er. saw the, other until too late. The' Jaeobsen machine1 had the right of way, according to the re DET.1PSEY TAKES Oil RISII LEGISLATURE JIMMYr JAMS i'U. GET SOrAE fti? n n if! port. . - . v . PEPPECIMIMT 5 fe l l M-t mart FE e New - Blocks v-,. W. f iff rjy LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Fails to Stop at Signal 1 L.eo Strong, 610 North Com mercial street, was arrested yes terday by Officer Thomason, when he failed to bring his car to a stop at a stop sign. Dance Saturday Nite,x Hazel Gren Ken Boyle's Dance Band..a27 Loses Kodak and Ttiols H. J. Burton, of Seattle, re ported to police yesterday that some time Thursday "night a kit of auto tools and a kodak" with his name engraved upon it were stol en from his car while it was park ed back of the New Hotel Salem, Wanted To lease a farm of from 160 to 300 acres suitable for running sheep. Might buy if priced right. U. S, Realty Co., Salem. Tel. -2660. J a27 Visits Health Demonstration Miss Bessie Smith, infant wel fare supervisor for. the city of Spokan, and Mis3 Fern 'Goulding of Michigan, were visitors yester day at thei offices of. the Marion county health demonstration, in specting the work being done in this county. $150 Cash . "Buys fine used piano, ,355 North High streea. aug-29. Return From U. of W. Session Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Dann have returned to Salem after spending 10 weeks in Seattle at tending the summer session of the University of Washington, where Mr. Dann has been, doing work toward a degree of doctor 4l philosophy. Mr. Dann has ac cepted a teaching position In the 'department of phychology, Oregon Agricultural college for the tom- To Trade Forty-acre farm near Hood River, 12 acres in apples, no buildings. Price $5,000. "Will trade for small grocery business or home in Salem. For Sal A beautiful 6-room Spanish bungalow, two fire places, furnace, as modern as mon ey could make it. The price of this house has been re duced from $7,500 to $. 500 and there is nothing in Salem, to equal this price Salem to eqi'al it at this: price. ".See us at once, v " A fine ten-acre tract on Pacific highway, four miles from Sa lcn, nearly all in bearing ap ple orchard. Price $ 3,0 0 0. Terms. A good tract of 13 acres on Salem-Dallas highway, part In cultivation, running -water. Price $2,000. Terms. U.S. REALTY CO. , 1 - 412 Stale St. Tel 260 as: Size BLOCKS this season are inclined to be smallish with brims a trifle wide. This means that this Fall you want to be more careful than usual in the selection of your hat. Our stock of felt hats afford the wid est variety of correct styles, all of quality character. It's a pleasure to be able to walk into a shop and lind the second or third hat you try on just the one for your shape-, head and face. CAPS $2.50 The smartest cuts in the richest grays, tan?, browns and mixtures. Every fellow who gets around wants a cap for brisk Fall days. JOHNSON 469 State Street ihg year, and will complete his degree work next year at an east ern school. Carnival Iance Stayton Saturday. a27 Will Speak at Lake Brook Robert H. Dann, who will be In the department of psychology at the O. A. C. during the coming year, Is to speak at the Sunday services at the Lake Brook hop yard, seven miles north of Salem, on the subject, "The Secret of Happiness." Fine UmmI Piano Must be sold at once, terms $5.00. 355 North High street. a29 Postal Clerk on Vacation W. G.Ros8, clerk in the Salem postoffice, is spending his vaca tion at Belknap Springs, on the McKentie highway, accompanied by his family. Hotel Marlon Dollar dinners served 5:45 to 8 every evening.- n26tf Returns From Washington v Ed Daugherty, superintendent of mails in the local postoffice, who has been spending his vaca tion, accompanied by his family, in Seattle and other joints in Washington, recently returned to his office. Dance Saturday Nite, Hazel Green Ken Boyle's dance band. a27 Fairgrounds Road Home . Investment. A large home In good condition with r large lot. Priced $3150 cash. This is the best buy in its class. : Becke Hen dricks.' a27 Leaves for Vacation Trip Miss Wiima Rhodes, nurse "at the Willamette Sanitarium, left yesterday morning for Portland, where b he will spend a few days on vacation. .' f 150 Cash : " Buys fine-.used piano, 355 North High street. I aug-29 fcogene Man to Speak Here ;. The speaker for the Sunday morning services at tho First church will be , Dr. E. r.V.i Steivers, pastor of the First 'Christian church in Eugene, ac cording to I an ' announcement made yesterday. , The evening services will consist of a program of sacred music' ' t ' . - . Postmasters to .Hold Meeting A meeting , of the Oregon "branch of the postmasters" assoc iation will be held In .Bryant park.' in Albany, on Labor Day, September 5.J according, to plans now being ' made. ; ' About - 50 postmasters, :witfc k their, families. i .-ii; & CO. are expected to attend the meet ing, which will discuss problems of mail handling. Bny Your Wood Direct From the car and save. Phone after 6 p. m. 1988. aug.-21-tf Hold District Meeting The Salem District Chiroprac tie association held a business meeting In Sllverton Thursday evening. Some Very important matters were taken up which when formulated will be announced to the public. 'Dr. Anne Fruseth provided a lunch after the meet ins. Furniture Upholstered" And repairing. Giese-Powers Furniture Co. fl3tf Demurrer Filed Demurrer in the suit of Mac Donald Auto company against Woods Auto Top company was filed in circuit court yesterday., asking non-puit qn grounds, of cause. Defendants contend that cause for action lis apparent against one T. C. Wood, who not made a co-defendant in the suit, and not against the auto top company. I Some Couple or so fWalting New Home. Paving, furnace, fireplace, garage, hardwood, water heater, wired range, deep base ment, coils, ldry., etc. If you are half of said couple look at a good many small homes and then go to 930 Tamarak street, A 6 room home with four finished. Imme diate possession.. Terms if desired. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High street. a27 Three Litrenses Issued . i Marirage licenses were issued to three couples In the office of County Clerk U. G. Boyer yester-r day. They were: Fred . W. Schroeder, Salem, , and Thelma Irene Alexander, . Portland; ,Y?. Oury HIsey, Salem, and Margaret McDaniel, : Portland, and Chester A. Parke, Salem, and Eslie Row- ena Welch, Salem , ; Salem's Real Old Time Dance- Crystal Gardens Saturday night real old time music. Malthas or chestra, ".' . : 27 Ire-byterln lustor Itctarns Rev. and Mrs. Norman K Tully and two daugnters returned Thursday night 'to Salem, alter spending almost four ; weeks on vacation, during which time Dr, Tully has served on the faculty of the Southern Oregon young peo ples meeting at ; Bainbrldge Isl and," Washington, - has attended the national '. meeting.; of prison workers held In Tacoma, and re cently acted as" delegate from Salem at inevnortn western con vfentio,Tof Kiwanis, belduin .Spo ;;, .:-). ' J SAYS We ; have a , late 1925 Chevrolet Sedan, equip ped with bumpers, spot light, f motometer, 85 per cent ; hew rubber, fine condi ion for 5495.00 kl The House That Service Built kane, whfcre he gave the invitation for the rieeting to be held in Sal em in 1129. Dr. Tully is nastor Of the First Presbyterian church. Fine Usdd piano Must tf sold at once , terms aug-29 $5.0't,Nrortk Higa street. Motor to Bench Mr. and Mrs. O. Neelands and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kaiser left on ft wjeiek-end motor trip yes terday, ter, Oregon beach points. Their trp will take them to Nes- kowin, fTaft, and Newport, and intermediate points. They ex pect to return Sunday evening. Center Street Corner A beauty on fringe of business for ? 12,500 total and $5000 will handle. Hu 179 feet of future re tail frontage. Present income nets over 4&. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High Street. a27 Ijcaves for North. Beach Mrs. Clara Pomeroy, teacher in the Salfcni schools, left recently to spenA several days at Oyster ville on worth Beach, Washington. She expects to return to Salem September 5. 8 Orefcon Puly and Paper Co. Preferred. Limited amount for sale .Hawkins and Roberts. Phone W2Y. ! Jly6tt Firo TH reatens O. E. Trestle Fire purning, in a pile of saw dust between the Oregon Elec tric trerstle and an old sawmill north qf : the city limits yester day afternoon resulted in fire equipment being sent out to as sist in 1 protecting the property. According ,to firemen, the saw dust pile has been burning for some time, and is close enough to the trestle to endanger it should the flames get out of control. It is located on property outside the city linits. t Reautiffil Used Piano In fihe condition, left with us for sale. Party leaving city will sacrifice for cash. See it at Tallman Piano Store, 395 South 12th street. - a28 Forfeits Bail in Court C. H. Yoakem, of Albany, for feited $5 bail yesterday in the police court when he failed to ap pear . to . answer .to. . a charge of reckless driving. Want Woman for Housework- Desire middle aged woman who can go home nights. Small child to care for. Phone 2075-M. a27 Fined for Traffic Violation Elwood Picard, 222 Lincoln, who was arrested Thursday night for driving a car with four per sons in the driver's seat, yester day paid a fine of $2.50 in the court of City Recorder Mark Poul sen. Struck When Stopping at Sign- When he stopped his car on Cottage street yesterday morning. before entering Court street, W. T. Virigin, Rt. 3, Box 117, found that the car behind his was not prepared to stop as suddenly. H. H. Robinson, of the West Side Grocery, drove his car into the rear of the Virigin machine. Lit tle damage was done. . Right of Way Not Given- Claiming that the driver of the other machine was not watching where she was going, H- jacoo- sen, saiem, reported an acciaeni which happened - yesterday morn ing between his car and one driv en by Mrs. E. W. Parath. 1945 Broadway at the Intersection ef Broadway c and Market. Mrs. Parath declared that neither driv- FOR INFORMATION ABOUT LOCAL OR EASTERN RAILROAD TRIPS PHONE 727 Oregon Electric Ry. Willamette Valley Line - KEEP YOUR FEET HEALTHY . . , , . . . . . , . John J.Rottle - "... . . 415 State -Street Authorize Extradition Governor , Patterson yesterday requested the extradition from California of B. Al Mathews, who is wanted at Eugene pn a charge of larcency from a dwelling. Mat hews is under arrest' in Califor nia. llairruttino- I'crmanentR- msrroliin. The a28 Eeauty Box. Phone 1985. Four lark Too Long Pines of $1 each were received in the city recorder's of rice yes terday from G. W. Hartman, E. E. Newell, John Sharp, and Harry Woodworth, all of whom plead guilty to charges of parking their fOfa I . 1 . 1 Canned Heat Use Charged 9rf T: C7' W,n "?8 BlS , Z 17 .rlrwm ar:(AP)-rGene Tunney suddenly dnkeness . 5 7' nrunkeness. Spencer is said to have consumed a quantity of can- i ned heat. y FKHTlliiGEI! Wire Says Two Shots Taken at Local Fireman Perhaps It's all a hoax. . But every one of ihe 23 mem bers of the Salem fire department swears that the message was real ly received, and testified to his be lief that the Incident really hap pened. "It sounds just like Ben." they declared yesterday, when the message was received. The telegram, or so it purports to be, is claimed to have been re ceived by the Salem chief of po lice from the police office in Grants Pass. Here it Is: "Salem Chief of Police: There came very near being a sad trag edy at the Oregon Caves yester day. A fireman from your city by the name of Ben Faught came out of the caves with his bat off, and an old mountaineer took two shots at him with a six shooter. He thought It was some wild animal. The hunter said he had never seen a human that looked like him be fore, nor had he ever seen an ani mal quite as ugly. That is why he shot him." Faught is at present on a two weeks vacation from his work on the fire fighting force, having left Salem August 15 to make a mo tor trip to the Oregon Caves. Med ford. and Crater Lake. ' His fellow firemen are anxious To learn the full details of the in cident referred to. and are anx iously awaiting his return to work on August 29. WANT KLAMATH TRADE California to Bid for Heavy Bust ness Despite New Line PORTLAND, Aug. 26. (AP) "Sacramento business men claim that $1,000,000 trade year ly reaches them from Klamath Falls, not to mention that ob tained by San Francisco," de clared H. DeWitt. Yreka, Cal., president of the Yreka Railway here today. California will make a determined effort to retain this trade, he said, regardless of con struction of the new Cascade line cf the Souther Pacific. ' De Witt in his remarks disclosed that right now there is a move to form a highway district among, the counties of northern California, and eounties as far south as Sacramento, he said, will contribute to a fund to he used in constructing a short-cut road from Weed to Klamath Falls. Mr. De Witt added that Klamath county is co-operating to the state line, in this move, because it fs anxious to get the Crater Lake travel from California that now goes through Medford. HEMSTITCHING 6, 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also buttons, stamping and pleating. ANNA H. KRUEGER Over Miller's Telephone 117 Casey's Guaranteed RHEUMATISM REMEDY Money refunded If it does, not v cure your easa NELSON A nUNT, Drwggbrta Cor. Court and (Liberty . TeL 7 PLUMBING v Quick Reliable Bervice . If. IX3NER, 1815 Center Street Fhoaea 853 and 1810-W . - . Fine Fixtures Standard Equipment 1927 FREE WALLPATE3 ' SAMPLE BOOHS . , . Call, phone or writs " MAXOJBUREN l7t N. Commercial . . Salem Ola 5 CHICAGO, Aug. 2. (AP) Jack Dempsey, sporting a slight ly discolored left eye as a result of a wild punch landed by one of his Bparring partners - yesterdayf went under glove fire for four rounds against three sparring partners at his - Lincoln fields training camp today. - The , former world's heavy weight champion boxed two rounds with Benny Kreuger, a big German warrior, and one each with Jack McCann, St. Paul and K. O, Chxistner. McCann gave Dempsey the best workout, connecting solidly to the face three different , times with rigbt lMd punches stung. that hurt and SPECULATOR. NT, Aug. 26 8witcned hia Plan8 f0F a WOrktmt . .. limit his training to an aiternoou on the roads and s hills around Lake Pleasant. The world's heavy weight champion said he did not think he would take on any of his soarrine . partners tomorrow (either. His next workout in the ' ... 1 l n On d ! V ring Will-prooaoiy ue uu ouuuoj when a big crowd of visitors from neighboring Addrondack resorts is expected. Tunney got plenty of orprrka todav. however, for he ran and walked all over the sur rounding country, staying out all afternoon B. B. BALL TEAM FINDS BATTERY ; The Sligh Billiard parlor base ball team, when it visits the Ore gon state penitentiary today for one of the perrdlcal contests with the convict team, will have a crack battery In the persons of Dr. E H. Hobson, who is president of the local Portland City league club, and Dr. S. F. Scott. I Both of these gentlemen have had plenty of experience, but there is no record of their having donned baseball mitts for some time past. Dr. Hobson, who will pitch, says that he has been training and has limbered up his arm, but hasn't tried out his fam ous. curve ball, because it might 4uake his arm sore beforehand. PLAN 8 STORY BUILDING Portland Masonic- Temple to Give Way for New Structure PORTLAND, Aug. 26. (AP) - -The old Masonic temple build ing, 'constructed in 1872 by Port land Masons, Is to be razed to make roo. mfor an eight story of fice ' and store building, to cost $360,000. This announcement was made today by Paul Char- baugh, head of the Pacific States Investment company, who has purchased the 50 by 100 foot property and plans to erect the building. Original "Dawes" Pipe NEW BRNUSWICK, N.J. The original Dawes pipe is displayed in a museum of Rutgers Univer sity in New Brunswiek. The pipe was presented to Dr. John Mar tin' Thomas, president of the Unl yersity, by Joseph S. .Frelinghuy sen, former U. S. Senator, who received, it from Vice President Charles G. Dawes himself. FOR SALES Strictly , modern new six room English type house, 5 i blocks State house. $6800. F. L. WOOD 841 State Street Climb tho Stairs and Save ' -''-; "t Money Mens and Ladies suits cleaned and pressed ...$1.00 Ladies Silk Dresses. ... .$1.25 Coats Relined ......... $3. 00 Mens Suits Pressed .... : .50 VALLEY CLEANERS V'v . Over Bnsicks ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired. New or h V Used Motors VIBBERT & TODD Thing Electrical ltl South High Tel. 1X12 YICIC SO HERB CO. y' J. n. LEONO, Mgr. Our life's work has been spent In studying the healing properties of Chinese herbs and now daily we relieve those suffering : from etomtch, liver and kid ney trouble, rheuma tism and gall stones, also disorders of men. cx A 5tt women and children W Free Consultation Call or TTriU Opes A. II. to 8 P. It ' V; . 30 State 6U, Salem. Orecosi , 0IS50LUTI1 HEP ------ V: i- ' ;- ' t "; V -V - - General Election in Septem ber Demanded by Cos grave Government DUBLIN. Aug. 25. (AP) Swiftly following upon two great election Victories, the Cossrare government threw a bombshell nto the dail situation in the shape ol a proclamation calling for the ni mediate dissolution of the Free State legislature and for a general election which will be held about the middle of September. As soon a,s the results of the elections, on whicn ithe govern ment had staked Its existence, were known, the executive council met, decided, to take full advant aee of the present favorable sltua tion for the government and ad- Tised Governor General Heaiy to proclaim dissolution of the present Dail Eireann. This course, it is felt, will pre vent a republican rally from ihe weak position shown by today polling figures in the two by-elec-ton in Dublin county held yester day. There had been some doubts about the legality of the. govern ment's course since it was general ly believed that the government would require . the assent, of the Dail to justify dissolution, but it is assumed that the ministers have taken legal advice on their consti tutional poston. -.. ' v In yesterday's by-elections, Ger ald O'Sullivan, running to fill the vacancy caused by the1 assassina tion of Vice President Kevin O'Higgins, captured the seat for the government party by a plural ity of more than 22,000, while Dr Thomas Hennesey, government candidat by the death of Countesa Marcievles. had a plurality of more than 4,000 votes. - . TWO HURT IN CAR CRASH Excessive Sped-Dclared (uc of Accident Near Hot Lake ' LA GRANDE, AUG. 26, (AP) R. L. Hite, Spokane, Wash., and Mrs. Marjorie Wykoff Of La Grande, were lying near death at TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service , For Less Licensed Lady Mortician 770 Chemeketa Street --.Telephone 724. SEE OUR ' - Perennial Gardens : On the Wallace Roa5 C. F. BREITHAUPT ; Telephone 380' 612 State St. LET KENNELL-ELLIS MAKE YOUR VIEW AND COMMERCIAL PIC- TURES, ANYTIME, ANY PDACE Call 951 . t , f KENNELL-ELLIS STUDIOS 429 Oregon Bldg. ' LADD & BUSH, Barikers . EiUbllMied 18(8 General Banking Business . Office Hours from 10-a, m. to I p. m. TRANSFER M STORAGE Loo? and Short Distance IXanllns r Public and Private Storage ' ,- Fireproof BuUdinj: GRAIN, FEED AND. SEED ' : . - ; Free Delivery to any part of the city v Quotations on Application . -' Farmer g.Wj Day Telephone 3 i i I 1 HJf " If.. Hot lake this afternoon, which officers'-attribute 'to excessive speed. The car climbed an 'embankment and. overturned. Both Ilite and Mrs. Wyfcof f have fractured skulls. LA GRANI1K MAX PIUS LA GRANDE, AUG. 26. (AP Fred Hamilton,, long a resident here., died at Hot lake today from . complications following an appen dicitis operation. ! Five Foot Tresscs LADDONIA, Mo. Mrs. Jack Brown won first I prize in a con test here for long haired women. Her-tresses measure exactly 57 nches. V . . '!" u 1 ; " brings Increased nutrl- ' ment to the hair folli cles and develops the , lustre. !.;.'' ' ' Its continued use helps to preserve the hair in' perfect condition and to make it strong and healthy. . ;'-'' 50c PERRY'S DRUG : ! STORE 115 8. Commercial i i. pi T O (Tf "1 T1 C n Keep your hair; ; .?'' Healthy i;J Si. " PAUL TRAGLI0, Prep. - Ni -lit TcIcpL. II :7-, 7