The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 16, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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Sites Golding Appointed
Miss Fern Golding, graduate of
Oliret 1 college, OUret, Michigan,
has been appointed director of
nursing service for the . Marion
county health demonstration to
'ficceed Miss Ida Twedten, who re
ened to return . to - Crbokstoif.
Minn., her home town
fine of $100 1 eacA. f Tine charge
agalnvt them wastdrlviag truck
while nnder the influence "of in
toxicating liquor. They: were con
victed and sentenced in justice
court at Woodbnrn.- h
Coraelettes, also surgical cor
sets. Mrs. O. H. Llttlelleld. Tel.
2367. V :.. 316
f5SO Lester Piano-; . ;
One of the finest. Perfect con
dition. Less than one half price.
Any reasonable terms. Salem Mu
sic, Co., 355 N. High St. sl
Women Wanted- - "
At Starr Fruit Products Co. Cor.
Church and Mill Sts. Phone 439.
-. slStt
Camp ft Co. Piano
A real fine piano. Only s 5 a
month. Salem Music Co.. 355 N.
rilgh St. Bl6
i' . . . . ; '
Former Salem Man IMeo ' .
Charles Dillard. aged 27, a for
mer Salem resident, died In Denver
recently, according to a report re
ceived here. Dillard was a victim
man had been married but a short
time and had a. fine nosition with
t h Metro-Ooldwrn comDany. A
sister. Miss Delta Dillard, formerly
taught in the Salem schools.
Xon-Snpport Charged
John F. Murtaugh was arrested
yesterday afternoon near Scotts
Mills and lodged in the county jail
at Salem. The arrest jiwaa made
by deputies from the county sher
iffs office. Murtaugh lis said to
be wanted at Brooklyn J New York
on a charge of non-support.
Women Wanted
At Starr Fruit Products Co. Cor.
Church and Mill Sts. Phone 439
S Oregon Pulp and Paper Co
I Preferred. Limited amount for
sale. Hawkins and Roberts. Phone
1427. ... jiyett
VaSI Forfeited V: r -
M. D. Ackerman. Independence
forfeited 35 bail. yesterday when
he failed. to appear in police court
on a charge of having 4 persons in
the driver's seat - of his car re
cently.',-..",. 'L f ' ; ":; "v:, .'. ' '
Women Wanted
For prune work at night.. North
west CannlBK Co. ; ' ' - sl6
Beautiful Francis Bacon Piano-
Brand new at great reduction In
price. Terms like rent. Salem Mo
aic Co.. 355 North Hizh St. si 6
Fined for Soeedina
Raloh Kinter. 1860 North Sum
mer street, paid a fine of 35 in po
lice court yesterday on a charge of
soeedlnx. i City Traffic Officer
Thomason made the arrest.
A Few Bushels Fresh Prunes
n .Right from the treen, for sale at
EOc Phone 747W. . sl6
Kryptobr Lenses flSJSO
Fine Torlc reading lenses
34.95. Free examination.. Credit
:i it desired. Thompson & Glut sen
OpU Co. 110 North Commercial
street ' : i . ' ' ' S-l 1-tf
; Arrested and Released
, T. J. CKeefe was arrested Wed
nesday evening on a charge of be
ing drunk, but was released later
in the evening on order of Justice
of the Peace Braxler Small.
Women Want ed -
J At Starr Fruit Products Co. Cor
Church and Mill Sts. Phone 439
Baildinir Permit Issued
. Alice Wood was issued a permit
to erect a one story dwelling at
460 Jefferson street, at an appro
imate cost of $2500. Sven'Sven
son will repair a one story dwell
ing at 1130 North 19 th street,, at a
cost off 3 00.
Wanted Blackberries
SHc cash. Pacific Fruit and
Packing Co., West Salem. slBtf
Salem Popular Old Time Dance
Castlfran Hall. Sat. Oudeans Or
chestra. v . .. sl7
Driving Wnile Drunk - -
Louis- Gunyon and Arthur
Wheeler were yesterday committed
to the Marion county Jail at
Salem after havinx beeh sentenc
ed to serve ix months and pay a
Some Good Buys
32,000 for 27 acres, six miles
from Salem near pared high
way; 12 acres in cultivation,
two acres fruit, balance tim
ber and pasture; running
spring water.; It is worth
more. $1000 down.
$3,000 for 10 acres on Pacific
highway four miles from
Salem, nearly all In apple
orchard. 31000 down.
32.000 for 13 'acres on Salens
Dallas highway. Nice loca-
tion. 31000 down.
34.000 for five acres, -5 -room
house, garage, lots of fruit,
running water, only one mile
from Salem. 31000 down.
442 State St. . Tel. sfiAiU)
5 Rooms Court Street Plain
Plain home. . Bath, plaster, pav
ing, fruit, flowers and garden
Total price 33350., terms like rent.
Vacant at 1768 Court.
Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High
Why rent.
Sues for Damaeei
Alleging general and special
damages amounting to a total of
2988.75, Henry Wagiter yester
day began action against 'Ivan J
White in circuit court here. The
action grows out of an accident
a mile north of .Aurora on August
21. 1927. at which time Wagner
claims White negligently drove his
car into Wagner's car with the re
sulting damage
Hotel Marion 4
Dollar dinners served 5:45 to S
every evening. -, I i ! n26tf
Accident Renorted !i ;
William Do lan of Roseburg Has
reDorted to the Marlon i county
sheriffs office that he had a col
lision with R. Foley Of Portland
on the highway about! five miles
north of Salem on September 13
Little damage was done to either
car. ' U ,
Furniture Upholstered
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Co. - j flStf
Clarendon Piano Good as New-
Will not refuse any; reasonable
offer. Rental terms. Salem Music
Co.. 355 North High St. si 6
Gcrvaift Car Hit ' j
" H. Becker of Gerviis reported
to county sheriff yesterday that
while driving on the highway
mile south of Salem he collided
with a machine driven) by Miss Es
ta S warts of route 7, The accident
took place , yesterday morning,
Both machines sustained minor In
juries. ,'j , .:
$350 If obert M. Cable Piano-
Less than half price. Terms to
suit. Salem Music Co., 355 N. High
St. , , , ; i i ' " si 6
Reduced Irices Fairmount Hill
Lots. 1 We have r2 6 lots
sell at prices that will interest you
3900 to' $3600. All sizes, shapes
fronts, etc.! ' Becke & Hendricks
189 N. High Street. j SI
Its Real Worth
A. business training is worth
more than it costs to anyone and
absolutely necessary for the young
person who expects to succeed in
a business way. The Capital Bus
ness College has trained thous
ands and will train several nun
dred more thjs. coming school year,
Call, let us talk over i and arrange
a course for you. - Fall opening
and . new classes next Monday
day school.' : ( SI
Circle Meet
Announcement was made, last
night that the East Central Circle
of the Methodist , Ladies' Aid-so
ciety will hold its regular meeting
at 2:30 this afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Pi J. KoonxJ 1197 North
Winter street.
1 7SO Hallet ft Davis j
- Player piano,' bench and lots of
rolls; $295. Terms $10 a month
This Js a give away. Salem Music
Co.. 355 N. High St. : . si
TtArktesA Driver Fined
L T.- J. O'Keefe of Portland plead
ed riiiltv in instiee court yesterday
to a charge of reckless driving and
Daid a fine of $25.ri The charse
was.preferred by II. Peterson.
Three Fine
All strictly
$7500 to
ern, complete and ready for you
Reasonable terms. Becke &. Hen-
ariCKS, laa rx. liigni totreei.
: SI
Judse Hunt Impro
County Judge 'J.;. ' Hunt , will
probably be able to be back i
work in a month or six Weeks tlni
it; was indicated by a report given
out yesterday evening. For many
weeks T Judge - Hunt's; ' condition
has been rvery serious land it was
not regarded ' as certain that
would recover. : His condition was
brought on by ulcer$ of the stom-
I ach. . . , ' i i
t 9;VA
We have a 1927 Star Four
Touring that is like new in
every way "equipped with a
spare tire and license. This
is a fine car and our price
is $550.00.
The House That Service Built
F. Loy, Center and 20th "streets.
and Harry Needham. Route 2.
West Salem, were the two who ap
peared in' City Recorder Poulsen's
court on tne cnarge. . , -
nAmn TCjMltMl
' For prune work at night. North
west Canning Co. si 6
Motor Com oan v Pari
Fltrgerald-Sherwin Motor cpmr
nanr naid a fine of 31 in nolice
court yesterday for violation of
the overtime parking law.
Minor Accident Reported-
u. Morgan, znu juarion sireei,
reDorted ; to Salem nolice that a
car belonging to the Multnomah
Fish company of Portland, backed
from the curb at State and Com
mercial streets Wednesday, dam
aging his fender.
Veer Hnnters Leaving t ;
A party consisting of Robin Day,
Ed Viesko, Paul Burrls, and Bra
zier Small will leave this evening
on a hunting trip to Curry county.
where they expect to bag the limit
in deer and fish. Two other mem
bers will be added to the party at
Bandon, where Mr. Small has
cousin. The party expects to be
gone a week. -J :. ,t.
Pacific Highway .5 Acres Small
BuUdings. $2750 All in
fruit,' berries, garden. Vacant
ready for you. Terms. Becke &
Hendricks, 189 N. High Street.
Possession Charged
W. L. Geddies of Silverton was
yesterday committed to the coun
ty jail at Salem after having been
ai rested at Silverton and sentenc
td in justice court there to pay a
fine of $50 for possession of liquor
Not having the money with which
to pay the fine. Geddes elected to
serve it out in jail. i
Hall ft Son Piano Like New
A, real high grade piano at one
half price. Basy terms. Salem
Music Co., 355 North High St. si
Aurora Car In Crash
F. L. Miller of Aurura yester
day reported to the office of the
Marian county sheriff that he-was
in an automobile accident
Church and Ferry streets here on
Wednesday. The accident occur
red between cars driven by him
self and W. T. Stolz, 495 North
Winter street. ?- f
Cars Collide
Blaine McCord of Woodburn
yesterday reported to . the sher
if f's office that a car driven by
himself and another driven by
Adam Burns of 2308 Trade street
came together on Church street
between State and Court on Wed
nesday of this w,eek: 1
Sateen at Director's
Through an error the advertise
ment appearing . in yesterday a
Statesman for; Director's depart
ment store advertised "satin slips,
59 cents.' The announcement
should have read as follows: "EX
TR A. SATEEN SLIPS, 59 cents,
Sateen' and saninette, light an
dark, colors. - Hand hemstitched
and, trimmed. Regular- 98 cent
slips at 59 cents."
Goes to Uttle'Rock
" Mrs. Erwin Smith has gone 1
Little Roek, Arkansas, ' for a six
weeks visit with her - relatives
Drive Over Hose, Fined t
Two persona paid tines of $2.50
each for driving over a fire hose
In use at the fire which destroyed
the H. Stelnbock Capital bargain
nouse early yesterday morning. G,
. v Casey's Guaranteed
Money refunded if it does not
cure your ease ,
NELSON ft HUNT, Drurjrists
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. T
, 8 and 10 cents per yard.' Also
buttons, stamping and pleating.
Over Miller's Telephone 117
Often you want old nhtnjcrarh3 !
reproduced, but fear.: en trusting : "
them to strangers. . j ,k
Our reputation assures the safety and
proper care of your picture, which wa;' .
will copy, enlarge, fracne or hand color ;
at a price lower than. tne unknown agent ;
can offer. ' ' 1. -.ii'S
423 Orcca Kij.
f3oTcM Captain of
. , . . . . 4
111 ' VA.TA'
4 wuj
The general part time icontinu
atlon school, which, was organized
by federal and state governments
and by the local school authoriti
es, will open Monday, September
19, for enrollment of students for
this year. Classes will begin Tu
esday. . i , . V v. ;v,; ; ' ; : ,;v
This ; school is maintained for
the benefit of those who wish to
continue their education but be
cause of economic necessity are
obliged, to work? a part of each
day; ,:;V- '--d: u-i-
Courses given last year Includ
ed English, business mathematkis.
business spelling writing, read
ing.' and vocational clvicst .' Any
other classes will .be- organized
when the demand . is su f f iclent.
A placement bureau is also con-
acted by the school. - Those who
wish girls to work for their
and board are asked to call.' Msns
Lillian Schroeder at ' the" senior
high school building: or. if she
cannot be' reached : there j during
the day. at 1544 R; Positions are
also needed. for boys enrolled for
regular j nign . scnooi worfc. -; Any
positions which,, these , students
might fill should be listed with
M1S3 Schroeder. i
ing their home and their .- child
ren's families. Both are keenly in
terested in' flowera and the,lr gar
den and fruit. MrC Kelley spends
several hours each day working In
his grounds. They are both, mem
bers of. the Methodist church ' at
Independence. ;
London notice are called "bob-
hif" because of - Sir Robert' Peel.
who- reorganised - the police for&s
ir the latter part nf -.the.nlneteen-theJ
" century . and,;wa f popularly i
known as "Bobby according to '
an answered question in Liberty.
Rear of Car Struck
II. M. BirdsoU. Route 4, struck
the reara ; fender of the car of
Ma. A. H. Schnider. 1680 Market
street, when he attempted, a turn
at the intersection of Church and
Commercial streets, he reported to
police headquarters
Car Reported Stole
A Chevrolet touring car with
Oregon license, number 124-060.
was yesterday reported stolen
from independence, Wednesday
Asks Phone Repair
The telephone rang at nolice
headquarters last night and when
Officer C. L. Wilcox answered, a
woman's voice saalad," "My tele
phone is out of order.. Will you
please come out and fix it? The
number is 1574 J." She was re
ferred to the eelepbone company,
Plot to! Collect Insurance Money
t'onfesfscd by L. E. Thome
58th Wedding ArmiversarV
Observed at Independence
Monmouth. Sept. 15. (Special)
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kelley cel
ebrated their 58th wedding anni
versary on Sunday; September 11
.at their home at - Independence. !
Mr. and Mrs. Kelley were married
at Maryville. Missouri: in 1869,
later moving to California and in !
1910 they established their home I
in Oregon and have since resided
at Independence. C
They are the parents , of three
d&uRhters and one son, nine grand
children, and r two J great srand-
cbildren. Their Immediate family
consists of Mr. and Mrs.- B.
Kelley. , Mr. and Mrs. C l' D.- Sml-
ey and Mrs. Carrlo Smiley of In
dependence andr Mr, and Mrs. E.
E. Roberts of Salem. ;
Mr: Kelley Is past 81 years of
age and his wife. Is 78, but in
spite of their gears - they are . a
very active, nappy couple, en Joy-
RAINIER. ORE., Sept. 15".
(AP) Leslie E. Thorne, alias E
T. Leslie, has confessed to state
and Columbia cbunty authorities
that he set fire to the printing
equipment' he had - moved' here
late in August in an " attempt to
collect insurance mopey.
Thorne is declared: to have nam
ed Lloyd Gaither, of Vader, Wash
as an accomplice, although he t
said to have shouldered, full re
sponsibility himself.
For the Best in Meats
Corbets Quality
Meat Market .
. 1310 SUto 7
Have that WIntef Coat
Gone! Overi; - " f -;
We reline, shorten and make it
look like new.
Ladies .wool dresses cleaned
and pressed, SI. 00 up. Men's
and Ladies' suits cleaned and
pressed f 1.0 Or ! ,
Over RnIcki "
-7'7c; -. SEE OXJTt
Perennial Gardens x
On the Wallace Road ;
Telephone 880 512 State St.
Suburban home, mile and half
from Bush Bank, paved road,
modern house except furnace,
bearing fruit trees, F, L.
WOOD, 841 State St.
Rewound and Repaired, New or
Used Motors
Thing Electrical '
191 South High TsLIllI
J. H. LEONQ. Mgr.
Our Ufe'a work has
been spent In studying
the healing properties
of Chinese hsrbs and
' now; dally we relieve
those . suffering from
tomtch, liver and kid-.
ney trouble, rheuma
tism and gall stones.
also disorders of men.
and children.- : - . ;
rree Consultation C&U or T7rlte
if nnhl mm
hMi 'U flMM
valataa. " Oaal'
mm w
415 State St.
What's in the
. Name?
Wait and See
To Keep Them ; Clean
Dental Creme
This : dentifrice,;' -snow-whHe,'
creamy and inviting makes, the
teeth clean,, scrupulously so -
gives' them t&e white lustrous
look that distinguishes beauti
ful, s teeth-protect and safe
guards them' ' " -
Large 'Siitf Tube ' -
. Perry'ft Dziiz Slcrc
S -115 S. Ccrr.ncrciil
Perfect Funeral Service -"
, . ' For Less - -
Licensed.' Lady Mortician
' 770 Chemeketa Street ,
' Telephone. 724' . . . '
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
'; !, Establlstied lilt . ,
(General Banldn? Business
Of fie Hours from 1 0 a. nu. to 9 p. tU
'. CalL' phone of write'
17 N. CommsrelaJ falem
j -
Long and Short Distance Hanlinj
Public and PriTate Slonte V
i j .Fireproof Buildlni :
Free Delivery to any part oi tne exxj .
v Quotations on Applicatxca
Day Telephone 28-
Night Telephone 1237-7
Sclifei's . - :
; (Say Shay's)' - v 1 .,
Whats in a tradernamc?
ifK.i 1 x ...
-i 9.i.J AAV v
In Men's New Fall "ear
For TKe Winner
t f.
and original Way of draw ing a
, v
r VP -y t ' '
T f-
:. ft
? OuriSxiestioiis;
1, Phone 1030, to ask any questions you desire.
2. Anyone eligible to compete. , , 1 ' .
3. Submit youij' suggested design or designs on plain
paper at our store, 344 State St., or mail same with
j your name and address attached. : . .
4. Must be original no copy. " " V.
5. Campaign closes at EIGHT P. II. FRIDAY, Sept. 23,
. .; Announced then. . - v -
Just for a: new desiffn of our hemo!
r i . . i i st i
QUR' 1S- i V""-- " :V- .T ; r
n 7793 MEM
aw Kite
- - .1
' f r
Opes A. U. to S P. 11.
ZO CUto Et, Ealen, Oreo