r i THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON ;i! r - SATURDAY MORNING, .SEPTEMBER 17,1027 .-. Couple to Wed-. J corner extensirely, he reported to A marriage license , was yester-j police : yesterday. ', Two large day issued' from the office of the 1 trucks, were parked bo as to pre nnntv clerk to Clarence jonn i Zeifccr-and Pearl Boerfler. Both Residents of Sublhnlty;c..-i Dance Saturday Kite, )Iaael Green Ken Boyle's dance, band., SI? ? Women Wanted-- v " At Starr Fruit Products Co. Cor. Church and" Mill' Sts. Phone 439. vent . him from making a .proper turn, he said, ' i Wanted Blackberries : 3 He cash. Pacific Fruit and Packing Co., West Salem.. - si 5 tf KentI Hall Is Located - V;- ' On the ' Independence '-Salem highway. .2, miles north, of Inde pendence, i ' - S17 8 Oregon Pnlp and Paper Co- Car Damaged Lightly . Preferred. Limited amount for 'sale. Hawkins and Roberts. Phone 1427. " vw: ' Jiytf: 'license Issued I A license to, marry was i Issued 1 1 ront yesterday to Oliver A. Apple, oi 15C5 Belleriew street, and Minnie J L. Miles, of 1555 Beller lew street. r iKryptok Lenses fl2J50 ' I Fine Toric reading lenses $4.95. .Free examination. Credit fit desired. Thompson ft Glutsch Opt. Co., 110 N3ommerciaL slltf Salem Popular Old Time Dance Castilian Hall, Sat. Oudeans Or- i chestra. ' ' 17 Omar V. Hubbard. 335 South 24th "street, had his ear slightly damaged in an accident yesterday morning, when Margaret Steiner, route 1, backed her ar from - a parking place on State street -in of i Willamette university. Her vision of approaching traffic was obstructed, she reported. I The "Moonlight on the Wabash Has nothing on the Moonlight Waltz at KentI; Hall. ; S17 Vii Ki (( si . says . . : : - v: We have a late 1926 Poniiac Coach with . new . rubber, lots of special equipment. This is a fine running car and a bargain at $700.00. Th House. That Service BaUt Receive Lice: A. .weddlnc license, was Issued yesterday afternoon to Merritt E. J Day school opening and new clas- Yon Cannot Take Away One often loses property or money. It may burn or be stolen, but not so with knowledge. ' -It cannot .be taken awaw- the most valuable asset a young-person can acquire." Acquire a fund of busin ess knowledge this coming year at the Capital Business College. Ar range for your .; course this week; same office, nearly, in the. week the number of, divorce suits was greater but - by, Wednesday,; the number of marriage caught up and there were, four of each. ": On Thursday both numbers remained the same, .and . yesterday , three marriage licenses were taken j out as compared with one divorce suit started, placing the total of wed ding applications two in the lead. Real -'Old - Time Dance Tonight Crystal Gardens.: ; Mathe's or chestrsv'- I. 817 Hart- 985 North 5th street, ana ses next Mondar. Sophia Stewart, 555 .North winter S17 Sue on N Action: : was " begun in circuit court yesterday by ;L.ixzie Haines to collect a $250 note from Louis oral.. Hare You Danced f i At KentI Hall - S17 Furniture Upholstered And repairing. Qiese-Powers Furniture; Co. , II Itt Rons Into Wood Truck . : The car of. H. Galloway, Cottage Grove, was t damaged yesterday when he drove it Into the rear end dt:a loaded wood truck at Court and Cottage streets.: He misjudg ed the distance.he reported to the city traffic department. 3 Swone Makes .Addre C. A. Swope, secretary of the Lion's club, delivered an inspir ing address on the Constitution at the regular Lion's club luncheon t?V yesterday noon. - The speaker de J. clared that the. constitution is a m . n . M . . n A Va irrnft and corruption the government Snlem's Real Old Time Dance Crystal Gardens tonight danc ing starts 8:30. Mathe's orches tra.' S17" 5 Rooms Court Street Plain Plain home. Bath, plaster, pav ing, fruit, flowers and garden. is h fault of the American neo- Total price $3350., terms like rent nla as a whole. ' They should fail Vacant at 1788 Court. Why rent to return to office any man who disabuses his political : duties. Swope'said'. r'i- ' , Becke & Hendricks. 189 N. High street. ' 1 1 , - Sl Tliey Dance Everr Wednesday And Saturday nights at KentI ncer. comaea-wun a - . . la . a . . Hall. " i S17 Hotel Marion Dollar dinners served 5:45 to 8 every evening. ' , B26tC Building Permits Issued JD, D. . Socolofsky was Issued a Cop Runs Amuck G. R. Watkinds. state traffic of bakery de livery truck at Center and Liberty streets early yesterday afternoon, when he failed to - see the ap proaching machine, it was said. other traffic officer, riding In the sidecar of Watkinds machine, was talking to him. and diverted his attention. it was said. A, Gardner, driving the delivery car. LilZSfJ IfiiSiSi collision, according, to reports, al SJXl thpugh he had the.rjgh4 of way, . deputy Cityf--RecordasA TITol Mr,, TaV I -artl I XIUUIKi -nT l ,,Vut f nVt 'Man 1T Anp Larson andCson wish to tion, will be built" lor Maua u. . tvi . tvo.v t nn ptlniftted cost or thank their friends and relatives t S17 Professor T. S. Roberta Has . on display his beautiful console for his residence pipe or- aran at The Salem Music Co.,' 355 North High Street.! ? V i .t j v J l-Sl.g Wpmen Wanted At Starr Fruit Products Co. Cor. Ckurch and Mill Sta. Phone 439. ' . slStf Traffic Violators Fay - Among those who paid, fines of 31 each for overtime parking' in restricted areas, yesterday, were Harry Cohen. Earl Irons, and L. Z. Elney.' McKay Chevrblef company paid 1 for parking a ear in front al a fire hydrant. Women Wanted At Starr Fruit Products Co. Cor. Church and Mill Sts. Phone 439 ; ' alotf Williams In Town E. L. Williams, a representative of the P. Lorillard Tobacco com pany makers of the Old Gold Seal tobacco, is in Salem for a few days. -There Is X Danee.a i -'"1 i. iCenU Hall tonight, : V, SIX i '- - A " Train Crash Damages Car B. F. Peets, who gave his, ad dress as the Argo Hotel, was driv ing on State street near 4 I2th, Thursday, when a Southern Paci fic train crashed into his car from tha rear, damaging 'the left rear Divorce Asked .'Myrtle Aim yesterday began suit in circuit court here to obtain divorce - from Otto Aim " on the grounds of cruel 'and inhuman treatment and personal ; indigni ties rendering: life burdensome She claims that upon occasion he became profane, in his criticism of her, that he occasionally Indulged in the!, company of women other than herself, that for about a year he-, has : been' morose and sullen and,rthat?on October 9, 1926, he left her and did not come back. She asks a total of $200 for prose cuting; the suit and $25 a month as alimony.. Some Good Buys $2,000 for 27 acres, six miles ', from Salem near paved high way; 12 acres in cultivation, two acres fruit, balance tim j ber and , pasture: v running sprins water. It is worth " more." $1000 down. ' ", $3,000 for 10 acres on Pacific . , highway four miles from. ?. Salem, nearly all In' apple 1 - orchard. $1000 down. $2,000 for 13 acres on Salem-,- Dallas highway. Xice loca I'tion. $1000 down. $4,000 for five acres, 5-room bouse, garage. loU of fruity , , running wner, oniy one mile : from Salem. $1000 down. U. S. REALTY CO. . 4 12 SUte SU Tel. 2M0 We Cordially Inrlte Your Inspection of Prof. T. S Robert's Pipe Organ Console now on display at our. store. Don't fail to see it. The Salem Music Co 355 North High street. . 818 LARGE TAX CUT; SOON .' POSSIBLE C0OLID6E (Continued from page 1) do considerable preliminary work. before then in the preparation of legislation. S300.000.000 Cut Despite the statement of Budget Director Lord after his recent vis it with the president at Rapid City that big increases in 68 ap propriations were faced next year, administration leaders have been looking forward to a total tax cut next session of at least $300. 000,000 and they were encouraged by Mr. Coolidge's views as ; out lined today at the White House A surplus of $600,000,000; was piled up by the treasury during the last fiscal year and aKhough pres ent predictions are that this will not be, approached by more than half dhring this fiscal year there has been a feeling among admin istration leaders that a heavy tax cut could be made. nnrnm nun ortu m w r ,1 PRIZE IS ADDEI Gift to Be Made on -the Record Set by Next Satur- day, September 24 jirixea. 8urely the prizes, are big enpugh",to fnterat-' ' any key er girl in this field. Taking all things into, consideration, there are ev-! erai live wires in, Salem who are mLwlng-the opportunity of a life time. , 7"t remember this one thing. All the prizes will be. awarded, and the biggest offers of the entire contest are ' In 'effect during the first alt important period. There win - absolutely be.no vote offer I be - made than in Marion county farming: 4andsr iVz. .t.-i;vf The snperiority of the, ou is demonstrated In the Tact that the oldest- farms, - those ? tilled - the greatest number of years," are now the best grain lands' In, the state. Many 'of the oldest farms in this county hare .'increased the aver age yield of grain every year-of cultivation. ' ' . There Is-no county In the state with. k better: climate; or m la7e.i.at ant 1ime A.UTlnJ ere the people at large ehjoy Li- , , ,",u.",' ,u l"v I more perfect health.' ginning. How-eonM anv bor or S tifl Tn A hla 7rw lis, lima ' mn,a I - ' - -.-:.- - i - - " : t EXTRA LARGE SIZE EATEN OUT OF OFFICE Fondness for Fruit Causes Chil dren to Devour Jjetter , BEVERLY HIH'. Sept. 16. (AP) Because the Rogers fam ily is very fond of peaches. Will Rogers,' rope-twirling .humorist will have to postpone . becoming mayor of .Yucaipa, Cal., until he learns how to spell It. The Yucaipa residents sent Rog ers a box of peaches with the fruit spelling the name of the town that wants Beverly Hills former mayor. Rogers had a , telegram of ac ceptance all written, when he dis covered that his children-ha J eat en several important letters of the name. Now. he says he will have to wait until he finds Yucaipa on the map or until he gets another box of peaches. I The following live news of the contest, un to date. is furnished by the contest editor.) Highest Dally Cash Report Maxwell White ? Rodney. Hardman - Kalnuui Vadnev Starting today, Sept. 17th, and ending Saturday. Sept, 24, we are going .to .give away to the' boy or girl who turns in the most money on .subscriptions ; between tneae dates, a splendid No. 2 Goodwin Snapit box -camera. Tbis , camera is manufacatured by the Ansco Products- Inc., and k a splendid camera for any boy or girl. ' These next few days mean tvery- thing to you; Now is the time for "inew candnidates to -; enter and win the BDecial prize. This is an additional prize and does not Interfere with the regular contest In any way. ."- All the rotes secured in this special period go toward the grandn prizes, so. try to get as many subscriptions In on this of fer as possible. We are starting our' honor roll today. This 'write-up will mean many subscriptions to you. as the public reading1 the paper will be come interested in ytouv knowing that yon are trying hard to win one of the valuable prizes. Now is the time for everyone to. get busy for .this1 special offer is one worth working; for., . Remember, candidates. ..this camera is for the one who ' turns in the most money . on . subscrip tions during this period. It is Indeed -puzzling to the contest editor why so little progress has been made' by some of the boys and girls who have signified their desire to compete for so many fine prizes offered by The Statesman by bringing in their nomination blanks and accepting their re ceipt book. Although the .contest- depart ment has many ! nominations en tered, but few have shown their desire to win by turning in sub scriptions. The time to secure your votes is now while each sub scription counts so many votes and while the field is not being worked by many contestants. The contest department would indeed appreciate it very much if those who have not reported and really intend to be active would signify their intention by reportinig at contest headquarters at their first opportunity. f ' - . : " The names of! those nominated are being published and it ito the interest -of. all those who tn-4 tend being act ire to have fas high vote standing as possible. The higher your name Is In the vote count the more your friends will help you. Let's get busy at once ana snow our rriends that we mean business. Surely there should be as many active contestants . as . there are profitably than curing subscrip- LARGEST CLASS FIRST uuas ro iu jsiaiesman among ma friends; with - a" guarantee of at least 8 per cent on each dollar on u Dscriptions. and at , the same time accumulate an enormous vote total toward those splendid prizes to be awarded in a few weeks time; The Statesman contains the full lease Wire Associated' Press news embracing both : national and In ternational news as well as local hanneninr ' It is only necessary to read one issue of this 'fup the1 minute? newspaper to realize that its one aim and ambition is to serre- the .people In this section in" the most able 'manner possible. While it i true that The States man already' has a large number of Veaders, nevertheless, it does not satisfy us. k nor will ' we be satisfied until it reaches each and every home in this section, with a message of progressiveness and Its stories of opportunities yet un touched and undeveloped. Surely it is a 'duty each citizen owes his family And himself : to keep abreast -of news 'and tidings which The Statesman daily sends forth. We can readily understand why the candidates might have diffi culty in selling subscriptions to a less popular paper but we cannot understand why any one would not consider it an. honor and priv ilege to, boost and!1 selr subscrip tions to a , paper which Is at all times ready and anxious to boost the community of which Salem is the hob. Let's go. let's make this a real banner week and t Saturday. Sen- temoer 24, a Red Letter Day. DAY ENROLLS AT W. U. (Continued from Page One) 1 . oar and pull for a while, as he puts It. Later he will give direc tions as to "the side of the stream to pull, for. -- , ; - , The new dean sees In the Wil lamette law school great possibil ities. ' With Its Impressive alumni. strategic location. , and , compet ent Instructors, he hopes to build up a combination law and politic al science school which will - be known widely. . t Acquisition of a library tor the law students will be the first step In his program. An endow ment to make possible additional improvements probably will be at tempted , later.; -1 . . i -' , , ' upper class ' registration 'will take place next Wednesday." Instr uction - getting under way Thurs day. ; ;, PIAIN Hath toveis OBITUARY Some of these presidential booms are going to have to go the way of the Florida boom. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Fred C Taylor, Pastor 1 FRESHMAN SUNDAY 11:00 a. m. Sermon to students - :- . ' ! on . The Way to Win . 7:30 p. m. Gospel Sermon on ; : " "Courageous for Christ Good music by large chorus More Marriages--- VA'Vrt 1 ..For the first time in the pres ent week, the number of marriage licenses issued: from the office of the county clerk yesterday reached 1 a total greater than the number of divorce complaints filed in the FOR INFORMATION ABOUT LOCAL. OR EASTERN' .RAILROAD TRIPS j v 1 PHONE 727 Oregon Electric ny.0 Willamette Valley Line . " . -. Casey's Guaranteed RHEUMATISM REMEDY Money refunded lf.lt does not r - cure your ease NELSOtf A HUNT, Dmgilrta Cor. Court and Liberty , TiL T HEJISTITCIIING 15. 8 and 10 cent, pet yard. Alto buttons, stamping and pleating. ANNA H. KRUEGElt : Over Miller's . Telephone 117. OLD PHOTOGRAPHS. COPIED Often you want old photographs reproduced, but fear entrusting i: them to strangers. ; ; Our reputation assures the safety and proper care of your picture, which we will copy, enlarge, frame or hand color . at a price lower than the unknown agent - ean offer. : .. r BEB OUR -.,;:, Perennial Gardens . . On the CVVanace;Roa4 ! $ C F. BREITHAUPT Telephone SS0 . SIS 8Ute St. . ..,; r FOR SALE OR REX , Suburban home, mile and half frqm. Bush Bank, paved road, modern t house except furnace,; bearing' fruit " trees, F. L.. WOOD, S41 State St. ; ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired, New or O Used Motors YIBBERT & TODD s Things 0ctrlcal -111 South High v TeL Ills YICICSOHERBCO. if. H. LEONQ, Mr. I Our , Ufa's work naa been spent In studying the healing - properties of Chines barbs - and now . daUy we relieve those , suffering from ttonvtch. liver and kid ney - trouble, rheuma tism and gall atone, also disorders of men. women and children. Free Consaltatlou Call or TTrlt ; Ope A. U. to F. tt. , 4tO State et PARKER Sophia Cornelius Parker died at the I. O. 0 F. home, Portland, Ore., at the age of 86. ; She is sur vived by a son. S. C. Parker of California; a daughter, Mrs. Stella Williamson of Minnesota, and nu merous grandchildren and distant relatives.. Mrs. Parker was an Oregon pioneer, she and her rela tives baring spent most ; of their lives about Turner... Funeral ar rangements ' will be announced later.1" ' . , . ', REALTY DEALERS PROVE BIG DEVELOPMENT HELP (Continued frwz page One) Its on grain by skilful farmers were greater than, from an equi valent amount of money Invested in any other enterprise. From one of the real estate folders lasned in thej70's la quot.- ea tne following: . "Nocounty in the state will grow ad rapidly v as Marjon, . and no more juaicious investment can Have that Winter Coat Gone vOver. yfi: . , . , We reliffe, shorten and make it look like newi s v f r Ladles', wool ' dresses cleaned and pressed, $1.00 up.' Men's and Ladies', salts cleaned and pressed 11.00. ; ., ; ; VARLEY CLEANERS Over Bnsfcks KEEP YOUR FEET HEALTHY r " ; John J. Rottle " '415 SUte Street 4 - A Wonderful Antiseptic I a- Klenzo Liquid Antiseptic - Is a scientific preparation for - combating germs : in the mouth, teeth, gums, throat, nose and mucous surface: :. - It Is a valuable aid In the treatment of pyorrhea. ' Large Size Bottle 1 Pcrryfs Druj Store 115 S. Ccsixnercial . LADD & BUSH; Bankers' s" . Bstabliatred ItCt - ; i :: ' General Bejildn Ouclnrts ' ; Office Hours from 10 a. m. to t p. n. ' , . BRINK .,r . At the residence on N. Winter St. Friday,: September 16, Mrs. Ella Brink, age 66 years, wife of Herbert Brink mother of Mrs. F. W. Fox and Clifford A. Brink of Salem, Mrs. A. A.' Brown and Mrs. C. H. Farrer of ,Val8ett; Ore., Her bert E. Brink of Sacramento and Lionel E. Brink of Los Angeles. TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service For Less Licensed Ladyw Mortician 770 Chemelceta Street -; , Telephone 724- For the Best : in Meats - . PHOXE 27 " - - -Corbets Quality . -. . .Meat Market ' f .. .- t-- ' ' i. - 1.. t 1310 State - J 927 FREE WALLP APE3 SAMPLE BOOKS Call, phone or writ MAX O. BUREN X7f N. Commercial alei ??? - THE NAME It's Different and Satisfying 1 In the Statesman i rnday . nj-u.. -- ??? I J MILE RUN . of regular 65c to 75c value TOWELS 55c 2 for 51.00 24 x 48 heavy, splendid towels', but a ery slight tnn or a hitch in the thread brings these towels to you at a saving of 20 per cent to 50 per cent.-; " - ... By featuring a large quantity we are enabled to save yon considerable money on -your fajl towel purchases (main floor today: ) ' Salem's Leading: Department.; v ! Store ,. ,;.., ,-. . . Funeral services'. ' Monday, ; Sep tember 19 at. 2:00 p. tn.'froni tne Rigdon Mortuary. . Intermentin City View cemetery. nv i;r'iv.-.'iWErDERH ? i '-rt Edwin, age 32, at a local boapi- tal, September 16, survived by father, B. L. .Welder, a brother; Van and a sister. Mary Louise, of New York.- Funeral services from Webb's chapel at 2 p. m. Sunday, Rev. Norman K. Tully officiating. Interment will be In the Masonic cemetery at Albany. I ' . In. this city," Thursday evening Revinn'ia "Merwin, age 9 years, daughter of Mr.? and Mr sj' ' P. C Merwin. sister of Dale. Lola, Gale, , Glen and Lenore Merwin. .Fu neral services, Monday, September 19 at 1:30 p. m. from the Rigdon. Mortuary. Interment in City View cemetery... ' ' ' . ' ' "-'- AUCTION SALE.. One-half mile-East of Hubbard Old; Palmer Place THURSDAY, SEPT, 22, 10 A. M. . .. . . . - J . ": ' .1 . Wonderful Stock BeHans, Horses, Cows, O. I. C. Hogs . ... f. ' Household Goods the very best f - ; Machinery and Farm Implementa all kinds r - ' - This Is An Exceptional Sale lUXCH OX GROUNDS . . THOS. TRAAEN, OWNER . L. BKCKMAX, Clerk i fM. H HOSTETLER, Auctioneer - S ' - TERMS , - . i, ? : - , . ; ' TRSFERiiid STORAGE " and Slunrt .Distance Baiiliikjx PoMic and Private Store:? . v. . . . . . J Fireproof BnUdinr : . ' 1. 3 f. ' -. - i GRAIN, FEED AND SEED . JFree Deliver td any part otjtfce city ' Quotationa on on aaaaaassam ' i areaoiiG3 Day Telephone 23 . :;- NIsM Tdepncne 12S7-7 ATTENTION BOYS This Couion and 5c will admit you to the mx GRAND THEATRE Next Saturday. September 17 at 2 p. m. 'Silver Kins, the Wonder Horse in' ''Arizona Nights- 1 1)TS OF, INDIANS AND COWBO Tim thinks this Is the most wonderful horse In the -world. Be sore ani see It. Don't forget ; k. to bring this coupon. - This is Tim's first theatre party glren. by. Pill out this coupon and. get- 1 year's subscription -to Tim's. Magazine, !The Knlcker" pub . . , lished once each, month. 'Free to Boys.V. ages 5 to IS.. "A3 Nante Address , Elrthdiy ..L Ace rCENNELL-ELLIS STUDIO t'-' - : " rnd Vcslcn LZ:!! Sic: t 423 Oresca TZlz