- ( ' TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23,1 927 , "iii"" mux,,, :rm , ni'mi'mr mint ai " i mm MSI t Coach Ray . jpecf Keene lias set September a as the day whea I nuits.Jtrill.b6 issued' for candidates t or thfootfeaH -quaI at .Willam ette jintr.ersity this tall. At 9:30 avm.', September 15, the. men -will report for practice, -From then on r two .periods , each 'Jaj will be . devoted to .shaping the .plgakin hauliers for .the. ticst came rpc-i. - tober 1. " :' . '. .... - 'Ahout 6 0 1 temporary iiee to ters harvest hands, -tewr diggers and ot her mre expected Ho relinquish their'-en mmer urofessioaa and .-re ; portito Coach Keaaerfor chances to asotfeitio places"!! Willamatte'a iZ7. euven.- nseneand hte. as sistants will have the ;emplete pcogB&ln ot . training outlined and no time will be-lost" in putting the cahdidateanhrengh their pates. Significant in, its import for. an outstanding Xeam-thla ) tail is. the Intimation that Joe Kasberger, iuie -afc wtu looioaa meott (bra in the northwest, will; serve as assistant coach to Keene." 'His employment has not ye't been ap proved by the university athletic committee His services,. however J v-f f -p, v "etui cia Ter'riMooitoie . doubt-but that be will be on the Held when practice. starts, ' Kewerger -. rently "'--eoached football at -Mt,- Angel ? college. -He has ,rb.eea there-'i -years. After; lour .years oltha gamo at O. AC. Kasberger- went -baek to -aid KnuteRpckne fpr- one r year at Notre 'Dame, .prior to,.bj.ppoit-v m enff at "Jift. Ahjrel.: Her- knows' football irom the ground np; . ' - Another man who probably will aid. in drilling the Willamette players is Kenny .Densaan, ons of tthe best halt backs O. A: C ever has product.- This .fellow, was quarterback , under . Coach Keene ( for" 3 years at. Corvallis high"ictiool.-r -At O.A.'-XL he was ItMor aUidentcln physical edaca-J tion. coarse. . In jidditlon-to help ing .-on ,f. the field, DenmanwUl Uach a course; ! the P. E. depart ment; lsUq' Sparks, as trainer, also will contribute to the develop ment' of the. .men. -. ; Coach Keene Is not making any promises tor the season now si most here. His opinions, if . any thing, are "pessimistic.'. Yet, -there fa something. In, his manner which denotes hope t or better success tban.JMVyear.t ,.; .;, v, There are , plenty-of discourag--Ing facts:trniess figure's are given t.t jprwirt cation'' the" casualty list irom. iEst Jars qnad . will fre unusually. great, Graduation -claimed three artier,, and. Kiiodstackles, and. Bergwik alternate at end. The' spectre of low,, scholarship .claimed tat least 10, .-and three -or four good play ers plan not to. re turn to the .uni . versity -tats l tall, A check-up snows only about 14 ot the im presslye" squad jof so experienced men wno ' turned in their suits last winter. . Thoeawho are rather certain to be-in school and eligible for places n thesquadare Craner wor.orrvM.unilcfrd, Rafih,"Ver teg, waddUI, tflfer Wlnslow Woxjdworth; French, .Havk, Phil PotL.and.Enamona.;" . ,. . : Ar4neg gJance at the list shows tuebsen.cefcsneh 3mes m ;m- can eionlBger, Sandburg,. AtedeL aiacnenxie, McMallin.' -Nakano a ndcaof Ield.- '-These'' mefiJ " were nal powers on the snid last year; Blcav. who U now fin Califo-ria'; -vr?Mif 9W . wan. was nil . eonrereace oonterclaat finn'Mutt aenwe,Jwn?athe4fUibtlng:est ltoan' on ne silhadis detlcient achofastfaarlly.cUut, there is good caange -iw-wni makeUhbr nn-vhnr. tag the ; summer, an,d be.ieligibla pay. -ine others, howerer,' are uciiifiiaty OUt. , ' , -r wwi wKiw.' Aas".nt8 ' y on1 several Hiitelr high -school gTaa a test ta nd: 1 anav unrnnp - at to s(tojf;6r tho' weak olaces The greatest weakneee-seems to be at - w.j iu i NOTICE 'in accordance with the1 'pro-i visions of Section 57t n,.n. lawg,.tae;Staterreasurep-of Ore gon wui receive sealed bids up to eleven o'clock A. M. on September A9. ivzi.. lor . S20048.03 fac valueof- registered general "und warrants, cot i-DeschaXesr -.' County, Oregon, jbeld as eecarlty for the deposlsiof the- State Treasurer with? the First National Bank of ueia, uregon; insolvent. The war rants nrw mterestat the rate oi six per centtper' aantim' from thV a&ie ox registration to Hate of can by the , Cotfhty TTreasuret of iDe achates County.. Full informatlos concerning- the sale of-; the rwarvj rants, dates of- registration there- of;- and racxrned,. interest. thereon may -be obtained -from Hhe office of. StatejTreasnrer at Salem.i; ?i tAll bids must be accompanied by "acertlfled heek -payable to Thos. B. Kay, State: Treasurer.'f Or five per-ent S) of the total face'Vald'e of the Warrants, which check- will be forfeited to the State of: Oregon" in ' case - the -successful bidder falls to complete his. puri ; chase:--' The : State Treasurer-' re" serves'the right to reject any and all bids. - - ' Dated at Salem".?0"reg6h, "Anguit 6, 1927. - -.-4--: - -i rrTJIOJKTKATr--?. I . "State Treasurer of. Oregon. - . y. -r-' , -.; ' ; . tackle, a ritherr.ifli ithere a kicker In tprMpeet. ;? . .good v Th rfiret game for , the fiar cats will be University of Wash ington at Seattle, October vlat. This has .developed Into an annual tussle , for the locals ,f or " the th letic fund needs money, and the state supported school Is willing tojpay .well lor' fth -early season game- A double 'header ngainst Albany college .and " Monmouth ei r m mm a - a nqrwu icboqi win ,'iojiow .on October 8th; r ' '',A-,game:galn3C either Upirersl-i ty; df Oreigon Oregon Agricul tural college may, be arranged for the' open date, ' October 29th. 'The' schedule" to date' follows Oct. l....Universlty of Washing!? Oct. 1, University of . Washing ton at 'Seattle Oet. 8, Alb4ny college and JHon- mouth normal school at -Salem ' Oct.-I5, College of 'Puget Sound; afTacoma. ' - ' Oct. 22, College of Idaho Salem. TDct. 29, Qpen. " "Nov. 5, Pacific University at at Salem. Nov. 11, Llufleld college ati alem. Nov. ij24, Whitman college at Walla Walla. . DEFEAT KOLAI BY A III The Salem Senators eliminated the Nicohti -nine :from the 'Port- kwidXltKieague here Snnday, af ternoon at Oxford Park, defeating the doormakers by a 3 to . 2 score Befclc pitching for the home team and 'Sa tor the -visitors ach went tfie :tuUAnine Innings, the former striking out ll opposing, bats men, while Sax walked three and with - the aid ot nimble work on the part of his team mates held the Senators to ten hits. Boesch. Nicolai shortstop, con nected with the apple for a single after - ithe first man ln the first .mains -and then stole sec ond. The next, man .was struck out. .Bottler slammed' out a, two bag ger scoring Boesch.'Billy- Suliivjfn. Senator first sacker. singled when" his team cam to bat but-the next three batters went 'out on a high fly .and two infield Blows, respect-? iveiy. The 'next inning was scoreless on each side although the home team managed to get two men on kM i Ridings .drew a walk and McKeana-singled. " ' ; ,.Beth'r te(ins-eored .one run in tbeihird. ' Sax, visitor" pitcher, singled .and ,wa sacrificed to. sec ona .ny . iioetscb.Strader -walked, 'Bottler struck -out and Sax scored on Burton's single. Biftner struck out-retiring the-eide. For Salemj Ooleman singled, stole second and was brought in hy Steers two bagger for Salem's first counter. In the following three cantos' neither 'side scored; Beek holding the-iNicolai baumen to two hits while Sax' dealt out one hit and walkad Bdwards an the tpurth and itiaings in tne sixth. Billy Sum vanhit ont a single in the 7th after Beck flew out to left fieldJ and sneaked over to second hot two bagger by his brother brought Billy in .to tie the jscore at two all. ' -A hard 4ry by the visitors to tie the score in j the eighth failed .when Boesch sent up a high foul behind the -plate to- Jaeoberger. catcning for -Salem due to -fid wards getting his ; finger hurt in the game ' with MonUvilfa 'iast Snnday. Strader connected for a; pretty single but was out trying to ke second on the blow. Bottler.' next tip 'lashed out a two bagger and Burton was ,given ;a ;b'ase on Dans. Bittner , retired the side scoreless by striking out. -, Steers mom - up - for the'Senat- Ors and singled, Jacoberger rac-' rifioed hlrnlfor a base and Rid lags two tagger put across the" winning run by .allowing .Steers to scoce, rne game was well attended. incidentally swelling t h e receipts' and.ive:tbe rxayers an incentive o put up , a good game of ball. ' Hooters for the visitors were few but accounted for themselves loud . it wan megaphones and other mean of -encouragement. The box score: ...... All it H Pr a W. Sdllivan, lb "i.B i 1 2 K ft j. dumvan, xb .4f 0 U.1 0 1 1 3 Gdlemn.'ct ....4 1 2' 2 aeer,4t--k 4. 4 r 1 3 0 aaooberger. c . '2, jo 0 13 Ridings, ss ,...2 0 1 .3 ;;Kenn, 3h ... . A4U0 A .1 0 Edwards, jrf . ,.3 o .0 Beckon V- . . . L 3 0 4'o 2 0 3 0 .Totafs ' 32.3 9 27 11 1 ?AB RHPOA ETI fl-vicumsfcey.qf ,;:: 0 5 .0 erraderv.3hi.ii. ; 3 1 o- 1 2 a Boeschis.V -31 1 1 9 V P0ttlerefuU4t ;T 3 .ft.ff Burtonrrf .;..3i o l'r d iJittner, twn;.. .Ut O Leptlch, lb ' . ,,;3;0 Clow, ,0, , . . . ,i 4o 0 0 0 1 -l or 0 0 o SUX p . . . .t.4 1 punn i o iTotais T Satem owtu , UVl j.jUSU Dbti!:ioi;iij3 I pummaryi wo v-, naa hits, I I ' BOSTON, Aug.'22.--(AP)-rtim- portant date in -the -Saceo-Van-zetti xase ' are: - ' ' ; April 15, X920Murder ' of Frederick A. Parmenter, pay- master -or -siater.Tana 'Morniij eom panyv shoe manufacturers, 1 and his guard', Alexander Berardelli, at "South Braintree, Mass. u May "tr.'l 9 20--Bartolomeo Van- zetti and Nicola Sacco arrested In Brocton. , September 11N 1920 Sacco and Vanzetti Indicted. May -31, 1921 Trial starts at Dedham.' July 14, 1921 Both found guilty of first degree murder. tecember "24, 1 1921 Judge Thayer denies new trial motion. March1 27, i23 rAIienists de clare Sacco. sane. "April -9, ;1924 Vanzetti de clared sane. January 10, 1 9 2 6 Celestlno Madelros made statement saying 'Mortlli gang" killed Parmenter' and' Berardelli. ' - April 5, 1827 Judge Thayer denfes ttew trial on' Madelros state ment and other new evidence. 't April 9,- 1927 Sacco and Van zetti sentenced to die week of July 10. Steers, J. Sullivan, Hidings, Bot tler. Bases on -balls. Off Beck 2, Sax 3. Stolen. bases, W. Sullivan, Goleman. .Ridings. Left on bases: Salera 10, Nicolai 6. Struck out: Beck 11. . Sax 0 Wild pitch. Sax. Hit b' pitched ball: Beck b Sax. Double play: .Sax to Boesch. Time of game: 1:55. Umpire Laird. ' , Dunn batted for Leptlch Tn 9th. x" li-.0 I . National Jeaue Btandinics ... I o . A 4 '. w. .V70 L. Pet. 45 .609 Chicago Pittsburgh . St. Louis . . New York . . Cincinnati . Boston Brooklyn - . ; Philadelphia . . .67 47 . .66 48 . .67 52 .588 .579 .475 .452 .425 .419 .365 . .52 . .48 . . 4 . .42 63 65 68 73 " PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 22 .AI') Chick .Jlafey's home run into the bleachers gave- - Jess Haines the, best, of a hurling duel rwith Frank Ulrlch here todav the St." Louis' tlardlnals "defeating tbe Pliiilies by a score of 1 to.0. jrne victory , was Haines' twentieth oi me season. ; " Score . .. St. Louis .... .V Philadelphia ... Hhines and O'Fai-rell; and Wilson. It H E . 1 4 . 0 4 0 Ulrlch BOSTON. .Aug. 22 ? ( API sy winning their third straight victory over the league leading unicago cubs to!ay, 5 to . the Boston Braver cut f'jown the mar Rin. ,over - the v.c iid Place Pitt burgh club to two and one ha f games. " s-ore: . r ii r ... . r Chicago , ...!.... 3 ' i Boston . ; 5 12 1 jUrlsoaUBd-Hartaett; Wertz, itonertson and Urban,' '.Only two,ationat league games 8cneauied,sV f. -.j.,, C TAXPAYKU'a NOTIGH ! i i" : uwu ui " xiquatizauon meetrron '&& 15EOOND mom da V iN BPTEMflER OF -EACH TEAR inr. the purpose f examining and dnaliling .the A'kMVtMnent -Bftll. of AlaTionCoanty.;Oreron: 4 WA4Vpersons desiring vto protest any assessment on said rolls must do -srf according to the following VToviiions or. law: - -- f ' l' Petitions or"' apDlications for the- redaetion of ?a particular fc eesemeht shall 'be1 made in .writ- i . i . j . .. . ... . , ' . ihk; perinea 'oy-oatn oT'tne ann Il ea n t or bis a ttorney 'and be. filed WHn the Board . during the first weknt.isa by :law,jrequiredj to be In Wsfa)n. 'and any petitron or applicaton-ne4-M.in?de7erlfledi aad jted ."nndUL 'fia'C, bet coosiderWa dMtctetf. tponr-by:ibe boardk; A --, ipM n -t- " t '.-1 -OovntyN A? essc;r vAl 1 :) lip A X x iV iiuv t) Bartelomeo Vanzetti (left) andr Nicola Sacco. Inset Judge Web- sterThayer. .Lower Gov. Alvan June 29, 1927 Governor Ful ler, having begun investigation of case, postpones death of Madeiros, Vanzetti and: Sacco to and includ ing August '10. - July 17, 1927 Sacco and Van zetti begin hunger strike. July 22, 1927 Governor Ful ler interviews Sacco and Vanzetti in prison. August 3. 1927 Governor Ful ler gives decision .refusing clem ency. - August 10, 1927 Governor Fuller grants further stay of exe cution. "; August 22, ,1927 Sacco and Vanzetti executed. -r O American League Standings O O w. New York f 82 Detroit 69 Washington 66 .Philadelphia 66 L. 37 48 52 53 63 69 69 81 Pet. .689 .590 .55.a .555 Chicago . Cleveland St: Louis-. Boston ... 55 51 47 36 .466 .425 .405 .308 CLEVELAND, Aug. 22. (AP) The Yankees fell further Into their slump today, despite Babe Ruth's r40th home run. of the sea son, losing to Cleveland 9 to 4 for the fifth straight defeat. Babe's emash put him one ahead of Lou Gehrig in the home run race. Score : R H New York 4 8 Cleveland Z. .. ..9 19 E 1 0 and and Moore. Shocker, Pennoek 6c L. -Sewell. ; , CHICAGO. Aug.' 22. CAP) Philadelphia lost to Chicago to-1 day 3 .to J6 when the locals ran 14 .bits intb six funs, holding the iLf.il - . 1 . ifiuieuc , iu mree mar&ers on their blows. ( ' Seore; ,. Philadelphia Chicago ....... R -3 6 H 10 14 E 2 0 Quinn, Johnson, Powers and Cochrane; Lyons and Crouse DETROIT, Aug. 22. (AP) The Detroit Tigers, undismayed by the appearance of the mighty .waiter Johnson on the mound. defeated tbe.Washington Senators 6 S ctT I r L HIGHLYIHDORSEO METHODS Jl cal method of.trfiint p;w and other Rectal ind 'Co!i auaJ -wsw-JM-wttWw ImvMty -of lar amt from many dfcturt states. Tht con- Moncm mm evWritt m Im m IVBITTii-r icL,n veoansea nractlca. la mot ettreme rates saw fceew pdiiwwMb ttwt Our TMtoK m at VHnoct value f evtryauffcBcr. Send Car Utorf . in the second game of the double- header today 7 to 3, after, taking the first 4 to 2. ' It was the Tiger's thirteenth successive victory. First Game. Score . R H Washington 72 5 Detroit 4 8 Had ley and Ruel; Gibson and Shea. Second Game. Score: 1 R H 10 7 E 3 0 Washington ...i 3 Detroit , .7 Johnson and Tate; Collins, Smith and Shea. Only 3 games scheduled in the American leagufe. ROTTEN" SAYS BOBBY OF GAME MINNEAPOLIS. AUG. 22. (AP) Yoath showed the way in the first qualifying round of the National Amateur Golf champion shjp today and, although age did not surrender without a struggle, the veterans took a series of hard rights, and lefts to th iroirinir jaw. - - iin .. - ' Auuougn another round nf is holes remained to be played 'to morrow to decide the surviving 32 and todav'K iiicitu anyming to , Hneak of. th enthusiasm of the vnnnW.- . ... . ' " turned the eiders back in noma cnagrin at the . outset. champion, playing a wild game ho called "ToUen ' finished in 75 and George Von Elm, who won the amateur title from hlm last year . Special reduced lare good In speedy, all-coach trains bridoy. Ride in roomy, all- r :, t coaches. Room to relax' ; ' and rest. Fre observation ( lounga and open platform. " Low-ot mtnm in diner and ' luticlxctu. TralnalaW11 , -: v. . arriving Smftrimi cifco IOJO a. rtu Onr acenie Cascade Line In daylight, f imilt rri(ce.ttninitig .Fr an ic,er y Monday, Wednesday nd Satu'rdiy.;':'.';;;' .V; ' . good for IS day re- i turning onnrtrain carrrlrt ''Coachaa. ;' " - V v,tx xicjtet uxiioe i4 Nd IJbeyf telephone JO mm fA . .at "U""'-' -' 1111 " i ii; )p JACK ii in Tn DDPim Tomnumn ? iu ULOiu iimimiEu A . ' CHICAGO, AUG. 20. (AP) 4 Peaceful in mind and In no hur ry whatever to settle down to the task of training. Jack' Dempsey1 today hovered" attentively at the side 'of his ailing wife, , Estelle Taylor. He anounced however that he would go to Lincoln fields Monday, not only fo look over his camp; but to start active work. The firsweek, according to his plans, is to be little more than a limbering up routine, interrupted by visits to Chicago, particularly Mrs. Dempsey'8 sick room in her North Shore hotel apartment. Af ter the first week, the former ti tleholder will see little or noth ing of Chicago, until his battle Sept. 22 with Gene Tunney. Dempsey laughed off reports that hiS wife had taken' a sudden turn for the worse and that he had engaged three Chicago specialists to care for , her. "Nothing Jo ' U at .all," Jack said, 'she is getting along fine. i np rroctor says she will be up on her foet for good in a couple of weeks If she continues to improve. "There is no truth to the re-; - - Q WHAT.JS TIMB WORTH? ' I .'1MB l V4rrt nf.thm. mcnts of modern cost" has become a byword in the plant. PP.4sctiTr time of office employes is eguaUjraponaat.yarioiis devices have ' bccn.ioducted, to increase .production . and eliminate time waste. : ; ...An adequate telephone iostallation in office.or plant preTents. unnecessary in terniptions to work-avoids confusion -4 expedites business transactions and saves vauab tfm. XZonsult the, business office of the telephone conjpany for tri. exten sion telephone plan best suit to your re quirements. Extension telephones (greater business.efficiettcy THE PACITIC TELEPHONE jKinttis i&dm tits p ill ii j? tft port that we had to call In three doctors yesterday because of her grave condition. Most of yester day afternoon eve were both -out riding, bo she couln't have been very sick." uetnpsey tore himseii away from his .wife this afternoon long enough to join Tex Rickard and Leo P. Flynn, his manager for a match on the olf links. It was the first time that Jack had a chance to play since arriving from the coast. MOTORITES PLAY NEWBERG TODAY Salem's twilight, league cham pions, the Valley Motor baseball team, will play ,a return game with the New berg All Stars this evening at' Newberg. The local team will leave from the Valley Motor Co. .garage at A o'clock this afternoon. ' The Valley Motor lineup , will be the same as in the. previous game; with Russell on the mound. This team defeated the All Stars here 6 to 0 recently, and victory to night will make . the locals prac tically undisputed twilight . base" ball champions of the Willamette Valley. J k f busines$. "Hour AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY sT it v . 1 i ' - -i. - ft i Nevr Fitsl; Ilaliaaal Barit Biii!3nig Directory BABgllgNT Da Laza Shioiat Parlor . Experts for Ladies and Gaatiamaa. 8KCOND FtiOOR Oof fay' a -Paata -6rvta Tal. 708. Qyr tho Bpa Tuiao riooB iorria Optical Co. 801 B03 SOt - Or. Baary E. Morris, Optomatrist Telepaoaa 38 0, I. ; Gillette - .-. Bulla 110 U-ll . Lawyer Talepkona 20 SO Boeolofsky Soa. Tel. 970 se-tOB tif W.KiMf, Lin,, laaaranre roujtTH rtoou On. O'Neill Jk Berdetta, Optonetrista Ekoae j6?5 401-403-40S-404-40S Oaardiaa Baildlac -A Loan Anoelatioa ii. Barford Elj 418 Telephone 757 Willard H. Wirta sad Peal T. Barrls Attorneys. 410411 413 Tal. 185 lue .torler,.413. Tel. 757;.Jte. 1915W Keal Cetata Loaaa Ininreooe , sixth rLooa Geo. B. Vefcrs M.D., Phytlclea A Bargeaa Bait 08. TU. 3378-2870 .Ilea. 78 Kobin D. Day and Donald W. Kites Attorneys a Law Telephone 193.' 610-011-BH EIGHTH .FLOOB Dr. O. -Ward Daria. Gaeret Daatlelry rl. -819. Erasing by ppoUlnieat. Kooai iOS. Dr. H. B. Soof'eld 808 Chiropractor, NeoroeaJoaaeter Serriea .JilNTH.rLOOS Dr. H. M. Beawa. Kye, Ear. Mese Throe Specialist. Botte vol TENTH FLOOB ' Dr. W. A. Joaneoa, Dentist Telephone 1285 1001 . Caafaser Lea Gears a, D. p. B, General Dentistry -U. Griff ia, D. D. 8., OrtkadoatU TelephOM 181. - Bait 1003-1001 The Men Who- Peys Monthly -Payments Will Pay Out In Tea Years. The Renter Has Life Sentence $1250 4 room bouse. Bath, electric lights. Close to school. ' i 13000 New 4 room bun (alow. Nook.' - f ernaee, -firxplaee, herdwosd floor, garage. Paved street. Yell located. Lasy terms. . 14000 New 4 room bungalow. Breakfast nook, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, garage. Paved street 1 Cloee to Laslia .Junior iiigl - school. Easy terms. 14500 Naw 4 and 5 room English trpl houses. North end east front. Fur' nace, fireplace, hardwood floor. Uafiaished upstairs. .Well Imilt. Garage, paved street. Close to Leslie Junior High school. e 1 nn .1 man r . . . i. i eluding interest wilt buy 4 and room English type bouses with Vi , acre. 01 ground. trades. What have you I MONET TO IX)AN INSURANCE' RICH L. REIMANN 1 Realtor amSp Phone 865. - - 8 U- S- Bank BMg. 637 if "We like a man that comes right out and Bays what 'he' ' thinks when he agrees with us. Ohio State Journal.- - : travel to Diiily DepruturcsS Only motor atage -service to San Francisco, California, and sou Ui west cities .wlih 3 daily schedtl8. Sarvea all Inter mediate' points - stop-overi if desired. Great responsible Jsys- tem rprotects you cares - tor baggage.- Finest glass-enclosed cars, reclining chairs, heaters. Leave for- . Albany, Corrallis, Aitoscbnnr, Medord,' San . Frairo, Ie Angelee, San Dkro, rhoenix, Kl Paao 10:20 A. U 1:40 A. 1L, 1 7:30 P. 1L. Portland, Skiattle,' Vanroeiver j :60 A. M., 1: P. iU ? 7:45. P. M. it ..DEPOT; : . Tcraiinal Hotel .Telephone 009' 1 - Ll w 1 a Wl 1 i . i t t WA A SR. Jr cat r trial ia tl V tisen foul' Nort snerr JHILDR Diakin; KKCOMl A 11 r i n f FARM to Im CITY denti ritr at S Hswl Balld f i 10R A I I Ceeea. I housei f - I..lllg R je. lem. 1 1