2 M Oreg on Iiiul Daily Firrpt Monday by ' ' THE STATESMAN PUBUHB1NO COMPANY 115 Boata CmmkUI iUreot. Baleav Oregoa fc. J. Heae-rieka Irl 8. McSherry Kalpa O. Ourtie Victor Carlioa JlasalJa Bnaca Manager UaaarC Editor . Istty Editor Sport Editor Society Editor - " , ... ........ t aire V- it Acaerieted Prea it earhuWely entitled to the ai for pubilaatioB. af all sewa ClipaUOW trw i w. " . i . . . . , TJ8I1ZSS OFTICES: t - 0 B. Bat ttt-StS Sarlty Bid.. Portland, Or., TeJepHoae Broadway 8240. Taotaaa r. Clara m new ira. n . n.. , cb iniw f. XXety .8 type, lae California repreeentatitea. Maarok Bldg.. gaa. kVaneiaee; Chamber f C waereo BUi,-, Loa Angela. , - y , - Baelneaa Office ,..2S r MS Society Editor New. Iept..2:J or 108. Ea tared at thai Poat Of flea la Safest, -- ' - September ' The .Lord executetb righteousness and judgment tfor all that are oppressed. Psalm 103: v OUR CONSTITUTION v VThis 17th day of September, ith 140tKanniversaryr of the adoption of, the Ck)nstitution.of ;the,Unitpd; States, by the unanimous consent of. the' delegates or deputies as they -were calle&r-of the thirteen original states, assembled in Philadelphia" on September 5,7, 1787 - ; -,;' t The fi'rsCwritteh document -of the' kind lever promulgated tbdefinV tte of a free; people. The-great' Gladstone said this was the greatest docu ment ever drawn up or struck from the, brain of man. Our Constitution is a document in" plain words, opposed to a vast set of precedents and usages that stood for what it stands for in all governments up to the establishment of our own. ExceDtinir for the first ten bill of rights," agreed to be submitted by ? he deputies adopting, the original document, and the 11th amendment restricting the judicial power of the United States, and the 12th amendment; prescribing the manner of the election of the president and vice president,! the document -stood as originally adoptedwithbut amendment, till after the Civil war, when the 13th, i4th and 15th amendments were adopted, abolishing slavery and defining the status of persons en gaged in that conflict and prohibiting the right to vote on account of race, -color or-previous condition of servitude ; - With only four since, the 16th in 1909, making' income taxes levied by the government legal, the 17th in 1913. for the election of United States senators by direct vote, the 18th, in 1917, for prohibition, and the 19th; in 1919 for woman suffrage. ; CThere is little than can be said in praise of this immortal document the" anniversary of the adoption of which is cele brated this day that is not trite; that has not been spoken and written times without number. . f;v V ' ! - : : It is justified by the greatest country of all time, built upon infirm foundation, and by a people enjoying the greatest liberty under law in the world's history I Andit is justified fethe fact that every hew government f .V.o Mt'fthlisbAfl' iUie' worldhavinsr in mind therights of I its people, has used its form, and often its language. The fathers; of the Republic: bullded "wiser thart -they knew projected their ideas of liberty and law over a vast ly greater-territory and population-than they -dreamed -of ; and sent them as a model for other peoples aspiring to in dividual freedom over the whole round world, i i ; - , ' We celebrate the 4th day of July as the birthday of free- ? ' And there vis as 'much reason ;ta celebrate i the ,17th of September -as the birthday of the document that guaranteed the freedom for which the Revolutionary forces fought. jrvi'. 5 vv- k-u t-?H:-,- liThe traditions of Willamette : university aef ; a heritage great , anj worthy ;a 'but the vigorous 'and clean young , life represented in the 84th freshman class the members of which make the classic shades of the institution inspiring and hopeful is the great thing after 11. These successive classes,- representing the' earnest'- and ambitious : young men and women of a wide territory make up the forces that are ta continue the wonderful influences that have made and are taakingand are to make the s.tamp:of W.JU. Ja tiling to be respected throughout this section and this nation and the wide worldJ They "are the i worthy "Sons cahd daughters of the men and women whose forbears put the mark of Chris tian civilization and progress on the land that was foreign territory when the beginnings of Willamette universty were madethe Oregon Country to which the Mayflower of the Pacific journeyed, the good ship Lausanne, bearing the mis sionary recruits. Who will say-that farming in this section 4does not pay, after reading in The .Statesman of yesterday ; the record of the roan 'near Turner whose 1927 crops will more, than pay Off his mortgage? What man has done man can do. Then? ii no, acre in the Willamette valley that has any right to be cr remain an idle or slacker acre. . An irrigation boom is coming. Let's encourage it. It will make the Willamette , valley f the richest! territory out of doors ; ; ' 'i:' "vfi"? f-WiKr;:?-!-'' I Hit Tor Breakfast I o , , o Llndy Is' consistent , :, ,' He Intends to stay up In the air; to derote 'his life to promoting aviation ; , , "W And he told the- 'Frisco people last night that he believes the big prizes .of the future should go to the men making navigation of the upper spaces safe.: Everybody has thought that; but Lindbergh's dic tum will go a long way in enforc ing the idea... - ; . t On Wednesaay, E. E. Gervals, of Tarheel, Coos county, killed a deer with a white cedar arrow .with a steel head shot from a yew bow. He sighted the deer at 250 yards and stalked It to 45 yards. .That makes a real news Item in, these !cys. It would have been the cjnmonplace , a few generationsthe, Einstein. theory. f relatirity.la Statesman: Ralph II. Kletiinc Adyertiaiag Manager Oeo. E. Mania - Ropt. Meeaaaieal Dept. W. ll. tfanderto. Ovulation Maaeger E. A . khotea, - Livestock Kditor W. C. Cfeaaer ' - . pnuitxy Kditor icgnrif ipn nrgid . wr- i Jnb TWmmkrtniiiit 5i Circulation. Offico 663 Oregon, a eeeond-elaae mat tar. 17 1027 ' ; ' i: ' - ; - -' - r - ; - amendments, constituting the ago. when the killing of a deer from a gnn would have been the wonder of "; the ; world. Times change. i-; - " ; H ? 1 c-: 1:7- v - . : y The hall of the house In the cap itol ought to be crowded this eve ning. to help the D. A. It. celebrate Constitution day.' r. ..v , y . v . When ' Lindbergh ' comes . Salem way again, if he ever does, this city must Jiave an air port fit for the landing of the-Spirit of St. Louis or one of its: successors of equal or larger aite.: ;.-. - Yet these swould seem as good as the old. days if yon had the sam good appetite. -i r ' : ; . .. i , 1. .. - , A man isn't licked until he be gins to blame his wife for his failures."- '-,-.!. ... It's such a relief to hear that OP HGILGn Chapter V. "Why, he's a perfect darling, Adraste! You're a fortunate girl. Let me take him It's ages since I held otfe In my arms, but I still know how. : .; "You certainly do, Helen! There he roes, sucking hU thumb again! Take It out. will you, .Helen. please?" "So you think -you're RoinR to break him of that habit?" i Oughtn't I to try?" ' f ; : "I - suppose so one learns so much in trying-Now that he has stopped "being all ;red and has turned pink,"!' do'belieTe he re sembles yon,"- Adraste. Do you see it?" . 'Oh no, Helen. I think he's much more like his father. I don't know whether to be glad or sorl ry." - - -i i v. . ', r "Be glad, of course. Dam as tor is rery good-look inr. and , voull want-your boy to favor you -both But you can't form a final opinion when they are a week old. I dare say his mother : has discovered some profound characteristics in him even now?"i, s "Do you know. I have. Helen. He's . the best little companion I know his waya already. And I imagine he begins to notice me a little." -. ? . ' : "He is a darling!" , ; , "Do'you think they do know so early, Helen? . " ' Well. Herm lone; flirted with her father when she was a week old, It's the only' Indiscreet thing she ever permitted herself to do. Of course, they know, the moment tJivr hnrn' Viti W rmws ineyre Dom: Your boy growg wiser-looking every day.- If he's to put on a more profound air than to be changed. Some of us never could . understand " why they thought the old way was right. Why not each property holder; bordering on the open ditch be tween the S. P. railroad and the hill in South Salem open his part of the ditch before the fall rains come and thereby do much to pre- vent its overflow this winter? IRISH AIRPLANE PUTS BACK; BIG GALE MET (Continued from Page One) 1 without stopping. . r . So Injuries We and the machine are OK," Commandant Fitzmaurice said in an ' interview - after making the landing at Beale Strand, Ballybun nion. -"The engine ran perfectly and we returned only because in the circumstances it was impossi ble to teet,i treh J compass course. . .. ; The commandant said that after crossing' the Aran islands in Cal way bay, the "Princess Zenia" en countered very rough weather and poor visibility. -At 4:58 P. m. he and Captain -Macintosh decided that it would be suicidal to pro ceed and swung back for the" Irish COaRt. : -5'.i''Jr- ""- - ''-I .'. i h The airmen emptied one" gaso line tank In order-to lighten their machine and reached county Clare about : 6 o'clock.! For more than half an hour-they flew about 30 feet above the - sea skirting the coast in search of, a suitable placel to land and finally came to the Bealo Strand, where they I landed safely.. . . . : !fs j XOTICE OP TriTXERSHIP J DISSOLUTION t Notice is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing be tween tlie undersigned, under tne assumed name of Willamette Heat- Ini Co.. has been dissolved by mu- taal agreement, and that the busi ness will be continued by the un dersigned. B. C. Negelspach. under his own name; and that he will pay all debts and complete all con tracts of the said partnership to this date. - Dated. -Salem, "Oregon, Sept. 16th, 1927. - CLAUDE L. ?BAG ROVE, ; E. C; NEGELSPACH.- 4 i 17-18-20 6-rnoncis ot -th -ykniroal Rtaterawt mt TOKIO 3LRIXE FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, LTD. of Tokio, in tb Empire t Japan en tfca tairty-first aay-ar.JXveaJbar. maaa to th lnsaraaee .Goianiauoavr of tba 8tata f Orrfon, pnraoan to law: Capital AnouBt ot depo't . 500.000.00 ; Ineoaa Set premium recaived 4ar- ing- tb yer i.u,aaiji Intercut, iridend and reat Te4ivet dnrinc the -yaar .317.070.04 Income from , ther" "aoureaa-; ' received during ta".ar 261.888.80 . Total income ...f 8.182.910.1S XMataraaaaaata - s Net lonaaa dating tha 7ar . iaelodiac' adiuctment ax-' ' pontes ...n.52. 177.21 CowmUtiona and Marie paid daring thp year....i... r 88S.870.0S Tax a, lieennen and fees paid dnrtnc the year.. . n . 60.818.67 Aajoont af all other ospend- itarea r . 4u 100.642.16 - Total spenaitre ....$'J,53O.503.16 Assets Valna of stoeka and bond owned (market loe.. 66,7ffl.3.1T..0 Cah in lianka and on handu 795.UJ.70 freminnK ' in rou me at col- lection I i a t September, 30, ,192.. 480.432.18 Interest and rent duo and' accrued ....... S0.420.6S : Total adraRteil .$S.J32.324.03 ZiahUiUea - GrM rla!m for losara -' .- paid , 6I3.3I5J.OO Amount of uDFamrJ premi ami - on all ' ouwtaulag ; All other ha1hiiiTil......." J 78,7j!7i Total llahiiitiea, exrlaaWa ' of capital . - atock of . i: - f 500,000.00 ...$i.77!.04.4 BtulaM la Oregoa for the Tear Ket premium! receited 4ir- ing h jrr o-s ....f 27.636.CO LoaeB pmid during tha rear . 18.939.75 Lossea iaeurr4 'daring the year va.710.75 TOKIO MARINE FIRE INSURANCE COMPAXY IiTD. : Apple ton U Cx, Iae Attorney-1 ivfaet.' ' - j C. J. Zievler. reaarr. ' Statatory reaideet attorney for iTTice; ad A-. tiebiick Co turiUad, Urejon.' 17 rav this, I shan't have the courage to face him. lie Is reading my rou! at this minute. . . .There, poor child, don't cry! I'll give him back to you. There! What on earth are you crying about? I'm tirlnc you. to be sure. . .I'll come in; again later, when you've had a chance. to rest.",.- ;jj,A-v;-v . : . ' "Don't go, Helen. I'm not tired Sometimes it comes over me--my dreadful fate; your kindness about the child makes me ' i-: "Nonsense!" said Helen. rr'You have no dreadful fate. Ypu ought to be an extremely happy, woman You have Ibis beautiful boy to love and bring up; and you have friends around yon who are thinking how lucky the boy Is in his . mother. You'll, give him a wonderful child hood, a wonderfur youth: he will always be young and shining, like you." : ! ' :.'. - "It'a all very well to say cheer log things it's kind of you. Helen but he will have only his moth.? er: he won't have a father, like other boys he won't have a com plete home. I had no right to bear him. and all his life I shall be pun ished, seeing what he has missed." "'Nobody could pretend you are as happy as you deserve to be. But even so, you. ought to have peace of mind. Dear girl, it might be so much worse!" . ? "How possibly ? I "Why. Damastor might have married you.", -."Yon , think that would have been worse! ? "Yes, much .worsen considering Damaator's character. If he had been a great lover, the kind we J Tenl DUt usually don't-meet, the , .1 j . 1 lasting kind, then . to lose him would have been as tragic as you think It is but then you wouldn't have lost him. You don't , know what it would have been like to live with him." year after year, when he had ceased to be your lov er and was drawing on his re serves of character to be your bus band. A stranger.; with a haunt- lng resemblance to your lover that's what you'd be living with Now you are far better off. Not in the general opinion of society. but really so. . . . Adraste, this young man will never like curtain lectures: he's going asleep. Shall I put him In his crib?" - . "Please and take his thumb out." -! " .. "It's all right It's in again. . i I think you're a lucky - girl, Adraste. to have both your love and your sorrow pure." . "I don't see any luck in having sorrow, pure or impure." "There Isn't any luck In' having it. but since we must have it. it's well to be able to feel it- That shows how alive, how essentially b appy. you still .are, I I'd give a good .deal to td'feel'a sorrow, I mean ay, 1 envy,, ypn- ?Weye what ' I say talked so often about ' love,, yoU' know what I thihk"of tha aTid bow widely I've missed tot ideal there. In sorrow too. I'ye missed it." The awful fate In life Sreuld htf to be numb and sleepy, to rest in one's habits, to let the davs'sim nly pass. . I wanted to know life down to the quick. Either it can't be done, or I neveiv found out how." :.,:.:-.v: , i "But. Helen, you always eem to me very wise In life. ' Ybutold me the truth about Damastor long before I could see it. and yon are kind not to remind' me how I failed to take your advU. r You couldn't know, so much" Jt- ypu hadn't had more experience than yon admit." - "That's the trouble:' I think I do know about life, but not in the right way not through my own feelings. Adraste, you understand I didn't come here to talk about myself! I'm trying. to dhow you where I think you are less unfor tunate than.; yon believe. Sfnee I haven't felt experience, deeply. In myself. I could only study others, try to understand, life through them, f When you learn to see hu man beinga that-way, and. yourself, m spite ot what they think, as just one more illustration of the com mon nature, you gain in charity, perhaps yon acquire a more gener ous interest in your. feUows. but the edge of sorrow is gone In deed, of most passionate states. It Isn't that yon know too much; no one is too wise. . But you forget how to' cry, and you learn to smile at mankind beginning with your self. There, you're looking tired again. I'm going now.". "Just a moment please don't go.- I've aomething I ought to nay. If I'm to be frank, as you always urge us iai be. - I - do appreciate yo,ur cheery talk and the way you ha"ve. pretended that -all' la well with roe. ' It's like you. Bat shall we ever be the same to each other again? I know I'm not quite the f i lend I was: to some extent I've become an object of pity.:;"; I owe it to you that I have a root. over me, this bed under Me." V -vl, "Don't say such ,' things. nor think them. ' You are exactly a you were, one of -my homehoij, and particularly dear to me." ' "No. Helen, you ran't deceive me. Menelaos wanted to send me away." . :.r " "i '."O-i;, i'"Of course he said "sol Not lung could be more 1 correct. 'Nobody will be able to say that my hus band countenanced Irregular be havior in his , home. He said yon positively. must go, and there was to be no more , talk. . There was tin ; more talk, and you stayed That's Menelaos. He's really the kindest man t who ever tried to keep .the world straight. He is willing to waive the results so long as he can have an audience ' The true 1 reason why he brought me home instead of killing me. was that he wanted to save up some one. to talk at in. his old age. He never has said of you half the bad things he says to me, in the daily round. Neither he nor I can spare yea; . you vwlll have ; to be the daughter of the house,' now that Hermione is gone." "Gone where? I haven't heard. Has she married OresteiT" i "She has left ns fun away. I dare say .she'll, marry. Orestes, if she hasn't done' so already. ' Any way, we have lost her,- Her. father threatened Jn an impulsive .mo ment , to arrange a ' match with Fyrrhus, and. Hermione took him erlpusly, or pretended to. It gave her a first-rate excuse . to throw herself: on Orestes for protection. We don't know where she is. , . Adraste, has Charltas come to see her grandson?" "She certainly hasn't, that old cat" "Why don't yon ask her , to come?" "I'd like to see myself! After the things jshe has said of me!" - "Exactly. - Let . her say them first;' and then come. - If I were you ltd ask her. Tell her the-boy waits to be seen, whenever she cares to look at him. She'll come. . . . And yon might rescue Damas tor that way." 2 "There! You said I was lucky not to marry him, and now yon suggest getting him back!" -s-it8 a weakness In me, I admit. I think you would be quite perfect without him, but you don't, and yod would never forgive me for not telling you how-to get around his indignant mother. ' That's the way It's done. Now do as you like. Notice I said 'rescue him, We want back the Damastor. who perhaps gdoesn'f yet exist. But he might. . SAnyway. Aaraste. I'm glad it's a $oy. The girls do nave the rough side, whenever there's alchoice." 'Helen, do you think Hermione bught to marry Orestes?" ' 'JMy'dear child, she's going to knarry Or estea." ? , v ".'Burdught she to?" Do you mean, would I marry Jhinx? I'd drink poison Just before Urn-wedding. He's almost -all that I don't like In human nature. He aees nothing good in life: but he consents to take fharge'of it. If .Hermione marries. I accept her Jnoice. If she can accept it too, she'll be fortunate. You know my wrule repent before. not after ward. And afterward It's really too late to criticize."- ' -"But. Helen, would you say of Hermione as you said -of me. that It would be better it her: lover de serted her, left her to bring up her crua unmarried?" ; . "Deaf me. I'm to bef cross-ex amined! No. Adraste. I'd never say the same oMIermione and of you. I don't know that 'she could appreciate her opportunities if Orestes deserted her. I'm not sure that either she 'or Orestes la In love, ever was. or ever will be. The cases aren't parallel. 'From what I can gather, they regard each, oth er not as lovers nut as supreme ob ligations. To Hermione certainly Orestes appeals as one of her du ties. If ever rhaanIword with him. I'll express my sympathy" "Will you put; that rug over the baby? The air's blowing; on him." 'If he sleeps) so soundly, he'll give you little trouble: J oh, what a splendid rugl ? !"wnat do you Jthjnk?7 Eteoneus came in here withbu t oeing invit ed. I assure you, and without ask ing permission; and. he stormed around here llkea wild man said the bouse' was going to the devil. and he must leave It. and he called me the. same thing as .baggage. .... ""w"BaiaaBiBaB,r ?- only worse,'and said Damaitor was an ass.' Then ha -pilt this over bahjr and gotout." : .v-.; .- , . .- (To be continued) ' k " Copyright. ' 1 9 2 5, . by - the Bobbs : . Merrill Company. ' votict; .op , finai settle- Notice is hereby given that the andersigned has filed Jn the Coun ly Court of the. State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, hki duly-verified" final acrount. tts ad ministrator of the eetate of Bar bara J. Leslie. Teceasedrand that said conrt has- fixed. Monday, the 3rd day of October. 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock A.1 M. of- said day as the time, and the County Court i.Rrom"Jn - the County Court House - at ' Salem. Marion County. Of egdn, as the place fof hearing said final account and all objec tions thereto. Hi 4i r ' Dated at -Salem. r'Oregon. thl 2nd day of September,' 12?. ELLIOTT E.. LESLIE. . . Administrator of . the Eestate, ef Barbara J. Leslie. Deceased. . RONALD C. GLOVER ' 3 Attorney for Administrator -Salem. Ofegon.- ' 8-10-17-24-01 IN THE CX)UNTY COURT OF ' THE STATE OP OREGON - FOR MARION COUNTY Goardlans Notice -of Sale of Real Property in tha MiHr nt ha; HnirHion. shin of William McKimmey, a per- son of unsound mind, Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Ancillary Guardian of the estate . of the above named m ard In the State of Oregon, by virtue of an order duly made and entered in. the above entitled Court and Cause on the 16th day ot An gust, 1927, will sell at private sale at the offices ot Ladd. and Bush Trust ' Company. Ladd ' and Bush Bank Bldg., in the City 4t Salem, Marlpn County, Oregon, on -or af ter the 19th day of September, 1927, to the highest bidder for cash all of the right, title; interest and estate of the above named ward, the said interest-being an undivided one-eighth ( H interest as tenant in common, in and to those certain lota and parcels of real property particularly describ ed as follows, to-wit: 'Lots- numbered .thirty-seven - (37),' thirty-eight (38); seventy-one (71). seventy- . ; two (72), seventy-three (73), f seventy-four .(74), ' eighty four (84), eighty-five (85). eighty-six ( 86 ). eighty-seven (87). and eighty-eight. (88), in Smith's Fruit Farms No. 2 in Marion - County, - State of Oregon. The interest of said ward in the several lota and parcels of the above described real property may be sold either separately or to gether an d not less than the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars of the amount bidden shall be paid upon account . of the purchase price of each lot if said lots are sold sep arately or in groups, and if aold in a body not less than the sum of Two Hundred S e n t y-f I v e ($275.00) Dollars of the amount bid shall be paid in cash, at the time of sale, and the balance of the. amount bid. upon eatih.lot or aggregate amount if sold in groups or as a whole shaU,oe paid: Upon confirmation of sale by the above entitled Court anU the7 tender of the. Guardian's, deed; sale; to be made subject to' the -confirmation of the above entitled' riotirt- . Th date of the first publication of this. notice is August 20 th, 1927, and the last September 17th. 1927. Dated this 20 th day of August, 1927. . .-: - : Jr - . LADD AND BUSH TRUST . COMPANY v Ancillary Guardian of the Estate ot William McKimmey, a Person of Unsound Mind; .- - - J A20-27-S3-10-17 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO JDf- PROVE r- THE ALLEY. IN BLOCK 4 OF COMPTOJPS AD DITION TO THE CITY OF SA LEM, MARION COUNTY, ORE i GON, k FROM THE NORTH LINE OF COLUMBIA STREET t TO THE SOUTH LINK OF j f GROVE .STREET. . r Notice la hereby. given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its ' purpose -'and Intention to Im prove the - Alley in Block 4 of Compton'a Addition to the City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, from the north line of Columbia Street to the, south line ot Grove Street, in the City of Salem. Mar ion county. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent prop erty, except the street and alley in tersections, the expense of which ! will be assumed : by the Citv of RESULTS by the use of PACIFIC. IJEALTH-O RE In the treatment of nnmerbus ailments such as stomach and kidney troubles, diabetes, ecrema. high blood,' preasure goiter .(Theumatbiut. - . - - . .t atier. Not a But a product compounded byrtufe. which contains la aolubli form twelve of ' iKr" JKal "dHh-malntalnlng minerals which are found in the noraal SSfi? AS HA'WE'WATERft tends to restore the normal bklance, counteract acidity and place the system on an alkaline base. ONE PACKAGE IS SUFFICIENT JOR TWO MONTHS' TREATMENT ' : 5 i AUNT HET JBy Robert QnUleB-- , "I guess I'm just old-fash lon?d. but the' prophets wouldn't , seem Hke-they waa inspired if the old Bible-time Vpietures; showed 'em without, wh Iskers ,t-;;;y;::v-v.. (Oopyrigkt, Tr927, PqblUhafa Syadtaate) Salem. Oregon, by r bringing said portion of said street to the estab lished grade, constructing Port land cement' concrete curbs.' and paving said portion of said street with a - six-inch : Portland cement concrete pavement. " 16 - feet- in i width. : in - accordance with the plans and : specifications theref or which were adopted ;by the Com mon Council on . the 6th day ot September,'-19 27; now .on fUe in the ' office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a art hereof.' ' The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make, the above described In. provement by and through-- the Street Improvement Department of the City of SalemiOregon.i . By order of the Common Coan ell the 6th day of September, 1927 .". M. POULSEN. City Recorder. ' Date of first publication. Sep tember 11, 1927. Date1 of. final publication Sep- "mMr Z3. 1W7. j- . aiiioz3inc NOTICE OF INTENTION TO- IM PROVE TRADE , ' STREET !, FROM THE EAST LINE OF I4T1I STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF 17TH STREET. Notice 4s hereby, given that the Common Council of the . City . of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares itfc purpose and intention to im prove Trade Street from the east line of 14th Street to the west line of 17th Street,- In the City ot Sa lem, Oregon, by bringing said por tlon of said ' street to the estab lished 'grade, -constructing Port land cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion ot said street with a' six-inch Portland cement concrete . pavement, twenty-tout feet In width, in accordance with the plana and specifications there for -.which were .adopted by th Cpmmon Council on the 15th day of August; 19 27. now on file la the office of the City Recorder. and which are-' hereby referred ts and made a part 'hereof. - The Common .Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described improve :,r. i let kennejLL-ellis ; 1IAKJ3 YOUR VIEW AND COMMERCIAL TURES. ANY TIME. ANY PLACE : . I - . Can 951 - ' ' . 'KENNELL-ELLIS STUDIOS ; 429 Oregon Bids:. . , . : ... : The Oregon Statesman's Big Radio Prize Contest for Boys and Girls " (LaOOCl tor For Address i I t aaje)a 5 This Coupon, when "neatly cut out, and brought or mailed to The Contest Department of THE OREGON STATESMAN, will count for the person whose name, is written thereon. Cut out neatly. ,f . . Vcid after Oct. 1 T t. If BEYOND BELIEF ARK.BEIXq ORTAIXI'3.' Medicine, or Drug Try It today money back guarantee - FOR SALETBY AlX. DRUGGISTS poohpa ( Cy daode Call an ."When 31a gets mad an saya she wishes she was a man, I know she don't mean she wishes she was one like me." tCeprrlfkt. 1927. Pabliakara Syadleau) ment by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. . By order of the Common Coun cil the 15th day of August, 1927. '-.;m. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication Septem . her 8. 1927. . . Date of flnaL pnbHcation Septem - ber 20, 1927. Sent8rnnrn notice of Intention to ni. PRO-E GAINES AVENUE t FROM THE, EAST LINE OF - COMMERCIAL STREET ' TtJ " 5EJ WEST UNE OF LIB ERTY STREET. Notice Is "hereby, given that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declare! Its purpose . and Intention to Im prove Gaines Avenue from the east vwuiuivrcui aireet to tui west line of Liberty Street, In tht City of Salem, Oregon, at the ex pense of the abutting and adjace. property, except the street and al ley intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the CItj of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said nnrf Inn a b.M . - a. - . lished grade, constructing Port, land cement concrete curbs, an4 iua oaiu jjui liuu ui Ba.tu aireei with a hard surface pavement, six. inch Portland cement-- concrete pavement, 30 feet in width, in ac cordance with the plans and spec ifications ' therefor which' were adopted by the Common Council on the 15th day of August. 1927. now on file in the office ot the City Recorder, and which are here by referred to and made a part hereof. . - The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and Intention to make : the . above described ' im. provement: by and through ' the Street Improvement Department of the city of Salem, Oregon. 3 By order of the Common Coun cil the 1 5 th-day of 'August. 1927.- M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication Sep tember 10, 1927. - Date of final publication Sep tember, 22. 1927. v ; al0to22inc PIC- :zoiVoe a ' V' -.