4 i r .. 4. ' - i ( . ? ' - . r iiii mi Bim ssamtemmmi in inai ai T . THE ORfeGON SI ATESMAN. SALEM, OnEGOJIi - WEDJIESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER ? 1927 7 r Sa f -.i - ? . . - ----- - .V Kev First Kafcnal .- : i ;(W-VV;""' . cry; BASEMEN? Do Lax Shialag Parlor tVperM for Ladies sad Oeattemoa. SECOUD FLOOR Oeffey't Phot . Bervloe Tel. T08. Ofir (ti Spa THIRD FLOOB .Jerri Optical Co.f " " ' 803-80S-SOS Dr. Hoary EJ Morris, Optometrist - Tlpaae 239 ' 4-v''-.; a f . OiUattd Lswysr TsUpho 100 lexaky Im, T-L70! 804-808 Am! Batata. Lnii, Ihwum Pr. David B. Hill, Orthodontia fstrslghteaiag of - irregular teeth) Salt. 306, . Hoars to S sEervJlsjgeeobursdsj JTOUJtTH FLOOR Pr. O'Relll Bardstta, Optomotrlst Fba 888- - 01-oa-40-404-40 waeodiea BaiMiaf Lena Aaaeeiatioa O. Bsyford Ely 413 Tslophoao tt Willard H Wtrta sad Paal sV Barris jUtoraeya. 410-411413 - Tai. lit Merley, 18, Tat fat; Baa. 191aW litui lasmranee SIXTH 1X00 (Ha. R, Vsar MJD., Physietaa a Burgee Salt 808, TU. 837$-3379 . Km. 78 Bobia P. Pay aad Peaeld W. Me Attantn al Uv'. IIOH7H mOB Or. O. Ward Parte. Geaeral Dtatittn ifoL 81. Bveaiag ay apaaiataMat. Booai Pr. H. B. BaatiaM 0 Catravraatar, Naaraalaatar Barriea KIKTH fLOOB Pr. li. M. BMwm. Bya. Bar. Baa A Tkraal Mpotaliat. . Balta 901 ' : " . TMTH rVOOB . -., ' Dr. W. A. Jaaaaaa, Paatltt , , TaUaaaaa llli , , ., 1001 Ckatear Laa O fga. IX P. B. Ova oral Paatiatry - - -B. KOruna, D. D. B, Ortao4atU Tolopaoao lti. ' . Batto- looa-ioot ' REiti ESTATE . City and farm property for aala or trada W kara - aoaa gooi fexadaa. WkM aara 'yoaf . -JCONKT TO LOAN .... IN8UBAXCB KICH 1 RKIHAXH KmUot faoaa 065.. S10 0.- & Baak B14( . .. ' . : . 03a7tl Jlocal Rates ; For Classified AdVertUliiit . Pally Baaday - - S aeata par word ,.,. lent! par trard jlI aaata oar ward OaattBia.i 4, Taraafei Uaa. dai mad BnU-l .eaaM par word la rdaa aar ta aaara-uaaj ana 1m rata. dwiif " aowtlra taaaaa. ', KolAd-lor la ttoa-HM. . Ada.rua.Bod ra4 aA ". v -. i --' i JaaaaaaaaaBr-""- 'i- idrartiaaiA'aaU (aa cap Paraoaaia aad ltaaia Waatad) wiitba taa talapaava it l f artiar in a am a aeribar m paaaa, ?-.-. Tki UtaM' arlU - raaalra 4rar tlaavaau at aar ttoia ! Ua day ar airHt. To laawra prapar eUaaifteatioa Ada afcaaW i Wara T p, m. . TXB?HOK MOB 8 , - AUCT1QNEEB3 T ; P. NlWoodry ' 'ti'jnl Saiaaa'a loaainf Aaetioaeer - and t'uraitaro Poaler. Raa -iVUM' 1810' K: .Soaanaar St. fhoaa 511 H.F. Wbodry & Son Rlfht down Utm. OataT paid far nua faraitara. - atora 171 N. Com ml T. 75-' Areata tar LAnro Raprofa ,;- BATTCTtT Kl XCTIUCIAN l R. p. BARTON KXIDE' BATTERIES At.rt.n- - and caaoraar arork; 202 SaaUk . iliB.' r . ', Tot. H10H AMD CENTER rtje KM KB RLtBOTKlU OU. - HOUl artriar ay. fcr ar aaatraet. twrataaad 1. '- WASTED Bttafcbarry; pjekara, i045W. T. Br )!"" " .11gSB ,4VTK1w tlVB JjKWSPAPlTR HTTB "ripWB..a.aaaaar,...CaIVCireaUtW. Uarrr, Stataamaa -aftiaa HAVE Blf M'ROPOKTTION. - FOR : A tioiriSifirlni yoa r r fcaalar ap- l ! 'J .-!.. tiiFKBtit tnrt.vsa t Tv:.t.:kK.a BrantaxL &OfH0 e? Ital raiird. Writ Mr - ravlar or- 1 d.i.. ntjil. Part aad. to sartiiilsra. SAXES5IAN i loll Frir.daira., Call l4 si'H-lfrl T.lahe Z6.C0 to 'rjrrr aola. 8 Buiti or Bait aad Orr- - daubladT. Lauat aii nd .Winter dima and eolora. tjotalf aaTr... - - Jxii.v i.-TAtOOaiXvl CO.. t V. Jsakaoa, Oiicajo.- sa SALESMEN. YOU CAS L.EA-tTP" hera in a . abort tuaa. v Far tba uaxt . our wotttha your tawa villi La football - mad. A aaw Firoaida Footliall gaaoa la : aweapiaa; tha country ;by alorna. Sails or aight to yoaaa;- and olid. Dealers grab it la a,uaatiUa, Bakes mra aara $luO woktiasy.-t EzeiusWa terri- tory. Send 50c for aampla zame aad full particular. Athletic Games Com pany. 42i Petroleam : Baearities Bids.. I -on Angote. t i 1213 HELP WAN TKD Female IS WANTED MAID FOR; HOTEL. WORK. Addren Btatenmaa Ko. 02. 13a7 : CHJBOPKAcrroRs 15 OB. H. B. BOOFFIELP. F. B. O. BOd Flrat Watloaal Baak Bldg. 'JR. O. U BCOTT, FSO. CHIROPRACTOB M N. Hit. Tel. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY i l BEOKB HENDRICKS tB R. Hik i TaL lt LEX W. BILL Baak of Cam-earea Bldg. TaL 404 09 P. W. ORISER Oaart Teiepkeae OS 10 441 JOHN .W. OR BUfk Bldg. . TaL 1488 Raw UERTRUPB J. M. FAOB H. Oo'tage Tel. ll a MS TK1ANGLB RBALTT CO. Oaart 8k TaL 081 Ol ULRICB ROBERTS R. CoaraereU! TaL 1054 110 VICTOR SCHNXIPRR Raaltar N. Com'l . TaL 877 i4T SQUARE DEAL, REALTY U. B. Mat' I Baak tildg. TaL 470 BOHRNbTTEPT PAINE 147 N Oomntrcitt. Tel. STT rheOregon Statesman FabUakad every aaoTalng (szeapt Mas lay) .at Salam. the capital of Oroawn. ADVERTISEMENT HONEST ADVERTISING These ol ai saatt be kept free from aaythlag f a qaestioaable aatara. Mlarepraaaa tations will aot be loieraU. lafonaa Uea akowiag aay qaestioasala in teat am, tha pan af tba advertiser eh on la be reported to this aawspaaa tha Kaleai Ad emb FLORISTS 18 TUT FLOWERS.' WEDDING BOUQUETS Faaaral wreaths, decorations, 0. F. Braithaapt. florist. OH State Street. Tel. 180. MAGAZINES Farm Paper 17 IF YOO WANT TO SET THE BEST farm paper send five a-eent atasape to the Pacific Homestead. Salaa. Oregon, for a three moat a trial aabaerlptiaa. Maatlaa this ad. OCLTRIMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three Booths' . trial far tko best aad aldest Joarnal ha tha Wast, Tha articles aaa adver tiaemeata aura of specie! iaterest to tba ' pomltry breeders of tba Nerthweat Northwest Poultry JpsraaL 011 B. Com mercial St.. Balem. Ore INSURANCE 18 f ARM LOANS PLENTT OF MONET to loaa on good farm security. CITE LOANS W are loosing Pra deatial Iasarsaee eocapaay money ea eity residsnce aad business pro per tj - at 5H par cent, plaa a commlssioa. Uawkiaa Roberts. Iaa MS Oregon BaildiAc. dldtf Insure . Eoar homo ar ear aaw, Phoaa 101 BECSB HENDRICKS Heliig BidC 180 . High St. n-of rOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mart gages. Trust Deeds. Cos tracts aa houeee Will ast 6 to 00 -par eeat. - BECKS HENDRICKS Belli Bid., 180 N. High jl-tf WANTED Employment 10 WOULD CARE FOR. CHILD SCHOOL age or younger. Phone 1438M. 1948 EXPERIENCED,' JANITOR WISHES . part or full-time work. Box 35, care Statesman. 19al3 COR HARDEN FJUJWIRG, Bar EM KN'l digxiac aad team work. Tel. ViT. . I0al4tt FOR RENT at STORE ROOM FOR RENT 260 FERRV street, between Front sndl Com mere 'a 1 formerly occupied by Withers NeaL 020 a month. Inquire aA Statesman office. I ' 81spr28tf FOR RENT Apartment ga NEATLY I FURNISHEir APARTMENT, furnace beat, private, bath,, a 45 Court. Telephone 1057. :w --- - 23sl3 FURNISHED ROOM IN MODERN ' home, breakfast included. 253 N. 13th St. Tel. 385 W.; -- - 25s9 FURNISHED, APARTMENT. 1335 State, s ' . - - rHE AMBASSADOR, 550 N. SUMMER. Modern 2 aad 3-room apartments fur nished and aafaraished. 23 S 27 NICELY FURNISHED, 3 ROOM MOD era apartment, private bath. down stairs, steam heat. -1133' Court St. t ROOM APARTMENT. 2361 HAZEL. TeL 1939 W. . t - iJBUI 4 ROOM APARTMENT FURNISHED rrioao jn. iist n. - las-n-w NICE s FirRNISHED; APARTMENT 690 Union. ; " . sasiu . . OLYMPIC APTS. 730 No. Liberty S a Tern's newest up-to-date 2 and 3 room apartments famished and aafurn ialted. Every modera eonvenieaeo. 5 miontes from" business district. Phone 623J. .-.- 23S-97Q FOR KENT Room ROOMS WITH BOARD AT B8 LEI . 41.1 & a . man w . b . s-... . OOaprlltf MINUTE MOVIES FOLLy- VOOD F1LM1N6S e-or-i ,'OV.. i.-V PULLER PHUN. AMD -'OCK tARE VCAR'S'AL,. - V - - -ew " t c Trr 8ALRSLN" X7 FOR BALE DATTOS WREEIV GOOD coadUioa. $20 caab. TaL 6d4-J. : S7s7 SMALL 3 ROOM FURNISHED BOUSE. M odern. 1 Vt block f rasa Fast Office. i TeL 1748-W. . :. ; 27s BUNGALOW IN PALMER COURT. UL rieb aad Roberta. 120 3. Cataaacreial Bu Tel. 1354. S725tf For rent. Five roosa boaae eloaa ia. $25. - . - New faratahed bon, $41 ' - :, -M: . . F. L. WOOD. 341 State 8C - ' " ' 27S7 FOR RENT Farms 2 WANT. TO RENT TEN TO TWENTT acres af land with good ataad of clover for plowing tbia fall. Apply . Hon 11, Sta teaman. . 2H FOR RENT 75 ACRES. GOOD LEVEL - land ia cmlrWatidn, five auiloa aootb from Halera, adjoining the' Willamette river. Would r II oa nt; Irrai. ("all, - phone or write K. A. K hou-u. 150& B. High Ht. Phone 2538R. 29a7tf LAUNDRTBH 89 net TUX UOMB WET WASH LAUN- dry. Tel. 171. 1S&4V B Streat. JITtf CAPITAL UITT LAURDBT Tha Lauadry Para Mstartala.' Talapkoaa 165. 1184 Broadway. THE HEW BALEM LATnrRT THE WEIPER LAUNDRY Telaphone 15. 8 Hlrrb TAILORS R4 O. H. MUSHAR TAILOR- FOB MRP and wooaea. 474 Court St. WANTED Mlacetlarieoua S5 FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP meets. Giese-Pewera Faraitara Cm. aSaprSOtf WANTED PRIVATE MONET FOR farm loans. Wa have several applies tiona ea band. Hawkins A) . Roberts. Inc. 205 Oregon Bldg. 85dl4tf MATTRESSES SO MATTRESSES RENOVATED BT THE Capital City Bedding Co. 1100 North Capitol Oalled for aad delivered. AU work- s-varantoMl. Tel 10 f lOtt FOR SALE ELBERT A PEACHES; EXTRA FINE, now ready. .Petty's orchard. Wallace Road. ' 37S6tf FOR SALE BOSTON BULL PUPS. IN qoire 333 Miller at. 37 S 2tf. FOR SALE GRAVENSTEIN APPLES. East of Salem oa pea road. Tel. 66F13. 87 3 0 SPECIAL LOW PRICKS ON NEW CROP honey. Phone 8F&. H. M. Mead. Salem. . . 87o8 SLACK DIRT FOR 8ALB IN EITHER North or Booth Balem. Reasonable. TaL Y1F2. S7dlStt FOR SALE Western, Electric Farm Lighting Plant, equipped with batteries. Bargain at $250. Write J. B. Byberg. Silverton. Ore. 37S10 ELBERTA PEACHES the 5th, price 02.00 bnabel. You furniftfa box. 10 miles north of Sslem in Mission Bot tom, River Road. L. Townsend. Phone 6F3. 37S10 FOR SALE Live Stock 39 PIGS FOR SALE Weanling, nice white ones. Sea Yeager at Finzer Station. 5 miles out on Riverside drive. 89S7 VETERINARIAN S9a FRED W. LANGS. VETERINARIAN Office 510. 8. Commercial. Tel. 1100. Res. Tel. 1668. A3m23tf WOOD SAWINQ m 4 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1677. 1610 North Commercial 43ryl5tf WOOD FOR SALE 43 4 FOOT OR 1 INCH FIR. IMMEDIATE delivery. Phone 178. 43a36 ALL KIND9 OF WOOD AND THE best ia the eity at Tracy's Fae Yard. TaL 2313. Pricea reasonable. - . . 43a2f GOOD DRY WOOD FOR TOU D. A. Larmor. TaL 930. dSaprlSti COAL. WOOD. BRIQUETTES. SALEM Fuel and Transfer Company. Tel. 529. night 1088. .. . 43a23tf 14-INCH OLD F1K 8KOOHD GROWTH aak aad ask TaL TSFS. M. D May- field. 43 f ltf OLD FIR, SECOND GROWTH AND OLD fir limbs. Call 1990, C. U. Harbauch, 1038 Highland Art. 4303 ' GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLM4N rnil, no. TELEPHONE 1855 : v i .- ; 4st0tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood, 4 ft. and 16-inch. Largo loads are cheaper to-buy.--Mill wood is our specialty.- Prompt delivery aad reasonable- price. ' ; FRED K. 'WS'J.8 280 S. Church : ; ,Tel. 1542 ' ' ' :' ' 48d9tf t POULTRT AND EGGS 4S i POULTRY WANTED ANY KI'D. SIZE or amount, top market, highest cash price. Salem Poultry Co. 145 Center St. .Foot of tha bridge. Phone 2403. 1 J5wgi14 MUSIC STORES 441 OEO.' C - WILL riAKOa. PHONO : grapha. sewing ssaehinea. sbeet music and piano atsdiea. Uepsiring phono graphs aad sewing msehiaes. 432 State treet. Sslem - ' NEWSPAPERS 47 THE POKT1.AND Trt.KORSM SALEM Agency Tha Aee. TaL 980. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 60 CENTS ; per - month . delivered to your homo ' "erre momlit. TeL 88 or 588. PAPERHANGING SO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE dec orating, paperaaaria, tintiag, ate. 7- Reliable worrmaa. . i il J .' -: CiRI?rroR ART HOViUW KiJSS FLOSSIE FRAiZPl IN THE F1SOTCCTJOA4 . ROOM IOOK1NG- AT , -THE FlNAtU " r5WSVtr,r THE GREAT -AR f?Alt WSTEriy. UW CH 1 TO BE RE LEASED HEXT M?EEr FOR RENT Ho LX?ES MTU ALU SURE .MR BOA.rUAT : fMiW r-tOPJWW Know ujhat VT AH A FJ3V4 BOUT L1XB V sw a fajLa8mLrM,. 50a CHAR. ttK.HNETT. FAINT1NO COM-' tract. tiaiounf, papar ! kaMtVAV XX J. 1 11 Woat Millar. M IMCKXJJLffKOUS 51 FOR BALEM SCAVENGER CALL 10T. UIO-'SO FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents a handle. Stataamaa Office. 815 : Boata Commercial. 51J9f F0BH1TUE UPHOLSTERING AND RB , pairing. Powers Faraitara Store. ; , . ftirtwti BUY USED MICH'S CLOTHING. J EWElr ry, Uaaa. Too la. Bicycles, eke. Star Kachange, 924 N. Com'l. TeL S5. OUfc CL8TOMER& ARB OUR BAST boosters because waa wa do your wsld'ag. 'tis dona, a4 , yoo. Electric aad acetylene seliiig. Urge aad amaiL O. P. Oppoa. 09 Mill HI TaL 7S aad 2080-J. SI may tit I STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVES hOR BALE REBUILT AND repaired by sxpsrt. All kiada ef wevea wire feaee. Faaejr aad plsia. - Hop basket aad books, logsa hooks. Sslsm fence sd Htove Works. 260 Court Street. il)lT7tf : LOST AND FOUND OS LOST AT BAND. CONCERT TUESDAY Aug. 2nd. Opal pin ia "Catch on" tie. Pin valued aa keepasks. Call 73. Re ward. 53s9 PIANO TUNERS 64. COWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Plaao tsaer. Imt or era Wtll'e Mere Store. PIUNTING FOR STATIONERY. CARDS. P AMP ri le U. programs, books or aay kind of " prtabag. call at the Btatesmsa Print ing Pepartmeat. 316 8. Commercial Tel. 683. MONEY TO LOAN 7 P. H. BELL, 219 U S. BANK BLDGv. Residence aad easiness loaaa. TaL 007 :or S141: W. 37apr7tf FEDERAL FARM LOAN 6. F. U. Wood. 041 State 8t. 67m7tf MONEY TO LOAM FOR BUILDING AND oa eity property.' B. 8. Martia 4) L. ' M, . Martin., ottornsys, 413 Oregea Building. TaL 204.'. 67mlOtf CITY AND-fARM. LOANS AT LOWEST rates.. T Best ' terms obtainable Our iasaraaea .department .offers tyoa- oa: port advise and service ra oil Uaaa HAWKINS ROBERTS Uae.l TaL; 1427. k 205 Oragoa BiJf. " WANTED LOANS 59 WANTED Privste money to loan oa REAL ESTATE. W- H. GRABENHORST A Co. . J 134 H. Liberty 8t. 59026tf PLUMBING OO PLUMBING AND' GENERAL REPAIR work. Grsber Bros 144 8. Liberty. Tel. 550. lOtf BUSINESS OPPR. 01 AM SICK MUST SELL MY CONFEO tionery. ""Address Box 76, Statesman. ls RADIO ea Radiolas "For ovory purpose, for every po AU ttandsrd sixes of Radio Tabet HALIK E0FF ELECTRICAL BHOP, 185 Oonrt St. Tel. 4"A erlTtf REAL ESTATE OWN A HOME. 293 ACRES PRUNES. grsiA." pasture ead- timber. Good lm provemeat. 8ms II par meat and aaay terms. C. M. Smith; Marioa, Ore. - -"-.'- 8s4 MUST SELL MY HOME BOUGHT LAST spring, basement; furnace, f iroplaeo ga rare, fiardwood floors, ana wired for elmrtrfc rnge. I exph-et.to lose. l-7$ N. Winter, Tel. 2592 R. - 8s8 NEW SNAPPY 4-ROOM BUNGALOW In North Sslem. Up to tbe minute. This week for $3-00. You make the terms. Pay as yoa like. ' S4C E j LOUIS REfTTTEL or J. D. SEARS 341 State St.. Room Two. ' 63a7tf i BEAUTIFUL CORNER ' Strictly modern, stucco. 6 rooms." Va cant. Immediate poitsession. Priced tor this week $4200. Buyer ansujue btreet Asomt. LOUIS BECHTEL or J. D. SEARS ; 341 State 8t Room Two. - 63s7tf FOR SALE Severs! hslf acre tracts near 'the 'A turn- on good County Road. Best of land, good building . sites, small-payments and any old terms. Who wants them f . j - AddIv at 820 N. 21st Street.-evenings . - "I - 63sl8 u ? SEE THIS ONE ' A real home in North Salem. S "lsrge rooms, all the built-in a! Fireplace. - Pur oace, deoble garage, shrubbery. ' Every thing np to tnc minuts. friceo so soli. $5500. : .. . ' ' - IOUIS BECHTEL or J- n. SEARS 341 State St' Room Two. $ i ' 63s7tf FOR SALE 5, ROOM HOUSE, LARGE attic, cement' basement, furnace, bulim ias, east front, 'pavement j: aoo't pay twice as mueh tr a tittla pretty paint aa worthless construction ad a bar dirt lot. ' This place has lots of shade aad fruit. Only B2SOO. 1895 S. Church Owner at 1615 N. Winter. 63 8 9 MODEL HOMES Munt be Sold. Priced to SelL See this beautiful home at 965 North Snmmer St. One of the best built and at tractively arranged. 5 largo rooms, bsth aa first floor, largo attic. Fireplace, fur? nsee, steam heat, double garage, - Ideal location. Way underprieed for a quick deal, $7500. With terras.- IjOUIS BECHTEL or J..D. SEARS' Sl State SL,fRoom Two. - .1s7tf 185 ACRS FARM. FINE SOIL. NEAR highway, sell easy terms or rent. - 17 ACRE TRACT NEAR SALEM. BLDGS. fruit, paved -road $2200, terms. -TWO GOOD FARMS FOR RENT FINE WAREHOUSE SITE ON R. R-. 2 tsega lotii. $1800, terms. NEW COSY ALL MODERN 5 ROOM bungalow, N. Salem, garage lawa ahrab bery. $3900.' good terms. . v I: Petri no A Marsters 12 Gray Bid. 68 A 38 tf CXicetl "TLUC? rArvrrxa IS THE 2EPIAL' ALU StTOHG .TrClR SEAT? it LOUED FRESH rU H- 1 AHP LOUSIEK. W t a.js sv 4 Ta . -1 4 i 1 r 63 FOB RENT ' 2-rooas fnroiahed spar taaent '025., . 3-roent faraished apartment 02O 8-rooas faraished apartmeat 030. ULR1CH AND ROBERTS. RealUra 2 N. Com'L St Phaae 1354. ! - - STtf SOUTH SALEM., NEW FOUR ROOM ANP aook, fireplace, furnace, oak floor ia living room, garage, concrete driveway aad walks, paved streets. Located. mid way ,. between tba Lincoln, McKinley " and 'Leslie Schools. The best bay ia Sslem for less than 04000. terms ro : you rsa pay. Phono owner 2538 K, or call st 1595 S. High St. 3Sltf CtiAST RASrH BhOD FOK PIRT Rsach. price 08AOO. trade for Balem or wear Balem property. Camp gronad ' with new rot lagss, nesr Oregon City, price $4200. . Modera. tourist ramp aad store aear ' Salem 030.OOO. - Best . income property, also has a , future growing ealne $13,000. ' ' - Close la be sines location $15,000 Gerd trade J. U, Pace. 484 Oonrt St.. Pboad 1188.. - t 6S28tf o. ASOTRER ONE I HAVE BUILT- 1 boo ia Salem Highway Tracts and old- each when completed or before. : Tbnfcmpana real value. I have another, resdy to occupy ia one weak, five room snd unfinished upstairs, plumb j lnr n4 electric fixtures, built-ias. otew a iewel. with one-half acre rich garden land. Prieo $3300. Terms. $100 cash aad, $30 per month. Carta Abrams. i 14S.Cemeketa SL Phone 1894J. 03s?tf FOR BEST BARGAINS ANT TERMS IK : K-lein -bomes. vacant lota, choice aub nrhaa acreage homes, dairy farms, at fair value prices for sale aad exchange, soe as; wa have an extensive list of de sirable properties of the various kinds and r ka a spaeiaUv of matching up exchsnro deals satisfactorily - and will be glad to receive yor offerings for aale ai4V exchange and assure yoo of ' our be effort, in meet'-ng year wants. See WELLS TALLMAN SON 216 Mssonie Temple, Phone 618. 638 THE SALEM REALTY. 462 STATE ST. HAS rnft hfst. . . ,New 3 mm nngs'ow , 7-a ' New 5 room bonga'ow i New 6 room bungalow ,...-ws- 85.00 Kew 7 fM'lwii'w 40.00 ' 1000Aere R-nch. Good. $600 per yr. For Sale. .Fine fiy rx '-o-ie r?Jew t-e "! fVtrdy . iGnod :t ro- m. CVea- New !x rnm. fl-ve'l 20 e' ir-nroved ranch Salem on Pavement .... $3000 3300 3500 4500 mi lee 2 ..$6500 03s7tf 5 5-ACRE TRACTH CLOSE TO CITY; good soiL 4 mile of gravel road to paved road. Build and tone op one tract and put on the market, then the next. In that way the last one if you want it for a hotre will coat you noth ing. The price ia right. 5l-Aere fruit and dairy. 4V4 miles from State and Commercial streets. 9-roora house, hsrn equipped for about 12 cat tle,. 8 tunnel dryer nearly new. two chicken bonaes. gsrare, two water ays toms and about $2500 worth of equip ment . A stock. A home that will pay its wsv and leave nest egg every year, $18,000. Terms to salt. BRBER A BOND 200 Brny Bl.lg.. 125 N. Liberty. 3s7tf SPECIAL '11 room apartment house priced right will trade for small farm or sell on eajsv terms, one 5 room, two 3 room apartments, two bath rooms, plastered bOuse, garage. Another of 5 apart ments, close in paying a good profit t4 Investment, $7500. $1000 down. $VOO down, balance monthly, an at tractive new bungalow, 3 , rooms bath and nook, fireplace, gsrage, corner1 lot, ai d paved street, $2500. $50 down, balance esay, two room - house.- lot 50 x 100, 4 cherry trees and gi od location, price $850, $2000 down for a Lesutiful new 7 r om English type home, east front, o lunrn in every way - and close in, 9 ooo. , If it's a home yoa went see , --MErjVIN JOHNSON - r- - 320 C.VS. Bsnk Bldg. Phone 637 .- ' 63S4tf SeVeral New Modern Homes.: Reason able Prices With Very Low Down Pay ments. - , . . Modern 5 rooms,' N. Salem, built-ins, nook,' -foil basement, 'furnace,' laundky trays, garage, walks, street now .bciDg pavea.Mor ,h" who ri- 5: rooms, hardwood floors in part, built in, fireplace, . full basement, furnace, wa-A tray St garage. Price $2750. only $25$ cash, balance eaay. ' Jnst completed 2 bouses, .modern in ev ery (respect, one of 4 rooms and-one of 5 rooms, nook, built-ins, oak floors, base ment, furnace, fireplace A garage.' One for $3750 and one for $3500. Make your own' terrae. h- room Bungalow, close to school and bus line, many bailt-ias. f replace; base ment. Prieo $2850, with $5O0 cash. a - 4 . rooms A nook, built-ins. fireplace, best ef plumbing, electric lights, wood shed A gsrage. For only $2500 with 2--0 eah, balance like rent. .Immediate possession of any of th brsud-new homes, as all are vacant. Tf .you , are thinking of buying a home, let u sow you -these attractive buys. . LEO X, CniLDS Co!. Realtors 320 State Street, pboae 1727. 3s7tf FALL Time to buy this 520 "acre stock J ranen. ,,35X)0 per aero; PLOW- - - : . ; ING This 40 acVes should begin. . Ten . aulas oast of Salem aad fair 1 , i provements $125.00 per acre with , aauu.oo down. : Can voa beat it I WIIX Yoo pay $100.00 dowa aad balance use rent for modern born f Then see as at oaeo.- Prioo $2150.00. SOON The rsnt yoa DOV-weuld get voa : a nie littles 8-room hoaas. Price ' iooo.oo. , ,, ij - , , , BEGIN Living where year iaeoma is 60 acres best -valley land good- im: . provements mile . to good al-- y towa. See thia at oaeo. BUT 10 acres 1H miles east of Salem. ' Earage, house oa pavement. Easy terms. Price $3500.00. THAT 106 acres ia located lO miles from - : Salem oa highway. 25 acres fine ; 'X timber, 40 acres under plow, Wil tske some trada. FARM Of 73 acres well improved and equipped.-; Will sell for $11,000 . Part cash; or take ia- house Jn NOW COMES THESE REAL BAROA1.VS 15 acres with good buildings, di 7 - versified fruit and "poultry ranch. $5750.0011 acres with good Douoings, prunes and berries. Prieo $3500.00 18 acres with new aouao, on highway. $3500.00 - 17 acres, sandy loam, berries A fruit, irrigation: - $5,000.00. TJLRICH A ROBERTS. Realtors : Amerieaa Fidalit. rm. ... l?9 tortn Commercial St. Phone ON Fuller rWi vo VU LO-iTtva Lr-V. I , tzgfSiz CRPER lb GET v REAL ESTATE NCW FOUR ROOMS AND BREAKFAST aook, toll haasiaaat, f araaoa. firosOaeo, ' esse I teat ptemhing. wired for oiwrtrie raago, oak floor la Uvtag room. Lata of built laa, garage, ooajroto drroway. walks, grave! led street. wU leantsd ia North ; Balem nesr : ighlaad. school Owner will sell oa . oaey Vsraes. Tel 8538 R. - . $3ily7tf - Dsiry. Hogs aad Flax Rsnch In the Turner-A amsvillo ' District I. have a good 60 acre property suitable for Dairy. Hogs, Fiber flax aad other general farming. 5 acre paid water right. Lota of buildinga only $7000.00. - A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans Iasaraaea 147 S. Com'l. SL, Salem. Oreguo. i . - . 6SS4tf BCSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -' have many. ' Apartmeut bonaes. bastneaa blocks, electrical bnninesa. feed aaainess. tourist camps, service stations .gars gem, pool rooms, groceries, couf wctionel ice, movie tbester Many will accept trada. TRIAXGI.E' REALTY COMPANY ' 421 Court Street - fi round Floor "BUSINESS HEADQUARTERS' . : , , ... w -- ---- - .iS4tf NOW-IS: THE TIME TO-BUY THAT ., farm or if yod have city property to ex change we have jut the farm you want OVER A THOUSAND FARMS TO CHOOSE FROM aad 6 courteous salesmen to be of service to you. t TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor - HEADQUARTERS FOR FARMS' :' . , 63S4tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COA8T We hsve over 30OO properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, ovary price, every location. Wo can match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your property TODAY, come xn TODAY. See , GA8KILL EARLE. Realtors - 16 S. Liberty. TeL T242 6381tf BARGAIN8 FOR CASH BUYERS $2375 5 rooms-A both. East front, pave ment, garage A woodshed. Close ia. would require $1000 cash. $3250 5 rooms, bsth, fireplace, furnace, full bssement. East front, nice . lawn with shrubbery A fine gar . dea spot. Lot 65x128,, gsrage. 83i)o 7 psvement. room, A satb. fun basement. fireplace. , furnace. , Nice , porch. shade trees. Lot 71x100. SOCOLOF8 K Y A SON. First Nst'L Bank Bldg. 63s7tf TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY 20 tr res .creek bottom land, extra gfaod hnilJings. v - 86 ncres rivwV bottom land, rood buil.Iingv t , 40 acres river bottom land with hop yard. - . - l- 60 ara firm all uuifr ealtivati-in, 1 iod buildings. - : - 4 . , For Sale. Small house, $S50. Four room house. $1300. Five room, new modera $3750. F. L. Wood. Geo. F. Peed, 341 Stste st. - j .t. . 3S7 $2300, 6 rooms, aewly painted aad roofed.) lot 75 by 165. cherries and other fruit, berries, $2300. $3700, 4 rooms aad-breakfast room. New, well' constructed, full basement and furnace, cfirner lot, owner leaving nnd will sell for $500 down aad month ly payments. $5250. Located at 800 N. Church street, -: furnace, fireplace, ' hardwood floors, garage, newly psinted. - Xon-resident owner will take loss for . quick sale. : - j WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor ! . 175 8. High at. - " ' ' . i. , ' 63 8 Stf. REAL ESTATE TRADES AS EXCHANGE 5 room Modera House, no better location, for 5 to 10 acre tract, near-Salem, priced right. Tl is home is clear of all debts. Cash Buyer for small tract, within 5 miles-of tha eity. For rent 2- Room House Furnish ed, good location, cheap rent. - LANE MORLEY-and CO. 418. Firat Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 757. : . 65 8 ttf TRANSFER HaUUNG CAPITAL fJITY TRANSFER CO. S30 citato SUrTeL 3. PUtribnUag. 1 for warding aad etortge oar apoeialty. Gat : oar ratea. -: -- :--,- - WE MOVE. STORE ANP SHIP HOUSE hold goods. ' Our' gpoeiaRy is piauo aad - furniture moving. , We. also make ooaa try trips. - Wo handle th bast coal aad wood.'. Call oa aa for price. Wo give ' good measure, good quality aad good serrh-e. iArmer Transfer Co. TeL 980 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kiads. TaL 72Fd. , - ' - SALEM TRANSFER A. FUEL CO Local and mag distsmee haolhig Storage aad teal v $90 S.-Higa-Tel. 520 . 70a0tf WANTED--Rer Estate 71 WANTED LARGE' ACREAGE IN VAL- ley -suitable forabeep ranch. Will buy or leaf for terms of years. Tel 76F22. . ' - ls8 WAXL'R 74 iREGON WASH. WATER SERVICE CO. Off mo, 004 Booth Commercial St. Ten per coat discount aa domeati flat rate pam a advance. No'dedactioa for ab senco or aay eauao ! water la aha ' off -your promiao. V TltAVKl i-..w:inf 7 - T-R-A-V-E-L. ; Safely, Swiftly aad' Comfortably ia buses of the Parker Stage Li sea. ' 8 T-A-O-E S L-E-A-V-E F-O-R . Silverton 7 a. as., tl u a, 6 p- an. Alt. Anger 1 a.; bl-,5 p. as. .. Dsllat r a au, 9 a. m 1:25 p. m. : Falla City 7 a. m 2:10 p. m 5:15. Independence 7 a. m 9 a. m. 11:15 a. au, 8:10 p m 5:13 p. m. bua .4 . day , oaiy 8 :30 p. m. v - V ; - Monmouth 7 a. m., 11:15 a. m -" 8:19 p bl, 5:15 p. aa. Sunday only 7:10 p. m.; 8:80 p. m. r McMinnville 8;30 a. m.. 2:10 p. m, - 5:15 p. as.' - -' - Neurberg 8:30: a. m, 2:10 p. m ! 5.15 p. aa. Tillamook 80 a. m., 2:10 p. av Call 222 , or 090 for iaformaUoa -'---- - . . d23t' AITXW WANTED 71 tan HSlli rtiw msiiMglKBK AUTO . PARIS Ar Everything Is being; done to make it 2 hard for women to continue In their easy way of dressing. .Tailored clothes are . as hard .to - find i l aa ; sport J clothes in the. new winter coliec- .1 editions,... . . - j .Because of inag -TiViTy', MlLO'jTHE r l .,' W&RVEL MONK OP ' the wanes. WAS A0UT DECIDED T& . fOPSAKE TWE SJLJf SHEET. AHD 0OIMTO .r OUR "GAGS R A-S TfiXC AS TrfiS ATMOSPHERE .U D "trCAVF?; YL :S USED CARS FOR BALK 70 Good Used Cars 1925 Chevrolet Touriag I92 Chevrolet Coach 1925 Overland Touring . 1923 Hudaoa Speedster T 1 J9il Paige Touring v- Newton Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DEALERS ' 79 a 81U ' . . ' FORDS - 1923 Touring, New Pure, good rubber ..-..' 1933 Fordoor Sedan. New lhico... .NEWTON MOTOR CO. 1926 Cher. Coach, Like Nw.. l2tt Chev. Laandan Redan li4 Overland Touring ......,, Hudson Speedster... ; NEWTON -MOTOR OO, Hudaoa Kei Dealers Phone Ifxlo. -' - r .0150.00 ,.275.00 .$50.0O . A75.00 27S.K 400.00 79s7tf Just the Car , ; You Vnted : f . . . Better ; . Automobile Values Overland Sedan Essex- Coscb :: Star Touring - ' - Overland . 6 Sedan Chevrolet Coupef " " Podge Ton ring .. Oakland Sedan ' - Essex Touring : Chevrolet Touring Overlsnd Coupe Ford Touring Ford Coupe . -( -Cadillac Sedaa Nash Touring Commercial Cars Ford Delivery, excellent shape Dodge Screen Delivery Look over thia excellent offering of used automobiles today. You will find just the ear you wanted, good mer chandise, attractive ia rppearaneo. high ia- quality and reasonable in prieo, F. W; Pettyjohn Co. 365 North Commercial Street - Telephone 1260 .'.: "AFTER WE SELL WE SERVE" S - - . -' - --;'. : i ' 79S4tf LOOK - THESE - OVER 1927 Oldsmobile Coup 8850 1926 Poutiac Coach ......$ 650 1983 Chevrolet Sedsa ..$450 1924 Baick - Sedaa $575 1925 j - Star Coupster $400 1924 Chevrolet Sedaa $300 Lata Ford Coupes ..$300 ' Several Other good buys to . choose rrom. prices ranging from $50 to $300. Capitol Motors Inc. Biddy Bishop 35d North High Street r-V' ': Twy - - of the Best Pi-'- PACKAR OLDSMOBILE " - V9a25tf A Few Bargains Left Yallejtf JVlotor Co. USED CARS WE PAY Ci SH FOR THEM 1924 roupe new tires, ; upholstery about Kke -new,. paint very good $250. - 1923 Overland touring, high' hood type, car looks like ' new $165. 1931 Tudor sedan; runs -good,- $75" ' ii,; , .FORDSON TRACTORS . - $3O0- to $325 will boy a "Ford sen, which ha been thoroughly overhauled. ' - These rebuilt' Fordsea are guaraatoed to (ir satisfaction.. , , .. ,,.-.. ...... . . .' j, - - . - . ... . .... ; . 3 JL ; : ... '. f " Valley -Motor Co , 264 X.' nigh " r.'"' " T'Pbone 1995 -.'-.-'.-. . : 79iltf Usea Cars ITnpmobtl 'Coupe, 1928 model, ready to go, many extras, $350,' ' . Baick . Staadard Coupe, ,1925, beater, anubbers, 'bumpers, ballooa tires," 4 wheel: brakes, $875. .. '. ." -' t "" " Willy Knight Sedan, 1924 model, Duco pal at, ballooa tlrea, - just lota of ex tras, $9Q0.--. - . ; . .. Overland "4V .Sedaa. 1922 modeL new palat, motor OR 'tires ' good. ' ' Som J extra. $3&0.-- ' 7 . .-'.- . ' ' , Maxwell ' Sedan,' ,1928 modeL $350. , Paint almost aew, motor A-1, twa aew tiros, lots of ; extras. FrankUa "i" doer Sedan. 1921 model $150. . Duco ' paint, inside finish like new. bumpers, swipe, aad many more good -extras. Studebaker Special Bin Toaring, 1920 modeL ' $295, Finiah -good, tires bow, , .motor OK, " ' Hudaoa Speedster. 1020' model, $250. : New tires, motor iust out of .shop today, "a- Oaudy. .' - - King Eight Sport. Touring -1920. modal $250. , Five wire wheels. . good tiros, . many' extras.' - - . -' ' " , -s : Hupmobile. Tearing.' 1920 model $350 Just overhauled, looks good and mil fiao. - : -Chevrolet touring 1914 saodal . $250 Finish good, top just dressed, eartaias - OK, saotor lust - Tight, also tiro. A number of-oxtras, . - -. 2 Ford coupes, aow paint,- 2 For teurinag -.new -paint, from $50 to $250. . If yoa don't so what 70a are look log for oa our Jots or at the Salesroom, please oak as we may bare tha very ear yoo are looking far ia shop pr knew where wa eaa get it for yoo. - -,'- '-t'.':r - ' ' k '- ". " :. ? Marlon uto Co.; f 8tudbsker. aad Erskla 8ix DoaUn "t for Salem - aad M arioa Couaty. , : Ask - tor R. L. Gibbina.:...Used Cat Dept. 235 South Com'L 8L Telephone . SOS. ..-i..;------..-..-!'.-::-'-. - - , USED CAR - LOT. NEXT TO F"R STATION ON CH EM EE ETA Ax. t - Phono 3U7T 1 T9s2tl j Law Curbs Tollce Sirens MADISON, Wis. A. new law provides that hereafter Wisconsin police may sound the' sjrens on their . automobiles,, and, motorcy cles only, when in pursuit of law violators.. " - . By Ed Whssls: : I - " .- N " . t xyy CzT VK0 2 ? , 4 la j m o-I Salem Zlarkets GRATJf -- - No. 1 wheat, Whit i '" Red Wheat, sscked $1.12 'A Oats, per bn. millings... ,..$ .48 , PORK. UVTXOV A3XJ BEEF . m Top hoc f-u--' 19.1. Sowa 4 fH-KJ, Top steer .; 06.07H Cow r. .0S.05 ' 1927 lambs, aader 60 lba. .. . .10 Top live veal 'i. - : .12 Pressed pigs . . ... .15 POULTRY Light hens Heavy hens Springs .18 2J .17 .060.V8 . Kootters EGOS, BUTTER, BUTTERFAT Stsadards t .29 . fenad . .12 Rutterfat : .45 H Cream butter : . :4H47Vh VEGETABLE 8 -. ... Beets. . sscked . Onions, do, tin aches St ' eabbogo . New- potatooa : Celery, bnnche Local lettuce ....... ' lxMal apiaaeb .02 3 .t2H i ; .90 .0L76$3.81 XOTICK OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE THE ALLEY IN BLOCK SM OF TIIK ORIGINAL PLAT OF THE CITY OF SA LEM, OREGON, BETWEEN CENTER AND MARION STREETS. - - -Notice s hereby given that the Common Council of tbe City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and. expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove the Alley in Block 24 of the Original Plat of the City of Sa lem. Oregon, between Center and. Marion streets, at the expense of the abutting and) adjacent pro perty, except the street and alley intersection, the expense of which will.be assnmed by the City of Salem, Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the es established grade, constructing Portland tement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said streets with a stx-lnch Portland cement concrete pavement. 16'A feet in width, in accordance with the -plans and specifications there-, for which were adopted "by the Common Council on the 15th day of August, 1927, now On tile in the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The : Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provement by and through the Street Improvement Department of -the City of Salem, Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil, the 16th day of August.. 1927. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication. Sept, 2, 1927. . ' Date r of final publication. Sept, 14, 1927. 82-1 4 ine NOTICE OF INTENTIOX TO IM. FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF RURAL AVENUE TO THE NORTH LINE. OF OXFORD STREET. . . ' ' - Notice ia hereby given that the Common Council of the City o! . Salem,' Oregon, deems it necessary -and ; expedient and hereby de- CliRl:fS8 1 LH Fill r TTll lKM SI TlAl 1F1 F43t I irhBl I to v improve Cottage street front f ne souin nne of Rural Avenuo. to tne nortn line or oxford Street, rt jhe City of Salem. Oregon, ai the expense of the abutting an iJSR ... pujacen 1 . property, except, tn htreet and alley intersections,' th pxpense of which will he assnmed bp bbe Citp of Salem. Orecon. bv bringing said portion of said street to the established trade. Constrnctine- Pnrflnnrf mmnt mn. Crete curbs, and paving said por tion . of . said street with b six. Inch ., Portland cement concrete pavement," thirty feet In width, in accordance' with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by - the Common ' Council' b the. 16th day of August, 1927. row 4r ' file in the office of tha, CiT Recorder, and which, are here by . referred to and made a parti hereof. , f " . ,;.' -y ' The Common council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described ; im- prQvemeni.- ny ana inrougn ine; Street Improvement Department of tha Cltr of Salem; Oregon. By order of the. Common Coun--cil the 15tb day of August, 1527v M. POULSEN, City Recorder., Date ' of first publication, Sept. 2.-1927. '" ' Date of . final publication, Sept. .14, 1927. 2-14lno NOTICE OF rVTENTTOV TO Cf- V . PROVE : Mir STREET FROM THE WEST LINE OF THE, OAKES ADDITION TO THE ; E.4.ST LINE OP COTTAGE STREET. ' ' ." Notice is hereby glren that the." Common Council of the City oC Salem,' Oregon, deems it necese--arv And exnedlflnt ind hsnhv JtJ Clares : Its purpose and tntentU- n" to . im prove "E Street frorrv' tht west, line of the Oaken art' mn. to the, east line of Cottage' afreet. In the City of Salem, O 9gon, at the expense of the abutting and, adjacent property.' except the street: and alley larersections, the expense of which win be assumed by the City otRa lpm nmrnii hv- pnqginw 84, portion of said L V e estaoiisnea , graae. constructKjg Portland cement con crete crrjrs; and paving said por tion of smid . street with a six Incb ( Portland cement concrete f'ement.7 thirty f30) feet in F1dth, ' in ' accordance with the at V BP ... . a plans and specifications thereior which were adopted by the Com mon; Council on the 15th day of August, 1927, now on fUe in the pffice of - the City Reorler. anrt. vhich are hereby referred to andl made it part hereof. ' inc. , vunuivu vi'uu'ii uci''u . ileelareo ito. nu"ow nnd IniAntion to make the above described Im provement by and through the Street . Improvement Department. t f the City of Raltn. Oregon. By ordor of tie Common Cotm- Hl the? IKth ra' of Angnst. 1927 ' Jif, PO'ILRKN. City Recorder Hater of first publication Sept.. 2. 1927. - :'- " - Cats of final publication Eart.H. ;- 1S27. .-.' . . , . s2-14!nct : ' "Forter, I say porter! Don't I?t than ir.au off l.-re with r-e! Jlaf. not of try i' j - "- . 1 . - 'II .5Ci ifi.". 1