GxfiiSRi 1027: ssrl HELP: ANTEl tal .11 WANTED FARMER OB ; FARMER'S Mm er man to travel in country. Ssady work. good profit., MeCONNON A COMPANY. Dpt.L 029 WineaA.NMSna. ; .'"'. ' V i-V- i ' 11014" ANTKD LIVE NEWSPAPER BOB ertpDoa srveiier. Call Ctreolatioa Mass JMtea art) - timiitr : . BALESMAM WANTED , TO rOYKlt SCHtlOI.S IX MARK) AND! otter counties n Oregon and Washing-1 too for" schawl necessity , approved bv 1 department of education, state- of I Or gum. There . are , 125 . schools in thia county atone. Applicant nlnM have ear and be absolutely reliaiOe and worker. ,. Ataod-araia and blah grade employment assured successful , applt fiii, ,-fre Mr. Wornr, manufacturer's represimlative, ,- HM Alfa, Hnnday or week day. - . . . I'-ald" , - "WANTED Salesman to tail on aotn own ! " 1 1 mtn aad dealers to soil kith tensieo iui- Jl tlua nait. 271 Chemeketa. I2al7 L : A TYPISTS EARN $1 PER HOUR. til (para time, copying manuscripts; svasy 1 11 work, done at noma-: -particulars 2c uni). H. K. Roms. 4875 Chalmers. le- trait. M ieh. -.-s--w : 13auxl4 V LADIES EARN f 16 DOZEN SEWING 4. aprons borne : ftporianeonanecesaary: ?i nuteriala eat; inttrurtion furnifcht-d. k. f jEiAddread enveloped briar particular. I 31 iilo Oarmrat, 235. Broadway, Bay- SlonBo. J. I3an- aprons; absolutely no aallinf; xpr- icneo nnaeeafaaryt materials rnt. AW- ressed envelope Hrinfts instrurtionft. ALPHA. 22 Market Bt Pa torso a. New Jerse y. ' 13al4' AGENTS WANTED 14 MAKE SSO $75 WEEKLY1 WRITING erenri with mar Bow Fall lino of A mer les', rreateat tailored -skirts. Bin Doub- la 1A44 Samnlea sell on tight. Free outfit. No experieneo nrressary. Write today. Sibrtair Shirt XaaHfarturtnft Company 799N- King sbnry. CWag. 1414 CHIROPRACTORS IS DR. H. B. PCOFFIEIOJ. P. . ntst Nation Baak Bldg. C CO UK. o. la SCOTT, PSC CHHtOPRAinNlll REAL ESTATE I DIRECTORY I nrnri a HEXDSICKI lit N. Hick ' -' TaL lit i LEE W BELL IQ Bank ol Commarao Bldg. TsL 414 W. OEI8EB Afl Oaart Talepboae MIS FT- - , JOHN W. ew BUgh Bldg. ORB TsL 1485 UERTRODB i. U. dtt N. Ownego PAGE Tel. 1110 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 CeBrt 8L , TiL 15 ULRtCH ROBERTS 129 H. Commereial Tel. 1854 VICTOB SCHNEIDER. Realtor ldr N. Com'l . - -i TeL 6T7 SQUARE DEAL REALTY C. B. N at' 1 Baak Bldg. TsL 470 BOHRNSTEDT m PATHS 147 N. ConuaoreiaL Tel. 677 Jhe Oregon Statesman Fnbliahed ewery memiag (except Mon de v) at Salom. ike capita 1 of -Oregoa. M ' ADVERTISEMENT ' HONEST ADVEaTISINO Ta4ss ol m must ke ksot free, from aaytking evlaqueetienablenstura. Misrepren T tatioaa will not ie tlerste laforma- Slow saowisaj p7 w.w - am tho part of the aaWrtieor abasia reported tw thie ststauw v aislesB Ad- etwb " . - iFLORISTO 10 CUT F DO WEES. WEPDIKO BOIIQUETg - rBaverlwTaas. esMfiuwi, Braitkanpw: flerist. III futo; Street. Tel. 880. IL tnn vr ArT TO GET THE BEST .a. r .' A a I i .-Jay- W Y . ET"-.-" i M - I srVM I , masmai ma MOW sUIBtAW Ttwavj W-O-annnBL W a wr tfaal FmCin llwalNrfww, WJIIB. VlflWU, I tTs. - a asAen.BiBi AwHakl M saVAtarHntttsAmi MeBttem aio oV, ; i POTJLTKTMtlf SEND EIGHT TWO; 1 eat item pa lor special three months I tnai ror ise o . ' Im tho' Wost- Tho articlea and adver tisem.U are of special interest to the itMsnltrr breeders .ot tho Northwest . Northwest Poultry JoarnaL 1118. mereiel St..' Helen. Ore- r in8CRaNcb 18 TARM LOANS r PLENTY OF MONET .to leas, am good lara, ecarity. . CITY LOANB-r-We, are leaning Pro deatial laauraaee cotcpaay money on; elty reef denee and kntinoaa property ot SVs per csat, plus a comaatesioa Hswkia At Roberta. lad-, Ml Oregon asiUisc dldtf Insure ' sw.M''st'BY' St. ' ; . ; ' Pkoaa 11 I I :: a, HENDRICKS ! iHeilig faldg 18t,N. High vols SIA1.E FIRST AND SECOND Mort rsrea. Trust Deeds. Contracts ei boutee WUI.aek to 10 nor sent. I- . RtfiM A HENDRICKS , iHtillt 8Mr..- tt N. Hleb Ft. 11- J WANTKDKwplwrptCTt lt tOK (4 AN DEN FLOWING. BASEMEN! . aieeiaa aad eaa work. - Tel. 72F1 wn VAtBs? unBH u'hhk ii- ranch; ear pert wup iv, wi - t eook. 39 S. St t tsl4 FOR RRNT- 1S1 BOOM COTTAGE ''TOR COUTLE. . Water.- esraea. li.00. TeL S6F13. mls arvr STOttK BI-T1.1INGS DOWN i xm isd 'tiibiirbts. B3-on -up. Beckei A Hendriojtst s;r AS K Higk etreet mvTwwisiuitivl 90B BENT 3 60 FIRRY I - street,, be tweea Froat and Oomataroial ttwrmoriy eceupiea ay e v - mtn manias ' aaaHe a Btateaataa I lefie. t - atawaav tlwaBWaBSwsaSswa 1 yXmKITAtiarUBeiita 23 VIRGINIA APTS- 79 N. LIBERTY. -vmw sandera. -furnished and aafarnisb- mA a roam ants. - - 28al9 MICE FURNISHED APARTMENT 590 , - ITnlna. s ' - - , O-, ' '.. - ' 23all LARGE WELL FCRNISHED 1 RDOV .risi. bested. 1133 Court St. T . .-. . 23al2tf TTfS AWBASSADORT 550 7. UatME.lt Uiwiara s ana a-rooaa- ss.naM wi.ImmI and awfwralabed. t.- FOR RENT ssw 85 ! . . . . i nrv mm em St. WW v ..7.. -e.1 icto. inso Cbesseketa. ? . ttewetlv -m iMusaoItn! dof?sa't ' bellev la j)rmittlng tiJtors to take too many ehaBrea, ; He has forbfdden them to marry.Mllwankee Jouf- - FOR RENT nmni -..'-87- FOR REST-SIODERS - FUKNI8HKD honse, 420 University, -Tel.". 2334M. FOR KENT Boum 27 MODERN -HOUSE WJTH RANGE, 'IN- quire 1493 Court.- ZiBto FOR RENT ROOM HOUSE AT S5 J, ItHh. $25 5 room flat, at iw Mtr'wB $37.50. . 27al7 LA1!NIK1KM 92 CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY , Tke l.asadry f Pure Mauri ale. Telephone 164. -' Broadway. TRY THK HOME WET WASH dry. Tel. 171, 135 B Siree-l !7tf THE NEW SAI.KM I. A II N lK V 1 THK WEIUEK UiONUHI Tlnham .V S M. Btfc I ., M)R KKN T A part uients S3 1 ANI 2 ROOM KU K.N ISM r.lJ AfTS. I..M and J.0O weak. l-'0 oK. tci lor.a. . - ,. 23al TA I LAIRS S4 D. H. MOSIJKtt TAI1AK WW MK nl Mwt 74 llotrl t ' ; WANTED MlntieoB Sft FURNITURK PACK1HO FOR BHIP siesta. aiaa-rownr rnrnitnrs tso. , S5apr20t WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOM farm loans. W saa stvcral appuea tiooa kand. Hawkins Koboru Inr 20.1 Orearon Hldr 8td4t MATTRESSES S0 MATTRESSES RENOYATED BY THr CapiUl dty Bedding Co., 1190 Jiortn Uapitol Callsd lr and dalivarad. Ati mark ens ran teed Tel 19 flBtt FOR HAI.K 87 EXCmSKD 6 CYLINDER CAR. GOOD Condition-derided barirain, J175.00 Call -J or 37angl7 REGISTERED BOSTON BULL PUP piss. C. E. Anilreason, Rt. 9, Boa 151. X7SIS" LAK4JK ROLL TOP OAK DESK AND and swivel chair. Phono 238oJ. 37al GRAY OATS 55 CENTS PER BUSHEL at barn; these oats yielded Ho bunhelo per acre. Pbone 143. Jial4 MILK GOATS CHEAP. 2103 N Liberty 37augl6 ELECTRIC DISHWASHKR 25.0O-CALL Sin. Buselle 26S7-J or iOlO; S7aus;17 SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON NEW CROP honey. Phone tfF5. H. M. Mead Salem. l?o8 BLACK DIRT FUR SALS IN EITHER North or Sontk Saiom. Koaaonable Tel. 72ra. 7dl2tt VETERINARIAN 89 FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN Of fie 5Z9 8. CommereiaL Tel. 1198. Ka. Tel. 1668. A-19m23tl WOOD SAWING 42 WOOD 8AWINO. PHONE 1677. 161C North Commereial. 42jlyl.5tf WOOD FOIt HALE 43 ALL KINDS OF WOOD AND THE beat in the city at Tracay's cue) Yard. TeL 2313. Price reasonable. 43a2tl UOOD DRY WOOD FOR YOU D. A Larmar. TeL 930. dsepriet 16 INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and aak. TeL 7SF1. M. D. May field. 48fl8ti OLD FIK. SECONU GROWTH AND OLD fi rlimbs. CU 190, C, O. Harbangb. 1038 HlghmBd Ave. 4S30- UOOD COAL DRY WOOD . PROMPT DELIVERIES. 111LLMAN rOBb CO. TKLEPHONK (855. . , 4Ss30tt BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood, 4 ft. and 16-inch. Largt loads are cheaper to bny. Mill wood 1 our specialty. v Prompt delivery and reasonable price. ' FEED t. WELLS 280 8. Churek. . TeL 1S43. 43d9t- MEDICAL) 44 tiiltini a raT nav JT AArtlf S3 BiTW mm ii raj m rtj nLiM L.UUL11 aBMfilIw rW -1 (IB nae I ft. af-V POULTRY AND EGGS 45 BABY CHICKS, STILL HATCHING PnOB. 33m. Leo-' s Hatchery. 45j20tl FRYER8 . FOR SUNDAY DINNER Weight S - lbs. Pbone 82F-1.- Xieo't Hatchery. 45jly30tf MUSIC STORES 449 EO. O. WILL riAKOS. - PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet - musia. aad piaao stndiea. aepairmg paeno graphs and sewiag machines, 482 State street. He i em run PORTLAND TELEGRAM SALEM Ageaey. Tkw Acs. TeL 989. fHE pREGON STATESMAN. SO CENTS per BaOBiB aeiiverea to your some early each morning. Tel. t or RR8 PAPERHANGINQ 50 UONE GLENN "ADAMS FOB HOUSE decorating., paperaangiag, tinting, etc. Keliable wortrmaa. PAINTING OOss ?HA8. BENNETT. PAINTING CON tractor. painting, paper hsngiag. 17 West Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 61 REAL HOME FOR HOMELESS i.EN with home cooked meals. 219 Court St. SlaugS OB BALKM 8CAVENUCR CALL 167 aiflO- 28 tOY USED MEN'S CiXITUINQ. JEWEI ry, Gana, Tools, Bicycles, etc. Star Exchange. 134 N. Com L TeL $59. MINUTE MOVIES "ed WM EELAN Circus MysteKrv .TERROR TimBIG TOR. VENOM CT Hft " PENSION li : BAH WW DID V0U PENSION ME 7 ONVTo PASE VOUri CPNSCIENCE.EE- J a . . aaa.. a a a aOBat a tS . lap i '- UrE' 1 M "sbbui vaai MI8CEUNEOFS TWENTY ACRES ANI PLENTY FREE BOOK TEES TRUTH ABOUT Florida land; monthly payment- fl.SO "an acre: no interoat: no taxea: trk benefit f etnre t ' ft Y l V E SFTE R E. W1L HON. Dept. E-2, Orlando. Fla. . 51al4 I WAST AX ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, or an lutt-rht therein, in wkich aigst on yearn real 'ostate, loan, insurance and land title Mperienre would ns- able. . tie (ell details in lirt " 1'tter :i. R. Coock. Anthony, Kanaaa. . -, .-!,, 01A14 FOR SALE OOOD -4 ROOM MODERN homo with kavment, furnace and fire place built one year -ago. corner lot SkxlS?, Prire $35(M, $710 down bal siice $30 per "month. W. II. fiRABKNHOKST CO., Heanorv i:U 4. -Lilrty ril. - --! fheiie -A 1. 5 :l l t MiK CLiMTOMKKM ARB UUN BKaT boo I or s bees ass srbeo we do your eldng, 'lt duoe. not yon. Elortrir ant! acetylene welding, largo aud sn.all. U. D. Uppea, 69S Mill BL Tel. 72 and ZU80-J. Slmayetf FOB 8ALK OLD N KVrBPAPEKS IO cent a bundle. Statesman, office, 215 Sontk CommaretaL - , j 4, 41j9M STOVES AND STOVK KFPAIRIN STOVES rK ,S A LE KKBI'I I.T AND repaired by espert. All kinda of woven wire feneo. Fancy and plain. Hop banket sad hooka, loesu hooks. Salem Fence ad Stove? Works, 250 Court Street. ""? i Wjlylltl ,PRNITU,E UPHOLSTERING AND RK pairiag. Uieaa-Powers Furniture Store. 512Utf JjOHT AXD POUND 53 LOOT: LARGE TAN GBIP ON PORT tand-Ralem llifliway, rontsrning letters addreaxe)! to 1 a ie I orient. cinder notify Uie Elcinore. Salem. Orefoo. A 34 14 LOST BROWN PURSE ON DALLAS highway. Phone 55lr S3aoKl6 PIANO TUNERS B4 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tnnar. Leave orders Will's Mnie Store. PERSONAL 53 SINGLE IF YOCT WANT FRIENDS worth ".O00 to $300,000 write me - enclosing stamp. Florence Milton. Box loo. Detroit. Michigan. S5al4 fltlN J.1NU FOR STATIONERY. CASUS. PAMPH lets, programa, booka or any kind of printing, call at the Statesman Print ing Department, 215 8. Commercial Tel. 583. MONET TO LOAN 57 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST ratea. Beat terms obtainable.. Our insurance department ' offers you as pert advise and service in all lines. -HAWKINS ROBERTS (Inc.) . Tel. 1427. 205 Oregoa Bldg. &7fl0ti P. ti. BELL. 819 U. S. BANK BLDO. Residence and basiness loans. Tel. 107 or I141-W. I7apr7tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND on city property- Is. 8. Martin A L. it. Martin, attorneya, 413 Oregon Bnilding. Tel. 20M4. 57ml01f FEDERAL FARM LOAN 6H " L. Wood. 841 State St. 57m7tf WANTED LOANS SO WANTED . money to loan Private ESTATE. on REAL W. H. GRABRNHORST A CO. l4 8. Liberty St 5902tf PLUMBING eo "LUMB1NG AND REPAIRING REA sosable Estimates. A. L. Godfrey, 127 Caioa St. TeL 495-W. 60I16U "LUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR Work. Grsber Broa 144 8. Liberty. TeL 550. 19tf BUS. OPPORTUNITIES 1 -. ' . MR. INVESTOR Two story brick building located cloxe in where improvements are coming fast. Price for a few days only. 4.tOO. Terms. W. H. GRAB EKHO R8T A CO., REALTORS. 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 215. 0118 RADIO 82 Radlolas For every purpose, for every porse AU staadsrd sixes of - Radio Tubes HAL1K A EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP 88 Conrt St. Tel. 4. Kstir17tf REAL ESTATE 08 WE HAVE SEVERAL CALLS' FOR small groceries and confectioneries. Sold three in past few days let us sell yours. TRIANGLE REALTY, 421 Court. Court. G3al3tf AUTOS AS FIRST PAYMENT ON homes. Good Chevrolet touring. $225 Essex Coach, SG00. Buick Sedan, 8li00. Good Maxwell Coupe. $450. See as about these. TRIANGLE REAL TY. 421 Court. - 3al3tf 4 RM. NEW HOME, CORNER LOT, EUR naee, garage. ' 83TOO, term. i . 6 room new and strictly modern. garage, well located, SojOO. 7 large rooms and ' aleepiag porch. double plumbiag, hot -water heat, fire place, green house, excellent construe tion, lot 100x235 to creek, beautiful shrubbery, flowers and fruit snd nuts. A very desireable borne for $8o00. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 175 S. High. St. , 63al3tf FOR SALE LARGE LOT 83x148 FEET LOCATED elose In on Mill St. Price for quick ale $370O.OO, $1700 down, balance mort fr axe to be asraTed. W. II. GRABENHORST A CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. piione 51.1 o:ial7 FOR SALE OR RENT GOOD 5 ROOM house located near Center St.. on 20th Price for quick sale $2300., cash rental $25 per month, haa.some turn inning. W. H. GRABEXHOR8T CO.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 615 nsal7 FOB SALE OOOD s HOOM HOME LO rsted ou Mill St. Price I20.. $500 down balance terms. W. H, GKAHKNHORST CO.," Realtors 134 S, Libertv St, Pnane 515 i 63s 17 Handcuffjed lb OETlrCTivJE KEEME FE?s5lOM OF mO yOO FORGET - . r . i n- Sv HWC DHL niv; - rlXtVEUT- 7 asal REAIe ESTATE 63 ; v - SPECIAL BUY , ' -Nearly new modern four room bom witk full cement Lssemeat, laandry trays, . furnace, fireplace, hreskfsnt 1 roocn, two bed rooms, living roost, bath room and kitchen downstairs, large at tie apfct.siri. has gsrage and cement drive, paved street snd - earnest walks. Price fur quick sale, 84100. 3&0 . doon, - balance easy terms per ' month. NOW VACANT. IMMEDIATE POS- SESSION. Located near the New Junior Higk -School, number lo70 S. Churek 6t. ' ; i- W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. REALTORS. - 134 S. Liberty St. Phone .'.IV 63al4 FOR SALE OK TRADE MODERN 8 room aoite. xnrage, Urj-e lot. frail. garden, will trade for MnalJ-r place doser in. Tel. 1S2VV" or call at 14I . M3tU r,t. filial 4 9 ROOM IIOt'KE. COKN'ER UiT, CLOSE in, f.tiHMi. Trad for soisller knnse and in nurtli or east Sslem. Qolden Rule Realty Co. .44 Coort Str, rbone or or 2wO-R. - o.talttf KOMM MODERN BlTNOAIXW. FL'R uace, fireplace, fall bsi.ement, garage, larp.e lot, paved atreet aad well lueated. tlri- S3 1 .VI - KAI.KU REALTY CO.. 452 State Rt. : e:uiStf IP YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ONE OF the best suburban 5 acre homes near Salem This one is snre to meet with . your approval. 7 room, practically now, colonial bnagamw, all double construc tion, best -material, and workmanship, full "hsM-menL furnace and all other . modern features .with automatic electric water system, all other necessary buildings of best msterial and construe . tina. Improvement above cost about S7000, choice location, paved road. 2 mile drive to business center of Salem. Please investigate at once. SPECIAL BARGAIN 4 ACRE 5 ROOM SUBURBAN-HOME, choice location, paved highway, bath and toilet, electric lights, - automatic electric water system, f rait for family use. Wa are offering this nicely locst ed home at a special bargain for quick sale as the owner ia a non-resident and wants to sell and can gree immedi ate possession. Price only $3250, and will accept $400 cash from good burr. See WELLS TALLMAN A SON 216 Masonic Temple. Phone 41$ 63a-14 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK K FOB SALE K K 5 R - house, furnished, 2 large K K lots, paving A walks all paid. Price K K $3OO0. K K See K K A. F. HOMTKK with KRUEC.ER K K Phone 17 147 N. Com'l K K 3al4 K KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK FOR TRADE 7 ROOM HOUSE SEMI modern. Price $1800. 8 lots N. Salem good location. Price '250. Interests smounting to 92300.00. Will trada for a small farm or house and lot witk a smaller value. , FOR KENT 7 ROOM HOUSE $1. 4 room house furniahed $25. per month. LANE MOKLEY A CO. 413 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel 757 3sl4tf INCOME PROPERTY, BRICK BLDG. and 6 room house. Price $7000. Will trade for Salem or West Salem prop erty. Golden Rule Realty Co. 484 Court Street., Phone 1186. or 1(182, or 2(U)0-R, 63al4t( SPECIAL A good 50 acre farm, 40 acres of Bottom land. 7 room house, barn and other buildings Spring snd creek, some fruit and berries. 2 1-2 milea from town, just off paved road. Price $ilono. Will trade. 90 acres, -SO acres in cultivation. good set of buildings, 7 acres Orchard and berries, some fine timber. Price -86000. psrt tarda. We have a 5 room house end large lot close in to exchange for acreage near Salem. A good car and some cash for house not over S3U00. A good 80 seres of timber for a new house. Will nay cash difference. See THOMASO.V with-d-EO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors, $24T State. Street, Phone 1727. ,, 63alttf EXTRA SPECIAL- Only $ 3500 with a smell payment r.iiys, a neat a 'room Mouse 'completely furnished, corner-lot. one street paved. ni-e snaae trees ana a-srsg-e. uwner leaving tor Minnesota, bis loss your sain. ee Lo A. Child Co.. Realtors. 320 State Street. Phone 1727 63al4tf LISTEN Reduced from - $42O0 to $3700. Owner is leaving city and offers her nice new 5 room Bungalow, on paved street in East Sajem, at - a bargain. This is an East Front, has basement and gsrace, convent driveway. Iuilt for a tome. Easy terms can be ar ranged. See LEO N. "CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 - 3sl4tf BEAUTIFUL HOME CLOSE IN - 5 ROOMS. BATH AND "NOOK. STRICT- ly modern-, nice -shrubbery and shade tree. Oarage, pavement. Price $J,e00. $2500 cash. Socolofsky A Son, 305 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. i3augl4tf ONE ACRE CLOSE'IN 4 ROOM HOUSE electric, lights, garage. wood shed. Chick en house. Good spring Water,, mixed fruit. $2300. $800 down GOOD RANCH WELL LOCATED 5 acres, all cleared snd in strawherr.es, black cans, walnuts, apples A prunes. 7 room plastered house, good barn. chichen house A other .outbuildings. Kiectne lights in ail buildings. $5800, S10O0 cash. " KOOOLOFSKY A SON 805 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 63sngl4tf POSITIVELY ' THE BEST BUYS IN LOTS CLOSE IN N. Snmmer St. $1000 Market St., Near Capitol St O10O0 Let on Shipping near Summer... $1000 Iot on 14th near 8Ute.. .. .....$ 950 Lot on S-12th St.. $ 450 1-ot nn Chemeketa St $ 600 Lot on State A 16th St. ,........$l8p0 Above lota on easy payments with paving paid. See Louis Bechtel J. It Sears. 341 State SL 63al4tf N. SUMMER 1 STV a P Gsjrage, hmise beautiful lot Sl'.WI. Easy terms. See Lonis Bechtel J, D. Sears 341 State St 63al4tf WHY PAY RENT , Who yoa can bny. cosy 4 room bunga low, hath, Hants, built ins garage, large lot. Paving paid. Price $20410. Including ally tba fnrtrlture."- Easy ' terms.", ideal IocaUobv, Shown- by' appointment. See Louis Bechtel J.v D. Seart, 341 RUM St. Phone 303. 43al4tf RgrviEMER. ftNVTWNG M3VJ REMEMBER. fiNVlWNG M3VJ SAy ) f tET MM t50 ON -5 It I VViftV &E USED AfefitST Vt)U ijT VAgHM .' HIS gggV) I vt y'r7(J fx Af'v ' ?; VIM BE USEO AGWMST vOUJr-' 1 '- ""-o - -aawy---ya - . t mr ' w lt : I , R . 'e:a ".h, - m .r TK L, X fyTS 9 v.. I : WXf lf V V lQiT- X, . h r - j$. dp w v vwr4- BIS o rui Xr, - ' n ) St LOOK HERE DAL ANCIA GO Cti OR 5& HO HA)E THAT 4 r ; i T. 111 rZS&yj" at r BBaBB a . s-. I BBasaaBSra a am vaaaa m v WW BtStw m REAL,' ESTATE - ; -- - ; SNAP - -, 1 -. LOTS LOTS , LOTS $IZQ. to filO. PineaiUing ealed on N. i8tk, N. Ith and Nl 20tb l. 8t. terms. $lt. down balaaei per month. BUY SOW. W'. H. OKABE.NHORST CO. 1 .REALTORS. 13 S. Liberty St. Pkoni 515. !3al8 HELP US SCPPLY.THE DEMAND FOR - rented bouses. Give us eke information of what you have. TRIANGLE REALT TY, 421 Court. 03al3tf AN ALMOST NEW THREE -ROOM House and lot. rKt 8 1. ".!), price now . 813HO, with up A off for all canh, (fltTO.) WoodhouKe and rarage. New Mreel and walk, pavement. See owner. IHSa.N. Wihter SI. r.al4 UKKATKHT TKADIS'G mi A S tATI Of THK- PAlfri. COAST Wa bava over mm propurtioe listed .for aaehauge. Ever fetad bt property, ery pries, every locatiou WN ran BiBtcb yjtr exrbahge EXACTLY., If yon WMtni like to trade ywor pronrty TODAY, come in Toll AY. 8eo - UASKILL A EARLE, Realtors. 1 B. Liberty. Tel. 1243. 63jly3tt STOIte AND F1I.LIXO STATION! AND modern reoitirnee all for 710. Hig buy iu a iiii-nivht-il apt. house with in ioe throw of business property. Cotuge SL W, WW J.. at BV, . 63s2tf t "tK KWOM8 ANU BKKAkrABT Duuk. full bssement furnara, firepiace, exrolleal plumbiag, wired for eleetri range. os floor in 'Iving room. Lots ol bail1 ,, garage, roncreta dri'ewsy. walks. --veiled street, well lor. ted in Nrth ,rt- near Highland eebml Owaei i - -ll on easy terms. Tel 25 03J!y7tf FOR Lh-A VERY BEAUTIFUL acre rt ' less than 1H miles from . State uud Commercial Sts. Excellent view, city water already installed Maay fine madrona. firs, maples, etc. Good soil, road to property- Price $650, very easy terms if desired. Phone owper. 2402-W 63a20 NEW HOOKE IN PRETTY LOCATION. aas loTIW'rooni snd breakfast room, garage, S. front, $2950., easy pay ments. Golden Rule Realty Co. 44 Count Street. 12, or 2000- K. Phone 1186. or ti.laUtf 8 room, modern house. N. Liberty $3500, some terms. robin bouse and "2 lota in Forest Crova. $2jOO ror Salem property. Acre tract and 4 room bungalow. N. Salem. $2500, want larger house. 80 A. Polk Co. farm. 65 A. in cult. Bldgs. well creek, tint tier, stock and machinery.' SI 0.500, good terms. 145 A. stock ranch near- town, anap. 880OO. tke residence far part. I'errine A Marnier. 212 Gray Bldg. 63atf NICE HOMELIKE PLACE PLASTERED house, basement, fireplace, bath, beau tiful shade, nut and cherry trees; 3 big k's, rosea and abruba. garage, poultry house, berries aad garden; near .cr-r a. Only $3,800. Same with two lots. 6.1,500. Some terms. Owner 849 Rural Avenae. 63-t-tf OWN A HOME, 292 ACRES PRUNES, grain, pasture and timber. Good im provement. Small payment and easy terms. U. M. Smith, ilarion. Ore. 63(8 A WORLD WAR VETERAN SHOULD porchase this 5 room, partly furnished South Salem borne. Bonus loan al ready provided. Price S4.5OO.0O. A, C. B O H R S T E D T Realtor Loans Insurance 147 N. Com'l. St, Salem Ore. 68a7tf CLOSE IN CORNER NEAR HIGH school. 66x96 feet. Price $5500. W. H. GRABENHORST It CO., Realtor 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 . .63at7 CONTRACTORS IF RESPONSIBLE WE saw sell yon excellent buileiae Jot in groups. Perfect titles and properly financed. Berks A Hendricks.' 189, N High street-. - tr317 $100 DOWN' BALANCE $30 A MONTH, interest included, takes small 5- room homo. J- plasteiad, bath etc. 1 Furnaee 4 -garaga Pa-vm;. See 'rtcant at 10f8 N a 1st. B-cke. A Hendricks, 189 N. High street. C3al7 , EXCEPTIONALLY XICE "New 5 room Bungalow strictly mod ern, nothing, lacking; built of best mat erial and workmanship, doubhs construc ted, hardwood, floors, fireplace, full cement basement. Furnace, sta. wash irsys and wired for elec. range, nil the bunt in a. Garatre. Price $5000 . with terms. See owner at i 495 Perry St. or Lotus Bechtel J. D. Sears. 341 State Street. , . 63al4tf SAVE YOUR RENT Pay a little money down, Lalanre just like rent. Buys a new. very attrac tive bunralow, has 2- bed rooms, large living room witk a beautiful fire place. mtcaea with all . the built tea. Breakfast book, bath, concrete fonnda fton. Price $2100. See Loui Bechtel J. D. Sear- 341 State St. . 63al4tf f'-oU. .CASH, ; BALANCE TO SUIT; 21 acre farm 6 miles from Salem, 7 room house, barn small silo, 3 acres mixed orchard, chicken house. Price $4500, win trade for Salem property. $500 .CASH. SALEM OR PORTLAND nrooert v nn to $6000. far fine 51 acre tract 3 miles from Salem, with all farm equipment, and stock $17000. $1000 FOR-4 ACRES OF FINE LAND 3 miles from Salem. $3200, for 6Vi acres, gooo 5 room bnngalow, ' barn two chicken beate, soma orchard. running water, splendid soil. Some terms. $7500, FOR 20 AND" 6 HUNDREDTHS awres, a amies north of Salem, 4 room nuuse, aarn, B acres prunes, l acre peaches, 1 acres ewver. chicken houses. irrigation plant, pipes, etc. WilF trade ror Salem- residence to $3500. i $00 DOWN, BALANCE EASY1 PAY meats. : 4 acres, -2 miles from Sale: room- plastered bungalow, chicken hoaae V Bile te aebooL- Price. $3200. ..uo, down, balance easy payments. acres. 3 tnj front Salem, -5 room plast rrea iMingalow; chicken house 5 J-2 mite to school, Trice $3200. , -7- Mmry'to Lean f ' MELVIN JOHNSON. 320, U. S. Bank Bldg. phone 637 , 63al4tf I HAVE ABOUT 175 ACRES. COXSIS tint of-good timber, pasture, and plow land. 7 mites from Salem on 'Market Road. River front are. $ , O per acre. Will take t -alo.ooo in. trade: $4000 mtg. fcuyer-to assnme : 2 ' miles to Salem Golf Clob. - ... LULU M. L4XKFORD "'., R. X. 3 Box 212 Sslem, Oregoa . ' , '43al4 ' .1 SAY). 0O -r; "ooo ,GT?ifAT r;:- . ACT. T& PLEASE- FIRED IM AjOTtSOvN.' V .Ar5ffE i AUDIENCE Dlff- OS - FOR RENT , ' 1 rsnsL. fsrnihed apartment $25. - 3 -room furuiibed apartment 830. .3 -room furnished apartment rJO. ULRICH AND ROBERTS. Realtora 129 N. Com'L St - Pkoaa 1954: eSaUf SMALL HOME BUILDING LOTS $1SU on up. and $10 down,: $5 m month takes, Beckei A Hendrickt. 189 N. Higk street. - : 63a 1 1 $ 500 dostu. balance, monthly. New A roam boatgalow, basement, furnace, hardwood floors, paved atreet. , garage all for $3500. $ lOO down. $2U per month, including in terest, fur 5 - room cottage, baso ment. - ftirna.B. garage and paveil street, close .to acl.bMt and bn lm 4 oi down, balance mootbly. for a s rttui M-nisbed tbungatow o bus ' line. 2di - 4 a) ,"iUO ili.vn, balance . to suit, for a 4 room modern buugatow. Fine Im-b t.on. Prica g4ooti 50 down and $50 per month, for new atodera 4 room hnngslow P !- 51 H i down. kalancr- nmotbly tor f.eautifal ns K'Hsitoh typo aotae. 5 rooms, and nook, large bed rooms .aud large living room, east front. Price 14500 $ 750 down and $50.00 par mo., includ ing interest for modern 7 room bungalow, fine location, paved ear ner. Price 8575W. 50 down, balance $29 monthly inclnd ing interest. New bu oca low. a rooms and nook, plastered, bath basement. Price S150O Monthly payment. 1 oasis, .Furnished bouse for rent. MELV1N JOHNSON. 320 U. S. Bank Bldg.. Phone 13 7. 3al0tf FOR SALE SMALL HOUSE. GOOD tot North of. Salem 3900. Fonr room bungalow with basement. 82750. 54 acres, 28 clear, balance timber. good road. 13250 11 acres bearing orchard, prunes. ' walnuts, cherries, four room house. barn and cooler. $3350 Strictly modern six room new house near the Capitol building. SC800, . 40 acres river bottom land. 1,3 acres hops, take part eity property. 20 are creek bottom laud, fine building with lights aad water r tern, want home ia Salem. F. L. Wood. G. F. Peed. 341 State St. 63alOtf I WILL SELL YOU A NEW. HOUSE and one half acre of fine land for $100 down and $30 a month including in terest. The house contains four rooms and breakfast nook, ia double construe ted. well built througout, plenty of bailtins and beautifully finished. It la aerved with city water, electric lights aad telephone, falls pl.imbed and lighting fixtures, - It is located just at the city limits, north Salem's fsat est growi&f section, has one-half aero of fine garden land which will, almost produce the living for the family, witb no city taxes. What yoa now 'pay for rent will pay for thia beautiful borne, the beat savings account you ever triad, and cost you nothing. 1 am building these houses continuously and selling them aa rapidly as completed. I am completing four ready for occupancy. See ma about them at once. Carta Abrama, 1465 Chemeketa St, Pboaa 1894J. . 63alC SPECIAL BARGAINS IN HOMES $1575 buys a neat 3 room borne, wjth sleeping porch, nicely furnished, ia a very excellent location, smsll payment down,- balance- month. v. You can beat tho reut vr'"m with this boose. $.1000 buys a good b room bonse. modern. located north. $500 dowa. balance terms. If 4 1 OO buys a nearly new 4 room modern located south near the nw junirr high school, 2 bed rooms, large attic, finished stairway leading thereto. Sold on easy terms. $6500 buys a f-ne 0 room house on Fair- mount inn, gooa, location, owner - will take a V psrt paynvsnt small 4 room home in North Salam. $4450. bay a strictly modern "new 6 room 'nuuse lees tea in One district north, paved street?' eat front, well -lo cated for schools, double garage. this is a bargain and must be seen . - ,m db iimrrr uiro. tan na be me. $440.0 huys a rood 4 room house well lo a ted on North Summer St. Vno'dern - f n every way. 2 bed rooms-. Terms W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., Realtors, 154 S. Lib'erty.St. Phone 515 Bil ' -r . . I.. .. .... - : HAVE A. LAKOK BCHJl.NU UJT able for a small Hotel or rooming- or business commanding an ' unobstructed view of Ocean and 'Bay. with fine beaches. Also 100 arras ou. a' pen in mi I a with .over a'naile of ocean sndtbsy beach with cabin and sdi-irk on it. both properties, close to Roosevelt' Highway at Tail. Oregon, in, Lincoln Co. Nothing like it there en the Market. . : LULU M. LANKFORD R. Ni. 3 Box 212 Sslem. Oregon, I 63s 14 , WEEK END SPECIALS ' ' 5 -room bouse on splendid full size wt with garage....... ...r . f 19(x, 3 room, new, modern, furnace, far- age, lov SOxioo . r $300 5- room, nearly new; Turnare, on bus line. 2 block to school .....$3400 6- room. new. double garage, 2 bath rooms, furnace, -laundry tray, lot 82x 99 l .- ..t.. . $554)0 .- 7-iiom, modem borne in good Tieigb borhood. A home of comfort....:... $50(K "Will take clear lot for house equity In Dallas, will take lots or car Alot for bouse equity., in Salem .. BARBER A BOND 200 Gray Bide. 125 N. Libertv - -.f . . 6ialtf 7 ROOM HOl'SE FOR SALE. CIXlRe" a. 824 N. Front, Soar owner 130 N, Front. . 6)tangl7 REAL ESTATE TRADE 65 EXCHANGE CHEAP1 CAR ' AND SOME cesb for an old bouse, must bs rood i location. Call or, phone Monday. F. L. Wood 341; State St.. 65a 14 FOR EXCHANGE - trge seven room house,. and lot 100x200 feet, located' at 2217 Fair ground Read. WMll take vaesnt lots ar small ' acreage- ap ta $3200. Price $5O0O. " 5 W.'H,"CRABENTIOR8T A CO REALTORS. 134 S. Liberty St. Thone 515 65a 18 REAL ESTATE Farms 67 HERE IT IS Five acres ."of splendid lanl Iocs led at tho Swede School oa paved road All under plow, a wonderful place te SHtild. v Price $1575. $25. dowa, balance $10. per. month. .. IV. U. GRABENHORST CO, REALTORS. 134 S. Liberty St, ,- Pbone 515. 47al8 AS m 1 r-rttu,c i -tw , '- . '. f REAI ESTATE ALL HE. T'iKri.A&OUT t? . t-vPa;gate PA GATE RECEPT?.V REAL ESTATE -Sttbaii bats) 0 . : FOR SALE : : , : INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $ 10 down nd bslaaee $lo per month buys a fine. IO acres- of land locate a near the Skyline orchards, first , rlaea tree aad herry seiL Price 31250.--; ----- $ 35 dwwa and halane $10 per month buys 5 acres located near tne swe- sdo acaooi. pared road. Price ll&OO $ 25 dowa and balsace $10 per month bays 5 acres loraiea east oi naiem, - snrt 075. int. A. - $ 50 down and bala ace $ I O per avaath - buys 1 acre tract located south, all in bear inr . frait. r Price $650, . $ 50 daw a aad balaara $10. per asoath- buy s a view acre located sostn. Jt "as show yon. Price $HHX. $ 25 down sad hs lance term will handle 9M0.af sa acre close ta. .rrice 900. : . $200 down and balance $20 per "month will handle two seres rloe ia, 8- ruom hKe, bam, well. Price .J in, isl per eentt-'-. - :--- CKIO dowa and-balanee $10 per month bura 5.15 acre tract located . south. some fine'tiniber, 3 files miH. Price , $250 per acre int. B per. rent. . - If yoa are looking for an Installment acreage, sea . - . W. II. GKAMENHORST A CO Realtors 134 H Liberty St. ' - Phone 515 ;. - - , 651a 18 SKW HOUSE JUST COMPLETED FOR aalai aa terms . like rest, daubl-i sa ursriMD. tally plumbed, eloctrle fis tores, ate, - 4 roama Bad braaktasl Book, taraga. etc - ow half acre t tineas gardea lead. Price $3100, Carlo Abrama. 14C5 Ckssneketa St. TeL 1894-J. . - . ' - ' f!3tf ONE ACRE BARGAIN -- One acre all in bearing apples locat ed a short distance SAB of the McKia ley school. Prina $050. $50. down Lalanc $10. per month. - Yoa can't go 'wrong on this purchase, " W. H. GKARKNHOK8T A CO,i REALTORS. 134 S. Liberty St. Phono 315. - -69al8 One acre sabnrban home located near paved highway and bos !iae,' electric lights, water, plumbing, fireplace. 6 rooai, attractiva hvngalow. Price $3500. for quk-k sate, $iiO. dewa bal anca easy terms per month. NOW VACANT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST CO," REALTORS- - -134 S. Liberty St. - - v " Phone 513. - ' ' . al8 TRANSFER HAULING 70 WE MOVE, STORK AND SHIP HOUSE bold goods. Our specialty is piaao and furniture moving. We also make Coun try trips. ' Wa Beadle the boat coal aad wood. Call aa sis for a-rieoe. Wa .give good . measure, good -quality as A -good service. Larmer Transfer Co. TeL 4130. TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kind. TeL T8F2, 8ALBM TRANSFER A FUEL CO. toeal and long diataaee hauling Storage aad fuel 399 8. Higk. TeL 529. V 70a30tf CAPITAL CITT TRANSFER CO. S26 State St. Tel 933. Distributing, for warding aad storage ear specialty.. Get one rates. WANTED Ileal Estate 71 WANTED tTO t OS- MODERN HOME EQUITY of about S2UOO.. will consider location, condition of the property, and the improvements Don't ..answer untMs you have n ex' -callent pportuhity- Give full descnp tioo itf first letter. Address Box 6H4 Care Statesman. 7lal(tf WATTR 74 OREGON WASH. WATER SERVICE CO. Office 804 South Commercial Bt, Tan per coat discount on domestic flat rate paid tn advance. No dadaetioa for ab- seaea or any eauee'aaless wster ia ahat off your promisee TRA TEL 70 - . -T-R-A-f -E-L. . - 8afaly, . SwtlVy - assi Ooaafortsbly te bases or te Parker Stage Lines, 8 T A O Al 8 IrM .V I M s Hilsartnn7 .a. m , 1 1 a, at , B a Mt. Angel -II a. a,A P- Bx. DatlasjsV.awA (a.sB.. i2A p.: as. Palis i.tty r-f a.,m, S: 10 p. ta.. 6:15 I aOmpi Bdih cV 7 A. sC3 Ctt," 11:1 ; . stu, S :10 a 'm.. 5:14 ass 8aa j day oaly 8fl .'s;-'-:"! .. jMoBasoath 7 a. m.t 11:15 a. m L:10 vtr.&XXl ., 5B.'.;8Bdaj 1 only 7.: 10 p. m- 8:30 p, m. McMinBvUa-8:$(:a. V.10 p. at NewherrS:JP)a W tii )p. a, ' TUIsmoek 8:80' a. 1:10 p. Call 223 or 694 far information. J 423tf ' AUTOS WANTED 77 ASH PAID FR FVaUMI EIKEft AUTO i ' s -. . . V , ... T7ml2t( USED CARS POR -SALE 79 ' '-' ' r -s r !-. - ' 1 1924 Overland Coupe, $20O. j 111925 Overland Coach, $350. I . 1 iim Ch'rysJse Coaoh, tt - 2 1927 Ford Coupes. . 2,-1927, Ford Roadatera. ,. . ; 1 1 195 Ford Roadster, t . .-J ; . . , t 1926, Eord, Tonringv Kirkwdod Motor Co, Buying and Selling Used Cars, 311 N. CommereiaL 79a 14 1933, PAIGB .-8EDAV.1B25' OLDSMO tile Coach, ' 1923 Ford Tort ring. 1920 i Willys .Knight Touring. I2 Hudson Coach, v Gardiner 8 in L'ne . Dealers. ' Corner in a'od -4ake a vid. , ' --- 1 Barrett Brothers . 12043. Capitol. .79al4 - T SdARION'S TJ8ET I ' Overland, 4 -door sedan, 1922. Model. New pdlut. j Vabrds vround. bearing taken aa rebeap. . . r Hupmobile touring 1920 model. Motor just, overhauled. -Paint good. . Tire - fair. Be sure and see This One Chevrolet Touring 1924 model. Motor O. K. -Good tires new paint A real Franklin sedan" 1921 nvodeL, Paint,. like new, jrood tires A-l shape mechanieaJ- ly jiriced to Sell. - . ..- .' 1D24 Stode light 6 coune runs like aew. Our" new paint job 85 Rubber Maay- extras. . t t , Ford coupe. 1923 model Good shape me ehsatsslty.. valves iust beeau groan 4 a ad kearinrs ; taken us. ' . .- 192 Stode-spec ial touring Jost V real bay or a fine ear, Another 1823 Slude spectat tonriar in wonderful shspe at a bargain.. 79al4tf By Ed ;Whef1tr VOUrT vAC3ClDEMT t3XV X 7 L v t GO CN .vaiTM-TrC;- R3DFESSO'5 HERE X .1 J USED LRft FOY1 AA J.B T 'i 'A FEW BARGAINS 2 Ford Touring. $1H. each. . I: Ford . Toariag,, like aew, maay extra. $375.00. . - 1 Study. Lt Redaa. $7.0.f0. v l Rtady. Toariag. $23.VU0. ' X Buick 4 Touring, $400JH1. ' I t"hrysler Coach, i8i0 ot. 1 Msswell Touring, $3O.UO. FITZCFRALD SHERWIN - - MXrTtiR Liberty and Chemeketa. Salem. Ore. , -'., 7al6 Marion's Certified ' UseJ Cars Fard Coupe. 1923 Model, aew paint. Valaaa ground. - Besting taken p. Many estraa. -. v - ttverland. Mu. I12 model, a paiat, valve - graand. beariaa . .tSen .up.. Arl b-. v. . -StddVUakery. Speeial -Mis 'Touring.' 1923. model, good pkint. 7 .iar oeal, tires, motor II k." Ittuf ettrds. on af these. ears that yoa don't have run lata tba shop every week. . t Buick Staadsrd . Six Coupe. lij model, paiat as good ss aew. heater, twa bumpers, .tpH . tight, rear glass. ' swipe, aitubbera. front aud rear tires. 9$ per cent new. A real buy for any one. " ,t Star Tearing, 1925 model, finish good, tirea almost aew. . Many extras, cheap. - V. Chevrolet Touring, 1923 model, looks good aad runs goad. , , . . Marion Auto Co. Btadebakar aad Erskiae Six Daslers for Salom aad Marina Owuuty. ' ! Asg for R. L. Oibbins Used Car Dept. 235 Boats Com'l fit. Telephoao 863. ' USED CAR LOT. lfEXT T FIRE " STATION ON CHEMKKFTA LOT PHONE llf.s ...i -. :. s J9ilyltl! We Are Concentratino; on Our Used Ford " Stock ? See Them and You Will Like 'Em 1927 ILl:lr with $100 worth of extras. 1926 Coupe with double ignition and special' carburetor for power and - speed, light weight pistons $4 SO, 1926 Coupe, $370 a anap. 1924 Coupe $275 New rubber.. ... 1920 Sedan $73. i -' 19.25 Trnclr, rah and atalo body, $590. We .Buy Used CarsAJso., J Valley Motor Co. Salem, Oregon 79al3t.f Buick Sedan iMtm ' model. 5 passenger, vnisti Just like new, upholstery. in splendid con- ( ditiea. mechaaicslly fine.- See thia offering at, once. - -- "i ---J Other V--:- -j ,i . r Better Automobile Values v 1925 Cadillac Badau, 5 passenger ' fine opndit'io. Model 41. , ' -. - V' Do0ga & psta enclosure, la modeiy -.' - - -- , :. .V . i;'.-.- ;i25 , Overland 3enpe. ; : yniti l-jutev Coach., ' . 1023-ulJcTopnpgvina ahabe. j -1 W'0-aTtm-tnV. fjto asswlel. , 1 1926 ' Pord Coupo. jgnod buy. ' i.- -y -Fdrd Tamrif s . Ford' Coupe. . (Two) 1924. ,.i 1025s ' ,' ) ' t .' I ' These exchanged automobiles are ex ceptionally a'ttrkCflv afcd will bt sold quickly. Prices are exceedingly Attrae- . tive a io, n. bee mem t today. Jo.? F. W. Pettyjohn 355 'North "Conrmcrcial ttt.Pbona ilCRO. "AFTEB.-AVE .pSEU-,WE SERVE." PACKARD I ' LbBafOBI La.' 1 I I two " , a pi ihe ' - --' " --aHt ' a':'.- : Uest : ; ; ; T926r6nTraettaTinf4 ftewl 700 -1927 Chevrolet Roadster (folly ' - y .oqalpyeA. .i.. ia..,..... $623 1926 Chevrolet1 Coapo (for quick aaU) .4 ri, , $50 .Oakland Coapo, (4 pass a real - - f buy) CX; $300 . Studebaker - Touring . (new paiat ' - good rubber) $225 ': Ford Coupo (aew paint aad rob i btr---yii ,r or-Trr taio ,-. , Repnblie -Track (pneat, tirea. i ' i : 8(arter) L-S-J 200 . Ford Tourings (wKk and witk oat , s tartars) 5o ta $71 Capitol Motors Inc. : Biddy Bishop, i 350 orhHighASs-reet i y- as . a. v. VQiine 3esf PACKARD i t ni nuunuii a- '. ? -4 - .7jly2ltf- 4 Good llsed Cars ? 19C4 v Ckorrolet aaper extras S.r. 1928 -Cbsvrolet Coach ... 664 t 1332 Ford Coop 125 " 1921 Chevrolet Touriag ,...'. 74 Newton Xhevroltt. Co. Oppoeite tbq City Hall - Tatii MARMOT;"--' .'..; CHANDLER '. Biggest-Used Car Sale i Df the Season LL CSED CARS 3fTJ8T R SOLD ."Af ANY HAVE NEWN?AINT AND ; . v XVBBKK ALSO HAVE BEEN RECONDITIONED "ALII ML ST ''GO ' ' -i ' -.MARMON'-COOPK X - MARMOXBFDAN M'"-': WILLYS KNIGWT.COtTFE SEDAM . HUDSON FEDAN " -' WILLY KNIGITTfiPT TOURINO . BI K.h'" TOt'RINO -s , - ' .!.-.- HUDSON STPEKDSTER - '". DODGE -ROADSTER . -. ' i STAR nOAO.lTKB " -CHEVROLET COUPR-'.; ' i CHEVROLET -SEDAN" CHEVROLET To L" KINO STAR, FQRDANp OVRLAND TOCRCS OLDSMOBILE. OVERLAND AND FOUD - .- - TRUCKS . ' : -LIBERAL TERMS " MacDonaid Atxto Co. ; OPEN SUNDAYS 'JIND TTTVINC - COTTAOfi I'Livit t fjfi. I-i.uNE 401 UASMO - CILavN DXA'Ai . -' v.'.r?is-. soaitt