The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1927, Page 1, Image 1

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    Did You Know That the Saleitix :P&trictIs W ...
!z h& mght -sal-em tanneries Are viuing up With a Vozi;:&l .
Weather forecast:' Sho were; moderate tern-!"- fj.T Pa J " ' rl lhv L ' - . V- . fTX- f
TtAratur:. humiLKv .about, normal: ' moderate
westerly winds along the coast. Maximum
tern perature , yesterday 6 9 , . minim u m , 53 a ri y
er minus 2.0, rain traces, atmosphere tloudy.
wind south. - ' - )
.! m mrmmm mmimimmum, ....
Some Blackberries Remain;
Prune urying to biarun
'About Two Weeks
Ten to 12 Carloads of Green
Frune Larlng .Daily X Belief -
, Expressed. That All of Crop
' Will be Picked
The Salem canneries hare open
ed uv. or are openinK up with full
crew and full time, on pears, with
evergreen blackberries also still
comiag; will probably come for
two weeks or mora yet. And
pears will., last for .perhaps a
month or more.' , In the mean time,
there will be- prunes to can, for
the plants that will use them and
t most of them-will.. The drying ot
prunes will be on In about two
weeks. A well posted man in the
prune industry teUslthe reporter
VthAt-it is his opinion that all the
prunes will be picked; that many
drye men will buy prunes from
growers who are unable them-
selves to' 'dry their. crpp"? ?,; ;
V At the Canneries r - :
The' Hunt cannery Is full hand
ed, eight ta ten hours a day on
Bartlett pears, with some black
berries on one side of the'plant,' to
take care of arriTala. rMost of the
pears so far- are .from' southern
Oregon- ' Some' f rom'local growers.
The commencement , on the can
ning of pears was made last Frl-
TheVWest Salem "cannery starts
on pears this morning," with a full
fr.-Prom their own stockhold-
ei'a'eiclnslTelyl, lH'?' tfrwsenl.1 "T
The Northwest cannery - is full
np on pears; with 200 to 30O wo
men working. Soma blackberries,
too. ,t i : . ; I ' '.
The Producers CoopefatiTe can
nery Is starting on peam Will be
full up early nexti week. v Some
blackberries 'coming, too. ' " -
The Starr cannery is full up on
(Continned on, pat 2.) :
tip - , ..,''
. - -
Former Conqueror of English
' Channel Ceta $30,000
V Prtee Money . ;
TORONTO, OnL.ept. 1. (AP)
Georges Michel, French baker,
crossed the finish at 12:45 o'clock
this morning to win second place
in the Canadian . national mara
thon swim. - The victory carries
with it a prize of 7,5oo.
TORONTO, Ont.. Aug. 31.-
(AP) Ernest. Vierkotter, a pow
erful German baker who previous
ly bad conquered the- English
channel. : won the Canadian na
tional 21 tnile marathon swim to
night. He covered the distance
V in 11 hours, 4 3 minutes.' 12 sec
onds, winning 130.000 of the $50,
000 prize money. r-
1 His time first r was announced
as 11 hours and 45 minutes flat.
but later was corrected, reducing
It mOre than two points.
The throng that Jammed the
waterfront gave the German a
tremendous ovation as he crossed
the finish line more than two miles
ahead of , his nearest competitor,
Georges Michel, of France, an
other baker who also had swum
tae English channel. T v. '
VIerkoetter appeared compara
tively fresh at th- finish, despite
the . gruellin-grind in the cold
waters of the lake. After he
crossed the line he held bis hands
bigh our of the water In a aestur
of Jubilation while -the hundreds
or noatg let loose witb their sirens.
Starting at 830 u; m.i Eastern
daylfght time. VIerkoeter plonghed
r arouno4tne i triangular
course, took the lead from George
owng. winner of the Santa Cata
na! channel swim mi rnMA
at the foar and one half
mile; mark and from then, on, was
aeaaea. , Young collapsed
shortly :arter.4he German passed
him. ; rv -.-: f,- -
- While VIerkoetter was listed
K to the plaudits of the thous-
(CantiBuW a para 's.)
R. H. 5Jpp likens Some Farmers'
' Business fetbodtt to Those
r- - of. Judas i ' .
DALLAS, Ore., Aug. 11. (AP)
Prune "growers of Oregon were
taken to task here today by R. H.
Kipp, manager of the marketing
department of the Portland cham
ber of commerce, in a meeting of
Polk5 county prune ' men. Alleged
subversire methods used by some
under the mask of cooperation,
failure of many to cooperate in the
marketing of prunes, and the prac
tice of breaking contracts, were
dwelt upon by the speaker.
In upbraiding and excoriating re
calcitrant and negligent operators
of prune orchards,' Kipp likened
some of them to Judas and charg
ed that others oppose cooperation
with the weapon Samson used upon-the
Phllistlnes-M:he jawbone of
an ass.
. ; - Farmers "Talk"
"Business men organise and co
operate," Klpp declared. "Farm
ers talk cooperation. As long as
everything exactly ; pleases them,
many of the farmers try to work
"Business men realize what or
ganization and cooperation has
meant to them and they are will
ing to spend some of their money
to try and help farmers organize,
believing that it will be beneficial
to all. But to our, mind, outside
of 25 or 30 per . cent the prune
growers have done little as yet to
convince packers of a demand for
, "We know that many growers
(Con tinned on par )
Man Believed . Illinois Slayer
' Nabbed at Corvallls, Ore.
CHICAGO, AUG. i 31. (AP)
The Chicago detective bureau to
day received a telegram ; from
Tjfifef of "Police" William Robinson
of Corvallis, Ore., who advised
that he wag holding a man whom
he believed to be Harry Hill, who
is wanted on a charge of murder
ing, his mother at Streator, 111.
( AP)- A youth who says . he is
James Parker a metal worker of
Chicago; M being held here for
investigation - after he was de
tained by police upon suspicion
that' he was Harry Hill of Streat-
or. III., sought" on a charge or
murdering his mother.
William Robinson, chief of po
lice, questioned Parker today and
later declared he answered per
fectly Hill's description except
that he Is tw inches shorter
than Hill.-
Former Salem Teacher Makes Pro
vision in Will i
PORTLAND, Aug. 31. (AP)
Portland will have a home for
homeless, sell supporting women,
according to the terms of the will
of Mary Frances Lawrence, for al
most 50 years a teacher In Astoria,
Salem and 'Portland filed In pro
bate court today. ' Fund for-the
home will not be-available, how
ever during the 'life of Miss Law
rence's brother nd sistersr who
are named - a annuitants under
the terms of the will.
Mrs. E. C. Krnger of This City in
Accident on State Street'
Mrs. B. C. Kruger, 586 North
20th street, reported to police last
night that she sustained, several
cutswhen a car she was' driving
crashed into a machine owned by
J. H. Howe, 4 41 5; Marlon street.
The accident occurred on State
street ' opposite the state " capitol
building-' Mrs. Kruger declared
she was unable to ' see the other
car as it was parked near some
tree.1-;- .. t v...:- j. - -
Return Scheduled for; This Week
. . . If IMnress Becomes Lost
l(APIf f the StJ Raphael lh
unsuccessful in its - trans-Atlantic
venture, Charles AjLevtne will
"tart his return flight to America
before Saturday, according to a
statement :.he made' last night
while here bidding farewell to his
wife and daughter who sailed on
the He de France-, V ' ' ' ' ' ' '
St- Raphael, Carrying Prin
cess and Two Escorts
Continues' Flight
Clant Monoplane 'Still Flying at
Late Hour Last Night
Three More Machines
Ready ,
(By Annotated Press)
Through the black darkness of
a cloudy night over the mid-Atlantic,
a super-powered airplane
hurtled ahead of the sun this
(Thursday) morning on one of the
few yet unconquered air trails.
Princess Lowenstein-Wertheim
and her two escorts of the afr,
Colonel Frederick F. Minchin and
Captain Leslie Hamilton, in the
St. Raphael, were computed -to
be at least 1,000 miles from the
Irish coast at midnight more
than half way across the 1900
mil "water leg" of their hop
from Upavon, England, to Lon
don, Catfada.
Short Message Sent
Beyond a terse message from
the Imperial Airways company re
lating that the St. Raphael "still
was flying" at 9:30 last night,
(London time) no word had come
from the intrepid trio since noon
yesterday when their ship darted
past Inverin, on the Irish coast. 1
The British plane Is attempting
the westward course between the
continents which already has cost
Monthly Report Made by Employ
ment Bureau
A total of 768 men and women
were employed through the local
employment bureau operated by
the Salem Y. M. C. A. during the
month of August, it - was an
nounced at the Y. M. C. A. last
night. Five hundred and ninety
one men ana 177 ; women were
placed in jobs. The complete re
port is segregated as follows:
men registered, 1028; men- re
quested, 672; meii referred, .622;
men placed, 591V women regis
tered, 340; women requested, 200;
women referred, 192; women
placed, 177. ;
' Trie NEED 0FAf i WW
' S :M V' 1 i " l -L- 1 AM. 305 U
v Wy S?? PIT AS . A
BEAT 1926-MAt
TOTAL' $200,950 -'
Buildings inJSlghtfor September
' Start Indicate Reeortl Month
Kew ' Opening
A total of 47 building and re
pairs permits issued during the
month of August rnvolved an ex
penditure of. $206,550, according
to a check made" of records in the
city recorder's office yesterady. T
This figure exceeds that " of
August, 1926, by the scant mar
gin of $14,270. Only 35 permits
were issued during that -month
last year, however. -
With permits pending for the
construction of the ' new First
Presbyterian church, $88,299, and
the new D. A. Larmer warehouse,
$150,000, the month of September
should exceed all others this year
in building activity. The recent
distribution of the 96 lots In Wal
nut -Park-addition also is expect
ed to. stimulate building.
The following is' a summary of
building operations during Aug
ust: -
Twenty-five permits for new
dwellings, $83,000; permit for R.
p. Hallberg's four story apart
ment house at 173 South Cottage
street, $87,500; permit for Smith
& Watklns store building at Cen
ter and Liberty, $20,000; permits
for two warehouse platforms,
$3,500; permits for two grease
pits, $850; permit for altering
and repairing structures, $11,700.
Total, $206,550. , t ,
$85,547.41 TURNED OVER
State Treasury Receives
' From Land Board
A total of $85,547.41 was
turned over to the state treasury
department by the state land
board during the month of Aug
ust,: according to a report filed
here .Wednesday by George 3.
Brown, clerk of the state land de
jmrtment. --t.--'".--' v - '
The items Included the follow
ing:: ; ..
Common school fund principal,
payments on loans $50,274.52;
common school fund principal,
income sources $4793.07; comr
mon school -i fund interest $25,
967.97, agricultural college fund
principal, payments on loans
$500; agricultural college fund
interest $540.91, university fund
principal, payments on loans
$500; university fund interest
Rural credits loan fund prin
cipal $520.64, rural credits re
serve fund interest, $99-3.86, A.
R. Burbank trust fund principal,
payments on loans $600, A. R.
Rnrbank trust fund principal, -pay-?
ments on interest $103.50 and Ap
person trust fund Interest $435.
American lyevw rtop ti .Aleppo
0 "mud ! Bagdad an Soon aa'' r
'Possible ''i-
1 ( APJTbe Pride 1 of Detroit
with v the .trans 'Atlantic fliers.
William's. Brock and Edward P.
Schlee aboard, ' made ' a lonely
landing at the airdrome about 15
miles west of Stamboul at 11:45
oclock this morning. Only a
handful of journalists-and a few
stray Turkish peasants were pres
ent. '.- -- . . -
-The Pride of Detroit soared
a4ay from Belgrade about -4:30
aii covered the distance of some
50$ 'miles slowly on account of
. The aviators were eager to con
tinue their flight to Aleppo and
Bagdad -as soon as the machine
could be refueled, but bad to stay
ovfr night at Constantinople in
order to comply wlth necessary
formalities for Obtaining permis
sion to proceed over Turkish terri
tory. They hope to continue their
journey at dawn tomorrow morn
ing. '
Mr. Schlee informed the Asso
ciated Press correspondent that
the flight from Belgrade was with
out incident, but a delay of forty
five minutes was occasioned by
strong headwinds over the Balkans
Both men declared themselves
satisfied with the progress of the
flight thus far, They figure that
five days from Harbor Grace", New
foundland, to their . present stop
ping off point is a good enough
record and. If kept up, will give
them an excellent margin on their
round the world flight.-
PthJyOveOVlllamette Grad.,P
- . : ea at ewra, amsks'
Word was received here yester-day-that
Otho M. Love, a former
well-known, student at Willamette
universityis dead in Seward, Alas
ka; ' following . an operation for
acute appendicitis. , -
His remains were placed aboard
the Steamer Alaska and are due to
arrive in Seattle Saturday morn
ing; SeptL 3 Mrs. Lore is also on
the steamer.
Both ilr. and Mrs. Love were
well known in Kimball and Wil
lamette Circles. They were mar
ried at the Falls City Epworth
League institute,' August 8, 1926.
The two young people bad
signed a three year contract to
work and teach ini the Jesse Lee
mission, sailing immediately after
their marriage r -v-
attendance Double That of
v of Great v Value
... - v ' ' i 1 ,
t r
1 - " "
Hardships and Rewards of Matern
ity Welfare Work Vividly
Portrayed by Miss Cor
bin in Last Session
The two institutes for physi
cians and nurses which have held
the Interest of the medical pro
fession throughout Oregon and
the Northwest came to a close
last I night with three meetings
featuring addresses by Dr. Eugene
hRockey. of ..Portland, Dr. Frank
Brown, of Salem, and Miss Hazel
Corbin, of Kew York city.
Dr. .Roekey -presented a paper
on 'surgical abdominal condi
tions arising in childhood." This
was followed 'by Dr. Brown's
lecture on "deafness, its causes
and. cure."
'' Work Described
Miss Corbin held a round table
discussion for the nurses. - A ques
tion box ' gave the nurses an bp
portunity -to query the speaker
who Is considered one of. the most
eminent figures in the maternal
welfare field of the entire country.
Miss Corbin painted a vivid and
fascinating picture of the romance.
(Continued on pf 5.)
Werllne Retains Attorney: May go
DALLAS, Ore,. Aug. 31--(AP)
Little developed today" in the
Werline murder case. -. Irving B.
Priest, held on a first degree mur
der ; charge for the slaying ot
George M. Werline, was taken to
Independence - by Sheriff T. B.
Hooker-: for arraignment before
Justice ot the Peace Baker, r
He ill be given a preliminary
hearing Thursday and will probab
ly be taken to Portland for safe
keeping, awaiting grand jury ac
tion. . .. - '
E. K. Plaxckl of Dallas has been
retained by Priest to defend him.
Mrs.: Priest is at a local hotel.
Adverse Winds Result in Plane's
' .' i ) Failure to Take Off
AUO.r gir AP)-i-01d ' Glory'a
flight j to Rome-was . postponed
again today when the wind failed
to swing Into, ; the s needed direc
tion... '. . (.. - ' -
Lloyd Bertand and J. D Hill,
the . pilots, said they;: would take
off a soon as there was a west
wind at any time in daylight. They
sad they could, leave -on ten min
utes notice since the : plane was
completely , fuelled ' and stocked
with food. l 4 ;
New V State Superintendent, of
t Banks' Takes Office Today .
A. A. Schramm, Corvallis bank
er, today will take over the duties
of. the .state ..superintendent of
banktv He wilt, succeed Frank
Bramwell, who . resigned a month
ago. . y It was said that the offices
of . the state banking., department
which bare been located -in Port
land for "the past two years, would
be transferred to Salem. , v 1
Mr, Schramm at one time served
as examiner for the state banking
department, and bas a wde ac
quaintanceship ... ' throughout-, the
state.? He has been located - at
Corvallis for. a number of years.' ;
Ship Ordered Out by ? State
( t . Para, Brazil -; -
(AP) -The governor of the state
of . Para today ordered a anln to
hunt il or Paul Redfern the Am
erican -aviator who - disappeared
whllei flying alone from Eruns
wick,GaM to Braxll. At
quest; of. the American consul, the
steamer, pur Lady of Mercy, win
comb; virtually the wholes-northern
coast for trace of the missing
filer - . . inmlj'
. t T5
Howard Taylor, of TJ of . O. TJrgea
: Attention to Child's Develop
ment . .
"Habits are they an 'asset - or
a liability to the preschool child?"
queried Howard Taylor of the
University of Oregon before : the
nurses institute in session In
Salem yesterday. . . ,
? "Give me a child until he is
six, f and anyone else may have
him after that," was the.- conten
tion of ; the early Jesuits; accord
ing to Mr. Taylor. .
i "When Freud began his investi
gations ; of unconscious motives,
he laid emphasis on the earlier
life, even the prenatal life, as an
Influence, on the later life- of the
"The school of the psychoanal
yst stress the earlier infancy' as of
great importance. ,
"Watson,, and bis following of
behaviorists, held the same view
"Here we have three groups,
of entirely different character
from the early Jesuits, who have
reached approximately the same
conclusion r j-.. i . '.;.; .
In the early life of a child,
Mr. Taylor declared, , it gains
about twice its own' weight, and
three and one half its own length.
In the prenatal period;- the' child
gains 350 million times its weight
and 250,000 times its own length.
The older' the child grows, the
longer it takes,: him' to grow an
equal and ; proportionate amount.
Investigation, asserted Mr. Tay
lor, brings forth the conviction
that a parallel exists in the men
tl growth of the ; child..
"The period from birth to six
years of age is probably three
times as 'great as from six to" 18
in its proportionate share of men
tal growth and development," Mr.
The preschool . period probably
the most -important, ; he declared
to be the most, neglected. , The
average parent thinks the; child
"too young" and holding fast to
the doctrine of .'.'hands off." ...
. ' . "v-- ? t 'm x -;:: i : ?"i -Pacific
States Saving und Loan
- Convention Comes to Eend 4
t : PORTLAND, Aug. 31. (AP)
-Selection of Aberdeen, - Wash.,
as the 1928 conference city, and
election jaf, aj. Portland man ; as
president, both accomplished with
out "contest, marked the-, close to
day of the Pacific States Savings
and Loan, convention which open
ed here Tuesday. : Lee C. Stidd,
general, manager of the ; Benefit
Savings and Loan association
here, was elected president for
the ensuing year,-advancing from
the vice presidency, a I ;i 4 5
i- Following a precedent of nam
ing aa , vice , president a t member
from v the entertaining t city, the
conference elected , Rogan . Jones,
vice president' of the Security
Savings and Loan society of 'Ab
erdeei -to .this lot flee. ;i Arthur
S..-Cory, president- of. the. Lewis
County . Savings and Loan associa
tion; Cnebalis,:was elected ecre
taryrtreasurer without ' opposi
tion, -iO . .. $ ' ,-i!'x; y
r- X- --
Total Shipmento Going Out From
: " 'Portland Set New, Mark
PORTLAND, Aug. 31. CAp)
Wheat exports from Portland for
the month ending ; today1 totaled
4,448,849 bushels, valued at 5,
9 0 5,(5 9 4 exceeding the f showing
for- any August in the history of
the port, ' " :i. : ' J ,
The number of vessels listed to
clear in September, for ; offshore
destinations, with full cargoes and
parcels , of wheat -promise -the
movement of an aggregate column
of grain ? that wfll. top' the - high
mark attained In September. 1926,
when 5.788.208 bushels, -valued at
$7,S91,253. were floated for mar
kets abroad. V;;;ri,;vj t :; - v f i .El-'
Xear Record Attendance Reported
For Opening of Lane Exposition
' EUGENE, Aug.: . 31.-r-(AP) -The
Lane . county- fair opened to
day with almost a record attend
ance. Today was Cottage, Grove
Day and several, hundred citizens
of that' town formed an automo
bile caravan and drove to the fair.
It was also Pioneer ' Day and -AL
IL Harlow was elected president
of the" Lane county Pioneer asso
ciation.? Coast Fork won the first
prize on its cqrnmunity exhibit
sociETy oPEr.
ccccirin Tnnnv
ULUulUIu 1 U U il I
Imposing Array of Eminent
k Specialists to Discuss
. ' Prof essibnal Problems :
Current Problems of Disease Pre
- vention and Cure to be Thor- '
ongbly Discussed; Iubllc
'Meeting Tonight
' Eminent medical specialists
from all parts of the country will
gather here today. for sessions. of
the 53rd annual convention of the
Oregon; State Medical society. The
sessions will continue for 3 days.,
.'. Every present outstanding problem:-of
scientific medicine will be
considered by the physicians, the
purpose being to . advance know
ledge of the field and to foster a
cooperation in the profession,
s -Will Register Today
Registration of-delegate and
members will take place In the
chamber of commerce auditorium
this-morning at 9:00 a. m.-".
v Governor Patterson Mayor Liv
esley, and Dr. L. O. Clement, pres
ident of the Polk-Yamhill-Marion
medical society, are each to- give
short opening adresses of welcome
at the first .'session , which be
gins at 9:30 a. m.- - v
- W. R. Morse, Salem physi--elan,
who Is president of the state
society, will sound the keynote of
the 10 o'clock, and
immediately afterward the seri-
ons work of the meeting will be
Elnr ,r . : j
' . "The Thyroid Gland and Its Jf"
latlon. to Disease." Is the subject
of an address prepared by .DavM
Marine, associate professor of pa
thology, Columbia ' university.
Other prominent specialists who
will address1 delegates during the
three day sessions 'are Dr. Dean
Lewis, professor of ; surgery at
John Hopkins university med lea I
school; Dr. William P. Murphy, of
Boston; and Dr. Lyman Adair,
professor of obstretics and gyne
cology at University of . Minnesota.
At 8 o'clock ' this evening, a
public meeting with a motion pic
ture program has been arranged
: ; : fCnntinnsd on van 5.1 4
Fate of Both Condemned Convict
i;1 fb? be Known Thin "Week; Indl
'. " ' rated - .
James -Willoa,'' convict, ; under
ueaia. sentence lor tne slaying of
-Milton Holman and John Sween
ey, guards, during a break at the
state penitentiary here In August,
1925, - 'Wednesday : underwent a
sanity examination conducted , by
Dr. L. F..GriXfitb. assistant super
intendent of the Oregon state hos-
liiiai; ur. h ti. josepbi of Port
land, and Dr. J. H. 5- Robinett of,
Albany, -'--'f '. - 1
The examination was conducted!
at the state prison and consumed
the larger, part of the afternoon.
The findings of the commission
probably . will be submitted ' to
Judge Percv JCelly of the. Marion
county circuit court tomorrow; v
, The sanity commission was ap
pointed by Judge the re
quest of Bradley Ewers, Portland
attorney, who alleged that Willos
a1 m
uaa i oecome insane since July 14
of -this year." :."),,'.. T
A reprieve Issued to Willos re
cently by Governor Patterson ex
pires at midnight Friday. "
Judge 1. II.? McMahan has In
timated that he will announce his
decision in- habaes corpus proceed-
mra - . ' VV t M V-., . .
Kelley within the next two or
three days.1 Keller alsn In nnder
death sentence for- the part he
played. In the prison break. .' -
Children Matinea
Saturday f.Tcrnihg .
HonvcodTHsatcr: -
Tarzan and the Golden Lion,"
one of the greatest ' children's
pictures ever screened.. The
Hollywood la making an csppc
lal'appeal to t h e yo u ng p " c r ! .