I 1 w THE OREGON: STATESMAN'S lOREGON SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 'lo l9i27 : . f 1! r 1 1 f1 owe r. Compliments Eggler , '" ii a. , Hana Hofstetter and Mrs. Orton Hilfiker were hostesses a, a shower one evening last week complimenting' Mrs. Conrad Egg ler (Ida Hilfiker) whose marriage took place Wednesday afternoon. Games were the diversion of the evening- At a late hour refresh ments were served and 'the honor i o- Social Calendar Friday Missionary Society, Congrega tional Church. Mrs.L, H. McMa han, 791 North Front Street. 230 o'clock. Woman's Bfble Class of First M. E. Church. Mrs. A. A. Lee, 1515 State street, hostess. Alliance of Unitarian church. guest presented with many attrac-. Luncheon, 'cfruroh dining room, tive gifts. ; . 10 o'clock. Those present , were Mr. ana Missionary Society Mrs. Conrad Eggler. Mr. and Mrs. cnureh. Mrs. G. Ed August Hilfiker, Miss Gladys and Court street, hostess. Miss Williamina Hilfiker, Mr. and Saturday Mrs. Albert Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Salem Woman's Albert Hilfiker and their sons, house. 2:30 o'clock. Kenneth. Eugene, and Melvln Hil- Woman's' Relief tlker, Miss Beverly Jones, Mr. ana cornack Hall. 2 o'clock. Mrs. Bernhard Hilfiker, and w. R. c. cooked food and ap- daughtere, Ine and Evelyn Hil- r0n sale. Southern Pacific Tick- tiker, Arthur Jones, Miss Barbara et office, 184 North Liberty street. Jones, Julius Hilfiker, Miss Ilel- All day. ene Bair, Reuofn Hilfiker, Mr; and Monday Mrs. Harry Wechter and their Executive committee. American children Eugene and Kent Wech- Legion Auxiliary. Legion hall. ter, Mr. Hans Hofstetter and ehil- 7:30 o'clock. dren, Gordon, Grover Lee and Tnowday Rodney, Mr. Orton Hilfiker, Mr. General meeting. Salem Arts and Mrs. Peter Eggler and the League. Public library. 8 o'clock. hostess, Mrs. Hofstetter ana xnrs. Hilfiker. of Baptist Ross, 1453 club. Club Corps. Mc Mrs. Hart Entertains Miss Burns Returns From the South Thursday 'Club, mib 'Ann Reed Burns retorned Mrs Lena Han was.nosiww a. .t. ...,fl uum nan a luncheon Thursday in her home rancisco wnere she has visited on Waller street, having aai her Wends and relatives for several guests the members of the ..It J.. Pink1 . .. for Mrs.i Rns "":'it llfl unaae Erickson. Mrs. A. R. Vandernoor, r suu e vening Mrs. William Hardy, Miss Wilraa 1 " - - "" ' i s, - -' ri.1:1 ? "' '5i1f.li 'I .t .til . L . Air . mkmii f ; v -- - - - vtr I PHIZES BDED liSfEIWS .CahdBates;fieedd In jMany Sections; Chan ce to Win , i a Great Silicces . be a quitter. Don't be a coward. Fight! ; You know 1927 wW re ward fighters. . . .. ., . Miss Alys Murphy, daughter of Mr. sand Mrs. A. W. Murphy, of Cleveland, O., is to marry S. C Bernett, son of the president of the Erie railroad, in September. She is shown at Spring Lake, N. J., where she has been passing the summer, and she appeared as "The Bride" in a fashion show. Hardy, Mrs; C. F. Robinson,; Mrs. Dorothy Martin. Miss Dorothea I Robinson, Miss Doris Hart, Miss Virginia Ruth Hart, and the: host ess Mrs. Hart. The afternoon was spent in sew ing. Visiting Grandparents in Salem .Tan Kantner of Seattle is iitincr her erandoarenta. Dr. and 1 Barbara Chapman, Miss lone Em Mrs. W. C. Kantner for two weeks. I Dler. Miss Cleo Guy. Miss Margar- Home From Summer at Seaside After spending the greater part Brant. Miss Mary Lou Aiken, Miss fho mmfr at Seaside. Mrs. ames an or Salem Ralph Glover and her daughter, . , , r.i. i.,v Mtiim. K'KCSM m Salem ansa a"'"' ' I ri,. ... 1 p1 to their home In Salem, K California Mrs. Loveland Hosetss at Meeting of Ladies Aid of W. R. C. Professor Hertzog Ad dresses W. H. M. b. of First Methodist Church Professor W. H. Hertzog gave a particularly interesting as well as instructive address on "The Rural Church as a Missionary Enterprise," before the members Dorothy of the Woman's Home Missionary society when they met Wednesday afternoon in the church parlors. Miss Gladys Mclntyre sang manner. The devotions were in charge of Mrs. C. F. Wilson. Mrs. Sheaf f of Pittsburg, Pennsylvan- et Fry, Miss Otella Frye. all of I ia. also save a short address and Dallas; Miss Ruth Peyton, Miss I Mrs. L. T. Bennett spoke on the uohy Laughlin. Miss Dorothv I subiect "Rallrin? our Forces." Miss Charlotte Orr and Miss Flora Brown entertained a group of their friends with a bridge party in the Orr home on D street Thursday evening. Miss Augusta Gerlinger won the club prize, and Miss Brant the guest prize. The guest group Included Miss Ethel Johnson, Miss . Mariorie Johnson. Miss Augusta Cerliiitrr Miss Madaline Cerlincpr xtiaa ADULT STUDY URGED MAKES INDIVIDUAL "2 PER r'BXT BETTER," ARGUED Every person is given a "check book on the bank of time." What will he do with it? One hour per day spent In stu dy of a particular field should make a man "two per cent" bet- (By Radio Contest Editor) It ia just a few Weeks until the Statesman's "evetrybody wins something" radio cot test comes to an end. Many sections of the" city and its . environs are still without representatives in this gift-giving event. Certainly the condition which exists today can not be because ' the prizes, are not worth getting. These radios J bicycles and oth er valuable prizes will be given away without cost, regardless of the success of the enterprise, to those who are : nominated. In today's paper there aTe many nominations and very Jew are doing anythling'personally It seems ' to me tiiat with the valu able prizes we are offering that more would take interest and get out and secure votes. There is yet time for you to get In,! but your nomination; should reach the contest office in the very near fu ture. All those having (entered should report wlthsubseripitions every day, so that subscribers may get their papers., , , If ' you - want yur friends to1 help ybtf. show by your vote county you -mean busin ess. """" . Considering t the . prize list " and the fact that active uvndldateil who do not reiceive one of the ra dios, bicycles, or other, valuable prizes, receive an 8 per cent cash commission on the money they turn in, there' should be many more contestants today. The ra dios, "bicycles, phonographs and other prizes are going to be giv en away just as announced. "It's the times," says one boy. No, it Js not the time8. Conditions are as they are and they are the same for everyone. $175 radios and the other prizes will be given away. It makes no difference what the "times" are. The "times" do not win for you. Votes and ter than his fellows in that field, declared Edward Westfield. mem-,1 votes alone will win for you. The ber of the firm Beckman-Hollister I only thing you have to do to win Mrs .GeOrge H. Alden was elec ted president of the club to suc ceed Mrs. George Lewis. Mrs. Ronald Glover was chair man or me iea commuiee. utner the lower plane, some members . were JSIrs. t McAdams, plane of sataisfaction. Mrs. Baker, Mrs, wrigbt, Mrs. Lewis, and Mrs. Kuntz. The tea table was lovely with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mollencon have had as their house guests for several days, Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Singer of Los Aneeles. Th Ladies' Aid of the wom-lv''rnia, wno are enroute to thelPmk asters ana pink tapers . i f paor I ttt i 1 1 : rt. . i i an a -Relief, corps met weanesuay i i nmis . nawiey puureu. afternoon at the home of Mrs. - . , I About fifty members of the so Bertha Loveland. Forty-two marriea at Kantner Home J ciety were present for this first "members and euests were pres- rju.a. ivo uuuningnam ana I meeimg or tne rail i nenry i. 'rurnbull wprp tnarriwi Members of the committee for "BUBesaar evening at the Home " iu,uu,ui the afternoon were Mrs. Metue and company, business engineers, at the Lion's club luncheon yea-' terday. There are three planes in life, the speaker declared, mediocrity, satisfaction, and admiration. The great mass of people remain on reach the but only ,tte select few who have a strong desire to overcome obstacles reach the top plane. Mr. Westfield urged his hear ers continually to study to become experts in their chosen field, and not to follow the "camel" theory education, merely taking one Schram. Mrs. Elizabeth Bliss, Mrs. Jessie Crosson, "Mrs. Ruth Denni- son, Mrs. Mary' Neyhart, and Mrs. Ada Simpson. Readings were given by Mrs. Hattie Cameron, Mrs. Jennie T. B. Jones, Mrs. Louise Kraps, Mrs. of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. -Kantner I Mr- and Mrs. IT. G. Shipley were with Dr. Kantner reading the ser-guests in Portland one day earli- vice. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull will re er in the week. turn to Pprtland to make their home. Return From Neicport Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Acheson and their daughters, Helen and Mary Acheson, have returned from Newport' where they spent the past fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Weiser Ina Koon. Mrs. Louisa Koon, I t"l,li;' m ire nunur Mrs. Cordelia La Bare, Mrs. Ber- Of House UUest lha Loveland, Mrs. Jennie M. Mar- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Weiser were! Guests at Elliott Home tin. Mrs. Matthews, "Mrs." Bessie I hosts for a waffle breakfast one! Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Elliott will .Martin, Mrs. Elizabeth Pound,-morning early in the week com-1 nave as their guests for several Mrs. J. N. Robertson, Mrs. Emma 1 pllmentfng Miss Claudia Carlisle I weeks. Mrs. Howafd J. Elliott and Mrs. I her daughter, Miss Maxine Elliott, of Danville, Illinois. Vtstfori wir Mrs John RnblnS. i Vfc How Was used in the dininel rt j3fsvnu ine y eeh, " - . " a i xr...i.- Mrs. -lflrirnncn Ttolenbfirir. Mrs. I room, the ' table beiner centered I " vKSKOUjib . . c., T -i ... " , . .. . Karah Ratnn. Mr S. ir. Smllev. I with marleolds in those shades I mr- anu Alrs- oy. -anuft t.neir i.Mrw. Jennie Woolery. "Miss ErneH- and yellow candles. lu,miea- itooeria.. na. ana Charl- itine Odenborg, Comrade Nelson, - .Covers wer arranged for thai58' ana M,ss Fieener are ronor guest. Miss Carlisle, Mr. and Mrs.. George Thurman, Mr Thompson'Mrsi John Robtns, Mrsijof iXiOS Angeles, a niece of Florence debo'fg.a.nd'lirs. S. lljtWelser's. . , ii nd Comrade Remington. Executive Committe of?-i: A mertean Legion A axilta Will Mp.p1 The executive committee, of the I Mr. and Mrs. Weiser. American Legion Auxiliary will meet Monday evening at seven hlrty o'clock in the Legion hall leaving today for Neskowin where they will spend the Week and -Mrs. ; Earle Morphew, Miss Irene Morphew,' Mr. Harvey Wat ers Mr. E. D. Greet, and the hosts, Miss Albert a Guest in Washington , .Miss Josephine Albert is a guest for the week of ber aunt, Mrs. F. A. Wiggins, in Toppenish, Wash ington, and also of Mrs. Reuben j Blodgett ead the service before uenz in iiKima. Helen Yamell and William Duniffan Married Miss Helen L. .Yamell and Wil liam A. Dunigan were married las,,t Monday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Yamell, on . North Sixteenth street. Rev. W. M, LYLE RETAINED AS DRY OFFICER TEMPORARILY (Continued from Page One) Seattle within a few days, It was said at the treasury. Visiting in the East .Mrs. Fannie M.. Chittendnn and an . Improvised altar of autumn flowers. ; t A reception . followed the cere- n.a.a. ..j I Diony. ....b. ivhiu nwjre ieii inursuaj i , rl Klrl Alli s oiiui b nvuuug a i for an extended visit in the east. They will visit relatives in Iowa un.l Ohio and will stop at Niagra and Mrs. Dunigan will make their home at Hazel Green SEATTLE, Sept. 9. (AP)- Federal officers here said that Al bert M. Hubbard and Richard LI (Diekl iFryant, whose suspension as prohibition agents was an nounced today in Washington, where "key" witnesses in several liquor conspiracy cases here. Among cases in which were slat cd to appearor 4.he .government as witnesses, ar;'; , ... ' wtu TY They Home From Southern Oregon will also attend the O. A. R. con- f. chiin. Mlchl veutlon fn Grand Rapids gan.- , - The Olmsted sc&se Involving 77 defendants; "tbeine policemen's case" with '45 defendants andi the Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding and ZCT conspiracy case involving a iiM daughter. Tone. areiscose or- prominent aeieuuaiiis. home after spending a 'week inFryant,was one of the witnesses southern Oregon -as the guests of ao tPPea teiepnone wires 10 on Mr. Rnanldine'a mother. Mrs. tarn eviaence, agamsi itoy uim Nora Grant Mitterrand her broth- ; er, Mr.- Clay d Miller. sted. Olmsted, a former police lieutenant was convicted of liquor conspiracy and sentenced to the penitentiry, as were a number of codefendants. Olmsted is appeal ing his conviction in the United ... - ... ... i Standard; Bearers Class Has Meeting ,i Members of the Standard Bear ers . class "of the . First Methodist mot 'rV?n.esd!T. ereng Rainbow Girls Will Have at the home of their adviser. Mrs. ViL- nht j' Lee wvMKf uhu iwynw nrouUnni n.f tu . i.'ot The Order or tne ltainoowi - Bi,rr. una.. t,tti rmi. w i-1 1 t mv fjfris win hoia a motner ana nuou&iu wa a cmt. man nr ii,. ri,rMt,n -a.i dauithter banauet Saturday even-of Olmsted, who became a dry ag .Amn.tiiw.".."n.:. i..k- t'ii Mnir- Sentember 17. at six o'clock.' lent after he furnished evidence corresponding secretary, gave re- installation ot orncers wm ibko aKatL i" 3 T i nr.rf nf hii. ..ti.ti.. ih. i) ace ( lmmemateiy lonowing uie crgauuduou. . itCOl. I. .. ...... i j T" i Ar.AtiM trA ikl AiA.h -a mAtxA ta rf urn Af Miss II ing Tsai a Willamette I and' fathers are Invited to the ser-iltne liquor running scuooner tltersUy'stftdent' from' 'Chinaavice. ; . i . -.f.i - T . I 'All Rainbow girls Intending to 1 j. Its a good thing Lindy ian t oia be, present at the 5 banquet 'musiier or incy wouia, Drnieuuuuia the very biggest prize is to have the ntost votes. The only thing you have to do to win a radio is to lead in your district. x And, ev ery candidate who doesn't win a radio or one of the other grand prizes is guaranteed 8 per cent cash commission on each dollar in subscriptions he or she turns in Here it is in a nutshell: If "times" are slow, then the total will probably be less. You win Just the same. It can't be the times Apparently there are a lot of folks just sleeping. They have been sympathizing with themsel ves so long that they can't hear long drink at the high school and opportunity when U knocks at the university fountain, and then ex pecting to cross the desert of life. Miss Gladys Mclntyre sang for the Lions, accompanied by Betty Bedford. door. Opportunity Is here the few names that have been entered are being published and the dis tribution of prizes will be made and the mammoth event will rap idly pass Into history. It you are alive if you have the least spark of business Judg- IbtatssWak radio CONTEST LIST Or 'CAKDIDATEa . - a-t.'DP 1 DOT Xatne Addrs- Howard Adams, R. 2, Box 80 Vera Adams, 238 S. 18 Harrejr Anatermuht, 1288 X ; Liberty . Dale rehart, . 51? N. Capitol Herbert Arnold, S40ic3f. Lib erty Richard Am-boi, '1059 Ceater Clifford Baker, 1125 H:nes Prancis Barns, 475 IS. High Charles Barclay, 412 Marion Onrlyii Bears, Broadway.. James BeaU, 1030 Norway Jack Birirr. IN. 4tn Ctanald Birdwell, 60S N. Commercial - : Harlan Boals. 1135 N. Capitol Chas. ay Biabop, 135 N. 14tl . a Walter Bodyfelt, Route 4, Bos 13 A. John Bone. 798 S. 19th... Fred Broer. 905 X. 5th Harold' Brower, Independence, orejron -.,: Paul Brown, 123 ,N. Liberty .. Inland Brown, llrt Marion ... Werner Brown, 11 IS Mission Homer Brown, 220. Laurf 1. Fred Borser, 2210 X.Sth KdiKon Burges, 542 N. Water Edward Barton. 864 Mill Wm. Bnrk, 1625 I-ee' .lack Baith. 1363 S. Com l Myron Bntler. 56 N. 20th Pat Campbell. 338 S. 18th .... William Campbell, 838 N. 18th Donald Cannon, Route 4. Box 124 dm. Caiicy. 1015 S. SOth.... 4Jach M. Cnamee, Macleay, Oreeon . Jack Clark, Monmouth, Orcjron .Tark Collins, 597 Ji. .Liberty Willard Collar,-209O K. 4th.. John Coneer. 433 S. 17th...... Robert Connell, 975 Front. West Salem ; ... Ray Cnmminga, Route 3, Box 274 J, Delaywood, Auto Park- Alfred Downs. 880 N. 21t. .. Malrohlm. DaTia, 544 N. 18th Merle Daris. 1491 S. Cottase Don k las Drafer. 1238 N. 5th Allen Earle, 2325 E. Nobb Hill ,': Warren . Eisenbrandt; t R. 2, Rt no , Hilbert Klliott. 12th Pt .Tames Emmett. 12o. N. 17th Albert Elder, Monmouth, Oreon Powell F.off. 1704 Ferry St. Walter Kaolin, Rt. 3, Box 143 Kalph Kyre,.870 .. J7tn Clarence Fast." 1330 D Kenneth Finney, 1305 High land - Arthur Fisher, 515 Market St. Albert Fliflet. 1138 N. Com'l. Truvton Foreman. 834. 'Center Jack Ford. 1244 State Russell Freeman, 2104 K. 4th 5000 Alfred French,. Route " 4 5000 William Gahlodorf. 1235 N Cottace 5000 Glen Galleher, 1230 State 5000 Khirle Garside. 665 N. 21st 5000 Parker Glen. 2140 Fair- crounds - 5000 I-onurd Gilbert. 13(5 Broad way 5O0O Phillin Gille. 1252 ent-r . 500O Miu ' Rarnis Oodier. 575 14th - 62.000 Totes 5000 17.000 500O 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 500O 5000 5000 23.075 SOOO 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 32.000 5000 5000 5000. 5000 5000 5035 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5060 5000 5000 5OO0 SOOO 5000 5000 ;5ooq 5000 5000 5035 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 16.100 56.000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Gordon 'JGraber. " 1191 - N". ' Winter .. ' Lawrence Atmont Crimea, 1S5S 8. 12th ...I...-. Bert Halseth, 1595 Le .. Andrew Halreraon, 1744 ' 8. - Liberty L... Rartram Halseth. 1140 Leslie Ronald Hewitt. 1811 X. 4ta Daa Hamilton. 809 K. 2 1st Paul Hanser. 925 gasinaw.... Marsaret Belle Hill, 403 X. COth Rodney Hardman, 614S S. 21t Robert Hill, " 146 Marion Rosa Hill. 403 2th., John Hancen, Route 2, Wood-. born, -Oregon .....i.. Willi Hawley. 987 Oak St... Robert Hatire. 544 : K. Com mercial . j . . Ronald Hewitt. 1311 X. 4th Syter Horn. Liberty St Ererelt Hnnter, 1355 X. Sum mer U Vern -Huehlns. 2605 Fair- ' "ffronnds ". l..-.;.'...... Harold Jepson. 150 6.. 13th.. Howard Johnson, : Marion Apts Walter Kieper. 1848 Psiinaw Thomaa Keleher, 1198 D-. 'Maurice Kelsey, 123 Ferry.. Ed?sr King. 625 Hood St Kenneth Lewis, 142!) Lee Robert Loner, 2060 S. Church Glen Lathe. 1205' X. Cottage Arthur Mark. 395 X. Hih Floyd Maddy. 136! S. 13th. Abe Maisils. 320 X. Capitol.. Jimmie Martiudale, 1697 Center - -i . Roy Mattox. 1590 X. Capitol Edwin Mattison, 899 . Com mercial .. Kenneth Ma rsters. 1281 Mar ket St 1 ..... Milo Mathews, 1910 8. High Lar Mennes, 2995 D Maurice Merver. f565 X. 19th Byron Menis, 2995 D Pern Milburn. 2307 State...... Allen McCallixter. 1433 S. Liberty . Clara McCanlish, 182" S. Ohurch Earl McGuire. 1605 Broadway Doa-'McGee, 1696 X. Capitol Eugene Mclntyre, 337 S 18th M. Elmnrry, 2161 X. Front.. Leon Mickenham, 1295 . S. lth : Kenneth Miller, 8T9 Liberty.. Ronald Miller. 201 X. 25th.... Ray Mohler, 549 X. Capitol..".. Herbert 'Morlcy, 795 X. 17th : Robert Morrow, 1695 Saginaw Mare Morford. '1713 X. Church j. .-. Harry Mosher, 854 X. Winter Billy M oyer, 630 Union William - XafUcr. (1545 X. Broadway t-..-, Richard Xelson, 241 X: Cot tage : ... Jessie Xelson, 1333 Hmcs.- Rv Xichflls. 2209 Mill Clifford' Xitea, 930 Xf Capitol Harlen Orth, Rt. 7, Box 19.. Miss Dorothy Ostlind, ' 1430 . Manion , Wilbur' Oshea. 1063 Shipping Delmar Peters. 2215 Virginia Alfred Paul, 1048 Haines Robert Pavne. 768 X. 21at ... Robert Pickens, 895 X. 17th.. Holland Perry. 1253 State - Johnnie Perrine, 1096 X. 17th Harold Persey, 1315 Shipping Harold Peters. 2215 X. Vlr- ginia' ; Mildred Petus, R. 1. Sublim ity. Oregon .. Clifford Probcrt. 173 S. 13th Willis Poole. 1535 X. 5th Henry Query. R. 3. Box 247.. Ronald Itasmussen. 1309 Wal ler : 5000 31.000 14.200 .5000 ,". 8000 . 6OO0 13.600 - SOOO " 5000 . ;5000 5000 5000 16.025 "5000 5000 52.623 SOOO 5000 5O00 "5000 "5000 27.400 5000 5000 SOOO 500O 66.12.1 SOOO 5OO0 63.575 5000 5000 '9000 -5O0O 5000 5000 5O00 5O00 12.0OO ' S0 5000 5000 500O -50OO :Snoo 5000 47.050 SOOO . ;sooo 500O 63.100 5000 :6oo . 5000 5000 50OO SOOO 5000 AOOO TiOOO 5000 5000 5000 . 5000 50O0 SOOO SOOO 5000 32.000 82.000 5000 5000 SOOO SOOO 5000 '- 5000 Cattlef Robbing T3 7 Ceater Robert. &anmar.61S Mirt Gordon " Reinwald, lth. 1530 X. Jimmy. Rice. 579 X. Liberty. Jerrie Rankina, 390 X. Lib- ThoaJ Sorn, 41T' Court - - , j Harold Rydo. 1S41 TTcCoy Fraolc Rid out, Rt. " 1, Inde pendence Terrence Randall, 1460 X. 16th John, Bay. 626 EL Capitol.. MelTin Boas, Salens Heighu. Ted Reschke. 3Z0 S. Winter Georre Self. 879 X. Liberty Mason Shutt. 701 X. l4th Jim Sehon. 1643 Mitkion Robert Swekis, 1697 Ceater . Royce filnathart. . 667 ' S. Cap itol - . Charlea Smith. . 2030 S. . Church t .. . , . Robert Smith, 1025 X. i Church , , , Teddy Snyder, t9 S. 15th . Donald Storkwell. 135 8. Washington .. i. Lawrence Stoddard. ' 1320 X. Broadway ..... Lloyd Street, 1810 Mission.. Bob Stevenson, Salens HeUrhta Billy Syphcrt, 1895 X. Cot- GVn Stanford. 1410 X. Slat.. Reginald Fan odera.-1275 '.. Jay Teed. 55o Chemeketa rank Ternsaki, Kt. Box Paul "Toewij 275" nT"20!I Delbert Thomaa, 670 8. 18th Robert Utter. 446 Oak.. Sidney VanLydegraf. 1225 N. Summer Orrille Varty.' 650 D' St Clinton Vincent, 5933 Com- merciat tLU.. . Kalman Vadney. 431 & Cot Paul Ws Ti er," "lio 5 N . Saai mcr Darld Walp. ((80 8. 12th Burton Walker, ' 20.3O .Finch Maxwell White. 1010 Oak leter Whittington. 944 X. Kelly "WicklaorJ 1095 S. I8th Walter Wiens, 1431 X. Cot- tiff a Frank Williard. 1340 X. 4th Cheater L. Wittse." Indeoend- f ence, Ore ion . Ira Wintcrmute. X. 17th.. Dolph Witael, 1030 X. 17th Fred ..Wolf.- 175 Sktpplag Oacar Woo4. Hickory St. Donald Woodry.- V6lO X. "Buna- . , .iner. .. .......: Douglas Woodward; i 831 ' Laa lie St.-... Cut3 'WoohVr Jt. '."'. Box .31A. Lloyd ' Wright, Fairgrouada Allen ZIrle7'C76"&""i8th."nir 5000 . , sooV 11.00U 500(1 5000 500O : 5000 50OO "SOOO 5(Ot . SOOO .29.275 ' 54.800 . 5000 64.000 5000 5jo0' 5000 50OO 5000 . SOOO 5tod . 5000 SOOO ' 5000 5O00 5000 5000 SOOO 23.800 SOOO 8000 68.223 - St. SOOO 5600 63.750 ' 5000 57.400 5000 -.t:- 500 500O SOOO sono cooo 5000 .. 6000 '6000 . 50UO 5 000 PORTLAND,! Sept. 9. (AP)--Phillip S. Teller, commissioner or the shipping board from Oregon, will spend " Monday . and Tuesday here going' over important affairs bearing on the - dpe ration ot thov shipping- board;-lines on the 'Pa cific. r . ' A number,! of Indians ia Wyar ming . recently . drank ; a lot . of moonshine liquor and still re mained" on the warpath. What a hardy ;racc3-. , . r t, 1 Delayed W. U. DEAN ARRIVES SAYS YOUTH ALL RIGHT ment-the least ambit,on to het- (Continued from Page One) taken a course at Colombia un iversity specializing in deanship and modern tendencies of youth. Hhe is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. For a time. Miss Dahl served as head of the New York branch of the American college bureau. In this position, she met educat ors from all pa"rts of the United Statu In addition to her duties as Dean, Miss Dahl will teach a course in Freshman English, and possibly a -course in German. Miss Lelia Johnson, Willam ette graduate, will serve as direc tor of Lausanne hall, and assist ant to Miss Dahl. Cawood-English Families ter yourself financially and add to- your income get in your name. Show a little action and make more money in your spare mo ments than most boys or girls make in a year, and some In two years. : Candidates are slow In getting in. But say it would be better for all concerned if, instead, of 100 there would be 250 or 300 candidates.- It is like this: Sup posing two men were candidates for sheriff. The winner must have over 50 per cent of all the votes cast. Now, supposing there were 10 men after the office the winner could win with a little ov er 10 per cent of the total votes. Do you get the idea? You have the ability. You can do it. It is a mental condition. You have been howling "calam ity"- what are ytm doing to bring Re-unite at River iBehd ahont prosperity to help yourself? North Howell. SeDt. fl. fsn- eiaD-Last Sunday a family re-, anion was held at Itlverbcnd tark, Aurora, consisting of the deceadants of thej Cawood-English families who crossed the plains In 1865. Here Is over $700 in prizes wait-' ing for boys and girls to take as a gift without one cent of expense.. What is. you time worth to yon, anyway? Are you afraid you hav en't , the ability? Are you afraid you haven't the friends? With conditions' as they are- with so many really crying for Among1 those ;renreRAnf Ad warn the Brovie's famllw f wHhrfc t more money, 'With so many "look Cowoods and Baughmang'of Port-1 . ror an PPoHnnltr to add to land, the Graham-Johnson famrtvt lu",r way aon 1 jnore OI saiem. th Winflr f amnio- Trt ..wwr iuw ana North Howell, Warren Gray and fcafy. on to wln? Tfiat 18 t6e ques e.,ti.. . t Hon WhTf. , - Simeral and family of Salem. .V .. Don't "kid" yourself with the An organization was completed tl'dea (hat. you are too big to help which calls- for a meeting every I'yourself, The world will 'respect fourth Sunday in "July, ha ne 5 "Jyo prosper. ; You will find one to be held at Itiverbend littlesympathy if you haven't got again. . . the herve,to fight out your own( sMrsl Warren Gray of Marian salvation. Opportunity is here, for was elected president and Leona r yu- on SV U Graham Johnson of elected secretary. - Salem was L STHIBLIXG I1XED ' What can. you ,do with a splen-! did radio or bicycle ?'ITive ou a place for It? Can yon find any honest excuse for not helping your self? OMAHA, Nebr. Sept. 9. (AP) 1 Clip the nomination blank in wiiuam 1 (Young) Stribling, this paper. That means S.ftOO the Georgia peach, had what votes for vow. Come to the Stat said was a "tough "."break'.; on fesman office and learn all ahont Thursday when he was fined $190 1 it. . Get a working -outfit. Then and costs for -participating in an i-go to lt,.Yoo ran win? ; aljeged , framed fight ToesdayL And yon who have entered-- ; . nffi.,. ! notlfr Lucv" Brown- telephone 2C8,lfctmi.a pfcildentlal possibility ril2hjt wlth.jr-.ea Jaiehelot-Otlgetwge',lo.th!.,fact ihat-enlrin wm he b?ld lit' the ut mating. I before Wednesday evening UoW, . ,hrfm City. - 4, i,'bt the start, Carry on.'i Sliipments i ' . . $ i i. That Airived Too I;ate For "Miller Day" I All Wool Blankets $3;48 Dark grey heavy all wool single blankets, fancy borders, durable hems. An extraord inary blanket for tljisjow price, for camp ing or home use Size 60x80.. Baj5irWltt r - mjnoej 3k FtS in 4- 51 1 .-.vf ?Cfi'jt:jga"kiHi9t')i?4iHjia. .1 i i 1 i- ir- i New Fall Hats $3.95 A big-shipment ?of new Fall hats; that sell regularly at $5.00 will be placed on sale at $3.95 today. Tan and Red felts and com binations in th'e'nif tiest of Fall shapes. Balcony New Fall Coats $15.00 - New Fall Coats of soft fine fabrics in' tans, : jwood browns, greys,1 etc Handel fur col lars, plain and belted 'styles new si e e v e s, 'new trims. ' " s' Main Floor - "Vt 1 1 Ira m-n I .Telephone Connection 397 " " I - if A Court Street' p .. ' at It1' Liberty .1 l!0 Indian Blankets ' 1, .... . a. f V i