The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 19, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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r V
5 .
Trustee Appointed :
P. J Brown yesterday was ap
pointed trustee pf the $1,000 be
quest under the will of the late
J. M. Brown for5 Marian Roberta
Down. Under- the terms . of the
will. Miss Down, who is now . 18,
will not receive herbeqnest until
she is 25 years old. ' Judge Li H.
McMahan signed the order as act
ing county Judge. Jf ' ! .
Saturday Special .f
A good, electric , percolator for
15.95. Hamilton Furniture Co. a20
Three Conplee Li censed
Three couples were Issued mar
riage certificates In the office of
County Clerk. U. G. Boyer yester
day, and one' couple' was married
immediately afterwards In the
chambers of - Circuit Judge Mc
Mahan. H. C. Kbpaake and Kath
rlna Mettler; Route 2, Independ
ence, were the two married by the
judge. The others licensed were
R. Eugene Scran ton, '18V and
Blanche Virginia Lewis, 18, both
of , Stayton ;. and ; .Arlle Raymond
Anderson, and Truth Dexter Hus
ton both of Salem..
Lost Between Albany and Salem
Several Sacks of sugar.. Any in
formation please telephone Hunt
Brothers Packing; Co. a21
- -
Repair Lthera Church
Repairs costing about Ir)$ 2,0 e
will be made on the German Luth
eran church, at the corner of 18th
and State streets, accordfng to a
permit taken out yesterday in the
office of the city recorder.
23 Off on All Stall Auto xents
Ray L. -Farmer Hd'w. Co. al
Backs Into Car at Curb
C. G. Miller, 2140 State street,
reported to police 'yesterday that
-while he was in the Kenneth
Brown store on State street some
one backed their car into his ma
chine which was. parked in front
of the Spa. Another accident was l
reported, by Otto Hoven. of Salem
uui u t .
Dollar dinners served 6:4R to I
very evening. niStf
Spend Few Days In Rosebnrg
Mrs. Paul Blatcbley and son and
Mrs,- Edward "Bingenheimer and
son, of Salem, are-spending the
latter part of this week in Rose
burg with friends, having motored
to that city recently" ,
'Home Heatfquarlers"
Trfangle Realty, All
New Iaw Head, Goes East
Professor Roy R. Hewitt, of
CorvsUlis. who was recently , ap
pointed dean of the Willamette
university school of law, left Wed
nesday for a trip through the east.
Professor Hewitt will first stop in
Lake , of Bays.. Ontario, Can.,
.where he will attend the national
conclave of Phi Kappa Tau, so
cial fraternity, of which he is a
member. From, there he plans to
go; to Buffalo,. N. Y., to attend the
annual meeting of the American
Bar association. He expects to
make a thorough . inspection of
the leading law schools of the east
before returning , to Oregon on
September IS.
If! Interested Fairmoant Hill'
Lots Investigate the". 26. lot
plkt of All . protected lots. . 1 5 0 0 0
Restriction s Between 'Fir I and
Jbbns on Leffelle and Mj'ers. Lots
to.sUrt fllOO and upV1 All siaes,
facings, etc Becke & Hendricks.
189 V. Hih street. .. 1 azo
Parked Too Long
'Fines of $1 each were paid yes
terday in the city, police court .on
charges of overtime parking by M.
G allaher, 210 S. 1 4th st reet, and
L L. BechteU of Salem. . .
New 4 Room Ready for Yon
2 More rooms roughed jn Mo
dern all respects Priced.- 250 ;
11000 down, balance exactly like
rent. 930 Tamarack. Becke &
Hendricks. 189 N. High Street.
, j:M , ' a20
Caught Between Fire Engines
;Mlke Garton. of CheUni Wash..
ws fined 22.50 yesterday; afteT
npon on a charge- of running in
otj a fire wagon. Gar Lou la safd to
have followed ,a tire engine Wed
nesday night in such a, way as tq
jret in the way of a stscond" fire
wagon. ? .;r-(-' ''" - " ,'; ;-
some business
Large r warehouse s on ; R- R
track close in business corner
100x100 ft., 110.000.
Store building 1 with garages
for four cars close in. $5000.
Cbxar Store excellent - loca
tion la Salem. A jnoney .malt
er Ask us. . ' - -Service
' SUtion on i highway
five miles tut with S acres
Another - Service 7 Station well
located ; ; in Saiem Ask ."- us
ibOut them. T.---".. '.; . , -'V-
We are here to render honest,
reliable service to you. It you
wish to selV td hut. torrade
brtto bo rrew. money, on youi
place, see -is ; " " '
us realty: co. - ."-
, 423 ' State Phone 2860
Alleged Drank Gives BaO
Emll Beck, of Salem, arrested
on a charge of : drunkenness at
2:45 a. m. yesterday, deposited
10; ball with City Recorder Pool
sen later in the day, and will ap
pear this afternoon for a hearing.
Saturday Only ' . ' .
Electric percolator, value $7.50,
$5.95. Hamilton Furniture Co.
. ' a20
To Return , to uamornla
Andrew T. Klett, Salem "busi
tess man, who has been spending
an extended visit in San Francisco
and other California cities recently
Is- expected to return to Salem J
soon, according to word received
by Salem - friends recently.
For Quick Sale
An attractive bungalow 4
rooms and large nook, basement,
furnace, etc. Fine . location, good
lawn on bus fine, $3900. with $500
down. New.' .6 room bungalow
basement , furnace, hardwood
floors, garagepaving etc, $3500.
$5 000 to loan. Melvin Johnson.
320 V. S. National Bank Bldg.
Phone 637. al9.
Postal Man on Auto Trip
E. P. Daugherty, superintendent
of the' mailing department in the
local postoffice, left recently with
hls;wife to spend a ten day vaca
tion motoring- about the state.
Annual August Sale
Giese-Powers' Furniture Store.
Will Fill Methodist Pulpit
Dn'.W. W. Sweet, D. D., of
Chicago university, will be the
speaker - at the First Methodist
church Sunday morning, in the ab
sence of Rev. F. C. Taylor, pastor.
In the evening the Business Men's
Bible - class will have charge of
t he service.
Senator -Visits in Salem
'- AVHIard Marks, of Albanv. state
I 8enator fWm-Linn county, was a
j business "vrwtor In Saiem recently.
Annual August Sale -.
Giese-Powers Furniture
Will Leave for California
Mr. ' andMrs. Lester Schloss-
bcrg and datfetater will leave Sun
day mofnlngor a trip to San
Francisco,, returning, in about ten
days. 1 Mr. Schldssberg Is owner
ot the Smart Shop and' wilr -attend
to buying while in the south
ern city.-.
Small Store Building
For lease. Exceptional location
on fairgrounds road. Suitable
grocery, confections, etc. 235 and
250 with hot water heat furnished.
Ready to occupy. Becke & Hen
dricks. 189 N. High Street. a0
Builds Home in Salem
E. R. Edwards secured a permit
yesterday to erect a one story
dwelling at 630 Jefferson street,
at a cost of about sz,5UU. to
wards plana to do his own bullet
in g work.
Annual August Sale
Giese-Powers Furniture
Service Station Jlmmiel
aV". attempt on the part of
motorists to steal the gasoline
from tha. Gassup service station,
on the' - Pacific highway, where
located, five milesnorth of Saiem
ih ntiemawa-Sllverton road -in
tersects, resulted In their secur
iit'tw1' ahWnt - a ouart of gas, late
Wednesday night. The motorists
n'trVmiMii front of the station.
pwtAeh was closed, and broke the
cast iron door over the hose. An
Oregonlan box was also taken,
according to Ralph Kletzing. pwn-
.r of the station, who lives near
ther location." 7. .
Dance Where It's Cool
Haze! " Green, Sat? Night.
- f
nomine to Dreamland
Saturday night, Chanters Dixie
Band, Southern Style, a special in
vitation extended ladles, who wui
be admitted free. Gents will be
charged 75c to defrays expenses
r hl Denov dance. Dance go
ers who have been . looking for
good music can find it here. Dance
Ktbrta s:45 d. ro- Come early ana
ih 7 Black Crows. , ai
'u rait ore TJpnoi
'And repairing,
eurniture Co.
ohl Salenilte' Visits
w - rt w.a ward( of Tacoma is
visiting in Salem for a week. He
was taV resident,, of this city ,for
many years, p rto l90.5 when he
went to Tacoma, where he has re
sided . since. ; Mr. Edwards is in
he candy manufacturing industry
there. - He is the father of Arthur
J, Ed wafds. ?who - has ..been the
pressmanjof j-Tbe Stataflmanlever
since he was boy in knee pants;
and that was a long time ago. -
Cars Crash on State,- J " ';
.E.N. Peetx,?d4 U Commercial
streeV reported last night that his
car was struck .by a' machine op
eratedT bylWalter .Lien.t 270 8. Lee
street,, at the Intersectlqn Qf JZth
Peets clamis he was driving east
on State, and on attempting to
turn: north ot jl2th,..was struck
by Lien,, who .was driving west
on State, and was going too fast
for the - Intersection. Lien says
that Peets cut the intersection,
coming put from behind another
car. The' Peets car was struck on
the right nnd wheel and fender.
& Oregon Palp A Paper Oo
Preferred. Limited amount for
ale. Hawkins fc , Roberta. Phone
U27. '.;.; J...;; .Jlltf
Returns from Vachats '
Blanche lsberwood, secretary
in the office of the superintendent'
of city schools, who is spending
the month of , August on a vaca
tion at Yachats, spent yesterday
in Salem at her home, returning
to the coast this morning.
Divorce Granted
Alberta M. Kusel was granted a
divorce In circuit court Thursday
from Vernon Kusel, whom - she
married January 11, 1927,' at Eu
gene. .Cruel-' and inhuman treat
ment were the grounds oh which
charges were preferred.
Reply Filed '
-F. R. : Royston Thursday filed
reply to an answer In circuit court,
fci the BuJt of Roy8ton against O.
R; Thompson, "et al. ; - ' ' -
'Will Turn Up Safe and
Sound I Just Know If
' Says Mrs. ' Scott
18. APJ Hours of -waiting to
night bad' Hot dimmed the confi
dence of Mrs. Sarah Stewart Scott,
mother; of Go r d o n Scott,
navigator, of the missing Golden
Eagle phthe' of .the Hawaiin air
race that her -' son's ability as a
navigator : wonld, carry him
"My-boy win turn up safe and
sonndt: just know it." said
Mrs.Scottas.she fought against
tears-; . ;
Just .year ago this month,
this same mother waited in sus
pense. -Fbl1 It -was iri August of J
last year that-her son, then navi
gator Of the forty fopt yacht Jubilo
in thev Honolulu yacht race was
lost at-sea tor : seven days.
"Gordon turned ud .then," said
Mrs. Scott "smiling, "and he will
do it again. . .
"Gordon Is ;a navigator. We
cannot understand what, has hap
pened to delay them. It may be
some schooner without radio ap
paratus has picked them up."
Scottish Comedian Retires; Plac
es Wreath Over Wife's Grave
AUG. V 18. CAP) Sir Harry
Lauder , is ,in retirement here be
cause ef hla distress over the re
cent death of his wife.
His physician has ordered the
noted Scottish, comedian to take
a complete reet, and there; is a
persistent rumor, tfcat he wUl-jre-
f tire from the stage. : . . ,.'3: ' s-
Sir Harry's , grief for his- late
wife Is poignant. Ou her grave
he has placed a wreath of flow-
"Miss Illinois'
Bib$.'Xo:r5elahder,i46Bet, ril,4
has 'won., at an eliminatlbn in Chi
cafV i' te jjonorf - betn; Mis4
niintTis,'iirth5;AtlanUc City beauty
: , ; y - -
. tit V '
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ly.-x : $
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"The House That Service Bant"
ers in the shape df a broken heart,
and it bears this inscription!-r--'j
"To my sweetheart. darling
wife, the sweetest flower that , in
the garden grew. As a memory
you will never fade. You had
all my love
Message "Forwarded to
Coolidge Urges Him to '
Visit This State
i PORTLAND, Aug. 18. (AP)
Calvin Coolidge,. president of the
United States, and the first lady
of the land were cordially Invited
by the women of the state,
through Mrs. G. J. Frankel, presi
dent of the Oregon Federation of
Women's clubs, to visit the Pacific
The Invitation was telegraphed
to the summer White House in the
Black Hills of South Dakota to
day. " .
"Representing the, women of
the federated clubs of Oregon, we,
too, extend our earnest and hearty
invitation to you and the first
lady of the land to visit Oregon,"
Mrs. Frankel telegraphed on be
half of that organization.
Senator Steiwer added his in
vitation ; to scores of others.
Final Brief ;n . Reorsanixa.
tion Plan of Milwaukee Lino
(AP) A final brief in support of
the pending reorganization plan
by which the Chicago,.. Milwaukee
and St. Paul railroad would be
taken out of receivership was filed
today with the interstate com
merce commission. Counsel for
the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. .Paul
and Pacific railroad, which has
been created provisionally to take
over the property, outlined again
the various details of security ex
changes projected, declared that
they represented substantial Jus
tice as among bond and stockhold
ers concerned, and added that pub
lic welfare required the. termina
tion of the court control.
A committee representing ap
proximately 218,000,000 in par
value of the bonds - of. the road,
headed by C. Jameson of New
York,, has opposed the reorganiza
tion plan as presented to .the com
mission, and Xhe brief..; presented
today v;defended;, at ,. considerable
length the steps, projected.-.
t'sei; Only' Light? Tackle; Sports-
: "men Say Keeords Shattered
Richard Dix, movie star, made
a record today when he landed a
310 pound bass with light tackle.
The Catalina tuna club declared
that the "previous record ? catch
was a 277 pound fish snagged by
H. W. Adams of Los Angeles.'
Dix was fishing from a" small
bpat. He argned with th.e big
bass for 52 minutes before haul
lng it over the' gunwale. 'It mea
sured seven feet 'long. Gregory
La Cava, motion dtrecor - was
with Dix. ., s'-i''
Irs - ttmmhrrm. mhU dame.
Mrl mlta. Oat !
4 v , HEiKTITCniNG ; 'I
6. 8 and 10 cents per yard. Also
buttons, stamping and pleating.
Over Miller' ' Telihone lit
KJidlura ,:On
Purifies i water, I
el ne-es the!
V"ii ot and f lre i
1 o ilm
W 4R B-wT
Ii rfal wm imlmm.
I2t ft. CkTSH
- -i
writ's f - -Vj
i U r.;i , 1
has' been crowned M Miss Utah '
for 1927ihe .to.D'jt. Atlantic ;
City " to . compete f or "the creaUr ''
' honor of being ,MJIis: America'..
t in September. , . .
After having been in business
for a number Or number of years
in balem . without a, vacation, Alvin
B. Stewart, locksmith", of r 247
Court street icentiy; -took two
weeks' off and made p fpr: con
siderable lost ,timeV according to
the story of 'his Xflp which, he is
telling to friends.; 'I- i ' , ;'
Accompanied .by W. C. tjehman.
local oculist, and Atthur.Welch, of
the postoffice force( Stewart left
Salem on July. 30 packing l(t to
Indian lakei. where, they spent
three days of .fishing. . The catch
was plentiful, Stewart' reports, .bttt
the fish wereu'nf it to eat because
df the spawning seasdn. "r .-'.
j Welch brougblt-iepaekhorse
back On ' the : trail, WhUe.. the
ether two -hlkedT "down" Thomas
creek, a distance 6i abotft 14 .miles,
returning home -on We'dhesday.- 4
Thursday tndrnlrife Mn and Mrs,
utewart leu on an auto tnp, going
to the coast' by . way" of'Cdryaitis.
Northward from Newport' they pfp
qrtded, stopping in. Sutler City and
De Lake totlsit ; vfriendssJind
meeting a party a Astoria which
included' someXoid school mates
of Stewart's; whQfci.,he ' had not
seen for a numbers of years.'
Sunday niorninJthey returned
to Salem; only toleaye again Mon
day for'. Centray Oregon by Way of
The DaTieaT 6oing;doWn;tO Red
mond 'and west no Sisters, the
party visited Suttlelakd,and Fish
take,, andcaraped.for.a time on
the Metoijus I,' tittj-where -! the
fishing wa, found to fee particu
larly good; frith;' tte;;ilnilt M Dolly
Vardens and rainbow, trout easily
secured every; day.'p Stewart telii
some particularly- good- fish stories
about, that-par At'1: h
v v Grea A'ews, . Folks! i -
Blfett's apltbl
CaeW Guaranteed V;
Money fefaQded If -it C6e not
enrt youT
NELSON A mmt,'ihB6u
Cor. qourt and Liberty . TeL ?
Hi KGSTERt ldLS Center Street
1 1., Pbones and 1S10W. . ,
Fine ) Flxtnr si v5 vUa
I . Standard. Edulpnient
' I 11 . ' '
ska Our i
Perennial Gardens . ,
- On the Wallace Ilok s
Telephone ?S0 ' 11 Stale St.
2Ta-- u 11 - '
The , return waa made over the
McKenkie t pass the. Stewaitn ar
Mnr ha TVldaV night ' after
v. - -T -, ......
over a week.; of touring the best
part ofHbeatatey t-T' iVC -? i
V "StewarTaytu4t'all the roads
encountered-oa-tha-trip were in
good 2 shape, V nut that Clatsop
county.' just "souti of Seaside, baa
the best road he traveled over on
the whole vtrip. The trip np the
coast over the new Roosevelt high
way, he declares, lis bound to be
6ne I of the- niQsf popular drives
in the 'wwt,ggf.; ; ' .
Wife (to nusnand'anaving hen
neck )-r-Oucbr Oh. "Tom," that rax-
or is terrible. . " ' ir Hl'
Hub- Yes. dear. It's the one:
yon used to sharpen your pencils
I saved U for this, purpose.
1, The. Pathfinder,
1 .CCon'Uued .from j?ag.J:) :-r
history "of the" case of ttie'Stateof
Oregon against'James Willos'and
Ellsworth- Kelley. f the gallows
has been cheated, and for the sec
ond time the sentence " of death
pronounced against the men has,
proven at leaatl temporarily fu
tile. Never before. however,
have the' men - approached legal
death so closely, only to .avert it
by some narrow margin
Kelley. under death
sentence for1
his part In the fatal
..vnx-n o- f Tnhn i Sweenev and
aawsaaaa - -
Alilton. HoIman. and the wounding
of Liite ; Savage. penitentiary
guards wto.sotfght' to prevent an
MMoe tote the institution on the
evening; oCvAugueVsl 2. 192?. lal
of habeas corpus granted Wednes f
saved from the- gallows on a wru
dar less1 than MS hours before
he was to bavej jelrepped through
the death trap. ;
James' Willos, whb' was also
also to have died ' this morning
at 8:30 for the same crime, was
unable to secure a writ Qf habeas
irmi!t or mandamus but was
snatched from the gallows when a
seven day reprieve granted by tne
Kovernor and telegraphed from
Grants Pass, arrived at the pen
itentiary at 5:25 p. m. yesterday
evening. ' .' . ' '.'
Eleventh hour elfdrts had been
exerted to the limii to save the
two men in what Is said to be the
hardest fought criminal case in
the history of the state.
A petition for a stay of execu
tion, for Wiltos pending determin
ation of his sanity was filed in
Circuit Judged L. H. McMahan's
court yesterday. , and hearing set
for 7' o'clock In-the evening, but
hearing was postponed until to.
day. upon amval of the reprteve
rrnm thA rovernor.
Stay b execution for Kelley be
came automatically erreciive
when Judge " McMahan allowed
kelley's attorney's "until 2 p. m
, - O
f Funeral services for Mrs.. Katie
MhM will be held from the Ter
williger Funeral Home on atnr-
rin v Auzuaf 20; at z n. m.v-mrs.
Maybee was a' member of the Un-
alaska. Wash... circle xt North 01
w. interment- will be In the Odd
Fellows cemetery.
Perfect" Funeral SeVvice
For- Less
Licensed Lady Mortician
770 Chemeketa Street
A Telephone T24
: 1 -i --.'ft - 1
StricUy nodern . ; new six
. room English type house. 5
; block Sate;hpne.; :l800.
- ' ' -- - - -
' MS 1
' CUmb the Stairs and Save
, -Money - ' -Mens
and Ladies suits cleaned
and pressed. ." . . . .... .$1-00
Ladies Silk Dresses . . . .$1.25
Coats Relined ......... $200
Mens Suits' Pressed . . .60
iv : Over Bnslcks .--'i':'-;
Rewound and Repaired. New or
v . a . Used Motors '
7'-- v Thlngn' Electrical -11
South High TeL 1111
' . ' J. H.' LEOXG, ll&T j
': Our ! Jife'i work 1 has
been spent In studying
vt!" ln 5 hewing propertlea
- ' fZ,- ot Cblneeenerba -and
J - nor dally we rellern
those .saf faring from
: stonrichi liver and nid-
rI'-c neyf -trouble. - rhenma-
JijSm ItlaxA , and. gall . stones,!.
alit'dorderi bt men,"
wotderf 4fld,Midrea;
rre Cc&-iiiiaa can or wrxss
- opallTtotfp.-tf. ?
' 1 -
t 4
, H&OR PoPr-HS Ay&- KB U
had .e-snBEo ;
today to make reply to a return of
writ of habeas corpus filed . . - by
Willis S. Moore, assistant attor
ney general. - which had . - been
granted Wednesday. " . ; . . '', .
' Three affidavits of Wlllos" in
sanity were filed in court yester
day, bearing the ' . signatures - 'of
El ma Miller, a sister. Bradley AJ
Ewers, attorney for Willos in his
appeal from the state' supreme
court to the supreme court of the
United States, and -Robert MtUer.
a brother of' the condemned man.
- Willos. In his cell at the ? pent
tentiary, the . affidavits ' declare,
speaks in undertones, talks inco
herently, interrupts conversation
by mumbles, quotes from the Bi
ble and makes jokes about life" and
death.besides imagining- that var
ious Individuals have made ;jip-,
pointments with. him.,ali of which
are said to indicate that he is dai
void of reason; ' ; r i j , v -1
I -The reprieve from' the -u Kover
nor, coming, as It did.,gtves ampla
time to hear the insanity charge.
anVl may eventually save the- con
demned ' man -from deafchtfed was
said last night. " . ' ' . ..,
That Kelley. if he is ever re
sentenced td death will long - es
cape the gallows, is -seen In state
ments of his attorneys, Martin L.
Feet Healthy
416 State St.
4 V!C3U
LADD & BUSH Bankers
Establhmed 1888
General Banking Business
'bfflce Hours from 10 a. m. to-2 p. m.
i'makingra delicious sahdwicK f oYyourself;
; It is delicious Because
. ' "170 N. Gommercial
- ' Lcn? and Short
Public and Private Slorase
Fireproof BaUdin ' .
' Free Delivery to any part of the city
' : -V.Quotdtxcns cn A Application.-; -: r.'
Pipes a nd W 11 1 R.. ngwho i
clare thii w ha (ere r jj ud gelc Jla
han'i'SaecTSldn' maybd onthe pomt
oTttinstiTkionanty"--they - Eat5v
raised. the", case ; is appealable
boh toHhe .supreme court of , the
United. States. , If full rocoUTaaJ
is had, another year and a half or,.'
two years may elapse before teH-V
ea;-.frn- . ""
;Rer. H. B. Chambers, peniten- ,
tiary.clvaplaln, hurried hack from-,
the American Prison ' council!'
meeting rat Tacoma. last nisht to
be with theondemned menuht!,?
they should mount the gallows '
this morning, but; said . ho w;4V
pleasantly surprised to find that
his services would be unnecessary:1'
al least for the iUue: being. ,
I Governor Patterson's, aci'onin,
granting Willos a reprieve was
unexpected, since he JiakJ declared
that he wouldnot interren4 xlP-n
less advised by the aUQney .jo
erala.-offk-e. - - -.. -
Licorice -Powder
""'. " -i-iaw . I J
1 zy
Exceptional care Is
taken- in .the prepar
. - ' at ion. of. this old-fashioned
family laxative.
- This, reliable household
product is' sold under
the . Puretest Seal of
50c .
8 Ounce Container
Perry's Drug Store
115 S. Commercial
it is made of PEER
- i -
Distance IIauIIrr
.1 t
and ."SUte, at 5:10. yesterday
1"L 11.LW