The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 09, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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1 TV
ggLpygf A 4 cob i
" L. " - I V
pi' - w wa.,.a w
I Thip brand -of ball lot the central
ari of. Oregon la fast .enough;, the
(cam! from The Dalles'.aemonstrat
ed re Sunday;- tjttt with Wayne
fcarhsroipltchlng shutout ball and
retiring the- batsmen. In one-two-three;
oifdef wltt only two excep
tions, the visitors bad Utile chance,
JThej Senators won R to 0 ;, ,
: The ' Mid-Columbia . V league
champjqnsgot only one safe hit,
a single by helms' jin the seventh
Inning, .but' eredijdoesn't' alr be
3en; to Barnan: Neyer 4Id the
Senators look, more like a -.major?
Jeafcue outfit than they did Suu-
with .every man fielding -hard-
chances perfectly and - throwing
with deadly precision.-. Barbara
cn(g, the visitors. hitting . the ball
T&fd and oiten; out vuo me team
playing as It was, out of the park
-would hare been, -the1 v only , safe
place to hit, and nobody flulte
managed to do that. V
' ; rhe Senator's - followed accust
craed . habit. i of scoring from the
gtirt. Billy Sullivan drew -a walk
and brother Joe did the brotherly
thing br'sacrifieing -.him-'along r
Billy t?,6rejlt on a. wild heave to
; filthy? Mann on Steer's grounaer.
and Steers scored from first on
Jacobberger's two bagger.
1 Drlpswiro"; nad ' apparently as
- ranch vstuff as any pltckerthaf,
has appeared nere, iraprovea
Ktladilv. . He allowed two- hits la
the second; Inning, , but;, cut .the
locals dfl. without- aa-ifOore; ? and
b$ dint 'of twSatrlkoujts.Ttept
them , from 'denting the
spite, tf lifoife. . .hits la th? . Uird.
Tie aext'tiwe'lnnlngs he held' them
i.1 t
Jill tons. ...
V it'
But in the sixth Barham himself
started the fireworks with a
single, And Drips walked Joe Sul
livan and Goleraan Steer sac
Tifice fly scored Barbamr and
Jicobberger doubled again, scor-.
Irig Sulliyai laud'CTolemaB., .
jDucSj'f - Drake, veteran- spit
blll artist, relteyedl Drips. the next
Inniag, and held the Senators hit
ls for the remainder o? the game.
'lie appeared to. have -as much on
the ball as-Drips, and better: eon?
trol, sothat fans were wondering;
J why the former Portlander Wasn't
nied from the start , ;
Taerisitora Sul'leS'-two spectac-
ar, fielding playB, and there was
n uch'-dlseussion. of one 'of them.
Cook, youthful first baseman, ran
' i l tek nd!;,caught Goleman's foul
f f y falling as he did so.- It looked
i t mahlXhe'anaa though he
) dropped the-ball and picked if up
! tikainut, theMimplre said. Gole
i rtan was", outr. The 'Other , out
' Ktandinr ' play occurred -when
'f wlckyi.c'ehter ;fietdFV.raa bak-
and speared Edwarda long . iiy
f. with oftelhAXid by "Jlilri ping. high
in the alr. .This, play- robbed the
Enatbrtf ot?tWB riiria In the fifth
j The Dalles..-,'; AB Bl p PO .AE
li Brdluhatiir'it.; ff:'v0"-3
! Helms,- asv . -i . . . S St I -2 Q,
i: : Sarbe'rJ:2brr:-i lr. 0 0 2 0
( Swlck,-cf .. ... 2
' llann, 3b. ..... .2
"Greene; 3aW:..U
; I t)rips, i p -?. . . . . 2
Bakers rfVVV.f
VrtTbtals28 0 1 2
; The box. scores
5 2
Playep: . U . 1;,,.'AB ,R H,PQ, A. P
V. Sullfratii 'lb.44 1 0 10 1
Sullltaa, 2b.:3 iJ Of' ,2 2
boleman, cf. .;.l4-l-0-2 0
Steers. Jf n. . f,. ,. . v
racobfeergextsijrf 40 J,3 : v J.,
Lidini. 'ifv.. t-t l"-r 3
IcKennarSb.T. .T ' 3 -O
fcdwafdtfjf ct.f. . I--h 0; t .8 - 0
barham! p.liVr 1 1 1 0 0
Ukta'. '.
..tf2lf 6 8 27
9 I
Summary: Two base hIts,.-Ja-
obberger 2;' sacrifice h!ts,X Sul
iiTa,teers,i McKenna, Barham
Stolen bases. Hidings; double
j)lay, JaeobbeTger to. W. Sulliran:
l)aaea ( a . ball off Drips at f
brake, lt-atrack oat, by Barham
1 by Drips; 3, by Drake3 hit
! fbatsmen,-' Barham by-. Drips. Bar
Ijhara by Drakes Tlmvf
l:4E;.annpires, Laird, and , Kas-
toerger, .... M. . ;. ....: .. r-
Amerlcaa, Iieane Standings J
O ' ' ' 1 " 1 o
-. . , w r.
New York:;:?- 3t
Detroit; . . .
......63- 42
......55 48
. . .65 , 50
r . Eft '
unicago-. ,
Cleveland . . .
... ..45 62
Boston. .. i.. ...... 35 70 .332
The Indians knocked Jobn?a -out
1 of the box in the 6th inning and
took today's game from ine
fctnrs 6 to 1." ': '
Scores: . ','
Cleteland v..... . .'M 9
Washington -.". . . . . . . '
?hante '- a4lAutrey: Jpbpsotu
i Jlarberry Burke and BTnet . . y
, BOSTON. AUG. 9. X AP-J-tbe
; RmI Sox won. thelr sixth straight
Tictory at Feaway jarf todar hy
taking, theSepend ; ga "P - tBa
I sejies witb Detroit, .3 to 2-.
' Score , ft. H E
f Detroit ...... s? 3
, toner," Carroll aafl I VToo&tll:
Tf;: " A j Sk
J , . X - ' . V. V:
v ; ,- v v, --v; " v ??
The little World Waf of tennis
is on. ABd Helen Wills, queen of
the racquete'era. is on "the .defen
sive on alf fronts ' '
Girls of, four nations, .eyes' ' on
the .laurels that bedeck the brow
of the Berkeley U4uty. thi.4 sum
mer .are making a poncentratecf
effort" .to' over thrqw '-the fair Helen.
5 In,, the fjnropean ' ,ector; the
young foes of Miss Wilis 'are, ' in
cr(asiog4 u' number and formid
abjllty:. EveA at home, in ' her
own bailiwick, of California, there
is thp rising menace of t he comely
Miss Jacobs, who aspires to the
tennis throne as Queen Hftlen II.
The: sturdy, 18-year-old V Miss
Jacobs ha already had on brush
with; Miss Wills this summer and
suffered ..defeat at the bands ' of
the. aueen. . But Miss Jacobs has
Huffing an d-- Hefmann , Harily..
At New York:".. Chicao--Xew
York game postpohed. wet ground.
At Philadelphia; Stl t.oui.1
Philadelphia . game postponed.
National L-eague Standings I
O r i ; O
Natfonal league Standings
... . W L. Pet.
Chicago . .
. .64
. .60
. .57
. .49
. .38
L Pittsburgh
St. Louis .
New Yqrk
Brooklyn .
Boston . . .
:Al JJational league games post
ponpilji rain! i ;
4 "fcr LATE SPUH1S
-" i o
TVP- Jimmy, Maloney-Jamaica Kid
boxing contest ' scheduled her'e'to
night was postponed until Friday
afght 1'Ccsute of threatening
weather, " . " ; '
f API,- The heavyweight 10 round
boat between Pat McCarthy of
Boston xnd. Tony. MatuJlQ, of: New
Orleans, scheduled for tonight at
the Nutmeg stadium has,, ; been
postponed until WecJaeday night
bccan?e of rain, k - j, p jJ .;
league champs
4 given banqUet
The ehampionshfp "Valley Motor
and , Post Office teams were ban
queted.1ast night at, theSpa by
memberi'pf the two city 'baseball
of the two organizations watoasi-
master, v '- 3- -1
fobs were jpre'sente d? t.$;raem bets
of the; Valley Motor; tesThe tfV
phief for te;,at'pXfii'.jplayrs
Tpachea-Satel shifr Into- sefcond ,ears vThls
rbV' MarvV-DodarQrr
ioytsecfetaryvoagei iJiu.t:U.:'.tiM -
nave not yei
, A":, re port
league was. Indicatedv i r;.--.
W I PhiUIpa and Chet Laird
were honor guests at "the banquet.
The German selected,- to come
to the United; SUtes to represent
her countrir in 1ie?' fntJrhatifinal
beauty contest iaV "loag iiDr. .h6
wont', have qhanc-M, heri re
any barbers oo the Jury.
net . been definitely disposed of.
Ndt by a long shot. Twice national
girls' ehanvpftm' she is . rapidly
rounding into a star ,df the first
watef. . '-- ' :
Two youngsters have crossed
he pond, now known ' as Lind
bergh's laWeV to attack" the queenr
dom'of .Helen:. r . ;
First is Betty Nuthall.' chubbv
baby champion of Great Britain,
who. despite her few' 15 years, is
amember of the British Wight
man cup team 'and about the best
bet the Isles have had for a long
time in women's tennis circles.
Close on the heels' of Betty
came Juffrouw Kea Bouman. first
tennis star of Holland Co -invade
these shores, Juffrouw (or Miss
Bouman) Immediately' on her ar
Viiyal here,entered in thekSeabrih t
it it
Setting what is believed to be a
world's record for distance by a
motor, vehicle , on the basis of a
gallon of fuel. Allan Canfieid,
Statesman staff reporter." riding a
stock single Harley Davidson mo
torcycle, chalked1 np-a: record "of
1 9 84 miles on . a gallon of gasoline
here last Friday when hie rode, an
actual distance of 49.5 miles on a
single quart of fuel: " '
This record exceeds by 8 , miles
tne;worlds record 'of. 190 miles,
established. In the first artnuar In
ternationa).; . newspaper iken'ii mo
torcycle derby lasiryear. ' '
r' At the ei4 ott the IVs rnh, .Har
ry Scott, locaHarty. 4aJf who
supplied the nia.ehJafQr the: ruaJ
somewhat Incredulous at the reL
fdarkable rjeerdrdiseoBueetedhw
gas line frdmt4htA4x411ay:taald
wbich hadjeB-seed-'b4fe lb
. I J .1 a I .a . . . . a.u, in. ius7iprsuce' ur ina
observers,:. Myretf VUlfams v aM
Kay C. Abst, stated traffic off I
cer, found ft 'fo- ' be" perfectly
dry, proving that no- more than
the original quart had" been used.
'; Starting arly iff the ; morning
under most ideal, weather condi
tions, a course -was run -from the
Harley Davidson shop, on South
Commercial, . north' to Hubbard
abd return to the falrgro'unda. and
thence east to a point about nine
miles from Salem on the Silverto'n
road. ... ji.i-i,.i
. Using, ordinary' Richfield gaso-
lrde, in the test tank, and with the
motorcycle (n exactly the same
condition' in wfiich'it' had. been re
ceived the night -i before ' In ex
change for a new 1928 Harley,
except for carburetor' adjustments,
r leasing the spring tension on the
clujeh. and t rrio7ihgbe speed-'
onieter, the trip was made at' an
average" speed pf 32 miles aa hour.
juniy once, at a point, apout rive
mfles east of Salem oirMie Silrer-
tOft road, was. It found necessary
the cylinder could no tbe varied to
meet bni Conditions?. ''". v s
While returns of the intema
tlonal 'com.petition.'ln which there
vrtre- pearly : 500 entrants this
year, probably, will mot be received
here or the'; next two or three
weeks it IN-ifelleved that Canfieid
will 'talfe'tSft silver . trojhy , and
iou oiiarea py the Harley David
to-ffolprcompaaj'for' first place,
f n5 ... -r' A
N. J., Invitational tourney boast
ing .many American staTS, includ
ing MisstJacobs.- '
And -over in 0lden Spain Is a
young 'getlorita with soft eyes but
steel muscles smarting, still under
the. "defeat hahdd hef at Wimble
don, this. sirmnier ;by Miss' Wills.
European;' tennis' foliowerr picHed
Senorita Lili d'Alyarez. to defeat
the Berkeley Blaze at Wimbledon,
and' when she didn't they .express
ed surprit?e. Be sure the senorita
awaits revenge with true ' Span
ish determination.
And so there you are with tho
merriest sort of little world" war
of sport in : progress, involving
four nations- America, England.
Holland and Spain, the Feminine
Entente -all at war with our Hel
en. whose sole allies tare her rac
qmH.aud berKOod rjght'arm.4'
Painted Line DivifJea
-Russia ArtfJ Poland
' .'WARSAW " CAP ) -4AII that 'dl-
vides;the pplish frontier, from tha
Knssian. in a remota eastern corn
er ii a painted Une '
At one point a-: wide r road Is
crossed bv- two bars, one red and
white, indicating the "end of Po
land. 4then a few meters on one
entirely red, marking the ' begin-
nifur.Oftbe Soviet territory.
Between thetwo bars is a neu
tral one. a sort of nobody's land,
w here - Poles and Soviets meet to
settle ni Inor border incidents auch
as the crossing of the frontier ry
ai cow or hen. . " .
' , Chicago's . Best !
r,t. "
- JUT- ,
i Jillsa Clara Smlthr laugha af ho
asyht-waa, alter wianL.jrtia
teat C&c&g9'tlyitrl3 tf !rl-
f f 4 I -t
.v.- . ...
The presence In the United
States of the members-of the Brit
ish Wightmsn cup squad draws
the limelight to the feminine con
tingent of the tennis world. Joan
Fly. Bettie Nut hall. t al, are .oc
cupying the center of the sport
stage right now.; ;
Juffrouw Kea . Boumau of Hol
land, -'Senorita de Alvarez, of
Spain and ' one or ' two Other '. fair
maids of the continent" who must
bt ranked among4 the real stars7 of
the, game are not wltb as; How
ever: ' : -.7'' i"1
..- Among the others is Esther
Heine of South Africa.
Not only, is- ,she demanding a
place In the tennis sun for herself
these days, but she recalls -the fart
that tbe "union has given the
game several outstanding stars.
Probably the best known of
these, lo America, is Brian Nor
ton. P. D. B. Spence is another
Two women. Miss Tapscott and
Mrs. Peacock, have demanded
rank with the best of the conti
nental players.
Miss Heine,' however, bids fair
to soar' higher than her sisters.
She is but 17' now "and despite he'
youth shows a dashing type of
play of the Helen Wills type. Her
baek-court, game has been called
little short of perfect already. She
is developing a sturdineas, which
fits her for this long- driving
game. too,.. 'V ' '. I.VA-'V
She ha3 already- demoostrafied
her skill" OB-'BrIUsb.urIsVui:
The Ne'wjYork state.- boxing
commission : threatens, tordo.. dlr
things to Tex Rickard in reprisal
for the shifting, of . the' second
Dempsey-Tunney battle to Chi-
Which places the commission
in a ridiculous position that of
attempting to punish Rickard for
its own-shortcomings.
Failure of the commission to
come to an agreement with Rick
ard. over the admission price not
only cost: the New York fans a
chance to see the title mill, but.
with the same" fell swoop, deprived
the jolly state treasury of some
thing like $20,000 -it would! have
derived as the commission's share
of the proceeds. This would have
helped defray the expenses of the
commission for some time at least
1 Rickard's answer to any threat
in the future will be to take his
fight to some other city. Which
won't please the residents of New
York -who like to attend prize
fights or profit from the crowds
t, No doubt, efforts will be made
by swimming devotees in the U. S
to coax Miss Edith Jensen,' Danish
swimmer,. to exhibit : her prowess
in this -country withla the next
Miss Jensen has: drawn the
limelight on the European conti
nent in recent months with her
endurance' feats in-the whter. Last
8( ri ng. ; she set what la called
LworldT record for continuance
swimming ' by remaining iir the
water 234 hours. Early I the
summer -she, performed' the spec
tacular feat of swimming around
Heligoland in the remarkable
time of tared hours arid' 47 min
utes. .
More recently she swam the
sound between Sweden and Den
mark. The distance is estimated
a 25 kilometers. Her trip took'
her from Baraebaeck, Sweden, to
Klampenborg, a point north of
Copenhageii. 'n."."''
i 1 SALEM'
Mr. afl, Mrs, .lapAs omaa.
ATiss Elliabeta ThoraaATand Leb
R. Thomai, cf Seattle; ,&&kjv6iti
at the ew Salem hotel recentlr.""'
' Mrs. J ET 'j; Conihge and ' Cja!
Colllnger of Los jngeJes. register
ed at the New Salem hotel Satur
day nights
Mr. aad MrS; M. U Sevier aad
Helen S. McNaughton, of Los An
geles,- were members- of a party
registered at the ew Salem hotel
Saturday night.. -
Out of town guests af the Nbw
Salem Saturdsy fncthded' Mr; and
Ms. W, P.- Hope,, of Glendale,
Cal.i Mr.:nsd- MTkJ Rv 1. Jacobs,
of Payette, Ida.: Mf- and Mrs
William MclntOHb Mnil Mr anH
MrsJ Jaek Cromle, of San Fran
cisco; Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin, of
Alameda, Caf.; f and A.rj. Keese
and family, of Salt Lake City.
Utah'. . - .- t-v
-.yrl r; Oiiry4 advance ageflt. for
the ARingling .BrosBarnum and
Bailey circus, was i- business' visit
or, in Salem Saturday, preparing
for .the coming t the. elrcus ' to
Salem v the-: latter part ' of vthe
month. ' ' .
" Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Walker,
of Hebalem.! were guest at the
New! Salem hotel SatardayJaighU
Mr. an;4- Mrf. NTjEv amtsr
werfe ruests ' tt Safera,'Tro& - vt.
TAmont tbe f guests ; front the
state at the Terminsl hotel Satar-J
day blghf ete W. T. Toung. ;or
allls; Mr. and JMlrsi ,Jos. JS&ock
ley, Roseburg;1" rd P. Jones".' Jef
ferson; J. P-Coats, Grants' Pass;
tl It. WeMs. iralseyrMr. and Mrs.
C. K ChrItiaisojft. . M,ni City; fatid
J. W.. SurlefvAfon mouth. '
?tr Stte:; . VYant f Ads
yi-v! ,J(---'!r
.Here are- the-members- of the-:creV-apd the-plane for the - proposed- British two-way ocean iop,
London to New York and return. Left to right they are: Captain F. T.; Courtney, -English ace and
leader of the flight; Flight rLleutenant E. W. M..Downerand H. P,. Little, engineer. Below Is a view
of the Doroler-Napier all-metal seaplane to be used on the hop. It has a speed capacltyof lis kilo-. -meters
Cf21miles) an hdur. -1 - y, " ' . . . ? - v.
i "-'JiavirT immmi1ammmULmJLtm v''- -i'
Jack pempsev wishes to train in
private,; with, the public barred and
his training performance open on
ly to newspaper correspondents.
The, former world's heavyweight
champion advised Tex" Rickard of
his' desire today, adding he will
arrive in Chicago Aug. 18 to open
the campaign for the title bout
with Gene Tunney in Soldiers
field Sept. 22.
Deiupsey told Rickard In a com
municatton from Los Angeles thaf
Leo. P. Flynn, his manaeer.
woulld arrive in Chicago by the
end of tho week to select-a train
ing site. Several resorts ..and
country clubs and the Lincoln
Fields race coarse, have wired
Dempsey to consider their factli-t
ties ;'(.".
The pempsoy camp will be lo
cated t'.cye to ' Chicago. Rickard
3aid, as both Dempsey aad Flynn
want, to soot within an hour's
ride of the city. ' I
" Bill r. Gibson., manage? of . Tun
ney. -also Is expected before the
end of the -week -to select a train
liig camp. ' Tnnney likewise has
expressed a desire to - . have his
camp located near Chieago so
newspaper correspondents may
visit without being forced to ride
great- distances to make the two
camps. '
Rickard returned to New York
today for the Delaney-Paullno
fight Thursday sight. . With that
match out of the way, Rickard
will dash back to Chicago with
his entire staff of assistants, to
remain, until after the Dempsey
Tunney affair. .
Rickard explained the ticket
prices would . be scaled at $40,
$30, 820, $15t $10, and $5, war
tai included.-
Xotice of Hearing of Final Account
. In the- Coaaty Court of the State
of Oregon for the County or Mar-
In. the matter -of .the Estate of
Alexander McFarlane Deceased.
Notice'ls hereby given :.bat tle
liaaf account of 'rtf a, Plymale,
ffflmfnatralrto. of-.tha Eafnft of
Alexander : McFarlane- .deceased,
has lMemed'rtfjAetfnly Court
of ' Marran - Coaatr. Oregon, -and
tht the 24th dhy of August, 1921;
at thelhdur of 10 o'clock a. m., has
been, appointed by said Court for
ftearisg objections to said final ac
coaat, at - which time any persons
interested In aald estate may ap
pekr and file objections thereto in
writing, and contest same. , '.
, t , t ; BERTHA PLYM ALE. . ':
v Administratrix
C. Ai Swope"," "V " ., v
Attorney for estate.' - ' .
V jly-26-a-2-9-l-2S
. i v'r NOTICE -. . . , .
ir In accordance with . the - pro-"
visions of Section 2748, Oregon
LawsJ the State Treasurer of Ore
gon will receive sealed bids up to
eleven o'clock A. M. our September
15i t9ZT,: tot : $20,04 .03 fie
vhlaaf of 'registered, general - f dnd
"warrants- -of Deschutes- County,
Oregon-. held ' as seenTH-rfor .the
deposit of? the. State Treasurer
with ;th:Firstf National Bank of
Bendi Oregon. Insolvent. The war
rats dratv tnterest at the fate At
six per cent peir annum from the
date of registration to date of -call
1 the. County Treasurer of, De
sckutes County.' Fuji information
concerning- the sale, of ' the , war
nihts dates ol registration- there
of and accrued.: interest thereon
mat be obtalaed:, from tbe btf ice
of State Treasurer at Salem.
,1 All- bids must be accompanied
by. ?a certified check payable to
Thds; B.T Kay,. State Treasurer,, for
five per cent ( 8 ) ef.the total
race yaiueor the warrants-, which
check win be lorteitetr tet the stats
or uregon in-case. .the successful
bidde.r. falls, to complete his pur
chase. - The State Treasurer re
serves the right ti reject any and
all olds. , - ' j. , w .
Dated at Salemdregon, Au" t
6. 1927. -;4 I - . .
, , "tiio3.d. ,
rf-f State Treasure r-ct-c -9-ll-2S-30
''. V-i
-TK-x-',,V. in. i IMI r Mil 1 V
1 1
-i...-.-. .vrr -v.-.-. -.w.' ...
; fintVt -Ifl 1 1,' . ) i i in vi'ia. -jt-.- v. xvMi; - v- -
LA ... ., ..
HAn txhyrftlon I garrro VwIU be
PiSyed at 1 1ft-. hall- park. Thursday
i : Valley MotoV niae and a i . 4whii-77
tear oP stars aaleVW Kft4!! tf t-
hip : Vallftv Motov "nine 'and
rJdthrJ'ti The gme hIIV s.rt-afj
R:50 ti in. - - " 5
The lineup announced by ' Ed
wards-list night follow.-: Wh
fiefd; e: Biddy Blhop . p; SpW
Keerie. lh; Hulert. Ashljy. 2bi
Heerran, as; Mason, 3h; EdwardaV
IfrWatBon, cf and Luke Giil, rf.
NEW YORK, Aug. 8. (AP)
The InernationaT News Reel cor
poration: is chargedr with "sur.
repitItiottslyy filming the Deinp-
sey-Sharkey fight at the Yatikee
stadium, "pirating' the resulting
pictures, and under-selling the
company authorized to take the
pictures, In a complaint filed" In
the supreme court today by tbe
GoodaTt Pictures, Inc.. arid tbe
Rickard Sporting club, inc. The
complalnauts ask an injunction
and damages, but do not specify
any amount.
IThe quickest and best way to
" sell a tised car is to insert a tnor- r
wgW descriptiYC Want Ad in
;F?P5r W short period of -
.ccnsecutiveinseTbni; Now i" ' : ;
ujc -uiuc ay scu your car. as ine
vapprpacE ojLsprW'crealei'uie.
-desire; Bfiy fonfcl Bnt fci i
-sage to me very people yon wisfau
xtaikItas thi surest and
most- economical ..way, , tcr get
quick results."
. " - ":.
. . : .
$ v X f .
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announced today the ..tlafte'd
States Golf Association. - George
Vbtt Elm. Los Angeles; w Xio-; 2
and Jesse-W. S wee tser; New' York,"
Nofc.-"3: t Francis 'Outmet,- Boston',.
Watts Gunn, Atlanta,, and 'Bon
Stia; Seattle, were placed- fonrU,.
tlftb and sixth. ddle Held. gt.
Louis, was. sevenths i Jesse : P.
Guilford. Boston, eighth; Harrison
R. Johnston, Minneapolis, . ninth
and Rolatid MacKenzie, Washing
ton, tenth. " " ' . , ;
A second list of ten- amrnged-alphabetically
included: C. D. Cor
coran. Philadelphia,. George Daw
son, Chicago; Frank Dolp, port
land. Ore.; E. H. Drlggs, Jr., New
land. Ore.r E. R. Drlggs- Jr., New
York; Charles Evans; Jr., chlcai
go; WIlHam PowTiesi Jr.. PltU
burgh; James. Manloin St.:Loais;
Max It. Marsten, Philadelphia;
Fred J. - Wright. Jr., Boston:
George J. 'VoIgt.' Washfmjtotrl .', '
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