THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTE3HBER 10, 1927 4 r if' - ' - " --, 1 h. ' n "rf ( U' jT Us r New first National Bank Boildiiig Directory ' ' -Dm, Lax Bhlateg Parlor l.x 1 i far Lad iow aad 6iHwm fcrKWD floor 0Uy' Phot BwtM Tel TOO -vT-h Una THIKD fLOOB trri-optica: () sei-ioz-ioi Dr. Henry k. Mama, Optometrist v. 4 Talapboag -ISA 0. . Olllatta 810-1 1-1 Lawyer Telephone 106 "soeelorsky Son, X L 970 ..04 OJ , Baal Iltatt,:lMlt, lasaraase . Dr. David B 41111. Orthodontia t straightening of irregular teeth) Suite 806 ' - Hoars to i nnssaassasaaaaawlaM . FUpaTH. FLoon: Dra. O'Melll 41 Berdstta, Optometrists Paoa 35 401-408 408-404-406 Ouardiea Building Loan association . Barf or d 1$ Telephoae 757 Wlllard H. WirU tad rami F. BarrU tttoraays. . 4J0-4M 4tt Tol 16 Laaa aferloy.: 418. TaL 167; Bee. 1916W Real Eitata Loans IiiutiM SIXTH FLOO Sao. R. Vears M.D., FayleleB ftorgao Bait 60S. TU. 1878-8879 sta. ft Bobia D. Day end Donald W. Y.Ut Attorneys a Lav Telephone 199. 810-611-81I XIQHTH FLOOR Dr. O. Ward Davis. fnorat Dontistrv TaL 816. fveniag by ppoistaat. Room 608. Dr. H. B. Saefteia sua Chiropractor. Nosrwealaaer Berrleo INTH rLOOR Dr. H. M. Bra arm, Ira. Ear. Moss A Throat Rno-laliet Anita ant TXNTB rLOOR Dr. w A. Jekanaa. Dentist Talaphoaa l)0a JJ, ,. 1001 Casiatsr Ia ert. D. D. . Gaaara) Daatlslry . K. Qriffia, X). D. .. Orthodoatls Unnnne Ml - fit looa.iiMtl KEJI L B STATE City and farm property (or sala or trade Wa se soma co4 tradst.' What kara you I . OWET TO LOAN INSURANCE - 1ch vs-.-tnsntisia- ' Kealtor rkoaa 5. , SIS V. B. Bank BIdg Sa7U Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily or Sands? seats par ward ft seats par word One Ua Tkraa tiaiaa Six tine . .J .. - 8 aants par ward I a. daily and 8aa10 eeata par ward la order 4a ara tke air taaa aaa tiae rsta. adrartiaiag a art ru im aon aaentire Usaea. No Ad Ufcaa tor teas taaa It. Ada ma gaaday ONLT ekargad at aaa-tiaa rata. Advertisement ( except ParaoaaJa aad fhtaetioaa Wanted ) wtn he taken aver taa telehaae tf the aTartiser U a sak rriber ka paaav The StatadaaA trill reeeiva adrer tiaeBent at any tiae at tka day or aigkt. Ta taa are proper elasaifleatioa da akaald a la bafofa T p. a. TXLxrtiniri u jor stt AVCtlQSKKRS .: FsNeWoodi 12 Yrs. SaVjti't leading Auctioneer t ' and fami tare Dealer. ; Kr. A Star 1 810 N Sommer St. t - ' - - Phone 51i; . . h. P. Wdotiry & Son l Rigkt' dwa , towh. Cart paid for used Jurnifura. SWits 271 N. Coaa'l Tel 73. Ageata for Lapge Range. 3 iiATTKRt s KLKCTRICIAN tJ R. b. BlttTON KXIDB BATTERIES "-N. Wartar and geaerscr work; 202 TaL 198 HIGH AND CKNTKN 4Ut A.UB rLCElfXH ELECTA 10. OU BOC781 anrta vt hour ar -eaatraet. Katii tarataeed,. Tel a an 471 Car B It'll E. RAklIE-i-klOLT31IBIA eetea 4 ettH v mie HE!J WANTRD HOI PICKERS WANTED Tor Wil Ham. Hop yard. Phone 115K12. ( 9?14 W A NT KI M A N . AND. WIFE .' FOR Cookinj and kitrhen work, also mo ther to take cbsrga of tey rottose. ewf!iatiwn fnd. rcfrren'-e re quired. Kcbool for blind.. ' Tel. -31. HELP WANTED Male II V WANTED A LIVE NEWSPAPER X frptn ftTiMr, Pill Ami q,seWMi effire ; II) WANTED A LIVE NEWSPAPER Ptm tit 12 :TTM' H10H GRADE K A LKftffl EN T I sell Prigidai I i'V l reet V; inanannaaaaaannB ire. Cell at IM 8"tl Hic ta P str SALESMAN 12 f SALESMEN. YOU CAN ' CLEAN UP" . ri in- a soon lime. r or tne nexi . four month your town will l.e fnotbalt mad. A new Fireside Football s-ame is ;v sweeping the country by storm., Sells wa - aich t - to-'- Toss and aid... . rtaalsra Srab It is .uaatitiea. Salesmen eara 100 a weak : easy. Exeluive terrl- Sam Q .1 m n j 1 m ' f ' uv. iur aauipie game an full particular. Athletie Gemaa Com-:-. paay. 439 Petroleum Securities Bldg.,1 , Le Angeles. . Wl CHIROPRACTORS 15 JK. H. B. tOOmiLO, S: 6. O. S0 mra Isauaaai bass atldg. UK. O. U SCOTT. PSa CHJKOP&AOTOl 1 W. Hign- Tl s "T REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BECKS BKNDKI0KS 18 H. High TaL 169 LEE W. BELL (0 Bank af Caamerea Bldg. TaL 464 P. W. OEISXB 441 Ooart Telepkoa S611 JOHN W. ORB "isw Bligk Bldg. Tel. 1485 OKRrTRCDS J., hi. PAOE 92 M. Ootg TaL 1186 TKI ANULE REALTY CO 431 Ooart St. Tel. 861 TJLKIOH ROBtRTf 13 S. Commereial Tat. la VICTOR SCHNEIDER Realtor .47 ti. Coa l - Tal. ill SQUARE DEAL REALTY O. B. Nat' I Bank Uldf. TaL 470 BOBRNSTEDT PATHS 147 N. Oommerrial Tel. S77 rhe Oregon Statesman fablisbadl every Baoraiag -t except Mon layl . at Salem, the capital of Oregon. " ADVERTISEMENT HONEST ADVERTISING These eol ams aanst be kept fra from anything af a questionable nature. Misrepresen tation will mot be toIeraeeC iaforma tion thowing any qneatiosaale Intent a the part of the advertiser aboald be reported to tki nevspaoav e Ue Halem ad elnh .- FXORI8T8 10 T7T FLOWERS, WEDDINO BOUQUETS Funeral . wreath, decoration, 0. P. Breithaapt, florist. 512 State Street. Tel 880. MAGAZINES Farm Paper 17 f YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send five 3-reut stamp to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon for a three months trial subscription Mention tki ad.' POULTRY kf EN SEND EIGHT TWO cast stamp for special three months' trial for tka best and oldest Journal ia the West. The artieles ana sdvr tisemente are of spaeial interest ta the poaltry breeders; of the Northwest No.t fewest Paaltry Joaraal. 211 S. Ooa aereial St., Salem. Ore INSURANCE 18 ARK LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to oan an good farm aeeurity. CITY LOANS Wa are loaning Pru dential Insurance company money on eity residence and business property at 944 par cant, plus a commission Hawkins Roberta. Iae SOS Oregon Bailding. dl4tf Insure Year kerne or ear now. Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS Haihg Bldg, 189 N. High EL Jl-tt OR SALE FIRST AND 8EOOND Mort gage. Trust Deed. Contract en houses Will net 6 to 80 per cent. BROKE HENDRICKS Weills- Bldg.. 189 V. High H. H-tf WANTED Employment 19 EXPERIENCED JANITOR WISHES part or full-time work. . Box, 35. care Statesman. 4 19sl3 fOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT digging aad team work. Tel. 72 P3 . . . J9alf WANTED Building and Remodeling. Satisfaction gusranteed. Estimates free. Call at 2 ISO Ciarden Road or write E. J. Leaders. Gen. I 1. 19S14 FOR RENT 21 STORE ROOM FOR RENT 260 FERRY etieet, between Front end Commercial formerly occupied by Wither A Neal. $20. a month. ' Inquire at Statesman office. 21pr28tf FOR RENT Apartmenta 23 2-3 OR 4 ROOM FURNISHED APART -menta. 1396 N. 4th. 3-ll NEATLY FURNISHED APARTMENT, furnace beat, private bath, 545 Court. Telephone 1057. 2313 FURNISHED APARTMENT. 1335 Stste. ; 23sll THE AMBASSADOR. 550 N. SUMMER. Modern 2 aad S-room apartments fur nished and unfurnished. 23 S VI NICELY FURNISHED. 3 ROOM MOD ern apartment, private bath, down sUirs, steam heat. 1133 Court St. . . 23S4tf 2 ROOM APARTMENT. 2361 HAZEL. TeL 1939 W. . 23Sltf 8 ROOM APARTMENT FURNISHED Close in. 104T S. 0ml 28-a-24 f NICE FURNISHED APARTMENT 590 Union. ' - - ' 23810 OLYMPIC APT8. 730 No. Liberty Salem's newest up-to-date 2 and 3 room apartment furnished and unf urn it hed. : Every modern convenience. 5 minute from business district. Phone B23J. 23S-8IQ POIl KENT ItoomH SLEEPING ROOM. CLOSE IN. TEL. 1711 W. 533 8. Com'l. St. 25sla ROOMS WITH BOASD AT THE LEA aM ta. .j.w ioo Ua.aakeia . - .rM ' PUR KENT Hottfww 87 8 ROOM HOUSE AT 239 X. TeL 62iJ.. 15. MT. . 27I0 COZY 2 ,ROOM HOUSE. TEL. 1794 J 27--12 FURNISHED FIRST FLOOR 5 ROOMS, garage, near school and bus. 165 Went Washington. Tel. 71 6M. 27sl0 BUNGALOW IN PALMfcH COURT. UL rich aad Roberts. 129 S. Commereial 8L TeL 1354.. 2725tf OUT IM'MV HOME TDUJK. FsVT , ' A ; VTJHKrsiri GRt;W ' SO lfce5GE TWdT W WE 3SED. uMt rr it vrfiZ. ft A CRcWi-e I r-: -jtt minute Movies . : , " - y-i ; : ; ; - ; 1 ; ' :'v- ; v! , i . L - .-- - ; ' bv ei WhecU BaaaBaBaaBBaaaBBaaaaaaaa a r - - w 7 . I BY"" 1 fsJii''- Tair FOR RENT Houses ' 27 POR RENT STRICTLY MODERN 1 room house. 850 monthly. Soeoiofsky Son. . 27sl0 MOUKR.V BL-XOALOW HOME. WELL furnished. Lease only. 225 Richmond Ave. - 2711 FOR RENT 4 BOOM HOUSE. $20.00. 2 room 612.00. F. J. Wood. 341 State 711 For rent. Five room house close in. New furnished houe, $40 F. L. WOOD. 341 Btat St. 27S7 FOR RENT rrnui 20 153 ACRE FARM FOR RENT. 2H itiil-s Knutlieaxt 0 Victor I'oint school in Waldo llill tall. O. W. Humph reys, 43F14. 29-K-10- WANT TO RENT TEN TO TWENTY acres of Itnd with .good stand of i-lover for plowing this fall. Apply Box 11, Statesman. 2911 FOR RENT 75. ACRES. GOOD LEVEL land in cultivation, five mile south from Salem, adjoining the Willamette river. Wu!d sell on easy term. Call, phone or write E. A. K ho ten. 1595 8. High St. Phone 2538R. 2s?tf LtACNDRrES TRY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN dry. Tel. 171. 1856 B Street. JlTf CAPITAL CITY LA.ONDRY "The lannjry at Pare Matariale.' Telephone 10b 1204 Broadway THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY Telemaone 35 S TTtrt- TAILORM D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB ME and women. 474 Court St WANTED MJ see Daneons 85 FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP neat. Uiase-Powar Furniture Co. 5prao SECOND HAND SILO IX GOOD SHAPE reasonable price. Address P. E. Thora a son. Turner. Phone 6XX. 35sl3 WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loans. We have several applies tions an hand. Hawkins a Robert, Inc. 205 Oreron Bldg. 85dl4tf MATTRESSES B0 MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capital City Bedding Co.. 1190 North Capitol Called tor aad delivered. All weelr rnarsn'eed Tel IB fiatf FOR BALE 87 FOR SALE BOSTON BULL PUPS. IX- ouire 333 Miller st. 37 S Stf. SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON NEW CROP boney. Phone 8F5. H. M. Mead. Salem. S7o8 BLACK. DIRT FOR SALS IN EITHER North or South Salem. Reasonable. TeL 72F3. 87dl2tf FOR SALE Western Electric Farm Lighting Plant, equipped with batteries. Bargain at $250. Write J. B. Byberg, Silverton. Ore. 37S10 FA PA RADIO FOR SALE. TERMS. Trade. LaSalle University Law course, furnished. Leae only. 255 Richmond Ave. 37slo FOR SALE-SODA FOUNTAIN. 4 booths and tables, fountain 'dishes. scale, cash register and refrigerator. Berry Land Confectionery, Woodburn. Ore. - - 37sll ELBERT A PEACHES the ,5th, price $.2.00 bushel. You furnish box. 10 miles north of iiaJem in Mission Bot tom, River Road. L. Townsend. Phone 6F3. 37S10 " VKTERlNAItlAN ' 8a FRED W. LANGK, VETERINARIAN Office &20.B. Commercial. Tel. 1191. toes. Tel Iftftd. A89m33lf WOOD SAWING 42 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1677. 1610 North Commercial. 42jlyl5tf WOOI FOR SALE 43 4 FOOT trU 16 INCH FIR. IMMEDIATE delivery. Phone 1736. 4326 ALL KINDS OF WOOD AND THE best in tbe eity at Traeey' Foe' Yard. TeL 3318. Pricea reaaooabto. 43a2t' GOOD DRY WtMID Larmar. Tel. 930. FOR YOU D. A. 4Saprl6tf COAL, WOOD. BRIQUETTES. SALEM Fuel and Transfer Company. Tel. 629. night 1988. . 43s23tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak snd ash. Tal. 72F2. M. D. May field. 48fl8tf OLD FIR. SECOND GROWTH AND OLD fir limbs. Call 1990, a U. Hrbugh, 1038 Highland Ave. 4303 UOOU COAL. DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. H1LLMAN FUEL OO. TELEPHONE 1855. 48aS0tt BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood. 4 ft. and 16 inch. Lak-ce loads, are cheaper to buy. Mill wood ia our specialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. ' . FRED E. WSU.3 280 a Church TaL 1542 43d9tf POULTRT AND EGGS ; 45 1 DOZEN WHITE Telephone 1851-J LEGHORN HEN8. 45-s-U FRYS FOR SUNDAY DINNER. WEIGHT 2 pounds. Phone 32F21. Lee Hstrhery. 45sl0tf POULTRY WANTED ANY KIXD. SIZE or amount, top market, highest cash price. Salem Poultry Co. 145 Center St. Foot of the bridge. Phono 249J. 4ier14 MUSIC' HTOflKa 48 GEO. O. WII1, F1AN03. PHOFO graphs, sewing machine, sheet music aad piano studies. Itepalriag phono graphs and sewing machine 482 State street. Ralam NURSERY ST1KTK 40 Cl-T FIAIWKRK. FLORAL PIECES. 671 i X. Capital. 1879 -W, . 49sl6 40TWc ,st My TCJUJrV 1 FDUKiD riUO. C 'v5m MEM ASLEEP ON A BEAT a j: "o-V XB BJ: W a a ' w 4T THE PYMTt MD TELEGRAM SALEM Ageaey. The Ac. TaL 98W. THE OREUON STATESMAN, SO CENTS ... iured ta your hoae early earb mrnmg. Tel. IS or 688. PAPKRHANGINQ SO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, psperbsnglng, tinting, - ate. Ketiahle wnrrman. - I PAINTING 50a CHAB. BENNETT. PAINTING CON- tractor, painting, paper kaagtng, 328 J. 187 West Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 51 DIRT K H.VCLING. 110. 1 nrsiL 51sl2 rOK MALUM IH'A V ENUCR CALL 167. MflO '88 FOR SALE OLD NEVrSPAPERS. 10 cents a bundle g la teaman affiea, 815 South . Oommaretai. . 614$tf FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND RE pairing iraea- Power Farnitare Svira . Sl2tn BOY USED. MEN'S CLOTHING, JEWEL" ry, Oan. Tools, " Bieyc las, ate. Star Etc bang. 824 i. CoaU. TaL 866. DUb CUSTOM EES ARE ' OUR BEST boosters Decease wne wa do your welding, ' tut doaa. not . you. Eleetrit and acetylene welamg. large - and NEWSPAPERS ,. n,y?nT. "'L"A' ''.r?$l00 cssh .balance like rent. A real DV "PP- ' t . TeUl eonortable home in X. Salem, close to 8.2 aad aonbj. 41 may Stf k(K), h giTKe A woodshed, fruit A STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES tUK SALE REBUILT AND repaired by- expert. AH kind of woven wire fence. Fancy and plain. Hup baskets aad hooka, logan hooka. Bales Fence a"d Stove Work. 350 Court 8treet 51jtv27tf LOST AND FOUND 53 FOCXD A STRAY MARK, R. PER LICK, Rt. 6. 5314 PIANO TUNERS 54 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Plana tuner. Leave order Will's Music Store. PKlKTIMt vt rOR STATIONERY. CARDS. FAMPH tat, programs, books or any kind of printing, eall at the Ststesmsa Print isg Department 315 8. CommarciaJ" TL 583. ' MONEY TO LOAN 57 P. H. BELL, 219 C- 8. BANK BLDG. Residence and business loans. TaL 607 or 3141-W. 57aprt7t FEDERAL FARM LOAN 5. F. L. Wood, 341 Bute St. 67a) tf UONEl' TO LOAN FOR BU1IJING AAD 00 eity property. B. 8. Martin a L, R. Martin. attorney. 418 Oregon Building. TeL 8084. 57ml0tf CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rate. Best term obtainable. Our insurance department offers you ex pert advise snd service in all tines HAWKINS A ROBERTS (inc.) Tel. 1427. 305 Oregon Bid WANTED LA IAN t 6W WANTED Private money to loan on REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHORST Co. 134 S. Liberty St. 59026tf PLUMBING OO fiUNUtMi ANL OENKKAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros.. i44 8. Liberty. T- S50 1Hf DUS. OPPORTUNITIES 61 AM SICK MUST SELL MY C0NFE0- tionery. Address Box ;C, Slatesnin. 61x16 KADK ---r- - 82- Radiolas For every purpose, for every p-.-o All standard sixes of Radio Tube MALIK EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, Vi..r 4t Tel 4a arr17f REAL ESTATE oa NICELY ARRANGED Three rooms, plastered house, bath. block to bus. North Saleni. $1800. terms. Private money to losn. SOC'OIOFSKY A SON . 63-s -9-tf lit A. IX EIHJE OF SILVERTOX CLEAR all in cultivation, creek, good inv provements $9000. Wants service sta tion, garage or other property. TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St.. Ground Floor 63-s-S-tf XEW SXAPPY 4 ROOM BUNGALOW In North Sslem. Up to the minute. This week for 835O0. You make tbe terms. Pay as you like. SEE LOUIS BECHTEL or J. D. SEARS 341 State St.. Room Two. 63s7tf WHY PAY REXTT WILL SELL YOU A new North Salem home, complete in every respect including garage, at terms which are no higher than rest, except a small extra deposit the first month. Price $3600. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 X. Commercial St., Salem. Ore. ' 63-B-9-tf ONLY $3400 As my business connection are forc ing me to leave Salem, I will sacrifice mv home for immediate sale. It is a 5 room bungalow, 3 years old. on pavd street, close to school and bua line, also near a business section of the city. . Let my agents show you this at once. LEO X. cniLDS CO.. Ttealto-s 320 State Street. Phone 17S7. 63sl0tf ACCEPT CA R NEW 5 ROOMS 2 more can be finished, basement, fur nace, fireplace, wired for range. , hnrt wood floors, shade, east front. $3700. Small payment. IF YOU HAVE rA CAR AS PAYMENT ON A HOME SEE US. TRIANGLE REALTJf CO. ' 4J1 Court St. Ground Floor. - 63-s 8'tf SALEM REALTY CO. 4H2 State St. - - HAS FOR SALE VERY RELIABLE Garage -C;il Station ,..$5500 on rotation, income f ' per. - month $6.V0 Confectionery aud Restaurant i...$8.V0 Confectionery and Restaurant Grocery Btore, A money maker $a.0 C3- U tf ATr cur DR. ; FELL ONCE fWJ.CE T71 amp weD mnwoor a moan j v II " ' ' ' --" : t -' - - - ";' aTV OS FOR, SALE A ; $7500 MORTGAGE ON - Balem income property, well secured. Liberal discount. Address Box CO. care Statesman. 6310 FOR KENT 2 -room furniihed apartment $2$. 8 -room furn shed apartment $20 8-room furaabed apartment $30. ULRICH AN ) ROBERTS. Realtors 129 N. Coa'l St Phone '1254, 6a7tf ' rOR SALE Several half acre tracts near the Asy lum on good County Road. ' Beat of land, good building aites, small payments and. any old terms. '. Wba want them I , ' Apply at 820 X. 21st 8tret. evening. - 63sl3 f ' SEB THIS ONE . A real home in North Salem.5 large rooms, all the built-insl Fireplace. Fur nace, double gsjwtge. shrubbery. - Every-thing-up ta the minute. Priced to sell, $5500,"'- ' LOCIS BECHTEL or J. D. SEARS 841 tae St Jtwom Tw. 63s7tf BEAUTIFUL. CORNER Strictly modern, stucco. 6 room. Va cant. Immediate possession. Priced for this week $4200. Buyer assume Street Assmt. . t - -. ,) . LOUIS BECHTEL or J. D. SEARS 3J1 State 8, Boom Two 63a7tt U AUTO BUT This 5 room Cottage. Price $2000 only shade trees, street paved. I ?EE -LEO, X. piILDS CO.. lReltors 3'J0 State Street. Phone 1727. 6S10tf MODEL HOMES Must be Sold. Price 1 to Sell. ' See this beautiful' home at 965 North Summer St. One of the best built and at tractively arranged. 5 large rooms. bth on first floor, large attic. Fireplace, fur nace, steam heat, double garage. Ideal location Wky underpriced for a quick deal. $7500. With terms. f-OrjIS. BFXHTKLu 3; I. SEARS 341 State St.. Rcom Two. 637tf $3750 SPECIAL . For Sho -t Tin e-Only $3750 Just. compVted and ren raa move right. in,5 -modern ." 100 Kuglih Type home, hardwood "o Imi! :n. fireplace, full baaemettt. - f- rnsn-, vr'i iravs, . garage, 'ks, -psve ' strepu. Only $350 cash, bal ance term. ?oa rail handle. SKE s at ence. ' - v LEO X. CH!. DS CO., Realtor ' 320 State Slreet. Phone 1727. 63sl0tf ANOTHER ONE I HAVE BUTLT 16 houses in Salem H'gbway Trsrts and sold each when completed or before. Thar means real value. I have another, ready to occupy in one week, five rooms and unfinished upstairs, plumb ing, and electric fixtures, built-ins. etc., a jewel, with one-hslf acre rich garden land. Price 83300. Terms. $100 cash and $30 per mnnth. Carle A brains, 1465 Chemeketa St. Phone 1 894-1 63s7tf RESTAURANT IX $10b0. 5 rra house, garage, GOOD LOCATION, , east front, paved str. f'JMOO. 4 rm house, furnace, fireplace, full ce ment l.asrment. garage. $:li)l). Service station, store, on highm-ay. Good buy. 20Vj acres mostly in fruit,, equipped, trade for house and lot in Salem. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 481 Court Str. Phone 1186. 63s8tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 30 Acre Improved Farm, nice location I '4 miles from town and high school, land practically all in cultivation spring water for stock, plenty : hearing fruit for family use. including an acre of berries. 8 room hou-tc. ed repair, barn and poultry house, owner will sell on good terms or take in a good Salcm residence as oart pay. Price $4000. For this and other good farm prnosi- H0?;. se VVK'K TALLMAX & SOX. Bin .iaMinn- i cmpie, pnone til l. ollsll FOR SALE SIX ROOM HOUSE. ALL Ven - oiw floor, lKring- fruit"' tree. fir.oo. $oo Cash. kXKW Bl-XKAI.OW. FOUR ROOMS AX1 Nook. East' Sslem, 2.r00. 300 cash. NEW FIVE ROOM WITH FIREPLACE. basement, furnace, oak floors, garage, paved street. East Salem, $3700. NEW MODERN' ENGLISH TYPE HOUSE 6 rooms, close in, $7000, or will trade for smaller housed F. L. WOOD GEO. F. PEED 341 State Street. . 63ifltf BEAUTIFUL HOME Of Colonial Type in one of the best residential districts in Salem, strictly modern throughout, 8 large cheerful rooms, beautifully decorated, built ins. fireplace, full basement, furnace A wash trays, large corner lot. lawn A shrubbery, walks A paving in and paid. Price $8750 with terms. Tf you are looking - for a real., real home, let us show vou this one. SEE LEO X. CH1LDS CO.. Realtors 520 Ftate Street. Phone 1727. 6-SslOtf 5 ROOM .LL MODERN BUNGALOW X. Capital St. S4200, terms. 7 Room home nice location $2 GOO. $250 down. Good wood saw, sell or trade. 120A. stock ranch near Salem, fine soil, lots of wood timber, SNAP- 4 good house for rent. Good close in 80A fsrm for rent. Close in acreage bsrgsins 5A fine soil 1j0(I. easy terms. oA fruit and hemes, gisoo, terms. 5A Home.. $2000 for residence. - PERRINE A MARSTER8 . 212 Cray B!dg. 63-s 9-tf WEEK END SPECIALS 5 room, Lath, garage, trees.' south $1900. . ... ; j ', 6 room, bath, basement, fireplace. ew 4 room, basemen L furnace. North New 4 rooin, without basement. South. $2150. " 6 room, good condition, north, fto aown. ana per mnnthr large lot. We have good list of "houses for bale ana bargain in tracts to offer. BARBER & BOND 200 Gray Bldg.. 125 X. Liberty. 63s lot f - BEAUTIFUL HOME IDEAL LOCATIOX Xew stone-tone cottage consisting liv ing rm.. 2 bed nrs., kitchen, dining al cove with built-in buffet and Ur-e screened-m porch overlooking creek and gardens. Full concrete basement and al lies ll vv floors throughout except k-tch en. I'lpO' luraare. firenlace kl.linor. tubs recessed bath and large clotet. DbU garage: large lot with bearing Enr waintx trees. All assessments paid; 3 blks. to school. 3 blks. to State House: on bos 'tine. Price $5lOO. Term on part. See O. K. IeWlM, with -WINNIE PETfYJOHN - 1 73 S. High St. 63i-10lf , S THE.', WELL REAL ESTATE - T ! 1 'I n KAX E8TATT8 FOR SALE NEW MODERN HOUSE ! Furnished $1850. Pays. $500. BaL ia : chiding interest per aoata $25. For Rent Office space ana 'desk la i First XaL Bank Bldg. Cheap. For Rent Barber Shop Equipped $15 . per month. ? For Rent 6 'Room Furnished block j fram High School $25. ' . 1 LANE MORLKY and CO. 413 Fir, Nat.' Baait Bldg. TeL 75T. 6310 KkH niUB ROOMS AND BREAEFA8T , mt rati baaeaseat tarnae. fircyiaea. ' excellani 'plaabiag. wired far olaetrie ! ran, oat flor ta living room Lasa : af built ta. garage, oaajrata drrway, i walks, gt a veiled street well locate ta N.r1S Ha ten aeae tgkiaaa SCMtai I Ownei Wil' !! an wtsy terai. Tel 1 . K "' 1 - WJly7tf GREATEST- TKA ill Hit' ORGANISATION ON THE PA flFIC COAST T We have over 3"lOf properties listed ; for exchnge. - Every kind I property. ? ever nriee. even location. " Wa tan : match vour exchange EXACTLY. If ran would like to trad your property i TODAY,' coma ia TODAY. See U4SRTI.LA EA RLE.. Realtors L ISA 8. Liberty. Tel. ' - v : : 63Sitf FOR. SALE OR TRADE ' 4 Stock of general merchandise of about 2.iOO. On the O. E. Mr. . 3 e compel 1 tion. Ak us about it. Will lump stock or invoice. 20 acre orchard fnll bearing "wrunes at a great hareain . if sold before OcV'er 1st. will take s-ood city property. '3 acres on psved road elose to Salem Xew hooe. Isrre barn and chicken houses. Water Dined to house and barn Land, is the best. '$5000 will take larger acreare.. 200 acre near Redmond. Oreeon, at a very tow figure. " Take good eity prop- ertv. 15 room boose with large sleeping porch, rents for $50 per month. On paved street. One apartment 'of. 5 rooms for rent at 15 per month, water, lights and Dhone free. A ha ream. 320 acre farm about "one-half under cultivation. Good buitaiuga, hardwood floors in dwelling. Good granary, large barn and other buildings. Root cellar, tank house. Good well, springs in pa ture for stock. Near oil district, don't withdraw any oil rights. Near Winnett, Montana--.y owner wnts something in Willamette Valrer. Price $6000. ' 2 .stOTy' "apartment house on paved street. All in fine condition. 2 lots on "brner-, ' one v block to ear-line. Owner wants to. move. 'L Price $6500.00. 9 room bouse only 9 blocks north of .business center, -- $5000' may trade. ; GENERAL IXSURAXCE. LOANS A - - INVESTMENTS IjAFLAR a LAFLAR 407 Oreron Bldg. 63sl3 REAL ESTATE TRADES 85 EjfCHAXGE 5 room Modern House, no better location, for 5 to 10 acre tract. near Salem, priced right. This home is clear of all debts. Cash Buyer for smsll tract, within 5 miles of the city. For rent 2-5 Room Houses Furnish ed, good location, cheap rent. . LANE MORLKY and CO. 413 First Nat'i Bank Bldg. Tel. 757. 65 S 2tf TRANSFER HAULING 70 CAPITAL 'UTY TRANSFER CO. ?38 Stste Si. Tel. 988. Distributing, for warding and storrga our specialty. Get ogr. ratea. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE bold goods. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also make coon try trips. Wa handle the h.t enal and wood. Call oa us for price. W give good aeasura. god quality and rood servic l.rmer Transfer Co. Tel. 930. TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. VeL 73F2. SALEM TRANSFER A FUEL CO. Ixvi aad long diftane hsnling Btorsge snd fuel 899 B. High. Tel S29 70aRtf 14 OREGON WASH. WATER SERVICE CO Office 804 South- Commercial St Ten per cent discount oa domestic flat rate paid is advance. No dedaetian 'or ah Bene or aay cans a anles water la aba Off ysw nrsiM TR . VT-TL 78 TRAVEL Safely, Swiftly and Comfortably in bnses of the Parker Stage Line. S T A G E-8 L E A V E F O R Silverton 7 a. m.. 11 a. m 5 p. m. Mt. Angel 1 1 a. m., 5 p. m. Dallas 7 a m.. 9 a. m.. 1 :25 p. m. Fall. City 7 a. ra., 3:10 p. in.. 5:15. Independence 7 a. on., 9 a. m., 11:18 a. ra.. 8:10 o m.. 5:15 p. m. Sun day only 8:30 p. m. Monmouth 7 a. m.. 11:15 a. m.. 8:10 p m., 5:15 p. m. 8unday only 7:10 p. m.; 8:30 p. m. McM nnville 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. mn 5 : ' 5 p. m. New berg 8:30 a. m.. 2:10 p. m., 5 15 p. m. Tillamonk 8:30 a. m., 2:10 p. m. Call 222 of 69A for information d23tf .TTOM WANTED 77 M PAID rOB SHiKOM E1KER ATTTVi "v. USED CARS FOR SALE 70 19 '4 Dodge Coupe 1923 Ford TouYing 1921 Ford Touring j 126 Ford Roadster 1925 2 door Sedan Ford : 1 02 Chrysler Coach 1025 Ford Coupe with Ruxtcl 192T Ford Touring 1 926 1 Ford Roadsbrr 1922 Ford Roadster 1925 Ford Touring i ' K1RKWOOD MOTOR CO. 811 N. Commercial We buy and sell used cars. 79--ll MckayS;for Used Cars 187 Center St. 1923 Ford Con lie Telephone 7t. 8175.O0 27.1 OO 223.00 1924 Star Sport Roadster 19 :j Dodge Roadster 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 1924 Jewett Coupe ..-... 623.0 .... 4.MI.OO 1SIJ6 Ford Tudur 425.00 Ford Truck lit 3'ttpaed Transmission. Wood Rack. , Cab, Ready for Wood Raui:ng....$325.00 Doug8as Mckay Chevrolet Co. 73sil 3HOUU HtWS- TebOCD lb THE ' V. MT LET Tka VMP1L XaLDNH ! . .A mm USED CARS FOR SALE 70 USED CAR. RALE 19.24 Willv Knight Sedan. 1923 Maxwell Sedan. - ; " 1921 Franklin Sedan. 1925 - Ford Coupe. .! r 191 Studebaker.Spl. Touring. ' 1920 Studebaker Spl. Touring. ! 1922 Late Big Six I nr loser 7 Pas. Toaring. New Tires.: Lots of. extras. Just spent $130 on motor. A ; 1925 Boiek. Loupe. ! Marion Auto Co. Studebaker-and " F.rsk-n Six Dealers for Salem and Marion County. Ask for K, L. Gibhins. Used Car Dept. 235 South Cera.!. St. Telephone 862. USED CAR LOT, NEXT TO FIRE STATION OX CHEMEKETA. Phono Sill. . , 79sl0tf Valley Motor- Company Used Car Bulletin 1925 truck, closed cab, 6 speed trana mission, frame exteetsioa. a tartar, pneu matic tires ....J ..6365 Ford Touring, new paint ..$175 1924 Chevrolet touring . 8i7o 1924 Fard ronp . $250 192.1 Ford Touring. New top 814.V 1920- Delivery. 810' body 690 ; Many others sol pick . front includinc Rdvlr: 1-934 -Overland Coupe Sedan 14 mu.) - lSlilO- Ftril Touring with 1-man top.- . . . We Can Sell Your Qtd Car.; '1 ',' V See Us About Consign ing it t6oiir Open Air Market ; Act before it is too late. - r " ' 79s9tf n FORDS 1923 Tourinr. New Duco. good i rubber w $150.00 1928 Fordoor Sedan, Sew Doco., 275.00 NEWTON MOTOR CO. !- ; -. -1926 Chev. Coach,. Like New $560.00 1926 Chev. Laundsa Sedan I..- 675.00 194 Overlsad Touring...- 275.00 1923 Hudson Speedster 400X0 - NEWTON MOTOR CO. Hudson- Essex Dealer Phone 10O0., r - w - - 79s7tf Jdst the Car ' , You Wanted Better Automobile Values Overland Sdan Essex Conch Plsr Tonring Overland 6 Sedan Chevrolet Coupe Dodge Touring Oakland Sedan Essex Tonring . Chevrolet Touring " Overland' Cbupe Ford Tonring ' Ford Coup ' Cadillac Sedan Nssh Touring Commercial Car Ford Delivery, excellent shape Dodge Screen Delivery Look over this, excellent offering of used automobiles today. You will find just the. car you wanted, good mer chandise. attractive In rppearance, bigh in quality and reasonable ia pr-ee. , 5-1-:.' - ; - F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 363 North Commercial Street Telephone 1260 "AFTER WE SELL WE SERVE" 798 ttf I .firtK' - THPSR . ilVFP 1937 Oldsmobile Coupe 8850 1926 Pontine Coach $650 .5 T 5 1925. Chevrolet Sedan , 1924 Buick Sedaa 1925 Star Coupster $400 1924 Chevrolet Sedaa ,.$300 Late Ford Coupes $300 Several other goad buys to choose from, prices rsnging from $50 to $304u Capitol Motors Inc. Biddy Bishop 350 North High Street Two of the Best PACKARD OLD8MOB. I.E V9a25tf NOTICE OF FINAL 8ETTLE xMEXT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, iier duly verified final account, as ex ecutrix of. tne estate .of J. F. Beggs, Deceased, and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 19th day of September, 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said lay, as the, time, and the County Court Room In the County Court House, at Salem, Marion? County. Oregon, as the place for hearing said, final account and all ob jectlbns thereto. Dated Salem, Oregon, this 13tl day of August; 1927. JU ANITA DAUB Executrix of the Estate oi J. F. Beggs, Deceased. Kouaid C. Glover, Avtorney for Executrix, Salem. Oregon, a 13-20-27 S 3-1 (! To make children's shoes wear longer buy etrong shoes with hea vy soles. Keep them well repair ed. Grease about once a month, oftener . in wet weather with a i mixture of neatsfoot or fish oil and tallow. . " ' SCVt , ) -J for NoasfcwsviAL 0 O- o r o I Salem Markets GRAIN iso. a- wHeat. ph Red - wheat, sacled Oat per ba. milling....-. PORK. aTOTTON AND BEEP - ' Top hog v- iZ,k -. f V MOW ' . i V.?l Ton steers u.06 to- .7 tt towt 1927 laab. nnder 66 lbs. Top live veal . Dressed pigs .io .12 ' POTTLTBY Light hcas Heavy hen . .18 . .2 . .IT Spring -Roosters 0.v$ EGGS, BUTTER, BUTTE ETAT Standards . . I'onnd ,-. .IA Butterfat j. Print butter .47tfi.48F VEGETABLES Beet, sacked Onioas, do, bunches New cabbage New potatoes ", Celery, bunch Local lettuce , , , Local spinach .02 .8" -OitM . .00 .$1.75 $3 31 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE THE ALLEY IN BLOCK? 24 OF THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF THE CITY OFN SA LEM, OREGON, RETWEk-N CENTER AND M A R I (21 STREETS. Notice is hereby Riren that the Common Council of - the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove the Alley in Block 24 of tbe Original Plat of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, between Center and Marion streets, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent pro perty, except the street and , alley intersection, the expense of which will be assumed by the Citydf Salem, Oregon, by bringing sabd nnrtlnn ' of Raid ulrppt" r the wt- CBisuiicueu -iauc, - wuBtt u time Portend tement concrete curbs and paving said portion of said streets with a six-inch Portland cement concrete pavement, 1H feet in width, in accordance with the plans and specifications there for which were adopted by the Common Council on the 18th day of August, 1927, now on file In the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The 'Common Council hereby declares its purpose, and intention to make the abore described im provement by and through tbe Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil the 15th day of August. 1927. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication. Sept, 2, 1927. Date of final publication. Sept. ' 14, 1927. . ... , s2-14inc NOTICE OF INTENTION TO rI PROVE COTTAGE STREET FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF , RURAL' AVENUE TO THE NORTH LINE OF OXFORD ' STREET. Notice is hereby given that th Common Council of; the City, oi t Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and -expedient, and hereby de clares its purpose and lntentiol to .improve Cottage street from tlm south-line-of Rural Avenu to the north line of Oxford Street, in the City of Salem. Oregon, af the expense of the abutting an . adjacent .property, except tbl 1'"'- " ' : T 1 expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, Oregon, bj a m a - 9 a a a ll s nri n p-i n ww l -a nnriinn ni aisi iir nm a-a suq : KTaa -s a" fc" w a. street to the, established grade, constructing Portland cement con crete curbs, and paving said por. tion of said street with a six Inch Portland cement concrete pavement, thirty feet in width, in accordance, with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted. by the Common Council ' on the 15th day of August, 1927,' now on file in the office of the Ciy Recorder, and which are here by referred to and made a part hereof. r The Common council hereby de clares its purpose and Intention to make, the above described Im provement by and through- the Street Improvement Department of the City of Salem. Oregon, rtv cirri fr nf the Common Coun cil the 15th day of August, 1927. s. Mi POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication. Sept, 2. 1927. Date of final publication. Sept. 14. 1927. ?u s2-14inc NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TM- PROVE E STREET FROM ' THE WEST IjINE OF THE OAKES ADDITION TO THE EAST v LINE OP COTTAGE ' STREET, . ' ; - , - Notice J"? hereby given that" the ( Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems lt,refess- ary and expedient and hereby de clares its purpose and intention to Improve E" : Street from the wt line of, the Oakes afiilUin( lo the east line of CoftaKe atret. In the City of 8alem. Omeon. at thw expense of the abutting and adjacent property, exipt tbn street and aly intersections, the expense of which will he iBrnmd by the tity of Ss'lem. Orgot tv--bringing - said portion of said street tfi the estnblished g"d. onstrnHIng Portland remrnt con mlfl rurlm. gid p.iving snid por Ikinof mH street with a six tnrh Portfond int ' t onrrele naveraerit, thirty 30) feet In width, In ";. strcordanre with Ibe plans and pppHfications ihr"for which wre doptod hv th Com-, won Council on the 15tb dar of Anrust. 1127. now on file in rhe office of the -City np-orrie-r, nd whle'h are hrrty referred to and msde a pnrr hereof., i The Common Coun'II hereby declares its puroono and ' lnini.ion to ffsku lhe shore rlMv'rlh rt ln prorament by ' nnd ' Ibrough the Street ; Improvement Department of. the City t of Stlem.. Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil. th 15th dv of Aitciiftt. 1927. '.M.'PQULSKM. riy n border. Date- of flrt pstldli-atlon Sept. 2, .1927. ; Date of final publication Sept. 14, 1927. f ; - - 82-14lna "f And now -Berlin and Baeisoa Aires ar" connected by . radio phone. -The old slcsan ''hacda across the Bea" is being rerlac-J by static across the tea. i.$l.t4?i $1.12 $ .48