-, 4o ., r. c v THE QREGOK STATESMAN. SAtEM. OltECON -TUESDAY -MORNING, AUGUSTO, i027. SES OF STtlDY ,!'.-.l.'.jLiJ'VJ- AS AIR HERO ON TOUR OF CITIES STSTE8f.fi PRISON GUARDED AGAINST A una Till OF KE CLI ci GOOD STTIFSS Arithmetic Review Included ; Among Requisites for . ( J : High School Seniors M S . Printed la a separate volume irons the other subjects, the new course f study in English for Oregon .high schools has been pub lished and is being mailed put to city and county superintendents throughout the state. The course was prepared under, the direction ot the state department of educa tions ' -. Persons who assisted in pre paring the -course of study were Mrs. Margaret Goodall. head of the English department, or the university high school at Eugene; Miss Winifred Graham of Marsh field, Miss Ada V. Ross of Salem, Miss Laude M. Mochel of Wood fcurn and Dr. M. Elwood Smith of "the Oregon Agricultural College. " The other high school courses, bound la, one volume, will be ready .for distribution within the nextf 1 days. .- "''.In most .subjects the new high school ' course is little different ftom the one in use during the last four years. The. work in one "or two subjects has. been thor- jOUghly revised, and provision has teen made tot, the recall of cer tain,! desirable,', skills acquired in ".the, elementary, grades but fre- ciuentljf, lost through" .disuse dur ing the high school period. Drill In spelling, has been made -a de finite par J of the work in English. r;t Every department, is made res ponsible for orderliness and legi bility in written productions. For- iaal classes in spelling and pen manship are advised for high . school students who cannot other wise be brought up to an accept able standard. . 'Tests I have seen reported as welt as those I have condcted show that high school seniors T write and spell somewhat better than high school freshmen," said C, A. Howard, state suberintend endtof schools. . "Their , accomplishments in . these regards, ought to be very ' much better. Through the opera tion, ot this course of study we hope to approach in all our high schools, the results now being se cured in the best of them." . Another feature of the new ' course of study is the inclusion of I a half-year of reviews in arithme tic and geography which is recom mended; as a required course tor all seniors except those who have takes higher arithmetic and high school, geography as a part of their regular work. "Most. young people just out of the high school flounder badly in handling ordinary business calcu lations.", said Mr. Howard. "This la because they have not handled auch calculations for a period of four years.' It is the purpose pjf this, .course to whet up arithmetic skills" that have grown dull through disuse; I am confident that for most :- students, these 'ektlls'can be brought to a keen edge . In. .& comparatively brief period.'., , The review course provides for thorough and persistent drill both for.; speed and accuracy in the fundamental operations of addi tion: subtraction, multiplication 'and division. Common and de- '-. clmal ' fractions, measurements, percentage and business applica- ' tlons are, thoroughly Reviewed. : y,The( reyiew.in geography is de eignedto adjust jt&e,. students to anj accurate rtew ot such, matters vos pljgi'cpreitipn8 ".political divi sions., trade f routes and 'world ommerce .'before . cutting ,them loose from high scho61. VPopnlaf demand has -a great deal to do with calling attention to need of emphasis , on certain phases " of school work involved In ; these revisions," ; said Mr. Howard. "But' this is one of the situations where popular, demand and professional advice seem to be ! in accord, for thq national education association's commis sion on reorganization of secon dary education In its report nine years ago, set forth seven alms for: secondary education, and one of those was mastery of the f unda mentar"procesaes." i v, INDIANS BOUND BY LAW fivt Exempted from of Antl-piMhwhecl Law Provisions Indians of Yakima must com ply1 with the; provisions of -; the . law enacted by the voters at the 1927, electon prohibiting the use of fish wheels la ' the Columbia river and " the. operation of fish traps : and ' seines In t the streams cast ot tha Cascade locks, accord ing to a legal opnion handed down j . . . , .... 1 oy me attorney general uero ov. yirday. :-..V.:- Z-y'i' -r-:r:'-. . The Indians contended tha4 they were, authorized to operate fish wheel In the, Columbia river un der treaty with the federal gov-, ernment. ' v ' , v ' . The opinon was prepared at the request ;o( M, TV Hoy, master fsU garden. . If there is any- wet party Jn the t&rapaisn next year Just think how inuch.fun its members will have going' around singing ."Ale., ale. 9 gang's sJJ btT9:"?l ;- A ? , rt' . " . - 4 . ' ' . V- v-'N' .'.-:r 'TJ&tK&itiM Wfe . 5 Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, now engaged in an air tour of 75 cities throughout the United States, is snapped at Cleveland, O., home of Myron T. Herrick, ambassador to France, who officially welcomed him at the completion of his epoch making transatlantic flight. Lindbergh is shown above with Col. Carmi Thompson and Mrs. Herrick, wife of the ambassador. Below, left, is a close-up of the air hero made just after he stepped from his plane, and right, a vWv of the Spirit of St. Louis hovering over the Cleveland airport. D E COLLEGE KP I WIS Greater Oregon Committee Outlines Courses at Two State Schools With a desire to aid the high school graduates who intend to attend college this fall and in ac cordance with Governor Patter son's plan for harmony between the University of Oregon and O. A. C, members of the Greater Oregon committee are explaining the courses offered by the institu tion. Students in engineering and agriculture are advised to attend O. A. C. ; while those wishing courses in the sciences, arts, anJ literature are advised to enter tho university. Besides explaining the courses offered in the different schools of the university, members of the committee give information in re gard to expenses and fees, and afd is given the student in secur ing catalogues and other printed informational matter. Courses are offered at the unl aversity through the college of literature, science and ; the arts consisting of 22 separate depart ments; and the schools of law, ar chitecture and allied arts, busi ness administration, education, journalism, medicine, music physical education and sociology. The committee, is composed of Harold Socolofsky, Salem; general chairman; Frank Ball, assistant chairman; and William Biggs, Ontario; Ted Gurney, Baker; Roy Hernden, Freewater; Fred West, Klamath Falls; Joe McKeown, Marshfield; Ronald Sellers, Bend; Harold Davis, The Dalles; Wil liam Adams, Milwaukie; Walter Durgan. Eugene;" Avery Thomp son. Salem; Frank Ball, Port land; and John H. Alderman, As toria, who arc in charge of . the different districts into which' the state was divided. Committeemen! have been ap pointed in nearly every city and town in the state to work under thp district chairman. TAPS FOR GOVERNOR WOOD SOUNDED TODAY ; (Coatiad from pas 1.) ; tli I area. By ? gathering ; units from Fort Myer, f-'ort Washington and Fort Humphreys, the 'war de partment, however was ablo . jiiuster all the component units o2 a nll K'glinenf. even though "tho m:u:i1 rnmberlof men la below that f-et forth as' the escort of a iiajor penerai and a former chiuf of th sriuv general staff. .As th funeral; party passm alonq; r nnsylvanla avnui and the road leading to tho cemetory situated 'on the Virginia -'Hills' ov crlooklns: th cttf , a hore .will 1m Ud In th icur of the. flax drap.d casket with the.tots in the fctir rnpireveTHed - - - -' f lags"pn( foerjne&r build ings will be at half staff and all high government and army offic ials now in Washington are ex pected to attend the ceremonies at the grave The iuneral procession probab ly -.vill leave the station about one hour and a half after the body ar rives. The military escort will b commanded by Major General Hanson Ely, commandant of the army war college. The body also will be accompan ied to L; grave by the widow and the genoral's three children, Leon ard, Jr.. Osborne and Lusita, and the escort from Boston. Colonel John T. Ax ton, chiof of army chaplains, and Chaplain W. H. Watts, have been selected to conduct the services at the grave. MESS CALL POPULAR COURT SESSION'S HKLt AT KLK LAKE CA3IP 1A1LV ELK LAKE YMCA CAMP, Aug. 8 . (Special.) When tie direct ors of the camp want to get the boys together in a hurry, theyj have the busier blow the "mulli gan call." The cook served what he called "slumgooey hominy" last night, but in spite of its name, the boys liked; it. . ' The boys hel court 'every day or so, to take care of cases of dis ciplined In the court the other day, Biir East, the lodge, called "Order, order In the court!" Scot ty Marr,-who'dld not sleep well the night before, and who was on the jury that day, said sleepily, "I'll take coffee and an egg sand wich." In the first aid class, Ed Cross distinguished himself; by answer ing to the question of how-to cure a hemorrhage of the lungs, "Put a tourniquet around the neck." ! Virgil Harrison, with a name which is a combination of poet and president, doesn't seem to be worrying about living up to either of 1 the names, from the difficulty his tent mates have in getting him up in the morning. Another, fishing . party went to HIGHLY E1ID0RSED METHODS np,HE CHas.7. Dchn'rionsurgi-: x cai metnoq of treating Jt'iles and other Rectal and Colon disorders, used exclusively by the Dean -clinics In Portland. Saa Francisco and Seattle, i recog nized throushour Ula Wut for simpUcity at application met ccrUinty iituO. Patml cm and arc tent from many distant tfrt. Tht crn fidewe e viTenrc by a WRITTEN ASSUR ANCE TO ' SUCCKSSri LLY TREAT ANY CASE OF FILES r acd oa IS ycara of nttaaHacd1 practte. In wklck the most extreme cac haw " keen, permanently relieved. Om FREE 100-pase lllutrrttetf book of utmost value t every nficrer. Send for tt ta-.'a 'DEAM.M . D.. fi ru FOaTiaNrypsllCE I 'AM RLD6.Stfc bHUh Humbug creek, and although it was twice as large as the last par ty to go there, it only brought back about the same amount of fish. ' President Coolidge and Presi dent Hindenberg exchanged greet ings over the new trans-Atlantic cable but there is no report to the effect that their conversation was anything like that between the governors of North and South Carolina. ';i IS COMMEIED An Unseifish Effort Calling 'Attention to Salem and the Salem District Editor Statesman: ' I don't very often break into print, but the present occasion warrants a few words of praise, and I always found more pleasure and profit In one word of praise th'i- h whole pa-jo if criticism. T now have in mind the quarter page advertisement that appeared in The Statesman of July 28th, run and paid for by the U. 5- Re alty coniLany. I don't know who wrote this ad. but it w the best thing in the nay of a lroM f- r Salem and the Williamettc valley that has appeared in the press or anywhere else so far as I haye seen and apparently without any selfish motive. Ah Unselfish Effort A paper going out ever the country as The Statesman docs is sure to be read by w good many people outside of Oregon, and when any person or firm adver tising in its pages goes out of the way to set forth thV advantages of 5aiin and ihn surrounding rom 'ry. knowiag when they pty for the space Urn it. does other Tnuch good as it toes themsel ves, i seems to me they ar entl- .- a good da! af credit. It thore are any ba.-.l;r.:-c 6 other hn-iiness men in Salem who have nrst read that .advertisement I hope they will jt a opjrfo! The Statesman of July 28th and look it up. As a rule, I am hot much in-t-r?sted in boos3 or boosters and I don't spend m t-h time reading t."i.- .ids In the pajer. Hut I am j taxpayer and horn'? owner here, and when any firm In Salem, or individual eith.r, "spend9 o'ul monev to tell tho :ut3ido4 of the resources of this cour.rrr and th? opporturities awaiting him here, I feHl ihat.I and v?rv other prop erty owner in this section has be?n benf'ted. We need more public ity of the same kind. E. W. POWERS. Salem, Ore., Aug. 2, 1927. What He Refers To The part of the advertisement referred to by Mr. Powers is no d"jbt. the foliowtn;: If you are a stranger in Salem, looking for a farm; a home in the city or a vacant lot or an acre tract upon which to build a house,! we have It for you. Maybe we can save yon time and money by putting you in touch withhe very thing you are looking for. "Who ever saw better crops anywhere than the Williamette T -y-a-'-Nw:-:---:--- 1 - It 1 i , i 'Aw::-:-'-:vxc-x-:-:-:':-:-x- T "i " C . m. y j, J T -x- ' ' din fc " S- "' h 4 i M T Special armed guards are shown on duty outside the walls of the Charlestown, Mass., prison, as Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, 'radicals', prepared for execution on murder charges and sympathizers throughout the world were holding demonstrations. - ' ; The eighth- annual reunion or the Bonney clan was held at Col vin,'s grove, near Aurora, on Sun day. There were about 150 .pres ent, from -points In Oregon and Washington, and - as ' far awav as California and Colorado. "J. M. W. ("Wlke'J Bonney of Carlton was elected president for the ensuing year, and Ed. Tyler of Woodburn vice president, and Bonnie Scott Eerthelsoii or Salem was reelected as secretary. ; 4 For the ninth annual reunion, the first Sunday in Eugust of next year, McMlnnyillc was chosen. A further account of the meeting of last Sunday will appear In The Statesman of next Sunday. ValleV has produced this year? Wlio ever saw a more perfect sea ton anywhere than this has been? "Oregon has been spoken of as the Green Land. No wonder! With her green mountains, green hills and green valleys, ' her cool streams cutt'ng like ribbon tf silver; her refreshing springs that splash along the highways for the del-slit of the t;ir3ty traveler airth'ese go rlnake this the most perfect home-country; this si.i of Paradise itself. i If.yu want toStve in Salem; buy now. If Vou want a farm near Salem, tyoui will never get it foj; less money tnan riilhl; now. 1 rAnd listen! You haven't heard of; any business failures in Salem, have you? You haven't heard of anv broken or shaky banks in Salem, either, have you. Of course not there aren't any. "Then this is the place to live. We know you could do a lot worse, but we don't think you could do better than locate here." Sergeant Returns To Desk Sergeant Jack. Cutler, night clerk officer at the police station, returned Sunday from a two weeks vacation spent at various points on the coast, where he has been fishing and "resting," he says. He reports the jack salmon running eary this season, but fail ed to bring any of them home to show for it. He has been at Oceanside, Netarts, and on Wilson River. Return from Week-end at Lake Harvey Brock, P. j H. Bell, Glenn L. Adams, and Hugh Adams returned Sunday evening from a Week-end spent at lEk-Lake, vis iting the boys in the YMCA camp there, bringing back with them letters and messages , to fi Sends and relative "of the boys. All are well and having a good time they report. Visit Relatives Here Misses Vera and Ruth Berthel son of Spokane are visiting at the home of their uncle, T. H. Ber thelson, 2280 Fairgrounds Koad, and their' cousin, H. W. Berthel son 1810 North Commercial St. Accident at Commercial Corner , An auto -accident was. reported to police last night, involving cars 4riven by Lillian Denytt. 275 S. 14th street, and -Paul Traglio at the intersection of Commercial and Ferry. The traglio car failed to stop at a .stop sign, it was said, and struck the other car, bending the fender and bumper.. Two Report Accidents William C. Dick and L. W. Pul ley both of Hubbard reported the minor accident whieh occurred when their cars collided there Saturday. Dick reported that Pulley gave no signal when he started to tunu while Pulley gave "sleepy driver" as "his version of the cause of the accident. Spend Vacation On Trip Mr. and Mrs. Alvin B. Stewart, 347 Court street, returned recent ly from a vacation of a week, dur ing which time they fished at Thomas Creek and. Indian lake, and drove around by the Dalles California highway loop through Bend and back by way of the Mc- Kenzie pass. . Salem Girl Married Sunday- Sunday morning, at 9:30, oc curred the marriage of Jennie Lucille Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Hill, of 195 South 24th street, to Leonard Brockett, of Raymond. Wash., at the Hill resi dence. The couple left immediately-after the ceremony for Til lamook, where they will make their home for the rest of the summer. "'" ' " ' ' Auto Reported Stolen W. J. Timme. Rt. 8. Box 153. reported last night to police that his Maxwell touring car. license nu mbe.r 139-617, had been stolen sometime yesterday. to Sana Special reduced rare good in speedy, all'coach train every Sunday, Tuesday and hriday. Ride in roomy, all steel coaches.' Room to relax and rest. Free observation lounge and open platform. Low-cost msBui in diner and lunch cat. Trains leave11 :S A- M arriving San Fran cisco 1000 a. m. 'Over scenic-' Cascade Line inlyiight. Similar service returning from San Francisco every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. -ftSA roundtrip Coach fare f good for 15 days re turning on anv train carrying . Coaches. 4 " J-.';: "' S'UQtE2GE'Eu City Ticket Office .184 No. Liberty' Telephone 80 T to the O '! wrang lmoiurs of Protect Family With The, Statesman's TRAVEL ACCIDENT POLICY One year for ......... Newspaper Registration Free Moraiirig When you are asleep, widows, whose husbands provided no accident insurance, are busy with mop and pail! Protection Afforded By The Statesman Policy PART ONE 17,500.00 if the insured is killed as a passenger sn a street car "or railroad train. , PART TWO .i . . Jl.000.00 if the insured is killed in a private automobile,, taxicab, bus, auto stage, horse drawn vehicles, passenger elevator or by storm, tornado, lightning or falling walls of a building, or by fire in'a public building.' j PART THREE " . , - " SI, 000.00 If the insured Is killed by being b truck by a mov ing vehicle. while walking or standing on the street. Losses reimbursed according to , the Accident described In . v Part 1 For Loss of Life C . , i .S7.5O0.0O For Loss of Both Hands. ; .7,500.00 For Loss of Both Feet . . , .$7,500.00 For Ix)ss of Sight of Both v h Eyes ...... ; ."; For Loss of One Hand and ; One: Foot . . . . '. i . . . ; . . For Loss of .One Hand and Sight. of One Eye .. .... For Loss of One Foot and Sight of One Eye . . . For Loss of ' Either .Hand. i. For Loss of 'Either Foot . . For Loss of "Sight ot Either . Eye 7,500.00 7.8O0.0O following schedule: . y ;Part'fl A Part 8 fl.OOO.OO fl.OOO.OO Sl.ooo.oo : I Sl.OOOK) 1 ,000.00 ' 1,000.00 ' ' - ' 1,000.00', .7MrO.OO 3,7RO.OO 3,750.00 3,750.00- l.OOO.OO ' , 500.00 ' i SOO.OO soo.00 : rf 10.00 a week will.be paid the Insured for not more than 'fifteen weeks If Injured while traveling in a vehicle or hurt .while walking, by a moving vehicle. .. . " ' : . Policies issued by . ttie North American Accident Insurance '.Company Ohrough representative at the office of The State- man. ,"All claims settled by a company representative located with 'lit oiatesraau ,1-uoiisning vompnu.-r - j i THE STATESMAN OFFERS YOU A -$7,501? TRAVEL 'ACCIDiasrt4 INSURANCE POLICY FOR YOUR FAMILY'S PROTECTION GET IT NOW! Every Statesman Reader and every one who is how ready, to become a Statesman subscriber may have the ,. benefits of this wonderful Travel Acci dent Policy upon payment of ONLY i a NewsDaper Recnstrabon Fee of ONE DOLLAR.-Use Ha Bfanlis Herwit! PRIVILEGE CARD FOR JfEW SUBSCRIBERS Insurance Department. Oregon Statesman. " Salem. Oregon. . I 4lf to U dintg ot yonr TRAVEIi ACCIDENT INSURANCE th.r ff ple ntr y b,tiptio to Th Orer SUtunin, which 1 frM to tk for oB yer m follow: .' . (CHECK By Carrier I will py Us HERE). emrrier 60e atOBth. By Mail $5.00 P yor In adTaBco-enelojed kr- wit. - : - - - -- - I bIra brwitB ipply for :tko S7.S00 Pablie Serriea' Accidcat Iaanranca Poliej ad rncloaa herewith the Sl.OO Newspa per rremiura Fee, which . I omierataad ia la addition to tho abora anbicriptioa rata.s. - . XT SUBSCEIPTlOll IS roX-l4PE BT MAIL YOtrB;TOTAI-J8XaaX- ' TAJTCE MTJ4T BB $6.00 or papar aaa Framiost ' - Signed . . . . . .... .Age. .-. 'Address R. F. O. mm . v - .. - Town ......... ...Stats.... . Occupation r XL s TW'Q sccrtc may be painted too awful to describe i, Ji the suffering thai widows and' families are I forced ia'eodurc because of lyeglecttdp'roTide " protection ajrainst- accidental fcleath ' or injury. -Awake to. YOUft duty If ydu have not already done . so Don Vgo another day f " li i v - ' " '.v L& Your Application and Subscription W . . m - - ... . . .. into i Statesman Office Now! APPUCATION For Old Subscribers FOB TRAVEL ACCIDENT ' INSURANCE 1 Inanntneo Department, -Tho Oreron Stataamaa, Baieat, Oragoa, I hereby apply for the 17,500 Public Service Travel Accident In surance Policy which yon are sup plying to your Teaders. I here with enclose One Dollar ($1.00) covering yonr newspaper registra tion fee tor 'paper by carrier in city or; $6.00 for one year sub scription by mail and registration. It Is understood that there will be no further cost to me. Signed (. . Age. . . Address - . Town .'. .". ..... f . State Occvpatlon - ; HOTB: Peraooa who oro no ow atataa aaaa. roaera ahoaitt aioo aao "tlri tofo Card" i : ' t . . : - - -.'-. -; ' - i 2 15 South Commercial . -1 i Salem, Orcson