
through. Just the kind of a
"car. you wanted at a price
you've wanted to pay! Corrie
in for a demonstration of this
new American car! Learn for
yourself why the All-Ameri-can
Six is winning all America
in such a spectacular way. " ,
Kowittnl . Syrian
Pantimr ipix, rivtotmi price, $743 to $Q2$.
All ftricnf nt fmttnry lrlitn-rti prir.e inm
jmyr on th lihmrml Grnral Motorm Tlmm
" ' jj Faymrnt flan. -
Awocinte P.alcr: Myier Motor CoAHwnj. t'Kon ; .frVed T., Srio, . Oregon ;.K; K. Jajlor, L-Jutn-on,
Or'go'n; Siht-rlim Motor W Silvertoii, Oregon: ie. lorr. WcmkIIuuii, Oivgoti; !. J. Kfieeve
& Son, Dalian, Owgon; Ifarrkburg Garage, JlarrU burg, Oregon; Johnson Motor Siilcs Co., Corvallis.
Chandler Used in Winning
220 Mile Road Race, Chile
"The winning of the 220 mile
South American race from San
tiago to Panimavida, Chile, re
cently, by a Chandler Six demon
strated Ihe remarkable perform
ance qualities of the Chandler
power plant" says K. N. MacDon
ald, local Chandler distributor.
Word had just been received at the
factory of the details of the run.
The raw, organized "by TE1 Diar
io Illustrado" of Chile, jwas under-the
direct charge ortbe San
tiago Automobile Club and covered
the distance from the Chilean cap
ital to Panimavida through rug-ged
territory. .
Carlos Fache, driving a Chan
dler Six, made the run in vfiye
hours and thirty-five minutes.
The second car to cross the fin
ish line came in twelve minutes
While this may not seem re-
. v.. . - " i-'
Tires, Tire Repairing, Gasoline, "Off Power Greasing and Car Washing
-Jimi:, c ;:.!t -dill-SMITH
S. W. Corner Center and Liberty StsV " -
Phone 44
Photo by XennelMEllit." v
The Btitieri i Mate''
See him today He'll save you motley and
give you service that satisfies
Corner Center &
. Telephone IDS
1 1
Jbr Economical, ra nsp 6 rta tion
J" i
f Jt-: TH1 A :T TT A- 'TlTFTv - .
v. ; lxJSliy&lM-U-y 1
" .i 1. 1 i i . -: wiiumi m mi ii 'rrrav i. 1 !" n mi- i -r . 1.-.- . y'a . ajS .
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TvtiVV'.. Tito. ,ah ' 1 -is .-. :
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f I. I .i .
IK ,f
, Bodies by Figla!4 sri ;
such low prices '
i .
ins com
Hiuin IJbco Mini
iKe pcrnncnimi .
nm knd Indi viiio.
Chevrolet Fither ality of U ClwrraU
frmicjp. and bulU-.
tvpe headlamp tm
phaahe the beaot of
TbellmKlater.Cnp A Bf rvm rintcf
and Cabriole ha rm riar. ri(idlr CaMend
been riven added dia. t IM frafiia) im
tinctran i Fialv v ochee car iea.
tail" modeling of th rare oi today' Chev
rear dxk. relet.
The bodies that Tisher hal built for today'i enclosed . i ' f -'
Chcvrolets are' corkparable, in' every respect, to thev T w
,il? --
TheToarlttV rT '
erUoadatec - f?
The. , - r-) "T
Coupe .'.. -'--'
Sai1! . V695
TheSfMHt 71f
Cabriotet -J
Tht imperial. t -
... . Tf .
coachwork of the world's finest autofnobiles!
No other car in the' low;' price field1 offers bodies by
Fisher, with all the comfort, charm and elegance that
the Fisher name assures. .-' . ' s
Come in and make your own inspection of Chevrolet
coachwork. Note the smartness of its Duco colors
the grace of its full-crown, one-piece fenders . . . deep,
' restful seats . . . the fashionable durable upholstery . .
the finely modeledTrnstedt hardware. the patented
Fisher VV windshield . and the; complete modern'
appointments. Go for a drive and you will learn, that
Chevrolet's performance is,, in every way, as amazingT is
,its outstanding beauty! , ;. - - -
Here is quality you never thought possible except In
cars costing hundreds of dollars more ','--.-
" -quality that definitely! establishes Chevrolet as the
' world's finest low-priced car! , , - - - ,
Douglas McKay Ofreviqlet Co '
t ' Temporary Address,J480 Center Street . "
" . i 'Associate Dealers:" . i
. - , (CJtoaxiOaN) ' -
1-Ton Truck . S
i - " ( OkJ?) .
All prf'-i-t f. o. K Hint
. C C -irr -t.
t.irtr x I...
T1ir iac!- fe
, eat bnu., 10J
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