FRIDAY. MOSNING. AUGUST 12, 1027 7 1 a -USED CAK3 FOT, SALB 79 HELP WANTED Male tl IjAUNDRIES 83 PIANO TUNERS 04 KRAlt ESTATE REAL ESTATE 8, WATTR 74 THE STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON i 1 ' --V '11 1 Mil f ' L I , .IiV--r"- New firs! National Bank Building BASEMENT Do Lux Shining Parlor Experts for Lad if Bad Geatlemak. SECOND FLOOR Ooffeyle Photo Sarviae Tel. 708. Over tho Bp a THIIO FLOOR Serrte Optical Co. 801-302-308 Or. Wury C. Morria, Optometrist Talaphone S3t C. F. Gillette Suite 810-11-U Lawyer Telepaeae 108 eeeleteky Sea. TeL 970 804-105 Real Ratal. Leqas. laaarqnco FOURTH FLOOR Ora, O'Neill Burdettc. Optometrist Phone 635 401-402-408-404-405 ttaariiea Buiidiag Lien Aneeciatiea a. Harford EI7 CI8- Telaphoae 7ST WUIard B. Wirt aad Peal 1. Barrit Attorneys. 410-411-411 Tat 1U Laae M orley. 4ia. TaJ.7tT; Re.t915W Kaal Estate Loaa laanranea SIXTH FLOOV"! Geo. 1. Vaara M.D., Phyiielae a Surgeon Bait COS. Tab 8878-9879 Ron, 78 Koala D. Day and Donald W. Kjci Attorneys a Lew Talapaoaa 'B. blO-611-612 EIGHTH FLOOR Dr. O. Ward Da via. C-eneral Dentistry I C"r! Directory S.'Tal. tlC Kvealag ay ppointmeat. Kooa Via .. - . ITT , -a ur. 11. o. Booi'eie . Chiropractor. Neureealoaaeter Beretee , NINTH FLOOR Dr. U, M. Brown, By. Ear. Noaa a Tkreat SpeMalisL , - Suite 901 TENTH FLOOR - Dr. W. A. Joaasea, Deatlat Talapaoaa IS 85 , -" 1001 Chalmer Loo Oaorgav D. D. 3. Oaaaral Dentistry . H. Griffin. D. D. S-, Ortbodoatia Tolapboao 181. Baito 1001-1001 Every Child Should Have Not Oily Tht Right har xne upporxonny is nay. Xri I M 1 3 MX nuat. a it mi DADDY OWNS IT-" - -9 1250 and paving will pay for 4 room houso. Eloctrid' lighta. kaik, etc. Kasy tornta. j-'- $ 2500 Nico 5 room eott ago. Baiement. Close to school. Term jaet like root. 9 3000 New 4 room bungalow. Furnace, . -fireplace, karwood floors, built la bath, rub, dutch kiteheiu . Well V . loon tad. Easy terms. $ 4500 New 5 room English typo house. i Furnace, fireplace, hardwood ; floors, Dutch kitchen, brnakfast- nook. Close to new Leslie Junior High School. Easy terms. 9 .'10O down aad 930 per month Includ ing interest will .buy new 4 and S V s J yooa English typo kousea with -hej-o of good land. Vil located. : Bnk acres, beat Of land, on -paved ata-hwa"- Ruxkid mJ-SoiudmI. .Will j take talent property up to ,44000 . trail as. What have yout X--' MONEY TO LOiN INSURANCE . ' .'.' RICH Jj. REIMANK ; r .Realtor : ' Piione 805. . I V 31" -LI. S. Baax Bldg. - ";;:t'; ;; J" 63a7li Local Rates . V- For Classified I Advertising ' ft -" r "Dally or Sanday One thna . 9 cents par ward Thro timee S cants panrord Sistlmoai 8 eanU par word 1 moTtaily and Sua 20 cents par word lit i.rAmr la aans tha Biara tkaa OBO time jfate. advortiatag aaaaA raa Is oaa aecaaive isanaa. -" No-Ad taken for leas tba a 3 Be. -Ada ran Sunday ONLY, ehargad t ana-tima rata.- ...- - - '- ' ' 1 " fc- aawaamaBam Advertisemeats (except ParaoBaCa aad Mitaaioaa Wanted) will bo taken aver tbo telephone if tbo ad vertieer ta a sab er rt her o phono. Tbo Statesman will receive i adver tisements at aay time of tbo day or aigbt. To Insure proper rlasaifieatioa Ada abaold be ia beforo 7 p. ai. TELEPHONE 18 OR 888 AUCTIONEERS H. P. Woodry & Son Right dowa sown, : Cash paid fo ,aaod larailnra. Storo 271 N. - Com' TeL. T.' Aawnta fir La a re Raasee RATTKR eft KLKX7IB1CULS 8 H o. BARTON" EXlDE BATTEBIEh t ttart, . aa. gaaerator work; 20 - Bub High. . i ToL 198 HIGH AND i CENTER AM- FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. W HOTJ81 . wiring by -aour .or teavsn. 4 faraiaaad. . TaL- 980 471 Coart 8t U1CYCLE8 t UEPAIRINQ 8 LLOYD JT. ' R18DEK--CMJMBIA BI cyetaa aad rapatriag. 667 Ooart. HELP WANTED . . OTnvvttO VOOK CbongTllL 8. Boa 18 E. f 1.00. , - r . s . nm' Plekara . Wanted w-L r atnli. Mitonaa ivr awv w - - . n. . . '.-a . j .... 117 aeraa. Jtanen near iBniaa - - - ------ and Cartia Ranch, aear Tbot SUUon. 9a :. ti.aal ai-comodations fata puria will bcrta aboat d.v.. w I i. . ' H-a-iarav aw at Artoph'a Oia Btoro. , or Darbia rv.. at. oTar Penaey a WANTED A UVK NEWSPAPER HUB- aeriptiaa eaevataefa i Call Clraaletiua Meaager, Stateamaa efface.. . llaalltf CHIIUJITtACTORi 15 K. H. B. FCOFFIELD. P. ft. O, (Off rim National Baak Bld. ' ... ; K. O. L. 8COTT. PBU. CHIHOPRACTOM 956 N. High. TaL 88-1. aw 87. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY BECKE HENDRICKS IK N. High TeL 109 t LEE W. BELL. MM Hank at laawru BlUg. TaL 484 P. W. C-E18ER ' 41 Ooart Talapaoaa 1311 JOHN W. ORR it Bllga Bldg. TaL 1485 j UERTRUDE J. 1 M. OaUga PAOE TaL 1180 TRIANGLE REALTY OO. 421 Court SI ToL til OLRICH ROBERTS 119 N. Commercial TaL 1854 VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Kaaltor 147 N. Com'l ToL 877 SQUARE DEAL REALTT O. B. N at '1 Baak Bldg. TaL 470 BOHRN8TEDT PATNE 147 N. Commareial. TaL 877 fhe Orecron Statesman Pabliakad ovary morning (azeapt 3foa lay) at Salem, tko capital of Oragoa. ADVERTISEMENT HONEST ADVERTISING Tkaaa eol ama aul ba kapt frea from anything of a qaaationabla aatara. Miarapraaaa tatioaa will not ba tolarataC laforma .ioa abewing any qaaatioaablo tataat oa tbo part of tko advartlaor skoala bo ra ported to tbil aowapanaa mr tko ala "' FLORISTS 16 QTJT FLOWERS. WEDDINO BOTQUET8 - raaerai wreama, aieanusu, . 1. Braitbavpt. floriat. - 611 Stato Straat. Tel. 8P0. 'MAGAZINES Farm Papers 17 rw .TOtJ WANT TO GET THE BEST faraa paper aend fio 1-eaat itampa to tka Pacific Homertead, Balam, Oregon, for a three montha' trial aubaeriptton Maatioa tbia ad. POOLTRTMEN SEND EIOHX TWO- eaat itampa for special three moatha' - trial for tbo beat and oldeat Joaraal ia tha Weat. Tbo artielea and adrer tiaemanta aro of special interest to tha poultry breeders of tbo Nortbweat-7-Nortbweat Ponltry Journal. Ill 8. Com mercial Bt.. Salem. Ore. INSURANCE 18 FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loaa oa good farm aoearity. CITY LOANS Wa are loaning Pru dential Inauranee company money on city residence and business property at 5 ft per cent, plus a commission. Hawkins a Roberts, Inc., SO 5 Oregon Building. dl4tf Insure Tour tome or ear aow. Phoao Wl BECKE a HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg.. 189 N. High St. 11 -tf OR SALE FIRST AND 8EOOND Mort- gagaa. Truat uoeoa. uoniracta on honaoa Will act 6 to 80 par eant. BECKE a HENDRICK8 HeiHg Bldg., 189 N. High Ft. jl-tf WANTED Employment 10 WANTED CHILD TO CARE FOR IN uiy home. Near lsy school and S. S. Phonf 2458W. 19al3 fOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT digging aad team work. ToL Tin. lOmlatf MAN AND WIFE WISH WORK ON ranch; expert with stock, woman good cook. 396 .8. 21 SL ! 19al4 TOR RENT 21 ROOM COTTAGE FOR COUPLE. Water, garage, f 8.00. Tel. 56F13. 21al4 4TORB ROOM 70S KENT 260 FIRRY street, betweea Front and Commercial formerly oc copied by Witbera a Naal 920 a month. Inquire at Btataaman office. 1 lapr2 H ; FOR RENT Apartments 23 LARGE WELL FURNISHED 3 ROOM auartment. heated. 1133 Court St. THE AMBASSADOR, 550 N. SUMMER. Modern Z and 3-room apartments far Biased and aafurnished. 23aug25 FOR BENT Rooms 25 ROOMS WITH BOARD AT THE ALEX aadaav TeL loaa; 1030 caemeaeta. 25aprllt' FOR RENT Houses 27 4EW MODERN 8 ROOM HOU8E FOR rent. Partly furnished. , 440 Water St. Phone 657. J14tf t ROOM HOUSE. 1540 STATE STREET . 27al3 FOR KENT MODERN FURNISHED bouae. 420 Univerxity. Tel. 2324 M. 27al7 SMALL COTTAGE 81.2.50. NO CHILD ran. 465 N. -.'(Jth Hi. Tl I821J. -27al'2 LAUM'KIES 2 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Tha Laundry of Para Materia la- 1 Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway. MINUTE MOVIES, THE tV ED VWr4EEUWN -a- OOT LIE? STt?03SLlNG R5Ar4- llCALLY IO 9 . i tCJrV2ALDH 1 - . . . . TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- dry. ToI.171. 18M n Btrooi. .17tf THE NEW SALEM LA ON DRY THE WELDER UAONDRY .1 Talopboao 15. ' 108 aV Higb. TAI1X)R8 S4 D. a. JIO8HEK TAILOR FOR MEN aad weeaea. 474 Coart St. WANTED MlscelLneou9 83 FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP meats. (Jieie-Powers Far ai tare - Oa. - i 5apr20tf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loaa. Wo bato aa Tarsi appllea tious oa band. Hawkins A Huberts. nc 'it6 Hregoa Bltlg S5dl4tf MATTREH8ES cMS wATTRKcMKH Kit NOVATED BY THK Capital City Boddtag Co, 1190 North Uapitof Called for aad delivered. All work raaraatead. Tal. t9. flVtl FOR SALE 87 REOISTEKKD BOPTON BULL PUP C. K. Andreasun, Rt. 9, Box 151. 37altf THOKOUOHBKI-Ji LiEKMAN POL1CK doga. Rt. 3. Box 144 A. 37alJ LA ROE ROLL TOP OAK DESK AND and swivel chair. Phono 2386J. 37alG SPECIAL LOW PRICKS ON NEW CROP honey. Phone 8P5. H. M. Mead. Salam. S7o8 HLACK DIRT FOR SALS IN EITHER Nortk or- South Salem. Roaaoaablo. Tel. 72F1. ' 87dlltf VETERINARIAN 89s FRED W. LANQE, VETERINARIAN Office 529 8. CoauaoreUL TaL 1198. Rea. ToL i860. . . . AS9m28tf WOOD SAWING 43 WOOD SAWING. PHONE 1677. 1610 North CommoreiaL . 42Jlyl5tf WOOD FOR HALE 43 ALL KINDS OF WOOD AND THE beet in tba city 1 at Tracey'a ' T'uel Yard. TaL 2313. Prices raasonabla. 43a2tf GOOD DRY WOOD-1 FOB AYOO-D.f A La riser. Tel. 930.' ' 48prl6tf 16 INCH OLD FIR SECOND' GROWTH oak aad ask. TaL TSF2. M. D. May field. 48fl8tf OLD 'IR. SECOND GROWTH AND OLD fi rtimbs. Call 1990. C. U. Harbangh, 1038 Highland Ave. . 4a30 GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. U1LLMAN FUEL OO. TELEPHONE 1855. 48aSOtf BEST GRADE OF WOOD Dry wood. 4 ft. and 16-inch. Large loads ara cheaper to bay. Mill wood la our apocialty. Prompt delivery and reaaonaoia price. FRED E. WELLS tap H. Church. ToL 1541. 43d9tf MEDICAL FOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Tel. 517-W. POULTRY AND EGOS 45 FOR SALE BARBED ROCK FLOCK over 200. Inquire C. A. Vitbert. Phono 2112 or 129m. 45al2 BABY CHICKS. 8TILL HATCHING. Phone 82F11. Leo's Hatchery. 45jV0tf PRYKKS PUR SUNDAY DINNER Weight 1 Iba. Phona 32F31. Lea's Hatchery. 45j!y30tl MUSIC STORES 40 GEO. O. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- g raphe, sewing mschinoa, sheet nrusie aad piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machine. 432 State street. Salem. NEW8PAPEP.S 47 THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM SALEM Agency. Tho Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your borne oarly each morning. ?Tel. 23 or 589. PAPERHANGING ftO PHONE GLENN A DAM 8 FOR HOUSE decorating, paperhaaging, tinting, ate - Reliable vorimtn. PAINTING 00a CHAS. BENNETT. PAINTING CON tractor, paintinr. napor " banging. 2283-J. 87 Wast Miller. MISCELLANEOUS 51 A REAL HOME FOR HOMELESS KEN with borne cooked meala. 219 Court St. " , ' 51aag3i FOR 8ALKM SCAVENGER CALL 167. 61fl0-'2M BUY USED MEN'S CIXJJHLNG. JEWEL . ry, Guna, Tools, Bicycles, tc. 8tai Exchange, 824 N. CoarM. ToL 56. OUR CUSTOMERS ARErtOUR BEST . boosters beeanao whea'fwo do youi 4weldna. 'tin done. not yoa. Electric $knd acetylene welding. largo and amalL O. D. Oppea, 695 Mill SL Tal. 872 and 2086-J. SlmayOti FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents a bundle. Statesman orriea, zu Booth Commercial. , - Sljvu STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING 8TOVES FOR .8 ALE REBUILT AND repaired by expert. All kiada of wovea wire feara. Fancy and plain. Hop baaketa and hooks, logan hooks. Salem Penee and Stove Works. 250 Co'iri Street. 61jly27tf PIIKNITDRK UPHOL8TERTNO AND RE pairing. Uiesa Powers Furoitnro Store. 51a20tf I NEED MONEY A.N I FOR A LIMITED .time will mare a crif ice price an f or 10 1 acre of elose-in. animproved view property. Address Box 37, Can Statesman. 5112 r-ri. .e tTkvTa A iawnooN ce kw- . ? jj ' COSWS VMS. 'fil-fvft? -ruts, CXPMMS fcfcV I i itir -ruis TIMX . Il 4 r-iu'tw sua u . - . Vf tsMiisMiy ayits. c.v vCCm vTC 1 u.. vi ,sc-r. eJ KJC- ... V TyV w V if sae- wi r t r-nrv sor you now , vou EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Maaa taaor. l-aaa orders Will's blttia AUra. PRINTING r I AO FOR STATION ERT. OAKOa. PAMPH ' lata, prutfraaa, books or aay kiod at priatlng. call at tbo Stateamaa PTlaa ' mg Dcpartmoat. 115 8. Cnmuareial Tel. 583. ' MONEY TO LOAN PR1V 4TE MONEY TO LOAN $.rO0. 80O . ,1000 . $ 120rt 615O0 . $2ftOO 930AO..94(iOO gtilHH). 84-K.XLlSK Y a SON REAL ESTATE LOWS INSURANCE 1st Nat'!. Bank Hldg. 57allU C1T AND PARM LOANS AT LOWEST rates. ttest terms obtainable. Oar Insurance Oepartnaent of (era yoa o part advUo aad service la all liaea . HAWKINS a ROBERTS (lac.) ToL 1427, 205 Orogoa Bldg. - 6711011 P. H. BELL. 119 U. 8. BANK BLIK. Rcaidenee and buainass loans. TeL. 607 or 1141-W. 6?apr7tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND oa city property- B. 8. Martia a L. R. Martin, attorney. 418 Orogoa Building. TaL 2084. - S7ml0tf FEDERAL FARM LOAN 6V. P. L. wood. S4l state SL 57m7tf WANTED. LOANS 50 WANTED Private money to loaa oa REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. 14 8. Liberty St 6902Art PLUMBING OO PLUMBbMO AND REPAIRING REA aoaabla . Estimatea. A. L. Godfrer. 127 Oaioa St. ToL 495-W. 6011611 PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Broa 144 S. Liberty. TeL 550. ltf BUS. .OPPORTUNITIES 81 PAYING BUSINESS 4 For Sale Or , Trade Confectionery and lunch parlors. Stock, fixtures. ' 'Lease, a real money maker, see my agents. Loaia Bechtal J. 1J. Star. 341 State St. Room 2. 61alltf AM SICK MUST. SELL MY CONFEC '' tioaery. Address Box 76, Statesman. - 'Clais FOR SALE LEASE ON SERVICE 6TA tion store, hunch counter. Columbia river highway, 30 miles oast of Tha Dalles. Good basinets. Box 114, Rufus. Oregon. 61al2 RADIO Radiolas For every nurpoaa. for every pan All atandard sixes of Kadio Tabea HALIK a EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 835 Court SL Tal. 488. 6aorl7tf REAL ESTATE OS FOR SALE OK TRADE MODERN 8 room house, garage, large kit, fruit garden, will trade for smaller plaeo closer in. Tel. 132W or call at J04I S. 13th St. 8Ual FURNISH ED AND UNFURNISHED houses for rent. Santa Monica and Long Beach, Calif., property to e change for Salrm. Suburban tracta for sale or exchange. Dairy ranch for sale, also one towards coast to exchange fur vaHey. Service station (or .sale, which wil! pay for itself. Several good lots for sale. Bargains 'in houses both' new snd used. BARBER AND BOXD 2O0 Gray Bldg. 125 N. Liberty f.3s!2tf 6 ROOOM MODERN BUNGALOW. FUK- nacf, fireplace, full basement, " gsrage. large lot. paved street and well located Price $3150 -HALEM: REALTY CO.. 40 State--St. 63al-tf CHANCE IN A LIFETIME To get a real hone completely fur nished. idea! loi-n turn. Payment down, balance time. Price only for a few days. 83700. See Lonis Bechtel J. D. Sears. 341 State St. 63alltf ; ; " TWO ACRE SNAP . Close in on paved road, good house. 5 rooms. 82500. with terms. Real snap, worth 93500. See Louis Beehtel J. D. Scars. 341 State St. 63a 11 if VERY CLOSE . IN . to business center, house. 8 . rooms" 45oO. Trade Equity for tin 11 hotiae. or acreage, owner oat of city. Se Loaia Beehtel J. D. Sears. 341 State St. ' 3allW NEW MODERN SUBURBAN HOME, south, city limits just being completed, well bnflt, ,: . pbpdi4 view. Vl acre land. Reasonable easy terms. Old agd atloy aicknes. forces me to sell or trpde fy 21 acres ranch -far city property at. a sacrifice, both Brie and location. . See my agent Lane Morley. 4J3 Firat NaA'.lBank Bldg. Tel. 757 : t r ' - - :iV ' v. . . 3alltf !' JXKJK :Why pay rent!. We can sell. yon a I - room house and garage on a rood Aurner lot -for 6I60O with 9109 dowa. Or a 5 roprn. plastered Cottage ,1. block (ram school with $50 down, balance like rent. '." ' 8 acres with email buildings 3 miles South for 81500. .'., . We have a god little 4 room bouse far, 81200. i..-., : 5 room bouse with a large corner lot 8200. Will take car a first payment 8 acre with 3 room house, fruit and berries, $1500. 8 acres with S ' room house, small creek. East of Salem. 91600. SEE Thomaaon with LEO X. CItll.DS CO.. Realtors 520 State St. Phone 17?? 3alltf SPECIAL 85MOO Rednced From 96500. Owner away and offera hi fine Eng lish home at a ha'Tain. This is one of the most attractive homes in Salem. Has 1 large living room, dining room, k t'-hen, 1100k, bedrpom and bath down stair and 2 large bedroom upstairs. Carage, cement driveway, ia fact every thing to complete a modern home. . lt n show win. .hi. LEO X. CHILDS CO, Realtor S20 State St Phone 1727 C3alltf T 1 NOV 3UATD-lHtS MJ0MAN a jffi viniastsl "CUtT TNP a. r N0UJ yAHtcS 'l "XJ4E i c.i mi ra lwj law aaV , FEET"- . &2d-13rT- ,.i H FOR R4I.F.. - - 5 acrp ; tract C 1 rnilo , East f Falr gruuod. aB Silvartan Road. 5 room hoase, well water, good , barn. . B4SOO. Mate tne aa offer and Beeo, what hap pa ; - - - , f ., .... . j 38 arr ranch S mile East of Salem 7irooia aoaso, lights, spring. 2 walla, aback and machinery. atO.ooO OouA tarn, i See ; i A. F. HOMYER Phone 217 . 147 X. Com'L ! 63al3 j COME TALK IT OVER , Want 10 bay a hornet Come and ace n. : We nave them at values from gsmio lu .m,iiO. On many offerings we ran. accept down payment of a lew hum) red ami the balance raa be a iu iik rent. Ton raa select n pretty cottage, a modern bungalow Wiia. all the liuiltina big comfort iiome with nut 01 Muir, or siitturl.aa ar-ge. Von will never buy at lower prii-cs than now. Why delay '. .ks, uh I a.lay to show yon son. ; U. S. Realty Co. '42 Mtate. llione 206O. 68al2tf 6 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. FUR- Baca, fireplaea, full basement, garage, large lot. paved street and wall located. SAI.KM REALTY CO. 402 State St. 3allt' MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Neat 3 room house ia North Salem. Lot 50x70 feet. Paved street, cement sidewalk, garage. Prico only 91300. Will sacrifice for SEE LEO N. CH1LDH CO.. Realtor 320 State Street. Phone I7C7 S3atltf KXCr ON AL CHEAP HOME BUYS i - - 1 room, basement, 2 bed rooms, 82- I town 9250. , ... r - Jicept no basement 82150 f .1. ,.nx, basoment, corner, pave , !, in-' 4X.4iJO. Down 8300. 4v rooms, basement, fireplace, .'paveu 99 too. Down 8500. Five rooms, corner, ah ad a, basement, furnace, fireplace, pavement 92650. Dowat 4B00. j A good car and soma cash accepted OB mofce of these. Why pay rantf See these TRXAWGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street. Ground Floor. "HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMES" - 63alltf PACIFIC HIGHWAY CORNER CIT- able for filling station or other busi , am. Consider ear as part. TRI ANGLE REALTY, 421 Court StreeL ; , eaputf DAIRY, 18J5 ACRES. ALL CULTIVAT od, bouse, barn; adjoiaing city .limits; Monmouth Normal school town ; 95800; 92000 eaab, balance term. ,1 822 acres, fine dairy or sheop farm, 170 acres in cultivation ; good feneea, house, barn: 940 per sera; 98000 caah, bal ance lone time; located 6 milea of Mon mouth. Juy Dealing, M on month. 63Augl2 GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST Wa have over 8000 propertio listed for oxehaaga. Every kind of property, ovary priee, overy location. Wo can match yWr exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade yoor pro party TODAY, coma ia TODAY. See GASKILL a EARLE, Realtors. 166 8. Liberty. TeL 2241. .- SSjlyStf ROOMING HOUF.E GOOD INCOME 11 rooms. 12 beds, mattresses and all bedding 6 large , rugs. 10 small one ; all furniture tor bouse Including piano. radio, electric washer and mangle. Good . condition and good location. iKeta av eratT' of 9175 per month. A paying investment. Prico 91800." Sea O. K. 4e Witt with WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 75 8. High St. 63jly27tf STORS AND PILLING STATION AND modern residence all for 97100. Big n, buy in a furnished apt. house within atones ,' throw of business property. 820JOOO. Gertrude J. M. Page. 49i N. Cottage SL . 63a2tf E HOMELIKE PLACE PLASTERED ouae. baaManant-1 '9 iranlaM hath . sun. f 4iful' "shade, ant' and cherry ' treea; - 8 Big K . rosea, and shrubs, garage, poultry hooae, berries aad garden; Bear cr c. Only 83,900. Same with tw lota. 94.5O0. Some terma. Owner 64S) Rural Avenue. 64-t-ti MKV) rUH ROOMS AND URBAKFAaVl nook," fall baaemeat, "furnace, fireplaea. exeoileat plumbing, wired for eleetrir range, oak floor ia living room. Lots af built iaa garage, concrete drHeway. ealka. gravelled street, well located In rth Hal em near Highland aclsnnl Owner will , sell oa easy terms. Tel 2588-R. - 3jly7tf FOR SALE A' VERY BEAUTIFUL acre tract, less than 1H mi lea from State aad Commercial St. Excellent view, city water already installed Many tlM salMDti, lira, maples, etc. Good aoil, road to property. Price 9050. wrtf easy terma il desired. ' Phone owner. 2402 W 63a20 - It room modern house. N. Liberty. l-liOO, some terms. : 6 room house and 2. lota in Forest Grove. 92500 for Salem property. Acre tract and 4 room bungalow. h. Salem. '92500, want larger bouse. i 80 A. Polk .Co. farm. 65 A. In Cult. , Bldga. well creek, timber, stock aad machinery. 910.500. goo I $ term, ' -) 145 A. stock j -ranch.. near Aewni. snap. $8000, tajk residonte tor part.. : rerrine as.ataratera. 21 ray BWif - 63a 9tf OWN A HOME, 292 ACRES PftONEB. grain, pasture and timber. ' Good 'i prorement. Smalt payment- and" eery : tanaa, C." M. Smith, alar ion. Ora. t ., S8 J FOR RENT. -. " ,; 2 -room furnished apartment $25. : a-rooin furnished apartment 920 - 3-room furnished apartment 830. . I LRICH AND ROBERTS. Realtors 129 N. Com'l. St Phone 1854. '"I ' . - . 63a: tl TWO ' BLOCKS FROM WIHAMETTE , ' UNIVERSITY GROUNDS i'5 roams and bath. Well arranged, enraged Pa vemenL Price 83100. thtM down. ; ROCOLOFSKY a SON. 804, 1st Nat!. Bank Bldg i 63a9tf A iWORLfl WAR VETERAN SHOULD pureha tht 5 room, partly furnished South Salem ' home. Bonn liaa al ready provided. Price 84.AOO.OO. i - A. O: BOH R S T E I T Realtor" - tioeam laanraace t 47 N. Com'l. fit, Ralem Ore. -; .t;-i: "V " 3a7tl H . 'Tent : . i y -- v 5t V i ' . i Jw- I tHAT.? ALL - aW. - aawa.ii ny-t-, rA VJCICCUVC .VVWArw - ! ' " ""Sfc aa.wa i.aiUAkt I . . - 4 9. 500 down. Lain oca . monthly.. New S . room bungalow, basement, furnace, - hardwood- floor, paved a tree L garage all for 63SOO. 9 1 0O dowa. 930 per month. Including !n f toroat. for 5 room cottagw, be " ; ment. laraaeo, garage and paved I street, rlosa to School aad baa line. 9 400 down.- balance monthly, for a 6 room fur a 1 shed bungalow oa bus line. 92800. . 9 500 dowa. balance 'to anit, for a 4 " 1 e room atodora bungalow, lino I or, tion. Prico 940UO 8 50 dowa and 950 per month for pew '-, anodera 4 room bungalow. Price 9.12AO. 9 5O0 down, balance monthly for beautiful new English typo homo. 1 5 rooms and nook, large bed rooms : and large living room, oast front i Pr-eo 8450U . 9 750 dowa and ."0.00 per mo., includ I in- interest for atodWa 7 room : bungalow, fine location, paved rot ner. Price 85750. 9 50 down, balance 820 monthly includ ing interest. New bungalow. 3 ' rooms and nook, plastered, bath ; basement. Prico gl&iiu Monthly payment lau. Furniahad boas for rent. MELV1N JOHNSON. 320 U. S. Bank Bldg.. Phone 637. B3alotf FOR 1 SALE VERT CLOSE IN RESI danco lot with fine shade trees, mast ba - aald at once. So:olofsky 80a Phono 970. Caal2 HARDWARE AND FTJNITCRC STORE IN COOD VALLEY TOWN Good 2 story concrete building, com pletely stocked and equipped. Stock will invoice about 915,000. Will ll or trad. 8OCOLOF8KT a SON lkt -Nat l. Bank B g. 03al0tf FINK CHICKEN RAWCH 2 acrea aet to folbers and atraw berries. Also has contract on 3ft act adjoining. Best of dark soil. Six room plastered house, brooder house aad garage.. Good 'well and pressure system. 7 electric incubators. 3a00 capacity. - Close to Salem. Price 85800 92800 down SOCOLOFSKY U SON ' 1st Nat' I. Bank Bldg. 63al0tf FOR i SALE SMALL HOUSE. GOOD 1- lot North of Salem S90A. Foar room bungalow With basement. 82750. - $4 acres, 2ft clear,, balance timber, good road. 83250 1 1 acrea bearing orchard, prunes walnut, cherries. four room house, .' bafn and cooler. 83'!50 Strictly modern aix room new house near the Capitol building. 86800. 40 acrea river bottom land. 13 acrea hop, take part city property. 20 aeras creak bottom land, fine buildings with lights and water ara tern, want home in Sslem. F. L. Wood. G, i F. Peed. 841 Stato St. 63al0tf I WILL SELL YOU A NEW HOUSE and oae half acre of fine land for 9 100 down and 930 a month including in terest. ; The house contain four rooms aad breakfaet nook, ia double construc ted, well built tbrougout. plenty of builtina and beautifully finished. It ia aerved with city water.- electric light and telephone, fully plumbed and lighting fixturea. It ia located juat at 'the city limit, north Salam' a fast eat growing aeetion. ba one-half acre of fine garden land which will almoat produce the living for the family, with no city taxes. Whs you now pay for rent will pay for thia beautiful home, the best savinga account yoa ever tried, and cost yoa nothing. I am building these bouses eontiuuously aad telling them aa rapidly aa completed. I am completing four ready for occupancy. See mo about them at once. Carle Abrama. 1465 Ohemeketa St, Phone 1894J. 63al6 REAL ESTATE TRADE 03 i I TO EXCHANGK fi room bouse and corner lot on State Street for unimproved land near Salem . A good borne in. Corvalli renting for 835.00 per month. Will exchange for Salem property or acreage. 2 .acre with rood bouse close hi -on paved road. Price 826O0. Will sea change for- 'house in Salem of ssrne Value T' .lesa.-., , , ; - SEE Thomason with ---LEO "X. CHII.DS CO., Realtors 320 State St. Phone 1727 .1 . 65al2tf - REAL ESTATE Farm 07 SPECIAL REDUCTION -Owner Biast leave aad redueea hl 15 acre ; farm.' 'located 4 milea from I'nirt HmiM. from 96500 to - 95750. Has good 6 room plastered house, good barn, chicken house 20x40 ft, 6 aerea of . yonag cherry trees, some pasture land, few berries, good well. If- you want to inveat ia a real farm. see this -eae. - LEO N. CHILDS.CO, Realtors - 320 State St. " Phone 1727 1 67ai'.'t REAL RSTATF Su bur fuin AO NEW HOUSE JTJST COMPLETED FOR . sale on terma like rent, double eon , ttroetioa. tally plumbed, electric, fix tnree, etc, 4 rooms and breakfaa aook, garage, etc. One half aere e fiaeat gardea land. Priee 99100, Carb Abrama, 1465 CfcamekeU t. Tot , 1894-J. " -k 6112t TRANSFER HAULING 70 WE MOVE, BTOKE AJD SHIP HOUSE bold gooaa. Oar specialty is piano aad furniture moving. Wa alao make eoaa- try tripe, i We handle tka beat coal aad j'. weed.- Call oa aa for- prieea. We give " good ' meatura. good quality aad gooe ' aarviee. darmor Transfer Co. TaL a0 rRANHPEK'4vr HACLINO OF ALI - kiada. TaL 2F2. SALEM TRANSFER a FUEL CO. . Local aad long distance hauling Storage aad fuel 899 8. High. TeL 629. 70a30 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 12' State SL TaL 938. Distributing, foi warding aad atorage ear specialty. Oe oar ratea. WANTED Real Estate) 71 v WANTED TO tJus MODERN HOME EQUITY of ahani 92000, will consider location, condition of the property, and tho improvement. Don't answer unless yoa have an e reliant 'o'pportHnily, Give full descrip tion in first letter. - Address Box Oft. Car. Statesman. ' 7lal0tf - . . . Wt :-t awT -.T.. 'tl T!EV-i O f ' ticrcw .RIGHT - fl. lwaa 8 a aaT WELL, I JUST -2VW ID m BaFl 1 i ,"TU1S MAN SO'S U VJDULP DONE HER X UONT RELIEVE IN TIHX NOW :ND OREGON WASH. WATER SERVICE r- Uffiea 804 Sooth Coataiarclal Bt. : tm par coat diaeenat aa doaaaatU flat' rata paid ia advaaeo. Ma dodeetioa far aa- aence or aay eaaao aaloaa water la abet oft your preoaieea. -.J. TRAVEL 78 . T-K-A-V-K-t. t Bafaly. SwifUy aad Obmrartably la bases of : tba Parker Stage Lieaa. aVT A O E H I. K A V E F4fc -p. Bilvartoa 7 a. m II a. aa, & p. m. ML A a gel It a. a. 6 p. am. , Dallaa r7 a. m, 9 a. m, 1:25 p. aa. Falla City 7 a. m 1:10 p. aav, 6:19 ladapaadaaeo 7 a. as.. 9 a. at, lt:19 a- aa, 8:10 p. m, 6:15 p. as. 8aa- day only 8:89 p. ax. Monasotiib 7 a at, 11:15 a sH 9:10 p. aa, 6:15 p. m. feunday only 7:10 p. aa, 8:30 p. a. McMlaaville 8:30 a. aa," 1:10 p. aw 5:t& p. aa. -,- .- .- Nowberg 9:30 a.- as, 9:10 , p. as, 6:19 p. at, . - ; THlaaiBok 8:80 a. at, 1:10 p. ax. Call 221 ar 699 far iafanaatioa. asstf AUTOS WANTED 77 CASH PAID FOR FORDS EIKXR AUTO ' -. 77mlltf USED CARS FOR SALE 78 Marlon's Certified r Used Cars Ford Con pa, 1929 Model, aew paint. Valnea ground. Bearing takoa up, Manv axtraa. Overland. 4-door Sedan. 1922 atodal. aew" paint, valves ground, beannga taken up.- A real. buy. 8tudebaker - Special Six Touring, 1923 modal, good paint., 75 per cent tares, . motor O-K. Many axtraa, Ona of tbeeo car that yoa doa't have to raa tat tbo shop overy weak. - Bnick Standard Six , Coupe, 1925 modal, paint aa good aa new, heater. two bumpers, spot light, rear . giai swipe, snubbera, froat and roar tire. 95 per cent new. A real buy for any one. Star Touring, 1925 model, finiih good, tirea almost aew. Many axtraa. cheap. - Chevrolet Touring. 1923 model, look good and run good. . 1 Marion Auto Co. Stodebakor and Erskino 8ix Dealer 'for Balam and Marion County. Ask for R. L. Gibbins Used Car Dept. 886 South Com' I SL Telephoaa 802. U8ED CAR LOT. lEXT TO TIRE STATION ON CHEMEKFTA LOT PHONE 2117. 79jly29tf 1922 PAIOE-SKDAN. 1925 . OLDSMO Lile Coach. 1923 Ford Touring. 1920 WSlys Knight Tdnrfng. 1926 Hnds.n Coach." Oardiner 8 ' in J.ine Dealers. Come in and take a ride: Barrett Brother 2043 N. Capitol. 70s 14 Valley Motor Company USED CAR SPECIALS CIXAV UP OK OUR USES rORSS VAXZsET M0T0B CO. Touring eara with atartera. 957 ta 88O. . 1926 Fard Coupe, new lacquer aad aaaobanicaljy , guaranteed., 9435. 1925 Steel Panel delivery with start er,; 9350, .1 . - i, - i",i, . -jfi-. , - 1924 Overland. Tearing, ated eerf lit-tie.-9259. i 1924 Ford vCoope- a -np at 9285 i ' 4 ?. ' - 1924 'Tract "orhaole5l."reailnted. good paenaatleHtres; 9CB0..4. . . , Other Omaha IMn 4 ' rofd 'Chaasla Virt at wifb itarter. .950 aad a. A92f AppetfOttji. v i - .t ; 4 T -1 lata alaa , . t'aaval aa-M-8 Urn IA) " v. ' r t-i -p ." - Valley Motor Compiani Salem; Oregon T9jly21t. - J SPECIAL "VALUE""' " ' 1926 Chrysler .' " Priced for quick. sale. , . KfRKWOOTT MOTOR CO. Buyinr and Selliag Used Care 311 X. Commercial. , 79al2 1 Buick Sedan 1 j, . . ... - -' . . . . . . . .Late nvadeJ. -5 -passenger. m'lsk just 'like new, upholstery in splendid con dition, mechanically fine. . -Bee- thia . offering, at once- ,-. -Better ' ' Automobile Values i 1925 i Cadillae -Sedan,' S "passenger, fine condition. Model-61. . i Dodge Sipasa.; enclosure, latc aiodel. .... 1925 1929 1920 1923 1925 Overland Coupe. .. Huppmohile Coupe.. , Eex 'Coach;-' --1 - , Bnick: Touring, fine shape. Ofdtmobiia Coniu . . 1926 'Nash Tearing. Late model. 1926 Ferdi Coupe, good bay . ; .Ford Toaring,. Ford Coupes, (Two) 1924 192 V ,'J v ; ? v..; - These -oxc.banged automobile are ax ceptionallr 'attractive and win be aoW quickly. Pcieea-are exeeodingly aHrar tive also. ,See.tbfn t,odsy, - F. WI Pettyjohn Co. S5- North tmnterrial St. Phone IS60 'AFTER WE SELL WE 8ERVE. - I! JOalOtf - I va iK-T.O fr sJ'r- ixl - "TViiaT i SXs ; ' 1 J . rli i pict t il iz , at i CAUGHT WtK V OPAly 1RAFt!ZE bcEAK AJJllH, &EVEH6S - I THINK? WAS Tvf j ": - CAUSE OF Alt III ,irV mm roup ifcouau rev -r-Viv,ifcui t w PACX9RD 1 OLDSVIOBIL . f i of the Best 19? Peatiae caach (like aew) 970 1V27 Cherrolel Koaestar j (fatly . equtpp!) t2i 1930 Chevrolet Coope . (for qtk . aaie J ,..-9550 : n Oaklaad - Coupe - (4 peas, - a , real eay , r ; .:: 900 Stndebaker Tearing (aew paint " - -goo rubber) ....922!. - Ford Coupe (aew paint aad rub- 5. aerv. taJ,. ,",;,.;,..r..ut" Repablie Track (pace.. Urea. Starter) .. . L.-920O Ford Toariaga (with aad with esf'-" atartera) T 950 ta 975 Capitol Motors. Inc. Biddy Bishop 350 North High Street Two of the Best PACKARD OLDSMOB11.K . 7jlj2ltt Good Used Cars 19C6 Chevrolet Coupe, extrae-9 550. 1926 Chevrolet Coach . CCO. 1922 Ford Coupe - : . 125. 1921 Chevrolet Touriag - 75. Newton Chevrolet Co. Oppeaite ' the City Hall T9a6tf MARM0X CHANDLER Biggest Used Car Sale of the Season r ALL USED CARS MOST BE SOLD " , MANY HAVE NEW PAINT AND - RUBBER ' ALSO HAVE BEEN RECONDITIONED . ALL MUST GO MARMON COUPE " " 4 MARMON SEDAN1 1 . v'" WILLYS KNIGHT. COUPE SEDAN, HUDSON SEDAN WILLY-KN K HT HPT TODRINO ! HUDSON SPEEDSTER" DODGE ROADSTER .1: STAR ROADSTER , :! , , CHEVROLET COUPE ' " CHEVROLET 8EDAN CHEVROLET TOURINO- -- STAR, FORD AND OVERLAND TOCR03 , ALSO 0LDSM0BILE, OVERLAND AND FORD ' . TRUCKS . LIBERAL TERMS . Maclona1d Auto Co. : OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS, COTTAGE a FERRY STS. PHONE 4 . MARMON CHANDLER r . -?. 79a7tf - I ' O- Salem lMarket8' GRAIN No. 1, wheat, white Red, wheat, aacked Oats, per ba. milling - .9 1.22 1.16 - - .48,, . PORK, MTJTTOM AND BRET : Top hoga , , . 11.25 -.- Kowa l . -5HA.07 Top a tear . Oe ?.07H Cow ., 03.OS , 1927 lamb, under CS lb. .10 Va Top lira Teal . .10 Dratted pigJ .15 POULTRT 1 Light peaa .19 . .9 .17 : Heavy bona Spring Rooster U)6.08 EOGS.' BUTTER. BUTTERTAT '-j Standarde .. . f;.:;.. ,1 - j Pound l.- -J. ,l i Bwterfst - t...'- .43 .frB,4n, btittef J4sJLi..i43A Qp .. i I 1 v YliOBTABEBS ."rv , Veerevabtoa,- "beer" aaekrif .Tnvaiiti I aw..Ca '-' ' Onions. d '" iuaVnef ; -Mew cabbage . Kiw potatoes o -o , 1 General Ltarketav PORTLAND, Aug. 11. (A?) Bide t farmer: Milki BttTefat'-e lower. ". s ' ' ' ' " .ai . Raw arilk 4 ) , f 2.2-; cwt f.e.b. Port-.-landr butterfat 41 Vie. f.o.b. Portland. Poultry steady; beeavy ben 21 2.1c: light 12 i 14c; prncs4 8r broilers 18 19c; pekia white ducks 18c: colercd nom inal; tarkeys, alive nominal Onions, local steady 6l.75y92. ' "t i - '.''.. m t "'"- 3.". LIVESTOCK " PORTTAND.'Apgll.,AP-,kttle and " calve steady; receipts 25, cars four. -.? lloga steady: receipt '65 on contract. Sheep and jambs steady ; . reeceipta 310. ' ' ',"-:' --.t'YJAJRT . . PORTLAND. An. 11. (Ar) Dairy Ex- . change. "et-"prlce -- " ' Buttar.extraa)il4a,Uaaderd4 40xc j. F1"4 4aTaU. 4to firta.r7 ise. , . 1 , , hgs. extras 28e. ffrsta' 27e.- pullet. v 'Urrcpt receipt k.Ole.'i ij iil ti Jl-ii in! PORTLAKD,. - Jtas--l.AP--WVva - - htdaa.' RBJt hard white,-. bard white. UrtJ ,. taart. 1.35; bard fod aoft while. 1 weat , . era whiat 1.33; . hard winter, aorthera M,Ji -P1?" -Jf"!": red 1.27. . Oat,lSo. 2, 36 pound W. P. and gra I3.50,V- : Bariey. -Ne)." IV pound B. W. 'IM. ' N. 2. -K. Y. shipment 946. MiUraa, TsUadard. 926. U 'I J 5 "' "- r' ' "' ''"'1 ' HAT PORTLAND, Aug. t l.(AP) flay, ba: . ng price: Eastern Oregon timothy ft." ; ffl 22.50; - ditto ' rallfy' 9l7fa rbe. 114.50: alfalfa. 917.50: oat bay 915 ; tmw 99.50 -per ton.. Selling prices t ' t ta aaorav - - 1 ' CHICAOO ORATJY ' , CHICAGO. sata. Iiaii Pudden ot ilaught f aellinKararwbeimed . buyer i tha grsia' markets .today, . and. pric . 4, inderweat a sharp 'artbeck alter- havit , reached levels yet rhi -neeaoa. ' Reactioi t 1 , were ascribed lar'gly Pa'a rush to- er .refits and to bearish -eft acts of wfaUne-.i . .. ia .the New York- stock maiket. , 1 oc re: - if blaek .-ram dajaas'e together- w-. e - - ikelHroed.'f widespread abaadaoraeivt ', t ,t. ern acres go .-explained .the earlier , print ; .wlgea. ;'.. I -- .-..,-".. '...,,---: -.' Wheat closed unsettled. 1 to 1 3 6c. m ; - ower, -com 2;Vo'-,27-8r off aad aaf - i - - ;tMl l- down. . : - w . ... - ..-- - : it -" f - A TtndfllnR MUlknairH s ; "Wifo"n I arrived" here I bad o? lya doilar-lB,4nj pocket.. Wil : -hjtt nmajl ..rjjnflupt I. made m - sUrt.' -r. . . - j ' " - f Wiat dldl you ' wito the dr ufr,i-i'" 'Vr-'-t-v v -: 3Virea btufle fop money.' 'i'lra ,worktirr"iny way througv - j Toilet-e now; , ; My .-father's.: mnsical .- careerT haa faneiV-V r'Doiif cry. Utile boy. I'll hr y -your ailk atocklnita. And how did .' your Lather fail?' i - ; ,f t ; YTh8i $tncup rusted ont nd f ttien the 'nonkey.'dted.- ' f- ' The land!nt: field for, alrp1anes on top of Chicago's new ' "Post- office ia. all . right enough, but. what Is going to be cedPd ' next. I : year la a goJd. 4 soft-, place ; for spent, presidential .fcooiag to! tight; , t -"-Tj.fllaaapoIl3 Kewa, 9 f nk ,: LI . - f