'1 it 1 It -a i fm lil Tf 111 mil VI IT - ii I lawaawaaadewaw '1. 1 Bank BuilJmg BASEMENT Do Laxe Sblniog Psrler Esperte fur Ladies sad Ootltnn. SECOND rtOUB Tsl. 709. Over the Bps TBIRD FLOOR Morris Optical Co. 801-803-808 Dr. F-.nry E. Merrie, Optoaaotrist Telepboa 390 a r. ouiette 8uite 910-U-U Lawyer Telephoaa 105 Saeelefeky Sob, TaL 97 ..304-8OS Keel Katate. Loans, Immet FOURTH FLOOR Drs. O'Neill A Berdetta, Optometrists Phone 635 401-403-408-404-405 i .i J i 8" i . Oaardlan,. BDiMIsr Loan Aasecistiea . Baed KAf iTa-Baaae Vt' Willard M Attorney. Wirta aad Paul P. Barrla 410-411-412 - TaL 185 Aaae Merley. 413, TaL. 757; Ree.:!915W Kaal Estate ' Less Idsnrsaee SIXTH FLOOV; J, Oaa. K. -Vehre M.D Physleisa A Surgeon Bnite 008. Tel. 3378-8879 , Re. 7 Bobia D. Cay aad Deaald W. rjN .. . At tors ays a Lav ' Telephone 93. fctO-611-612 EIGHTH FLOOR Directory i Dr. O. Ward Davis. Posers! Dcaitiatrr vf,''LTaI. SIC Evening by appelatmeat. Boom T Dr.- H. B. Seef'eld . 906 Chiropractor,. Nearoealeaaetar Service NINTH FLOOR Xr. H. Jf . Bravi, Eye. Bar. Ma a Jk Threst Bpe-talist. ? , Sett 901 TENTH. FLOOR Dr. W. A. Jekasoa, IaaUat Talepkoao 1185 - , 1001 Chelator Ln George. D. D. B. Oaaarat Deatistry at. kf . Orif f ta, D. D. 8., Orthodontia Telephoaa 181. Suite 1OO3-1001 Every CMU Should Hare Not Only Th, Right But The Opportunity To Hay, THIH )S MY HOME AND MY , DADDY. OWNS IT. 9 1250 and -paving wilt pay for 4 room bouse. Electric lights, bath. etc. Easy terms. - ,.. . . 9 2500 Nice . ft .room cottage. - Basement. , : Close to scbool. Terms just tika 5 rent.' -' -- 9 3000 New (4 room bungalow; Furnace, fireplace, Garwood floors, built- 'J in bath tub,, dutch kitchen. Well , VocaUd Easy terms. 9 4500 New & room F.aglish typ bouse, i V j.Kerjae.- .: .fireplace, , .'hardwood j . floors,. Dutch? kitchen, breakfast Book. Close to aew Leslie Junior ' ,HigbT8eboeL Easy terms. 9- 100 down sad 930-per month includ- . .: : iajp 4nftet will buv new 4 and S I I ' room English1 typw houses with H JL ft V !acre f gowd- lend.Woll located. -36 seree, best of land, on , paved aighway. Stocked and equipped. Will JT take Balem property BP t- 94000 . ni naw hiiiiv Bfw trades.. What bave yoaf MONEY TO LOAN . ., INSURANCE RICILL. REIMANX -. , iKealtor , rkone Sft.l. , 818 V. , S. Bank Bldg. 63s7tf Local Rates For Classified if Advertfelnsf I .... ., jiii.,Jrt:. n , Daily ar Snaday eenti per ward Oaa -: Three Bmee 0 cents per word Six tiama . 0 eaata pereord 1 mo. dpily sad Sua 530 seats par ward 1b eyder to ears t be i more tbaa aa time raue. advartisia ayuet ruB ia eea seeutiri issues. . No Ad take for leas tbaa 33a. : Ada rua Sunday ONLY charged at ae-time rata. Advertlsementa (except PeraoBela aad Situatieaa Wanted) will be takea aver the tolepboae if the advertiaer la a sub ecriber to pbee. . The 8tateaasaa will recelv adver tiaemaBta at aay tiaa of the day or ight.. Ta insare proper elaasirca(oa Ada should be la before 7 p. a. , .TELEPHONE 33 OR 588 , 5AUCmONEERS H. Fe Woodry M Son . i Right dewa -towa. Cash -pBld fa aeed furalturu, , Btara 371 J. Oom'l Tel. '7. Aaeate. far Lea Raasaa. RATTERl e KLECITUCIAN 8 H. D. BARTON- EXfDB BATTERlEr Starter aad - generator work: 301 BoBtk Higb.' : . I saw.l AO HIOH AND CENTER .AMS TLCtNIk- ELECTRIC CO. BOU81 winag by boar or ceatraei. Estimate. faraisaed. Tel. aau i uoars at 1UCYCLEH t REPAIRING 8 LLOTD E- RAM 8UEN COLUMBIA Bl eyeles sad repairfng. 887 Coert. HELP .WANTED WANTED. HOP-' PICKERS - POOR 4'hoBg.' Rt. 8. Box 18-K.100 bnndref. . . M Ptebera' Wanted. For .two .of our yard. Mltoma Ranch' aear lBdepadaneA 117 acres. and Curtis Ranch., near Talbot Station art aeraa. - Usual accoBiodations. rura -lahed. PieVlng . will . begia about (untMw .liL.A K editor aw st u.ink'. )';nr Store, or Durbln Caraorer.. Bo C2. Tr Peoner' T7 .QleEj JITXP VABTTKD MI, It ANT1-1 LIVE NEWSPAPER 8UB aeriptiea , escvsaser. . Csll. Circulation Matsg ar, "ButesmsB of lies. UasLltf ' CHIROPRACTORS 10 ft. H. B. SCOFFIELD.' P. B. tX, 00 Vtm MaUoaa: Baak UMg. OR. O. U SCOTT. PSO. CHIROPRACTOi N. Hick. Tal. 8i-R. ar 87 REAL ESTATE I DIRECTORY 0 : ; O BECKJE HENDRICKS 189 BY High TaL ICO LEE W. BELL T U Baak at Coam Bldg. TaL 484 P. W. OElBKit Taiapkaaa 381 41 Oaar J0HJ W. BHgk Bldg. - ORR TaL J484 I OKRiTBODE J. M. PAGE 42 S. OaU(a TaL 1108 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Oaart St. , TaL 651 ULRICH ROBERTS Commareiai TaL 129 N. 1854 VICTOR 8CHNEIDER '47 N. Cam'l . Realtor TaL 577 SQUARE DEAL IlEALTT O. B. Wat'l Baak Bldg. TaL 470 BOHRN8TEDT ' PATNE 147 N. Commareiai. TaL 67. rhe Oregon Statesman Pakliaka4 avary moraine (axeapt Moi lay) at Balam. tka capital of Oregoa ADVERTISEMENT HONEST ADVERTISING Tkaaa eol ami aiaat ba kapt ftaa from aaytkiag af a qaaotioaabl aatnra. Miarepraaaa tatioBa will act ba tolaratoC laforaia ioa abowing any aaatioaaala tatat a tka part af tka advartiaar abasia rpartd 10 tkia awapa tka Hala Ad r.lak. SALESMAN 12 .- HIGH GRADE SALESMAN - National advertiser ellinK year a round, line to Karare. ificswrj and hardware stores wants experienced man whd an aliowa rlear reeord and A-l references. Must have car. Addre.su ''Bex No. 57 Cara Statesman. 12al0 HELP WANTKU mle 18 WANTED WOMAN TO PATCH SACKS. Kteinboct. 215 Center. 13al0 KLOR1STH 10 OUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOtTQUETB Puoeral wreathe, decoratioaa, 0. F. Breithaupt, florist, 512 Bute Street Tel. 880. MAGAZINES Farm Paper 17 F YOU WANT TO GET THE BEOT farm paper aend five 2 -cent stamp to the Pacific Homeetead, Salem, Oregoa for a tbree months' trial aabseriptioa Meatioa tkia ad. POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO eeat stamp for special three months trial for th best aad oldest J on ran! ia tb West. The articles and adver tiaemeata are of special interest to the poultry breeders of th Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal. 311 8. Com mereial St., Halem. Ore. INSURANCE 18 PARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loaa aa good farm eecurity. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance company money or eity residence aad business property st 5Vs per cent, plus a eommissioa Hawkins s Roberts. Inc., 25 Oregoa Building. dldtf Insure Year Lome or car aow. - Phen 161 BECKE HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. Jl tt OK SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort rsgas. Truat Deeds. Contracts on housae Will act 0 to 30 per cant. BECKE HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 180 N. Hick , jl-tf WANTED Employment 19 OB GARDEN PLOWINO. BASEMENT digging pad team work. Tal. F2F3. " . faml4t MAN AND WIFE WISH WORK ON ranch: expert with stork, woman food cook. 39ff S. 21 St. l'Jal- FOR RENT 21 tTORI ROOM rOR RENT 360 FERRY street, betwaoa Front , and Commercial formerly occupied by Withers m Neat 920 a moatk. , Inquire at Statesman oe. - ' ttaor3 FOR RENT A partmenta 2:1 THE AMBASSADOR.. 550 N. SUMMER. Modern 2 sad S-room apartments (ur- ; aisbed and anfarniahsd. 33aug25 FOR RENT Room 25 tOOM8 WITH BOARD AT THE ALEX sader. TaL 1530: 1080 Chemeketa. ; S5apr21tf FOR RENT Houses 27 MODERN HOUSE. 496 HOYT. 37a9 SfTW MODERN 3 ROOM HOUSE FOR rent. Partly furnished. 440 Water St. phoae 657. J24tf 0 ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN. ARRANG- el for oae or two families, inquire 205 Chemeketa. 27al0 5 ROOM FURNISHED IIOL'SK WITH aaraa-e. 1654 N. Capitol. : 27alO 3 ROOM GARAGE HOUSE PARTLY furnished. Call after 0 evenings. 9.19 N. Winter. 27aB MINUTE MOVIES TERRORS 5f 0K W AL WOT COMPLETE DAW NS SS , mat is UMACiE. "K SEE ; "THE FIGURE . AKt OJ Df?AJS : A 5KALL RCNOWCSt 27 TO 1 RENT -5 ROOMS. NOOK,- FOIt aiabed, f3W. 4 room, f urnikfied 8 an. 3 row is a. naw, aook C5. 4 room. 115. 7 room 30, at her.. TRI ANGLE REALTY.' 42! Hon. 27a8tf LAUMlIUKS sa CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY Tna Lauadry of Para Material.' Talapbona 185. 1384 Broadway LAUNDRIES 33 TRY TBS HOME WET WASH LACN dry. Tel. 171. 1356 B 8 treat. J17tf THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY -Talapkuwa 25. . 368 8. Hlgb. TAILORS 04 O H. UOSHKK TAILOR FOR ' MEN WANTKU MLtrelUneo-M tMi FURNITURE PA-CRINO FOR BH1P- UiaM-f owara Fwaittrr Co. 35apr20tf WANTED TO TAKE CARE OP ELDER I y lady at my home, Tel. 1730 J. 35al1 AMTR1 t-MlVATK MONEY FOR farm loana.. W have aereral appliea tiona on baad. Hawklaa A Roberta fne 265 Orogoa Hldg. 35d'4tl MATTRESSES 80 4 ATT KK 88 EH KENOVATE1) BY THE Capital City Heddtng Co.. 1190 North Capitol Called for aad delivered. All work rnaranteed Tel 1 MOt FOR SALE 87 8PECIAL LOW PRICE? ON NEW CROP honey. Phone 8P5. H. M. Mead. Salem. 37o8 PIT BULL PUPS. 4 either tea. Cheap. MONTHS OLD, Phone 2616 37al0 tilAC. DIRT FOR dALK IN EITHER North or South Salem. ReaaonaLle. TaL 72F3. 37dl2tl SPECIAL SALE TOMATOES. POT.A , toes, amall 15 lbs. 25s. All kiada vag 'etablea, beat price ia town, 1005 Broad-arity.- - : 79! RED W. LANOB '.VETERINARIAN Offiee 529 a OoUmarmalF. TalTllflft. Rtm. Tel. 1666. A3m23tl WOOD SAWING 42 WOOD 8AWINO. PHONE 1677. 1610 North Commercial. 42jlyl5tl WOOD FOR SALE 43 ALL KINDS OF WOOD AND THE best in the city at Traeey'a Fuel Yard. Tel. 2313. Prices reasonable. 43a2tf GOOD DRY WOOD FOR YOU D. A. Urmer. Tel. 930. 43aprl6tf 16-INCH OLD Fin; SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Tel. 7'2. M. D. May field. 43fl8tf OLD FIR. SECOND GROWTH AND OLD fi rlimbs. Call 1990, C. U. Harbauirh. 1038 Highland Ave. 4a30 GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. H1LLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 4Sa30tl BEET GRADE OF" WOOD Dry wood. 4 ft. and 16-ineh. Large toad are cheaper to buy. Mill wood ta our specialty. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. RED E. WELLS 280 8. Church. Tel. 1543. 4!Mtf MEDICAL .44 MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Tel. S17-W. POULTRY AND EGGS 48 BABY CHICKS, STILL HATCHING. Phone 32F21. Lee's Hatchery. 45j.20tf KKYER8 FOR SUNDAY DINNER Weight 3 lbs. Hate Iter Phoae 82F21. Lee's 4Kilv80tf MUSIC STORES 48 'EO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO- graphs. aewing machines, sheet music aad piano atodiee. Kepatring pause graphs and aewing marfaioea. 432 State street.- Salem. NEWSPAPERS 47 rHB PORTLAND TELEGRAM SALEM Agency. The Ace. Tel. way. . THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENTS per moatk delivered to your borne arlv each ajMiraing. Tel 28 or 518 PAPERHANGING 60 PHOSK GLENN ADAMS FOR HOQSE decorating, paperhaagiag, tiattag, etc Reliable vorl man. v PAINTING SO ftA. BENNETT. .PAINTING CON tractor paintins, " paper hanging 3283-J. 187 West Miller. - MISCELLAS EOtJS 9. 81 A' REAL HOME FOR HOMELESS MEN with borne cooked meal. .19 Court St. ! i : . , . . Slangs FOR 8ALEM SCAVENGER CALL 167. 51flO-'28 BUY USED MEN'S CLOTHING. JEWEL ry, Guaa. Toola, Bicycles, etc. Star Exchange, 824 N. Oom'l. TeL 356. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR BEST boosters because whea we do your welding, 'tis done, eot you. Electric aad acetylene . waldiag, large aad amall. C. D. Oppea, 695 Mill St. TeL 872 aad 2086-J. 51may6tf POR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 eats a bundle. Statesmsa office ' South Commercial. Slj9tf STOVES AND STOVE -REPAIRING STOVES FOR SALE REBUILT AND ; repaired by expert. All kiada of woven wire fence. Fancy and plain. Hop baskets snd hooks, kgan hooks. Raletn Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court 8trect. 51jly27H Wing HVTtWOOS ; PAUSES OUTSIDE "IH WWN TfeNT AMD Peers thu' "W Te BLACK SHADOWS .DOUtN W I CANT mu axeiher v:s a MAN OR. A UO- FOR RE5TT H ' tSRESSING-tent; DETeCpVE KEENE MAN ! AMD TJ4E" E& bOSs? DISCUS) M1SCKLLAVEOTJ8 ; Bl. PURN1TURE UPU01.STXRINU AtfD HH pairing. titeae-Pawara Fttrwrtara Btave. - '' 61s9Mf LOST AND FOUND & IAJHT Hrown )traeUne; Dalian and Rirkreall. Reward. bag betwaoa Pbaae 803 J. 53augll LOST Tan leather pnrsa. containing baak book, glaaaea, and1 driver ii eeaae. Reward for return to Cecilia U st on. phone 109J &3aw LOST Mali polira pap 8 weeks' old. 2065 M. Cottage. Reward. S.talO PIANO TUNERS 84 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Plaae tuner. Leave order Will's Maaie Store. PRINTING i 841 KUR HTATIONKKY. U1RDS. t-AMftt-leta. prugrama. book a or nay kiad of printing, rail at toe tltataaiaaa Priat ing Department, 215 R. Commareiai . Tel. 583. MONEY TO LOAN 87 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rate. Beat term obtainable. Oar in aura nee department offer yoa a , pert adviae and service ia all liaea HAWKINS ROBERTS (lae.) Tel. 1427. 205 Oregon Bldg. 57fl0tl P. H. BELL. 319 U. 8. BANK BLDO-. Reeidence aad bnsineaa loana. Tal. 607 or 3141-W. 57apr7tf MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING AND aa city property B. S. Martin A L. R. Martin, attorney. 418 Oregon Bmldinc. Tel. 30X4 57mlUtf CL1M.1U1. 1'Attk 1AJAN 5H. F. L. Mood. 341 State at. 57m7tf WANTED LOANS 80 WANTED Private money to toaa ea REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 184 8. Liberty St. 59O20tf ? PLUMBING 80 'PLUMBING AND REPAIRING REA- sosiable Estimates. A. L. Godfrey. 127 Union Bt,-.,, Tel. 49A-W. 60fl6tf PL.UMBINU AND ! GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros.. 144 8. Liberty. Tel. 550. luu BUS. OPPORTUNITIES 81 AM SICK MUST SELL MY CONFEC tionery. Address Box 76, Statesman. 61al3 FOR SALE LEASE ON SERVICE 6TA tkn store, lunch counter. Columbia river highway. 30 miles east of The Dalles. Good business. Box 114, Rufus. Oregon. 61al2 RADIO 82 Radiolas For every purpose, for every puree- All ataudard sisea of Radio Tabes HAL1K EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, 335 Court St. Tel. 488. 6aprl7tf REAL ESTATE OS DAIRY. 18.25 ACRES, ALL CULTIVAT ed. house, barn; adjoining city limits. Monmouth Normal scbool town; 95300; siouo cash, balance terms. 322 acres, fine dairy or abeep farm, 170 acrVs in enltivation; good fences, bouse. barn: 840 per acre; SOO00 cash, bal aace long time; located 6 milea of Mon mouth. Uuy . DemiDg, Monmouth. 63AuglS GREATE8T TRADING ORGANIZATION UN THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 8000 properties listed for exchange, -every kind of property, eory price,, every locatiuo. We eaa match yjfr exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your property IUUAI, eome ta tuuai. He GA8KILL k EARLE, Realtors. 16 8. Liberty. - Tel. 2243. 6BjlyStt FOR TRADE ROSEBURG PROPERTY. 16 lots, garage, chicken house, and 5 ' room bouse for property on coast or in salein. FOR TRADE 10 acre ranch sear Gervaia with good crop, and full tine of farm machinery. 200 chickens, team ,of hon.es, hogs and cow. Property in or sear salein wanted .in exchange. LA.XK HUKLr.V AND CO. 413 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel.' 757. 63afRf ROOMING HOUSE GOOD INCOME 11 rooms, 12 beds, mattresses and all bedding S large rugs. 10 small ones; all furniture t-or bouse including piano, radio, electric washer snd mangle.- Good condition and good location. Nets av erage of 9175 per month. A paying investment. Price 91800, See O. K. De Witt with - WINNIE PETTYJOHN.-Realtor. 175 S. High St. : 63jly87U STORE AND FILLING (.STATION AND .modern reaidence all or 97100. Big buy in a , furnished . apt. bouse. -within atoaes throw of business property. $U0,000. Gertrude J. M. Page, 49 Z N. Cottage St. - 63a2tf ICK HOMF.LrbfE PLAUE PLASTERED ( bouse, basement, (replace, balb; baau tifol shade, oat and - Cherry trees; 8 ' big k.a, roses and shrubs, garage, ' poaltry ' bouse, berries and - garden: Bear se--. . Only a,800. Same witb . two Iota,' 4,500. Some terms. Owner '849 Rorsl Aventie. 63-l-tf a !, . ' ' .NEW rOUR ROOMS AMD BREAKFAST aook, full baaemeat, furnace, fireplace, excellent plumbing; wired for electric range, oak floor ia liviag room. - Lota af built ins, garage, concrete dri-eway. walka. gravelled afreet, well loe.ted -ia Nnrtb Halem near. Higblaad aehool Owner will sell aa easy terms. Tel 2538 R. 3jly7tf FOR SALE A VERY BEAUTIFUL acre tract, less than 1 V4 milea from State and Commercial Sts. Excellent view, eity water already installed Many . fine msdronas, f irs, maples, etc. Good ' soil, road . ta property. Price ; $650, ' very easy terms if desired. Phone owner. 2409-W. 63a20 FOR MALE , ROOM , BUNGALOW with basement snd garage. Close to school. $2650 with 95O0 cash. V. A. Liston, ageut. Mssoaie Temples i 6311 RNSttbe SJ . TOP". WA1 fTsUtViT cpoucmcs - - .' BEAlriLE53Ly BEHIND THE- - - vjitU mis eves;- ? CLUED' Of! "CH& w 'OfEMN6 . I - l FEEL VJE SOLOTiON Ge 3"INK ill VJ V V ' atL 9 " 9T " M aa , - awa. aa. 83 room modera. boose. .N. liberty. 310i, aaaaa.taraaa. . .,4.-.i -. " room kaaaa aad 3 Iota in Forest Oroe. 2500 f or c. Salem property. Acre trart aad 4 i room bungalow. S. Salem. 82500. want larger kouae. 0 A. 1-oUe Co. farm, BS A. ia cnll, Bldga. well, ereok. timber, stack end mAebiaory. $10,500. good.' term. 145 A. atoek raurh aear town, nap. fgdOO. tAke reaidence tor part. Perrine ft Maraters 213 Gray BMg. ,,,-v:., - . 63a9tf OWN A HOME. 292 ACRES PRUNES. Bra m. pasture and timber. f Good im provement. Smalt us men t aad easy lerms. C M. Smith. Marion. Ore. . S38 TWO BLOCKS FROM WHJJkMETTR UNIVERSITY OROrNDR 5 rooms sad hath. . Well srrsnged. rarige. Pavement. Price 93100. i'.u down. siMiitvnFKKr t sov. 304 1st Nat:!. Rank Kid. OOOl. AXD COZY NEW 3 ROOMS AND nook, furnace, fireplace, X'everything. Near school and baa. LARGE SHADK TkKES. Only $3000. small payment. Will rest. TRIANGLE REALTY. 421 Court. . , C3a9tf PROSPECTS IN CANADA ARE FINK mrec rrops and good prices. See ua for information and "free trip of in spection." Representatives Canadian Pacific Railway. TRIANGLE REALTY, 421 fonrt. V c:ia9tf GOOD INVESTMENTS NEW MODERN 4 ROOM ENG. type bungalow and garage, 9370O; ft 00 down. 12 ROOM APT. HOUSE. GOOD Lo cation SGOOO, take residence to $4000, GOOD 10 ROOM MODERN HOUSE close i .. fine lot, carage, aacrifice 37500. 2000 down, bal. easy terms. Hi A HOME NEAR SALEM. FINE mod. i n .huogslow, fruit, fine soil, wion.v u.uker, 910,000; take Salem ptOTirty. i NE VODERS 10A HOME CLOSE in : ke residence for part. Pen.ne Ae Marsters. 212 Gray Bldg. 63-J31-tf PAYINO OONFECnONERY-LUNCHES. fouatabs, stock, eqoipman t. living quar ters, wall located. Averages, over 940 per dsy. ? '.- GROCERY" LOCATED AT JUNCTION OF . two main kigbwaya ia Salem. .Complete stock, equipment, living rooms. Doing fine business. FIRST TIME anther bave been offered for sale. v TRIANr-I.E REALTY COMPANY 421 Court St. Ground Floor 'Business Headqusrters" 63a6tf GOOD HOUSE BUYS 30."O lO0 dewm 2 rooms garage house. 31000 $100 own. 4 rooms and bath. Garage. $2i50 $500 down. 4 rooms and bath. Full basement. Fireplace. Plaster ed. Garage. Nice creek location with trees. $3000 9100 down. .ir rpoma and bath. Full basement. Garage, Good con dition. $3400 $300 down. 5 rooms, hath and nook. East front. Pavement. Oar age. Large lot. Beautiful trees. New. $4400 $500 down. 5 rooms, bath snd dining alcove. New and strictly modern. East front. Garage. $4800 $1000 down. New and strict ly modern. 6 rooms, bath, and nook. East front. Paved street. Garage. . , - SOCOLOFSKY A SON. Real Estate, Loans ft Insurance. First Nst'l. Bank Bldg. 1 i ,. ' 63a7tf SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL $7000 NORTH Salem borne to trade for acreage. Used car can be traded toward a new 4 roora home in South Salem. $2150. And see this acreage that must be sacri fice owing to the ill health of the owner. Good improvements $6500. Decide to trade a valley farm for 40 a"r near the school if you want vonr 'ohiklreai to attend scbool at Collece Plaee. Wash. Or owner will sell re sotiebly. What -about a beautiful 4 -acre tract just outside the eity for 9200OI , You may have 32 acres of choice land for 93300 Want to rent , a house t Buy this one like rent. $35. down and $35. per month. Modern 5-room house for $3100. ULRICH AND ROBERTS, Realtors 129 N. Com 'I. St. ' Phone 1354. 63all FOR RENT 2 - room furnished apartment 925. , 3 - room furnished apartment 920. 3-room furnished apartment 930. ULRICH AND ROBERTS. Real tor a 129 X. Com' 1. St Phoae 1854. i -'-63a7tf FOR SALE 5 ROOM MODERN BUNGA low eloae to College Campus in Corval lia, to change far acreage near Salem. Rent $35.00 a month. Sslem Realty Co, 4C2 State Kt 63s7tf WORLD WAR VETERAN SHOULD purchase this .5 room, partly furnished South Salem borne. Bonus Iioan al ready provided. Price 94.500.00. A. C. BOHRSTEDT Realtor Loans Inauranee 147 N. Com'l. St Salem Ore. , 63a7tf FOR 8ALE--7 ROOM HOME. CLOSE IN ob Liberty street, in tb new improve ment district. 97OO0, terms. - i'W. A. LISTON, Agent. Masonic Big. '63aJ0 EOI-R ROOM MODERN BUNAUW Is' new. has tireolare. ' basement, built ins. hard wood floors, garage and many beautiful ueet, ,93800,. 8600 downs. . . Wertrude" J. Page. ,484 Court St. - ' i' . v . 63a9 HAVE SOME GOOD BUYS HC CITY property and acreage, splendid trading property to offer. What do yea want to buy. sen, trade ; or rent f Room 302, Salem Baak of Obmroerce Bldg- Jobs Cation. Real Estate? - 63a9 SPECIAL. Will accept small house in exchange for my 12 room house suited for room era and boarders. Bet location la city: . Will give easy terms ta' someone who wants a ood business. Kee my agents LEO CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 SUte Street. , Phone 1727 . 63a9tf v WANTED Have two fin lots, some cash, to trad" .oa close In property, or what have SO".,, SEE LEO X. CHILDS CO.. Realtors i B'iO State 'FtrtH-t. Phone 1727 " . 3- ' 63atf THE -BlCr.fit . . . RE ; rNEARlHG A OF.TWS? vMySTfeRy. RFLI ESTATE rAMMONj r t'AM ABOUT ITPhOy. Tfl ARREST I REAL ESTATE kpeciai. ,: '79 sere fra. - tat af Ha teas, : oae mile from Pratum. v It the bet bay a Marioa Couaty. 35 seres ia culti vation, 10 acre at rood timber, some ' good Oreok - bottom land. Has 6 room Cottage, good bora and family ere bard S acres of strawberries and. la acres af clover. This faita aauat bo said and ' can be bought at a bargain -SEE ThomaaoB witb s LKO N. CHILD9 CO, Realtors, S20 SUte BtreeU . - Pbouo, 1727 L. - 3atf t ; -,- LOOK - 33 acres. IO acres raltivaled. 6 oom bouse and garage, chicken bouse, some timber and good spring aad small ereekUi On Main road South Ka&t " t Kalena, Tbia place ran He bought at a bargain, 9250O with SdMI cash. v t SEE 'I boiuasou witb LEO . OH ll.IrS ttr, KeaU.tr 3.1 241 sl Street. . fkass 1737 ItXaBtf : ' EXTRA ' - , .- Solendid butne fct ebs la. easy terms, or w.ll trade for residence SEE : - ' I.KO N. CH1I.DS CO.. Realtors 32U State Street. I'hone 1727 ,. 63a.9tf SPECIAL . A river bottom farm of 26 acres, 7 miles North a4 Salem. Has almost new 5 room house, good water system, lit acres I cultivated, balance timber and pasture. Will exchange for Salem property and pay difference. , SEE Thomaaon with - LKO N. CHILDS Realtor S.'O State Street. Phone 1737 " "-YES WE MADE TWO deals! yesterday. Exchange of prop erty, hero are a few. ran you matt-ta one of them 1 Beautiful 9 A. tract witb Oak Grove.' Good bouse located Pacific Highway. Priced right.. Also cosy ' 4 room bouse, with furniture. 92400, take s vacant lot. A good 46 A. farm, $75 per sere, tske s amall tract. Beautiful 25 A. farm, best of aoil. amall house, large barn. N.E. of Salem, price $8500, take city property up td .$4000. A good 50 A. and 64 A. jam, 6 miles 8.. trade for city prop erty. : Price $125 per acre. 40 acre . farm,,' 'no bldga., - fine land, $2000, or 80 acres for 95000. take a amall house i as part pay. If yoa wish to trade your : property, .See lois Bee h tel. J. D. Sears. 3tL-State St.. ,63a.9t ' 4 - - . - ' - i will sell YOUfA new House and aae half acre of fiue laud for $100 dewa and . 9341 a mwutb including in tare st. .The house contains four rooms a aad dtreaktaaV aook. 14 double construe ted. well built tbrougout. plenty of buiKlns snd beautifully finished. It ia served witb . city - water, electric lights snd telephone, fully plumbed and lighting fixtures. It ia located just at the city, limits, north Salem s fast est growing section, bss one-half acre of fine garden land which will almost produce the living for the family, witb no city taxes. What you bow pay for rent will pay for this beautiful home the beat savings secount you over tried, and coat you nothing. I am building these houaea continuously and selling thein aa rapidly aa completed. 1 aa completing four ready for occupancy See . me about them at once. Carle Abrama, 1463 Chemeketa St.. Phone 1M94J. 63alti REALLY A GOOD CHEAP HOME LO cated near schools. 4 rooms, has fire place. Only $1950. - Small payment or car accepted. TRIANGLE REALTY CO, 421 Court 6fa6tf WE WANT WE WANT HOUSES TO rentmany inquiries every day. TRIANGLE REALTY CO, 421 Court v . ca6tt ; WEEK END SPECIALS Splendid lot and good house. West Nob Hill. 91900. Good 7 room house on Waller Street 92200. ' Good 6 room ptsstered bouse on N lr.th St. $2300. Good 7 room bouse oa N. 4th. $40 down aad $4- per mouth. Terms on all, . - BARBER AND BOND 200 Gray. Dldg; -15 N. Liberty I c . . 3at REAL ESTATE TRADE 498 FOR SALE OR TRADE CORVALLI8 property. Lot oOxlOi). 9 room modern bouse except basement. Garage l(tx36. new. tor Ma I era property or acreage. Call owner 1 F12. Salem. -65a9 TRADE. 26 ACRES' RIVER BOTTOM laud,' nearly alt. clear, good building. oa good - rood. - $5500 Also 20 acres rtott- bottom land, welt located, oa (iw. road. Buildings worth $10,000. price rixht. Also 40 acres river bottom land, oa good 'road.1 close to town, 13 acres hope. Irel laced yard, price right. Will tske good city ' property bo any af theae. For Rale. Four room nee house not" finished. Good house and four lets, fruit .tree. 81400, F. iL. WOOD. GEO. F, PEEL 341 State St, ' 63a3tf REAL ESTATE Swhurhar. rt NEW HOUSE ' JUT COMPLETED FOJ sale . aa terms like rent, doable, eea etruetfoa, tally plumbed, electric fix cures, etc . 4 rooms aad Bi-eaklaa uoek. a-arac. .etc Oaa half acre a finest garde lead.- Price 93100, Carl. aorama. I4n uaemakete t. Te 1894-J, . s; 'v. c,ttls v, eUSt TRANSFER &. HAULING 70 WE MOVE. STORK AND' SHIP HOU8V ,v bald goods. - Oar specialty la pisse aai furaitnre moving. ' We alee saake eoaa V try trips. W handle the bast coal sac . wood. Call oa as -far pricee. W giv. . saod measure, good quality aad good service. Larmer Trsaafer Uo. Tel. 3o TRANSFER AND HAULING OF A Li t uads. Tel. 7srz. SALEM TRANSFER k FUEL CO. ajocal aad loag . distaaee kauliag storage aad-reel - av B. xtifa. TaL 529. 70a30tl CAPITAL CITY, TRANSFER CO. S96 State St. TeL 938. DistribaUag. for - warding aad storage ear specialty. Get or raree. WATER 74 OBrSGON WASH. WATER SERVICE CO : Offiee SO 4 South Commercial St. Tea par eeat diseouat aa domeatie Jlat rata paid fa advance. Ha dednettoa .for sb ' seacs or aay esasa aaless wster ia ghat pH your premise.- , ? - ru. soon UDDEMLy ,nd ounr w HUNCH THE DfVC; . JO&M PART? IN VCLOSING THE CAHVAS ., GAP bE HIND IT'-..: TaTlL AT ONCE A SHRILL : SCREAK RINGS OUT OK THE : ISIGWT GFEAT i GOSH. KEENE. WHAT WAS THAT WaaaBKWaBBH " . 78 TJ-A.V-B-L"-i' Safety. Swiftly aad OBssfartably la bases af the Psrksr BUga Uses. S T A G E, L K A Y F4R Silvertoa 7 a. 4 U A. Kt 5 p. at. ML Aagel It a. as., ft p. m. . Dallaa f a. m, a. aa.. 1:35 a, as. rails t.ity T a. bl, 8:tO p. as, :J tedepaadeaco 7 a. as, 9 a. sa, 11:15 a. as, 8:10 p. at, 6:15 p. as. 8a- day only 9:80 p. as. Men men ta 7 a. as, 11:15 a. - as, 3:10 p. am, 5:15 p, as. Baaday oaly 7:10 p. as 8:30 p. as. . i MeMiaaville d:39 a. as, 3:10 p. as, - 5-:l p. as.v Newberg 8:30 a. as, 9:10 p. as, 6:15 p. m. Tillamook 9:90 a. as, 9:10 p. am. Call 333 ar 96 far ia forma tioa. . - dsatf AUTOS WANTED 77 ASH pain VOR nmitN-FIR Rat AUTO VHKlt CARS FOR HALK 7 MarionV Certified Used Cars Pord Coupe, 1923 Model, Bear paint. Values ground. ' Bearings takea up. Many extraa. ' : ' - Overlaad, 4-door Sedan.-1923 model. aew paint, valves ground, bearinga taken up. 'A real buy. . . Ktudebaker Special Six Touring, 1923 model, good paint. 7- per eeat tires, motor O K. Many extras. One af these ears that you don't , have ta rua into the shop every week. Buick Standard Six Coupe, 1923 model, paint as good as new. heater, twa hampers, spot; .light, rear glass, awipe. aaubbers, front and rear tires. ,93 per rent aew, A real buy for aay . one. . Star Touring. ; 1925 model, fiaish good, tires almost saw. Many extras. cheap. Chevrolet Touring, 1923 model, looks good sad runs good. Marion Auto Co. 'Stadebsker aad Erskiae Sis Dealers .tor 8a lem pad Marioa County. - . - ' ' 4 Ask for R. L. Gibbins Used Car Dept. 385 South Com'l St. Telephone 363. USED CAR LOT. IfEXT TO FIRE STATION ON CHEMEKETA 1AJT PHONE 2117. :."v-79jly29tr --v .:'-: '.' .1 . , ,. I . Good Used Cars 19C6 Chevrolet Coupe, extras . 9 550. 192B Chevrolet .Coach 5G0. 1922 Ford Coupe . ...;..'. r j. 1921 Chevrolet Touring .:.! 75. Newton Chevrolet Co. Opposite the City Hall 79sCtf i Valley Motor Company USED CAR SPECIALS CLEAN UP ON OUR USES FORDS VALLEY MOTOR CO. Touring cara. with starters. 957 to 980. 1926 Ford Coupe, new lacquer sad mechanically guaranteed. 9135. 1925 fcteel Panel delivery witb start er, $i5t). , 1924 Overland Touring, used very lit tle. 250. 93" f.,p?v-,t,. ;. 1 93 ' TruckJ --ovarhaii1eir, re'painted. goad ', pneumatt Hrei, . 3290t. ' ? , ; Otper truck 950 tW $2 j0' Ford Chassis, with- alactef,-950 aad 969.'-, ft -.-:;'. .-.V.i. ' 4930 f Apff.t I f tj t . . ' . ,,'5f;'' ' VallMbtorjCo Salem.dregon ; i ". j ' , v'79ily2JU PACKARD -OLl S M 0 B I L e, at - " - . 'K - ' . . ' of the; :V Bestr;4 .. 1926 Fob tiaa Coach' (like a4w) J700 1927 .Chevrolet Uoadetar ' ; fully equipped) ,f 9625 1926 Chevrolet Coupe (for quick ' ) U...,.. 9550 yssisna (Joupe (4 psss, a real aay -830f tftaaetaker Tounug -(pew . paint . . - .good, rubber) , 322 Ford- Coupe (aew paint -sad rub- ' r)s !e,.-,'-,',.Hl( Republic , Truck (paea,. tire. 8 tarter) 1 L. 920( Ford Taarlaga (witb aad with aat : i V Starters) 950 to 87f Capitol Motors Inc. BiddyBishbp 350 North High Street Two- of the r : : V Best - ' ; ... PACKARD-- -OLD8MOBILE . . ; f 7tjly2ltf 1926 1927 1924 1927 927 - ii ' t Ferd Touripgs - ;- Vord Cni - ..- - 'r. Fard Ompa' v Ford Roadster r". 1935 1P23. - Ford Roadster .Ford Roadster . - ' Ki rk wood Motor Co. : ' .V'311-;K? mtertWsr ?''-,;-- --l03si''. "i 79sl ; PANS . - YOU VJUILL LEARN y"A: ' L0T.JN."lb-' : Wcovi' CYCLONIC r r r ; - - 2-1 1 erP - TRAVEL USED CARS FOTi SALiJ 79 : t Better Automobile Values 1 : 1927 ! Hupp Coupe. ' ; ' " : 1-5 Oldsmobile twape. - 1?5 Overland Sedan.' i 1925 Ford Caape. 1926 Nash Sedan. . 192 Nash Tearing. 19-J3 Cbevralet Touring., " 19?n Essex Coach. 1S23 Overlaad Tesriag F. We Pettyjohn Co. - 365 North Caamerelal St. Telephone- I SCO AFTER WE SELL WE. SERVE . ;- ,, . 79s4tf. MHOX , CJIANDLER Biggest Used Car Sale of the Season ALL TSED CARS MUST BE S41I.D MANY HAVE NEW PAINT AND RUBBER ALSO HAVT. BEEN RECONDITIONED - ALL MUST GO MARMON COUPF. , MARMON SEDAN ' WILLYS KNIGHT COUPE SEDN HTDSOV PEDAN -WILLY KNIGHT SPT TOURING v BUICK TOURINO : HUDSON SPEEDSTER IMlt4iE ROADSTER STAR ROADSTER - CHEVROLET Ml'PE . CHEVROLET SEDAN " , . CHEVROLET TOURINO J STAR. FORD AND OVERLAND TOUROR ALSO OLDSMOBILE, OVERIAND AND FORD TRUCK8 LIBERAL TERM 8 . ' MacDonald Auto Co. OPEN "SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS COTTAGE FERRY STS. PHONE 409 MARMON CHANDLER -.---; -- - ' - 79s7tf -o; Salem MsbrketB fJBAnf -.v i Ne. I, wheat, white . ',' KeiL wheal, sacked .-i.-. 1 - 1 IS Oat a. per bu. milling. fore; jsttjttoh ajts rext i Top ' bogs n..rtii-f :,11 .25 07 o7M 05 H 104 io .15 Sows ' v.---t f- Top steers , .-1 5 Mi 1927 lambs, aader C Ibt Top live veal L Dreaaed piaJ POULTRY Licht hens . Hesvy bans Springs Roosters i .18 .i .t .17 .060.08 EGGS. BUTTER, BTJTTERFAT Staadards - .1 Pound .19 .41 43Ml44Vb Kutterfst ..... Cream butter VEGETABLES Vegetables, beets, seeked Turnips, csrrol Oaiona.' dos. bunches , New cabbage New potatoes ... 03 .80 . .02 M .02 -o i o General Market MARKETS , Portland. Aua, a. ap) c.g and calves, receipts, cattle I54MI: calves 10. cars 63, Steers, calves and beifer -j o -. . UIMi-tKI irimnu . . , m . - - pounds good .259.50: ditto 110O-13OU pounds' good 9.25W9.50; ditto medium. 800 pounds up 8.259.25; dittto comroaa 6.75fi! fi.: ditto fed ealvea and yearling 73W-95U. pounds, . good, 9.S 9-': heifers good' 7J15W5; ditto common to"me-" dium "fli7-.2fi;- oa.- good .757.2.r.; dfta f eovtut'j .tp'r.nMMm ditto loV, eutjera ttr cutter- 3.a, 5.25 burkJ yrsrlrngy exetadhd. beef .- good .to li-Stj fettle -Cwttcta -Brtd mediuiav, 4JVOii 5. i r- cailfesV'.'VQ: -pouuds down, medium toj --bo1ceT'..0w; 10.4. dilta culla- o rom ina aOuiS.iVOJ'vealerni milkfed. good, i choice 10. ffr 13 JV0-;. ditto medium d.to. ivfll.: dTUo, ctiIIs' tofAmma 6.(n,8.5. , Hogs 'ieueralty'; steady: reeeipta' 1.HKI im-hiding through; hogs, heavyweight 230-350 pound. "mt-diuin to choice 10.7. U 1 1-5 : atedlum wroight 2 0O-250 pounds medium-ta- choice- 11-40 tv 12.40; light weight 1C0-2OO pounds D-ediam to choice 1.401 12.J: i 'light - lights 30-16rt pounilv medians to choice, 11. 5fe 1 2.-5: racking (hok, rough .and amuoth 7.50p 0.; slaughter pigs 50-r30 -pounds, me dium to cbet,ce :ll. 634 12.35; feeder aad stucker -pigs 70-130 pounds. , medium ta hoice tO.tey l'2. ' ' - ' w '" " - (Soft er oily, bog aad raaatiag pigs ex cluded in abova auotatioos.) t Sheep sad Ismbs stesdy": teceipts: Sheep" 1155. ludddlag 985 mmbs On ca- iract. rttation except en lamaa, an ileum basis. ' Lambs. 84 Bounds down good to ahoica 10.50ail.50; ditto me dium 92 pound dowa 9.50 fci 10.541; ditto culls to rammon, all weighta 7. (tt 9.5 y yearling wether 1 0 pounds dowa me dia aa to choice-. 7.6' 8.: ewes. 120 pounds down medium to choice 4.50 6V 5. iO ; dir. , to Biediom to choioe I20--150 pounds. 4.a) 3.:- ditto calls to : eommoo. all weights - pRODTJCaV 'PORTLAND, Aug. . (AP) Ponlfry 'eitdy :- heavy hens t Ui 23e r light ' 1 2 M 14c: springs 18c? broilers 18 fell 9c; klwhjte-ducks J8e; colored seminal: tarkeya aUv nemiual. 1 - :i Milk steady, raw milk (4') $3.25 ewt'f.o.b. Portland: botterf at 40H f.o.b. Portland. Oniena local 91.7502. steady. : Potatoes 92.50it3.23 ssck. stesdy. CHICAGO. Ang. (AP) Frost damage f aerloua. magnitude reported done Canadian grain brought about a mad tcramble of buying Aere' today. Wheat weot akyward aix cents a bushel ia same cases, corn and rye aboet 5e aad oats 3c. Maay high : price roeorda far . tbo-seaaoa were . snjashed. . -.-;--- Closing, ouotstions were greatly unset tled in all lbs speculative pita witb wheat. 4 to 5 3-8c awt higher; corn 2 V to 37-Me up apd oa ts ahpwiug V to 2c advance. FRTLAJrO GRAIN PORTLAND. Aug.' 8 (API Wheat bid : BBS hard . whoa, hard white. UK. Baart. hard feslerat'ioa.. aoft white, west, era white' 1.3$: bard winter 1.30: north ern aprina? 1.81 S western rod t.22v ' 5' Oat, No.,. 36, Pounds W?, aad gray 3. v . :, , v . .. , ' ..-,- Barley. Xa 2. 4.V pontd BW 938. s. Cara. JJa.' 2. K. Y; Shipment 47 Mdlrua standard $28. - ' T 1 SAY ' : - ( PORTLAXDAug. it. ( AP) Hay buy ing prices! Esstera 'Oregoa timothy $'ii" 3?.."0: 'date valley $2W2-50: ehesi 94..10; -alfalfa- 82W 21.; aat bay $15.: straw tH.-Hi per- ta.- Selling: price 9?Uj . -' -' PATRT' ' ' .. PORTLAND. Aag.. 9. (AP) Dairy. Exchange, aet prices: ;-; - -" ' ?; -.t - Butter, : extra - 4le; stasdsrds 4le: : prime first 89c: firsia S7e . .. . Eggs, extra 27r firsts 26c; pullet, current reVeipia 23e ' ' WHEAT ' CHICAPO. Aag. 8. fAP The PalK had a f ield day oa the Chicago Board a: Trad" ltT it a reVt of rfMirl of frosl " and black rest a Canada and the north west aad the -possibility thet the frost: Bar extend lata the corn belt. Wheat advanced from 4 to 5 3-8e. eosr.i went ap 2 to a 7 -He and oats Bad rve sine advsaeed aver Satordsy'.s close. TH eombiastioa of. rust- reports and kiUiii frosta shot the w ben t market up six cent -aad caused it- to-bold most of the advan tage at the close. The Lig rally id Vbest eoapted with possibility, thst the, frosts ths injured" wbsat might extend into the corn -elt caused tins grata to soar abile osts and rye went up ia sympathy witls news aa jollier grsiaa. ft" sa awrsa