THE OBEGON STATESMAN; BALEM; OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12,492717 w I j j r 1 1 i XOZEltrA Pit-. " , Rainbow Girls Camp Santaly' F A group ot Rainbow girls left Wednesday morning for Camp Fantaly.' the .YA W. C A. summer camp .near, Metaama, , where they will ' remain - for" -a. wee. . They , were' accompanied by Mrs. David Wright, find -- Mias Lela JohnsonVaa , advisor ,iand Mrs. Willam Blrrtbt-'1is''-ifeki'ibiard. Miaaj Cyatna Delanoj Miss Mar ine Meyers, kod Miss Phyllis Day compose, the .committee charge of the camp. ''-f -K --. . Those in-camp ihe week are? Miss Virginia Slsson Miss Phyllis Dayj" Miss Ulllier'Cupper.. Miss 13 L x -'Misai Maxine Meyers, Mias Eloiae Wright, . MUa ; Eleanor Wright. Miss Helen Molt,, Miss Dorothy EastTidgey Mis jnHa Creech,- Misd Viola Croler t )? MJaa Dorothy. White, MIsa JeanJ Eautrjdge, Miss Margery Webb. MMlm - Margaret Wrath. Miss Grace. Elizabeth Hol man. Miss-Elizabeth Waters, Mjss Rdthida Hoffncll. Miss Mildred Drager, Miss Heir n Ralph, Miss Dorothy Moore, and Miss Ellen Jean Moody. Rennion of Cam field Family lite children and. grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. E. ,L. Camfield gathered" o'n 'Sunday; August 7, at the jcan.Tiefd home'liT West Salem for Jthefr : first 're'nnioh In many years. i; - Tvhose present were Mr. and MrV George Camfield, Roy Cam field, Elsie Ecklund. Mr. and Mrs. if VerbJck. all of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. W. J., Verbick of Eugene, Air. and Mrs. J, E. Phlllpot and their children of Bellingham, Washington. Warner Camfield of f '"X. TniBwatef, . Washington, j Esther yt'am field of San Jose.. California, and Mr. and Mrs. Schedeck of 1 1 Salem. Return from Belknap and Foley Springs Mf.-and Mrs. William E. Moses have returned from . a week-end trip to Belknap and Foley Springs 'and the McKeniie River. . , At Neskowin for Several Days Mrs. E. B. Grabenborst and her daughter, Edna May-Gfabenhorst. are .spending several days in their summer home at Neskowin. Royal Neighbors of ,. " Ahnerica Meet on Wednesday Evening ',The regular meeting ' of the Royal Neighbors of America was held on Wednesday evening in McCornack Hall. ; A social hour followed the busi ness i session with readings given by Sarah Nelson,.Mary Ackerman, and ' Rose Abbott-: Refreshments were served later. in the evening. ' Sarah Peterson, Rose Abbott, Mary Ackerman, Sarah Nelson, r .ljers, of the committtee In charge h and .;. Susie ' Parmenter" 'were me'ta- j . .i 01 me - meeiing. Return from Three Week's ' Vacation Trip Mra.; Carrie Chase and her daughter. Miss Martha Chase, re turned Wednesday, evening after spending the past three' weeks in southern Oregon. VThe first two weeks were, spent at Florence and the;? terHaihing week:' as the guest H.eviPd Mrs.yitay Nash ffiheie surajcierl home, on the Cooa iMver.sJ Will Spend th WeeidM in Sumneroi7t i Cutler City , MC and" Mrs. C. P. Brelthaupt; . their" daughters-, Helen- and Irene Brelthaupt, and their house guest, Ed Sherman of Seattle, Washihg- . ton.vwill leave-tomorrow for Cnt ler City where they wfll spend a week in their summer home, Pine Haven,? on the Sflets Ttop. xtq Soon i f Spcil rWl fire wood f In tpe4y, all-cokch min every Sunday, Tuesday aqd rrldaj. Ride in roomy, all teel coaches. Room to iclax. . and rest. Fre obtervatioa ' lounge and open platform. Low-cose meiwii In diner and lunch cat. ; Train, leave ! A- arriving San Fran Cisco 10JO a. m. Over acenie Cascade Line In daylight. ; Similar service returning from San Francisco every , Monday, Wednesday ana ' ' ; Saturdayi r? - ,- V- , : tVLQ roundtripCoach fare ".r good, for 15 days re- , turning on anv train carrying .Coeches. i ' . - City Ticket Office 184 NoLtbextTelSP&one 80 as 1 BVVCff Recent' Guests from Portland Mr. and Mrs. Prank Quigley and; their grandniere, Marie Axley, of Portland were in Salem for a week recently'- with frfen'ds and relatlTeaviatC; J Ui L . Home from Week's 'Vaca tion at Twin Qocks ; , ' ,i Mrs. J. Willard-De YoW is home after spending a week at; twin Rocks as the guest of Miss Miriam Holder. Paul De Yoe accompanied his mother, to Falls City, where he attended the Epworth League Institute in session, there, . Salem. Group Motor to Pacific City Mrs . G. M. Morehead, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morehead. and ther son, Dan Moorehead, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Kimsey, and Virgil Moorehead . nwstored , -to- Pacific City on Wednesday morning, re maining fon the day. Mr. Kimsey left this morning by way of the McKeneie Pass, for his .home In Bend. Guests in Salem from California .l31rJand Mrs. A. D. Downey and theirf daughter, Margaret Cathe. i- Ine pjowBeyhte .been , house guesfe- recenllyif MrJ- ;and Mrs. Otto J. Wilson;- Mrs. Downey and hMr. Wilson are ' cousins. ;ffhe Downeys are in Portland at ; the present time but will stop again in Salem beiom returning to their home in the southl . Spending the Week at Seaside Dr. and Mrs. F. h. Utter and their children, and Mrs. George L. Forge and her son are at Seaside for the week. Attend Y. M. C. A. Conference at Seaback Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rickli and their small son hate gone to Sea beck, Hood's Canal, Washington, where Mr. Rickli will be in at tendance at the Y. M: C. A. con ference -which Is In session there. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Will Leave Saturday far Yellaiv&tone Park Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wilson and their children, Margaret and Otto, Jr4 are leaving tomorrow for Yel lowstone National Park where they will spend several weeks. Mrs. Bertelson Entertains Junior Giris of Leslie Church Mrs.' John Bertelson entertained the First Year Junior Girls of the Leslie Methodist church with a picnic supper on Fairmount Hill 'last "Friday evening. Those present were Janice Murray, Marguerltte Schrimer, Jean Hewitt; Lena' Kukubu, Mar tha Kreikenbawm, Elvira Terhune, La Vern Keipe, Edith More house, Margaret Wilcox,' Lucile Brown, Clara Belt Burnside. Marl- an Johnson, Betty Wickman, Leona Lelsy, Yvonne Zimmerman, Marjorie. Pruitt, and the hostess, Mrs. Bertelson. West Coast Greater Movie Season FIRST OF THE BIG 4 beaGgeste ft re;Week Starting V :f ridayAugust 19 Oregbnl-Theatre Help Kidneys : By Drinking r MoreiWater Take Salt 'to Flush Kidneys " and Help Neutralize Irri tating Acids . Kidney and bladder irritations often result from acidity; says a noted au thority. The kidneys help filter this acid from the blood and pass it on to the bladder, , where it may remain to irritate and inflame, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the netof'tiTladdr, obliging you to- seek relief two or three tones during the night.-.. The sufferer is in constant .dread ; the water passes sometimes witlva scald--! tng sensaiion ami is very pruiusc; again,' there is difnculrjr ia voidin itf Bladder weakness, most folks call it because" they can't control urination. While it is extremely annoying and sometimes very painful, this is often one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Besrin drinkinjr lots of soft water, also get about fcHunjuficfirot Jad baits from your pharmacist ana take a tablespoonful in a glassof water before breakfast. Continue tWa for two or three days. ThiswiH hetp neutralize the acids- the systenl'so they no longer are a source of irrita tion to the bladder and urinary organs? which then act normal again. - v-- -' ; i Jad Salts is inexpensive and is made from the acid of grapes-ahd lemon fuice, combined with lithia, and is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders : caused by acid irritation. Jad Salts causes no bad effects whatever. . ? 1 ? h-tm..T- Here you have a pleasant, efferves rt .litbii-watcr" drink- r which may ;iijdy relieve your bladder "irtitatianl Social Calendar -o Toda . ... Wisconsin Picnic. : Faurfrrounds picnic dinner served at noon. Saturday Kansai, picnic, .f Fairgrounds. Picnc dianertfrvefl SriSu- 7:30. Mrs. Newcomb Home from Agate Beach Mrs. Beatrice Crawford-New-comb and her little daugter. Joan Newcomb, have returned to their home after spending a fortnight at Agate Beach. Rev. and Mrs. Evans Guests in Salem Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Evans are visiting at the4aome of Mrs. Evans" mother. Mrs. T. WV Evans. Rev. Evans was formerly- pastor of the First Christian church of Salem. Elizabeth McCord of Woodburn Honored Miss Elizabeth McCord, Wood burn, Worthy Advisor of Ever green Assembly Number twelve, order of the Rainbow, was install ed as Grand Sister of Patriotism of the Grand Assembly of Oregon by Mrs.' El ma T. Havemann, Mother Advisor of Evergreen As sembly at the regular meeting of that organiztion held Tuesday evening in Woodburn. Plans were made for the initia tion which will be held, early in September. Touring the ' "H : mOregon Beathes i ' - . . -ri Mr. and Mrs. Linn Purvine ac companied by "the" Misses Grace Childers andlrene "Tindsor oT Spring Valley are' tbtirfa'g the Oregon beaches during th,,week. Their motor trip will take them north. - ' v t ' Guests at Breithaupt Home After spending a month in Cali fornia, Miss Mary Dixon of Waits burg. Washington, and Mrs. Ern est Woodcock of Yakima, Wash ington, are house guests of Mr. and Mrs.. C. F. Breithaupt for a short time before returning to their homes in the north. Dinner Party Compliments House Guest fromMeiv York Mr. and Mrs. John H. McNary entertained with a dinner party on Wednesday" evening compli menting Miss May Morton of New York City who is the house guest of her brottier-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Charles L. McNary. Covers were placed at the table, I When Glasses Are Needed "APPEAL TO O'NEILL New Location. Dr.C.B.ONeiU Fourth Floor First National Bank .BuJldlng Phone tt You Will Find the Kafaury Bros, Credit Plan a Great Convenience in Buying AUGUST Clean-uBlPrices Odds amdEnds Much Less Than Half Price Special Lot Vbiles In this assortment are former values up to 49c and 59c ; figured voiles, flake voiles and silk stripe cottons. 40 inch. Cotton Voile 39c If you are looking for' something nice and yet inex pensive for a dress to finish out he summer, you should look this assortment over. , v ; 136-inch . cretonnes, a special assortrnent to clean OQ up, at yd... , . LtZfC 36-inch cretonnes, suitable for aprons, house : 4 A dresses and drapes. A special lot to clean up, yd frUC Silk draperies for windows, special lot to fJQj r choose, from, yd.. ...:. iuC : Salem Store 466 State St; centered with pink sweet peas and, pink tapers,- f or ' t he honor g ueat Miss Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. McNar ;Mr,vandMrs4 ;W T. Stottz, jMis ,'ina McNary, Miss Mafgaret Stoltz, and ' 'the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. John H. McNary. . - Dinner Guests at Barkus Home Mrs. J. Willard De Yoe and her son, Paul De Yoe, were dinner guests on Wednesday evening of Mr, and Mrs. E. T. Barkus in their home on Saginaw street. Guests in Sulem Enroute to California Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Merrill of Minneapolis. Minnesota. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. ,Kay for a shqrt time recently before continuing to California. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Doney Will Return to the East Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Doney and William Leighton will return on Saturday to the east after spend ing the past two weeks in Salem as the guests of Mr. Doney 's par ents, Dn. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney. Mr. Doney will be a mem ber of the faculty of the Univers ity of West Virginia at Morgan- town during the coming year. Dr. and Mrs. Doney will accom pany their guests as far as Crater Lake. Visiting at Bedford Home Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Leavitt are .visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Bedford in West Salem for a short time before returning 10 iiifir nome in' iienei iowei , Callfori3)i3 ?t(!r., a 'thred months motor trip to.tne east. Return Wednesday from Neskowin Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Doney, and William Leighton, motored to Nes kowin on Monday, returning Wednesday evening. West Coast Greater Movie Season FIRST' OF THE BIG 4 "BEAU GESTE" ne Week Starting Friday, August 19 Oregon Theatre 1 2 v i i mm 1 TT Y7J CAN AND DO Portland Silk Store ; s s 362 Alder St Go to Portland for the Dav -i Mr; ane"MrAA.l Kraukei ? and ord to Portland yesterday for ine aay. RETURN FROM TRIP People Meet Unusual Fam ily in South . Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johnson and daughter have returned re cently from a ten days'' vacation trip to California. They went as far south as Sacramento and came I . 7 l fHtf V vT"r if?'" "i --Tawi" "urn t 1 Five of the Stor ChfMren back, through San Francisco and through the Redwood forest in Qalifornia, and iip, along, the coast highway. While staying at an auto camp in IaytonvilJe. OaliL, they met with quite an interesting familyi Mr. anc id. . n. Stery "and! family. They have seven child ren the oldest being 4 years and 7 months. -and the youngest at that time was two weeks old. The BEAUTIFUL XHE DINING ROQtU " The dining room is one. of v nothirig. lends ;.ln your-nauseITO , ment iiniaken and iliext to tKa i ood t&i'J&lierved, .roomfurniubeilM - Beautiful Qiieen 'Anrie; suite1 in Walnut,M OO C A "8 pieces LLiJ2J.iJlZo.bU- is. the most frequented room, it should have every en yironment, to happy influence. : We are presenting for ' your consideration delightful bed room combinations 2with Drlcea suited to vour taste; and vour 'rjocketbook. . . Wain'at.bed room suite, s vanity,, cniixomer,-uencn vSpecial . r Monarch ; Electric 1 " JL Ranges "-Si".1 ' , ' i -'.'j -vr OUR EASY ages. of the children, are as fol low: Twins "b7Tlfit; namef 1 Jeait'and Jane, soother child the," 22-of June 1924 and one Jane 2T, 1925 these, three eing born - In San Francisco, pal. another be ing born, the 14th ct July 926 at Vancouver, B. C: and a pair of twins, being: born the luth of Jn- till i . ,j" - - -' . -i - -', , J .. i.-'-. . , . 1 ! FREE 'FACIALS THIS WEEEr? "J - ' ' I- - ' ' ., ' , . . i . . 1 COLONIAL Mi's. , Will conduct, .the demonstration of Colonial Dame :au ifusweeij:, at Miller Offering expert advice upon all questions concerning, milady's' complexion Recommending suitable aids for each individual regarding the texture 'of the skin and its susceptibility to treatment, etc. '; '" ', Mrs. Weber will have a complete stock of Colonial Dame products at her command with which 'to 'demonstrate and "she cordially invites- Salem ' women to call at cosmetic section any day this week. - . Beautifier, massage and cleanser combination cream, moist rSugerdry rouge, lipstick, eye brow pencil, astringent. ? FREE These facials will be ment. (Phone' 2397) ioionial Uame beauty k: W III It uroniai uame oeauty aias 10 your enure satisfaction.? . J!U Makes you appreciate your fthe most-important rooms e jenfoVnaent thAnv the dininir beautifully decorated. Bed, r decorated. Bed, H ,C1 CQ,flflv-" nplUO.VU uia mirror. -4'. v.- ' ' ""V V-" PAYMENT PLAN AVii fly ! 92T ,atf Sacra men.10 paj.T- - tinuonsly la u C.hii nwny' Hoadster from one'eectieni of the ! to another. . staying liot, longer than a weec or two at one place. The children "wrre nicely dressed and appeared to have good train ing. A family like this is very rare at the present time. . DAME DEMONSTRATION WEEK AT MILLERS Center Aisle Cosmetic Section Frances Weber s. ' v FACIALS EVERY given every ; day this week preferably - Hy appoint- These facials will rib doubt prove tKe merits' of aids to your entire satisfaction. 7 1 1 114 Lit T 111 The discriminating housewife 6fyj&etf AU.ut.vI& - KfJ jvjupi)) ta..(Mt; ,ju ! chummy . by themselves ? or in; company .1 with other ' pieces. .We are offering you-ias : a special valaeta ); group covered in high grade Moliair; with (fl Alt P A : ' reversible.. cushions, only -.-UvlyMfUU . 1V.' It t 4 -7T . in I i II i r u -".. is -i;- .-.j : tfiKilBRieAiCFiisT ro oil Enameled sets in grey or ivory with beautiful painted decorations are being usedt -We are now T showing several new patterns in finished tables and new styles;?1 : in unfinished .sets if you prefer to finish Of A CA. Vvyour own. Finished sets, new style 01"vU. iy s . Unfinished $135 and ?ia50 V - L HELP, YOU BUY GOOD THINGS , Her husband had no bad habit, , whatever! TIa? 4enJa tjail4i? & evening at- hojne Why .he does:; ' n't eveA belong: to a .eiubrDogf he smoke?' Jnauired-'afrieBd "Only iiirVtjojul jti tfees V! ! cigar after he . has-bad a 'good dltr i nerr but . I don't suppose , he smokes; two' cigars a joonth VI ' ill v if;"" i r .. . , ia i "v ! r . . - - - ' ' beauty raid 'products t DAY M 0f ?v;i f ' ;":':; VI .IWViU -.-'Ss . V ,. " t J Ref H jeraticn ; . ; S .J s'i 4 p., I, t .- . I t .'.i ' 1. !- t il. -"t f- 'I? . - . i i ' i "; ;.-. A '' : it r r ji -