The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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it I
I 1 1 .1
Extra Good Value
i - ; ; ; ' ii
Stainke Barn Burns - -uj .
The barn on the ! Stainke farm
near the' state hospital was com
pletely destroyed 1 by ' fire of .an-
known origin early yesterday Af
ternoon. - A light automobile and
a small quantity of hay -were In
the building at the time, and were
consumed by the flames. -The loss
is estimated at nearly $2000, not
covered by insurance. ?.,
How Good New Does Spread
Genera gasoltoe Is -still the
' best. ' ,a1 - ' ; si
Xew Rllea Arrives ' ;
Major and Mrs. Thomas Rllea
are receiving congratulations upon
an addition to the family. A
daughter was born August 24 at
the Portland sanitarium.' Major
. Rllea is a member of the staff of
Adjutant General George White.
8 Oregon Pnly and Paper Co
Preferred. ' Limited amount for
sale. Hawkins and Roberta. Phone
1427. ---V"--:-'-.,-l , Jly6tf
BuineMi. Properties
Center street corners -we have
three Iafge' corners between Front
and Cottage. - FiirrgiWunds road
properties, houses "and lots that
will Increase In Talj)ft - and pay a
good return In meantime. . Also
a large quarter block close in
that nets 5 per cent and must
increase' in . value. ; Come in.
Becke & Hendricks 189 N. Hlgh
street; " - z '' ,' ' "3
Fine in IJanor
Carl Winzer was fined $250 and
given a 30 day jail sentence and
Robert L. Evans waa fined $250.
on charges growing out of a raid
near Mehama TuesQay. The sen
tences' were imposed yesterday by
Brazier Small, justice of the peace.
Winzer is owner of the" place on
which: the arrests . were made.
E ans is proprietor of a store at
the four corners just east ot Salem,-and
led two state officers to
W Inzer's ;place when : ,Uey ex
pressed a, desire to buy some li
quor. Evans 'paid his fine yester
day and Wlnzer began serving his
jail sentence.. . . . ...
Hotel Marlon ;
Dollar dlnnert terred 5:45 to ,8
every "evening., V-.""- ntM
ServuStaon r "; W- ' ' .'
Lease .or'J Sale fExdellent op
portunity for llveJ service station
and ; store man. ' Should have
some "capital. See Becke & Hen
dricks. 189 N. High. ; -l
Scout Troop No. a Meets
Troop 2, Salem Boy Scouts of
America, held its regular meeting
Tuesday evening In the parish
house of St. Paul's church.- Scout
master RexJSanford appointed Ar-
What A Good Home
$3,600 Buys a good 7 -room
house on Church street
I with basement, nice
v bath room, one bedroom
. ' downstairs and throe
up, nice ketchen and
4 large living room, ga
rage, paved street. It
. you. wane aicomfortabl?
"' home at a bargain let
us show you this.
Hcnre's Another!
50 for , a new house with
v fruit, trees and nice
lawn, east front on
paved street. This house
has a large double liv
ing room, kitchen-and
breakfast nook, two
bedrooms - downstairs
l and- room for two more
- above; fine basement
with ' furnace,- w ash
trays v and 11; : large
garage wKn concrete
driveway a home to
be proud of. The own
er want to sell. t-Sea
U. S. Kcalty Cop f
--442 StotsXtAU
1 Tel. 28S0
Heavy Wh
Goat "Sweaters
'-.: - S . - . - -. . ,. .-. . t
.. Just Arrived ..
- i
.. .. i .. ' - - .
G. W: Johnson i
" & Co. "'
469 State Street
thur Fisher captain of the First
Aid team. An "O'Grady" drill
was given t by Milton Taylor, Juni
or - assistant scoutmaster. Perry
Andrews won. first place and Joe
Darby was second. A game call
ed "The Lost Patrol" was played
by two teams. No. 1 led by Ken
neth Morris and No. 2 by Philip
Ferris. Team o. 1 hid in the
basement and No. 2 found them
Then No. 2 hid in the new build
ing on High street and No. 1
could not find them. No. 2 thus
, winning the contest.
Parabase Motor Oil r
100 pure. Parafflne base at
General Independent dealers. si
Licensed to Wed
Edith Lincoln' Pierce, 23, of Sa
lem, was named as the bride in a
marriage license issued to Ray
mond Gene Whltten, 27, of Port
land, Tuesday.
Furniture Upholstered
: And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture Co. ' fl3tf
Bend Physician Here '
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. -Vandevert
-and children of Bend arrived in
Salem Wednesday afternoon to at
tend the meetings of the Oregon
State Medical society. Dr. Vande
vert has been president of the
state sportsmen's association. He
is a graduate of Willamette uni
versity. I
Remarkable Deposit
Of prehistoric marine and veg
etable origin contain Ihg many
minerals and elements valuable to
health found on Nestncca Bay in
Tillamook county, f Processed and
distributed by Pacific Health-Ore
Company. si
Driver Too Yoang
Earl Freeman was arrested yes
terday for driving without a driv
er's license and for driving when
under 1C years of age. . He left a
$5 find with Mark Poulsen, city
Seven Room House
: On state street for rent; with
double ' garage. - Dr. Henry E.
Morris. ' SI
Special Communication
Of Pacific Lodge No. 50. A. F.
: A. M. to be held in ; the Ma
sonic Temple- Thursday Sept. 1st
at 1:30 P. M. for the purpose of
conducting the funeral services of
our late- Brother Jerry S. Wyant.
W. M. si
Old Time Dancers
Please Notice. ;Owing to delays
in completion of the New Nelson
Bldg., dance postponed to Sept. 10.
j s3
, Not a patent medicine or drug-
marvelous results achieved by Pa
cific Health-Ore. si
Forseta Parkins PI
; It may be easy to return to the
8f ot where an auto ' has been
parked in Aumsville. but It is a
different matter In Salem, It was
discovered here yesterday by Eva
Edge of that clty.jwho left a tour
ing car just east ot the post of flee.
After a hurried search a short
time after leaving the ; car. Edge
was unable to find the auto and
notified the. policy. Shortly after
noon, however.' a second i report
was turned in that the machine
was Just where It had been parked
early in the day.' ; '
Farmonnt JII11 Lot
$900 on up.', 58" to choose
from. 'Becke & I Hendricks. , 189
N. High street. , ' . r . .
Bishop's Cousin
Adam Bishop, a retired member
of the editorial staff ot the Denver
Post, has been visiting iters wtf,b
his cousin. C. P. Bishop. : .While
the Deaverraan- was' sere -he- ac-
compaBled the Bishops on a visit
Shipment of
Rough Neck
to Crawfordsville and Browns
ville, where C. P. Bishop formerly
lived. They also went -lo the
Clatsop beaches. Crater Lake and
Bend, accompanied also- by Mrs!
Clara Starr, a sister of C. P. Bish
op. They visited the woolen mill
operated by Clarence Bishop at
Washougal and ; the worsted mill
at Sellwood conducted by Roy T.
Bishop. The Denver man was
much interested in the linen in
dustry here and the prospects for
Its ruture growth. He left Wed
nesday for Los Angeles, to visit
a brother who is on the staff of
the Los Angeles Times.
Buy Your Wood Direct
From the car and save. Phone
after 6 p. m. 1988. aug.-21-tt
Wanted At Once
Man to operate service station,
will pay good commission and give
opportunity for interest In busi
ness; References required. See
Kletzlng at the Statesman office.
" S2
Xotlce to the Public
Dr M. F. Lewis, Naturopath.
U7-140 Bllgh building, has re
turned and will be at his office
during office hours. Parents and
friends are Invited to call.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our friends
and neighbors for the kindness
and sympathy shown us during
our recent bereavement, also for
the many beautiful floral offer
ings. Mrs. Hattie Sharp. Harlos
Sharp & Family. Earl Sharp &
Family. Claude Sharp & Family.
Roy Sharp & Family. ssl.
Original Common
Oregon Pulp and Paper. Few
shares at sacrifice for immediate
sale, 201-lst Natl. Bank Bldg. sltf
Eleven Modem Homes
$4,000 to $12000. We have
picked from our listings the elev
en best buys In modern homes.
Four .are brand new. Most can
be handled with substantial down
payment. LOW interest on . all.
Get yours now. Becke & Hen
dricks. 189 N. High. St.
Attorneys Visit Here ; ,
Frank W. Fenton and Roswell
L. Connor, prominent attorneys' bf
McMinnville, were in Salem Wed
nesday on business.
Take Marriage License '
Walter R. -Herboldt, 21, and
Miss Alice E. Ryan, 18, both, of
Salem, took out a marriage license
this week at Vancouver, Wash.
Truant Officer Returns
Mrs. Cora Reld, county truant
officer, has returned fsfom her
vacation, part of which she spent
visiting at Mehama and Halsey.
Her daughter. Miss Rita Reid, ac
companied her. ; .
Miss lchrson Visits ;
Miss Pearl Pehrsson of Halsey
spent Wednesday in Salom as the
guest of Miss RitaCReld. f
Fulkerson Cuet Leav
Miss Patricia Saundern who has
been visiting at the A. N. Fulker
son home during the summer
months, returned to her home
at Seaside early Wednesday. Mrs.
Mary. Fulkerson accompanied her
to Portland, returning to Salem
later In the day. Miss Saunders
is Mr. Fulkerson's neice.
'l-':'-1.- ' ' 5 ' "if t' t
John J. Rot tic
v, no .
1924 Oldsmobile Touring,
, Good tires, lots of extras,
"in - fine, con- . &?nf
; dition i ...... ... JUU
: 1925 Special Touring, run
? )ut 12,000
miles : . . .
Several late , Ford coupe
The Bmm That Berrien Batlt
One School Opens
One school is already open in
Marion county, it was announced
from the county school superin
tendent's office Wednesday. A
private school at Mill City opened
Quash Summons, Asked
Elliott ' C. McDougaJ, as one of
the defendants in the suit of W.
J. South against Iron Hill Or
chards Co., Inc., asked that a ser
vice of ' a summons on him be
quashed, in a motion filed by his
attorneys,' contending that he is
not within the jurisdiction of the
circuit court tor Marion county.
Oregon. :
Suit Money Asked
, Bessie B. Cooper yesterday
asked that William B. Cooper, be
required to, pay her a sum total
ing $190 to defray expenses of
her divorce suit against him. In
cluding witness fees and trans
portation, court costs, and attor
ney's fees, and $40 monthly dur
ing pendencay of the suit, for the
support of two minor children.'
Eighth Grade Examinations '
The only eighth grade state ex
aminations to be given in Marion
county during the month of Sep
tember will be conducted in the of
fice of County School Superin
tendent Mary L. Fulkerson, at the
county court house, today and to
morrow, it was announced.
Divorce Action Answered
Henderson V. 4 Griffin, in an
answer to the complaint of Clara
M. Griffin against him, admitted
that he had occupied- a separate
room in iheir home for about two
months, stating that his wife had
a nasal affliction that caused her
to snore. He denies that he com
pelled her to raise chickens to
provide herself with money and
clothing. Based on further deni
als of the allegations against him,
he asks that the suit be dismissed
at the plaintiff's cost, declaring
that she left his home. '
Xone Injured in Accident
: No one .was Injured in the ac
cident which occured yesterday on
the Pacific highway north of
Woodburn, when one P. J. Wilder
drove his car Into the rear ot the
machine driven by Cd Burris of
Portland, Burris reported at the
office of the Marion county sher
(Continued from page 1)
adventure,; hardships, ad compen
sations in' the work-a-day world
Of the staff nurses of the matern
ity center in the dense portions
of New York's east side.
; Clinic Interesting
, In the afternoon. Dr. Fred L.
Adair held first attention In the
physicians; institute with his talks
and clinics on obstetrics. : He
made a plea for the education of
the mother on the importance and
:: t 'i; ' --,-,
Gives you Pep.'
Makes you feel fine.
Cleans the stomach.
Promotes hearth.
. ... ..... . . .
A refreshing effer
"''vescing laxative for In
digestion, constipation
and sour stomach.
1 .?"!
; Pcrry'a f-'v,
Drurr Store
r- vf Start
Ivl the
: Day
s. 4 1 Right
necessity of medical supervision t
from the onset of pregnancy. ' J
V Declared to be one of the most
brilliant 'men : In the middle west
in the field of maternal and ' in
fant welfare,' Dr. Adair demon
strated the truth of this state
ment, in v his , masterly handing
of technical material before he
physicians group.
Dr. A. ' E. Gourdeau's talk on
the "care of the new born with
head injuries" elicited a great
deal of favorable comment and
interest J among the doctors at
tending the institute. .'
. "Medical men have boen com
bating goiter for 2,500 years by
curative methods. Scientific ef
forst are now, being made to find
methods to prevent this disease
before it developes," declared Dr.
David Marine, associate professor
pathology at Columbia university,
and one of the world's best known
scientific investigators of 'goiter.
In an address: before the city and
county health' officers 'during the
Dr. Marine traced the history
of goiter as . one of the largest
problems in the medical world, a
disease very prevalent" In certain
parts of the world.' t s
Oregon, Dr. Marine stated, is
in what is known as the "goiter
belt." He presented an account
of his scientific experiments and
showed, how goiter could be con
trolled by the medical and public
health profession. The greatest
work, he declared, is to prevent
goiter, which Is much, easier than
the cure, ,-
Dr. L. F. Griffith, of the Ore
gon State hospital for the Insane,
talked on The examination of the
Insane.' He - explained the test
given to the patients and some of
the classifications .of. them: .
Both institutes moVe. than
doubled the. : attendance records
for last year. Physicians from
all corners of the state; as well
as the local men of Marion county,
have been registered : .. Dr. V. S.
Dudman. of the University of Ore
gon Medical School; Dr. E. V.
Pickel, Health Officer of Medford,
Dr. J.'G. Gregory, of Wallowa; Dr.
William Holt, of Medford; Dr.
Bertha Devore, of Drain; Dr.
Grant S. Beardsley, of Eugene; Dr.
D. E. Stannard, of Eugene, and
Dr. W. II. Barendrick, of Mc-Min-nville,
to mention only a few.
The nurses institute attracted
several out of town visitors of
more than usual interest: Miss
Carolyn Gray, lecturer in nursing
administration In Teachers Col-t
lege of Columbia University, New
York; Miss Elizabeth Smith, Dlr
rector of the Visiting Nurses as
sociation, Hartford, Connecticut;
Miss' Amy Wells, Director of
Nursing Service, Hoxley School for
Boys, Connecticut ( a , preparatory
school for Yale, and" one which
has a permanent staff of five
nirrses, wittr 10 or 15 on the staff
at special times during the year);
iUss Emily Loveridge, superin
tendent of the .Good Samaritan
Hospital, Portland; Miss Marion
Crpwe, head of the Portland Vis
iting Nurse association, with . a
corps of the staff nurses of the
association; Sister Genevieve, di
rector of the school of nursing of
the. St. Vincent's Hospital, and one
of her assistants, Sister; Phillip;
Mrs. Glendora M. Blakely. state
supervisor of public health nurs
es; most of the county health
nurses over the state; and repre
sentatives of every,, hospital '!n
Portland, in addition to the many
local nurses in attendance.
A Texas man recently establish
ed a record of. 150 hours without
sleep. 'But we know "fellows who
cculd do better than this It they
were behind in a penny ante game.
Night calls
I Men and ..women everywhere
are using and recommending
Foley Pills diuretic for . relief
from the distress and bother of
a too frequent urinal flow.'
. A diuretic stimulant' for the
i. 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also
buttons, stamping and pleating.
.Over Miller's Telephone 117
:"T-.-ir Casey's Guaranteed v- I
Money refudded if It doe not
eure your ease
Cor. Court and Liberty Tel. 7
; : 'Quick Reliable Service '
U;;ErtNERi 115 Center Street
Phone 853 and 1810-W
. Fine ' Fixtures
'Standard Equipment,
. 'Call, phona or wrlta-
mas o. cunrif
171 J?. C ;n:rc!:i
Shocks I THAT &UU.Y v tX
WAS OOlrH' Itrti
Uckin1, ah Them his
pAhfT HEAR tHOTHlrH' )1
(AP-r-Another memorial to. Pres
ident Colldge's summer in the
Black'Hills was left. to-South Da-,
kota today when Camp Coolidge
was dedicated, as a retreat for
Boy Scouts near Custer at a cere
mony attended by the president.
Previously the . state L had re
named one of the peaks', in 'the
Black Hills Mount Coolidge and
the -ripple troutstream which flows
past the summer .White House has
been called Grace .Coolidge creek.
Farther up in the hills a memor
ial is being carved of Washington.
Jefferson. Lincoln and Roosevelt'
and the president has been asked
to write the inscription to appear
below explaining its meaning.
Except for the short journey
to Custer, Mr. Coolidge spent the
whole day at the game lodge pre
paring the address he will, make
at Brookings, Sept. . 10.. dedicat
ing the Lincoln memorial library
at the South Dakota agricultural
college. , ' '- " "
(Continued from page 1)
ands, Georges Miche. was steadily
ploughing his way over the course
in an attempt to capture the sec
ond prize of $7500. Throughout
the day Micnei for hours miles
behind many of the leading con
tenders who subsequently gave up
the struggle, had proved a model
of perseterence.
One by one, George Young of
Toronto, Byron , Summers - of Cal
ifornia, and Edward Keating of
New York, had to quit and made
way 'for the Parisian to take the
position ot runner-up. Struggling
behind was Arthur - Compton, 14
year old swimming ace of, iong
Beach, CaL, who later was taken
rom the water after he had com
pleted, 14 miles of the course. At
the time Vierkpetter, finished
Compton was in third place 'and
from the speed he was making it
was estimated that be would have-
f'nished at 2 o'clock tomorrow
Fashion makers announce that
women's nighties next fall will
have long sleeves. Is this the be
ginning, of the reaction against -ab
breviated dress?
Perennial Gardens
I On the Wallace Road.
Telephone 880 612 State St.
' ; y- FOR SALE t
Strictly modern new six'
room English - type bouse, S
blocks State house. -S6800.
:f. l. wood .'
i . 841 State Street
Climb the Stairs and Save i
j -' ; . Money - -
Mens and . Ladies suits cleaned
and pressed ..... i . ; $1.00
Ladies Silk Dresses . . ; .$1.25
Coats Reltned ......... . $3.0u
Mens Suits Pressed ... . .60
i Over Busicka-
Rewound and Repaired. New or
,i Used Motors.-
9 . ...
191 Sooth High
Tel. 2112
JT. n. LEONG. Mgr.
Oar life's work has
been spent la studying
the healing properties
ot Chinese herbs and
now . daily we relieve
those suffering from
toroich, liver and kid
ney trouble, rheuma-.
tlsm " and " gall atones,
also disorder of men.
and children. '. . ,
Free Ooeraltatloa Call or Y7rtta
-' Cr-n o A. !L ti o r. n '
Former Head of Hoosier
State Departs Federal
- Prison on Parole
AP) Silent,on all political mat
ters; but; voluble in expressing his
personal Joy at freedom,, former
Governor Warren T. McCray, of
Indiana; was homeward bound to
night. He was 'released on parole
today 'after serving three years
and four months of a ten year sen-;
tence in the federal prison here,
r McCray who.; bad been convict
ed on a charge of "using the mails
in furtherance of a scheme to de
fraud," XFas released on telegraph
ic instructions from Washington,
confirming Attorney-General Sar
gent's approval of the ' paroe
board's recommendation.
The former chief executire . of
the Hoosier state walked out of
the prison on the first day. the
law allowed, after exaclty one"
third of his sentence had expired.
; 'Yes, I've kept in touch with po-
McMorris " . ,
. At her late home at 1769. Kan
sas avenue, on August 31, 'Mrs.
Anna McMorris, aged 52-years
She is Survived by heirt boabknd,
W. W. McMorris, three children
Hazel E.. Virgil E., and lie ta; her
myother, ; Mrs. Mathilda Van
Cleave of Salem; two sisters, Mrs.
Ida Taylor of Ellensburg, WaiH.,
and Bertha Van' Cleave of Salem;
three ; brothers, Joseph- Ai Van
Cleave of Mt.. Angel, and Charles
A. and Lester M. of Hazel Green.
Funeral services will be held at
the First Christian church at four
o'clock Friday afternoon with Ter
wllliger funeral home in charge.
Interment in City View cemetery.
Perfect Funeral Service
For Less .
Licensed Lady Mortician .
770 Chemeketa Street .
Telephone 724
in every necessary detail in
a service well known and
sought for its quiet under
.standino; and broad sym
pathy to. the bereaved fam
ily. ..Webb's Funeral Parlors
Telephone 120 .
Call 951 r '
r 429 Oregon Bldg. n r
.. . : . - -,: .it.- p. y ; ; ;
i LADD & BUSHi- Bankers
EsUbllaned 1869
General Banking Buiinci
Office Honrs from. 10 a. m -ro t p. ot
Lon and Short Distance nanling . . .
PutUc and Private Storage
s Fircprccf BuIIdlns -
j. V; Tree Delivtry to any part of the city
C,otatic53 cn Application .
s' -loin rr"
ltical conditions, national and i
Indiana, but v I have absolutely'
nothing to say on that score., I'm
anxious to get back to my family -and
mytwo grandchildren -but
my mind is hot concerned with
McCray, .who recently spent
four months in the prison hospit
al, said he was in excellent phy.
Bical condition and attributed his
health to -a cessation, of attempts
to secure a pardon before his pa
role date -arrived. .. . -.
"As soon as I made up my mind
there was-no use seeking a pardpu
and resigned myself . to wait, mjr
health picked up immediately" .
Continued from page II '
All people over the age ot 16 years
will be admitted by complimentary
ticket. . "Keeping fit." is the top-,
ic of the evening. . . , ,
At the Friday afternoon session.
Dr., Frank E. Brown,, of Salem,
will give a 'lantern demonstration
on the subject "To Hear or Not 16
Hear r Is the Question.!' lie will
present some pertinent facts re
garding acquired 'deafness.' 4U 4 "
On Saturday, the delegates will
be entertained at a golf . tourna
ment arranged at the Illahee coun
try club. J Automobiles will leave
Hotel Marion at 7:30 a. m.-Those
taken for a Eight-seeing trip about
the city and surrounding country.',
Df. R. E. L. Stelner and .Dr. L."
F. Griffith of the j. Oregon state
hospital for the insane are to con
duct a special mental disease i elin:
dcjtt 1 OjOOa. m.. Saturday! i
" The, annual banquet , of ,thei so
ciety will W held Friday evening
at the Marion hotel: - . 1 ! -
Entertainment .r'tplannedtt I (or
wires o, attending medical re p
includes a. tea 'tomorrow after
noon at the'Elks club.: Plans are
under way for the organization of t
a woman's auxiliary to the state
society. " ...
PHONE -727--......
Oregon Electric RyV
Willamette Valley Line
Cotfttan( 5tb
Adding Maclwne
C M. Loelcwnxl
Hi n. Cmmt m.
i . i I i ; v.
; - ......
t ' ,11. lit,
I'- i
11 ' i. ' 1 1