The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 18, 1927, Page 10, Image 10

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Upper right: Miss Adeline Hughes, iiperinteident of the Salem General Hospital;
Upper left: Miss. Olive M. Dahl,-Dean of Womn at Willamette University.
Lower right: Miss Pauline Johnson, who will attend school at Corvallls.
. Ixiwer left: Miss Maxine Glover, who will enroll at the University of Oregon for the winter.
.Center: Miss Pearl Kapphahn, who will atten 1 O. A. C.
Have yoa ever thought of autumn leaves
Along an early mornino; road ?
They will follow autos for a way
Then stop and play
With the sumac gypsies for a while. ;
They will flirt their golden ankles
And the rustle of their scarlet skirts
Will mock 'the murmuring wind,
(Talking to himself adown the corridors
of Heaven.) . ;
But, O, tomorrow they will only be a puff
of smoke in the tree-tops,
An underlying sweetness in 'the mumbling
of the wind !
Brenda Goodwill Glass
patrons and Patronesses of
(The Horse Shour Announced
Mrs. Ella Schalts Wilson, sec
jptary of the Fair board, has an
v nconced the ' following patrons
and patronesses at the horse show
given each evening 'next week: at
the Oregon -State Fair:
- -
Governor and Mrs: Isaac Pat
Jtrson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, B.
Kay of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
fiea ofj Portland. Hugh Hume of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. King
fer Portland. Mr. and Mrs. P. M.
tiummer of Portland, " Mr. and
Mrs. jW. F. Turner of Portland.
?4r. and Mrs. J. D. Farrell ot'Se-
fttle, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Stuart
Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Sam A.
. Kozer of Salem, Mr. an Mrs. Dav
tali. Eyre of Salem, Mr. and Mrs.
Curtis B. Cross of Salem, Mr. and
Mrs. T.A. Uvesley at Salem. Hon
orable and Mrs.- J. H. Bilth of
fcoseburg Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Gates of Medford, President and
. Sirs. W, J. Kerr " of Corvallls.
; President and Mrs. Arnold . Ben
frettHall of Eugene, and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hall of Marshfield.
Kalem Young People Leaving
Vor College r j ;
l!Many young people of Salem
re leaving this week-end to en
fW the various colleges of Ore
gon : and the , Northwest. ;
'AlnSnV" those "leaving today to
enroll at the University of Ore
gon ftre Miss Itovena Eyre, Miss
ancy Thielsen, Miss Josephine
Albert, Miss Dorothy Bell, Miss
Maxine - Glover, ! . Mlas CaroUne
tamblrth, Miss Mildred Pugh.
Miss Mildred Gilberts Miss Peart
Jiones," Miss Julia Currie. William
East,- Robert Bish6p, Richard
Emix, Chandler Brown,; Clarence
liamllton, Harold Olinger, John
Creech, Henry Thlelson. and Ken
neth Allen. . ;'- ' .
t Miss Pauline Johnson, Misa
F'arl Kappahn, , Miss Eloise
V.'Hjht. Miss Rosalie Jones, Miss
Ilirsaret Smith", illaa. Charlotte
Martin; Miss Helen Campbell, Ez
ra Webb, Julian Campbell, Don
ald Deckebach, and Robert Drager
will attend O.. A. C. at Corvallls.
Miss Dorothy Llvesley left ear
lier In the month for Oakland
where she entered Mills College
for the winter.
Miss Mildred Roberts has gone
to Portland where she will contin
ue her studies at St. Helens Hall,
and. Miss Bonnie Schaefer is at-,
tending Castilleja j School in Paid
Alto, California, i '
Unique Party .Given in Honor
of Mtes Constance Krebs
A unique "Pirate" party was
given Friday evening at the
home of Miss Roberta Varley on
Fatrmount; Hill ' I complfpientfng
Miss Constance Krebs. Miss Krebs
has recently returned from Port
land where she was the guest . of
her sister, .Mrs. . Darwin Palnuer.
. A treasure . hunt was the fea
ture of the. evening..
: Those present ,wenu the honor
guest Miss Krebs, i Miss Catherine
Rowe, Miss Laura Kinsley, , Miss
Jane ' Harbison. - Miss Dorothy
Krebs, - Misa- Catherine Sheldon,
Miss Jean Lunsford Miss Marjor
ie Webb, and the joint hostesses,
Miss Varley and Miss Verle Smith.
Daughters of the Nile Wt$
Have Luncheon Meeting
The Daughters. oftheNile,, will
open - the - fall season - with a - one
o'clock luncheon Tuesday in MIn
tc't Green Roomi j '; . ' ,
V A 'Kensington', will follow the
luncheon . :'-'
In Pendleton For Several .
Days -;f f;'!- ; .V.
Mrs. R. E. Lee Bteiner and her
Bon, Milton Steinep' have been at
tending the Roand-U In Pendle
ton." r ? '- jV. ? ?
Guest Iri Salenii s:' :
Mrs.; Paul Rounds of . Seattle,
Washington Is the house guest of
Mr.: and Mrs. Gus Hixson.. .
American Legion Auxiliary
Witt Have First Business
Meeting of Fall
The American Legion Anxili
ary will hold their first fall busl
ness meeting tomorrow evening
in tbe Legion hall.
Nominations for the election of
officers may be made at this
time rather than at ' the begin
ning of the new year as-has been
the custom heretofore. I
Mrs.' King Bartlett will read a
report of the recent state con
vention at La Grande. Mrs. Bragg
will speak on the committee re;
port and the cup which the local
auxiliary won at the state conven
tion will be presented tomorrow
cvenine. . "
Home From Seattle
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Moses
have returned to Saleta after vis
iting for several days at the home
of Mr. and' Mrs. Rex A. Turner in
Seattle '
Kensington Club Entertained
at Smith Home
Members the Kensington ' Club
were entertained one day recent
ly, at the home of Mrs. Albert
Smith. ,, .
. The afternoon . was spent with
conversation and sewing.
Members present were Mrs. Y.
S. Anunsen, Mrs. I. M. Doughton,
Mrs. George Griffith, Mrs. Herbert
Huuser, Mrs. Charles Hudklns,
Mrs. N. C. Kafonry, Mrs. George
King, Mrs. Henry E. Morris. Ms.
frank Power. Mrs. C. S. Pratt,
Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, and the host
ess. Mrs. Smith. ; ' ; -
The club will meet Wednesday
at the home of Mrs. F. S. Anun
sen, 1110 North Capitol Street.:
Miss Marjorie ShervHn Sel
ects Wedding- Day 1 : 1
Miss - Marjorie Sherwin has
chosen Thursday, October 20, as
the date o her wedding to ; Ken
neth C. Perrv. ,
; The betrothal of this promin
ent young couple was announced
last sprinjr. Miss Sherwin is a
member of ' the- Alpha Omicron
Phi Sorority at o. A. C. and Mr.
Perry, is affiliated with the Sig
ma Alpha Epsilon fraternity at
Corvallls ' - '
Z)r. and Mrs. F.. Kenneth :
Power Will Make Their :
Home in Salem i
; Dr. and Mrs. F. Kenneth Pow
er "who arrived in Salem a short
tlmo ago from Chicago, will more
into their new home at the Rob
erts Apartments ; later . In the
weeik. Dr. Power will be associ
ted In business with Dr. Charles
G. .Robertson and Dr W. B.
Morte. "; - '.-, - -
Social Calendar
;. Jlonday -y r
i FIrat fall business meeting, Am
erican Legion Auxiliary. Legion
HalU eight o'clock.
Writer's Club. Miss Grace Eliz
abeth Smlth. 1765 Center Street.;
hostess. 7:30 o'clock.
Willamette ShrJne, No. 1. Ma
sonic tern pie. V o'clock.
. , Tucwlay
Board and luncheon meeting of
Y. W. C. A. 10 o'clock.
Indies' Aid. First Presbyterian
church. Church : parlors. 2:30
Kensington Clnb. Mrs. F. S.
Anunsen, 1110 North Capitol
Street, hostess. w
' Daughters of the Nile. Lunch
eon. Minto'w Green Room. 1 o'
clock. Applications For Atwater
Kent Radio Audtfion Mttst
Be Filed at Once
Singers in this territory who de
sire to enter the tri-out for the
Atwater-Kent National Radio Au
dition must file their applications
at once, as it will be necessary
to . have the final tri-out not lat
er than a week from this date.
Applications should be ; filed
with Mr. C. E. Wilson, secretary
of thS Chamber of Commierce.
Blanks may be secured at his of
fice. The survey committee, which
has charge of tbe preliminary
work of acting on the applications
consists of Mrs. Arthur J. Rahn.
Mrs. E. E. Fisher, and Mrs. Phil 1
Mrs. Isaac Lee .Patterson Is
state chairman of the audition.
and Mrs. Walter Denton is local
Frank G. Deckebach is chair
man of the publicity committee.
Members of the ways and means
committee are Mrs. T. A. Lives
ley, chairman, Mrs. H. R. Robert
son, Mrs. C. E. Wilson, and Mrs.
William McGilchrist.
Rev. II. C. Stover is secretary
and treasurer of the local or-
Further details of the contest
will be announced later.
Pipe Organ for Professor
Roberts Home Now on
Display f
Many are interested in the
beautiful new Gunther pipe or
gan and console which are now
on display at the Salem Music
Comany, 35tJy North v HIh street.
This organ will be installed later
In. the week in the charming studio-residence
of Professor and
Mrs. T. S. Roberts, on North Sum
mer Street.
The organ which is sold by the
Guenther Company of Portland,
is finished In walnut. It v has
three manuals and a complete
set of twenty-five chimes. . The
one thousand pipes, which range
from a few inches to fourteen feet
In height, will be Installed in
rooms built for the purpose and
will be entirely concealed from
Professor Roberts will give - a
number of musicales later in the
season and at that time a com
plete, description of the installed
organ will be given.
Members of Leslie Can Do
Class Entertained .
Members of the Can Do Class
of the Leslie Methodist ' Church
met one evening of the. week at
the home of Mrs.' B. FI Pound to
honor Mrs. J. Willard De Yoe and
her son, Paul De Yoe wbo have
since gone to ' California, where
they will make their home.
; Mrs." De Yoe 'was presented
j . . -.: . I.
h "f''": )
Senorita Maria LgIba Lacuadra, above, cf Cpln, bag been eTrr?
as Queen of Beauty to jrel at the gnacal tutlrzl cf tia Uidrl,
proieiaxisfc . . . .
- X
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ShcuM Miss Joan Clarkson, Britiaa actress, above, decide to bob'
her hair it will be a most expensive operation. Her contract calla
for 60 per cent redaction in salary should the bob, or cr
crop her tresses in any manner.
with a giff'Lfrom the club mem
bers as an appreciation of '' her
work in the community. Vocal
solos were given late In the even
ing by Mrs. W. J. Linfoot and
Miss Lena Medler played a group
of piano numbers.
Those present were Mrs. De
Yoe, Paul De Yoe, Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Q- Boyce, Mr. and Mrs.
Bateman, Mr. and Mrs. Wajrne
Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
iiice, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Otjen,
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde French, Mrs.
John Bertelson, Mrs. Whealdon,
Mrs. Ohmart, Mrs. Lelan Schimer,
Mr Savage, Mrs. J. G. Medler,
Mrs. W. J. Linfoot, and the host
and hostess, Or. and 'Mrs. B. F.
Mrs. Linfoot and Mrs. Green
wood asisted the hostess.
White Shrine Will Meet
Members of Willamette Shrine
Number two Order of White
Shrine of Jerusalem, will meet
tomorrow evening at eight o'
clock In the Masonic, temple.
Return. From ffewport
Mrs. H. L. Moore and her dau
ghters, the - Misses , Helen and
Margaret Moore, have returned
from Newport where they spent
the past fortnight. .
Mr. and Mrs. McCaU Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCall
were hosts at dinner last Tues
day evening honoring Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Tomlinson and their
son, Harold Tomlinson, who
have spent the greater part of
the summer in Iowa:
Marion Talley WUl Appear
in Concert Tomorrow
Evening ' . '
, It will be of interest to local
music lovers to learn that Stew
art Wille, whose . : headquarters
are in New York, Is with Marion
Talley on her tour of tbe Pacif
ic Coast states and will - appear
in concert with her Monday ev
ening at the public Auditorium in
A number of his Salem friends
are planning to attend the con
cert. y "
' . - .
Entertain on Birthday
The little Misses Vivian and
Eleanor Aspinwall entertained
group! of ther friends on Tuesday
afternoon, the occasion being
their sixth and eighth birthday
The afternoon was spent with
1 outdoor games. At the close of
the afternoon dainty refreshment,
were served. ? :
The guests included, Dorothea
Ivletzing. Margaret Johnson. Lor-
etta Beall, Maxine Gahlsdorf. Ve
ra Luther, Bonnie Baldock, Eliz
abeth Lewis, Dorothy . Baldpck
Ruth O'Neill, Marian Moora
Jeanette Graber, Corliss, Clark.
Helen Acheson, Mary Acheson.
David Putnam, Jim Lewis, Eu
gene Beall. Rebecca Putnam and
Loretta Beall.
Spend Week-end at Cut
ler City
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Breithaupt,
Breithaupt, and their honse guests
Mr. and Mrs. Will Brelthanpt,
their daughter..; Alvina Breith
aupt. and Mr. and Mrs. C. Rax
ey, of Wapato. Washington, have
gone to Cutler: City where they
will spend the week-end.
Miss Putnam Hostess at Din
ner Party 'Honoring
House Guest . .
Miss Nan , Putnam entertained
Toesday.. evening - with a dinner
party at the Gray Belle compli
menting her , house guest. Miss
Meryle Whitney of Long Beach,
Covers were arranged for tbe
honor guest. Miss Whitney, Misa
Vivian Hargrove, Miss Alice Put
nam, Andrew Vincent, Ralph Kel
logg. Cecil Edwards, Albert Egan.
and the hostess. Miss Pntnam.
Miss Betty Bryant Compli
mented Friday Evening
Mrs; Harry - Bryant was host
ess at an attractive dinner party
Friday1 ? evening complimenting
he' daughter Miss Bety Bryant
who is leaving this afternoon for
Corvallls wherel she will attend
school this winter.
The dining table was lovely
vith a centerpiece of marigold
and clematis arranged in a crys
tal bowl. A color plan of yellow
and white' was carried out in the
decorations. "- ,v
; Covers were . placed for.., Miss
Eryant, the guest of honor. Miss
Beulah V Graham. Miss Lenora
Mickel.' Miss. Loto Schultz, Misa
Frances w Graham, Miss Elaino
Mickel, And the. hostess, Mrs. Bry
ant. Mrs. Miunie D. Baker and Miss
Doris' Williamson ' assisted with
the servlnsi''4
Guest in Eugene .
Miss Edith Hazard has gone t.
Eugene where she will be a guest
for the week-end.
Miss 'fielen Campbell Com
plimented With Party r
Miss Virginia' Page entertained
Friday evening wit h a ten cover
dinner ' party in ; honor of Miss
Helen Campbell who is leaving
today tor college.5,
Danlcingl and " bridge were the
diversions later 'in the evening. '
In the group were the honor
guest,Hss Campbell, Miss Helen
Kaf oury, -. Miss Bertha Orf f ord.
Miss .Mary Kafonry, Miss Virginia
Page, Ezra Webb, Nathan Buell.
Julian prescott, Frank Benson.
Mrs. Becke Entertains in
Honor of Bride Elect ;
. Mrs. Karl Becke entertained
Thursday afternoon In her home
on North Summer street . with an
attractive, bridal ehower- rohipii
mfnting Miss Gretchen Brown
whose marriage to Mae Brown of
Portland will be solemnized Sep-tt-mler
23 In'PortlanL , j
M 1ms Brown was presented with
many lovely gifts immediately pre
ceding the tea hour. ' Mrs. P. D.
Qutfenberry assisted Mrs. Becke.
. Bridge was the diversion of the
afternoon. High ecore honors
were won by Mrs. "Gus Hltson, and
fiecnnd prize by Mrs. Ronald Jones.
The guest, group Include, the
honor guest. Miss Brown, Mrs.
Oliver Jessup of Mollala, Mrs.
Ronald Jones '"Mrs. Lewis Grif
fith. Mrs. P. D. Quisnbrry,' Mrs.
Bert Fori. Miss Winifred Gra
ham. Mrs. Gus Hixson, Mrs.? Paul
Rounds of Seattle. Mrs. William
Gosper, Mrs. Charles Robertson of
Portland, Mrs. Dolph Craig. Miss
Josephine Baumgartner, and the
hostess, Mrs. Becke.
- Miss Brown and her, mother,
Mrs. Katherine Brown, made their
home in Salem nntif three years
ago. Since, graduating, from the
University of Oregon, Miss Brown
has been a member of the faculty
of the high school at Vancouver,
Washington, and she and her mo
ther have made their home in
Vancouver and. Portland.
Mrs. Sharp Hostess at Meet
ing of R. N. A. Sewing Club
Twenty-four members of the
Royal Neighbors" Sewing Club
were entertained last Tuesday af
ternoon at tbe home of Mrs. Leila
Readings were given bv Julia
Blodgett. Bertha Loveland, Pearl
Ltckiss, Sarah Nelson, Susie Par
meoter, Sarah Peterson. Anna
Simmons. .Ida McCulley, Elizabeth
Cheney, Laura Cheney, and Elsie
, The next meeting ' of the c'uh
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Mina Saunders. 1275 E street.
Miss Lisle Returns After
Spending the Summer in
Miss Esther Lisle has spent the
summer-In Portland as one of
the directors at the municipal
playgrounds. At the close of the
summer season a very Interesting
pageanL "The Great Spirit" was
given by the children under her
supervision. ; .
Miss Lisle has returned to her
home in Salem and, will enter
V'illiamette University as a jun
ior this fall t
In Portland For the Week-end
Miss Esther Hanson and Miss
Caroline Nerod have gone to
Portland ; , where - they will be
guests for the week-end. .
Mr. and Mrs. Pugh in
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Pugh have
gone to Wenatchee, Washington,
where they remain for sev
eral months. , ;
East Central Circle Ladies
Aid Entertained N
Mrs. P. J. Kunts and Mrs. B. E.
Carrier entertained the members
of the East Central Circle Lad
Vivian Hargrove, Miss Aliee Put
church Friday afternoon at the
.Kuntx home on North Winter
street. 'J:;0. .v
At the close of the afternoon
which was spent with conversa
tion and' sewing, refreshments
were served.
Miss Pope Complimented
With Dinner Party ,
Complimenting Miss Florence
Pope, bride-elect, Mrs. Clay Mc
Dowell was hostess at a dinner
-party one evening earlier in the
week. '-V; "
Covers were placed at the din
ing table, centered with golden
glow and golden tapers, for the
honor guest. Miss Pope, Miss Ce
celia : Hendrlckson, Miss Mona
Schanm, Mrs. Gilbert Aspen of
New Orleans, Mrs. Porter Young,
Mlse Mary Beilsen, Miss Margaret
A . :
S S , ! - J
J5T7tertfi Jiyh fSfr.-TZasosiic 7anple
Black Dinner Gown
- f 1
9 1
Black chiffon fashions the din
ner gown pictured. It employs a
three-tiered skirt and full sleeve
with an accenting flower of flesh
rf shoulder and waist. Worn by
Haiiette UiUoer.
Lacy, Miss Ethel Lacy, and the
nostras, Mrs. MeDowell.
" The wedding of Miss Pope and
Byron F. Brunk will be an event
of Sunday evening, October 2, in
St. David's Episcopal church of
Miss Pope has been office sec
retary in 'the Salem Chamber of
Commerce for the. past five years.
Until a short time ago Mr. Brunk
made his home in Salem but I
now in business in Taroma where
they will make their bomet
Miss Glover Leaving Today
For Eugene -
Miss. Maxine . Glover is leavini
this afterlioon for Eugene when
she will attend the University o(
Oregon - .
Recent Guest In Salem
Mrs. Josephine Stewart wha
has been a guest recently of her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard D. Slater, has gone
to Eugene to assume her duties
as house mother at tbe Gamma
Phi sorority.
Return From the Beach
' Mrs. Amelia Riley has returned
from a fortnight's vacation at the
Tillamook 'beaches. ;
I". W. C. A. Board and
Luncheon Meeting
; Y. W. C. A. board meeting will
be held Tuesday morning, begin
ning at ten o'clock in the Y. W. C.
A. Luncheon wfll follow the
Willamette University Fresh
men Will Be Entertained ,
With Program
The freshmen who are now en
rolling at Willamette University
will be the guests at a program
given this afternoon at two thirty
o'clock in the chapel
Professor James - T. Matthews
will be the speaker of the after
noon. 'Although it has not yet
been announced, the subject which
(Continued en Par S.)
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