The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 31, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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All i of Former Heads Re
elected; Seek Objective
- Test in History
Monmouth. ' Aug.' 30. (Special)
Annual business meeting of the
Oregon Educational Tests asso
ciation was held at the Monmouth
normal school last Friday Jmmedi-
ately following : t je close of the
educational ' conference. - '
The re-election cf the officeta
serving during the past to contin
ue InUhelr positions was the first
work-of the meeting, v Those re
elected-; are IS. II. Ruh of The
Dalies, .president; Jean Pulliman
ot SC Helens. : vice-president and
Mrs.' Ella Bannon of Portland,
secretary. - -
, A resolution was passed to the
effect that the chairman appoint
a com in Kite of fire members to
imervie , supennienaeni u. a.
Howard in regard to having the
state examinations in the subject
of history this coming May to be
given-- hi - the objective 1 form. - A
motion was passed to reimburse
' Miss Julia A. Spooner of Port lard
for'ber work of writing sets' of
objective tosis Jn history to be
- published , in the, Oregon Educa
tfonal Journal .' during the com! or
year. . A third resolution was
-parsed with legard to the appoitt
Trient of connXy representatives to
.promote objective testing tLru-
mit tlrgt mi at a and nnm a Mmiul?
. for membership In the association.
Ladies of M. E. Church
r Give Ice Cream Social
: Turner, Ore.. Aug. 30. (Spe
cial) The Methodist ladies'held
an lee cream social Friday even
ing In the grove near the Mason
ic ball. A large number " were
present for the program? 'sociabil
ity and eats!
Mrs. McGovern is visiting her
father. Dr. J. W. Ransom.
Mr. and Mrs; S. H. Bond have
returned home" after spending
their 'vacation at various places
of Interest In the northwest, go
'ing as far north as'BrlttehCblom-
bia. ' --
Mrs. Mary Cammack and fam
ily visited Wr. and Mrja. Bear
Friday, . -
" Virgil WInkleman. section for;
man,' has moved his family here
Jrom Glendale.
. i;"Delbert Wltiell has returned to
San Francisco after: spending his
vacation with his - parents ; here.
Rebekahs Planning Picnic !
Tonight at Purvis Grove
Turner, Ore., Aug. 30. (Spe
rlal) The Rebekahs and their
families will partake of a picnic
supper Wednesday 7 evening In
Purvis grove; "
The ; ladies1 i work club y of the
grange was entertained hy Mrs.
Scott Funstone Tuesday. ri
"Mr. and Mrsl Frank Harris ol
Dallas were guests of Mr. and
.Mrs. Henry Barnett Sunday.
, Mrs, J,' Hagedorn and son ot
T 04 Angeles are guests of Mr. and
' JVtrs. ' F. C. Gunning:
George Moore and, family were
Jn "Turner-Friday evening.
(Postmasters, to 'Gather
. at Albany on Labor Day
(" ' The ' postmasters ' of the second
.district Oregon ' state branch of
'National League of .District Post
masters will meet at Bryant's
"Park, Albany, Oregon, on Labor
Day for a convention and a pic
,nlc. The second district is com
posed of Lane, Linn. -Lincoln,
j Benton." Yamhill. Polk and Marion
counties.". The purpose ot the
meeting is for oganization and a
social time.'.;; ; V;
- Karl "Bramwell, pastmaster at
to OOG3
Special reduced fat good
in speedy, all-coach trains
- every Sunday, Tuesday and '
Friday. Ride la roomy, all
. steel coaches. Room to relax
and ret. Free observation ;
louoge and open platform.
Low-cot mruM la diatx and
lunch cat.
' Trains leave1 1 !9 A
'iT-' " . arriving Sea Vi mm
Cisco 10O0 a. m. Over scenic
Cascade Lint In daylight.
Similar.eervice returning
from San Francisco everv
Monday, Wednesday and ,.
Saturday:' ii sVr " --
r roundtrlp Coach fare
V- food for IS days re
, turning on an i train carrying
- Coaches. ) ' -v
City Tictet Ufiice -184
No. Liberty Telephone 80
.In Reverse
V ' 1
l .- : r , . :.:
l ' "
t -, ; s - 'x -
!- -
Miss Josephine Fonce, diving
star, tries a backflip into the
briny- to relieve the monotony of
life on Long Island.
Halsey,. Ore., i3 chairman , of this
district;--- The Albany chamber of
commerce was instrumental In se
curing -t5e park 1 where the meet
ing Is to be held. The stat?
president will be there and ex
pects a large attendance and an
enjoyable time. A program, be
ginning at 10 a. m. is being pre
pared. , r
Following a barrage of publicity
pamphlets-nd invitations printed
on cloth made from flax grown
and manufactured by the Oregon
Linen mills, sentiment at the.Kl-
wanls convention in Spokane was
markedly favorable toward accept
ing Salem's invitation ' to act as
host in 1929, according to reports
of delegates' given at the Kiwanis
luncheon yesterday noon.
Victoria, B. C, " was the only
other city o enter "a bid f or the
convention. This city had, the ses
sions six years agor so- Salem's Invitation-
with "the proper, backing
should be accepted, it was -said. zf
that event, about 1,000 KIwanlans
would 'gather here.! r : - .
Much surprise was expressed by
delegates at the convention at the
fact' that linen was manufactured
in Salem. One dealer in aeroplane
wing cloth stated, he' would send a
representative to this city to In
vestigate the possibility, of secur
ing that product from the local
mill. At present, it is imported
from Europe. ,
Great growth of 1 the Kiwanis
club In the northwest district was
shown In the reports'. Sixteen .new
clubs have beeaji organised since
1P25. and the membership now
totals 4.485. 1 :' ',
Dr. Henry Morris, Sam Cham
bers, Frank Doerfler, Rev. Norman
K. Tully,' and Nate Elliott were
representatives of the local club at
the convention. All gave brief re
ports., .
AUBURN. Ore.,". Aug. 30
(Special.) Mr. and : Mrs. A. L.
LIndbeck and - family ' and Misses
Cora and .'Julia ,Krau8. have re
turned ifrom , a week end motor
trip through the McKenzie pass to
Bend, and back over The Dalles
California,: Columbia River and
Pacific highways.
AUBURN, Ore.. Aug. 30,
(Speelal.)- Hop picking will begin
at the Ulahee hop-.ranch , about
September 5y This year most of
the pickers have been, secured in
the neighborhood. " .- - ;
Double Strength
Ask your DrvggLst for. the
Amber llottte -and
secure the high power in
. secticide that is pronounced
: the. deadliest ot all - -
Flics, Moths, Mosqul
tos, Ants, Bed Bucs,
.; Roaehes, Etc.
" ., - : , .. i - i i ; .
. ' . . - --; - - ; ' i. '' - ! i- - -:'-
Pleasant Odor
- -'-"i " - -f i.-i-'-i . ,- '; h
Xon-PoLsonous WU1 Xot Stain
o n i
I t3 HTS
15 sip
Elsf nore Thrator .
The combination of artistry of
the: first order with the. human
touch, bo eloquent In its appeal as
to grip the spectator with a hand
of' steel, is the thing that brings
a motion picture up to the heights
that approach sublimity. . The sub
tle touches that present a poign
ant moment of intense emotion,
yet do not fail to create the effect
of a beautiful picture that is the
true art of the silent drama. '
To this end the best efforts of
directors, players, cameramen and
actors must be directed with that
idea inevitably and Invariably In
their minds. '
One of the finest examples of
this is to be found in George Fltx
maurice's production for First Na
tional Pictures called "The Tender
Hour," which began what promises
to be a most successful ' engage
ment at the Elslnore Theater last
An added attraction is popular
Eddie Magill, who continues to
please Elsinore patrons with his
sweet voice.
Oregon Theater
"Chang," the marvelous motion
picture which has been playing the
past week at the Oregon theater,
finishes with tonight's perform
ance. Those who nave not seen
this production should take this
last opportunity today while you
have the chance at. popular prices.
The most famous comedy team
in the history ot motion picture
has been reunited. Wallace Beery
and Raymond Hatton. the pair of
laugh-makers which set the world
in an uproar ot joy in "Behind the
Front'-'' and "We're in the. Navy
Now" appear together once more
in "Firemen, Save My Child"
which reaches the Oregon tomor
Supreme Court Signs Order;
Three on Probation;
Decisions Reported'
Sixty successful applicants who
wrote In the recent bar examlna
tions held in Oregon, Tuesda
were admitted to practice fp' an
order signed by members et ,the
state supreme court. .r
Attorneys . admitted , on' proba
tion included Edgar A Bourne of
Portland, , Spencer H Balrd . of
Portland and Roy C. Harding of
Salem. Mr. Bourne formerly prac
ticed law in Oklahoma, while Mr.
Baird. previously in Idaho. -JVtr.
Harding came to Salem from Colo-
Three opinions were handed
down by the court, as follows r
W. G. Fordham, appellant, vs
Carey S. Stearns; appeal from
Deschutes county; appeal f rotn
judgement dismissing case aris
ing out ot election of school di
rector. Opinion by Justice Brown.
Judge Walter H. Evans affirmed.
Peter Hauglum and C. F. An
derson, doing business as Ander
son and Hauglum, vs. Mount Hood
Woodlands company, defendant
and appellant; appeal from Mult
nomah county; action to recover
money for services.; Opinion by
Justice Rand. - Judge Walter . H.
Evans affirmed. .
Austin Osborn vs. Mary H. De
Force, administratrix ot estate of
Elton C. DeForce, deceased and
E. P. : Parker and i James ' Brem
ner, appellants; appeal from Clat
sop county.' -.Objection to cost bill
denied lit opinion, by Justice Cosh
ow. t , .- -.";,: . .
Petitions for rehearing : were
denied by the -court in Lasene vs.
Symanen, State vs. .Young, Friz
wold vs. United, States "National
bank, Simpson vs. Winegar, Unit
ed States National bank vs. Miller,
Cunning vs. Central Oregon Loan
company. Lea vs. Blockland, and
Farmers bank vs. Ellis.
The court ; ordered the appeal
dismissed in the case of Standard
Brick and Tile company vs. But
ord. : " r . rr: ' y -
Motions to dismiss appeals de
nied in State vs. McCar roll. Ap
peals dismissed in Ankeny vs.
State 'Industrial Accident commis
sion. Brown - vs. Labaree, Davis
ys. Northropp and Enue vi. Bond.
Resignation of Thomas G. Green
from board of bar examiners ac
cepted and executive committee
of state bar association, requested
to . nominate successor by first
Monday In October.'
Scotts Mills Folk Leave
On Journey to California
v-.;-:; Vi;. -' ' ' ' '
SCOTTS - MILLS, Aug. 30.-
(Special) Mr. and Mri' W. P.
Shutt are visitlnjr In Sacramento,
Cat, during Mr. Shntfs vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bennett
and son Jimmie of Milwaukee,
Ore., visited relatives and friends
here Sunday afternoon.:
- Miss Loraine Hogg of Salem
visited her parents here over the
week-end. -; ' - ' f
Car! Millard, who had a slight j
operation performed on his head
To make the reunion complete
the entire production- line-up
which scored so heavily in the two
earlier " pictures was behind the
camera for "Fireman, Save My
Child." Edward Sutherland, who
directed the two previous Beery
Hatton triumphs, again wielded
the megaphone. Monty Brice, who
was comedy constructor on those
two pictures and has since' been
elevated to the post of director,
laid down his megaphone for this
production and served as he did
before, creating comedy situations.
J Since "We're in the Navy Now"
Beery has made two comedies
"Casey at the Bat" which has been
a big success wherever shown, -and
"The Big Sneeze."
Grand Theater
"Hills of Kentucky," Rin-Tin-Tin's
latest starring vehicle for
Warner Bros., directed by Howard
Bretherton, is the story of the love
between a little lame boy and a
dog. The boy, played by Billy
Kent Schaeffer. is the little broth
er of the; new school teacher, por
trayed by Dorothy Dwan. Inter'
twined with the story of the boy
and dog ; is the- romance of . the
teacher and Jason Robards as
Steve Harley,' a young hill man.
who, on meeting the new teacher,
decides he needs a better educa
tion. Tom Santschi, as his older
brother, supplies the menace. Nan
ette, Rln-Tin-TIn'a mate, also ap
pears In the story, as does Rln-Tln-Tln,
Jr., who plays his father
in puppyhood. "Hills of Ken
tucky" was adapted to the screen,
by Graham Baker from Dorothy
Yost's story, "The Untamed
Heart." The picture comes to the
Grand theatre next Saturday for
a run of three days.
home and is getting along satis
factorily. 'Ray Telfer visited friends in
Portland Sunday.
Miss Lena Bellinger is visiting
her son, Bruice Bellinger, at La
fayette. . Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hogg were
Silverton visitors Saturday after
noon. Miss Clarice Amundson of Port
land visited her parents here over
the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jef fers and
family left .for Independence
Monday, where they will be em
ployed in the hop fields.
Mrs. Mahord Shilts of Black
Rock is visiting her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Tom Dunagan. ' -
Dr. and Mrs; G. C. Bellinger;
of Salem visited relatives here
Sunday. '
Miss Doris Hogg who has been
visiting relatives In Salem the
past week returned home Satur
day evening. '
' Quite a number ot people from
here attended the cirens at Salem
The case of Roy Rickman and
EujL-ne Van Fleet,, charged "vRh
larcenyq of an automobile Sun
day right, came up before Justice
of the Peace Bratier Small yes
terday afternoon, and was contin
ued a to both; men. Van Fleet
was released on his owl recog
nliance without baS. but Hick
man, who is accusal of having
been the driver of the car, was
committed to the county J ill up
on lis failure to furnish f 2000
hail. h ' " ;": ' y'-
No charges have been pressed
against either of ttii men in con-BK-t.on
with a party which poli-e
indicated was staged wRh two
woien who were taken cul In the
auto. The car was gone until af
ter ! o'clock Monday moraine,
when it was recovered,! and the
arrtst made upon the appearance
ff h party at the homo of the
tvo women. ,
When he appv i . before Judge
Small yesterday afternoon Van
Fleet Insisted tha the had nothing
to co with the actual theft of the
tar, but! was ont a : passenger.
AUBURN, Ore., Aug. 30.
(Special.) Mr.: Galbralth, " who
owns the property known as the
Boettger ranch, has purchased the
C A. Dowd ranch which adjoins
his property. Mr. Dowd and his
family have moved to California.
Often yon want old photographs
reproduced, but fear entrusting
them to strangers.
Our reputation assures the safety and
proper care of your picture which we
will copy, enlarge, frame or hand color
at a price lower than the unknown agent
, can offer. . . -
fiichfield Oil People Aid in
Attempt to f Conserve :
Forest Resources
The Richfield OH company ot
California has ant attractive ad
vertisement i in this- morning's
Statesman In which they say no
thing about their 1 products.- They
plead for the protection of for
ests. ; : I ' , '
For the past ,five years the
Richfield people have been -active
each season in devoting a portion
of their advertising to urge the
prevention of forest fires.
As a work of art, and for i
forceful wording,!! the advertise
ment in this issue is worth look
ing up and reading, and studying
and thinking about and of fol-
lowirfg in its suggestive conclu
sions. " -i
Oregon, above any other state
in the Union, is interested in for
est fire prevention, and in' the
conservation of Ha great timber
resources that they may be nsed
wisely and handed on to coming
generations. . i '
Hardware Store Bought
by Salem Man. Reported
i , mi .ii.i t ,
(Special) Charles j Parrlsh. who
bought out the Adam's Hardware
company company 1 last spring,
yesterday closed 'a deal with-a Sal
em man who takes over the en
tire stock and - fixtures and will
conduct the business. Mr. Par
rlsh plans- to retire! ' :
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kamp arriv
ed In Stayton Sunday from Port
land and have taken an apartment
in the Jones apartment house. Mr.
Kamp Is the -new manager of the
20th Century store here, succeed
ing A. C. Dohrman. who has
been transferred to the Salem
store. Mr. Dohrman left this
week to take up residence in Sal-!
em. j
The Misses Laura and Cora
Turnidge arrived here Friday and
are the guests at the Cary C. Nott
home. The young; ladies are
teachers in the Oregon schools
and are en route home to Eugene
after an extended auto trip which
took them as far as Alberta. Can
ada.'4 i :
Broken Bones Sustained
v ? by 3 stayton "Children
(Special) accidents: resulting in
broken bones befell three Stayton
children last week, Jean, the
young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Mayo, broke an arm when sh
fell from a tree. Olio Davie son
of George Davie.' fell: ott, a login
such a manner as. to break his col
lar bone Saturday, while playing
along the river near town. A son
ot Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bro.wer
suffered a. broken' leg. when he
jumped from a truck; over which
he had lost control.
W. B.
15 CARS -r - - - 15 CARS
8 - SHOWS; 8 U - 8 SHOWS -8
5 -RIDES-5 - I 5RIdES-5
. . p , .,. ,i -. j .... -. r
- TS
- v
423 Oresca Eisr.
' Now ;
Added attraction
n the sure
waiit ra men
Road t0 Salem Via Butte -
ville : Would Shorten
Distance' 8 Miles -
Portland, Aug. 30. (AP)
Engineers were ordered today by
he state highway commission to
proceed i with preparations - for
construction of. 27 miles of the
central Oregon highway, the
Bend-to-Bnrns road. -The work
wilj start this year, it was said,
as quickly as the engineering
force can' prepare. Bids will be
called for the September meeting
for. a Beetion of the same high
way In Harney county a section
from Buchanan to Vandever, via
Nigger Flat, a common point.
The survey of the department
on the Bend, to Burns road- re
duces the distance greatly. The
cost of grad'ing the entire route
is estimated at 1287,000. The
27 mile stretch to be started on
Is between Milllcan and Hampton.
This is a trans-state highway on
which comparatively little work
has been done thus far.
As financial arrangements have
been made with Lane county, the
commission announced today that
bids will be opened at the Sep
tember meeting 'for - four miles
of the Willamette highway, start
ing from Lowell Bridge, and that
this project will be followed im-
media telv by advertising a sec
ond four mile stretch. " The com
mission ' directed, - too, that bids
be ' called for a new bridge at
Blue River, Lane county. I -j
: Many large delegations : ap
peared' before the commission to4
Si A. mm m mm. .mm a I
.. ' i ii ' j i
Evening 3& & i h v w , . j-
u. Tvsi ts ' oBii Parade reww ,
I OSwun. .X?Vli'ft.',i. . .Ajriazino battle
I S" V t X Jj
(73 A foil I
day. One was present' with the
request that a new .road be placed
on the state map, - the route fol
lowing the Willamette river from
Salem to Portland via Buttevllle.
The present distance between the
two points would be reduced eight
miles, the delegation said. It was
argued that such a route would be
? a "relief highway" for the present
i heavy traffic : between tne state
capital and Portland.
Another delegation from Mar
ion county asked that the com
mission designate the route be
tween Detroit and Sisters, via
Hogg Pass, as a forest road. The
road, It was. explained; would : re
duce the distance between Bend
and Portland 47 miles over the
from North Plains and Orenco,
McKenzie highway. :
A third delegation of farmers
asked th,e commission to consider
the Oreneo-Walker road if ' they
ever contemplated construction of
For the most En
trancing HOUR
jruu vc ever spent
a theater, see the
"Tender Hour
The new star all America's fall
ing - In .love With! ' Pulsing
drama of'-Paris Romance of
the reckless Riviera, -l .
Coming Friday
A Laugh on the Ocean Wave :
Bebe Daniels with Gertrude Ederle
in "Swim, Girl; Swim"
Do not be among those who will regret missing it. See
it today while 'you ha ve the chance, at popular prices.
WA U l-A C C
serf aVa.jl' j
,.Oh 1 for the life of a fireman ! It's Just one laugh after
.Auothert The : "Behind the Front''-"We're in the
Navy Now team are back again funnier, than ever.
7? 3 DAYS
. . -
Any Seat 25c
His Newest and
1 V --j l?l
Wed nesday
Matinee 25 & 10
Evening 35 & 10
scenes J
throbs arid thrills f
The Mystic Seer
Will answer all year euestions
Special fdieV Mtine Thnrtdtr
an inside route to Astoria from,
Portland, No action was taken
by the commission on any of tha
Lute Savage Purchases
Residence Near Auburn
AUBURN, Ore... Aug. 30.-
(Special.) Lute Savage has pur
Xased the A. J. Matthis residence
i2ere and will take possession soon.
Roy R. Rodgers. who will as
sist A. L. Lindbeck with his poul
try ranch, has moved with his fam
ily, to the Alvina Schurman place.
Mrs. Rodgers Is a twin sister of
Mrs. Claude Armstrong, who is
well known here.
"Bible Promises" , will be the
contest for the juniors at the com
ing convention ot the Hayesvilia
Sunday school district, to be held
Sunday, September 25, at the Pra-
turn .Memorial church.
Best Don't Miss It!
in 41 I I T X
There comes a certain hour every evening
wfn the vcares of. the day laid aside,
your thoughts turn to amusement and the
wY That ,s WEST COAST hour,
rLiC. !1 8Trabolie with quality, service
and the best in entertainment " "
in Salem last week, has returned)!