The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 16, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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FS My S? 3ocietu,J First
ficers For T lie Year, I
me womaai-rayeiinr Mission
r Sotlf ti t iWt First" Metho-
1 3onf Ana CZ6 Iftfi
SociAL CALENPAg t ; U tMs fining
dist church met Wednesday af
teraoon at tbehme(of "Mrs, A. A.
The living remV! the Siewert
home were lovely; wjth. , colorful
baskets- of autaihn fjowersj.-;.,
The anniial import of tWo a-etir-inii
'officer of flie VocTefy" were
given, Jtfr4. C,"4i Bre'itoattpt, and
booth -atf the OrexorfU Annual Ccru-
ferepoe hlch1 wftl be ;(nr 'session'.
MraWC Fln&ley a'n -Mrs. R.
Ev Carrier will be delegate to the
braiich -meeting wc;V will be held
in Seattle the firjf' weeKiiv Octo
ber: AWernateia.arer Mrsr-'II. M.
D'urkheimer, Mrsr. "P, Bhajiks,
and Mm. A. A. Lee.;.-,'- t
' Miss Laura Heist, 'wjio; Is .visit
in e her sisteTi' JJrs. 1W. W Em
mons and Miss Lina Heist, in Sa
lem while on a furlough from her
missionary work-in Barado, India,
spoke tor the dab 'members in the
afternoon. Mfsa Linavllelst, .was
dressed . to. Illustrate .the trend ;of
fashions in' India:.MjS8 , Heist had
brought with her Iirferestto? sam
ples of tfie work ttone By ihe
school girls ;inJlaroia."'i ;"t '.'M ' ,
.The following .officers' wgre el
ected1 -for."thcoming, yert presi
dent; Mrs. M. Cj -F-indley; 'yice
president, Mr3. Albert "Relay; re-:
cording ere a ry , - Mrs. --O. - F.
taTy, Mrs. W C Young; treasur
er: Mrs. II. M. Durkhelmer-yoilng
people's and Junior's secretary,
Mrs. A. A. -Lee; mite box secre
tary, Mrs.- II. F Shanks; steward
.snip. Mrs. T. T. Crozer; literature
secretary, Mrs. Leonard Nelson:
extension secretary, Mrs. p. F,
Stolzhelse; and pianist, Mrs
Canaries Fessenden.
Mrs. Orr and M rs. Broiim
Hostesses at Two Delight
ful Affairs
' ;v Mrs.' John Orr and. "Mrs. Ifarold
M. Brown ' entertained a Slumber
dt.theli- .frlejatfs, at twp;d.ellghtf ul
affairs, the first '"given Tuesday
and the second, Wednesday.
.--On Tuesday, they werehostess
es at a bridge luncheon" in the Orr
home on O-Street. fA -color scheme
of orchi. green, and" yellow was
nsed In -ihe dtnin fdom. The
Mdsa .Charlotte Orr and -Mrs. B.
B. Flack assisted the hosteeses.
Covers were arranged for Mrs.
J. L.' Stockton, Mrs. Roy Mills,
Mrs. A. T. Wain, 'Mrs.' Harry
Weis. Mrs. W. I. Staleyi Miss Zoe
Stockton. Mrs. C. M. Cashltt,.Mrs.
B. B. Flack," Mrs. day Irwin, Mrs.
Frank Pate of Albany, Mrs. It.
Polsal, Mrs, H. Moore. Mrs, W. E.
Hanson." Mrs. Harry T. Love, rs.
C B. Snndberg, of Dallas, Mrs.
EHa Whitenack, Miss Edna Pur
dy. Mrs. S. i -' Orr, Mns: Alton D.
Hurley of Seattle, and the hostes
ses.' Mrs. . Orr and Mrs. Brown.
Miss Zoer Stockton won honors"
for High bridge score. Mrs. Wain
war winner of the second prize.
The second affair, which was no
e-B attractive: than the first took
the form of a. bridge teal
Gorgeons baskta pf autnmn
flowers decorated the tlvng rooms
of the OrrfhoTne ..'' : v ;
Mine tbiea. -of. brldgewere in
play during the afternoon, with
first' prlze-fo"rT high scho?ewon by
Mrs. O.. A. Olson, and the second
fiy Mrs. Duane Gibson.
The guest group included Mrs.
F. M.- Hoff neH, trs f. y;;trfown.
irs. s. b. Laughlin Mrs. , II. K.
Slockwell; MrsC HH; Self. Mrs.
L. D. Brown, Mrs. Charles Ramp,
Mrs. D. J. Howe. Mrs. V. S. Page,
Mrs. W. I. Xeedham. Mrs. II. A.
Oueffroy, Mrs.' James Imlah Mrs.
M. P. Adman. Mrs. W. P. Babcock,
Mrs. IT. E. Crawford, Mrs. Duane
Gibson, Mr. L. O. Smith. Mrs.
James Lewis. Mrs. Af.C Oetteys.
Mrs. Frank Darby, Mrs. W. W.
Rosebraugh, Mrs. O. A. Olson.
Mrs. Lee Canfleid, Mrs. A. C.
Smithf-'Mr-. L. A, I Grote, Mrs.
Charles Hudkins. Mrs. E. S. Fort- j
ner, Mr3. Clenn Shoemaker, Mrs. i
C. W, Emmons. Mrs. D. X. Beech- I
ler. Mrs. W.' J. ' Liljequt. Mrs.
Fred Williams, Mrs. K. E. Ling.
Mrs. Fred Lang. Mrs. C. V. Mc
Kelvey, Miss ' Merle McKelvey,
Mrs. A. C. Nelson, Mrs. Ross Bid
well, Mrs. ,1. M. poughton,' Mrs.
Claude Morse, Mrs. C. F. Gillette.
Mrs. M. S. Cheek, Mrs. G. L. New
ton, Mrs. W: D. Clarke, Mrs. Fran
cis E. Neer, Mrs. Louise Lunsford,
Mrs. L. A. ; Steeves. Mrs. Gene
Grabenhorst, Mrs. Lucille Sween
ey, and Mrs. Frank Sherwin.
Mtes Charlotte Orr arid Mrs. B.
B. Flack assisted at the tea hour.
A. H. U. TV. Will Meet For
Luncheon Tomorrow
The Salem branch of the Am
erican Association of University
iW.omen will, ' meet at twelve
thirty "tomorrow foir Inncheon at
the Gray' "Belle. Reservation
should be '. made with Mrg. Roy
Klein at 2282 W .''
This will be the first fallmeet
ing of the club and all those who
are eligible for membership are
invited to attend. The speaker
rYt',bi ,VykiColliii.-a nmober
of the faculty of the University
61 Oregon.
Mrs. George II. ;Alden is chair
man of the committee in charge
of the meeting. Other commit
tee members are Mrs. E. T. Brown,
Mrs. W. W. Baum, Mrs. L. O.
Clement, Mrs. J. M. Devers, Miss
Lois Latimer, Miss Edith DeNise,
Miss Laura Hale, Mrs. F. G.
Franklin, Miss Maude Covington,
Miss Sally Bush, Mis. A. Miller,
Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, and Mrs.
J. M. Canse.
Return From Sojourn in
Miss Theresa D'Arcy and Judge
Peter H. D'Arcy returned earlier
in the week from California where
they have been for the past month.
The" return was made by way of
the Cascade' Limited. f
I Ir: Lloyd Riches; Is a guest at
the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San
: -Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's
Episcopal church. Mrs.-'. TJ.'' O.
Shipley, t 148 East Washington,
hostess.' . - " . r ' 1 r ?
' Fri-Ni-Da club dance. -Cas Al
lan Hall. . '
Englewood Coramnnlty Circle.
Mrs. Floyd L. Robinson, 1207
North-17th street.
Mentbers of
nil Club are
the "Salem1 " ilon-
Invlted "to attend
the meeting , of 'the club which
will: be held this evening In St.
Paul 'Parrih:hali;on Chemaketa
Street, between' .ChurchaddIIigh
streets. .1
An interesting program ;ia be
ing" prepared. -" .-' ' r
A pot lack supper will be served
Missionary society of the Pres- t sIx o'clock,' each member br in g-
byteriaa church, church parlors.
W. C T. U. ; rummage and
cooked 1 food sale, W. C. T. U.
hall. Commercial and F"erry
streets.-' ; ' . ;i. .'
IVfontana cluh. St. Paul's. Par
ish: hall. Pot-luck supper served
Roman's Union, First Congre
gational church. Chureh parlors,
1:30 o'clock.-
Hal ; llibbard AuxillaTy. Mrs
Ine a basket and the necessary
silver and dishes for her own
family. ; - . -.
All former residents . of Mon
tana are urged to be present,.
Return from Ten Dav'
Vacation Trip . : ?j
Miss Naomi Thorpe and AIs
Gardner have .returned from- A
ten day vacation trip to eastern
and southern Oregon. :r They.'yis-
lted Crater Lake and- Klamath
Marie' Baker, 1125 Ilines street. Falls and returned from" Bendby
nostess, z p. nu,
Ladles" Day at Illahee. Coantry
club. .;, '
Constitution day program. Open
meeting of Chemeketa Chaptor, D.
a. it. ; "
A. A. U. W. luncheon. Gray
Belle. 12:30 o'clock.
Mother : and daughter banquet,
Order of Rainbow for Girls.
way of the McKensie -Pass.
Guests In Salem for - ; t',
Several Days -e
Mr. and Mrs. Charles ' 0:V?ft-
son and their two sons of Spring
field," Oregon are guexts 1 of " Mr.
and Mrs. Otto J. Wilson for sev
eral days.
3iss ScJiaefer Leaving To
Installation services, Order of WaV for California
Masonic; temple. 7:45
Miss Bonnie Schaefer, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Eniil A, Schaefer,
is leaving today for , Palo Alio,
Mrs. Bergman Home From " n 7?, , ,7 v
lice p.a$t - v . ...v .. ; .. .. t-t-- .
Afterispendfns four weeks in HalZtJibbdrd Auxiliary ?..?h
the: easi jrtr&:15dE. Bergman has J Will Meet:1- " ' . - -1
refarney.her home fn'.Saleih. r-Hlembetn of Ital Hibbard Aifxil
She4 yfaHeC friends and relatives 1 ,arv vr atVtwo th irt v o'-
in Milwaukee, Chicago. Colpmbttl dock this af rernoon at tht home
I'ftiiaaerhla, Atlantic City, Nerf of MrsJ Mart Baker ' 1 1 2f, Hine
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wltioh
.:, Mr.1 al J airs. - Clifford .Wil
son of Springfield, Oregon, are
rereivTn'g cohgraVnlatlons "upon (he
blf th.J of a- son. : whom ,they5 hare
nimeti CMffoM McClafner Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson raade their home irf
Salem until about a year ago and
have many friends here..- -
Ladies of Knight Manorial
Church tWill Have Cooked
Food Sale j . '
A cooked food sale will be hefd
Saturday in tjhe' Southern Pacific
Ticket Office on North Liberty
street by the ladies of the Knight
Memorial church. - ,
Return From The Beach
,; Mrs. otto J. Wilson, her daugh
ter,' Miss-1 Margaret ' Wilson, and
son, OttpV Jr. returned ' Tuesday
evening from Newport where they
have been for the past fewweeka,
Mr. Wilson spent the week-ends
with his family.
Stephen Whit ford, Jr. Will
Study in the East I
Stephen Whitford, , Jr., who re
turned a short time ago from a
year's study in Paris, left yester
day morning for the east where he
will continue his studies In piano
during the winter. Hej Will take
work with Josef Hoffman at the
Curriss Institute, in Philadelphia
and later will' study fn New York.
Strides 'Bfeing Made in Or--.
ganizing to VSell Salem
. Citizens";,.. ,V
WoodbariM rsi tyCM othbur gr7
president Woman' -jCJub, J..P.
Hunt nd 'Mr. Norman. , . ,
Sfayon lr. Ed Bell and Mr.
Ge6rg4 Creech; j-
TUmer--ReT. B.-Fi Clay. , '
811 verton--M r. ' George Hubbs.
CU M fill -S ORT
,YorJt :City; and Washington D. C.
MTs,; Bergman was present at
the magnificentXTeceptien glvea
Colonel Charles Lindbergh on his
return. August 25, or hln - alma
Visit In Portland
Mrs.Al Krause and her son.
Johnnie Krause, spent a few days
Clean Kidneys
By Drinking
Lots of Water
Tak SalU to fTush TKidneyslf
6fadder Bothers or
Back Hurts
Eating too much rich food mar nro
diKe kidney trouble in some form.
says a weu-iotown autnontyf because
the add? (created excite the kidneys.
Then they become overworked, get
sluggish, clog tip and cause all sorts
of distress, particular It backache and
misery in the kidney region, rheumatic
twinges, severe headaches, acid stom
ach, constipation, torpid liver, sieep-
tesfiness. bladder and urinary imta-
The moment yenr hack teirti or kid
neys aren't acting right, or if bladder
bothers - ywv begin drinking lot of
gooa water and also get about four
ounces of Tad Salts eood
'pharmacy tike a tablespoon ful in. a
. asi of water before breakfast for a
; "7rT.w days and your kidneys may then
1 act fine.; This famous salts is made
from the add', of grapes and lemon
iuice. comlnned with lithia, and has
j oeen used for years to flush clogged
' .kidneys and stimulate them to activ
ity; also to neutralize the adds in the-
' I system so that they no longer irritate.
thus often relieving bladder disorders.
I - Jad Salts cannot injure anyone
I makes a delightful effervescent lithia
I water drink which millions oj men
1 and women take now and thetj'to help
j . keep the kidneys and urinary organs
! clean, thus of tea avoiding-serioas kid-
marer, the university of Wlscon- earlier in the week in Portland
sin, ai Aiaaison.- i where thev wpta thA miti nf
niLt-nuiny 1 Mrs. John Dellar
Mr. and Mrs. James Linn. Mrs. Week-end Guests at
Fritz Slade. and Mrs. Asahel Bush I Breithaiipt Home
have gone to Pendleton where I Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Breithaupt
will have as
they will be the guests of Mrs.
Linn's sister, Mrs. Richard M.
Woman's Union Will Meet
This Afternoon.
The Woman's Union of the First
Congregational church will meet
at one thirty o'clock this after
noon in the church parlors. Al
ladies of the church are urged to
be present as sewing will be done
for the Marion County Health
Spending Two Weeks at v
Gearheart i
Mrs. W. D. Clarke and. her two-i
children, Dorrls and Bobby Clarke j
are spending two weeks at Gear-
their week-end
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Will Breit-
ri-upt, their daughter, Miss Alyina
Breithaupt, and Mr. and Mrs. C
Razey of Wapato, Washington.
Change in , Interstate Compact
Could not be Changed
SPOKANE. Sept. 14. (AP)
Consent of Idaho would be neces
sary for modification of any com
pact between that state and Wash
ington for division of the head
waters of the Columbia river, it is
declared in a statement by five, at
torneys comprising the legal com
mittee of the Columbia basin irri
gation league and made public at
the offices of the league here.
The statement was occasioned
by a declaration attributed to
United. States Senator W. E. Bo
rah of Idaho, at Sand Point, Ida.,
recently, to the effect that after a
compact is entered into, Washing
ton could demand and obtain addi
tional storage waters for the Co
lumbia basin project.
It discusses the legal phases of
the question at some length and
cites court decisions to disprove
the senator's purported statement.
The final, organization of the
sales army which will sell an in
terest in Salem to its cililens in
the Salvation. Army building cam
paign Is progressing with rapid
strides, it was reported from the
Elk Chxb campaign headquarters
Tuesday evening. V a
Some" fifty workers have already
joined the " forces, and scores' t
business. 4 and professional men
and women have been listed on
the roster of workers. - " ?
Over 100 Invitations' have ben.
sent out from the executive com
mittee for' contingents to attend
the official -'send-off' dinner on
Monday, September 19, and sut
f icient report of teams from civic
organizations is expected from the
city's civic organizations to. thor
oughly cover the city in a thor
ough campaign t "- in three days
time following the campaign din
ner, or on September 20, 21 and
22. . ; ; ... . ' :
A speakers bureau . has been
organized to appear before the
city's clubs and lodges this week
in bringing before each the aims
and purposes of the campaign and
to 'secirre'the assistance, both fi
nancially' and 1 actively "of the
members. , ' , .
' Altlvoush only a partial-roster
of speakers available, the follow
ing are serving for the executive
committee: Dn Carl O. Doney,
Rev. Norman Kv Tully, ' J. NV
Chambers, Ensign and Mrs. Allen
Pftt. Mrs; F. A. Elliott.
All' parts of Marlon County gnr
rohndlng Salem has already been
organized for the campaign, it
was artounced from campaign
headquarters. The following is
the organization 1 and those in
charge of each point: "' ' ''
AuroraB. F. Giese, chair
man, and' Dlania ' Snyder.
BrdoksW. L. Fuller: 1 "
Jeffefson Joseph" Fontains.
Mill City Andrew Baker. '
Continuation of the case against
Charles Falsi growing out of crim
inal charges of non-support filed
on behaJf of his wife. Anna Falst,
was the result of a hearing in
Justice of the ' Peace .Brazier
Small's court Wednesday.
After the hearing had been
under way- for nearly two hours.
attorneys got together, daring a
recess while awaiting the arrival
of a court reporter to transcribe
attorneys arguments; and . the
case was temporarily halted" upon
payment of $100' to Mrs. Faist.
Mrs. Faist has become an In
valid during the - nine years the
family - has lived on the'" Martin
farm at Waconda, in- Marion
county. She was poorly dressed
when she appeared in court, and
appeared so weakened that she had
to be assisted up the steps- from
the street to the court room.
She has had but two coats since
she was married in Maplevllle, Ne
braska. February 17. -1903, and
"u u 7
L ' J Vir- - : T1' -TT
Jiiinid Jr if aces
4 lb. package Market Day Raisins.
Large standard size good quality
: , .catsup -
1 1 in. bar Cocoa Toilet Soap....
15 lbs pure Fine Fruit Sugar...'.....
bottle Mrs Stewart Blueing......
3 bottles, of Ammonia .... ..i...:.
Large 2 V2 size can Ejrbkeri Slice
Pineapple i......,...L.:..- -:
vTafltcaji Alaska'Pink Salmpn......
ijWaldo -Hills Family :Flour.
Snowfall, Hard wheat ' Flour
24!2 lbs. Snowfall Flour.... .
35 c
$1 .00
. ..25c
.... 19c
Dry Goods
Ladies' Crepe Bloomers....... ..i..39c
81x90 Sheets . .. . .. 96c
42x36 Pillow Cases 25c
36 in. Outing Flannel, yard....! 1 .17c
17 by 24 Sanitary FeaUier Pillow:..-i. .95c
6 Spools Clark's O. N. T. Thread 1 25c
1 -
Arrowhead Hosiery
The 'Hose with an absolaieguarantee, a new pair if
unsatisfactory: or a runner appears, j :
New1 line just in of Minnehaha Ladies Silk !
in numerous popular . shades, : pair
Full1 iine of children's iri black Cordovan, Lighf Tan,
in, plain, ribbed and fancy pineapple stitch
priced per pair
For New Values
i 254 N. COiWIEnaAL
v OUR OLD : ! S fj: Ji
they were-the i" or reitfc.
she testified. Faist did not r
the staad on hU own behalf. :
" Week End Special
: r rMILIC
Regular Price 50c lb.
Specialfor Saturday Only
' 36c a lb
Two lbs. for 70c
We refteirve the right to limit
quantities. Only at
Schaef er's
drug Bxorua
135 Norfh Commercial St.
, Phone 197
Penslar Agency
. Original Yellow Front
' s V'.. ?
When Glasses Ard
New Location r
Dr. C. B. O'Ncni
Fourth Floor. . . Y
First National Bank Bnfidlsf -i
' uonViiV V ' "
The new shapeis by no means the only attraction xjf TRU
BAKE Crackers. They are made of carefully blended flours.
Baked to an appetizing hickory brown. Salted juA right. Packed
m double-sealed ORANGE cartons. And come to you as fresh and
crisp as can be. : : iv
; AVeve tried to make TRU-BAKES so crdod that vrn wh Um
ft crackers will enjoy Tru-Bake Crackers immensely. V And we '
think we ve succeeded. "V -'
TJ Universal Cracker" I W
t -w- i v '
Baked by ihe TRU-BLU: BISCUIT; CO., Spokane, Portland, Seattle
"S1"?1?! J TZb Honey-SWeetened Grahams and up Custard ''Cookie Cakes
. t B - . . . ..:di . -i V ' - . - - r .
The new. woolens, have acquired a new .appearance,
supple and sheer. v
One length of this 56 inch wide Kasherine or French
Flannel is sufficient for a jaunty good looking dress or
suit. So reasonably priced you can easily afford to
have one or two of these Modish Frocks. -
56 inch wide all wool the new colors,, Powder Blue,
Natural Lanvin oand Itft'diflnce. ..Very" apecially priced
$j.ou per yaru.
fflatem $tore
4- 8t 8.
Phoner 877
- . II' 4tW U'M IL
v Tl y-.iJmrX "fill! MT I
' 'VI -
jJortlanl Store
83 Alder Bt.
A Women's Store
Phone Beacon 7612
1 ; -"-! f
ii ; M ;, M ..... w m
it-. -T - " :'
mm tmm Iff n
I: 'l.
PAw.ric h-.alth c..rco:
arc CEt?fd oirrAon
by the use of PACfFlC HEALTH-ORE in the treatment of nnmeroni all men la- snch
aa stomach and kidney, .troubles, diabetes, eczema, high blood pressure,": goiter.
Not a Medicine, or Drug
' '
.' . j
i -'
Bnt a. product compounded" by n at a re. which contain in Boloble form twelve of
the fourteen vKaUand .healtbmain(ainlneniiner&l which are fonnd In the normal
and healthy'' hunian'bodr:'-: - r ; .:V---V n-' ' j' "rv"' i " ' . - '
- ..- . - . . ' . 1 -' . . ' - - ,.
r -I,'1-':,.-J- '. -; V." -.'S '' r-'?' ' -r" - ' '
USED AS A M INERAL .WATER- 1 1 tende-to restdre the normal balance, counteract
acidity and place the system on an alkaline base.
i- s I . , ., ...,., .., , - '
- -; I-1 IM 1" ' " -'. y. "; T'-'-"
, ' , f -" 4' """; V"V
.1 ,.::l,;i..;l,.,i-.,ll ".n,, :r,,-rj.iJr--. rr
I -. " ' ' ' 5 ' ' , . ' '
- '. . -. : - 1 . ' - ' 1 .. .. - , !
Try It today money back guarantee
-I - - . " "