rms oaKGON statesman; salem. obegon THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST ,11. ,1027 '9srti I .Miss H'esf Complimented' Wh Shower 7 ; ; -; v Complimenting " Miss Mildred West. bride-elect, Mrs. C - Smth entertained Monday evening ,in ner home on Falrylew A venae , jwjth a 'miscellaneous ahewery, i -The evening was spent with" garoes. Refreshments .were served at a .late hour by the hostess. as sisted by Mrs. Lloyd : Stiff ler. I T In the group were, .the ; honor ; jjEest Miss . W.est, . Mrs. , Edgar i Rowland, Mrs. J. Hi West, .Mrs. Harold White. Mrs' B. D. Faseh- Tng, Mrs. Llnls Simpson, Mra.Wll-1 Jard .White. Miss Claudine West, -Mrs. Gladys -;Titus,; Miss Marvell "Edwards., Miss Helen ;,Meyer. Miss Xeone Ferguson, Miss VeletaJt)h mart. Miss Grace- Marshall, Aiiss ,,Clara Huffman,- Miss Nlnaiflar- shall. Mrs. Lloyd Stif f lerfed the .'fcostess, Mrs. Smith. . The wedding of Miss West and Parker Branin of , Pendleton will be. an event of August 26. Shoiver Compliments Pppular Bride-elect ' Miss, Pretta Varley entertained -on JMonday .evening .in ,the yarley home on Fairmount Avenue with Tjan, attractive shower compliment ing Miss Mary Peck ;whose '-marrl-1 age to , Airred uooie .01 .iiiaaie, Oregon w,lll take place in Septem- 5e"r ; . " , ;" ,ri'tA mock wedding was a feature or the evening. At a late holar , " Jtefreshmehts were served by the Jl'T'he' guest group included, -Miss 'Peek; the honor guest," Mrs. York, lrs, Faught, Miss Lora Jorgenson. -M,is3 Ellen Anderson. Miss Mary -.filler. Miss Marie. Tremley, Miss ' Tfielma Jory, Mrs. Robert "Victor, ,5Ms8 TMma.Bartoz, Miss Bertina Chlttlck, Mrs. Oryllle Epperson, fiss Daisy Hay den, Mrs. Ritchie, .M,ias Ethel .Thompson, Mrs. - Ell- etrom, Mrs. Haynes, Mrs. Gousner, ' .Miss Roberta Varley, Mrs. R." H. .Varley, and the hostess. Miss LorV ' etta Varley. " -, -: : !- 'Salem Group at Newport v Mrs. William Esch, Mrs. Wilbur .' IJaily, Mrs. Kenneth Belt; and her -daughter, Barbara Bell, will re turn .' Saturday ' from ; Newport" -where thejr,bave been for. the .past '-week...-' s4 v:v i.'1'. t - ' ' ' " . - Mrs, Hayes Returns to . v "Home in the South . . Mrs.' Jay Arnold Hayes, who has tbeen a guest of her parents, Mr. . and Mrs. C. JH.: Evans, tpr. the past .month, has returned "sto her home in San Francisco. T Mrs. Schucking Entertains With Attractive Luncheon Complimenting her ( house guests,' the Miss Dorothy and Mar garet" Goodfellow of Longview, Washington, ' Mrs. r B. O. Schuck ing entertained yesterday with an attractive luncheon in her home on Chemeketa Streel. : : Covers were placed at the lun cheon table wjth-its centerpiece of yellow gladioli, for the honor guests. Miss Dorothy Goodfellow and Miss Margaret L Goodfellow, Miss' Margaret Poor man and Mips Elizabeth McCord of Woodburn,' Miss Dorothy Livealey, and Miss Katherine Gouiey. Bridge was the diversion of the afternoon. Royal Neighbors Sewing Society Entertained on Tuesday Members of the Royal Neigh bors Sewing Society met on Tues day for an all day meeting at the home of Mrs, Rertha Jjoveland. Each members answered the roll call with a guotation. A pot luck dinner was served at noon. The afternoon was spent on the lawn lot theLoveland home sewing for the bazaar which will lield arly In, October, y eadtngs wre! given by Eldon anDrirothy McCulley. Lakes' Aid of W. R. C. Will MeThis A fternoon CTtfe' Ladies' Aid of the Woman's Rel1ef Corps will meet this after noon at the home of Mrs. J. A. Remington, 2 0 7 0 .Chemeketa Street. Mrs. Remington's home may be reached by means of the Chemeketa bus, getting off at Twenty-second and Chemeketa Btreets. Miss Case Touring Abroad . Salem friends of Miss Flora Case, whp formerly was librarian of the Salem Public Library but Is now making her home in La Porte, Indiana, will be Interested to know that she .is. touring in Europe at the present time. Mias.Case will be abroad months. for the next three Visiting in Astoria and Gearheart Mr. A. N. Moores, who with Mrs. Moores has been visiting for the 'oast two weeks in Astoria and Gearheart. has. returned to his home in Salem. Mrs. Moores will remain for ten days as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Kin ney, in Astoria. I S ' -I . NEW FALL FASHIONS ARE AL READY IN, THE STORE FOR - Y6UR SELECTION ; -The smart women are choosing their fall apparel at Wilson's j Fashion- Shop, . because they know that the styles are the newest the quality the ' best and the workmanship superior. . ? : Individual Styles f $16.00 and up Wilson 's ly ' .Fashion Shop Style and quality without extravagance. State St. ' - : ' ' O' - OneJDoor;East below Hizh '..-";,- Oreson Theatre 1 . l t.i . , . -wO. j SOCIAL CALENDAR f . ul Today v Woman's j Benef it Association. Regular meeting. Ladies' Aid of W. R. C. Mrs. J.-A. Remington, 2070 Chemeketa- StereC 'FrMay . Wisconsin Picnic. "Fairgrounds Picnic dinner' served at noon. I ' -- -: - Saturday ' 'Kansa9 picnic' - Fairgrounds. Plcnc dinner served 6 :30 7i30. Guests jn Salem 4 for a Fortnight ; ' Pr. and Mrs. W. W. Hicks and t,helr children. Bobbie and Wilda. of Junction 'City, are spending a fortnight in Salem as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mollencop and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoppes. Guest in Salem from . San Francisco Miss Mary Jane Spaulding of San Francisco Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. T. Grief.' Miss Spaulding was extensively entertained dur-J ing a short visit in Portland re cently. She will return to Cali fornia the middle of the month. , Miss Tucker Enroute to Alaska ! Miss Nellie Tucker, who has been a guest of Mrs. Carle Ab rams and Miss Lela Rlgdon for several days, left this morning for Seattle enroute to Alaska. Miss Tucker attended Willamette Uni versity and has many friends in Salem. She is now supervisor of the ptfbllc schools of Los Angeles. .Guest of Relatives Mrs. F. J. Catterlin of Montana is the guest f relatives in Salem. At Pacific City j t for Several Day's Mr. , and Mrs. O. . L. , Jacobaon are spending, "several days ,,at Pacific City. Guest at Neskowin Mrs. Theodore Roth, who has been spending some - time in her summer home at Neskowin, has as her guest for the next fort night, her sister, Miss Mollie Pearmlne. Miss Nistien Visiting L in Reedsport Miss Elva Nlssen is visiting friends in Reedsport during the week. Spending the Week at Yachats After spending several, days at Odell Lake, Mr. and. Mrs. Guy O. Smith and their .sons, Lawrence, Robert, and James, have gone to Yachats where they will remain for t4ie week. At Rockaway for Several Weeks Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Duncan are spending several weeks at Rock away. '!'., Lawn Party .Compliments Guest from Dallas Mrs. Edwin Njssen and Miss Elva Ni9sen entertained on Mon-; day . afternoon wUh.A.lawiu party complimenting their little guest, E'dna Muller, who returned yester day to her home 1 n, Dallas! ' Guests invted for the afternoon were Natalie Neer, Jean' Anunsen, Rachel Bonnell. Zelda Brrd. Dor la Schn n.ke," 'Maxfne ' Gahlsdorf , - and Marian -Moore ' r " : : ' Annual Reunion of B'yers Clan Held at Greenwood Park 'The members of the Byers clan gathered on Sunday, ' August 7, lnthe" Greenwood Partnear In dependence; for ''their annual re union. " ' ' ' ' . '" A short business 'session follow ed the picnic dinner, which was served at noon, with W. W. Powell of; Rickreall ' elected president; Prof. O. D. Byers of Ranter, vice president; Mrs. Garfield Byers of Independence, secretary-treasurer. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. - F; C." Byers 'ahd "their" son, Wendling Byers, 6t 'Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Byers and their daughters of Independence; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brunk and daught er of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Seth Byers and children of Eugene; Mrs. Byers of Independence; Mrs. Mary E. Steepy of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. John Byers and children Of Eugene; Mrs. Humphrey and her daughter of Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wells and children of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bel nap and children' of Monroe; Har old Bates of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. S.' Byers of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Ross and their children of Oregon City; A, -Bates and daughter of Oregon City;: .Mr.' and Mrs. Rollie Philips of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. N. E.' Byers of Junction City; . Mrs.. Ross Philips of Sheri dan; Mr, and Mrs. Alvin'Ball of Corvallls; 'Mr. and Mrs. .George Chapman and their children of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. V. O. Byers of "Junction City; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Powell and children of ; Rick reall; Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Byers and children" of Hoskins; JPrank Byers of Gardner; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Byers and their children of Hoskins; Mr. and Mrs. " Kenneth Bayne of Salem; Mrs. May Byers of Gardner; -Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman and their children of Salem; and Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Ross of Oregon City. ' The next reunion of the clan will be held In Bryant's Park, Al bany, the last Sunday of July, 1928. Mr. and Mrs, StraJiorn. WiU Make Their Home in Portland ; Mr. and Mrs. Ned Strahorn have gone to Portland where they will make their home. Mr. Stra horn has been transferred to that city by the Standard Oil company with which he la connected: Xi A "(A. .in 6 Hi f Trains to Portia nd 'r-new fast service by train; travel comfortably and at loyvcosu ' Make the moit of th new train , service to Portland and back. . Convenient departure and arriv- . al time, secure the mnlmua . . amount of rim there. .- v. Roomy coachei, Pullman seat ; apace on certain train, the added enjoyment of delicious xneal-la the diner on fine train through : from California thee travel feature are now available to you. ' Go quickly, afely and comfort ably by train. Save time and nerv oua energy. Save money, toot buy i low roundtrip tickets with limits : to suit your plana. ;' ." ; ; Low ncmndtirl? Fares Sunday ' Wck'-eo li-ittf S only i i rat V $1.65 - $2.00 $2.50 i" Portland 7:15 a. m. 9:25 a.m. 3:30 p. ro. Leo" hrr 5:10: a.m. 7:21! a. m. l:05p, m. 2 ;1S p. m. ,5:30 p. m. 4:05,.p.m.; .7:40 D..m. a:05 p. m. :ii;00 p.m. Extra fare train 1- t. . Similar uervlcM returning J , . r.: , .,. T v . CITY . ticss: c ' i OFFICE ; . f i 1 84 ; K6. Liberty I " Telephone fiO . W- . i Schneeloch Co. dissolves and . Receiver Appointed t V PORTLAND, Aug. 10. -(AP) Admittedly "in Imminent dan ger of insolvency' because of a shortage in cash and in Immedi ately marketable securities," the Ralph Schneeloch company, one of the best known bond houses in Portland, with a branch office in Seattle, was dissolved today. John K. Kollock and Russel Hawking were appointed' receivers. In' the complaint It 'was set forth that the company has assets in 1 cash, government, municipal and corporaion bonds 'and oner propery totaling 883,301.45, and liabilities of J6 16.4 16.76. GUTHRIE, WEST COAST JOIN IN MANAGEMENT (Continued from paga 1.) Marco to send to the Elsinore some of the largest prodlictions they have ever conceived, Includ ing the "Screens" idea. "Hello Lindbergh," "Pep," "Potters," and "Masks." The program for the West Coas Theatres' greater movie season was announced Wednesday by Mr. Franklin.' The official opening dates will be August 18, 19, 20. On each of these three days, " ' when ": West Coast Theatres" Inaugurates their change 'of programT" the West Coast Greater Movie Season ' will be ushered In. ,-Thia year there is promise of far greater screen and stage entertainment with the Inau guration of the new season than there has been in any of the four year .past,S ' ' - . . 1 In addition to the entertainment which Is to be offered with the cpming of the new season, the val ue of the screen as an instrument of uplift and education, as well as entertainment, wilt be stressed. The West Coaat Greater r Movie Season will he conducted in all of the cities and towns lncludlng-Sal-em beween San Diego on the south and Seattle on " the " north, kt which the West Coast Theatres are : represented. Complete coop-' oration. of all. of the branches of the motion picture, Industry,. toge ther with theVupport of civic -and community Associations, in ach of the cities.. has already been pledg ed to make this "by far the' great est of all Greater Movie Seasons to date. ' ' " - ' : ' - Tn the statement " Issued ' Mr. Fi anklin' aald: ' "it is not our "plan tn merely ask the people of the West Coast to attend the theatres. Our real motive Is to bring to the attention of the public of the Pa cific Coast states tba tremendous' strides that have been made, in the production end of this , Industry daring this' last -year ;; to ' provide them with far greater entertain ment during fthe coming': year than ' ever before.- - And to ' tim ;- JVr' ; ?-... 'rv-rni mm mmi?ivfar&.?ti&imimpMv mml .t"iw',f j if .V ..;... Wimj-- -,-, : , i . - ; '. , ;. ; .-. ' .'. . , ... - . ' '" , AL A D : Is 0 ft C E R ':.-X- Such a pretty witch! He is quite willing to be enchanted. He pretends it is a . magic potion her white hands prepare for him, but it is really an extremely good French .Dressing. ? It is very easy to look bewifchirjg as you play .hostess and mix and blend and combine for your guests delight. That is probably 4nc reason so many hostesses always dress their salad at the table. French Dressing, of course, and, easily mixed. ; " Some like itfmild . . three parts of Wesson Oil to one ,of vinegar or lemon juice. Some like it .tart two parts of vinegar or lemon juice. It depends largely on the strength pf, the vinegar or lemon juice. Salt and pep per and for. color, a dash pf paprika; Freshly blended, thus, just before it 'h''(kyjAiltpLct (dressing is perfea on any salad. But it is a little more .than perfea if you .vary it.with difTerent condiments. Men usually like a little grated cheese mixed into it or Crauce-on green salads, or some times currant jeUy on fruit salad per haps or for .fish or meat' salads add. a sweet pepper relish. . - i r-': 1fou must be very critical of your salad oiL ; Wesson Oil isjsuch a chfic: oil. that it is a highly rutritious fboL Arid it is so delicate .itrIavorithat'it makes a perfect French Dressing. before them the. great good that the motion picture is doing in ev ery community by furnishing vital ity needed, wholesome recreation.. The millions who daily attend the theatres throughout the country prove that to increase, working ef ficiency, 'nature demands a prop er proportion of entertainment and recreation mirth and joy are as much necessities . of life as fresh air and food. i "It is but a short time ago that the London Morning .post referred to our business In the follovfing manner: All over, the .world today! the American .film is dofng the work that was formerly ; accom plished by the .British mavy.V This paper continued by citing instaa ces of how the Americanization br lh$ .world through the medium of, films waaIn; brought about. 'America, In particular the Pacific Coast.' is , the .home of the mptiou, pi cture, bu t , the Am erica a man u f actarer ,and merchant , - have . fall-: ed to. fully utilize this tremendons force which is right at his door a force by which Jie could spread hla message to the tour corners of te earth, through the manner pf properly cooperating with the var ious branches of "this-Industry, Which so . potently Scarry at one and the same-time a message of cheer and entertainment, yet com pels an education; in American nianners, customs, clothes and in ventions. '-'r t Eacft succeed ing year, motion pictures have become greater and; greater. We know this to'be a tact and we" want : the . public ' to. know It. That is thtfreason-for? a West Coast Greater Movie Sea son. . . ': ;r ' 1 1rThls year, more than ever, the pu bile will be brought to . realize the; tremendous advance that I the art' of motion' picture production and presentation has .made Jn the last 12 months. Beginning with jihe . third . week la' ingast; and continuing from then . throughout the. balance of the season of 1927 t28. West Coast Theatres.' includ ing; these in Salem, wilt -bresent the . finest ' screen' and stage enter tainment that it ,wll b possible to (Becum t::-:y-$:y t -Listed mOng; the; productions that wllLelther" nabeT ln the West Coast Greajfer iloyle gei'son or be shown durjng the: jrojress of the season JnSaleja.are --.Te -Big Parade"Ben Hurr.Chang which , Jrilt eome to.tbe "reeular theatres after having "played extended en gagements at advanced prices. In add Itlon there' will be Norma Tal madge's ,Camille, 'Rose of !Call fornla,' Clara Bow's : Hiila, : Bus ter Keaton's College,'' ' : Norma' Shearer tn 'After -Midnight. Ray mond Hatton and 'Wallace Beerv ih 'Fireman Save My ; Child, Bil lle Dove In 'The Stolen Bride.' Mil ton Silla in fHard Boiled Hagger ty,' Richard iBarthelmeas - In 'The Drop Kick., ana that great team of Iangh-makera. Charlie Murray and George Sidney, in 'The. Life of Riley:' the .new Thomas Meiahan picture, 'We're All Gamblers. Bebe Daniels' summer sports $Dec ial. 'Swim,, Girl, Swim. in whjeh Gertrude Ederle. the heroine of the Channel swim, will make j her debut; an epic of itbejWest entlA tied 'Nevada,' 'Tell it, to Sweeney.' which .will mark , the debut of Chester' Conklin and. George Ban- i croii,. as co-stars; L.iuan ,uisn in. 'Annie Laurie,'. Eleanor - Board man in 'The 'Crowd,', iohn Gilbert in The ' Cossacks, . and" the'i)lctur ization of that famous light oper etta 'Rose Marie.' These are but a few of the really f, worthryvhlle pictures .that are 'included in ,tb new season.' ! ' ' .Judging Xtrom the vlowing re- porta (Which come -out of 'the big league .baseball camps : In- ;the South there won't be enough pen nants to go arpund.thls.y.ear.: McQUAY-NORRIS ,1 . . . . . -a-T ' to . - - ,wmtm p if X, I . PARTS STORRiNG 'f Corner Ferry and Liberty ; X?: felepdne 666 ? ' . . r--- ' -,; . : -. . . - j jONJlOE S. CHEEK '- Cnrplete Automotive 1 .We Carry ,the' JFollowinsr products : - i, Valvolin enrttoil ;QufcerStale - J r -. a ' ' ST" mmm--m mm-, 1 I I ... ,. I ....... ' - J ;"; . WIimW Ir ba fi a few or ; Km, hundred jnMea,you arrive , at, tHa.-end, of your Josttncy . - fmh and uawtaril-rwKi yoa ft ravel by RED TOP ' Stages. The roomy and mo t dcrn coaches afford yoU tLat : calaKatloawhicb. makes . motoring a pleaaur aod rrfortljermore, yOa save Both , time and money, on every . trlp. For your proit as vtjj. a your pleaaure, the Oregon : Stages are at you aervice -