THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1927! it If I ' r t4 W I , T i if Sand from Yonkers. New York, harbeen--gtreta-or-eeverai'iay4 i 4' 3 Ill I XOZELLA 8MCH ProminentWilldmette" University Couple Will: be Married Tomorrow ?jr friends in Portland as well asftem are interested in the niarage 6f Miss Ruby C. Peter eon and Mr. Ralph C. Curtis which will be solemnized' tomorrow morning at ten o'clock in 7 the chapel of Willamette University. The service will be read by Kev. J. J. Patton of Dundee, and uncle of the bride-to-be. Only rtiftber iof the Immediate families wiQ be present - ), Mitts Ieteraon- i: the' daughter of Dr .and Mrs H Peterson of Portland (pirhile Mr.J.Curtia' par- '"T live in Salem. - " i jA Both young, people are promi PDPDt members of fhe senior class of Willamette University. Mr. t'urtl lclty editor or The Oregon Statesman.- -" After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs: Curtis will be at home at 2 1 6 4 Maple street. Mis Margaret McDaniel Becomes Bride of Willis Oury Hisey, A wedding of much Interest In Salem is that of Miss Margaret McDaniel. daughter of Mrs. T. S. McDaniel of Portland, and Willis Oury Hisey. son pt Dr.' and Mr?. Albert S. Hisey of: giiem, which was solemnized yeatfltOd jittet't noon at four o'clock jjAA6IR6se City - Park MetUodtol ... taur,e? ' "q'f . Portland, with Jtev. Hisey leading the service in .the presence, of a large assemblage of relatives and friends of the bridal couple. J. The bride. -who -was given In marriage by her brother' Wilson McDaniel,, wore .a beautiful gown of .satin, and old1 lace with a veil of lace and tulle. She carried a shower bouquet of. Ophelia roses and lilies ef the valley. wo Her matron of honor, Mrs. .n T To miin ( 7. Anno T .n i Vpndar) of Vashon,- Washington, II " . . . . . - t.W M wore -lavenaar geurBeiie wnu a. picture hat of velvet in the same shade. Miss Elisabeth McDaniel of St. Paul, Minnesota, a cousin of irie bride, was- maid of honor. She' wore a frock? op lace In nas turtiura tones and a picture hat of .velvet in the' same Colors. Both aitendants carried shower . bou-fiiiets-in harmony-; - - -. Truman . Collins acted aabest man.1 " Pour' Kappa Gamma -Kho. Fraternity brothers of tb& groom. Victor- Carlson, Robert-- Notsotf, : Harold Fearinsf.randtWarreiriJDay, wwref, the ' ushers:. """ . Mr?. Farmer sang" "At Dawnlflg" rOAdman-candr "A1 Birthday" ( WordmanThe wedding -march.--! -Twre played b Mrs WessJer w J t receUoaatAhehome ot.the bfid"s mother" followed:' tbe ceret--mon. Mrs. McDaniel an Dr. and Mrs. Hiaey received with tbe bride and groom -r!f r: r :'s . '.' Mra.. Elmer Dowdey, Mis Grace Collins, and Miss Helen Camp bell cut Ices Jtndf poured. .Miss Helen. Heiser, Miss Blaine Obergv Miss Caroline Oberg, Miss- Mar garet '.Bo Dine, Mrs, ,Louis La Bare. ' Misa Myrtle Ljensen, Miss s1VflRutb Hewitt.'. andMJsa Ruth KdV rnonas assisiea- wun ine sermuB. Both Mr and Mrs. Hisey were members or tne. gTaauauus -lass -of WHlainette University. Mrs. Hisey la a member of the Beta Chi sorority while Mr. Hisey is affiliated! with, the Kappa Gam ma Rho .fraternity Mrs. Hisey has studied at Columbia Universi ty, and at Sorbonne- In Prance. Mr. Hisey studied at Syracuse I nivepsity following hte gradua tion from Willamette 1 After a wedding trip through Canada, Mr. and Mrsi Hfaeyf will make their home In Rumford. Maine, where Mr. Hisey is la liuslr ness. ;,;; ..j ' 1 I at nch eon Meeting of- Pi Beta Phi .rftllf Members or PliBeta Phi will met for laheheoti today in the Creen 'Gate Room of the Sja. Spending the Week at Ilaekaway Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Stearns and Mr. and Mrs. J. B Ashley are speuding the week at Rockaway. Wives of Visiting Physicians Himored - The wivec of the physicians who are now In attendance at the meeting of trho Oregon State Medi cal Society In Salem will be guests this afternoon : of the wives of members of the TrUcounty Medi cal assocition - oh a drive about the surrounding country. The visiting 'ladles will meet at the Chamber' of Commerce at two thirty o'clock.' ; : A theater party has-been plan ned for this evening- at the Kl sinore theater. Later the party will go to the Gray Belle for re freshments. Miss Lucille Moore Bridge Tea One of the outstanding affairs of the summer season was the bridge tea for whieh Miss Cather ine Hartley was hostess Wednes day afternoon in her home on North Capitol street, compliment ing Miss Lucille Moore. The living rooms of the Hart ley home were very attractive with baskets of late summer flowers. , The guest .group included the borior guest,' Miss Moore, Miss Mary Cuppier, Miss Marjorie Mel ltnger. Miss Leah Ross, Miss Frances Hodge, Miss Lola Millard, Miss. Priseilla Fry, Miss Dorothea Steusloff, Mrs. Ted. Chambers, Mrs. Claude Steusloff. Miss Mamie Vic- f (or. Miss Grace Holt, Mrs. Louise Griffith, Miss Iva Clare Love. Miss Margaret ' Stolt. Mrs. W. ' W.' Moore, Miss Margaret Brelten stein. Miss Heleoe Gregg, Miss Dorothy Moore, Miss Charlotte Zeiber, Mtss Helen Campbell, Miss Rosalie Buren, Miss Florence Power, Miss Prudence Patterson, Miss Lenta Baumgartner, Miss- Ruth Griffith. Miss Eugene Zei ber, Miss Betty McMillan of Le banon, Miss Margaret Pierce of Oorvallis, and Miss Rovena Eyre. High score prize for the af ternoon's play 'was- won by Mrs. Claude Steusloff. Miss Moore re ceived a guest prize. , Miss Hartley was assisted at the- tea hour by Miss Margaret Breltenstein, Miss Dorothy Moore, and Miss Rovena Eyre. Weekr End Special Walnut ; I Patties I yKrause Fr jsh 'YrW Tdrtland. - .t I- IT" Regular Price 50c ar lb. r Saturday" only, - ', g7albiTwolba. for ; 50c Only at, . . ccha:efer?ci O. 1 hRua STORE , 135'North CbmmerdaJ Phone V197 ' Go to EasternOregon i for a Fortnight ' ' Mr. and Mrs.. E. E. Bragg Miss Edith Bragg, and Miss Leah Ross: have gone 'to.' eastern Oregon where they will remain for a fort night. - :Ji ' ' : Leaving This Morning . for Gearheart , Mr, and' Mi-a. W- D. Clarke and theip hf ldrn," tiofiS And Bobby, left this" morning" for Gearheart' where tliey: will rejpain -lor-twe weeks. ' ' ' ' i 1 . : 1 I .Annual'. MinnBsnla' nlcftlc. '. Fair grounds. V Basket :dinner aerved at' noon. ; ' -i ; Business, meeting, West Side Circle Ladles AtdJ Mrs. E." M. Law. S41 Norway St. Woman's Club' of Salem Community Hall. Heights o'clock.. Luncheon meeting of PI Beta PhL Green Gate Room' of the Spa. 1 o'clock. Saturday First meeting of D. A. ' R. Mrs. W. 1L. Byrd, 595 Court Street, , U'. 72. C. G. A. R. Picnic at the Fairgrounds Members of the W. R. C. and G. A. R. attended the annual pic- I nic of those "organizations which was held Wednesday in the G. A. R. building at the Fairgrounds. - Honor guests. were Mrs. W.r H. Byars who was eighty-four years of age on that day and Mrs. Eliza bet h Bliss who observed the eighty-third anniversary of her birth day Tuesday. The large birthday cake, baked by Mrs. Bliss' grand daughter, Miss Ethel Perkey, of Puyallup. Washington, was a fea ture or the picnic dinned. The remainder of the afternoon wag spent with conversation and music. Guests hi Salem for Several Days Professor and Mrs. Glenn Blas dell and their son, Edwin Blas dell, who recently moved to Port- of; Mr. a,nd MrsWilllam 3. Moses, In tbir! borne on' Nortel Capitol street-. J -.ry? ' 4i 'if ' ' r : Mr.-'Moses' and - Mr; Blasdell' were schoolmates In Pennsylvania, Mr. Blasdell received his master's degre1 from Syracuse- University, and f is ' " the author' of" several' science text books now In use in the publie schools. He will be heart: of-' the science department of Jefferson-HIghf school in Portland during the coming year. Regular Meeting of Royal Neighbors of AmeHca, Held Wednesday Evening The regular meeting of the Roy? al Neighbors of America was held Wednesday evening in St. Paul's Parish Hall. A shower was given during the social hour, which fol lowed the business session, com plimenting Miss Mildred Graybill, whose marriage will take place later in the month. Members of the committee in charge of the affair were Mrs. Sarah Nelson, Mrs. Ida McCnl lough. Mrs. LaVerna Fiala, and Mrs,. Virginia Ahalt. Refreshments were served later In the evening. The Misses Hart Entertain in Honor of House Guest . Tire Misses Doris and Virginia Hart entertained Tuesday with a luncheon in their home compli menting Miss Theda Moore of Med ford, who has been their house guest for the past week. Covers were placed at the lun cheon fable, centered with vari colored summer flowers and blue (Continued on pnge. 4 $2.00 PORTLAND ancMMTURN Hi; ia 1" T- OrGonElsctricB hUametteUaUey Line ACCOUNT OF LABOR DAY f . Tickets on Sale Sept. 2, 3, 4, 5 Return Limit Sept. 7 Proportional reductions to other O. E. Ry. stations. Trains leave daily for Portland at 7:10 a. m., 10:10 a. in., 1:05 p. m., 4:00 p. m., 5:30 p. m., 8:20 p. m. For Eugene, Albany and Corvallis at 10:00 a. m., 12:55 p. m., 4:15 p. m., 8:10 p. m. Tickets, further information, etc., of LJ1, Knowkoa, Trav. Psgiv Agt. Phone 72T J. W. lUekie Ticket Agejat' Take advantage of the Kafoury Bros. Ten Payment Credit Plan. THe 'Payment Tlan; has Je many families have their mer chandise much sooner than they could have hoped for otherwise Tf S" & G hoof Qm i 1 iifwtir , , It 1 - S f ; I . . -. . .. 1 I ItV High Time to Check Over Sister and Junior's Wardrobe Needs 36-inch Costume Velvets in colors at, yd., $1.98, and $3.98.. ..l.-f $2.98 56-inch all wool flannels in bright new shades Jat, yd. f 42-iriohi all wool ' Princess cloth, pretty new d0 OP coloring!?, a yd. 40-inch washable silk Crepe de Chine, a big. QO line, of colors, yd.vJO prints, S2-inch English quaint, colorful . patterns, a yd. 36-inch ,Everfast suitings, a yd. 49 c 49 c 3G-ineh silk stripe Madras i for shirts and blouses, a yd. 35c, 49c, 69c ; 32-inch Devonshire for blouses, d, j 35i i AAAv ,x Chadrens Rayon faced lisle Tiose" in. beige Girls' Silk hose, "The Bllie Crane" l a pair - - Girls Silk hose, "The Humming- Birch s ' a pair Children's najTow'ribbcd cotton hoiin beige,- " OtL;-4 U iJiXlL . - ..-- t SIM' Children's school sweat ers $28 to 45.00 . Children's v Rain Coats $2.75 to $3.25 I ? Salem j, Stores -'J t , 1 ."-I if. ill1? II t. 9 ; . 1 1 J "tA?T AMI W! PortUftd SHk Store; 802 Alder St. ' , ;. Everyltody Is tfjiTor-.tlie eiiiiig. - j, '"IP - ?V ; ni l' A lf 4 - v n - .vf t -v;.. i T-? jV ; - x, , .. t- --. -f..'- V I -' -.1 I : . " O . i 3sr . - .--" -v:r' y . ' . v - ' : t nf& ti n j it flv A T77i pic. 0Km w w 2 dome early! Be the first one in if you want to biiy'or not, come and look around. Make- yourself at home, j You -will b surprise at therria.ny bargains-you cati 'get at the dollar stord' YesM the store will be flooded With thousandHof baiamsfNotjiing ovctr one dollar.7 We have not only searched our own country from the Atlantic to . the Pacific but "have gone to -far away Japan, China, France and Italy and, are now giving you, thejopportunity to 4 get more for your dollar than ever before. Every cent you spend, every item you inly must give satisfaction or your money back. We havetcome-to satisfy and to serve. Compare our prices, compare our quality and you will say "The Dollar Store Is The Place To Buy." Everything will be marked and on tables and counters ready for the , big rush the regular "help yourself-style" your store and ours. The store that you will feel at home in and will ; always want to come back to. Don't forget the date and place. : . , , Saturday, Sept 3 142 So. High St.", Just Across From O. E. Depot III: Now comes one of the - greatest and . most excptionar bargains we have ever offered ELECTRIC HOT PLATE Sold the world over for? $1.75 to $2.00. Get t yours while they last for r $100 111 If . Another Great. Value ICED TEA SETS Consisting of 6 glasses and pitcher, fancy cut and trim med, while they last si. 00 Ml I Ladies' Rayon , NIGHT GOWNS " Your Choice $1.00 Ladies Rayon BLOOMERS Your Choice $1.00 T Ladies' Rayon CHEMISE Regular $2.00 Value Your Choice $1.00 Ladies' Silk' Rayon VESTS ' In All Colors $1.00 - Ladies' Assorted HOUSE DRESSES All Sizes and Colors $1.00, Children's bloomers; In Black and Assorted .. . Colprs $1.00 Ladies" All-Silk HOSE One of the Many bargains $1.00 . Ladies Rayon HOSE & Pair. Fob.. $1.00 ' r T Ladies Rayon " HOSE -3 Pair For - $1.00 . .Ladies HATBOXES Regular $1.98 Value $100 Ladies and Choldren's PURSES Assorted Styles and Colors $1.00 Children's " DRESSES Assorted Sizes and Colors $1.00 Ladies Slip-On APRONS In AU New Styles 2 for $1,00 Girls' MIDDIES In All Sizes, Good Grade . . Children chool UMBRELLAS H $1.00 New Novelty , ' , VASES ' Imported from J apan . ' . 2 for , $1,00 . Babies'rKnit HOODS AND SAQUES In Pink and Blue Trim $1.00 r 4 - .-'r ' J-"- Esjnpnd, Baby , r ; BLANKETS ; In Pink and Blue, 30x40 $1.00 ' Silk Tapestry RUNNERS .Various Designs $1.00 Men's, Women's and. Children's SWEATERS T Silk and-woql, both, coat , and slip-on " styles, all sizes and ' color combinations. Just the thing for school and sport-, wear. $1.00 -JT'- Unf inished--'MAGAZINE RACKS, , SEWING CABINETS r END TABLES WASTE. PAPER BASKETS Your choice, Each $1.00 nVGenpine, Broadcloth Shirts ' ; All Sizes ahd Colors 51:00 - v' Me'$ Athletic UNDERWEAR . 2 Suits " $1.00 : Boys? Broadcloth " SHIRTS AND BLOUSES All Sizes - . ' ; $1.00 . Men's SUIT Rayon 2-PIECE UNDERWEAR In White and Blue ' BATH TOWELS 18x36, Regular 30c '4for , ? Doll andFrame Bdurdoir f Various Shapes Ladles" IV Bow ' umbrellas; Regular $1.75 $1.00 BRASSIERES - - n - ' -4'for;--:.-:-- :A $i:oov--;:"-r . '. ;'MeJjV HOUSE SLIPPERS ' All-Sizes - Y v kiddies' PLAYSurrs. ; Ages 2 and' up' : $1.00 Hand Embroidered M LINEN TOWELS - -i 18x24--" -- :;f:. $1.00. Turkish ' ; BATH -TOWELS 24x42,. Extra Heavy. 2 'for 31.0a Imported . , ' SMOKING SET3 ' Your Choice -'5ioar--- LoefiiltEItectric--! -s CURLING, IRON ; ;J; ' ;r .," Vella 2-torie Woven 'isc W'i RUGS. . 4V , u , .-' i Size'24x36" 4 ( 1 . ( Imported ' TEAPOTS Various Sizes and Shapes 51.00 y;-: ':, Setof'5-' ; . MIXINGr BOWLS ' VI V'l.OO J r'. Silver Plated CIGARETTE AND r STAMP BOXES " Pottery and'Noyelty I f glassware; : of All - Descriptions ' Ntfir Fkll- -s 1 "vCoat or Dress,' All ColoW 1 i tAND MANY MORE HUNDKEDS OF ' BARGAINS YOU WILLv FIND; IN THE STORE.-THAT TIMD A1ID j SPACE HAVE'NOT PERMITTED tTS TO ADVERTISE-HURRY- ANp t)OK THEM OVEU. , 1 .. 4 I i OHginaJ-Yc::: Jr. . - '