The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 14, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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WEDNErr A Y MORNING, fefettfeMBER 14 1927 rr
Now: a
StniEflS IHO I
Elsinore-Theater .
'Can there be a pure friendship
. between" a - man-and a '- beautiful
woman ? "Lovers,". Ramon No-
varro's latest' production, coming"
to, tae Elslaora Theater today 'an
8wers -that on est ion :1a a ?starl
irngy Vivid manner4 that will
ger long 1n the memory of .every
pictnregoer. who sees'it.J. Laid
ia the romantic settings of mod
ern Spain, it is tilled with the
gaiety- of ultra modern: society,
and tells the gripping, - enthrall
lug story of a family whose lives
re wrecked and whose -souls are
all but swamped by a hidden en
emy ..with whom they cannot eope,
the- enemy of underground gos
sip and scandal. Alice Terry en
acts 'the part of the woman, an in
nocent young wife -who sinks In
the 'sea of slander , the gossipping
city- bas caused. This, Is the. first
time in sdme seasons that Nevar
ro and ; Miss. Terry hare played
opposite, each other and as they
are one of the famous pairs of
screen -lovers,- their appearance to
gether promises unrivalled enter
tainment. -Thrills are provided by
a sensational duel. The cast is
on4 "ot . exceptional merit, includ
ing Roy D'Arcy, Oebfge K. Arthur.
, Edward Connelly, Edward Mar
tindel and John- Miljan. John M.
Stahl directed.
Oregon Theater
itod LaRocque and Relores Dei
Itlo will be seen today only in
Resurrection," and 'those who
have not taken advantage of at
tending this 'wonderful picture,
ate urged to attend this after
noon or this evening, - : .
"Norma Talmadge In the title
rdle . of her unique, modern ver
sion of '"Camilla." .the famous ro
mance of , Alexandre ..Dumaav the
Teachers same as last year;
Extensive Building Repairs
V Under Way
HAZEL GREEN, Sept. 13.
(Special.)- School here will open
-September 26, with , the - same
teachers who conducted. It last
year: Miss George Albee, princi
pal; Miss Sylvia Paulson, primary.
Extensive repairs are' being made
upoy the schoolhouse. y t
t. Miss Wilma Davis visiting with
iJier4rother-ln-law and sister, Mr.
and tMrs. Ceorge ' Dunigan of Chi
nook, Wash. S r;. t I ,
i Mr. Jind itrs. Lehrman had , as
guests I the : past week Mrs. Lehr-man's,,-mother
and brother and
Mrs. Chamberlin of DnPont: Wash.
i Guests at the Fred Hishlebach-
er home Tuesday evening Included
Mi. and Mrs. Sears of Salem, Mr.
and7 Mrs. Darls, -Mr. t ahd ?tir
Brown, of GerVaisvMr.- and Mrs
Doerfler f'Salem.iMrj arid Mrs,' A
Schank of Salem and' the lost and
hostess aStith,, their; children. Ed
wrdJ,SophIai and Peter,., -r k
Mr., and Mrs. Williamson and
sen Donald and Mrs. Carol Kelser
visited Netarts and Oceanside bn a
recent vacation trin to the-coast.
Mr, and Mrs: Orville Luckey and
children spent the week-end 4i Pai
cificdty. Taft and Neskowiri:
Rev. W. A. Mershon ia attending
tne annual conference of the TJnit
eo nrethren church at Vancouver,
JohVJ Calhorin was -theorily
vtre-president to resign from .of
fiee, according.,. to an answered
h waiH" n Ljoerty.. , :
1 , .
ycqinso j., v
, , The Wotader'Horse
1 ' F with
Fi Imdom's unbeatable "iromi
bination Fred and Silver
7-:ln a rlp-rofcrtag western"
so gripping and fast moving
that it will leave you gasping
for breach f' " " "
' 2 p, in.
The Orficaf 'tiil&ii-Brff Rkdio Prize
- Contest dFor Boya dud Girls ,
hen neatly eut
. . ui9 .u u wmu ucanj cui-wii Run- oroogii. or TDaiiea
to The Contest Department of THB OREGON STATESMAN,
, vwill count for the person whose name Is written thereon."
' -Cut out rrnt!y. 'j : ' vVcM aHcV 6cl. 1
youngerMs the trat in store for
the patrons of the Oregon Theater;
beginning tbmdrrowi ' f ; j
v The itory; of he'ficreW'Ca-mniew-hlle
following closely the
theme and spirit j of the classical
romance, is visualized fii settings
of the present day. The v'Lad of
Ithe Camellias," most celebrated of
all' the Paris lab emlmonjlalhes,
is ' interpreted: br MisisTalmadge
as a captivating, brilliantly gown
ed,' bobbed haired heartbreaker of
the present generation.4 - '-v 5
Desiring to ihake fCamlllet one
the i outstanding triumphs In
Norma's career, i Joseph . M.
Scheaek, who produced the ic.
lure for First National release, re
cruited a notable cast for the
modern picturizatioh of the Dti.
mas classic, and assigned Fred
NIblo as director, I
Gilbert' Roland, a! you n c S Dan
ish actor who recently was
placed under a long-term contract
by the Schenck Organization, ap
pears as i "ArmandJ" i the impet
uous young Jover; of i fCamille
Lilyan Tashmah and ; Rose Dione
have important roles as "Olympe"
and . "Prudence . remertfrolv
Portravlntr th . -rnriua .wAsith
and titled admirers j of the Lady
of the Camellias," Harvey Clark
Is cast as "The Baron" and Alec
Francis ks'-4The Duke.
supporting players!
Jerome Eddy, Albert Conti. Mi
chael Viseroff, Evetynj Selbie and
Fred de tjresac wrote the 1927
adaptation of "Camille" and
Chandler SpragUe and Alga Print
ziau prepared the continuity. Ol
iver Marsh is the chief cinematog-
rapher and the settings are the
work of William Cameron Men-
zle8, art director foif all Josenh M
Schenfk enterprises. . ft
Spring Valley Folk
Enjoy Trip by Auto
Crawfords Visit
: WcKWnej-s iit
;: Washington;
New Home
"(Special) Mr. and Mrs . S. b.
Crawford and daughter Gladys.
returned Thursday from an inter
esting motdr tritf to Waitsburg,
Wash"., where;. they visited with
Mr. Crawford's r sister and her
family. Mrs. . J. C. Ziner of Port
land acompanied them.
Ella Belle -and Elaine Sohn re
turned home oh Friday after
spending several days as the
guests tf their aunt. Mrs. Frank
Kieper of Talbot
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Alederman I
and their small son. Carl. Jr
were Friday aftd Saturday guests
at the hbriie bf Mr. ahd Mrs! A. E.
Stevenson at Salem Heights. '
Mr. and Mrs. McKinney 6f
Brushy College, who recently pur
chased the H. L. Berry farm, are
mdvlri into their new hnmo thla
fweek. " '
ouu nun a i u iiiyen
irid family of Kisftr were Sunday
c.u7,bo Si mc nome' or air. ana
to,,W. At Chttte v .
- v. - f .
M wuuuaj ouu mrs.
Sah Ynhgeri ahd -daughter Hazel
t.vitrru ounaay Mr; aTia Mrs. i ;
of effersbn ihdMr. and Mrs
Charles : Reichen- of Hopewell.' '
Mp and Mrs. Ostar- Hoveh and
family accompanied by Grandma
floven of Middle Grove were Sun
day "guests ot Mrand Mrs. Frank
A; -smith. , ;
T ,Mr."ahd Mrs. John Childers and
daugti ter , Grace -called on ' Mrs.
Childers" uncle. Smith Stephens of
Hbpeweil.TErn'sdnday afternoon.
-Ted Allison ! Of MrMlnnvlllo
wis a Sunday guest at th hnmh
-; I '-' -j
'tdttAV fi iTHCRSDAY
Left to see
(Here 1-Vila ) -BIO
i- f-i' TT.
, -bij tlie screen . '
4 " , .
.... M
l ahd .brbnght 'omaVred
' ' - . ; - a,
-- . . :
r - j
F ' - -j
i -' r Lil
g ' y
W. f J f
I, y mM
- ' i
- - j VJ,MVMAI
y - what 'ricFg&oi?
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Windsor.
. Quite a number of., people from
this .Vicinity attended the aution
sale at the Campbell rom near
Hopewell onThursday. r
' Mr, and Mrs. J. p.. Sohn and
family spent Sunday evening with
Mr. 'and Mrs.' C. E." Alder'maa.
Activity NoteH - 7
I - in H azBl Greeh VicMy
jiAZEU i GREEN. ; Sept.' 13:
( Special JBulldine oneratidns' in
Hazel. Green lately includ e const r-
uctlon pf a barn by Mr, Ware' the
shingling a houiSe' .near .the school-
uuavt remoaeiing or a cottage by
J . Cr ZellrtsRi: making tit ' a story
higher, and -the, beginning' of
wdrk on a' barn -for: Rkjpn- 'Gil
bert. . " '';'T''K- "
Mrs, C. A. rtobb and soij and
Mrs. Rhiioiph' Wacfcen arid kittle
daughters have . returned from a
two weeks vacation at Netarts.'. ;
, wuiis Duhtgin ahd his 4 bride
nave returned from their wedding
trip ana are settled in a cottage
on a ram near that of Edward
jLJjinigan, Sr
public School growth
- (Continued from page 1 )
ere hot, strict,
1 X . avtirage it'ndanee'of encli
pupil wan 59 days per year
'Excerpts from Superintendent
I'oweirs report for the year 1873
are interesting. ,
"The school houses are general
y oi ine most primitive style. In
some districts,; there are bairns
better bunt and kept In betterre
pair than the school houses. .The
rame j-emirJc is applicable to fur
"4V".Vf. as to nnraries. I do not
kllOW a dfRfflH- In' Afo(An
tbat Bas anything' of the kind.1
-, " HI OUT
l n A mnroi inri.ii.ti j.
scnoois is or yery general char
atteh I am hot aware that the
. read regularly as a. re
"f , e?erc,se ,n any ot them."
""Methods of .punishment vary.
ouiue or our hest teachers claim
E,,,n.i.?,hn,en!:... ?s necessaryMwhile
m-KBionaiiy use tJie.rod
. .
BllHVlnioli ;br H. ' G. Hill
" - . aafbiav
. x. lArj-
tWltn all "31" Ih'e entrants 'in the an.
muM , sept. 13
hual Gordon Bennett balloon race
Janded safely Monday Iri'dlcatroiis
l7-a- 4ll Al a W v Tf - -. . . . ;
irc uiai me unitea scares entry
Detroit, piloted- by. R. G. Hill;, of
weiroii. nan .-won Jhe. raee. .Hill's
ba lloon was brought -down at Bax
ley. Ga.. several milen farthn m .
siting poin,t here than any of
1 1 wmy a iew miles rrom the poitxt
reached , by :. the Detroit were
gron ped three"jther ' balloohs, the
Laf ayette, ... .French ; entry: - the
Cpodyear - VI. another s; entry,
resenlativel ' -
'.. in iaiayette landed at Waver
ly, HaIl,."Ga..lhe ,Barriien at Fort
Valley, Va., and the. Goodyear VI
atj waveriy- a.v-
. ' j ' . - ' - ' . ' . - .--. i : . : 1 1 ' -
mmvnmmmifmmmmmmmm'mmfj ,n.ili1ii.-iiiniii,-,,... ., f n , ,)lftj,ff,l,tJ.i,nir,lft,I,t,rn,lU,J,.J- . .. , .
! 1 . . -'-'""'-l-'"'"'"'-----u-wllinillM ;i ;; j . jTVf
S ..." . . 1 . . m l'K"lltlilllliJMi)il:iiw T
I ' I i
i. . - . r i - 1 . -If
I ..; ; . H f I
I J ?; -i- 'jJtSW-Si--'- "I' l
I I. I .,, V!rf' f- W . t r
i,.- :" " "- i !t???- --J-n1 I
I " ' t I, "li . '?'f',v L.- 5
1 - ' - - : ! i
!' '.".!' - t
f " How Many Mai Can You Name ' v 1
LSiT Um y' "ewtand. the principles of com
vmercial Uw, real estate values, crop; trends arid the market
.prices of bond and securities? AH this is but "'plrt
J I?"r "homef 9wh! inker's equipment. .The benef"
SL-t ! xP9rence s yours for the asking. You are cordially
invited to take advantage of it. . . ' '
- t
i " V '
If farmers are to be attracted
to the Willamette valley, more in
terest must be taken in their wel
fare, declared Frank Doerffler, of
Frye and poerffler, at the Kiwan
ls' club luncheon yesterday. As It
Is, many of them come to worn
put farmsj go heavily In debt, and
leave." disgruntled. r
" The ' hedtfs or the newcohier to
the farming d&trict should be de
trxnjne'd; 'and enftburagWeht' glt
eii' not to f proceed: tod extjenslvelv
a t the-tdhr btf t to' build Hp grad
ually, MrJ Doerffler iald r ' 4
'' Rotation" of crops was 'urged to
enliven' the sdtfr Wheat 'rrbwln t"!
has' been the chief crop" for 60 or
jo years nd the land Is so badly
worn that' It will nrodnce onrv lo
W20 bushels per acre.
Nut growing looms as one of the
greatest industrieii' for ihA nn-trv.
date farmer, Mr. Doerffler" said.
Many of the farmers who", grow
walnuts bn the up lands arid fil
Dens in tne low lands ; place- a
Value of from 6fae to two thousand
dollars per acre ori their holdings.
Expert supervision is required to
make . not growing profitable, as
on ly about 75per cent' of plant
? ... ,
" Sheep could belralsed'Ori larg
er scale than at present; he be
lieved. -Might as well raise four
to live sheep per acre as one. They
do it in England, and our climate
nere is similar."
RosstoN!succEEbs '
(Ciaiinatd from Vf t.)
the third . congressional district
during the summer by the death of
m. K. Crumpacker, representative,
friends of Judge Kanxler promo t
ed , him for the congressional race
Along with others, he entered, the
republican. Congressional conven
tiqn, agreeing to abide by the re
sult, . .. '
" During the . war Judge Kanzler
: L . . tt - -
n me service and won a com
mission as captain. He was for
merly connected with this Portland
cnamher of commerce;
" judge Rossman has made what
his associates regard as an excel
lent record as a circuit judge here
and this, in connection ' .with the
ucotre ui me governor to place a
relatively young man on the su
preme bench was a deciding factor
in his favor.
Geprge kossman was born in
Chicago in 1885 and in his early
bcyhood, moved with his parents
'o Tacoma, later coming to Port
land. , ,
He had . taken considerable in
terest in educational matters and
was one of the organizers In 1914
of the first Americanization school
"I much appreciate the h on or
be said tonight, "and I will give to
the office the very best servlca thf
ii In me. I much rerm tha
ing of Justice Burnett. He was si
s'?LeJ?.d!i Judge. The appointment
has some added value because It Is
maae to provide a snccessorJor a
lhtXOoridf Crrnt fptfon Picture-,
m. r - .'. j l l i jua i . n t .... -.
y :
Barbara Broaell, famous danc
ing star , coming with Charles
George's glorious revue "Sensa
tions of 1327" -to open- the road
show' season Of 1927-28 kt the El-
slnore , Theater. Monday Nltht.
Sept. 26. Miss Broneli is the
grand daughter of James Cowan,
former banker and Mayor of Al
bany, who now resides with his
daughter Mrs. J. D. Meikie of
man of such attainments." 7 -
Judge Rossman said, mot ions in
his court probably would detain
fcini in Portland ' several days but
tnat he probably would besrin-his
duties ih the high court next week.
He will move his family to Salem.
(Continued Trom pag 1.)
system. The matter was taken
under advisement by the board.
A communication from the state
fire marfehiT calling attention to
certain undesirable 'conditions at
McKinley, Richmond, and Engle
wood schools was read to board
members. '
Recharging extinguishers and
the installation of a gate valve on
the roof of McKinley sehool: in
stallation of a 6 inch firm alarm
oa thfe third floor of Rlfhmnnri
school;- and construction of tro
metal chutes from the balcony' of
tne Englewood school were some
of the things asked by the fire
marshal. There are five class
rooms on the third floor of Rich
mond school with only one stair
way, it was 'pointed out. The
matter . was referred to a rnni
mlttee.v - j,, ,rt..,- .. ... . .
.THE STAlt dF."6EK-tIUR"
with A ' ; it " ' I
: 1 J Here is the event the
C;Aa ii tnir world has long waited
7V AH KE f0rNovarros first
CV. TERRY -,:stjreen appearance
S- since "Ben-Hur."
, Mi RasM the , : WW HeUl thrill you and
1 v-X ' stage Atrt-ss Vfyf move you in-this tale
1 .U'V The AVorid and , J 0f modern love and lll-j
ft 1,18 Wife" . fH tHgue, just as he did
N) aJt". T-Tk in the epic of the ages..
f- 'V'4 '"' Added fl - j :
-Red" Corcoran ( Don't miss it!
K-:iS and his bahjo . V-.jk v ' "
.f. All new program ; t iW. , vs.
Coming: Friday
The Rlark
it's a wbirtwind
railroad thrRlor.
And 5 Acts of
. Vaudeville
You Can See
Only once in years does the
- . - :. ... - - '1
; Greatest
Of Lovers
ince the
A Modern
-Dumas'- World
The Love-Classic
with Rod IriiRorqne and Dolores
1X1 Rl
; Int ; tnlH ft -
theatre. THAT l ih wiwr-muT t . c Rn1. Vhc
of .quality, .errlce and the
It Tomorrow
screen offer such an
Imperio Ardent
Pi'C) Fickle
Famous Story '
of the Century !
iac;,iaS"? '
-'A. : ; V
Ddiia Uu-
tiu iBklBiiif Parlor
rriirts for Ijdi- M O-iMiH.
Cotttr'a Fkcto Serie
T1. 708. Otct th Bp
iorrh- Optical Co. .- -. . . -Dr.
Brj . E. . MerHt OptomvtrUt
c r. euictf , . emit io-ii-ia
" lvyr Tlpka 1044
Eocololtky Son. T0. 70 J04-0i
Ral XUUt. Lami, luiirAae
Dr. IHthI B. Hill, Orthodontia
Utrsirbtenios I irrrgTjlmr teeth) ""
Suit 0 . ' Hours B to ft "
Drm. O'STe'iM a BuMttte, Optometrtnta
toftp eSi 401-40a-40-04-40
WilUri H. WirU bl Fill F. BurrlV
AttorneT. . 410-411-413 ,T1. US
U Morloy. 41, Tel. TiT; Boa. 1915W '
gU.KUt Lmm linrae.
K. Tikn M.D- Pknlirfu a firnM
j Bait 603. TwL J878-2I79 Boa. Tt
KoWa D. Poy and Donald W; lUlaa
Attoraoya a Law '
Telgphono 103. , - 610-B11-611
Or. a Ward Davia, Gieaerkl Daatiatry
111. F.Toaiac by appoiatmaat. Booa
- -
Or. H. B. BooSold -., . 40S
Caiyopraetor. WenroeaJfBetr Brrir
Dr. H. at. Bim, Xya. Xtt. "So a Taroat
8ralit. ., , Ihrito 01
tr. Vf. A- Joknaoa. Intiat
rlpkoa Its " 1001
Ckalicer Ioo Gorf e, D. D. B.
eonaral Dratiatry " "
1. K. Oriffia, D. D. 8, Ortaodoatla
rlpfcoBo 181. Parto looa iofti
City and farm property
I or aaia or trad
Wa t ; torn (oi
trad. "hat kar yl
Paooo 85.
SIS. U. S. Baak Bldr.
PARIS, Sept. 13. AP) Is
spite of the disasters which har
befallerf the latest attempts at
trans-Atlantic flights, there still
Is a possibility that the Farman
blue Bird piloted by Leon Givoa
Will attempt the crossing to New
York wkhln a fortnight.
; The Farman company announ
ced tonight that the plane and
pilot are-ready to take off at any
time before September 25. The
only question is the weather until
that date which is considered the
latest possible for. a flight to the
west this year.
Tte announcement caused some'
snrprije in aviation circles where
it was-thought that all hope of a
flight had been given up after the
loss of the St. Raphael, the Old
Glory and the. Sir John Carling.
. Call for Bids
l . . on Bonds
The undersiprrrcd will ; ri-;
ceive sealed bids, up to 7;30
p. m.f the opening1 hour tf the .
regular meeting of the Com
rnon Council, : September :
1927, for the sale of CITY OF
BONDS authorized by an
amendment to the charter of
said city duly" submitted to
and approved by the legal vot
ers of said city at a special
election held for said purpose
on the 28th day of June, 1927,
and issued pursuant to Ordin
ance No- 2264, passed and
adoin-a by the Common,
Cr- 1 on the 6th .day of
Se iber, 1927, authorizing
th suance of $100,000 of
sai i nds bearing interest at
tjr & of 4 1-2 per cent per
ah payable semiannually
? a 1 aa ar
on iirsi aay or Aiarcn ana
th st day of September of
eat - sar. caia Donas win oe
sol i r not less than par and
acc i interest.
i bidder will : be re-
A 1 m ai
qui to me tn ms i j.
cer a cnecK lor z per nt
of t or value of the bonP
mad styable to the City
Salr ihich will be forfeitp.i
to vx ity or balem in case
the hinjer to whom the bonds
are au-arded shall fail or re.
fuse U: accept and pay ;for
such toads. - :.
Tb legality of said bonds
have f b e e n ann roved - hv
Mess r,.l Teal" Winfree. Mc-
CuIIocn and Shuler; Attor-
nejl?, Portland, Oregon. .
' The right is reserved to re
ject any and all bids."
U. POULSEN, Cit v Reco'rdpr.
fIlL s -10-11-13-14-15