The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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Alpine sports, on reckless air races
J J 4, -; 4 i i
Sallyis Sallies
for gold "and trophies.'-: --'v ...,..,
Meeting of State Land
BoartJi Called for This
Purpose on Friday
Aj, Ilowcvrr, Tliat, Person be Se
lected Who lias Not Hn Em
ployed, Ross Island Sand &
v-"" Gravel Co.
a o Theater
d Dove, the star all Am-
as talking about, will te seen
The Tender .Hour," at the
Inee only today. , The meeting
the Medical Association will be
held at the Elsinore this evening
and the regular Elsinore program
will be dispensed with, tonight.
ate land board at a meet
ing here, Friday, will select an au
ditor to Investigate the books of
various Jsand and gravel operat
ors to determine the,; amount of
sand talen by these concerns trom
the Columbia river daring the last
seven" ysars.
The. a-ud It will-be used by, the
land departments of Washington
and Oregon to , determine the
amount of royalty due the two
states for sand recovered from
the Col ambia, river since the law
making "the payment .' of Toyalty
necessarywas first' .enacted. Tne'
rate of -royalty to be charged on
sand taken daring; the seytn, year,
period will be determined' by the
land department officials after
the audit is completed.
Companies Acquiesce
Attorneys for the sand and
gravel operators appeared before
the Oregon land department offic
ials today and made it plain that
they did not have any objection to
the audit, and would cooperate
In the work, ir was requested,
however, that the auditor should
be some person who has not been
employed by the Ross Island
Sand and Gravel company. This
request was said ' to be agreeable
to the land department officials.
"We believe." read a letter sub
mitted tt the land board-members
by attorneys for the so-called in
dependent sand and gravel opera
tors, ."ihat It is unnecessary to
comment upon . the natural and
obvious" Interest of the .Ross Isl
and Sand & Gravel company in
the affairs of these ' companies,
and Inasmuch a the affairs' of
this company and the Beaver
Fortran Cement company and of
Ralph "Schneeloch company iare
closely Jnterwoven we feel Justif
ied in making the request that
any accountant or appraisal firm
now 'or heretofore connected with
any Of these companies, or acting
for them; be excluded from tho
list from which the selection is
- Wolfo Xot Favored
Objection, also was made by the
attorneys to the employment of
G rover C Wolfe as auditor in de
termining the amount of sand tak
en from the Columbia river.
Wolfe is special investigator for
the Oregon state land board.
Objection to Mr. Wolfe's em
ployment as auditor .was based on
the contention that at the. time he
was 'first: hired by the state it
. was agreed that half of his salary
would be paid by the Ross Island
Sand .and Gravel company.
Sand .. . and gravel , operators
whose books will be audited in
clude" the Hackett Digger com
pany, Diamond O Navigation com
pany, t Columbia Contract" com
pany. James A. C. Tait & com
pany. Columbia: Digger, company,
Portland Gravel company, HickT
um & iKelly Sand and Gravel
company. Star Sand company and
a number of smaller concerns op
era ting, on the Columbia river
near Astoria.
Gertrude Ederle .yes, The same
"Trudy" " or swimming' fame--didn't
escape the- much discusrted
economy wave in motion pictures
when she arrived on ; the West
Coast to, take up. her first work
before" the camera. ; ; j . "
Miss Elerle signed' a contract
with Parmount Famous Lasky a
short time ago toi appear, with
Bebe Daniels in that star's latest
Barring . vehicle. '"Swim. ; Girl,
Swim" at tho Elsinore tomorrow,
and, according to Paramount of
ficials, the conqueror of the Eng
lish Channel did not waste, a min
ute in getting before the camera.
In fact,' a makeup man boarded
the train at San Bernardino and
just, as soon as breakfast was com
pleted Miss Ederle was given her
first tussle with the greasepaint.
She was met at the train in Los
Angeles and whisked away to Long
Beach where M'ss - Daniels and
the company were waiting her ar
rival. This ultra speed was ne
cessary t because of a production
schedule that would permit not
an hour's" delay."
Thefam6us girl swimmer Js cast
for an important role in "Swim.
Girt Sw.m, and as production
was. well under way she would be
kept busy every minute fulfilling
the .'Obigations of the contract.
She joined a cast supporting. Miss
(Continued from page 1)
blackberries. Will be at least this
week, and next, perhaps longer.
Canning pears at Portland plant;
none -atf Salem plant.
The Oregon Packing company Is
canning beans at Ihe 13th street
plant,' blackberries "at the 12th
street plant.
The Paulus cannery Is full up,
with about 300 women, on pears
and blackberries. Will be on pears
a month or more.
; The Prune Deals
Dehuey & Co. have been rolling
10 to IT cars a . day of green
prunes from'.: Salem .and other
plant's. Will " stop packing any
thing picked after yesterday. They
are getting too soft. They say they
cannot risk prunes for 12 to 14
days pn the road after they get be
yond the present stage. ,
O. ' E. Brooks, at the Pacific
Fruit & Produce Co. plant, rolled
a can of prunes Tuesday, and two
yesterday. Will ship as long as
the market justifies, and they re
ceive prunes that will stand up,
this week and perhaps part of next
week. ;
Young & Wells, at Forest Grove,
are shirping green prunes, and the
Eugen Fruit Growers have start
ed to r-irketlng some in this man-
re r, to!.
Daniels which consists of James
Hall, Josephine Dunn, and Wil
liam Austin. " . -
Grand Theater
The attraction announced by
the Grand theater for next Satur
day Is the Warner Bros.' produc
tion of - "Hills of Kentucky."
starring Rin-Tin-TIn And directed
by Howard Bretherton.
s The story concerns a dog known
as Vthe GreyX?host" -and his pack
of outlaw 'dogs and wolves - who
have become so feared and hated
that, a large j-eward has been of
fered for 'mpne day the Grey
vi host is bacriy. mjurea ana is oe
friended by Davy, a little cripple
boy whose sister is the new school
teacher. -;,--
- Steve . and Ben : Harley. half
brothers of very unlike disposi
tion, are both courting the girl
Steve has greater success and Ben
takes the opportunity of shooting
Steve when "The Gray Ghost" is
near him. Steve Is brought to the
school teacher's house. This
gives Ben a chance to .start a
nasty insinuation going among the
receptive countryfolk, and It Is not
long until they will not allow their
children to go to the school. With
the help of "The Grey Ghost" this
situation Is remedied ' and the
girl's attempted abduction by Ben
is thwarted.
Rin-Tin-Tin is supported by an
excellent cast including. Jason
Robards, Dorothy Dwan, Tom
Santschi, Billy Kent Schaeffer,
Nanette and. Rln-Tin-TJn, Jr; The
picture was adapted from Dorothy
Yost's story, "The Untamed
Heart." It comes to the Grand
theater next Saturday for & run
of three days.
" " - Il 1
iTallaoe Beery and jRLaYrnond Hatton in the Edward Sutherland
Phxluctaoa Jirenaca, Savo Jy.CIuld, A Paramount Picturo
Serious Problem Faced,
Says Director j of New
York Maternity Center
unannounced point in the United
The American plane. Old Glory,
from Nw York to Rome
Th American plane, Pride of
Detroit, was at Constantinople, six
days and more than, 5,000 miles
out on its round the world flight;
next stop Aleppo, with departure
from Constantinople expected
about dawn today.
"How ; much should the lives
of 20,000 mothers; be, worth?"
challenged Miss Hazel Corbin, di
rector of the Maternity Center as
sociation' of : New York, in an in
terview yesterday, I j
."Every year 20,000 mothers die
to the United States during the
first month .of life: every year
100,000 babies in the United
States are born dead." ! ,
"These figures have stood since
1900. For 27 years there has
been no redaction. 'We have wit-1
nessed a Bteady decline in typhoid.
pneumonia, , and, othn diseases.
The maternal and J infant -death
death rate is .not only a medica
and nursing problem, but" a com
munity problem, and each com
munity must assume its share of
Miss Corbin stressed- the need
of the. mother to see her family
physician as seen as she suspects
she is pregnant. The maternity
center association, of which she
is the head,: teaches mothers what
they may expect of medical and
nursing service, so. that the moth
ers may receive the most for their
money. .
T The eagerness of women every
where to avail themselves of nurs
ing service is in evidence wher
ever a nursing service has been
established, declared Miss Corbin.
They, use. the nursing service to
its limit capacity, and always the
women served are eager and am
lous to pay for .as ; much ' as they
can qf the service given,
l Continued - from page 1) '
the lives of Nungesser and Coll in
a French machine and thwarted
the ambitions of '.two German
ships. ."!'"
Three Others Ready -
Weather permitting, three other
ocean flights were, to start to
day: . .
The Canadian plane, , Royal
Windsor, from Windsor, OnL. to
Windsor, England.
The German plane, Breman.
from Dessau; Germany, to some
LONDON, Ont., Aug. 31. AP)
The monoplane Sir John Car
ling, piloted by Captain Terry
Tully and with Lieutenant James
Medcalf as navigator, will hop of!
at day break tomorrow for Harbor
Grace, Newfoundland, on the first
leg of their proposed flight to
London, England, the flight com
mittee announced late tonight.
-(AP) Remaining on the run
way tonight, the Junkers trans
Atlantic airplane Bremen, which
was rolled out about 5 o'clock in
the afternoon, may possibly take
the aTr for her flight to America
tomorrow, .If weather reports are
at ; all favorable. Worki i of fuel.
ing the Bremen was begun, but It
soon was Realized tha the start
could,' not be made this evening as
was intended.
KT. JOHNS, N. F., Aug. 31.
(AP) "Much improved" weather
conditions along the entire New
foundland coast were reported to
this city at 9 o'clock Eastern day
light time tonight, after a day
of lowering clouds, rain and some
fog." :. j' ,: i '
Laugh-thrills will be the order
of the day at the Oregon theatre
today when the inimitable comedy
team of Wallace Beery and Ray
mond Hatton appear in their lat
est Paramount fun film "Firemen,
Save My Child." I
This picture has been acclaimed
the greatest : and funniest of the
Beery-Hatton comedies, but it has
the added novelty of being one of
those rare productions in which
the spectator is carried through a
succession heart-stopping thrills
while being convulsed with laugh
ter. In the producer's - big scenes,
which is -said i to have been pro
duced on a more lavish scale than
either of its predecessors "Behind
the; Front" and "We're In the
Navy Now" some of the most dar
ing shots ever photographed by a
camera were taken.
The rescues made by those In
trepid fire-fighters. Beery and
Hatton, involve some exceedingly
iisky work, bat while one won
ders at their daring and the
dangers they encounter, . he is
convulsed by the ludicrousness of
their conduct,, even in the midst
of peril. The result is one of
the most exciting humorous film
ever made.
Roy C. Lyle Under Fire for
Alleged Inefficiency
In Northwest
NEW YORK. -Aug. 3 1. ( AP )
- Low barometric pressure and a
stormy area off the coast of Ire
land extending foV several hun
dred miles was reported by the
local weather bureau today as one
of the difficulties which the Fok
ker monoplane, St. Raphael, with
Captain Hamilton, Colonel l Mln
chin, and Frances Lowenstein
Werthelm would have to surmount
on its hop from England to Can
ada. If successfully passed, the wea
ther bureau said, a wide area in
mid-Atlantic of cloudy weather
and showers would be the next
test of the plane's capabilities.
Off the Newfoundland coast a
heavy fog was reported.
The entire distance : from ' the
western edge of the storm area
to the North - American coast
would have to' be traversed, ac
cording to the bureau, against
head ; winds " which would mater
ially lessen the plane's speed.
The 51 ystic Seer You'll Marvel at 111m.
The 3fystic Leer-t-You'll 3larrel at Him,
(AP) Roy lC. Lyle, prohibition
administrator for Washington,
Oregon and Alaska, who is under
fire for alleged inefficiency, ex
pects to find out tomorrow where
he stands with his superiors. He
has an engagement . to 1 confer
then with ; Assistant Secretary
Lowman, in charge of prohibition.
Whille Mr. Lowman declined
today to discuss' for ' publication?
the course he intends to pursue, '
it was predicted at the treasury
that l)yle would resign "for the
good of the service." In the event
he declines to do so it was indicat
ed, that he would be dismissed
unless there Is some unexpected
Lyle saw f Prohibition Commis
sioner Doran for a few moments
today but was unable to go over
the situation in the northwest
vlth him as the commissioner was
called away to attend to other of
ficial business. The administrat
or has not yet seen Lowman, who
summoned . him here to . explain
why his enforcement efforts were
not meeting with better success.
: Lowman has indicated- that lie
is dissatisfied with results under
Lyle's regime and expects to so
Inform him ' tomorrow. Unless
Lyle can put a different light on
the situation during his talk with
the assistant secretary, it appeared
a certainty tonight that he would
be requested to resign, despite ef
forts of Senator Jones of Wash
ington, ' and certain prohibition
leaders in his enforcement terri
tory to have him retained.
Lyle himself declined to sy
much today, confining his com
ment - to the statement that his
superiors, of course, could dhv
cuss the situation but he preferred
to wait until after his meeting
with them' to make a statement
if at all. j
. -,
f ,
62.iYear Old Woman Begins
Ocean Flight While
-.Others -Still Wait
iSevcJUy Year Old Man Blinded by
t - Driving I tain in Street
i, i , - . :
PORTLAND, Aug. 31. (AP)
7 Adolph Fick, !70, was injured
perhaps fatally, when struck by
a street car" tonight. He was
treated; by , a police emergency
doctor and then rushed to a hos
pital. - Attendants reported that
he. suffered a possible fracture of
the skull and Internal injuries.
O. Kester, f metorman, told po
lice that the man started across
the street and. apparently blinded
by rain, walked into the street
Car. ;W : j ' ; .
UPAVON. England, Aug. 31.
(AP) While others waited tor
the; favor of the - elements- two
British aviators and a 6,2Lye&rj old
princess went up into the air from
this flying field today to achieve
that which for many months has
been the dream or airmentne
winging of the Atlantic from Eur
ope to America.
At 7.32 o'clock in the morning
the monoplane St. Raphael sped
down the runway with Colonel
Frederick F. Minchin at the con
trols and Captain Leslie Hamilton
and Princess Lowenstein Wer
thelm aboard. There had been
no certainty of a start, but Hamil
ton and Minchin were on the
ground,' and the princess drove
down at an earjy hour and without
more ado declared her Intention of
going along.
Reach Ocean at Noon
Shortly after noon today the
civic guards and villagers of the
little Irish town of Inverin on the
north coast of Gal way bay stood
in. silent awe watching the huge
airplane. pass ou over the dull blue
waters of the Atlantic toward far
away America. With "all well'
it shoud have roared its way by
midnight over a thousand miles
ot the watery wastes of the At
The St. Raphael's speed during
the five hours' flight from Eng,
land to the point where it struck
out across the ocean was not more
than 70 miles an hour, and it is
figured that this speed will have
to be greatly increased, if its des
tination, London, Canada, is to
be reached on time. But weather
conditions were none too good
over the British Isles, with a iaze
and sometimes a fog hindering the
flight, of the heavily loaded mono
plane. .
Straightens Course
It flew' low, now zig-zagging
now circling, to avoid, the fog
banks, and .nosing out the best
course. But when the moment
came for the hop from the brink
of Ireland there was no hesitancy
as s the . , plane bravely headed
straight out over the broad ocean,
which no flier has yet conquered
from the European side.
Added to the dramatic aspect
of the start at Upavon was a touch
ing incident of devoutness. The
fliers assembled under the wings
of the plane and the Most Rev.
Francis Alostyn," Roman Catholic
archbishop of Cftrd iff, blessed the
plane, - blessed the aviators and
bade them Godspeed
The pilot lights were aglow at
A sensible wedding present it the address
f a good, inexpensive divorce lawyer.
Upavon tonight and a small force
-under Wing Commander Vernon
Brown will stay up all night ready
to handle the St. Raphael should
she encounter storms at sea and
return here. But nobody at the
airdrome thinks the plane will
come back.
The daring trio of fliers barely
escaped death . In the hop-off, . as
the plane left the ground just in
time to avert disaster.
Determined To Reach Goal "
It is believer they are deter
mined to reach - their Canadian
goal and get their bag of Canadian
gold, 25,000, as the prize, or die
in the attempt. They "are bound
for Ottawa. 2,920 miles distant
and thence to -London, Ontario.
Princess Asonlshes
Great Britain has been .swept
with admiration for the whole St
Raphael adventure, but it fairly
gasped at the .daring of Princess
Lowenstein Wertheim, at whose
age most women of these islands
spend their days and nights snug
by their fireside, all thoughts of
adventure far behind.
The princess, who sits in a wick
er chair In the tiny cabin of the
monoplane, is following her flying
hero. Hamilton, to ' the very ends
of the earth. She has gone with
him on many hazardous air ven
tures, Triights to Switzerland for
More Marriage Licenses In August
, Tliaa Year Ago
Twn marriive licenses issued on
the last day of he month yester
day, swelled the Aujnst total to
54, eleven more than., for the same
month In .1926. It i noted that
with an Increase in dwelling per
mits, issued at the city ha.ll. there
Is a corresponding Increvse In
marriage permits, or vice vera.
Whilft tha-Aueust marriage ,rec-
ord'is below the totals of 65 'lor
July and 63 for June of this yeir,
it is a record August month.
Those securing licenses yester
day were William. J. K. Kloft and
Anna Butsch. both of Mt. Angel.
and Elwin A. Shorey, Rt. 3, Salem,
and Georgia M- Ellis, Foster.
Tremendous Task
The circus skeleton found tho
strong man in his tent weepinj;
loudly. '
"What's the matter, old man?"
said the skeleton sympathetically.
"The the elephant baa died."
sobbed the strong man as if his
heart would break.
"But but why are you crying
over thal?7 persisted the skeleton.
"Well well." sobbed tne
strong man. "the boss says I've
got to dig his grave!"
" ' Starts Sunday
This picture, was chosen among
4 'of tho loading pictures of
the year to play Portland's
Broadway theater . during
Greater Movie Season.
The Capitol's got tho pic
, PORTLAND Aug., 31. (AP)
The condition of Circuit Judge
Charles M. Thomas of Medford,
who Is seriously ill at a hospital
here, was , unchanged tonight.
Judge Thomas was brought from
Medford for treatment here sever
al days ago.
5Sa WAY TO7b
tr ..J.t Jf
HERE THEY ARE The Funniest M
tt'Mt Coast
I f . ! VolU
Attraction - -
I 1 lar prices.
.. Movie '
I its tireav" ,
I I HeaM'
I . landed in
I tne t with 'Be-
Wn , .i,P.ned
aBd hold
nelT "brae
tire the townl
Youni scream -.
this!, -,
. Raymond Hatton
- , ' . w f 1
. ' Today
TIio MysUc Seer
Bligh's Capitol Theater
' Si
1 . M Ik. t '
5 acts Vodvil - Sunday.
. Matinee Sat. 2 p., m. .
i l.-
Any ISW Jbrti?
OCdL M:;lia'
ctlnty at his Best.
Rinty and his family. .
The-. Wonder Dor's Newest rietu re
You'll .Laugh
)Right Out ut
Your " Seats at
v VaWIh Ma-
glll in New
It Tops .
Them All
. a-
. i
Kvenings 40c
Kiddies lOc
. With
The first girl who swam the English Channel
'Trudy" Ederle
Come on Down
! Get in the swim with I$ebe! She's back
again in a farce that'll make you for
r r"f every comedy you've ever seen!
w Even belter than 'The Campus Flirt!"
Billie Dove in
Meeting of BledJcal,
Greater Movio Season.
s Getters