1 He Oregon T Twvml Dally Eept Moiy or 1 i TTTTS RT.ITKSM A V Pimi-ISinXfi COMPANY U - SIS Santa Cammarclal to. J, Hendricks - - lfsnaffar Jrl 8. McSharrr ' V(ura( Editor Ralph C Crtis- - - City Editor Victor D. Carls ,'-,. Sporta Editor SU'alla. Ban eh - - 'Society Editor - MEMBEX Or THB ASSOCIATED FKEJSs - .! i ' Tae Associated Pr is exrluarrely entitled to the vao for publication of all news ZUpetafces credited it or not otherwise credited ia this pser and alao the local i; , , BXTSXVESS OmCES: . B, Belt, SS3-E-2J 8eenrHy Bid., Portland, Or.. Telephone Broadway Mart, i Taomaa E. Clark Co., New York. 128-13A W. 31t St.; Chicago. MarqnetU Bldf. Doty A 8 types, lne California representatives, Sharon Bldg., gaa FraneUee; Chamber mt Commerce Bldg.. lxa Angeles. , ; J - , - . : . - ? . iTEXXPHOHXS Newa DepCU 'or 108 Itaaiaeas rffl-e.2S"or SS Society Editor , lOo j ; 1 1 ; Entered r tk Post Office in Salens, -.t- " ; September 10, IIKST ; - r ,' : j - f 1;0 sins unto .the Lord a new song; lor He hath done marvellous things: His right hand, and His holy arm hath' frDttea Ilim the vic tory Psalm 58 'fXTr-T'-- i''fi,':.. il CmMJOdEGJlQVShy GREAT About fifteen families will SalexQjtthe inception of the operation of motor coaches by the Southern Pacific, next Tuesday I ! . rWith Salem W headquarters. -J ffThe whole system is to radiate from Salemi The superinten dent and his assistants are to be h'erei ' The accounting . de partment will be in Salem. ; And the repair department. 'The coaches will be -washed and reconditioned here; The car barn ori'Pont street wiUit : Fifteen new families Will mean 60 to 75 added to the popu lation of this citycouning four to five to the family, f jHqw many new r people will 'thi3ineto:for:.lemf; when you consider the extra business that will be given to the butcher, baker and jcndlesck ? makerr-Uhe (doctor, ; preacher 4 and lawyer, arid teacher- and ""merchant and milliner and all the rest?';;:r;-" W:) ' ' : i . " : ttVilT "it mean k-10a'iSr 200?: You are likely to rather under estimate than over estimate- , . . I '-- And, then the fourteen extra trips of motor coaches be tween Salem and Portland alone each day, and the connections to-thesouth i and inother directions, will bring more people to, and through Salem . , ! - A constantly increasing stream of travelers and; tourists with dim6s and dollars to spend Nimble dollarsentering all lines of trade and business and passing from hand to hand. This all means increase of busi ness and consequent growth of population. ; Business breeds business. The salaries of all these people directly employed in this new system of transportation will be regular and, on the average, good. They will have in the aggregate arlarge amountjbf money to spend and to invest and thus add trade arid? solidity. : i .Thiis Salem increases her importance as a transportation center. Increases her prestige as a place where people meet. Grcws' gregariously great I : We can scarcely over estimate the importance to Salem oi this trend towards the building here of a transportation center - , : -j.. .- F- . ?And being the Oregon headquarters of this new motor coach system, radiating in every direction, is a lohg stride in that direction. The Eugene Register finds that when the street car system in Eugene is, abandoned," the. State! of Oregon, iLane county 'andV the city of Eugene will lose some $4700 a year in general property taxes. But the State of Oregon will gain, iii auto licenses 'and gasoline taxes, f; About the same thing has1 taken place in Salem and Marion county. All this is hard oh the general funds of city, county and state. But it swells tne revenues of the automobile department of the state; ahef, to a1 considerable extent, the 25 per .cent of j the auto license taxes going to the counties. , ; ' 'An up .valley, paper says Governor Patterson is (quick on the" trigger when it comes to appointments. Saves himself a, !world of trouble, and makes , vastly fewer enemies and "Heartburns than if he "allowed trie agony id draw itself out in procrastination. Not a good, farmer in the 11! as used water this year, but 1 " m m . , inavinrf on nis monraee lie, had irrigation, no banker in the county would have loaned him a $5 bill on "all his holdings. . In the ; name of common Bene, why do we not irrigate, all over the; valley? j Well,' we aje going to. ' . ';!:'. , . " . I Citizens of Oregon are asked to observe Saturday as Con stitution Day. And of course they'll not forget1 that the eighteenth amendment is a part of the constitution.' ' -' i -Eugene Register. r o I nits For Breakfast 1 An Irrigation boom ' - S . . I That's what'we need here r ; . . S . ' , : , And thatswhat we are going to Lave, i . 'y r-t' ".. - ; " . ' r - , - V ! U H Read .the record . of the 1927 farming operations ' of Bruce l,o wne. Turner, who pays off his mortgage with his 1927 crops, and lia$ at-least enough left to bay a liew hat, - . y. V : There will be at least 15 tarn lUcs added to Salem's population l.y lhe motor coach headquarters of the Southern Pacific for Ore fJon being-established here. Di irctly and Indirectly, how many will this add to our population? Your guess. f . . -- : Now that the.llttle onions are to be canned,, wo railst have a factory to iise the ' little potatoes: the culls. - A potato, Tlour, starch and dextrine factory.' Girls, did. you reallzo that the best line of face powders comes from potato starch ; thafoundatlon or raw, material? Thas, the lowly tuber becomes 'an t i tide of very hlsrh tisa and cost. Statesman 8trt. Salara. UraKa Ralph H. KlaUiof - Advertising Manager OtXK E. Martia - Supt. Meenaaieal IXrpt. W. H. Headarsoa I - CircwUtioa Manager K. A. Khoten - " , ' l.i-eat.ek Editor W. C Conner - PwiUy Editor Job IVpartment1 Circulation Office 6S .683 ; T Oregon, as teeoad-elaas matter. be added to the population of Santjam Irrigation district avfio has made money, une farmer jit it' . lf T: wun mis years crou, xexure moior knocks. It's weakening." Friends -are all yon haver to keep you from being a stranger. Who remembers tbe old days when a vice president didn't have much to say? . . The flivver age has advantages'. but It ofers nothing to roplace the bourse shoe nail as an emergency pants button. . 1 All the world needs Is ap agree ment not to have any? more wars until the old ones aTe paid for. ; ' I Most of ns think re could do much better; If we only had the opportunities which we don't rea lize' we have. ; ' -! . ; . ??';-;;V;Vv; !, ! ; - ; There's a 1 bright I side. Enough has happened since the great war to Btart v dozen mora Ifs people hadn't-becn" fed up. ! ' : A boardef In "Kansas stole his landlord's wife and hte Ford car. The husband .: failed tto pursue. Waiting to see what the new mod els will be like, perhaps. -. ; i r. a----::- We can't all go to the Dempey Tunney fight, but we lean tell the holders of S40 seats some of the details of the battle after tber ret IS FROM MUCK PUCE Falls City Quarry to be Opened and Operated" in Near Future : . " . The Oregon Lime Products com pany itv to open the Muck quarry near Falls City, which the com pany now owns," and in' the near future have quantities of lime rock and agricultural lime tor the mar kets. . ; ' . - . . '. . The grade for the railroad spur, connecting with the Falls City line, will be done in about two weeks. The timber for the bunkers is in, the cook house built, the office be-. "ing built, and some clearing has been done of the dirt above the deposit.' . :'. f a Have Fine Plunt? The company: is to have a fine "plant, "with new', and tip to . date machinery The machinery will have a capacity of six car-loads a day of pulverized lime stone that is, 300 tons a day ready for the market; in eight hours. Special machinery is also to be put in for the making of chicken grit, for which there is a large demand;';"- ' : yi7i ' . f "' ESCAPE MYSTIFIES i'RISONEIV HERE . -VANISHES; . DBOOVERY liATE . f , ' ' ' ' ' - f f ? City police officers are at a lota to explain the disappearance of IX. Von Thiele wanted at Orrvllle; California. on a forgery charge, who m escaped from the city Jail sometime between and - pi'ml Wednesday afternoon. Office; C. L. Wilcox discoTered the. cell empty shortly after relieving Act ing Chief of Police Walter Thomp son at 4 o'clock. He searched the jail quarters, and failed to find trace of Von Thiele, supposed he had. been re moved by some officer. It was not until Ren W. French, deputy sheriff Irom Orrvjille, Butte county, California, called for the prisoner to take him to 'a barber shop, that it-was definitely known that Von Thiele had escaped. How he gained access to the street without being seen was re- rgarded as a mystery, for while the padlock on the cell was said to have been unlocked, officers de clared it -could not be removed without aid from the outside. The janitor at the city hall had talked with the missing man at 3 o'clock, and R. L Jones, employed in the city. recorder's office, had been working in the lobby of the station, just in front of the en trance to the jail quarters, during the afternoon. V ? Search of the city, as well as a trip to Portland in an effort ' to pick Von Thiele up there, have had no results, and Deputy French will return to Orrvllle early this morning without his prisoner. An investigation of the affair-is an ticipated as soon as Chief Frank Minto returns from a hunting trip. . t . An extradition hearing was to have been . held- yesterday,- when Robert G. Closterman, German consul at Portland, was to have been present, yon Thiele was a German subject..; . f : FRANCE MAKES TARIFF j OFFER TO WASHINGTON (Continued from Page One) discrimination against American goods. PARIS; SepU 15. (AP)- A. proposal which is regarded as fur uishing Brf basis,' for nfgotiations with the United States on the question of tariff rates, but which even in quarters close to the French government is not expect ed toa satisfy Washington, was made today -by France. s 5 France proposed to accord Ami erienn commodities a fifty per cent reduction of the general tar iff now. etfectlve. This general tar iff is four times the minimum rate and thus ; American , products wojjM have to pay twice, the amount assessed on imports from Germany and other countries with which France has commercial treaties. ' . . ' ' The proposed 'reduction would be effective during negotiations with the United States looking to ward a commercial treaty. U? ITntil a reply from the United States saying that the govern ment is ready to begin v discus sions, the present high rates will prevail. The French government's 're ply was communicated in a form which Is called In diplomatic Ian gua? "aide memolre," which is a degree more informal than the so-called verbal note. , The note, which, was not made public. was handed . to 8heIdor Whitehouse, American charge d' affaires,; who with Raymond C. Miller, assistant commercial at tachc, called at the economic divi sion of t he" foreign office by ap pointment. ' . - M. Arnal, "a high official f'tbV economic department, addressed his callers on the i French tariff poUcy evDlainine that France had given certain advantages; to the United States In 1916. and 1921 whk-h she no longer could extend. Th e government ; however, would be very much pleased, he said. - to enter; on a reciprocal trade ,greement rtviting on the prlnciiHo of favors ; given ; for Jhose received " 'l. ENTER NOT GUILTY- PLEA 20 Year OM Xttrw Says It IjnoVs Vcr. Very lid For Jle" ' J -, - , ENIO. OKTA.. Spt.' 15 u- AP)-Forr-saiiy argM with the LIE TOf I Reverend Charles , ; Bailey Epi- copal- clergyman -' for: . whom" she had professeer a deep devoti on. Miss Mary Atkinson, 26 year old nurse,! late today pleaded not guilty when arraigned before a justice of the peace. Tonight she was back In a Jail .cell she has oc cupied for a week while authori ties were, investigating the girl's death. i ..... - It looks very, very bad for me, doesn't it?" commented the nurse when a deputy sheriff entered her -ell this afternoon and Informed her she had been charged with' the murder of Mary Jane Bailey, the 18 year old daughter of Mr. Bail ey, who died ' suddenly last week, under 'circumstances indicating she bad been polsonedl . , IS 10U6 PUTES TACOMA ' MAX'S CAR HELD CNTUL FINE PAID Charged with operating a car with improper license plates, R; E. Barrett of Tacoma, Washington, was assessed a fine of $25 when he pleaded guilty before Justice of the Peace Brazier C. Small, yesterday. He was unable to pay the fine, or to secure proper li cense plates, and the car is being held at a. local . garage until he raises the money. When first arrested by State Traffic Officer W. B. Genn. Bar rett said he lived at the Perkins hoter in Portland. ; He had Ore gon plates on the machine. Later he said he was a grocery clerk in Tacoma, haying recently sold his business, there. A son 15 years old accompanied him. ' The car, a light roadster with enclosed delivery box. on the rear, was . said to have been borrowed from a friend to make the trip from Tacoma to Grants Pass. where he was. 'to have spent about two weeks hunting with a son. He declared that the . false li cense plates had been put on the car at the instance of another friend In Tacoma of Longview, or somewhere, in lieu of dealer's plates. When he pleaded Ignorance, Judge Small was adamant, al though assessing the minimum penalty for. the offense, which ranges from a 225 fine, to a fine of -2400, and a year in the peni tentiary. I OWE GETS ML HOLLYWOOD CLUB SUPPORTS H 131 FOR ALDERMAN David O'Hare, an employe In the secretary of state's office, will, be the Hollywood Community club's candidate for the vacancy existing on the city council from ward S. i was, announced 'yesterday, follow-' ing a meeting of the club. A peti tion was started and already sev" era! names are attached. - - - - O'Hare; who lives at 1417 North Liberty street, has-been active In affairs of the north district.. C. E. Albin has declined to enter the race i for appointment to the berth, left vacant by the removal of Byron i Brunk to Tacoma. Had be desired the place, he would have had the club's support, it is Saw. ,, ' . Rrnnk'a fnrmal MilrmtiA, Sao - . . Mao, not been received, but it is proba-l hU l..t I. -rill - I J .1 ! iua ,L w ill uc yi C3CUIOU SI ine city council meeting next Monday night, and an election called to fill the vacancy. ; ' The meeting was held In - the Texas Garage on North Capitol 3treet and was preside i over by R. H. Myers, - Drawing up of formal proposals for certain Improvement in this Hollywood district to Ue presented to the city council was delayed un til the next meeting which will be held some time soon. REGETTA BEGINS 'TODAY Sptedboats- Prepare by Racing AJenaj Surface of Potoanac - ? WASH JNGTOT, - Sept. 1 5. ( AP) Half ol the' hundred or more speedboats'' -Wblch are to compete in the president's cup re gatta here tomorrow and Saturday were skimming up and down the Potomac; today ! while finishing touches were applied in prepanD tlon f or jlhe races... The program for tomorrow In cludes the first heats of the pres ident's cup race - and the Dodge Memorial cup competition, both ot which are' to be" concluded on Sat urday.'4;r. I ,.f7t-M l-U 1 Leading entries for two events are Horace Dodge's Miss Syndi? cate and Sister Syn; George Town send's Greenwich Folly,.; whos hull was punctured when a pro peller snapped but since has been repaired and pronounced fit; - G: H. Rand's Lady Spitfire; J. II. R. Cromwell's Bottums Up and George C. Giaves Shadow Vite.? AIR FIRE PATROL STOPS Army Planes to Do Returned t San Francisco For Winter EUGENE. Sept. 5 (AP) The r or eat fire airplane patrol la western Oregon ceased today after having been in ODeration six weeks. The army planes stationed nere win be taken baek to Crls wy field at San Francisco In a few days according to the officers in charge. : It is reported that Eu xene - will be ' made a permanent airplane bane for forest patrol and tliat the work will be started ear lier next year. WALKING RACE STAGED ASTORIA. Sept. lS.--(AP) K. A. Hukarl of Hood River won a walkinc race from . Seasidn in Astoria here tonight. Ills time was three hours 57 minutes; F. Kruecer of Portland was see ond and William Puustinen of As toria was third. Twenty, men, en ' y CHAPTER IV ' "May I come in?" said Eteon eus.".' "I. don't wish to. Interrupt, but I notice that vbe whole famUy are 'here, and I prefer to tell the news to you all at once." i "News about what?" said Mene- laos. ' "''-f-': :;;-'::' r "About Orestes. It's partly good news, and partly bad.' In Ah, firsj. place, the young man has avenged his father's death, lie has killed, Aegistbus." "That's something like!" said Menelaos. "This puts him rather high in my esteem. If It weren't for his mother " "Can't . you overlook his moth er, said Hermione, "now that he has" behaved so well? Now be just; father, and admit I have chosen a; good husband." "If this qualifies for the duties of a husband, why, he qualifies," aid Helen. "BhI he won't be avenging murders all his life, and I hope you will marry him. If you do, for other reasons than hi? adroitness in killing Aegisthus. Where is he. Eteoneus? ' I'd like to meet Orestes." .. . v - ''He's, on Khe .war. I. .under stand," said Eteoneus, "but ! 1 doubt It he calls 'unless you give him a special invitation. He thinks the family, doesn't approve of him, with the exception of your daughter, - and just now he's -well, rather - tease and sensitive. I'd like very much to see him," said Menelaos: "Is he going to return that armor' you lent-him, Steoheus? It was my best set. "Oh, he'll bring it back, Mene laos; I fancy: he's reliable in such matters. He'll be wanting to get away from that place as soon as he. can, and this would.be' the natural spot for him to hurry to. "He won't care to stayiaear his mother "very long," said Helen. "This is the worst that has hap pened to Clytemnestra to have her lover executed right on the estate, where she thought herself so powerful! Eteoneus, what did Clytemnestra say?" 'Nothing." "And what did she do?" "Nothing." Helen looked at him so steadily that they . all looked at her, and noticed that the color had left her face. "You have bad news, too," she said. "Tell us everything."? "I see you've gue3ed tt," said Eteoneus. "and that makes it eas ier to tell.1 Clytemnestra 's dead." : Helen rose to her feet, as if she were about to leave them. Then, she stood perfectly still, while '.he others talked. "How did she die, Eteoneus?" said Jlermoine. I "Orestes killed her." , : "No!" cried Hermoine. ; "He killed her." ; , "Not his own motherj" i ""His own mother." "Orestes!" "Helen," said Menelaos, "this Is a good deal worse than my bro ther's death. There is no forgive ness in Heaven or on earth for such a crime. Orestes is a lost soul. I hope I may never see " "I think Hermoine Is fainting," said Helen. : , " ."I'm all right," said Hermoine. "1 don't blame you father It's impossible. Orestes loved "her, and he bad the deepest sense" of filial ' duty it's ,i simply impos sible!" . "If you mean he didn't do it, you're wrong" said Eteoneus. "He killed her. It was one filial duty against another, and he took ven geance all around. He knows you won't like it nobody seems to ap prove.. That's why he's sensitive abouc 'coming here." t "He can neve, come here." said Alt aeiaos. 'My wife knew how dif ficult it would be to meet the murderess of my brother i certain ly she will never be asked to re-; caive in our own house the son: who killed her sister.. That mar riage is - sc-ltled -once for - all- J. take It your special invitation Is' withdrawn, Helen." "For the time only,'' said Helen. "I'm - sorry for Orestes;- He as . a lost soul, .Menelaos, .but I'-dOn'X want him to be more lost than necessary. Imagine bow. he will eel when 'he realizes what he ha? done! Perhaps we ought to send for him now, rather than later. Yes, send for him, Menelaos!" "I can't follow, that,' said Men elaos. ' , . Jy . "Nor I," said Eteoneus. .""These new ideaa go too.' far. Killing Aegisthus "Was only proper, of course, but when it comes to kill ing your, mother 111 ; not open the gate, to a man who has killed his ownl mother. I was going to tell you, as another piece of news." continued Eteoneus, "that Pyrrhus will probably be here in a day or two. . He started more , quickly than we; expected,' and I told the man we cent, according .to your instructions, not to turn him back4 if he - had got more than lhalf way." - .. - - -,,- s - - "I don't want Orestes to come now, said Hermoine. .'.'It1 would be too terrible with the whole household around. I think I had better see him first alone." ' ' , " "You'll see him nowhere," said her father. "For this family Orestes does not exist 1 . , You aren't thinking of him. still as a husband, are you?" r "Certainly. I He Is my. ' hus band." , . . . . . . " "Hermoine, don't tell me you would marry a man who bad killed his mother!.' , - - . "I Khali marry him." . f "Don't say that,- Hermoine--think what you're saying! His wife will be as he I. the compan ion of his sin, utterly cursed. You will never enter a rood home,' nor sit down to eat with friends, nor even die in peace, nor rest In a ;quiet graved If you think you Jove him, remember you must hav-j no- children the curse must die with yon ! I can., imagine how VbM this horrible deed, but you don't yet realize the horror. Think it over quietly for a few days; you'K see that I'm right." "You have told me ' the truth about my future," said Hermoine. "but it still Is my future. I be long to Orestes, to his curse, to hit imlsery. I could never respect myself If I 'deserved him now. You are adventurous In battle, so I'm told,-and mother is adventur ous in " love. There are people who are- adventurous in duty who will carry a thing through not because it Is pleasant, nor because they like it, nor because U will make anybody happy, but be cause it is right."; ''You call it being adventurous n ' duty to kill your mother?" k'Ini- some circumstances, per laps, but I was thinking of myself, ind of my duty to . Orestes, I hall go through with it." - "Whether or not it makes any body happy, eh?" 'Menelaos,' said Helen, "you were wise to say that Hermoine needs time to realize what all this means. Give her time. You. don't need to tell her to think It over. She will be able to think of noth ing else. In a few days we can all talk more sanely.. Nothing matters vefy much after what haa oc curred. Nothing new could seem very bad, not even her marriage to. Orestes. ; But Orestes himself must make fresh plans 'for his life, and We can wait till we see him or hear from him.' ... , . '"Till we hear from him?" said Menelaos. "He can't come to this house. ' " '' ' -r ....' ."He probably won't come? now, anyway," said Bteoneus. "I .re member they say. he is going on a religious journey, a pilgrimage to enshrine somewhere, to see if he can rest his mind. Oue way and another, your relatives do a lot ot traveling, Menelaos." , fThat's in the past now," said Menelaos. "It's time to settle down, and my immediate family are home to stay, I believe. - Her moine may think this over as long as she likes, Helen- but I shall ndw proceed on an entirely new plan. I'm going to rind out if Pyrrhus will marry her. You vj-ere right in the -first place. If he. will have her, w'll let Orestes go on his pilgrimage, and it will be a . long one. If I criticised Pyrrhus, at least It was for faults I could understand. He's over rated, but he's a real man, and he can give , Hermoine the kind of home she ought' to have. It is providential that he got started quickly on thls;vislt." " i"Oh, Menelaos,-; you're quite wrong to force the question' again!"-said Helen. "Let the whole problem rest awhile. - Her moine. doesn't' need , to marry,: if j slje prefers to Btay with us, and certainly she must not marry a man she doesn't love." ' Now see here, Helen, you' make me very angry! You stirred up this whole quarrel about' Pyrrhus if It hadn't been for you we never should have thought of him again. You've been persuading me with all sorts of Insidious ar guments, and these recent events have - -completed my conversion. Why do you get on the other side jnow? Hermoine may think it over. When Pyrrhus comes, I'll speak' to him; - ' Perhaps ' he won't, have anything to do with us, but if he'll consider the pro posal; we'll go on from there."" - "I'm sorry my future has given you so much trouble," said Her moine, "and I wish you wouldn't put yourself to this unnecessary bother -with Pyrrhus. But I'm not In a position to say anything. And you know best what you want to do. If I have your permission I'll go now." . . , r "Now, I. wonder . why Helen went - with her," said Menelaos. 'I'd Hike to heart what they're saying to each other, in private. Why, do you think my wife has chanced : her . mind . about Pyr rhus?" 4.. "She hasnt, I should say, but she sees It's .useless," said Eteon eus. x- ."Your daughter's going to' marry Orestes. I don't know how, Dor when, but Orestes is as good as a: married man- from now- on. A : sense - of duty once roused la an awful thing, Menelaos. Women have such a- turn for making it fit in with what" they want to do anyway. She'll marry, 'him. and later on he'll hear fro nr time to time, of the sacrifices she made for hia benefit. Poor devil!" ' ; "But she -went out quite - do cile." said Menelaos: "She prac tically gave In to me, didn't you notice? And I count on Helen to follow up the ' advantage when they're . alone. She wants Pyr rhus more than I do, and she must abhor - the thought-of Ores tes -now." - .' . .'. i nat s so, but your wife Is pretty shrewd I must sayj'ln the way site reures irom an argument. She seems to know when she has won,. It and also when she , has Notice Of lnal Settlement r Notice Is hereby given that the Unflersigned has Wed la the Coun ty Court of the SUte of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, bis duly verified final account, as adminis trator of the estate of Sarah E. Taylor., deceased, and that said Court- has fixed Monday, the 8th day ot August, 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room In the County Court House, at Salem. Marlon County. Oregon, as -the place for hearing said final account and all objections there to.' . . Dated at Salera. Oregon, this 9th day of Jul, 1927. E. B. TAYLOR Administrator of the eatalo ' ol Sarah 13. Taylor, deceased. : " HoriaM C plover. :V Attorney for Admlnlatrator,- Salem. Oregon. . - J-2-lC-2--C0-a-5 THE MORNING ARGULIEOT AUNT HET 1 , By Ttobert Qulllen . "It ain't necessary for me to see a woman's soul.' I can tell about what it's like Just by lookln' In her closets." ' . (CopyrigK, 1921, " Pnhiisnara eyadteaU lost it.'- Thart rare In a woman. It's Helen's ift for accfptlng a fact that " maaes her so hard to manage. Hermoine may have been dociler my guess Is that Helen is trylns to find - out.- at this very minute, .whether .she Is or not." : "You may be right," said Mene laos. "Id like to know where you learn'ed so much about women." "i know too much," said" Eteo neus, "and In this house I'm constantly-reminded of - all I know. I ought to be In a place where I could forget some of It. . I've been thinking oxer my Retirement, as you suggested. Next week.- when you're? more at leisure, Vd ! like to come - In and talk with you about it.' ' . - . v t v. To be continued ) . ;; ? : Copyright. 1925,, by, the Bobbs Merril Company. - - Oyer' $150,000 worth of fake safety razor blades were seized the other : day in New Jersey. Our barber tells that all safety razor blades are fakes. ' It will be a poor i. state Indeed that can't have at least one favor ite son in the national conventions next year.; , - -y ; Notice f Hearing of Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Mar ion. - . - In the matter of the Estate of Alexander McFarlane Deceased. Notice is hereby given that, the final account of Bertha Plymale, administratrix of the Estate of Alexander McFarlane, . deceased, has been filed in the County Court of Marlon County, I Oregon, and that the 24th day of August, 1927. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., haa been appointed by said Court for hearing objections to said final ac count, at which time any persons Interested In said estate may ap pear and file objections thereto in writing and contest same. - BERTHA PLYMALE Administratrix C. A. Swope, . " ' f . Attorney for estate. jly-26-a-2-9-16-2S XOTICK OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE TRADE . 8TREKT FROM THE EAST LINE OF 14TII STREET TO THE WEST , LINE OF 17TH STREET. ? Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and. expedient and hereby declares Us purpose and intention . to im prove Trade Street from the east line of 14th Street to the west line of 17th Street, in the City of Sa lem, Oregon, by bringing said por tion of said street to the estab lished grade,' constructing Port land cement . concrete curbs, an4 paving said portion of said street with a six-inch Portland cement concrete pavement; v twenty-fouf feet In width. In accordance with the plans and specifications there for which were adopted, by th Common Council on the 15th day of .August, 1927,' sow on file In the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. : - The Common Council hereby de clares Its purpose and intention to make the above described Improve ment by and through the Street Improvement Department, of the City of Salem, Oregon. J ' . . ; ; By order of the Common Coun cil the 15th day of August, 1927. ' M. POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication Septem ber 8, 1927. Date of final publication Septem ber 20, 1927. Sept.8to2uInc LET KENNELL-ELLIS : r MAKE.: YOUR VIEW AND COMMERCIAL PIC - . TURES, ANY TIME, ANY PLACE " - Call 951 ' ' . ' ; S KENNELL-ELLIS STUDIOS . - " .' 429 Oregon Bld-j. The Oregon Statesman's Birr Radio Pnro Contest for Boys and Girls Good for For Addrcs3 This-Coupon, when neatly cut out and brought or nailed to The Contest Department of THD OnCGON 'STATESMAN, will .count for.? person whose name 1 written thereon. Cut;c:l rr-tlly. vr? rff-r O-i. 1 POOR PA , By Claude CaXIaa My friend George has such a liberal way about him that when we're out together 1 hardly real ize I'm payin' all the bills."- . (Coprrifht, 19S7. Fablithers Sjndieala) NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DI. . PROVE THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 4 OF COMPTON'8 AD DITION TO THE CITY OF SA LEM, MARION COUNTY, ORE GON, FROM THE NORTH , LINE OF COLUJIBIA STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF GROVE STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Common -Council ot the City of Salem, Oregon,, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and Intention to Im prove the Alley in Block 4 of Compton's Addition. to the City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, from the north line of Columbia Street to the -south line of Grove Street, In the City of Salem, Mar Ion County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent prop erty, except the street and alley in tersections,' the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem. Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the estab lished grade, constructing Port land cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a six-Inch Portland ceraen.'. concrete; pavement, 15 feet In " width. In accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Com mon Council on the 6th day of September, 1927, now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and which- are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. - The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and Intention to make the above described Im provement hv and thrnnirh lh. Street Improvement Department of ine Jity or saiem, Oregon. , By order of the Common Coun cil the 6th day of September, 19 ?7. M. POULSEN. City Recorder. . Date .of first publication Sep tember 11, 1927. Date of final publication Sep mber 23. 1927. allto231nc NOTICE OF INTENTION TO is " PROVE - GAINES AVENUE FROM THE EAST LINE OF COMMERCIAL 8TREET TO THE WEST ' LINE OF LIB ERTY STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of iho.niv r Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declare! Its purpose and Intention to im prove Gaines Avenue from the east line of Commercial Street to tht west line of Liberty Street, In tha City of Salem, Oregon, at the ex pense of the abutting and adiacet. property, except the street and al ley., intersections,- the expense ol which will be assumed by the CItj of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the estab lished grade, constructing Port'' land cement, concrete curbs, ana paving said portion of said street witn a nara suriace pavement, six. Inch' Portland cement concrete pavement. 30 feet in width. In ac cordance with the plans and spec ulations - therefor which were adopted by. the Common, Council on the 15th day of August, 1927, now on file lh the office of the City Recorder, and which are here by-referred to and made a part hereof. - ' The Common Council hereby. de clares its purpose and Intention to make - the - above described . im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department ot the City of Salem, Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil the 15th day of August. 1927. M, POULSEN,- City Recorder. Date of first publication Sep tember 10, 1927. . " Date of final 'publication Sep tember Z2." 1927. al0to22inc. 25 Vote s ..murder vi. the -..uaushter , -of the tered ana ten nntshea. - -profoundly . you are shocked by