The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    1 , J " ' ' . V . - .
mm mmMM
ii i
V . t ) ?
: - - -
S080 Xorth Capitol Street
Potatoes, - per cwti J : :
Tomatoes, 5 lbs. .
Sweet corn per.dozl' ..... . 1: -J.
Hills Bros. & Golden West Cof f eer lb. .. L.
3". pkgs. Quick Napfh'a Soap chips and attractive
; sn9pping,.DasKei ail ior .
tfarp Syrup 24 lb. cans for
"Xkmels, Chesterfield and iAicky Strike cig
arettes, per carton
. v - - ii. p. D. Orders
Slightly Imperfect
X9 : ...
..,-',-' Auctioneers - ,
j :. t: '- : Fumitore Dealers . ,
. ' - Sole Agents for Lang Stores
4 1 r,-'," Rita Down Town
Our prices are lower than the' lowest prices anywhere. Get
our prices. . . - .
Wehave a cpniplete stock of all the grains, grasses
clovers, elc for Fall Seeding. U
Fancy recleaned White Winter whea,Prohl wheat; .Kinney
wheat, etc." - Recleaned Gray oats, Recleaned "Fait Rye Cheat'
Seed, .Vetch Seed, and. a -complete stock' at': all 'thef . various'
grasses sown on. the coasts . c. :
, We-handle the rery" best quality" that can- be obtained oa the
market and you wilf f ind our prices reasonable, quality con
sidered. .
.. . , ; Send us j our list
Phone 160
261 State
1 'V
Sir Arthur Keith Gives Hu
man Race Antiquity of
'1,000,000 Years":..
i AP) Darwin wa right. 1 d
clared Sir Arthur Kfelta. the di-
tlngaished scieatlst. In, taddr6ss-
lnr Ih. TtrttUh AHO!lltlM tot the
Advancinient of Science here' to
night. Sir Arthur hot only agreed
'hatvman had descended
ane-lik4 beineV-but h gav man
kind an aatianltr i of a million
years.; v, ,,fV- -f-,
?Ir Arthur wasdeliTering the
inaitKural d residential address be
fore the association, which met to-
dar f or; lta . nlnety-aixtn . annual
session.. It, was before this same
aujiust bodjr In Leeds many years
ago fthat- there :.waaf Initiated the'
ntroTersy over the descent ' of
fn which swent th wboh
ililUDS HL Difcli
I ' . . '..; 4
-4 od world and still remains a
U . irninc auestlon. '.-
sir Artbttf KWtn.rno sncceeas
the prince of Wales as president
nt the association, took for his
address 'tonight ' the . formidable
fext , of "Darwin's Theory of Man's
Dc-trnnt as It Stands' Today." Sir
Arthur said In part; .. ' " ' ; ' f
; r . ' process Complex
: Thfl Tidence of man's evolu
tion from an ape-jilke .'being,' oh
.inf from a stadT of fossil r&-
maiaR is definite and IrrefnUbl.
but the process"; bis beetf Infinite
Ijr moe comptexthaa was suspec
ted in Darwin's time. Our older
and discarded conception of man's
transformation was depicted in the
well known diagram which show-
.inrla file of skeletons; th
glboon at one end and the man at
"in onr ericinal simollcitT wo
expected, as we traced man back
wards In time, that .we should en
ft traded sericfi of foSSil
r-m a series which would caf-
him In a straight line towards
- anthrnnold. : ancestor. We
should hare nereT hare made this
initial mistake if we naa remem-v-.
th.t the euida to the world
r , rast i tl world of the
rcr 'el -3 b 1 " ""
k2t en i msr -jtrag-e? Jaacn- w eest v o myt &esc; Mium,
T ,t' ft f t 1 . f1
.-..- l.$15
Felt Base Rifgs
or call aad see us.
Salem, Oregon
IHwity MenUoned '
"Our searches have shown that
n remote times the ; world was
peopled, , sparsely, It is true, "with
races showing an even greater dl
Tersfty than ' those of , today, and
that already" the-same process of
replacement was ,.at' work, To
unravel man's pedigree, we have
to thread our way, not1 along the
links of a chain, but through the
meshes" of a complicated network;
"We made'' another; mistake.'
Seeing that in eur ; search' for
man's ancestry we ; expected! to
reach an old age when the beings
we should hare . to t deal' with
wonldf be Simian: rather than hum
an, we ought to have marked the
condition which, prevails ' among
living anthropoid rapes: We ought
to hate hwn prepared to find, as
we, .approached ft distant point in
the, geological horizon,: that ' the
f ortns encountered "would" be as
widely different as ' ar. the goril
la ; chim pan zee and i or ang, and
confined, as these great anthro
poids now are, to! limited parts of
the earth's surface.' h j "
".L- Become Unlike i i .
'That Is what we are now real
izing; as we go backwards In time
we dlscoter that mankind becomes
broken np, not Into separate rac
es-as in the" world of' today, but
Into numerous and separate spe
cies. When we go into ar still
more remote past they become so
unlike that we have : ' ' to regard
them not as belonging to separate
species, but- different- genra.
There are other f difficulties.
There still remain great blanks In
the geological record of man's ev
olution. By the discovery of fos
sil remains 'we have followed man
backwards to the close of the pile
ocefte a period which endured at
least for a quarter ; of a millfon
years, but we have' not yet s acced
ed In tracing - him- throngs this
period. .
"It is true that we found fos
sil teeth In pliocene deposits which
may be those of an ape-like man
or of a- man-like ape; f an til we
flndvother parts of their bodies
we cannot' decide : Whetf we fass
into the still older mlocene peri
od one ; which was ; certainly
twice as long as the pliocene we
are in the" heyday of anthropoid
history. ; ,
Million Tears Aatiqulty ;,
AH the evidence now,, at our
disposal' supports the conclusion
that man has arisen, as. La. Marc k
and . Darwin suspected. from an
anthropoid ape not higheriln the
; Mdlly vrao$ 'Meat
' 2090 NbrtK Capitol" St reet
Latest refrigeration and marlcef methods! Oar meats
are U. S. Gov't. inspected, arid the Ibest- we can" buy.
i ' 1
" amttxrqueuu
Complete Automotive fabrication
We Carry the Following, Products : I
ValVoiirie Veesdol x t
Pennzoil - Quaker State
t Shell Gils
Court at Cajpitol- Phone 2295
- 1
gives man the respectable antiq
uity or about one' million years.
"Our geological search, which 1
have summarized all to briefly.
has-not produced so far the final
and! conclnsive evidence of man's
anthropoid origin; ' we have not
found as yet tne unman 'imago'
emerging from its anthropoid en
casement.. '
Praises Darwin
"The crucial "- chapters in l5ar
win's 'Descent of Man are' those
in whlclr he seeks: to give hts-
toricat account of the rise of man's
brain and of the varied functions
which1- tha( organ subserves. Dar
win himself 'approached this-problem1
not as an anatomist, but as a
pBychoIogi8t". and",'i aftef ' raay
years of? patient and- exact obser
vation", succeeded in convincing
himself that, immeasurable as are
the4 differences between the men
tality of man and ape, they are of
degree, not of kind.- Prolonged re
searchesTntdeby modern psychol
ogists have but terlffed and ex
tended' Darwin's conelnsion. No
matter what line or evidence we
select to forfow evidence gather
ed by anatomists,' by embryolo
gists, -bf physiologists or by psy.
chologistsi we reach the convic
tion that man's brai f has been
evolved from' that of an anthro
poid ape and' that In the process
no hew-structure has. been Intro"
dueed'and nor new or strange fac
ulty. Interpolated.
k ilWaj Darwta right wherr he
said that man, nnder the - action
of biological forces which ca be
observed "and ' measured, has been
raised from a place amdngr aix
thropoid apes to '"that which 'he
now soccupfesri The; answer is,
T8 j And in returning-'tRls ver
dict r speak but as foreman' of the
jury- Jury whfch has- been inr
panelled, from men-who have de
voted, a lifetime to. weighing tha
eviaence." ? ..
State ' Senator Iireome Candidate
:l " lu ltace t or Congrce
PORTLAND, Aug. 31.(AP)-
Gus C. Meser, state senator far 16
years, Announced today, that he is
a candidate for the indorsement of
ine repuoucan congressional con
vention -and -will abide by the will
of that gathering, John A. Hears,
a district court judge, also Issued
an announcement of his candidacy
tonight and wl!labide by the re
salt. . r- - - : . -
Other republk'sns "who "nave V-
i jubcc 1 themselves tnd, will cnt?r
,e convention afe Frank L. Shuli,
jv i-t- 'w -i '
If Your Vlotor Gives
You (Trouble
Call us; Our 'telephone is 3611
Our location r is 271 Chesne
keta street. Bring in yonr car
and let us refine your brakes;
before ihe rainy season starts.
Morion Auto Service
i All Worfe'daaranteetT.
Our Motto is to Satisfy.
Reynolds and Newland
; Reach Presidio; Plane
Retained! by Mexicans
3L (AP) Captain C. H. Rey
nolds and- Master . Sergeant Gus
Newland, . army aviators, ,. who
were forced to earth soutn of the
Rio Grande b Saturday, jeached
Presidloi Texas, today, according
to advices received . irom-uamp
Alarfa and , Presidio today , The
news, of their locatio? came only
aflei Fort 'Sam Houston here had
dlspatcned' two flyers' In Douglas
transport planes to scour the bor
der from Del Rio, Aexas, to Tuc
son, Arizona, in an effort to locate
the men. : News of their arrival
at Presided came from ColoneT C.
S. BabcbCk. commandant' ff thin
Jrirst cavalary "at Marfav c
Colonel Babcock wired that the
men. were, safe and that their plane
was 3 0 miles np the Rfo Crande
from Presidio,' awaiting a release
from Mexico City. Mexican sold
iers. Colonel Babcock said; were
guarding" the plane and were pre
pared to clear a runway for It as
soon as the release is received
and 'minor repairs are made, v s
, Advices from Mexico City said
that- the men - were not prisoners
and that they had notbeen 'Injur
;ed,i but the continued' silthcn of
the ffyets themselves led staff of-
flcei'B . here- to worry i abou e" them
and fear that they might be down
In some deserted portion , of the
border. - sv; -
The fliers who are searching
for. them were expected toJ reach
Marfa' thti kfter'noen' fro'rti where
one of them may go to Mexico to
help start Reynolds 'plane;
mm gc'jti;.: a
' CHICAGO, Aug. 3f.fAP)
The movlo -theater lockott r'l fts
tHrd day spread; to adci 'ticai i x'"
ture houses as m aching o; . at
rdpTcd to seek .an 'tnjanctlun
fci t dfstriwatdrs who ref uj;e
Next'foHrbcy'IS'NoftU Capitol Street.
Choice Beef Cuts-
Roast Beef . .....:.....L.ioi 16;
Boiling Beef ':. ;.........15c:i"Ib
All Steafes :........;25c 1I;
Everyday, Pficesr-
That's what depreciates jriost on a quality car that has
been run only a year or. two. ' '
Open and Inclosed Models' -Ready
to Go.
mo ooutn commercial rnone
Stndebaker and
'Choicest roasting pork 17
Lean loin pork chops 2iy2
Center cutsr leg of
pork 23
Pickled Side, Pork 17c
-Bulk Sausage, delicious I5c
Mutton for Roasting, 14c;
Spring Lamb for roast 15c
. Leg of jUam6;:JLuiL2ife - - ' -
Mutton Chops 17
downtown district, and two chains
of neighborhood theaters operat
ing the first two days of the lock
out were dark today.
The exhibitors- I association
claimed' all theaters in the Chi
cago district were closed. Union
leaders said: this was; an exagger
ation. Machine operators, whose, dif
ference with the Orpheum circuit
precipitated the" crisis, will test
the film' denial decree In the state
courts, according to Thomas F.
Mafoy; business manager. They
hope to force the exchanges to sup
ply , films" to independent houses.
The distributors 'say they rely bn
a strike clause in their contracts
to" protect tbfcmV'-"
C. C. Pettijohn. general counsel
for the film exhibitors ahd pro
ducert organization, of which: Will
Hays 1 is the head", arriving- here
today from1 California on his way
tor New5 York decided: - to- rema to
a few" days. - - The sitnaUbU, nert
said, appeared serious, and he de
clared1 n" hoped to prevent - the
Chicago f ilffli board ot trade from
making any "mistakes. The
film poardT stopped distribution.
' ' 11 1 ; .
AH &x&ei and Wlniant
'? Ll' .. Arrivesr-Frisco-
Da via
(AJ?j. -Triumph and sorrow were
were intermingled. In" the home
fcomlnr today- of Art Goebeand
UeuipraU jta-'fcK-. Pifo.l dtA
navigator of the winning Dole air
racer monoplane, Woolar 6c .
Geehel ! and : Davis' " were" trium
(phant in that they won the 125,-
0 00 first prize1 oirered in- therrace.
They.' sn pressed' their" eiatioirbe
cause they grieved t!th'the rest
of the nation over.- the loss of six
men and one woman" entered, in
the derby.;; , AL- rtiU
AU the way home X stodied the
sea," Goebel sald after , he and
Darts- were greeted at the pier by
crrfc ' representatives. - I j- feat
those - fliers- arer gone-., There 're
mains; a . slim- chance only a
mighty slim chance that any of
theni'wlll ever be found 'alive;'
Goebef and- Davis requested that
there be no banquets or other so
cial, af fafti feTlven - fur them; ' say
irir that suh W6uld ' not 1 be' Ii
kecking' Hv: .a kheir feptfitsi5
HK,9 - Red leaJcrl J i ' He ieW
I the collapse of thcr f 'hlw
c campafn to the fact tiac .tl
PK6ne 362
Erskine Dealers
Mutton Stew; 2f 16.' .r25c
Fresh Hamburger 2 lb. 25c
Finest Breakfast Hacon 24Tc
Sugar Cured Hams: .J23c
CenteCutsif Ham l35c
Bacon Back Smkd. .22y2
pure Xard 2 lb; v.25e:
Shortening 2 Ibxd2J5c :
Fresh Sliced liver, 2 lb; 15e
- Fr6sh'VlmoVt.14c V
ChoicestPot RoastC5c
ActiVitifc Crystallize i. Into
upposmon ia u omun
as.; Candfdafe.
( AP) -After .'. welcoming., to its
cause an. organisation, .credited on
the floor .with haying, kept Govern
or . Al Smith out of. the .White
House, the. National Women's
Christian Temperance Union con
cluded Its annual conventioa here
tonight wlth , pledges t renewing
loyalty o' pVbhibi tion" and law eU-
forcement; -: v ,
.. . Seven days of activity, centering
around' plans' ; for. relen tless. war-
tare r agalhBt "wet" candidates;
were climaxed by repeated refer
ence to the proposed presidential
candidacy of Governor Smith..
Started". by a delegate from the
governor's- own- home state,' the
waveof opposition to hM candi
dacy swept through the convention
hall - during: the day' session.' and
was kept" alive , by " the same' wo
man at the final convention ban-
quet touightv . '''i:- '' ':'
Reading f a telegram from the
National Women's Democratic Law
Enforcement league, endorsing the
union's demand for1 "bone , dry;
platforms and" candidates ; drew
from Mrs. D. Leigh polvin of New
York ' City, the statement . that
:rnis means ine aeieat oi . ai
Smith from. the inside of the dem
ocralic party." " ' ' s -
i Amid a mild demonstration,
Mfs- -Colvlnr who is president ofH
the New York state, WV C.;T.':U.,
continued! with the assertion .that
"This law, enforcement, league Is
the same group of, women . that
kept Af Smith . from betngnomi
bated for president at .the last
democratic n atlon al conve nf Ion.' ,
"And,", she, shrieked;, "they' are
going to repeat again next year.:
MrsV Colvlnln an : address . to
night, describing" work in , her dis
trict ot New York, New jersey and
Pennsylvania,: said: W6 serve
notice on the liquor forces of these
three states (hat the dry forces.are
l the'ma Jor ity . and ithat" no wet
governor 'f,rom the' state, -of JKew
iora or irqm an oiaer siaie snau
sit in the White House, as presi-
- V
Is , wilf . aot IrirT batk
declarer 'av'.wnr- l-finoti!!
Home Cooked Meals . . . H Short Orders .
Tobacca and Confections..
Opposite HblIynvxod Theat ,
Open from:5:00 arfl.4Ul -midnight. '
2(300 North Capitol Street 'r- "
262 Cheuieket Street
Special for Friday and Saturday v-
Only 30x3
. vj. inc;
17jl ;N- Commercial , t -s
between Directors 'and
Peerless Bakery.
Money is tight and many Wil
lamette-; university students 'are
planning-to drop out of school for
a year, according, to unlversity-of
ficlals. Enrollment In the fresh
man claas Is expected to- fin the
ranks of those-who-do not returnt
As In the past, reglsFration- will
be-' limited tft approximately 600
students. ; 'Applications- are-.com1
ing- in- steadily.- -
? Freshmen will be required to
... ." . - .'. ...
" ' .Via.
II i '
v . C-l
i - - ' .
v .... Jh. a vak. v aj uaw av sj va v
Return Linit Sept.- 7 t
! Proportional - reductions to other O. E. Ky. stations.
..Trains leave -daily: for' Portland at T:i0 a. rn ld:10
- a: m;,.l:C" p. in, '1:C3 p.'nf, 5:C0p. m, 8:CJ p. m.
Fof Eugene, Albany and Coryallia i at 10 :00 a, m.,
p. m.,;4;15 p. m., 8:10 p. m. .
t - ileitis, xuiiiicr laiuxuiciuuiiy etc., ui
i W'v. .
TiVeV C4.S0
register duTlng the perind'-SepSem-'
ber 1ft , to; 20, one-, week ,, earlier,
than registration for upper classy
mem ' The change was made .'this
yeay-for the purpose, of giving hb-
derciassmen-.. an-opportunity o, te--come
acquainted with the nniirer-
sity, the professors, and with each
other; prior' to the- advent . of ; the
entire- student .hody..4 Insplratlonr.
ai ; talks, by PresI d,en t, Donjy, a d
the qualifying examinations, are to
feature activiUeS the week: t f
- , If tfiepiaa proves SBccessfulH
wilf be adapted as. i regular,- feature-
of Ttbe university registration
requirements. , , , . .
i instruction f or alf students will
commence- ThUrsdayr September
22, at 7:45 a. m.
Tea YckrtftiilfcVti clil'u '
: .
Phone C25'
Dr. L. R. EiM;:Lr
40T First NatloBJa Daic LalllJ
'. ... ... I
r , -
i .
7 ... v. 72 h
- f
Ki.i.i .
1 t(,t
. : v.i
a i j
4 . -r t ! 1 -
L B.lf:-Tl"3,.,FrfiltIin K.Vnn
J '' '- lv. J-T " 1 lira. U
f -