The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 06, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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A man's
readily judged by the
clothes he wears.
Buy your next, suit
here and enjoy complete
G.W.Johnson & Co.
469 State Street
I " s -. . - ' v : V - '' - -:'
I - . . . ... ,-....
Wrttn to Meet
- 1 The Writers section of the Sa
lem Arts League will meet this
evening at the city library, the
meeting place having been
changed because of" the weather,
from the hospital grounds Lester
McDonald will be host. '
i "'!
Furniture Upholstered
.. And , repairing. , Giese-Powera
Furniture Co. 1 13tf
Nebraska Picnic Thursday
The annual Nebraska picnic will
bet held Thursday all day .at the
fairgrounds. Speakers will in
clude P. C Gillette, Rev. Fred C.
Taylor and RevW, C, Kaptner. A
basket luncheon will be served at
noon.1 AH former residents of Ne
braska are urged to attend.
Boyle's Band
Dance, tonite, Crystal' Gardens.
Older Home- Pretty Its -
Well located. We have two
homes of 5 and 6 rooms, one at
lfe8 Court Street, the other 1427
Fairmont. Each is ordinarily
i, &odern with bath and hot water,
Aster et4. Each let has lota of
if ees, fruit and flowers. Both pric
ed at 1 33 5.. Terms. Why rent?
, Becke, ft5 Hendricks, 189 North
High Sjtreet. S7
Boys Clio run to Sins "
More than 75 boys of this city,
comprising the Salem boys' chorus
will go to Lakebrook tonight to
sing as a feature of the Y. M.C.
A. entertainment given at the hop
yard there. The boys will leave
the Salem Y. M. C. A; headquar
ters here at 6:45 p. m., wearing
their regular uniforms which in
clude white shirts and red neck
ties. The group will include the
Brown" Brothers and the Woodry
Brothers orchestras.
Tom P. Maaolas, 847 Saginaw St.
Admitted citizenship papers
papers Saturday by U. S. exam
i Hotel Mario
I Dollar dinners served 5:45 to 8
very evening. n2fftf
- ,
;Back from AValnort
i A group qf .members of the
i young men's division of the Sal-
em Y. M. C. A. under the leader
ship of Ben. Rickli arrjfed in
:. Salem at about 8" o'clock last night
afler having ' spent Sunday and
Monday on a trip to Walport.
Wanted Blackberries
3 '4c cash. Pacific Fruit and
; Packing Co., West Salem. , 8-10
A Xovel Idea
Mineral water producing re
markable results prepared from
soluble minerals in ore pleasant
to take. Paciric Health-pre.
New modern house of six
rooms.: Dining room, li',ng
room, bath, nook and one bed
room downstairs and two bed
rooms upstairs; garage. Lot
42x90 .ft., north front. , On
'main drive. The price is
Tlere's Another Good
S)J One
f f An 8-room house and two
large lots on North lotn
Lots of fruit and shade and
an east front on paved street.
This is not a modern house
but either lot Is worth more
than 11000. A good location
and very pleasant surround
ings and close to school. Price
. , U. S. REALTY CO.
442 State St. " . Tel. 2060
the Man
character is
Phelps is Speak)
Joe Benner's orchestra provid
ed a feature of the entertainment
at the Lake Brook hop yard Sun
day night. Gny Fitch Phelps, re
cently returned from Mexico, ad
dressed the assembled' hop pick
ers." Must Sacrifice My Home
Will stand $250 loss to sell in
three days. Five rooms strictly
modern. Tel. 2592-R. s-6-
Vage in Hike
. Among the hikers that started
from Salem to Portland yesterday
morning was Chester E. Page of
this city, who kept up with the
ieaders as far as Aurora and then
dropped out. Bob Boardman.
athletic director of the Salem Y.
M. C. A., accompanied him in a
car and brought him back to Sal
em. Notice to the Public
Dr. M. F. Lewis, Naturopath,
137-140 Bligh building, has re
turned and will be at bis office
during office hours. Patients and
friends are invited to call. s9
Buy Yoor Wood Direct-
From the car and save. Phone
after 6 p. m. 1988. aug.-21-tf
Y Receives Flowers
Approximately a dozen large
bunches of flowers were presented
to the local Y. M. C A. yesterday
by a local florist shop. The flow
ers were placed in prominent pos
tions about the Y. M. C. A. lob
by. Original Common-
Oregon Pulp and Paper. Few
shares at sacrifice for immediate
sale, 201-lst Natl. Bank Bldg. sltf
For 'Fall Business
Have your typewriter cleaned
and.xepaired Expert mechanics.
Typewriters for sale and rent.
Atlas Book Store s-8
Rig Capture Made
Office? C7 Wilcdx of the Salem
police force is given credit by his
fellow officers with having de
fended single handed a house at
853 Jefferson I street which was
being -feftaeked by Pwo boys with
beati 'shooters. The boys gave
the names Cox and Hill. Wil
cox is said not only to have suc
cessfully,4leended the house af
ter being' .hastily summoned to
the Jscene, "but to have captured
one of the weapons being used in
the attack. The bean shorter is
now on exhibition behind ths
counter at the police station. An
other report, however, gives Of
ficer Keykendall credit for the
whole affair.
Have You Forgotten
How glorious it is to awake
With & lively, energetic, care-free
body; And, how, miseranie u is
to, drag an aching, tired, weary
hnAv from a' restless, sleepless
bed! The chances are that im
paired kidney action and urinal
irregularities have failed to keep
the body freed of lurking, pois
ons that cause the distressing
it-hea. FOLEY; PILLS, a diuret
ic stimulant to the kidneys, are
a reliable,' valuable medicine, pro
moting normal ; health-giving ac
tivity. Men and women every
where are using tand recommend
ing them. 1 Try them..
Capitol Drug Store. a-6
teantiful llome- Booms
With hot water heat, refriger
ating system, every floor hard
wood and all modern features.
Priced at $12,000 complete to sell
now. See at Fairmont and , Lef
felle on large view lot. Financed
to suit. New-vacant ,; -
Becke & Hendricks, 189 North
High Street. . " - S7
Ford Car Stolen , t .
A Ford roadster belonging to
G Moser of Wendling has been
reported stolen' ' Moser had the
car - parked on a Salem street
M WmMmmm'
Sunday night and it was taken,
according to the report turned in
to the local police station. ; -
Dance Tonight
Boyle's band, Crystal Gardens,
Vacant Flat 760 Marion
5 large .rooms and sleping
$37.5000 Adults.
Becke & Hendricks. 189 North
High Street. ' i S7
Theft from Auto
William Bennett of Portland
reported to police Sunday night
that a spot light and fire exting
uisher were stolen from his car
while it was parked on a Salem
street. l
Never Be Without It!
"Baby had a cotigh with each
tooth she cut. She is also sub
ject to croup. Our never-failing
remedy is FOLEY'S HONEY,
and TAR COMPOUND which
so quickly clears the . throat
of choking mucus, and stops the
bad cough," says Mrs. Agnes
Barnes, Altoona, Pa. No chlor
oform,' no opiates, no ingredient
that a careful mother would hes
itate to give to her child. FOL
POUND is safe and reliable for
coughs, croup (spasmodic),
whooping coughs, and disturbing
night, coughs, j
Capitol Drug Store. s-6
Auto Rolx Stolen
R. J. Collins of Independence
has reported to Salem police -that
a blanket was stolen from his
automobile while it was parked
on a street of this city Sunday
night. ' !
H Oregon Puly and Paper Co.
Preferred. Limited amount for
tale. Hawkins and Roberts. Phone
1427. Jly6tf
Jealousy Over Divorced Wife Be
lieved Cause of Tragedy
KELSO, Wash., Sept. 5. (AP)
A coroner's jury will tomorrow
open an investigation of the dou
ble tragedy enacted here yesterday
when Thomas Shellenberger, 49.
Kelso mill man, was killed
Walter Edmunds, 51, who, then
took his own life. Police ascribe
the killing and suicide to a mania
cal jealousy inspired in Edmunds'
heart when he found his divorced
wife with Shellenberger.
Edmunds .had planned to kill
his wife also, and only the fact
that Shellenberger, though mortal-:
ly wounded, grappled with him
after the first shot saved Mrs. Ed
munds, poljce declare. The wo
man bad fled far enough from the
scene to insure her safety before
Edmunds fired a volley of shots
at heF. ' '
Woman Makes New Swim
Record at -San Francisco
(AP)-r-Miss Helen Zabrlskie of
the Fleishhacker club broke the
world's record for the 220 yard
breast stroke - late this afternoon
at the Fleishhacker pool. Her
time was 3 mlns. 26 seconds. The
former Tecord was 3:38-25."
Perennial Gardens .
On the Wallace Road
Telephone 880 . . SIS State EL
Has lMktn. mbU tmmm.
, t-rt. strict mm
JUax 4fwlSM mm
miLiu I
1928 Harley Davidson Mo-
ne7?:.."k" $190
1925 Willys Knight Coupe
Sedan, 5 passenger, 7Aft
': fine condition . . . . V Ulf
1920 Ford - with starter in
' fair condition, well
nditlon, well JA
worth P1V
"The House That Service Bmilt"
Many Members of Posts Ein
District No. 2 Gather at
Tillamook Beach
About sixty members of. Capitol
post. American legion, motored to
Tillamook yesterday to attend a
Labor Day picnic given by Tilla
mook Post No. 47 for 200. legion
naires in. District 2, . comprising
Washington, Yamhill, Marion,
Polk, and Tillamook c&unties. Irl
S, McSherry. department vice com
mander, delivered , the main ad
dress. ' .
Following a barbecued salmon
feed at Oceanside at noon, several
selections by the Salem, drum
and bugle corps and the Sheridan
band were enjoyed. A. L. Mal
lcry, adjutant, of Tillamook post,
who presided, introduced E. J.
Bayliss, of Sheridan, district ex
ecutive committeeman.
Short addresses were made by
Lyle Dunsmoor, commander of
Capital post, Vice Commander Se
christ, of Sheridan post, and H. R.
White, district chairman of com
munity service.
Speaking on Legion activities in
community life. State Viee Com
mander McSherry made particular
mention of legion work In Sheri
dan, Silverton, Albany, and Salem.,
In addition to supporting a
splendid band this year, he point
ed out the Sheridan legionnaires
have made possible a $10,000 me
morial building. Silverton bud
dies provided the new airport
there; 'Albany purchased an am-1
bulance and presented ft" to the
city; and the Capitol post,' Salem j
financed park band concerts and
rest rooms, and raised 81000 for
the Mississippi flood relief fund.
To "Americanize Americaniza-:
tion" was cited by Vice Command
er McSherry as one of the great
needs of today. Only through
proper understanding of the alien
ccn this be brought about, he
pointed out. American life should
be made so attractive that the in
coming foreigner will want to
master the language and to give
loyal support to this nation's form
of government.
Aliens should not be expected to
"burn their bridges behind them"
and to forget old eustoms imme
diately. Those who could do that,
he said, probably would not be
loyal Americans.
"Americanization is an adven
ture for the alien the adventure
of his life. Americanization should
be the making of life so attractive
that it will win the admiration, the
respect, and the love and loyalty
of the alien. Then, it will bring
about his response in the mainten
ance and ; improvement of the
American Institutions,"' the vice
commander declared. '
Following' the speech program,
legionnaires dedicated the four
apartment billet constructed by
Tillamook post foi disabled conva
lescing war veterans and 'their
When the Doctor
Milk of . Magnesia ,
for the treatment
of eons tipation,
heart-burn, or other,
kindred ailments,
Milk of Magnesia "'"
An especially high grade prod
uct of full official, strength and,
Highly ' recommended also as
an alkaline mouth wash to pro-'
tect the teeth from erosion by
the mouth acids. "
" v :.-:$-
SmooShr as - Cream' '
Pleasant to take -
Rexall MUlc. of Magnesia
straightens - out your stomach
and gives you back your appe-
tite. - Sold only at the. Rexall
Drug Store. . '
- Perry's
Drug Store
IIS 8. Commercial
famiies. ' i Commander Quinn, ofj
Tillamook post, State Chaplain
Vice Commander McSherry ' took
part in the dedicatory exercises. :
Powerful Motion .Picture
Magnate Passes oh at
Age of Fifty-Seven
, GLEN COVE. N. Y., Sept. 5.
(AP)- Marcus Loew, one of this
country's most powerful figures In
the world of motion pictures and
vaudeville, died at his country es
tate "Pembroke" here this morn
ing of a heart attack. He was 57.
He had returned last night from
Saratoga, where he was visiting
Nicholas M. Schenck, vice presi
dent of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Pictures corporation.
The trip from Saratoga was
made aboard his yacht, the Caro
line, and business associates said
yesterday that he apparently had
been in the best of health. At
6:30 a. m., death came while he
slept. Mrs. Loew and their two.
sons, Arrnur and David, were at
the bedside.
A self made , man In the true
sense, Marcus Loew rose from a
factory job at the age of- 10 to
heights, from which he wielded
enormous power in the theatrical
world. His interest in motion pic
tures came after he had estab
lished vaudeville houses,.
Every theater In the Loew chain
throughout 'the 'country will be
closed Thursday the day on which,
the magnate will be buried at
Glen Cove, officials of the Loew
company announced today.
, The Giants were held idle sev
en consecutive games by excessive
wetness. Won't those New York
ers ever quit bawling over losing
the big fight?
St. Louis should be In favor of
the proposed third major league.
Season's record shows the Yan
kees beat the Browns 18 times
this season.
' A national championship chess
game lasted 104 moves and then
elided in a draw. This explains
the popularity of .football, etc.
iTed Ray says the British golf
ers need more bunkers to improve
their play and the - British box
ers less' bunk. .
The way some of these baseball
experts fouled out on their pen
nant predictions this year it be
gins to look as though they de
veloped charley horses in their
BAYTON, Ky., Sept. 5 (AP)
-Sammy Mandell, Rock ford, 111.,
world's lightweight champion, had
no trouble defeating Midget Guery,
Newport, Ky., In a 10 round bout
here today.
Climb the Stairs and Save
Mens and Ladles suits cleaned
and pressed .."1.00
Ladies Silk Dresses ... ."1.2 S
Coats Relined . . . . ..... S3. 00
Mens Suits Pressed .... '..50
Over Busicks ,
' Strictly ' modern new , stx
room - English type house, 5
blocks State house 6800.
' P. L. WOOD
lfl State Street '
, 8 and 10. cents per yard. Also
buttons stamping and pleating.
Over Miller's Telephone 117
1 Caeyi Guaranteed
Money refunded if It does not
- , cure your case. t . .
NELSON A HUNT, Drtigglsta
Cor. Court and Liberty . TcL 1
' Quick Reliable Serrlea -IX.
EGJTER, 101S Center Street
Phones S52 and 1810-W
; ,. .Fine Fixtures i.,
Standard Equipment.
1B37 FBX23 WAIXPAFS3 . .
. ' Can, phons or writ . m
. . mm a v TYimmt ... .
17S N."Cona8rc!xl , Calem
TkO&E CmEDDV PtTC, ttsl
The' Parlor he cam-ti
Swallow'em like me
j National League standings
C .. : . -I ,
W, L. Pet.
Pittsburgh . . ... . " 75 B2 .591
New York ...... 74- 53 .583
Chicago ........ ..74. 55 .574
St. Louis 71 53 .573
Cincinnati ...... 59 67 .468
Boston ..... . ... 55 72 .433
Brooklyn .... 55 75 .423
Philadelphia 47 83 .362
NEW YORK, Sept. 5. (AP
The New York Giants Jumped
to a single game from the league
leading Pirates by downing the
Braves in the second part of a
doubleheader today br $ to 8 as
Pittsburgh lost t two to the Reds
while the ?-McGraw men were
breaking even. The .Braves won
the first by 6 to 1.
Fack Cummings' double with
twp, down, Jn the ninth sent Terry
home from second base wKh the
Winning run ' in the. closing strug
gle. .- Harper of New York ..hit
two hpniers, , his second one in
the seventh -giving the Giants a
one run advantage which was
wiped off in the eighth however,
hen Webb doubled., scoring It.
Smith to level the count at eight
A super-cap city crowd of
about 55.000 fans .witnessed the
tussle which v a full of ragged
baseball, each pide making tour
rrors, Ilornl y contribjt'ni?
three. - 3
Sfeore: ' RUE
Boston 6 1.
New York .......... 1 S 1
Robeitson and Bibson; Barnes
and TaIor.
Second game: R II E
Boston ............ 8 14 4
New York .......... 9 13 4
Morrison, R. Smith, and Ur
ban. Gibson; Fitzsimmons, Hen
ry and Cummings.
The Cincinnati Reds tightened
up the already closely drawn, Na
Hnnal leaerue pennant race today
iy taking both ends of a double
headet from the Pittsburgh fi
rates, whittling down the slender
hnid of the Corsairs on first
place. The Reds took the morn
ing game 8 to 6 and tne aiier
noon contest 4 to 3.
The Pirates outhit the visitors
jn both games but the Reds con
nected i with the ball when hits
counted, generally after expensive
The Miracle of the
John J.Rottle
'" 4 IS State Street
Rewound and Repaired.' New or
f Used Motors
.Things Electrical - ?
191 South High Tel. 2111
JT. H. UCONO, Mgr. 1
Our life's work- has
seen spent 1a itttdlng
the . healing properties
of Chinese herbs and
-now dally we relieve
those suffering from
tomich, liver and kid
ney trouble, rheama
tlsm and gall stones,'
also disorders of men,
and children.
Free Cossn!tlca Call cr TTrita
Open 0 A. LL to 8 F. II.
23 Ctata & Caiera, OrOe
misplaysr bx the Pittsburgh in
field. ' " . "
" Scores: , R H " E
Cincinnati . . . .... .....891
Pittsburgh .......... 6 12 3
! Rlxey and Plcnich ; Mil jus,
Cvengros, . Hill, Dawson and
Spencer. . "
Second game: R ' H E
Cincinnati 4 6 1
Pittsburgh, ......I.. ..3 8 '1
Donohue and Sukeforth; Mea
lows and Gooch. " ,.!
BROOKLYN, Sept. 5. (AP)
The Phillies polished off both
ends of a twin bill with the Rob
ins today by taking the closing
struggle by 7 to 1 after a 6 to 1
verdict In the opener.- Cy Wil
liams hit a homer inf each con
test, bringing his total to 26.
. Scores: .. , R H E
Philadelphia 6 10. 0
Brooklyn i ........ . 1 9 2
Ulrich and Wilson ; McWeeney,
Plitt and Henllne.
Second game: - R II E
Philadelphia ". . . . 7 11 0
Brooklyn .......... 1 1 1 0
Scott, and Wilson: Doak.PHtt.
Ehrhardt, .Vance and , Deberry.
CHICAGO. Sept. 5. (AP)
The Chicago Cubs lost the second
game of the holiday double head
er to St. Lo is. 2 to 0, after win
ning the morning bill, 6 to 1.
Jess Haines held the Cubs to four
scattered hits in the afternoon
"contest. -
, Scores: - R H E
St. Louis 1 : 51
Chicago 6 16 3
i Rhem, McGraw, . Ring. . and
O'Farrell ; Weinert and Hartnett.
Second game: " R H E
St. Louis- 2 0
Chicago 0-4 1
Haines and O'Farjrell; Bush,
Nehf and. Hartnett, Gonzales.' '
M,ost of those who curse-the
courts get justice in spite of. all
their lawyers could do. Buffalo
At the home south of Salem,
Pringle district, early Friday, Sept.
2. Mrs. Angene Ruth Brownell,
age 9J. years. Mother of Fred A.,
A. Frank Brownell of Kennewick,
Washington, Bert D., of Kansas
and Sidney S. Brownell of Salem
and Martha Brownell of Salem.
Funeral services' will be held
Tuesday morning at 10:30 from
CaU 951
. 429 Oregon Bldg.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
- BsUhlhmed Hit 1
-- 'A , '; - i ; -- j, '
General Banldng Business " .
Office Honrs from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. "
i i i m m mm ' . M I '
' ..' - r
!-."?-" " '
; v: .V'-
-i . ,-
- Long and Short Distance Hauling
r Public and Private Stora
Free Delivery to any part of the city
. Quotnticns cn AppHcnlicn
IZcrezG Wax
; ; -PAUL TTJIGUO, Frcp.
the Rigdon Mortuary., .Internment
In I. -O.' O.' F. cmeterf.
At the residence, 9T0 N. Church
Saturday,' Sept. 3, John C. Lewis,
age 64 years, huabtfnd of Mrs.
Nora W. Lewis, father of Mrs.
Maxwell Wood and Mrs. David
Eaves of Portland. ' Funeral ser
vices will be held Tuesday at 1:30
p. in. under the auspices of Salem
Lodge No. 4, A. F. & A. M., at
the RigdonvMortuary.
. Gloason ;
Mrs. Anna Mary Gleason died
September 2 at the age of 76
years at the home of her daugh
ter, two miles south of Salem. She
is survived by two sons, H. E.
Gleason, L.'J. Whitley of Los An
geles; step son, H. W. Gleason of
Chicago; Brother, W. W. Breese
of Los Angeles; daughter. Mrs. J.
E. Crothera of Salem; sister, Mrs.
S. J. Cronk of Duke Center,
Penn.; three grandchildren and
two great grandchildren. ; Funeral
services will be held Tuesday, Sep
tember 6 at 2 p. m.. at the Webb
chapel. Services tcpnducted by
Norman K. Tully. ,
Perfect Funeral Service
. ..For i Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
'- 770 Chemeketa Street
Telephone 724
Thoughtfulnesa that dis-'
.ereetly relieves the family -.
and friends of every care
and attention in reverence'
i to the dear departed, s
' Webb's Funeral '
, Telephone 120 . '
Every Friday
Ten Years Practice in
; Salem "
Phone 625
Dr. L. R. Burdettc
401 First National Bank Bldg.
1 , u