The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 16, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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p moEfyensiii
Starting' Saturday, ' High
Ones-in Radio Contest
Will frr Honored
From time' to time the. names
of the' three contestants -who- have
reported" the most money, on. sub'
solutions will be published.
' James Beall, 1030 Noway, leads
liifthe" radio contest today 'with
S 6,8 50 to tea. James Is a com
paratively new' comer in the con
test "and with a little : energetic
work on his part he has flashed
Into the lead. James Is a popu
lar boy and has many friends, and
it he-maintains his speed he Is
bound 'to be a serious contender
when the radios, bicycles and
" other prises are- passed" around on
October 22nd.
I am also-starting an honor roll
which "will be a great help to yon
contestants. .The one turning in
the' most money on the contest
each- day will go on the honor roll
on the top of the list."
Boys and girls are entering the
contest with the determination to
w!n,4orie of these valuable prizes
thaY wiir gtvenr away on Oc
world, to current conditions,
paratlrely new and with almost six
weeks to go it is eutfrely possible
for a-candidate to get In and work
and win a prise even-if they have
not a single vote to their credit
today. - . !'.;
juvenile contestants are not, as
a rule, as consistent as they might
be, and while several will start
out 4 to win a radio it; is- th his
tory of contests, that not more
than 10 per cent stay with it; Ac
cordingly, If you are . consistent
and work a little every day you
can readily see : that' you have a
splendid chance to win. It is a
matter of record in other contests
that - when the: contest was over
there were always prises' for those
who had really worked and earned
them. t . ' ' ; . - -'
(.Continued, from Page One)
pensesti The church, staff of Miss
Margaret K. Sutherland,- Director
of . Religious Education, FT. W.
Swafford, Finajcial secretary,
Prof. E.t W. Hobson, director of
musfc, and. Prof; T. S. Roberts as
organist "was re-elected.
A finance committee consisting
cf N. .S. -Savage, R. C. Glover W.
CL Keck, A. A. Siewert and IL, H
Vandevort waas elected. S. A:
Wheelwright was elected class
leader, A. A: Lee, district steward1,
and'C, P. Wilson, recording steward,.'-
v . .
V. II. Mosher, O. K. Mlddieton.
and Dr. George Lewis, were named
on tha committee on boys social
and recreational life.
"Sew members added to the
board "of stewards were P. W. AJ1
er,. Paul Acton, George A.- Aldn,
A. M. Lausch, Chas. Fessenden,
Dr. E. S. Forfner, Lloyd A. Lee,
R. V. Hollenberg, C. K. Mid diet on
Dr, , George Lewis, and : Professor
F. Vojb Eschen. . .. .
Mrs.'H. H.. Vandervort was re
elected president of the ladies, aid
eoclety. Mrs. G. A. Alden, presi
dent of the W. H. M.S. was re
elected,' and Mrs. M. C. Findleyis
the new.president of the Woman's
foreign missionary society. . ,
IL H. Kloepping waa re-elected
church treasurer; II. , F; Shanks
wa re-elected Sunday school su
perintendent; Miss Eugenia Sav
age was erected president of thn
nniversity , league; -. and Helen
Bretthaupt was elected, president
of the First church chapter of the
league.,.-. - . --- r
-r (Continued from, Paso One) '
ideiis ' rr-1 ' f r ' -'
. i uiii .-uniercnces
Conferences a,nd familiarization
with, the campus will ocnpy most
of- Saturday; with Dean EHckson..
Dr, F. G. t Franklin, and Harold
Eakln, president of the lAItrmal
association, making-special talks
during the day. , ,
Charley Redding student body
president and Professor . Flor ian
Von JfHchen wilf teli the new stu
dents about, student.orga'aiaatlons.
at a meeting Monday afternoon.
Special activities forth fresh-
,fttu9 i Arranges -.. Monday.
Tuesday, and Wednesday of next
week, culminating- i&rtna! regis
tration, and physical exajninatlons
r Ur, L. A, UOWllS, W'hnnl nV.L
Is- anoHcations.
More than
have .been received by Nat Beav-
a1 previous records- for freshmen
-wmPi3Vra.tJor "ppr clansmen
win.' be held .Thursday and Fridar
of next week. . , v '- r
I ifnr wii r vi a,.,
i m m m a m m m m m u.rtm .
fCoatlnued frontpage One) ?. ,
through Senator McNaryi made V
determined effort about a month
ago to induce the Colonel to stop
for a few minutes here.
Unable to Stop Here. ' , ' "
amount :or tne already, beavy
schedule of engagements 'fartnr
the . noted flyer. A promise wat
made then that the Colonel would
fly low over the city. ; :
. - ;. . V-m ; . .
FORTLAND,' Se'pti 15. (AP)
"WE", will leave. PorUand lor San
Fraa-lsco at rt'iiQ o'clock-tomorrow
tnornins. and "WK" expect to
reach the Golden Gate at 3 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon.. . . ; -
7j? ?n.q?aacenei wa made
today by. Captaia- Donald. Keyhoe,
departwetrt of'enSniere "repre
sentative, and tilgjit manager, for
Colondi Charles, A Lindbergh- and
the Spirit of;St. Louis. "WE",
Captain Keynoe added," wilt" circle
lowoveras matiy towns as possi
ble enroute. , , j , .
The mechanical the ism
separable "WE." the steel . and
lacquered linen-was,. pn exhibi
tion " today . to. thousands, . who
warmed Swan - Island.- airport to
view Colonel Lindbergh's plane.
The other half of "WE" Amer
ica's idol of the- air-remained in
seclusion in his hotel snite mn.t
of' the day; working, ho said, on
his correspondence. The work was
carried on under polite vigil Inas
much as a. cordon of of ficers, had
been drawn abott the corridors of
his rooms and guard had been
placed at all doors of ' hi n nm.
Leaving the alrnorr at Suran tai
and at 6:30 a. m.. Colonel Lind
bergh' wilt circle low over Vtncou
verf Wash., a short dlstunce from
the field.' and' thon'wiU hsad south
through the Willamette vallev
Lindbergh missMi Vancnimr nn
his war south yesterday because
he - ha not heard of ' the request
that he fly low over the city la or
dec that hundreds of school chil
dren might see bin.
Approximate time of passing
towns was given, in the schedule
announced as follows j
Silverton. Ore., between 715
and 7:45; Chemawa, Ore., 7:15 to
7:4: saiem' 7:30'to 8:00: Cor-
vallls 7 : 4 S to ' 8 ; 1 5,i: Eugene 8:00
to 8:30; Medford 10:20 to 11:30;
Anderson, Cal., 12:15 to 1:10;
Red BJaff 12:30 to 1:2.
Once Thought Ideal BIarrled-Dou
; Ie,' ' Now. tn , Divorce Cour. 1 '
'CHICAGO..- Sept. .15.1 (ApJ
Fannie Brice.jthe commedienne,
and ; Jules Nteky Arnstein, New
York promoter, whose loyalty to
each other in -the time of adverse
vicissitudes once stamped them as
ideal lovers, have been 'separated
by divorce.
The action was! brought by the.
musical comedy- star who charged
her husband 'wltfc infidelity.- and
Incompatibility; Arnstein, al
thong h' denying . the ' charges
through hii attorney, did not con
tent the action: ; 1
'-.Miss ; Brice told the court that
they loved each other as much as
ever, but that for" the Interest of
their happiness it; was best that
they should part. 1 ,
i Miss Brice. 'who lavished loyal
ty .upon her hnsband- when; 'he
wat committed , to Leavenworth
penitehtiary seyeral "years ago for
a New. York bond theft announc
ed that a an aftermath of the-di-vorce
action she- would- file- an al
ienation suit a&aiast a Kew York
woman- of social importance. Nei
ther Miss Brice nor her attorney,
Benjamin Ehriich, would divulge
the name of the defendant in the
promised suit.'
Read the Classified-Ads--
eoo,ss fixed
s - .-I 1' J i , t c.
Changes.. OccasioneiJ, by
t Opening ' of Leslie and'
; Washington Schools
New boundaries, to-govern atten
dance at the differettt schools In
Salem this winter -were- announced
this week by Superintendent
George W. Hug. Acommittee- con
sisting of Mr-. Hug, Mrs. Isher
wood,: his secretary, and Carlotta
Crowley " elementary supervisor,
has been at work on these- boun
daries ton some time.
. The changes were 'occasioned' by
the opening of Leslie Junior high
school,' the; re-openihg of the old
Washington school, and the trans
fer of eight , rooms from Lincoln
to McKinley. .
The new boundaries follow: 7 .
Englewood School:
Beginning at1 the north 'boun
dary of school district No. 24 on
the Southern Pacific Railway f9l
lowing railway to D street, east on
D to 15th, south on 15th '" to A',
east to 20th and Center, sooth to
Chemeketa," east on Chemeketa to
District boundary.
Garfietd School: ..'
Begrnalng: at the Willamette
River and Mill ' Creek,! east on
Mill Creek to Summer and D
street, .south on, Summer to Cuxt;
west on'court to Church, south on
Churchy tto Bellevue,. west 6 Bel-levue-
tor Willamette River- ;
, Grant chool: '.
Beginning; at Willamette River
on Mill Creek,, ae on- Mill Creek
t- Sannaer, north- on Sumnwr to
D street, east on; D" to . Southern
Pacific railway track, , north on
railway to rile. Road, west .on Tile
Rpad to Fairgrounds Road,' south
west on Fairgrounds, Road to
Madison, west on Madison to 4 thy
sonth. on 4lh. to-Norway, west -onJ
Norway to River. . "
Highland Schooft ; " f '
Beginning - at - Willamette- River
and Norway street, east to-4th
street, north on 4th. to Madison,
east on Madison ... to fairgrounds
Road,., northeast on Fairground
Road to Tile. Road, east on Tile
Road to Southern Pacific Rail
way, north on Railway to District
Boundary.' J '' ,
Lincoln School T ; -
Beginning at Willamette River
at Bellevue' Street, east to- Church,
south on Church to Creek, . along
Creek to Winter south on Winter
in and through Bush's Pasture to
Davidson Street, south east , on
Davidson: tot Howard, east on
Howard, to; High, Street, north on
High to? Washington; - west' on
Washington to Boundary line.
McKinley School, First 4 V
. grades: -
Beginning at Washington
Street: and , District . , Boundary
line, east to High ' Street; south on
High to Howard; east on. Howard
to Berry, south on Berry to Rural
Avenue, east on Rural Avenue to
12th street." south on 12th to Dis
trict Boundary,- -
McKinley School, 5th ''and 6th
-grades: .
Beginning at Willamette River
at , Beuevue Street, ' .east to
Church, south on Church to Creek
along Creek to Winter, south, on
Winter and through Bush's Pas--tnije
to Davidson St. and. Howard,
oast on Howard to Berry, south
on Berry; to Rural Avenue, east
--Hi f -
reft try tor
r jr - - i
I, AV. A. W
1 AN lf "-V, IV
' i 4. HI 1. nU" V
; r
y m. a
MOTHER:-' Fletcfaerjs
Castoria is. especially : pfp
pared' to relieve Infants In
' arms and Children all ages f
-Gjnstipation; Flatulency, "Wid..
. Colic " and Diarrhea ; r allaying
Feverishness arising therefrom and by regtilatoig the; Stomach1,
and Bowels, aids the assimilation' of Food giving1 natural: sleep.
To avoid imitations, always took for the signature of
.'Absolutely. Harmless y No Opiates. Physicians ieyerywhere xccommend-
If. i-
Special, Purcliase
' "
4 .
. Starts 0 a, m. Fnday
oit Rural Avenue- to 12h St and
sonth- to District boundary.
Park School: - 1 . .
Beginning at Church and 'Belle
vue, east on , Bellevue to, 17th,
south, on M 7th .to Turner Road
and southeast, on Turner Jtoad to
District boundary, -..Beginning at
Jjistrict Boundary on 'south 12th.
.north to Rural Avenue, west
to Berry,, north to Howard west
toM Davidson, north on Davidson
through Bush's Pasture to- Creek,
northwest "bn Creek to Church and
Bellevue. ,
Richmond School:
Beginning at District boundary
on' Turner, Road, northwest on
Turner Road to 17th, north on
17th to Slate,, east on State to
20th, north on 20ih to Chemeketa
and east' on Chemeketa to- dis
trict boundary.
.Washington School :
Beginning at Summer street on
D, east to 15th street. South to A
street, east to- 20th and Center,
south to State, west to 17th, south
to-Belle vne west t Church, north
to Courtreasr toSnmnrerr
t Boundary between ParrbJ St
Lesliet Junior High chool(
BeginaiAg lat , Willamette- Rivet
on- Trader Street, east to 'District
BonaryoaTra4a;rt ii'ju-
Creat .Northern . Buy Share of
Oregon, Calif ornfii & Eastern'
SPOKANE. " Sept; 15. ( AP )
A great region . in- southern and
central Oregon-will be opened up
for; further . railroad traffic
through the sale or one half in
terest in the Oregon, California
and Eastern railwajr to the Great
Northern railway by Robert Stra
horn, Spokane , capitalist.' Stra
it orn said in. announcing the sale
jhere. - ,
The O. C. and E. ha hereto
fore been the only railroad: serv
ing this territory.: ,
.....f(ii 1
t . .'Alt "l.
Into - Peerless Bread , goes high test milk the best only sugar
of1 tho very same grade yon use on your own table the finest
shortening that: can-. be-bought; besides many years of bread baking
skilL' That la why It Is so good.. t ;
1 u rim commercial
- . ' T-
On Sale: Tomorrow SOO; Genuine! Imported 5 English Broadcloth ,
Shirts For Boys. : r
By" a' Special Concession Front dks.; Makers of ; Collegiate Boys':
Shlrt We Are Able to Make This Offer; Regular $2.50 Value,.
Cellar Attccherf Style, Cut Full to Size; Tan; Blue, ; Grey; Colors.
' i ! J - " 1
jr Sizes
12 to HVi
i -
Sixes . ;
12 to 14 Yx
: , ... .
V; ' t' n' ' r
ifVl j
f I
The very: finest of rib roasts from teiideist;" selected young beef. Every
roast is ready for your oVen-each r'oait is Boned, Rolled, Tied, so there'll be
no fussing to do, no trouble on your parti remember, NO WASTE ! And these
rib roasts are' cut' from the beef right next to tenderloin they're tempting,
tender and juicyrTatuTday 27c POUND.
Fancy Sugar
Cured Ham
Tender sweet meat a
real smoked ham
Vz or - whole
Per Pound
Sugar Cured
Wood Smoked
Picnic -Shoulders
Medium size, per lb.
Libby Catsup
Large'Sbse Bottle
1 Bottle 20 c
X ' - ' t -
Eagle Brand
Hard Wheat
Shipped direct to us
from, the factory- it's,
the freshest
you can. 1
3 lbs. 65c
Baited in Our ,Qwn
EHectric Oven the large
loaves are 2 f or
!? f
the small loaves are
3 for 25
f 4
j ... ..
Libby?s Milk
We Buy. this Milk v by;
the Car Load. The sav
ing is passed on to our
Customers- large:
cans for
. . . .
M. J: B. Coffee
49c lb.
, ..- -. t . . .
Hill's Bros.
jf .If y. j. ..r; ,j I
'A-, ' l ?Pound -
49c .
' ' ' . ''(.'
Fresh Crisp
Soda' Crackers:
"','.. , - ' -
"They Are fresh from-,.
the Oven. Large 3 lb.
Sanitary Packages for
This lbt is from Old
Wheat While the new
crop flour; costs a little
: less the .Old Flour is
Verjr IVftich Better
49 lb; Sack
We alsq have Old'
Wheat Flour in these
Fisher's Blend
- $2i09
.'" , r f
. ..,..,.'.- " .. i a-:-'. ;
3 pkgg. 25c
Drifted Snow
--. V .t , - Sf.
Freshly Killsd
' -' ' "Oats'- r.r
. 4Bc
Ja i ""'Si' ll" V V -'. 'W ICR
Thcrers frio chafge for Service irrthis Storc--and asiuo frefn tlic lov prices
youcceive Here crycryli:y orlHa vccl: n;fd abcolutc frecliness of the foods
you ;liuy makes- thisStorc tHe sKoppIhg center of Salem. '
- - , - r''- ' . - --v
' , . 1.-. . .