SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1927 2 THE OUEGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON BIG EFFORT MADE TO PREVENT FLIGHT Pnhlir Statement Given Out In , ,. naQ, Trior! I to Withdraw Trvs ANriEL.ES. Sept. lr' J A V " I uiiium najndolDh Hearst, news- foaper publisher and owner oi m Llrplane Old Glory, missing at sea . . i i ttm nttemotea iran-."v bight, has issued a statement in "which he said he had done his Usf to prevent the plane from Lt.rtine tbe flight. I'-With the brief statement Hearst biade public an exchange of tele- I . . 1 YtmA: .1 ir o rl tLrough New York representatives I r ' ' . I namn in wnicu ue " - i ('hat the plane snouiu noi iui mless the government would as- J ujne tne responsiounj. , i The publisher's statement reaa: I "I was very apprehensive oi tnei rip. on account of the recent ais-1 sters and I did my best to pre-1 ent the plane from going. I had! o idea that Mr. Payne (Fhliland taught 80 how to really swim ayne of the New York Mirror) I was going under any clrcumstanc-1 hsu I earnestly hope that all on ard Old Glory will be saved." "Telegrams exchanged between iearst and Payne follow: ' "Los Angeles Sept. 5, 1927. "Phil Payne, Mirror, n New York. N. Y. ilnation. Have had one airpiane i r-: . . a i lost and two line men aruwueu. 3f another suco aisasier ui-i-uuc-. effect would De lernoie uui -w i . - vv . nn it) on my peace of mind but on puDiic i opinion. ,1 telegrapneo. you this and tried nave you gev to accept prize ana give up u-u-itne gerous adventure. I W. R. heakb i . I "NEW YORK, Sept. 6. 0..JD P-1 against a water accident, the Sal mi ; "I era Y would be beyond price to rtW. R. Hearst, Examiner, l.osivou; k Angeles, "Dear cmei: . cme your ma ;nsist tney - J" .Ul. oay anu " ,K,n I morale of pilots. Every P" and precautlon taaen. trt insDectors went over Old! , i Clory this morning anu . r.Vnnrnral to flight. You have been a great chief to work for. I h'onor and love you and I know vou will lorgive uixs I u will forgive me any r, l have made. "Affectionately. fi r' V "PH1L PAYNE," - if Sew year at y about JTCk DDCIN nPAVW RllDfiFlT 1 .i j f.m P;ip Onfil I lwnuuu o I they can go far beyond that, when I recent recital, after a long course ed to render every assistance pos 'thoy take it up in dead earnest. of advanced artistic study in Eu- sible." Tho v has 20 full or Part time! . ... . . . . I '"''Sear It Will nave auulll l I mwic. making it really major ministry fnr the citv Some of these finance I itliemselves by feesror special in-I , . : k.. oil rdatpd to I tclicious, educational or cultural I i advancement. I t iney aave naa courses m i bitry, in bees and bee-keeping, in I hicken-rai8ing. in religion, in public speaking, in boxing, in mu- Jrfc. in wrestling, in advertising 'and salesmanship, in English as -he ous-it to be spoken, in nat uralization Indeed, there are jjot very many worth while things CALL FOR BIDS ON ISUiNLJS The undersigned will re- eive sealed bids, up to 7:30 tn f h.- nnpnino- hnur of thp fh'?i;ESJ n. rX y"u'"' V""'Tnv'lcrtjzen3 tor insure boy safety for :4927tforthesal6of CITYpFfu. SALEM SANITARY SEWER SONDS . authorized by an Amendment to the charter of ,aid city duly submitted to Hind approved by the legal vot .?ers of said city at a special '.election held for said purpose l6n the 28th dav of June. 1927. -.nd issued pursuant to Ordin . . . ance No. 2264, passed and adopted by the Common Council on the 6th . day of 'September, 1927, authorizing l"the issuance of $100,000 of baid bonds bearing interest at Hhe rate of 4V per cent per annum payable, semi-annually bn the first day of March and 'the first day of September of 4 each year. Said bonds will be 'old for not less than par and accrued interest. v Each bidder will be re ciuired to file with his bid a Vprtif ied check for 2 per cent nf the nar value of the" bonds. made payable to the City of -Salem, wnicn win oe loneuw io the? City of Salem in case the bidder to whom the Donas ire awarded shall fail or re fuse to accept and pay for uh bonds. . ' The legality, oT said bonds ifiave been approved by "Messrs. Teal, Winfree, Mc culloch and Shuler, Attdr- eys, Fortiana, , uregon. it 'TU.L'aM !t McunroH ti" rp M. iic iiiu -' ' -- - -tI anv. and all bids. ; i. rOUISENVCity Recorder, t'ni i -1 1 4,-1 that they don't take up as people want them. ; v "The day of adult education Is here," said Harry Stone, congrat ulating the Salem Y on its splen did educational program. Most associations outside of the big cities say they can't get a start In this work. You have to make a great college for everybody. He'd have thought that, if he'd heard the 28 Friday night musi cales and general entertainments given at the Y during the pas year. Tne looby is said to seat 300 people, but nearly 500 have heard some of the concerts, and hundreds have been turned away During the year, the Y has en tertained the Marion County bankers, the state medical socie ty and 6cores of groups of public conventions of a professional and educational nature. Week af ter next it will entertain the Ore gon conference of the Methodist church; it Is now giving room to overflow classes of the Presby- A a n t,tit It' and f 1 n n . A v " " . emu n, mouc room for other church services of - v And baseballers. and all that! During the summer, the Y spon sored 22 base ball clubs, about 300 pJayers in all: It had 350 school students during swim week enough to save their own lives and other lives who do not fight too hard. It has qualified a num ber of swimmers for Red Cross life saving degrees, professional swimmers and rescuers. Even more is on the program for the year to come; they will make swimming a major sport and duty. -People in Salem will Qave t s k th,r drnwntnir -i- - - v eg pretty shrewdly hereafter; for tnere are so many Y mermaids and mermen around that a fel low can nardi dr0wn in peace more a stout swimmer will pop ln from nowhere and drag drowner to gafety before he had a good choke. If it should be your baby that needed rescuine The junior department has had 450 members the past year; thev nlaQ f(jT 60Q next jun or board of 12 members is some- Aid in Y administration: it has been developed in Salem as in al- most no other places. It would fiVn n I r iiuuuvmcici ur a steam I ,hove1 Severa, of . . . ecutives are of the second or thira 1 eeneration of Salem Y devotees here have been" three Crosses i.rQ ni.i,An. , , vc ,,u,.iu3, inu uireaieyg, anal thpv eet bett(,r . ation. .neunun was maae or tne unase grand piano given the Y by Direc tor Jarman. which has be en Tt-laA sponsible for no small barat of thn I -vuui l euuiuBioBiii. When Professor Launer gave his my favorite piano, and thl3 is the I T a rm mAn,tAl 1. n n t w n iuuiui ic&i n unc ut oc rri - i ueiiKuuui rememorances ot various, Kinds, tnat .friends have maae tor tne Salem Y. v- o nnn .K- wn found through the Salem Y em- ployment bureau. This is support ea in part by tne ieaerai govern- ment. and by Marion county. It has no fees, no obligation to be taken out of the shivering hide of the jobless man; it finds the job and starts the man On his way to work, with a God-bless-you and not a tax or a fee or any kind, in the area irom wnica ji. wao -It's the common man's friend mated the call had come. 8.0OO of them tn one season: -as high as 1500 a month during the busy, season, One speaker suggested that whereas neglectlirg the thre DeAntremonts had cost. the state an estimated, half million doMar and several immortal lives, it i. Privilege of Salem parents and haVe all ihe fun of the Y actiri- ties to boot baseball, gvm swim ming, concerts, everything. "A mighty good bargain," one man commented, as he heard the roll of achievement, so far beyond I the knowledge or even the dream of most of the directors present. nr. v i miti tuc x chuimb'sU will we urgdii- lzed within a few days, to take up the finances for the next year, and live up to the proud record of the past year. General gym activities begin next week, with a full pro gram for business men and seni ors; the .bhCjboy program" will op en a week later, with the school year. ' PLAN TO ABANDON ALL REMAINING STUNT HOPS ( Continued from Page One), tic flights was expressed In an In terview In the London Evening News v with Lord Thomson, for mer British air 'secretary. The Kobe representative of Ed ward F. Schlee and William S. Brock. world ' girdllngfllets I on the way here from Hon Kong, announced that, he was' arranging to chart et"s boat to, take them to tho Mdway' Islands, the most difficult ocean hop of their flight. Mrs. Echle., previously had , re quested government- Intervention; I expressiug, the lieliet that her ,ht3- band and BocV would be klllol if. they should attempt the long - i Pa.-.lllp fllffht ' - "'S' i -' Purs Withdrawn , Besides 'the effect rising public K opinion haU on Immediately ynd- ing; flights, there was also action to forestall others qot so Immin ent. The 325,000 Boston airport trans-Atlantic purse for the first flier from Europe to land in Bos ton was withdrawn fdr the season. Officials ol the Clewi-v..; chamber of commerce, however, announced tl-at a s'Tiilav prt.i it had offered for the first At lantic flier to land in Cleveland sfll stood. , . The Philadelphia Bulletin aud the chamber of commerce's avia tion committee today voted to withdraw th 525.000 prizo of fered for the first non-stop flight from Europe to Philadelph'a. which tho missing British plane Sr. Raphael had hoped to capture Search Continues Ships at sea continued during the day to keep close watch foi any sign of the Old Glory or the Sir John Carling, but no trace was found of either. The lookout for the Carling was spread over the whole north Atlantic, since no indication ever has been re ceived as to the place of its dis aster. It is known about how far from land Old Glory was when it sent its SOS, but disagreement grew today as to how far south or north it was. The ships which conducted the search for Old- Glory estimated its position a few miles north of the great circle. The first officer of the Leviathan, who helped Lloyd Bertaud plot his course, said this was all wrong and they should look 150 miles to the south. Dr. James Kimball of the weather bureau made another es timate. placing Old Glory some where between the two previous estimates. Situation Predicted Public opinion concerning the long flights took effect today much as Harry Guggenheim, pres ident of the Daniel Guggenheim fund for the promotion of avi ation, recen-tly predicted It would. In an interview with the As sociated Press, he said that nei ther legislation nor government regulation offered a panacea for flight accidents, but that the cure lay in public opinion. I don't know how public opin ion will make itself felt," he said, "but the public is forming opin ions now and when it expresses it the demand win be insistent. He also disparaged prizes for flights for publicity purposes. . n tKit tho mnnpv mil l(i sukkcshu mot .. j b f better spent in . fostering advancement of the engineering features of aviation - m- AnT RIIMDR START OF LOST ni aairr rnilain CI n ATlMfi oitrhtort 49.55 north. 40.39 west. onnrnTimatAlv - 400 miles east nonneiuii ui oi. ...o nadian vessels in vicinity request- Harvey came to him through Com J , . i ,n.ntn D,aoa Pnin tn ATln py lie nuauiau x , voa, - uroaeur saw ine mBMaBD vm. to him at 10 o ciock tonignt irum the naval department at uu I Pantain Brodeur is tne com- mandant at the Halifix navy yard. l'osition Estimated The airplane Old Glory last re ported as "five hours out of New- fcundland east" in an SOS call at 3.17 a. m. Eastern Standard time, Sept. 7. The liner's uarmania ana Transylvania made a xuuie searcn i . .... i Captain Bone of the Transyl- vania reported from latitude 49.22 north, longitude 4 &.&t west. "Have searched area witnout re- suit- UOT " ar a" a eastwara. From tl wara ana aiuci itau mcnuum the Carmania giving its position as 49.25 north and 3 9.12 2 wi came tue .cyu.i along the estimated west came the report that it was course of the Old Glory eastward Three hours later, at 6:20 p. m., E. S. T., the captain reported: Now nightfall and quite dark. Re gret, search for missing plane Old Glory without result." WASHINGTON. Sept. 9. (AP) State department officials said tonight that they had received no word of the sighting of the mono plane Old Glory off St. Johns, and tb'at apparently some mistake had been made in press dispatches from Ottawa quoting the American embassy there as receiving in formation from Washington to this effect. It was suggested by department officials that confusion had result ed from a despatch sent earlier In the day to the embassy requesting Canadian naval officials to broad cast a message urging Canadian ships to engage la the search for the missing plane. OTTAWA, On t.. Sept." 9 . t By the Canadian Press.) XAP) The message relayed to Halifax from Ottawa reporting' that the mono plane 01d Glory had been sighted 400 miles" of t St, Johns, originated at Washington, and was handed to tbe, Canadian naval services here by the United States embassy. Of ficials of the naval services, while forwarding the triessages to ' Ca nadian .ships,, are skeptical of its valne, especially,; as ' the . position given Is approximately the same as that from which It was judged that the distress signal from, the mono plane had been sent early Wed nesday , morning. Nothing has To Wed in Autumn. v - f ! - 1 it " Y t ' I V. I ':--::::--:-:-S,;x::-".vV::-. t. . A J ' -s. ' ' i t i - v a - SM i - - - - - v V 'XL -n - The marriage of Richard Bsp thelmess, motion picture star, to Katherine Wilson, above, who has played in Broadway stage pro ductions,, is expected this autumn. Their engagements as-announced. recently. been heard from the plane since then. Officials of the naval service ex ptessed the opinion tha"t the mes sage was old, but admitted that they were without information as to the means by which it reached Washington. They said the mes sage had been forwarded as a mat ter of course and that the service wculd cooperate 'in ahy way possi ble in the search for news ol the missing aviators. , "It would be uttfortunate If the news that this message had been sent aroused too miich hope," one official said. LEAGUE COUNCIL SCORED Smaller Xat ions Make Scathing Attack on Others Policies GENEVA. SWITZERLAND, Sept. 9. (AP) Interest in- Gen eva Thursday was divided between scathing attacks made by' emin ent delegates of the smaller na tions against the policy of secrecy of the council of the League of Nations, and also the tendency of the big powers to settle vital prob lems among themselves and M. Poland's attempt to put before the assembly a -declaration: out lawing war that really meant something. Norway and Lithuania joined Sweden in demanding that " the League council adopt a less pas sive attitude in international pol itical problems. HOP PICKING UNDER WAY North Howell, Sept. 9. (Spe cial) Miss Evelyn Calef of Los Angeles visited at Mrs. Helen Wlesner's last week. Hop picking has commenced and vmost of the' busiest people are picking In the various yards. The Anton Pfan family have moved to' their new home ln Lake Labish. Mr. and Mrs. Chadley Waltman spent last week at Neskowin. A. B. Wiegner and family drove to Hood River last Friday and came home bythe loop road. Cloud cap inn was also visited. Bacon sandwiches may be made wherever the picnic party happen3 to be. Each person can cook his own pieces over a fire with the aid of a forked stick. Many per sons enjoy a piece of crisp lettuce in a bacon sandwich. TONIGHT ;" Continuous Sunday Don't Miss John Barry more The World's greatest ac tor In the Greatest Role of Love's History "The Behvtd Rogue" See ' BARRYMORE Glad! Mad! Happy! Sad! .In Silks! In lUg! A poet! A Warrior! Quick ot tongne' Nimble of Fort! ; 1 Tender in Affection! ' ; Mighty in Passion! Any Seat 25cLeL'GoS . Grand Theatre 5 LOG U I STAKSGREEM . , Elsinore Theater , The war from the human an gle, not as the guns saw it, not as the soldiers in the trenches gazed vpon it stark-eyed. Such a, story is presented in the remarkable Paramount motion picture" Barbed Wire," now show ing at the Elsinore theater. This, new Pola Negri starring vehicle has met with nothing short of an ovation everywhere it has shown; critics and audiences hail it as the ' greatest thing that the exotic Polish star has even done; greater teyen than "Hotel Imper ial,' her, recent sensational hit. Production of "Barbed Wire" was in the hands of Erich Pom- nter, who guided "Hotel Imperi al" to . the screen, and Rowland V. Lee. Pommer is the Contin ental film inaster who made "Var iety" and."TtfB Last Laugh." Lee, who also directed the current pic ture, is, skilled alike in American n ethods and Europeon technique "Barbed wire" approaches the war from behind the lines. It tells of .first the hatred and then the love of Mona, a Normandy farm -girL for a German soldier in a prison camp. Clive Brook, Paramount leading man is cast as Oskar; Claude Gil lingwater plays the Father; Einar Hnnson is the Brother and Clyde Cook has the comedy relief. Gus- tav von Seyffertitz has the heavy Pole. . Others in the . cast are: Charles Lane, Norman Peck and Ben Hendricks Jr. .The story is an adaption of Hall Caine's fam ous novel. "The Woman of Knock aloe." The screen translation was made by Jules Furthman. "Red" Corcoran, "The Flaming Youth," now being featured at the Elsinore theater all this week is, folks, an "honest to goodness" college boy that decided chords on the banjo would bring him more than cords of wood in the lum ber business. Red has just been out of college one year now and has been featured comedy artist of the Broadway theater in Port land for the past six months, which is the longest run any one featured entertainer has enjoyed at this theater. Red writes the words and music for all his songs and has produced many one act skits that have been presented with great success. "The Flaming Youth" majors in comedy of all stars and will not attempt to sing "Carmen" or "Asleep on the Deep," but would prefer to sing "Red- Hot Mama," or "Rain in the Face, Papa, Your all Wet." But Red can sing some pretty ones and if 3'ou desire any of them, he im do so. Rdrd says lie has studied voice six years in Brus sels sprouts and four years in Vain. Red is going to lead the band and act as Master of Cere monies for the Fanchon and Mar co show starting tomorrow, so if you want to see what he can do come early and bring your lunch, (.over-ripe tomatoes will be checked at the door). During "Red's" engagement, he will be heard three times daily, at 3:30, 8 and 10. Oregon Theater Dolores del Rio, who plays the role of Katusba Maslova, heroine of Tolstoy's "Resurrection," in the film based on the novel, showing this week at the Oregon theater, is seen once again under the di rection of the man who discovered her, Edwin Carewe. Incidentally, Carewe not only directed "Resur rection," but co-produced it with Inspiration Pictures. In 1925, when Edwin Carewe, the American film director, was in Mexico City on his honeymoon, with Bert Lytell and Claire Wind sor in his party, a beautiful Mexi can senora was presented to the Americans. She danced and sang for them. Carewe was plainly Impressed. He asked about the girl and! he was told that she was a native of Durango, Mexico, a convent-bred girl who had later studied danc ing in Seville and Madrid and at he wil be heard three times daily. nit BIG Viola Vercler Hluian OX THE A Brand New Mix Picture Brand New Max Picture 5 i ; i V 1 ' ill - : ' . . ! MO came of Asunsoio hy wedding Jaime Martinex del Rio of Maxico City. . - ; . . .. . Carewe suggested a screen test The beautiful Mexican senora laughed heartily but the sugges tion stuck In the back of her pret ty head and, after three months of family consultations, she accepted an offer from Carewe to assume a small role In "Joanna." 'After being made a Wampus star, she cot further training in .High Steppers' and "Pals First," pic- tnres made oy Mr. uarewe, . rneni came her " sensational success as Charmaine in the f(lm -version of "What Price Glory'sand pow her most important joJey thatefKat- usha in "Resurrectloii." i1 Dolores del Rio is under a long term contract to lt. Carewe-, Grand Theatre The "Court of Miracles," which flourished daring the f reign of Louis XI In the Fifteenth Century, 1 one of the most colorful settings in "The Beloved Rogue," - John Barrymore's fascinating presenta tlon of the life of Francois1 Villon and his first United Artists Pic ture. which is coming to the Grand theatre tonight and Sunday The blind see and the maimed walk in the Court of Miracles. In keeping with the name such, mir acles are nightly happenings there. for the Court of the beggars of the Paris streets, where the "blind" beggars remove tnelr spectacles, the maimed unstrap their destort-1 ed arms and legs and -hearing is Vtstored to the "deaf," so that all may enjoy each other's company when the day's activity is finished. Villon, greatest poet of his time, was a man or greatly aiversuiea pursuits, not the least of his ac-I complishments' being skillful thievery.. Paradoxically enough, this poet whose verses thrilled royalty and changed the destiny oi nis country, was so mucn tne vagabond that his closest friends were found in the strange Court of Miracles. William Cameron Menzies, art director, in designing the setting for this gathering place of street crooks, imparted to-it a quality of mysticism, that proves intriguing to all" who view it. It lends it- self perfectly to the strange com - rsdship that existed among the rabble of the Paris streets at a time when tragedy and comedy stalked hand in hand, and life was indulged in strenuously, as if each day marked the end of time, with no prospect of a tomorrow. The Beloved Rogue" reveals John Barrymore in a characteriza- tlon that is strtlingly different to anything he had attempted pre- viously, and easily the most char ming, romantic role of his screen career. KELLEY APPEAL COMING; DENIED HABEAS CORPUS (Continued from Page One) a cunvicuon nas oeen naa in a court not competent to try the case. The constitutionality of the statute under which the defendant was convicted cannot be attacked by that means, the state argued. Appeal Foreseen It is understood that an appeal will be perfected in the next few days by Kelly's attorneys. . which will bring the question before the state supreme court with a possi bility that Judge McMahan's de cision may be reversed. necords at the penitentiary Rolles Royce To Be Given Away FREE .TODAY'S MATINEE Bligh's CAPITOL Theatre 2 Now ACTS 7 - Capitol Orchestra " 8CIIKEN ; TOMORROW- I What Price Glory 99 . - . World's Greatest Picture fx 5 jitaim new vriean 1 4ur L " Gladys 'Moore, above, a viva cious brunette, and winner of the first prize in nine athing revues. has been -.selected from among, more than 200 entrants to repre sent New Orleans at the Atlantic City 1927 beauty pageant show that Kelley originally was committed to the Institution to serve a term of 20 years for aiding and abetting in the escape of Bert I (Oregon) .Jones from the Jose- I phine county jail. It was while I serving this term that he was at I leged to have joined in the con-' I spiracy to escape. Prisoners involved in the break othep than Kellev were TomMur ray, James Willos and Bert Jones After lowering themselves to the ground from the roof of the prison the convicts looted the arsenal and secured several guns. With these gUns the convicts killed Sweeney ano Holman. who were stationed I nn tho wall T.ntp !avgni annthpr guard, was wounded, while Jones I was shot and killed as he attempt ed to scale the prison enclosure, Kelley, Willos and Murray latei were apprehended and upon being tried for first-degree murder were 1 convicted. Murray subsequently I committed suicide. Under the de- I cree of the court Kelley and Wil- Ids were to have been hanged in the penitentiary August 19 of this year, but the executions were J stayed by legal proceedings., I Attorneys for Kelley said 'they I would appeal the decision of Judge McMahan in the habeas, corpus proceedings to the state supreme court for final determination. Pending final disposition of the Kelley case Willos will be held in the penitentiary under reprieve. TODAY This is a truly powerful vast human understanding. It is real entertainment! Pola LJ . . tit O Big Added Attraction . . "RED" CORCORAN ." -The Flaming Youth The J3oy with the "It" ..' on the Banjo Direct from the Broadway in Portland STARTING On the Stage Fanchon-Marco "Masks" Idea . Featuring" The Pretty Sunkist Girte OREGON NOW SHOWING HOPIA "5- B010I3 : COUNT tEO TOtSTOy :TTi A picture that throbs" to You'll find a drama of contrast ing as a snowstorm in this Soil and a Prince of the Blood. Of how, in the sorrow, he brought her, he found his soul. See this great drama today! . Hundreds of our patrons write us 'advising what kind of pictures they prefer. Such letters are always welcome. They help to make a GREATER MOVIE SEASON. I Hits For Breakfast I i . ' o Up on Its toes. The Salem Y, with an enlarged program of usefulness for the comunlty the coming year. "W S Of 583 Inmates of the Oregon state penitentiarr ail are at work excepting 3 crippled, 4 in the hos pital and 7 in the bull pen. v -w u - . Under proper direction with improved machinery, the ficiency of the men employed can be Increased till their earnings will make the Institution self supporting, and with a small wage for every worker. That is what the revolving fund law for the institution aims at ! s S S S -. What this well known country needs is more golden wedding an niversaries j W - I wen, it s anout time to bo up and pursuing one's studies again and the co-eds. S To most persons a fanatical re former' Is one who wants to abol ish" what they like to do. "W "W The only thing we want to know about the new Ford Is how much noise it is capable of in a' narrow alley between 5 and 6 on a Sunday morning. A dollar-will be worth a dollar when folks fail to get a dollar for 50 cents worth of service. "An American captured by Mex ican bandits, was released for on ly $100 ransom. The time was when Americans used to bring at least 31000 any day. ' Man isn't ready for freedom until he learns that his rights end where the otb-r fellow's toes be gin. TOO FAR NORTH, CLAIM Old Glory's Course Was Far to South Officer Declares NEW YORK, Sept. 9 (AP) Miles Stedman, first officer of the S. S. Leviathan, who says that ha helped plot the course to be fol lowed by the now missing Old Glory, has declared that ln his opinion steamers searching for th plane are cruising many miles to far north. " The SOS calls from the giant Fckker. carrying Pilots Bertaud and Hill, and Philip A. Payne, passenger, gave its position as close to the great .circle rdute Stedman who says he and Bertautv carefully plotted the trans-Atlantic U air route of the Old Glory believes f that the plane was actually about f 150 miles south of the great circle. . ONLY story. K has high pitched and It has humor and it has romance. Negri in 3. TOMORROW On the Screen J Clara Bow In ". : . "Hula." Oh. Boy What a Picture the heart-beat of humanity. vast as the plains,' as sweep famous romance of a Girl of the C CJ' rr-- : t . - (Eh) V yed j : i A i n rr - - - ; . . a. - - .vvt.-.i.v r -,. trr-acc X