The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 02, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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M -
I ' '
2 ue Oregon Sta tesman
. rf--
, - - Timed Daily Exempt Mndy fcy ' '
-. 215 South Commercial Street. Salem. Oregoa
R. J. Hradricka .
Iri 8- MrSherry -Ralph
C. Cvrtia r-
Victor .I. Carlson
Stoaella Bunch ' '
Maaafring Editor
.. City Editor
-, Sport Editor
Society Editor
Ralph H. KlaUiog - Adrertrtfnf Manager
Geo. E. Martin ; Snpt. Meebanicat Dept.
W. H. Headeraoa - Circalation Manager
E. A. Rhotea - : -- - : LYtli Editor
W. C. Conaer - - Poaltry Editor
,Ta Aaaoriated Prnaa U rxclu.ivHy entitled t the for paMieatioa of alt
dlspatchea credited "a it or not otherwise credited in this paper and 1m the
liwi published herein.' : .- i : - - iV
V. 0.T upit, (it'Aitf OVCIirilT OIUE., f On! CUM, VI T., X nri'liwnf uivnunn; ......
MM. . . . n -. . . .. . . . . .. . . ... - 11. TJ 1 .1
-joanae a uiara vw., w totk, izs-in vr . bi.j nicaao, inniw
-Doty J Stypes. Inc.. California representative. Sharon Hldf., aa Franeiaco; Chamber
J m j a i . v- .
Baaiaeaa Office.
Society Editor
.23 or 588 :
. Newa Dept..23 or
Job Departinenl . .-5B3
Circulation Office .-583
Entered at the Foat Office ia Salem, Oregon, aa aecond-class matter.
! - September-!, ll7 i
! ' ' Let ns. como before God's presence with thanksgiving, and
anake a joyful noise' unto Hitn with psalms. v Psalm 95:2
; ;"Have you noticed the number of vacant farm houses
in your drives through the country?" This from one Salem
citizen to another at dinner last evening:. Followed with the
question, "What is to be done about it?" -
'This is important. Every farm house in the Willamette
.. valley ought to be occupied-
And this can be brought about by backing a major
program for irrigation. Irrigation will bring beet sugar fac-
tories. These will bring dairying. This will bring more con
densing plants, milk chocolate plants, dried milk plant's,
cheese factories, and many I others. This will mean more live
.stock; mbre alfalfa and clover and vetch and rape and all the
rotation crops. Every idle and. slacker acre will be brought
'into full use;1 Power will come with irrigation. This will
: bring more arid more factories.
Irrgation will , make the Willamette valley one great
garden and orchard and green pasture anc fruitful field, and
every .vacant-farm "house will have a family, and tens of
" thousands of new farm houses will be built.
r Veal is at its highest point in -sale value in Salem now.
; Top 4 veal, dressed, from the farner is bringing 20 cents a
pound. But even at that price no heifer calves should be
used for veal. They should all fe&Jaised. We are not get
ting enough milk; not' half enough. And ten times as much
as 'we -are getting would be used, if a steady supply of H
i f 'Could bo guaranteed.
The second annual display week, sponsored by the Salem
A4 clubwill;be' held from Friday, Sept. 23, over the state
fair This was 'decided at the noon meeting of the club yes
terday.: This ""will be the fourth annual style display week
under the auspices of that club; two in the spring, and one
last fall. This will interest thousands of people in the Salem
trade territory, and all over the state
All the schools will open I around the 19th.
make the Salem canneriea iiustle for help.
This will
Helen, an ancient lady with mod
ern ideas.
Menelaos, her hnsband while she
. stayed at home..
-Hermlone. her daughter and sever
est critic. ;
Orestes, her nephew young en
, ough to be a reformer; ol3
'enough to have ambitions.
'Eteoneu8. gate-keeper by calling;
'Philosopher by instinct; moral
ist by observation. , .
Adraste. handmaiden and friend
to Helen; scandal to 'most ev-
Jerybody else.. :
Cfaaritas. the lady next door.
Damastor, a boy who strayed from
" the family door-stepv -
I tor; nobody could tell it as you
can. When you first tola me you
loved me I shall never forget
how you told me!"
"Adraste, I don't recall a single
word., What I remember is the si
lence afterward. I was so afraid
there might be some one else you
cared for already, and you manag
ed to let me know there was some
one and just as I felt ready to
die, I found out I was the oneaf
ter all." -
"Yes. goosey, you found out! I
had to tell you."
"Adraste., do you remember 'the
first time we met that Is to
meet? When my mother asked
me to go for the Jar of water, and
asked you to help nfe. and'you
came along' so demurely?"
"Your mother wouldn't ask' hie
now to help you. would she? Do
l you remeraber that next time.
when -Helen brought me to .your
mother's house, and -your mother
sent me to the other end of 'the
garden, and so arranged it her-
elf. without meaning to, that you
Helen's beautiful maid, Adraste.
has been conducting a clandestine
lore affair with Damastor, the "boy
next door. The neighborhood
seems to have ; followed the progress-of
the courtship pretty close
ly with tka kaIa STMnf(nn nf rtsr.
itas, Damastor'a mother. Of course J mp ont and talked to mo?
Charitas desires something betterT "Do I remember? My n
(than a maid and, certainly some-
thing much better than a maid of
Helen's as the wife for her dar
ling boy. After all, Damastor has
had bringing up. 7 . "
However, be that as it may,
read what the youngsters them
selves think of the situation.
. "AH day I've thought of you,
Adraste said Damastor. . "You
run In my head like a tune j what
ever less love.1 y goes on . round
about me, I can always be silent
and listen. . - ; - .
."I: like to hear 'you say so Damastor.-
How wonderful.' you .are.
with a .pretty speeebf each ' time
we meet, and never twice the
8ane! To me jyouirare-'a- picture
not i music? I dream of you
dreams so lively. I almost fear the?
household will seet what I see, and
know my secret - ) " -t r
'."What: do yoii see, Adraste?"
'I)o yba ask tny lover?
Damastor, your lips a are cold!
Poor boy!" - .
"Come farther Into the shadow,
Adraste -they, will see, us; If we
walk la the moonlight.- I- never
saw guch a great moon. Here, ; we
can sit on this gardes bench,- and
talk In pearp.": , . ,
"Thcro never was. such . a moon,
Iamator, but It I. could I'd have
It . brighter still,, and everybody
hera to. see us walk Ins: intit.-our
happiness H too beatitfTul to hfd&.
I'm i? o proud of yon Damastor.. .
D.-' nastor.- do -oa love " mo as
yon liaid ?""" v-.''v-''.;-:-':''
"l love you more. Adraste, oh
so niurh more! Don't you feel Hi
how much I love you? Do we need i
word3?"; - 'i-.v-vl-.-f' frf
win never he the same person
again, we gave her a shock. Ad
raste. she still thinks I hadn't met
you "before r she insists she never
asked you to help with that water
jar." ' .r; ; ','
"Damastor, have you thought
out any plan for us yet what we
are to do "
"I think of It -all 'the time Ad
raste. arI ! the best thing still
seems to wait a little longer, and
keep. our happiness.-our happy
secret, o ourselves. We couldn't
be happier than we have been.'and
are oldtwet" viT
.."Damastor. ny dear lover. It's
a happy setret; as you say but I
can keep It much longer i
5t,"Yn 5- inoan--yoa mean"
. -,"TOf course, ! mean There don't
h no rridhtened. I told you be
fore, and nowx. it;s dawning on
yon. asour ; love riid it is our
lrtv again Isn't U? : In a little
while evirv on will know.- Why
shouldn't they? I'm happy and
pron . Damaator; It altogether
beautiful. But I wish It weren't
secret! Why shouldn't we go Tight
out and say lo anv who will lis
en.. Damastor and A rirasfe- i are
Kfven-.tff each other, given by thefr
love.- forwverf : I don't see 'what
hey could do.v Tieol n?T ns.
Vnuf mother wouldn't like me. at
firKf-she loves too mtirji tg
v rre fr any. irl who takes you
butMn lime J could make
"kav rnie. ;" Your father would
be kind to ns.
Father wouM b kind Ht -h,
were akne said Damastor; 'but
motbeV would be 'harder to 'con
vert; than you think. She dfrtn't
like your beauty, to start Wltha
she think that all beautiful torn
'I like you to tell me, Damas-en re probably bad, and if . she
luiewVV4Jrliat4yquf ust told
jne she'd be sure her theory was
sound.? She .wouldn't understand,
r keep hoping . that ; if we ; wait
there may be some way ont," i
"Tell me this, Damastor do
you think I'm a bad woman? Are
yon sympathizing at all with what
you said .would be your, mother's
view?" . ' . ,
"Oh, Adraste, how can you ask
me,lhat?" W,-.-.
'How can 1 dear? Because you
suggest the question. You don't
speak as you did when you want
ed me Jirst; when you said we'd
face life together., when you were
suret the only thing that mattered
was that we v should belong to
each other. You weren't so "pru
dent thenat least, you weren't
so prudent for me. were you?
I'm not saying that I didn't want
to jove yon I. mean that you
were your very noblest then, when
youUook me, took your whole
uie in your own hands. I thought
faced any ri3k at. all. of poverty,
even of your mother's anger. In
order that you might be yourself.
Would you do It again. Damastor,
if it were all still to bo-done?"
"Adraste. I love you so, what
you ?ay makes me feel a bit hurt,
as Chough you were accusing m
of unfaithfulness. I can't see
how I've done anything to disap
point you. r ,
"In a way you have, Damastor.
or I think you have; all L want fa
for you to nrofe me mistaken I
thought vou knew vnur minri
when yon naked me to give myself
I thought vou were giving your
self too. With '- such a man T
could face anything. I knew your
mother didn't like me, but we
agreed we had the right to make
our own cnoice and live Wur own
lives. I imagined 'that' yon would
go to her and simply say.witji
complete affection and ;u respect,
that you and I loved each other,
l'iat it was all settled. Damastor,
I'm disappointed that you do noth
ing at all just wait, 'it isn't
to brave nor so wise as I expected -you
to be and at times I fear
jou are lois sure of yourself than
vou were. Did I misjudge yonr.
I ask? Or did you love me 6nce,
'tnd have you changed?".
"How much I love you, Adraste,
I'll give ray life to showing. If I've
delayed, it isn't because I'm a cow
ard. It will take courage to face
my mother, but! when I'm sure
it's the right time I'll speak to
her. Have you told Helen?"
"Not a word." , , '
"Does she suspect?'
"Damastor. Helen seems to
know everything of thi3 sort that
goe3 on around her, so I dare say
she has guessed long ago, but she
has said nothing to me, and of
course I havent spoken to her." ;
"If you feci that way toward
Helen, you ought to understand
why I wish to keep it a secret
i'or a while longer."
"I don't want to keep it a secret
from anybody, Damastor. but 51
want you to tell it. I want you to
boast of it, and be proud, so that
I can be proud of you."
"Aren't you proud of me, Ad
raste " " 1 ' l'-'"' 1 5
"Damastor, I dare say no man
ver quite knows" why a woman
Itves him; so far as I can judge
from what you say, you entirely
miss the things I love you for. I
love the courage in you to know at
iht what belongs to your na
ture, to your own destiny. Most
people seem to be. Imitating each
other, without considering wheth
er anything they do is what they
really want. You have what
Hilen often speaks of. you have
the love of life; you naturally try
'o see things as they are. you
hnte subterfuge and hypocrisy,
you would be frank with yourself
nd with others. That's why I
loved you, Damastor. It you should
Change. I couldn't be proud of you
-I should be fond of you always,
but. oh. so sorry for you!"
t "1 don't blame you for, misjud
ging me, Adraste, but you do mis
Judge me. I have told you again
and again that I .would let no one,
not even jny parents, control my
destiny If ' I could gb. to them
now, as-you want me to,-and tell
them I've - chose's-you f or: my . fu
ture wife, whether they like it or
not, and if they would calmly
lubmit, as you "' half hope they
would, then I suppose you'd" ; be
convinced tbat I'm a forceful cha
racter. But if jl tell my father
this news. with;, mother so fh$ed
In her prejudices, he'll turn '. me
out of the house and. where are
we to go? 1 don't see the heroism
of that. Love of life -yes. but
first of all we must He. Tempor
arily, at least, we are "both better
off than we'd be If my people
sent me away and I had no shel
ter or protection to offer you."
"Must , one live. '' Damastor Is
tbat the thing of first Importance?
How we live, I'd rather say. : I
think the love of life must have
in i a kind of recklessness, a de
termination not to pay too high
for mere existence not to pay
with your souL ;My way woold
be to go hand ' in hand with you
now, and tell them all about It:
and if they disowned us, as you
expect, then -we'd literally walk
down the. road together, till some
thing happened to us some good
fortune or perhaps some .bad.
That would . be the .sincere and
Anything to do, Tm sure." - r--.
"What-a 'wild Idea Adraste---to
go off that way. like tramps, with
you you could nt stand it; you'd
die before we had gone far!"
? "I shall die here. But I'd rather
die that way, with, the man I
thought I gave myself to. Damas
tor. I know ; tonight that I .have
lost you." ' , : -
: "I'll never leave Yon. Adrasfet
Tonight yen are full of ft gloomy
motignrs and ears. Adraste, I love
you absolutely. I'll make f yon
proud of yet, when the right
moment'COmeS fO iDMik. anrl vnn
see at last that I was right. Don't
go we ha i lost the hour talking
these s'upid matters, f J thought
wo wep io dp logetner. just to be
nanny, and heri i -p'm hn arm.,-
- - ' . Ml K. M
"Will vntt- Walk n ih hnH..
Menelaos of! Iermione."s ? y
itb ifiel llaniastnr nr -nnM
prefer that 1 go back alone? Very
i""w"iv tieivn .win, u- 'r
" TTn rnnltnn.t - '
ropywHpbt, l2r..- lrrMhVnoW.
v.- uterrll! Compkny ; i " '
The First . Published List of
the Candidates in the
Interesting Race
Ot course, ..not all the' nomina
tions which 'ha v been received
show on this. list. " A few nomina
tions came in today and last eve
ning too late to. get them on the
list; however, these later nomina
tions will be added to the list just
as fast as possible, v : T -
The boys and girls whose names
appear on this list now stand
ready to be voted on by. the entire
public. If your favorite candi
date's name does not appear on
this list be sure to fill out the
nomination blank and send to the
Radio Contest Editor without de
day. This. Radio-Bicycle Contest for
boys, and girls will not close until
By Radio Contest Editor.
For the first time today appear
the names of candidates 1b the
Statesman Radio Contest who have October 22nd and you have ample
either nominated themselves of time to enter. - .
have been nominated by a friend. I Call in the office and see the
It has been-with a great deal of j C1on,te8.tEd,l1tf r and et c:
iffi,itr mnrir , , tt ' Quainted. f or it will mean a great
part of the contest editor that the I deaJ to yu-, 1 win m?k? wpI"
great number of nominations 1 tl? tntd iTe Jou information,
which have been received ha?e erUging J matter; and receipt
dooks. . esiarc to -worn io win a
been finally counted and placed to
the credit of the proper candi
dates. '
If by mistake I have not en
tered your name, I would deem it
a pleasure if you would call up
583 and let me know. Sometimes
an error is made unintentionally.
....... . . ' . ; .,f
(Continued from paga 8.)
By Robert Qulllen
. .4.. .
;. . . ...
I . . ...
' . . M '
. f ,
. r .-- -
n 5000
- 5000
. 500
: 5000
V 5006
u . '5000
V 5000
, 5000
- 5000
prize in this contest for boys and
Oiegon Statesman Kadto Contest
v For Boys and Girls.
First list of candidates at time
of- going to press! A more com
plete list will be published later.
Name Address Votes
Howard Adams, Route 2. Box 80. Salem
Harvey Anstermuhl. 1288 N. Liberty. Salem
Dale Arehar. 517 N. Capitol Salem
Herbert Arnld, 3 40 N. Liberty, Salem --
Richard AsRhm. 1059 Center, Salem. ....... . . .'.
Clifford Baker, 1125 Hines St., Salem... ? ...
Francis Barns, 475 N. High, Salem
Charles Barclay, 412 Marion, Salem.....
Durlyn Beach, Broadway, Salem
Jack Biriry, 1165 N4 th. Salem ..... .. . i.'. . ... .
Harlap Boats,' 'lijJS N; Capitol, Salem. . . . . . . . . . .
2bk: Kay Bisho-pV 155 N 14th, Salem . .
rthcr Bodyfelt, Ronte 4, Box 13 A, Salem r'. . , ...
Walt it Bodyfelt;' Route 4. Box 13A, Salem. . .l.-..
John Bone, 798 S. 19th, Salera .1
Fred Broer, 905 N. 5th, Salem .i. ......
Hart id i Brower, Independence, Oregon . . . ... .........
Pul Brown. 125 N., Liberty, Salem ........
Wer.ier Brown. 1116 Mission St., Salem ,.
Fred Burger, 2210 N. 5th,-Salem . ,
Edison Burges, 542 "N. Water, Salem. .
Edward Burton, 864 Mill St., Salem
Wm. Burk 1625 Lee.- Salem '. .
lack Bush. 1363 S. Com'l., Salem. . . - . .
Myron Butler, 256 N. 20th. Salem... i
Pat Campbell, 338 S. 18th, Salem
William Campbell, 338 N. 18th. Salem
Donald Cannon. Route 4, Box 124, Salem.
Hugh M. Cnamee, Macleay, Oregon.....
Jack Clark, Monmouth, Oregon ........
Jack Collins, 597 N. Liberty, Salem.. '
Willard Collar, 2090 N. 4th. Salem. .
fohn Conger, 433 S. 17th. Salem '
Robert Connell, 975 Front, West Salem
Ray Cummings. Route 3, Box. 274, Salem.
J. Delaywood, Auto Park, Salem.....' ,
Malcohlm Davis. 544 N. 18th, Salem..-.
Merle Davis, 1491 S. Cottage, Salem
Douglas Drager, 1238 N. 5th, Salem.
Mien Earle. 2325 E. Nobb Hill, Salem
Hilbort Elliott; 12th St., Salem. V...
lamps Emmett, 1235 N. 17th, Salem
A 1 be tit Elder, Monmouth, Oregorf
Powell Eoff, 1704 Ferry St., Salem..
Ralph Eyre, 870 N. 17th. Salem .......
Arthur Fisher, 515 Market St.. Salem
Ellsworth Fletcher. 1387 N. Winter. Salem
Albert Fliflet, 1136 N. Com'l.. Salem
Truvton Foreman, 834 Center St;, Salem
Russell Freeman. 2104 N.i4th, i Salem
Alfred French, Route 4, Salem...,.......!
William Cah'iodorf. 1255 N, Cottage, Salem
Glen Galleher, 1230 State St., Salem..
hirley Garside. 665-N 21st, Salem, ,
Leonard Gilbert, ,1345 Broadway Salem
hillip Gllle, 1252 Center. Salem
Miss Bernis Godsey, 575 N. 14th, Salem
Gordon Graber. 1191 N. Winter, Salem ...t
Bert Halseth. 1595 Lee. Salem..
ndrew Halverson, 1744 S. Liberty, Salem,
3urtram Halseth. 1140 Leslie, Salem ........ ... .-.
Dan Hamilton, 809 N. 21st, .
Paul Ha riser, 925 Saginaw, Salem.
Rodney Hardman, 614 S. 21st, Salem
Mr. John Haugen, Route 2, Woodburn, Oregon
Willis Hawley, 987 Oak St., Salem....
Syter Horn, Liberty St.," Salem... ... .
Everett Hunter, 1555 N. Summer, Salem
Howard Johnson. Marion Apts.. Salem
Robert Judson, 1244- Waller, Salem ...
Thomas Kelleher, 1198 D. St.. Salem
Edgar King, 625 Hood St., Salem
Kenneth Lewis, 1429. Lee St., Salem....
Robert Long, 2060, S.s Church, Salem..
Glen Luther, 1205 N. Cottage, Salem ....
Floyd Maddy1369 S. 13th, Salem;
Abe Mairils, 320 ,N. Capitol, Salem ;
Jimmies Martindale, JL697 Center, Salem.
; Edwin Mattifcon. 899 N. Com'l.. 8alem
Kenneth -3Jarsters, s12l Market St.. Salem . . . . 'I
tilo Mathews, 1910 S. High St., Salem
Howard Maw, 2185 N. 4th. Salem. .
Lar Mepnes. 95 D. Salem . .
Maurice Mervef 1565 N. 19th, Salem , . i
Byron .Merrls, 2995 D, Salem.
AJleSMeCalUstsr?l433ls: Liberty. Salem.... .
Clara McCanlish. 182 S. Church, Salem, ., .
Earl McGwire 1;605 Broadway, Salem......
Don McGee. let's N.' Capitol, Salem. ..... .
M. Elmurry, 2161 N. Front. Salem. .... ..
Kenneth Miller, 879 Liberty, - Salem. ... .
Ronald Miller, 201 l.f 25th, Salem...
Ray Mohler, 549 N. Capitol, Salem. ,
Herbert Morley, 795 N. 17th, Salem.
Lawrence Morley. 795 N. 17th, Salem, . . ...
Robert Morrow, 1695 Saginaw, Salem.. ....
Harry Mosher, 354 N. Winter, Salem. .. ..
Billy Mover. 630 union, Salem.......
William Naf txer, 1545 N. Broadway,; Salem ...... . J. .
Jessie Nelson,' 1333 Hines, Salem. . . . .... .... .... ... . . I
Ray Nichols, 2209 Mill, Salem. . . ......... ,, !
Clifford Niles, 950 N. Capitol, Salem.
Wilbur Oshea. 1065 Shipping. Salem;.
Robert Payne. 768 N. 21st, Salem...'
Holland Perry, 1253 State, Salem .
Johnnie Perrine. 1096 N. 17th, Salem ..
Harold Persey. 1315 Shipping. Salem; . .
Mildred Petus. R. 1, Sublimity; I Oregon..
Willis Poole1535 NSth. Salem; ....
Robert Ram mage, 613 Market St.. Salem. . . .
Jerrie Rankins, 2390 N. Liberty; Salem. . . .
George Self. 879 NV Li berty. Salem . i ..... . : ,
Mason Shutty 704 N. 14th. Salem. . . U. .... .
Jim Sehon. 1645 Mission. Salem i ,
Robert Skewls. 1697. Center, Salem ....,.. . J.
Charles Smith, 2050. S, Church, ' Salem . .' . .7
Teddy Snyder, 236 15th. Salem . r. t ; . . . . . . .
Donald Stockwcll, 135 S. Washington, Salem.. . .... . . .
Lawrence Stoddard,' 1 326 N. Broadway, Balein. ........ 4
Lloyd Street. 1810 Mission. Balem
Bi,,y Syphert, 1395 N. CotUge, Salem . v... 1 . , . i
Billy Taylora55tN. 21 T3U Satem,..3,i3i.,i,v
Jay Teed, 55S Chemeketa, Salem . . . . ... .... .......
Frank Terasaki Route 8 Box 239 Salem....5.i
pelbert Thomas, 670 S. 18th, Salem. i . .i S...;v
Urban Trunin 716 N 14th. Salem. iv..; ;ir.;. y.. .
Robert Utter, 446 Oak. Salem . ...
Sidney VanLydegraf. 1225 N. Summer. Salem ..
Orvilie Varty, 650 D. St.. Salem! L- .v.i
Clinton Vincent, 593 S- Coml, Salem .y
Kalman Vadney. 431 S, Pottage Salera, viv
t aru wageer.. 60S N. Kumroer. Salem , .
uavia waip, 680 S. l-2th, Salem
Maxwell Whits. 1 010 -Oak. Kalem
Lester Whlttingtori. 04 4 N. rottaa. Salem.
KeUy Wicklzer. aoSSS. 18th. Salem... ... ...
Robert Wiens; 1431 Cottage! Salem. v.Wi,..
UtruWJf,ni,-I1.4 31 N'CotUgel Salem . .U. . . I. j
JXH' llth. Saleniw . .V . sVi ,
liseiil N. . 1 7th i Ka Iftm . ; . i y . ? i -. ,
"uci "oaippmg; baiern.
tapers, for the honor guest, Miss
Moore, Miss -Ileen Lester,:.-Miss
Grace Rasmussen, - Miss - Barbara
Barton, ' Miss vera Wenger, Miss
Norma Roberts, Miss Wilma Har
dy, Miss Hazel Curtis. Miss Elea
nor Curtis, and the hostesses Miss
Doris Hart and Miss Virginia
Hart. -,
Home From Ne&kowin
. 'After spending the summer at
Neskowin Mrs. Arthur' E. Gibbard
and her daughter, Esther Gibbard
returned Wednesday to Salem.
The- GibbardB : will occupy the
home of Dr. and Mrs. W. Carlton
Smith, while Dr. and Mrs. Smith
are touring in -Europe.
i ' - ' i -, " ; ."
Judge and Mrs. Dean
Return From Hida wa y
Springs ' ' "Most husbands ain't got noth-
. Judge and Mrs. H. J. Bean tin to be stuck-up about. They
haye returned to their home in vas accepted because nothin' bet-
Salem after spending five weeks
at Hidaway Springs' in the- Blue
Mountains of eastern Oregon.
Mr and Mrs. Wilson -
Qo to Neurport '
fMr. and Mrs: Otto J. Wilson,
their daughter, Margaret, and, son.
Otto, Jr., left the first of the week
for Newport. Mr. Wilson returned
yesterday but Mrs. Wilson and the
children will remain for a week.
Guest in San Francisco
I Mr. A.' B. Galloway is regis
tered at the Mark Hopkins. Hotel
in San Francisco.
Miss Brings, Mr. Mont- ;
gomery Will- Be Married
in Portland 5..? :,' :
f Invitations have been received
tn the marriage of Miss Elizabeth
Briggs,- and George. Harris Mont
gomery which-, will be .solemnized
at : eigth o'clock Tuesday even
ing, September 6, in Portland.
Miss Briggs graduated from
Willamette University with the
class of 1919. She was a member
of the Adelante literary society
and the Beta Chi sorority. Since
her graduation she hag been dean
of women at the college . at Al
amosa, Colorado.
Miss Magers WiU
Meet Pupils
: Miss Minnetta Magers will
meet' pupils, in voice at her' new
studio in the Nelson Building.
Friday, September 2, and Satur
day, September 3.
Kentucky. Wedding of '
Interest in Salem
Salem friends will be Interested
to learn of the marriage of Miss
Lena Spalding and George Mc-
Kinnens which took place August
20 in Newport, Kentucky. They
are now at home at 1006 Hopkins
Avenue, Norwood, Ohio.
Entertain in Honor
of Miss Moore, '
Mrs. A, . F. Marcus and - her
daughters, . Miss Helen Marcus,
ahd Miss Marjory Marcus, etnter
talned Tuesday evening in their
country home, Sunkist Acres with
a bridal shower in honor of 'Miss
Lucille Moore. , . f
Several vocal Solos were given
in the evening by Miss Josephine
Bross. Miss Moore received many
lovely and useful gifts. .
ter offered.
l Copyright. 192T. Publiher Syndieata)
By Claude Callan
"When Ma's conscience is hurt
In her she darns some'thid' of
mine an' puts the buttons' In my
shirt before I get up!'V , '
(Copyriht, . 10i7. Publihari Synlirl)
New York, Philadelphia, and
Washington. D. C. '
They went by way of the North
ern Pacific route.
Mr. Hodge in Montreal
Mr. D. A. Hodge,-who has been
in Montreal since the middle, of
August, will return to his home in
Salem next week. ' .
Charles Eppley Visit
ing in Montana : ;
Charles ' Eppley - is ' visiting
friends in Winifred, Montana. Mr.
Eppley will -also 'spend some time
in Yellowstone National Park' be
fore returning to ; his - home " in
Salem. . - KZ " " '' ' ' .' .
Bit For Breakfast
5000 ' Woman's Club of Salem
Heights WiU Meet i
'The fjrst meeting of the Salem
Heights Woman's Club will, be
held this afternoon In the com
munity hall.
Mrs. Myron Van Eaton is presi
dent of the club for the year.
All ladies of i the -. community
are invited to attend. "
. . i
V 5000
" 5000
' 5000
, 5000
1 .5006
- 6200
SO 00
: 5000
10.000 I
ll; 6600
, 6000
? 606
Mr. and Mrs. Needham
Leave on Six Weeks
Vacation Trip
" Mr. and Mrs. C N. Needham
left ; last evening on a six weeks',
vacation tour of the middle west
and east. Their itinerary includes.
Glacier National Park, St. Paul,
Chicago Grand Rapids, Buffalo,
That's unselfish, Bervice-r-- - ;
.:., ..
The doctors teaching people
how to keep fit and well.
m mm m '
The Bits for Breakfast man has
little space advertisers have tak
en more than " their share this
.V S
; The Statesman of next Thurs
day is the annual Slogan number
on Manufacturing. An annual at
tempt is made of a census of our
nanufacturing concerns, the only
c ne undertaken here. If you are
likely to ber overlooked, please
I hone or write or come.
A Salem visitor protests at the
manner in which we keep Our cem
eteries, especially the I. O O. F.
cemetery, given over to poison oak
and weeds. The visitor's protest
ought to arouse our people to. cor
rect the disgraceful condition.
I ' -:. . s - o ;.".
The Jugo-Slavla prune crop will
be only 50 per cent of last' year's.
That's one , favorable straw , in a
situation .needing a full wagon
ably would be extended until such
time as habeas corpus proceedings
involving Ellsworth Kelly are dis
posed of. A decision in this pro
ceeding is now. pending in Judge
L. H. McMahan's department of
the Marion county circuit court.
Willos. and Kelly j are under'
death sentence for the slaying of
Milton Holroan and John Sweeney,
guards, during a break at the
state penitentiary here in August,
1925. - They were to) have been
hanged on August 19, but the exe
cutions were ..stayed by legal pro
ceedings. '
Attorneys, said it would be ne
cessary to resentence Kelly in caso
the court refuses to grant the per
manent habeas corpus writ.
Any action that Governor Pat
terson may take in the Willos case
probably will be announced today.
The governor was out of the city .
Thursday., , '
I- Tiger Flowers of Atlanta, Ga..
former middleweight champion of
the world, won a 10 round decis
ion over 22 year old Joe Ander
son of Covington, Ky., at Madison
Square Garden tonight.
City of Pukow Evacuated; Nation.
'' alista Get Reinforcements "
: SHANGHAI, Sept, 1. (API
Nationalist headquarters assert
that the northern forces have
evacuated Pukow, opposite Nan
king. The : nationalists add
that , the evacuation .was made
necessary by the arrival of nation
alist reinforcements from Hankow
which threatened to cut off Gen
eral Sun Chuan-Fang, northern
commanderfrom his allies bv sev.
ering the.TIenUIn:Pukow railway1
Oscar Wood, Hickory St.. Salem ,
Donald Woodry. 1610 N. Summer, Salem ... .
Douglas Woodward, 321 "Leslie. St., Salom . . .
vurus.wooiey, Koute'Z. Box 31 A; Salem..
Allen Zirkle, 670 S. 18th. Salem.... .. ..
v lOontlnued from page: 1)
can be hanged legally any time
after midnight tanight. : ' Friends
of Governor Patterson indicated
inursaay that the reprieve ijrob-
' 5000
. 5000
'. 5000
- , a
- a'
The Oregon Statesman's Big Radio Prize
. Contest for Boys and Girls
Good for 25 Votes
-. . ..
tojhl aXsnt DrtmrTEEG
will count for the person whose name grmen t"'
Cut out neatly. Vn!H nfl J.' ,
"As big as the camping wkm1s
at niglit, la a IhuI.Iij fi-Ilow
apietite." . ,
's f
For that camping trip
over! the double-day
week-end be sure to
have a plentiful sup
ply of food, as camp
ing and plenty of eats
sure go together.
wur ? large grocery
stock , and meat mar
ket make this an
ideal rSlace to select
your wants of quality
This first of the
i ' v
month is' a good time
to start a thirty day
account. 9
IMioiio 1K85-6-7
No Charge ftr Drllvrry
Often you want; old .Vhotograoha
reproduced, but fear entrusting
them to strangers.
Our reputation assures the eafcty and
proper care of your picture, which wa
,wiH copy, enlarge, frame or band color
at a price lower than the unknown agent
can offer.
423 Orc-cn KJ- -