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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1927)
1 ! J THE. OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OltLGON : SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1927 n WM BEIIS ADD TO COMFDR T Automobile Manufacturers Show Way to Pullman Company and Others I HARRISON. ' N. J. The in crease in passenger comfort re- Eulting : from the' use ; of roller eirings in passenger coaches as prompted more than 50 of the fcointry's principal team, electric, and gasoline-electric lines' to in fctsill Hyatt 'roller hearings, which liaVo been favorably known to the iiutomobile-owning public for . inany years.' One coach so equip ped has traveled more than'325, 1)00 miles without replacements br marked wear. J Railways, like automobile man ufacturers. ( have devoted much fctudy to the problem of smooth out the road for their passen gers, xne moaern ruiiman car, ih$ all-steel coach, and the heavily-ballasted roadbed of today, all uiastrate toe railways' , Interest n passenger weiiare. when alter ears of work on the subject, lyatt. announced in 1923 that it ad. perfected a railway roller bearing, several roads ordered in- jstajjations and began watching the performance of the j innovation closely. . ; fcince that time, railway Install ations of Hyatt have run into the hundreds, and ,a. considerable jn umber are scheduled for the pres ent season.. Oae road has more than 100 Hyatt-equipped coaches in Service today, and will have 150 before the end of present sum mat, so satisfactorily is the anti friction axle working out in every day, practice. .The railway installation devel oped by Hyatt provides a certain flexibility, as well ns freedom frqm friction, owing to the unique design- of Hyatt's helical rollers. Unlike a solid steel roller, the hardened steel coils of Hyatts pos sess more or less "give," which trends to absorb some of the shocks of l he troad. This resiliency ac rou'trcs for part of the comfort re tufting from use oi Hyatts, and tW-Jesaened effort required to start Hyatt-equipped coaches ac counts for the rest of it. When-the power is applied to a Hya-U-equipped train, there is no abrupt jerk as with the ordinary train, but an almost imperceptible gliding into motion, like a ship getting - under way. ; This fact means much to passengers, par ticularly in the diners or on sleep ing car, where jolts and jars are most annoying. - The ifyatt Roller Bearing com pany, a division of General Mot ors, has long been famous for its automobile,, industrial, and imple ment bearings. The railway roller bearings which it is now manufac turing represent years of experi ence , in elimination, of friction. They consist of a hardened steel Inner race, to be sbrnnk upon the axle end, -the bearing . assembly proper, with-outer race and oil ring, and a simple means of assur ing lubrication and regulating end- thrust..' One important feature is their interchangeability with: standard., railway journal boxes, without any change in the present . ; - - Public Service of Power , Company Airier With "62" Public .service has come in re cent years to be more and more a paramount objective of American public utility concerns, and in the forefront of this - modern move ment a place of prominence is held by the Daytoa Power and Light Company, of Dayton. Ohio. This progressive company ' has Just purchased for tts emergency service department one of the new Chrysler "62" cars. I announced among the three models Intro duced by the Chrysler corporation within the last few Weeks. . The Dayton Power; and Light company uses J three automobiles in. its emergency service opera tions. A fire alarm tapper is in stalled in the service division's headquarters and three shifts of drivers are engaged, so that cars are ready at all hours of the day and night to respond to every fire and police alarm as promptly as the city's public safety depart ments. - J J. r" -:.','' The s municipal authorities of Dayton have adopted an ordinance authorizing the use of fire whistles on .these cars and granting right" of way on the streets Speciar bodies have been designed and built for the senvice cars enabling them to rendereffoctlve aid on their ar rival at the scene of J a' fire or a disturbance of the peace. SOME: NEW PACKARD MODELS MOTS POPULARITY An Oaken Plow . i JUSTIFIED. SHIM Reasons Given Why 80 Pe Cent of Home Construction of This Type . ' By Jane Stewart Wood has a just claim to pre eminence as the structual materi al for homes. Not undeserved is its popularity through the ages and its first place among Ameri can home owners of today. If as many as eighty per cent of the homes of a nation and es pecially one rich in raw materials and natural resources are built of a single type of material, its advantages must be very .definite. Which is Indeed the case. Eighty per cent of American homes are built of wood. ! 1 Probably the single greatest fac tor in establishing the popularity of wood has been its strength. It is stronger in proportion to it3 weight than any other building material. And it's equally durable. A house of good lumber, kept in proper condition, will last several generations -there are, in fact, hundreds of illustrations of , this fact in the eastern section of our country, old frame houses which are still in good condition after two hundred years of use. While there may be other ma terials of even greater durability there is no comparison in the dif ficulty and hence the cost of build ing. Wood is relatively! asy : to move and erect. It therefore relatively . inexpensive. - . Strong, durable, plentiful, economical these qualities would seem to es tablish it as the chosen material for a pioneer nation. But in recent years when. wealth has been abundant and practical considerations no longer come first of necessity, the claim of wood to popularity is no less undisputed. For its artistic merit equals its practical assets. Aside from Its intrinsic beauty wood has a certain innate-charm. It possesses an indefinable quali ty which makes It seem.: less formal and less harsh - than . material such as stone. It creates an. at mosphere that is somehow more welcome, more homelike. Then, too, it is the most work able. material, by far. being easily adaptable to designs of the most varied type. " Narrow and . wide clapboards, rough and smoothly finished surfaces, shingles, beams, carvings the possible variation is endless. And wood itself (many kinds are available) oft era; still further opportunity, to say nothing of the Infinite possibilities In finish and color schemes. -Here, truly, is a weighty factor love of color The home is one of the best mediums for "Its expression. ' The house of wood, best of all, lends itself-to varied treatment. Interesting and n . ' i o n if - m X z-i-11" f ' .tw "-'"in m. uipi. .,.,, , iiiui.mM.,ll,w,,waK, w, . .i, ' ST--- -fTnr- -in i i, -ii.i , n j, v --w i-in,L tut,,, n ,-, 11.11.1,1, "" im ' " ' ' " Abovs Th e ' ' f "3w - " s Packard El0M (. nL"' 'y - . Five Passenger f . if ' f IVf X J Phaeton. " L If l 'A 11 If, , . , -V V. Rlght-The tt ' '" -3 x m . Packard Six Five ' -&Z ' Passenger Sedan, vriV I : . V""" ". . r I Gram Trucks for the Jungle - ' " .; 11 " " ' " ' ' ' i fx 4 s. - ,, x. . .. x-ii r x i i Z " 1 - - r I . , r . x: .-.j rr 1r is 1 -v.' vV. . f-- --I'm j- i : :; - Pioneering and the romantic struggle of man's enterprise against the natural obstacles that have existed since history began are to be found in this picture taken on the Rio Catatumbo in the jungle heart of Venezuela. Like wise it shows a strange contrast of transportation methods Gra ham Brothers trucks, the most modern economical means for car- rying"things that man has devised, being freighted in crates on a river boat that could have existed before the lime of Columbus. These Graham Brothers trucks are some of the thousand or more exported to foreign lands each month. Bound for a recently opened jungle district south of K neon tr ados, they must travel a distance of 150 miles as shown. For the last '40 miles of travel the boat is poled by several men , against a stiff current. The fact that Graham Brothers trucks are to be found almost everywhere that civilization is pushing for ward its frontiers is added proof of the reputation for dependabil ity, power and strength that they have made and held for more than six years in .domestic service. cheerful color schemes. Both the practical and artistic qualities of Vood depend in large measure upon its finish. Its life is generally in direct proportion to -the care-rand frequency - with which it Is painted, varnished or stained. "Without exception each of the buildings of frame, historic landmarks ' which have survived the centuries; has been preserved with regularly- renewed protective coats. Equally' Important from "the viewpoint of - appearance is the finisn.' Not only because a smooth and new looking surface contrib utes -greatly in this respect but be cause the color scheme is often more important than the architect ure itself. ' Within the realm of color lie infinite possibilities of beauty. ' Thus has wood established it self in favor.. . The ;bome owner who seeks economy, beauty, or in dividuality will generally find It the material best adapted to his needs. 310,175 Motor Cars Built In August, Report Shows Production of 310,175 motor cars and motor i trucks in August by member companies of the Na tional automobile chamber of commerce, as "estimated on the basis of records of shipments, was reported to the directors' meeting of that body in New York today. The total is an increase -Of 14 over July and 8 above August last year. . The eight months total- for these companies is 11 ahead of the corresponding, period last year. America can be enlightened by a better understanding of Euro pean transport conditions, in the view of Windsor T. White, chair man of the motor truck committee of the chamber who reported to the directors on his visit to Scan dinavian countries while he was delegate to the international chamber of commerce meeting in Stockholm. Ireland Tourist Mecca of Future, Says Official Looking upon Ireland as a new center ot business prosperity and f , Wisconsin Legislature. MADISON. Wis. The Wiscon sin, legislature, which has ended its session after six eolid months of ;law ". making, cost the, state $328,051.04. 1 -j? REAL SERVICE "WITH A SMILE" Auto i Washing - Lubrication 1 Repairing on all makes of cars. FIREPROOF STORAGE GARAGE 252 South Liberty Telephone 659 DAY STORAGE by MONTHLY RATES 'Forty-four years ago, M. J. LeflngweU, s farmer living Bear Exira, Is,, left his plow leaning against a white oak sapling; then forgot about it. The forked sap ling spread two ways, growing around the -plow. The fork later was cut off, leaving the straight trunk with the plow directly ' throus Use cldile of it a shown , above. Only part of the pIouS chare protrudes now from cue tiU cf Ca truni 4i trca traces . frcr: the c3p , : y ' ' .4 ' w .. w - .-.""if1.. How Long Since You Have . v Changed the Oil In Your Motor? The oil should be changed, and your car thoroughly greased; regu larly." j ' ' Our High Pressure Alemite Lubll ca:ion system insures proper lubrica tion of all working parts. - ' s Don't be in doubt--drlve In here and you are sure-of good service. , Auto Electric. Service R,.I. Barton -Hatteries, Magnetos Generators Electric Service for , Auto' or Radio 1 Tlpbo!M If 07.' Salem; Super Service Statio:i Service Station No. 2. corner Commercial and Cbemeketa. Service Station No. 5. corner Commercial and MlHsion. Tunc A '", j Cckerlaa S S S s fligh and rerry Streets McQUAY-NORRIS ALUMINUM PISTONS It.-- j p. mm C. & L. PARTS STORE INC. Corner Ferry and Liberty Telephone 666 t v. Don't Wait Till You're y: Bring in your car and have your r SIDE CURTAINS FITTED UPHOLSTERY RENEWED TOP RECOVERED , . Quality Workmanship Prices -That ' Please W. R. & J. H. McALVIN TOP SHOP 545 North Church - - Phone 2153 , Out of the High Rent District MONROE S. CHEEK -I . Complete AatonUlfve lmbricntlon We"' Carry the Following' Products: ;Valvolinc ; ' Vccdol - ; Pcnnzoil Qiialccr State . Shell Oils Court at Capitol Phone 2295 a future Mecca for tourists Wil liam 15. Metzger who returned from Europe on the He de . France this week,, made a special report on Free State conditions to the directors' meeting of the National Automobile Chamber of Com merce held in Xew York, yester day (Sept, ft) -. Mr. Metzger I a director of the chamber ami chair man of 'its insurance and traffic committees. ; . ' ; "Motor transportation in' Ire land is' going' forward, at a more rapid fate than any other country which T visited." say3 Mr. Metz ger iii his report.' - "In All parts' of the country roads are being constructed or repaired. ' , - - "The Free State government evidtntly looks upon the Irish highway systems as a primary form of improvement for. prosper ity, 'and' these measures may be looked upon to .bring large trade ror this island country." According to reports, the sum mer resort hotel keepers-are com plaining of poor business this sum mer. But we know a lot of folks who don't worry a great deal over this. , ; . - CHICAGO Al Kvale. son of a Minnesota congressman, who star ted out to become a lawyer, bas opened an engagement at a Chi cago theatre, leading his own jazz band. . ' ; ' ROADSIDE; MARKETS i DO HUGE BUSINESS (Comtiaaod trm pmf l. motorist and the farmer alike, since It hampered -the development or contacts which could not fall 10 result in, very substantial ad vantages to both. . The motorist s today one of the farnfer's be si cash eus-iomers. - For one thing, BerYlting the motorist at the road side" Js the only way he has eyer founds of Eliminating the middle man of -whom" ho , has so bitterly complained. ;, This Is not all by any means. There is good reason to believe that the farmers would ereatlv In crease "the potential market 'for their, land If they renounced petty antagonisms and maintained their farms on exhibition, r as it were. Here. -is where they could well af ford, to take a leaf from the real tor's, book, of sale psychology. "Dp, A. W. Gilbert, the Massa chusetts commissioner of agricul ture, has done exactly this. He went but and persuaded the farm ers, with show places to permit him Jo print a pamDhlet eivinsr the names and locations of model farms, and inviting the motorists to call. The beeinnine mad hv Dr. Gilbert is capable of enormous expansion. . "ItTwould soon destroy the line- ering belief of the farmer that many city motorists are vandals; it would accelerate the growth of good5 feeling and understanding between the different elements of the -population. Which should be one of the most Valuable by-prod ucts of improvedj .transportation. "What it can do In the realm of work-a-day things is amply oroven by the great- Increase in roadside marketings. This form of trading Is just In its infancy. The extent to which it will grow depends largely on mutual trust, under standing and fair dealing." ARE -THE TREAD'S OF THE. NEW VtfHlCH CONTAIN MORE RUBBER. THAN ANV TIRES IN THE WORLD I TIRE SHOP 198 S. Commercial Telephone 471 Expert Vulcanizing and Repairing COMPLETE AUTO BODY REBUILD TOPS --CURTAINS FENDERS -UPHOLSTERING Door & Windshield Class ; InU.Ucd while you wait maciiine Mullsbcd edges, like factory job Duco Painting; ' We rebuild the body cf a wrecked car completely within our. shop Woods Auto Salem, oejcvice 515 Chfcmckcfa St." " Phone 809 Ore. Six-cylinder performance . . .The joy nd tctv . of Four-wheel Brket., .The smart luxury of - - FUher Bodies ... 1 he economy and long life of Cnnkcue Ventilation Oil Filter Dual Air Cleaning only 3to4oiIchangesa year... And . oon,throach all the features of motor car merit and completeness of equipment, such as bumpers, front and rear. THESE f HI MGS FHAT MEAW SG MUCH NOW COST SO LITTLE 1 1 TWO-DOOIl CZDAN DCDY OT FISTTCIX . o. bl Anting One By one, the known factors of motojr car merit in Olds mobile. . Feature by fea-r ; rure, the niceties that make for true'enjoy ment inOldsmobile Lookasyouwill, compare as you may youll find no competing values at com peting prices Come to our show room and see for yourself CAPITOL MOTORS INC. SALEM, OREGON . ' , it 4 . C GRAVKS oodburn, Ore. . SMITH A NELSON ! IXlXNEU-IlAlJiTON Third and Adams. Corvallis, Om I)nlia, Ore. 6. 1 if f $ i i ' i i ; i ft M it V tl .?'"3r ) - ; J