The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 16, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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SdlenrVetcomes Another Cfassofteshmem-Who: Come to Enter the V tl.; theEidhtu-F6urtFzlass to A
Reed the Report of f heIirigoti for This.tYear; He Pdys His Mortgage With 1927
.r , .1 . . ....... . " '
Weather forecast: Fair, rising tempera
The Tillage smith has now opened an up-to-date
filling station and the spreading
chestnut tree under which he used to stand is
now being used by mother for an open-air
tea room. . - ' ", ; ;
ture; 'gentle variable winds. Maximum, tem-
iperaiure ' yeateraay . i z, minimum it; river
minus .2, " raiaf all none, atmosphere . clear.
) 1f
rS Increase in Membership,
Finances and Attendance
Noted at Meeting Z..
3embers 3fw v Xanilter 1432;
Bloneys IUlwed $.18,491; Large
Share Goes to Support of
Other Institution
An increase in membership, fi
nances, and attendance was shown
by the church, roll and budgets
presented at the annual meeting
of the First Methodist church. Re
ports from the organization, and
church staff indicated that the
church- Is ia a prosperous condi
tion. ReT. Fred C. Taylor was un
animously asked to return to the
pastorate next year.
.The present ' membership is 1,
182 In "residence, and there are
260 non-resident members; 120
people T Joined the church during
the year. The Sunday school num
bers 1161, Including 250 in the
cradle roll and 65 In the home de
partment. An average attendance
of'750 was had at the church ser
vices and 445 at the Sunday
school. The Epworth Leagues, La
dles Aid, and missionary societi
es" are in a flourishing condition.
Funds Bunded ; ' Large- 1
The total amount of moneys
raised during the year was $38.
491, which included $10,754 to
Willamette university, $5,142 to
missions benerolences, and $16,
448 to the local church budget of
expenses and, improvement?. The
ladies aid society reported by
Mrs. H. H." Vanderrort, the presi
4 dent, an , amount of over $1200
JLorai&ed dorlns iM year. TJbe W. F.
It. S. reported by Mrs. R. V. Hol
; lenberg-an amount of $1216 and
the W. H. S. by Mrs. O. A. Ai
des, had $1056 to their credit. ,
The Sunday school and leagues
paid over $1000 In their offerings.
The 'year showed the addition to
the thurch property of the lot on
the cast side of the parsonage
which is being lawned and parked
this week. ?,:
Staff Re-Elected "
The church budget adopted for
next year was $11,691, which goes
to pay salaries and running ex-
' j
h,-' (Continad on pag 8.)
ImproYcd Schedules r on. other
Train Announced j- Bus
Thirty minutes will be clipped
from the schedule of the "Cas
cade," the Southern Paclf ic'a de
luxe train between Salem and San
Francisco beginning September
25th and twenty minutes will be
taken off the running time of the
"Shasta" on the same date.
The "Cascade will make the
run via Klamath Falls from Salem
to San Fraocteco in 21 hours and
fifteen minutes, leaving Salem at
11:47 p. m. and arriving in San
Francisco at 9:00 p. m. the fol
lowing evening.
The "Shasta" will leave Salem
at 10:13 a., m. as at present.
Another decided Improvement In
this schedule is that ' the. "Cas
cade will make direet connec
tions at Oakland Pier with the
"Padre" which is a fast high class
train for Los Angeles, enabling
passengers to leave Salem, 11:4T
p. m. and arrive in Los Angeles
the second morning at 9:45.
The "Oregonian No. 13 will
leave Salem at 11:25 p. m. by way
of Medford and Rogue River val
ley, arriving in San Francisco at
7:30 a. m. the second morning
The "Oregonian" will carry sleep
ers for Coos- Day, Southern Ore
gon, and a newly established lo
cal sleeper, Portland to Roseburg,
In addition to through sleepers
fpr San Francisco and Sacramento.
This car will return Roseburg
to Portland on No, 14, leaving
Roseburg at 11:45, p. tn. . The
"Pelican" No. 3t will leave Salem
3:20 a. m. using the Cascade
I. fATfi'ffte through Klamath Falls and
making connection with the Ore-
X . w a. a - m :
i H !uuian macK uuiw tor ban
i 1 Francisco." This train Wiir carry
; . -sleepers for Eugene ; and " San
. ' Francisco.
be clipped off the "West Cdast"
the; Los Angeles-Portland flyer,
that ' train arriving In Salem at
6:45 a. m. instead of 7:20 a. hi.
and making direct connection at
Portland for'Puget Sou tul points.
The local leaving Salom 11:00
C9Btauf 4- oa . pf a. if
Makes Enough On This Year's
Crop to Pay Off Mortgage and
liuy Hat
Why do not all farmers In the
Willamette valley who have the
right kind of land and can get wa
ter at the right cost Irrigate?
That is the biggest question
"before the house'" today.
It is going to be for a long
time. ,
It will grow increasingly inter
rogative till, the prismatic col
ors of the rainbow of the evening
will paint the veryf sky with an
imaginary question point. Sure a3
you were born.
Take This Case ,
Take this case. Bruce Browne
of Turner, a very short timt back,
could, not have induced a banker
in Marion county to loan him a $5
bill on his farm holdings.
This year, from this year's
crops, he will pay off his mort
gage and other indebtedness, and
have at least enough left to buy
himself a new hat.! What did It?
Water. Just water. Irrigation wat
ter, from the Santiam ditches.
Potatoes! As Is
There is being displayed at the
Albany fair this week a hill of po
tatoes from Bruce Bonne's place
46 potatoes out of one hill!
. Yesterday , two hills of potatoes
were turned out; cine yielded 17
potatoes, the other ; 21. The har
vest of the two hills weighed 14
pounds. There were only two of
the 38 potatoes betow the U. S.
No. 1 standard; so they were all
No. 1 standard, because the allow
ance is 6 per cent for under siz
ed tubers.
A man wanted to dig some of
the Bowne potatoes for the culls.
He started on the Job and quit.
There are no culls. .
Mr. Bowne has 35 acres of po
tatoes. They will go 200 to 300
hundred pound sacks to the acre,
or more. All No. 1. They are ear
ly; known to the trade as "Aug
ust potatoes. They have sold
for the highest prices of the year
in a 10 year record for tht United
States. Mr. Bowne haa sold a car
Costiai n
California Man. Chosen by Accla
mation to Head Grand Army
GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., Sept.
15 (AP)- Eldridge L. Hawk, of
Sacramento, Cal., was elected com
mander in chief of the rand Army
orthe Republic by acclamation to
day. This is the first timep that a
G. A. R. commander, has been elec
ted from the Pacific coast.
Denver, Colo., was Chosen as the
site of the 1928 encampment.
Hawk enlisted April 22. 1861, as
a private in Company G, 18th Ohio,
and re-enlisted in September in the
same regiment, later he or
ganized Company F, 114th Ohio,
and was made first lieutenant. He
was promoted to captain after the.
first battle and was. senior captain
at the close of the war when he
was detailed to assist in mustering
out troops at New Orleans after
his regiment was discharged.
Major eneral John C. Clem, of
Washington; D. "C'S, withdrew from
the race when , the nominations
were made.; leaving the vote for
commander between Hawk, John
T. Reese, of Broken Bow, N. B.,
Frank Cole of Jersey City, Patrick
Comey, of T.opeka, Kans. and Sam
uel Town of Philadelphia.
Street Bai!way.Cnrptiay Itefamls
Woman's Fare
The Salem Street Railways, op
erated by the Southern Pacific
company, paid for the discourtesy
of one of its employee yesterday
evening, when a representative of
the company refunded to one Mrs.
Smith the seven cents she hand
ed the conductor of a Chemeketa
street bus, af. Liberty and Court
streets. " " ; j
Mrs. Smith, who has but re
cently returned from several
months spent in Portland, board
nd the bus, thinking It would take
her' out on! the 17th and Summer
street line.: After: Bhe had ridden
a block, she discovered her error,
she reported, but the conductor
refused to Issue her a transfer.
She proceeded : to the city hall
where she called up the company.
and was given : her fare home
Similar' occurrences are said to
have been reported from the Cbe
meketa street line,
Opinion Rendered by Attorney
General Van Winkle Yesterday
1 All interstate carriers - are re
quired by law to file with the pub
lie service ' commission interstate
tariffs affecting their Oregon busi
ness,1 according to legal opinion
prepared by the attorney general
here Thursday. : The opinion was
requested by the public service
commission. -
It Was said that? the railroads
operating in Oregon had objected
to paying the fee required for, the
tiling of interstate tariffs,' , .
Special Program Arranged
to Acquaint New Students
With University;
Classifying English Examinations
to be Followed by Addresses
From Faculty Members,
.Student Officers
Between 175 and ISO freshmen
are expected to arrive on the Wil
lamette university campus today
and tomorrow to partlcipatae in
'.' iW Wa ;':- &r-i X-."- -K
t :':
Charles Redding
activities of Freshmen week prep
aratory to registration.
After enrollment With the reg
istrar, they will meet lni the af
ternoon at Waler hal i tufce the
English qualifying tests. H In the
evening. President Doney will
speak to them on "The Universi
ty Its History, Customer and
(Continued on page 8.) .
Foundation Thought to be Rock
Slides Away; 40 Feet Gone
ASTORIA, Sept. 15. fAPU-
The location of about 35feet of
the Cannon Beach highway will
be changed as a result of a slide
which this week tore out a fill im
mediately south of Humbug
Point. The slide carried away
about 40 good cubic feet" of earth.
The slide revealed that, the base
of the fill was not rock, as sup
posed, but earth, necessitating a
new location. - i
' A Sf V
i W
; .
. ... ..-.
;i 1
Among the leaders of the American. Legion 'Invading France for the organization's convention are
these folk, photographed on the'Levlatbaji; 'Leftto right, Charles A- Mills, chef de chemln de fer of
the 40 and 8 Legion organization: Howard P. Savage. national commander: of the Legion; James M.
MKchell, winner of the American Legion poster competition, with his design "Symbolical Figure of the
American Legion"; and Mrs. Adlln Wright -Mcaulay preside of
Floral Tributes Heaped Before
X'otcd American Exponent
. of Dance
NICE, France, Sept- 15 (AP
The body of Isadora Duncan,
whose beauty of movement in the
classical dances enraptured thou
sands, lay motionless in death in
her studio In Nice today, sur
rounded by hundreds of bouquets
and great masses of flowers.
Every stage of social life along
the'Rlviera, and in many capitals
of the world, which recognized her
i as an ideal exponent of the dance.
was represented by those who sent
tokens of sympathy. The chauf
feur who. usually drove Miss Dun
can's car, brought a vast bouquet
that to him represented the earn
ings of. a month.
The noted dancer was strangled
yesterday when one end of a silk
scarf she was wearing around her
neck,, became entangled in the
fiont wheel of her moving auto
It is planned to send the body
to Paris tomorrow evening, a lo
cal magistrate having decided this
afternoon to waive legal formal
ities which would have necessitat
ed a visit by the Russian Soviet
consul and bis permission for re
moval. Mrs. Edesta, who resided
with Miss Duncan in Nice, has tak
en charge of the body which prob
ably will be cremated in Paris and
the ashes placed beside her two
children, who 'also died in an au
tomobile accident.
Effort Will lie. Made to Complete
Plans Early in October
With the arrival in Salem of
R. A. Furrow, newly appointed
special bridge engineer, an infor conference between Mayor T.
A. Livesley, C. B. McCullough,
bridge engineer for the highway
department. City Attorney Fred
Williams, and Mr. Furrow was
held, regarding construction work
o:a the South Commercial street
bridge. ,
Att' effort will be made to get
plans for ithe bridge completed by
early, October so that bids can be
culled for and the contract award
ed "in time for some progress be
fore winter sets in.
Mr. Furrow returned to Astor
ia, yesterday afternoon where he
will arrange to move his family to
Senator Borah of Idaho Calls Upon
I r. President, Coolidge
(APj---Iricreased tariffs on onions
te protect American producers, es
pecially from the products of
Spain and Egype? were urged upon
President Coolidge today by Sena
tor Borah, republican, Idaho.
An investigation Into the differ
ences In the cost of production has
been made by the tariff commis
sion, which is expected to submit
its reper $o the president in the
n;ar future.'
v t .......
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- - c-
,. - 1 'a ..... ...... 1
-- I .:
: v ::::
Imports From Here '-, Listed at
Twice Rates Quoted Other
Countries '
Rejection by France of American
proposals for a, most favored na
tion commercial treaty to cor
rect French tariff discriminations
against American goods brought
the two governments' to the verge
of an open clash today thst, in
opinion of some officials, might
develop into a tariff war.
While the French communica
tion declining the offer was not
made public, it was said authori
tatively at the state department
that there will be little delay in
formulating the American answer
as the tariff act forbids the nego
tiation of treaties as to tariffs on
any basis but that ef equal treat
ment for all nations. . This limita
tion upon the powers of the presi
dent preventing acceptance of the
French counter proposals undoub
tedly win -be brought out sharply
in the reply
Washington officials indicated
astonishment that the French for
eign office and its technical advis
ors were not fully advised as to
the provisions of the Ameiican
tariff act. The nature of the
counter proposal, however, is
taken as an indication that they
were nat since there could have
been no point in suggesting to 'the
Washington government a course
of action it could not follow with
in the law even if It so desired.
It also is uncertain whether the
French government Is aware of the
so-called retaliatory provisions in
section 317 of the tariff act upon
which the president may impose
penalty duties or even absolute
embargoes against importations
from countries exercising tariff
(Continued oa page 4.)
STATE TO GET $16,500
New Coach Service to Result " in
Increased Revenue
The new Southern Paciffe Inter
statejbus, service .wliyreturja toj&e,
state of Oregon annual mileage
taxes aggregating approximately
SI 6,500, according to announce
ment" made at the offices of the
public' service commission, yrhis is
in addition to revenues from ve
hicle and operators licenses.
Members of the commission es
timated that the investment in
stages and terminals would exceed
$250;OOOL: - The principal offices
for Oregon will be In Salem.
Mervina Merwia Dies After Day
and Half in Hospital
Mervina Merwin, 9, who was
seriously scalded at hte Horst hop
ranch Wednesday, and who has
been cared for at a local hospital
since that time, passed away a
few minutes after midnight this
. Her death marks the. third
fatal hop yard tragedy this week.
fv' 'til
4 1
, M
i i
, . . . 1 , ...... v
tfie Amefjcaa Leglog Auxiliary,
America's Idol of the Air to
Appear Here Between
7:30 and 8 a. m.
'We' Leaving Portland at 0:30;
Silvery Glint of Wings to Dif- .
ferentiate From Flight
Manager's Plane
Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh
will appear above Salem between
7:30 and 8 o'clock this morning,
and probably will circle the city.
Charles , A. Lindbergh ;
. , i '." - - ' ' .
His coming will be heralded by
one long blast on the fire depart
raent's siren, i.
The Colonel is also schednled to
fly low over Chemawa and. Silver-
ton. Superintendent McGregor, of
the Indian school, will telephone
immediately when "The Spirit" ap
pears there so that the siren can
warn people of his coming;
Manager to. Precede
The plane bearing Captain Don
aid Keyhoe, department of com
merce representative, and flight
manager for the Colonel, Will. pre
cede that of "the lone pilot by
half an hour. It is believed.
It- is suggested that people ob
serve the" time closely and re mem
ber that the wings of "The Spirit"
have a very pronounced 1 silvery
glint, so as not to confuse the two
planes. '
Chamber of Commerce officials,
(Oontinuad. oa pK 8)
Cotton Prices Take Big Drop After
Erroneous Statement
:NBW YORK,. Sept. 15. (AP)
An erroneous1 report intimating
that the department of agriculture
predicted' a decline in cotton pric
es during the next lew months dis
rupted the market on the New
York cotton exchange today and
actually forced prices down $7.50
per bale. The market fell to &
level lower even than that after
the break of Tuesday, December
contracts reaching a basis of
2 1;3 6 cent a pound, or abont
116.60 a bale below the season's
high11 prices of September 8.
i The report, published on news
tickers attributed to the depart
ment the statement that, should
present estimates of production be
realized the past relationships be
tween supply and price prevail;, it
was likely prices would decline In
the next few months, i .Vf i; ;
The department later, explained
that 'evidently its statement-! - a
month ago, suggesting the possi
bility of a reduction in prices at
the end of ' the; season ' under cer
tain conditions', 'had been- misin
terpreted and declared there have
been as yet no 'developments ' to
wrxrant such an inference.' -;, -
H. Stelubock Nut Yet Informed of
Disastrous lllaze Here : V
Spontaneous combustion devel
oping in old rags and rubber at
the rear of the structure .caused
the fire which destroyed, J. Stein
bock's Capital Bargain House ear
ly Thursday morning it la believ
ed by that fire department, jAn
investigation ; ; probably i will be
held 8ometfm&"4his ' wetkiti
iMr.-Steinbock;. late last night
had not yet returned, from Seat
tle. He isvnUrrnrmei of. his lose
here unless he 'has read of It. in
the lwspajerf4. '
' v. . : :::. x :
f. m
Expression of ..Opinion in Good
Faith and Without Malice
Permitted y
A newspaper, under : the guise
of qualified "privilege, has no right
to defame a person or to injure
that which is his most valuable
property rights a good name,
but on the other hand, a. news
paper is ,no longer obliged In re
ference to matters of public inter
est, to speak with bated breath.
So reads the opinion of tne
Oregon supreme court, written by
Justice Belt In reversing tne ae
cree of Judge Evans of the Mult
nomah county circuit court In, a
libel action brought . by A. K.
Peck, Marshfield attorney.- The
Coos Bay Times Publishing com
pany of Marshfield was the de
fendant In the circuit court action
in which judgments totalling 41,
500 were awarded Peck against
the publisher,
Peck charged the Times with
publishing two alleged libelous
editorials in which; Peck was
branded dictator of politics in
Coos county, and said to have
been affiliated with the Ku Klux
The Marshfield attorney de
clared the alleged ' libelous arti
cles brought him into "public
hatred,- contempt and ridicule."
"When a man enters the poli
tical arena, even though not a
candidate," the supreme court
opinion said, "he must not be too
sensitive about criticism,. There
are generally blows to receive as
well as to give . . . ."
The Coos Bay Times, as a news
paper, had the right to make fair
comment and criticism, upon the
plaintiff's alleged unreliability in
political matters matters affecting
public interest, and it also was
within its province to criticize his
advocacy of doctrines which it
deemed to be fallacious and in
imical, to the public welfare. v
"The greatest portion of the ar
ticles constitute an attack-upon
the Ku Klux Klan and upon Peck
by reason of his alleged affilia
tion with such organisation. "While
Peck was hot a candidate for of-
- (Continued o pag 2.) ; : .,
Leland Dancev-6, Darts Suddenly
In. Front of Auto
Leland Dancer, six year old son
of Jack Dancer; residing just east
of the fairgrounds on the Silver
ton road.. Is in a Salem hospital
with a broken leg, ag the result
of being struck by the car of Mrs.
E. A. Skelly, 1745 John street,
The child darted suddenly from
behind a truck-parked on Fair
grounds road. Just north of the
intersection-' with the Silverton
riad. witnesses said, into the path
of Mrs. Skelley's car. Upon see
ing the child. Mrs. Skelley applied
the brakes, and had almost stop
ped the machine, she said, when
the child ran against It, striking
the left, side of the bumper and
left head light.
Hospital authorities reported
his condition: favorable last night.
His injuries I were limited to the
broken leg and prulses. The acci
dent occurred at 10:30 a. m.
Foreign Trade Expansion Stressed
v, at victoria Conference
VICTORIA. ' : r? fin 1C
(AP) A keynote of international
good will was sounded today at
tne opening ; session of the fifth
annual foreign, trade council
which has attracted delegates
from a score of nations .
. The need for continued amity
nmong tne nations bordering on
the Pacific was principally empha
sized by speakers from the United
eaaies ana Canada. ...... :
"We are r.ot rnrarn 1n .onn
test for division of shipping and
iraae," declared William Pigott
of Seattle, president of the conn.
ell- "Instead we are trying to
create new aemands and find new
and undeveloped markets. That
is what we mean by expansion of
icreign traae."
Annual Event Won by Contestant
- Who IIah Two Ribs Broken
" PENDLETON, Ore., Sept. 16,
(AP) With two broken ribs and
with ; his : body, braced with tape,
Mike Hastings today -.made the
f&stest time in the bulldogging
contest on the second dav'a nro.
gram of , the annual ., Pendleton
rounaup. The Tibs were broken
a few days ago in a rodeo in
Washington. First place in the
ouuaogging event went to Hast
ings with an elapsed time of 19
seconds. Bob Crosby was second
with 19.L seconds. ' ....
: The parade of Indians was the
most spectacular event of the day,
with hundreds of the tribesmen of
that Cayuse,, Walla Walla and
Umatilla tribes nartlclaatin&r in a
gorgeously resplendent array, of
HUGE liRi.!,l
Paris and Other Cities A
flutter With Flags as
Convention Nears ; ;
Business to Stop Throughout Na
tion. Monday; f General Icru
tng and Others Arrive - . "
Cherbourg Today ; !
1 6.- ( AP ) - ( Friday ) The 1 i ncf
Le-riathan bearing General Persh
ing and a contingent of American
Legionnaires to the legion con
vention opening in Paria next
week arrived here this morning.
PARIS. Sept. 15. f AP) Par
is and the Atlantic ports of France
were gay "with bunting' and flags
tonight ready to welcome tomor
row and the next day that great
peace-time armada .which brings
the American Legion. A dozen
ships with thousands of former
American soldiers aboard was
nearlng the French coast.
Tenth Anniversary
General John T, Pershing who
ten years ago slipped across a sea
Infested with submarines and en
tered this country then in the mid
st of war with a few staff off i- .
ers will 'return tomorrow aboard
the Leviathan with bands playing
and flags flapping In the hree?e.
The booming guns of French
warships - and the rear of the:
motors of the airplanes circling
overhead will welcome him' an 1
his companions who were once
soldiers in his victort6n! army.
. - : nee TIievnbarft?
-The Leviathan will alitor 'f v
Cherbourg sometime after 3 n. n t
tomorrow and during tfce next
hours a whole fleet of ships w''l
disembark an army of buddies n
the shores of France and Belgium.
all of them bound for Paris and .
the convention which opens Mon
day. The steamer Republic whi-h
reached ' Cherbourg late tonight
and the President Harding which
arrives tomorrow morning will
land hundreds more of the legion.
In a drizzling rain that contin
ued throughout the day, Paris
workmen finished the Job of deck-
fug out the French capital for Its
holiday attire. Tonight along the
boulevards and the Champs Elys
eea and other principal avenuts
the tricolor of France and the
Stars and Stripes fly side by sida
from hundreds of lamp, posts.
: -All ef France will have a holi
day Monday.. :
, Acr and oTiikn crisiks
Legal Machinery Gets Under Way
Against E. Olmstead and J.
E. Wheeler
PORTLAND, Sept. 13 (AP)
A new Indictment containinK T
counts and charging . conspirucv
and wholesale violation of the na
tional banking, act, was returned
by the federal grand Jury today
against Emery Olmtead, former
president of the Northwestern Na
tional bank, now defunct, and
John E. Wheeler, former presi
dent of the .Mccormick Lumber
company, insolvent.
The new bill contains not only
allot the charges set forth in tho
original Indictment returned July
20, but is more' detailed, contains
additional reports of overt act
alleged and is corrected Jn minor'
details. , , ,
As in the first indictment, th
grand Jury again charged check
kiddlnr activity on the part of
the two men. reaching, it id naiil,
approximately $11,000,000 ar.-i
resulting In a Ioa of $736,514.43
to the bank. The misuse of thi
amount of the bank's funds I
Placed directly, upon 'the two do
fendants by the indlctoient.
When the court perm iito-l n
order to Issue on Septembfr 6 re
ferring the , matter to the 'grand
Jury, it was agreed, that 'the f in -000,
bond posted by Olftisf rad 1
wjeeler at tht .time of tYeir ar
rest on July. 20 should stamS. so
they were not. taken into
again today. New bond win hav
to be arranged when. they
to the present indictment. - whtrh
is anticipated within the nxf f,.w
days.... v . s;
The government first rhsrsr-n
In the 55 typewritten p,is4 ,,f r .-.
new, Indictment .that a crri r ir
exlsted betwptj oinitfar? m,
ident -of ' thi .bntik, nn ri -!f
as pres id en t o f t h 1 u m W - ( r -