THE OREGON STATESMAN. 8 AlJttl;.OTtEG0n TUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 9. 1927 V E - - - - " - . ' ! K G. W. Johnson & . r ". i i i ...I- 1. i ; , 469 State LOCAL Planning to' spend several days at the Tieach resort, a'pfctty on sisUxira'ot,Jr;;,jaia ,gli;Doney Mr. and-Mrs,- Hugh Doaey, and WiUlarn .Uelghton: lef'testerday morning for Neskowln. They are expected to ; return some ; ' time Wednesday. Spends Vacation in Seattle I Miss ; Anona , Welsh, secretary in the office of Justice of the Peace Brasier Small, left Sunday GAatttA whsira ft ha will ftTIPTirl Tcj ( her vacation period - of one week. ter ElUabeth Welsh. During her absence, Edna Borchardt is tak ing her place in the Justice office. ParabMe Motor Oil T i 100 per cent paraf fine base. At general Independent Dealers. a9 Taylors on Trip to Beach Rev, and Mrs. F. C. Taylor and family will leave today for a ten day trip to Oceanslde, near. Ne tarts. Rev. C. Murray Keefer, of Kimball School of .Theology,, will cccupy the pulpit of the First Mer thodlst church Sunday during'Rev. Taylor's absence, while-the -members, of the Epworth League who attended institute in Falls City last . week, will give their reports at the evening meeting, ,under the direction of Miss Margaret Sutherland. Rev. Charles Bur leigh, of West Salem will have charge of the mid iweek services Thursday night. Complaint Filed Against Girl -A romnlalnt was filed in justice Y'coUrt yesterday m against Mildred Hares, said to be from Boise, Ida., 1. on a charge of passing worthless checks. bTe .young woman was bound over to the grand jury nd ball set at $1,000, which sh was unable to furnish. She is being held in the county -Jail.' ; ' . Furniture PpnoTatcr ed' " ' r- - - L J And repairing, t, Qlese-Powers rurnitur Cov mt Wrecks Car; ArrefOed-i-; .- f. i nnnth Rpnfj" ff Newbrrt WB! attested;) jday UUjjivs'tt' jrtf ficers declare tHv tVdnl.nk atjthe timeSi-8 -v pjC - ft ' "" Tf" ' '"" "'- Dt R; Lee Woo3 ?T - . " ' will be out of his office, 310 U. S.;' Bank Bldg. ;nntll v-. August fifteenth. ' a9 . Miss Winifred Graham, . Marsh' field has been employed as secre tary to C. A. Howard, state super intendent of public instruction. Miss Graham is a graduate of the university of Oregon and has been employed as instructor of English WATCH THIS SPACE MS S-Room house on 'North " Sum- i mer St., east, front. Price $4,000. Terms. .1- ? S-Room house in southern part of city,' modern in every de tail. Trice $7,000. Terms.-; 8-Room " house in east Salenu ' lots of fruit and . shrubbery." A nice home; and worth ail that Is asked. Price $C.S00.' '' Terms. ',' : , . : " ' S-Room modern house In gowd residence district. If yon "rcat- ly want a home that you will .- always be proud of, .como In '.- , apd let us show you .this,, re- duced from $7,500 to $6,500 Terms. : 'a 4-Room house. ' fireplace, large lot with walnut Trees, beaut L : f ul location. Prlce;$S,000. .A. -. payment of $250'' cash buys this home and ; balance $30 per month, same as rent only ; you pay it to yourself. : U. 8. Realty Co. . ', ,: 442 State St. Tel. .2660 . , car. and ir4fft Mi pslAfal' abbut theU '4 rredtisg SI L'K- H OS E In all the latest shades only ' . $1.00 Why Pay More? NEWS. IN iu1 the Marshfield high school for the past two years. - She entered upon' her new duties today. a Oregon Palp A Paper Co- Preferred. Limited amount for tale. Hawkins 4b Roberta. Phone 1417. Jy6tf Home to Get W Earl Pruett and his family have returned to their home in Salem after an outing at the coast, which included a motor trip from New port to Neskowin, over a road that is remarkable for picturesque scenery. Mr. Pruett states that he is glad to get home, and get warm , once more, as he almost froze to death over there, being obliged to drive with the protec tion of a -blanket around him. Suffered a. Stroke Mrs. Mary J. Pruett, who suf fered a stroke of paralysis some months ago, is not so well at latest reports. Mrs. Pruett Is a member of the well known pioneer Stevens family ? t ' Hayesville. but during her illness is with her daughter Mrs. Lain King in Salem. 23 per cent off on all Stoll Auto Tents. Ray L. Farm er Hdwe. Co. ' a9 Returned from OutiiiR Mr. and Mrs. Hector Adams and little daughter have returned to their home after a pleasant out ing at Hebo and' Pacific City. Mr. Adams operates a green house on North Liberty street and has Charge of the planting and care of the flowers at the fair grounds. In Improved Health Mrs. Genevieve Marsters has re turned from a trip to Aberdeen, Washington, where she was called by the illness of her daughter. Mrs. Jack Leith, whom she left in . Improved . health. Mrs. Mar sters makes' her home with her daughter; Mrs. Hector Adams. Try Blue Moon Service Station- On the highway. 3 miles south of Marion Hotel. ' Ethel Liston. Booth VI)l Sck J '"CQrhmander Evangeline Booth, of-4h national forces of the SaV yauon; Tfis. nas, been invuea so ;ddr ess the -great Americafl Le- Tionronventlon la Paris. Sentcm- bef ' 16-28, th9 only woman t- be o honored according to Local En ign Pitt. , A delegation of the 'ads and"lassies! who served with ioldlers la the world war, will by ineclal reauest attend the conven tion, under the leadership of the ma man who led the overseas forces of the Salvation Army. Col onel WiUlafm - S. Barket, new chief secretary of the army's west ern territory, with headquarters in San Francisco ; - t New Homes- ' r 14350 to $12,000. Complete in ill ways. Reasonable terms if de- dred. . Becke A Hend ricks, ;xs . ui-h .fit ;" ' . ' I . as h EaslgnAllenfPUtof the local 5alvat5on Army; Is one or a party - ..ktAh tin honn 'dftlecfttad 1 L 1 I D VfUSlgU- W ; " yj Oovernof Patterson to . repre- ent the army's state lorceaattne mertcan ' "Prison - association's .nnirriiM In Tacoma. August i 12tb 18tb.ii,M'ajor.and iMrs.f Bayn Vn." atat commander. and Major nd Mrs. Talbot, of Portland are ie other memlersof 'the. party. alvaUonisls directly engaged In Tan worv !l "tivert the t-o mtrr 3rilV,attona h9 onT0ntIo3 YMC'A. 'anip'IVrd-,'y -Th. bovs at the Elk- Lake YM CA camp will leave camp Wednes day momlnr at 6. a.m t and afttr hiking the 12 miles dawn to De troit, will be met .by cars .and brought -on . to Salem. They are expected -in Salem about 3 p.m. GiIIcm C:m tm 1rkiBIT ' , Slight damage was done ,to Comp any BRIEF when V. E. Cook, of Oregon' City! backed his "car- from the curb, on High street between Chemeketa and Center, arid struck "thn rear fender ot a car-drivea by b; J. Palmer, ot Med ford : - How Gornl News Does Spread! General gasoline is still the best. - a9 For Sale or will Ituiltl Business or Factory building to suit tenant -ri following proper ty: Corner Front & Court, ground space . 82;xl65'; Corner Front & Ferry, ground space 150'xl6.V; Corner Mill & Commercial, ground space 150'xl65. Chas. K. Snauld- Ing Logging Co. Phone 1830. a9 Woodburn Counlw to Two marriage licenses were is- suwed in the county clrk' ofritrf yesterday to Wilbur L. Jonas and Ruth M. Garrison, both of Wood- burn, add to Floyd fi. Wilms, Neenah, Wis., and Elizabeth A. Jones, Weodborn. IcfendAntH ' Ahitwcr Saiei'n llardware company. on ot the defendants in the suit of J. W Copeland Yards against First National bank and others, filed aanwer in circuit court yes terday, denying certain allega tions of th plaintiff and making cross t omplaint. Home Headquarters Triangle Realty, 421 Conrt. J27tf Ct,mp!airt Answered Defendants in the suit of F. R. Royston ngafnst O. R. Thompson and Mr. .0. R. Thompsoa, to re cover payment alleged due for painting, two houses:, yesterday filed answer in' circuit court de nying that there is any money due the ntainliff according toithj ag reement previously made by the two part .s. Divorcee A wardefl Alimony Murrell-Stewart was awarded a decree of divorce from Albert K..T. Stewart in circuit court yes terday, ciistdyoC a minor child, Siid Elimonv i?rdi oF SST. .mtni. W sncl ;$tjefjnm:i3j "the "" """" M1-" - Qxtjr" u viiiQ yf iuq riVtt,, and -expertK-ii i n ciden tt i.i t.iu- Tjrtrsi -.inrt Inhnmun trcatQirnt were r:?ivea as grouud.". Hotel Mart oi Dollar dinners served 5:45 to 8 very evening. n$6tf HitsbAt) Get.-r f A. V.'v .. PatchV'.i was treated cruelly and ." Inhumanely by hi3 wife. Hazel L. Patchkin, according t i !';T.ations raa.v in hti ttuitfor l!vrr?e. He was awarded a dt- eva in -i fault - in circuit court yesteiiry. . Th -c t r? no child ren. ' ,'" rn Couples Mc.-mj-c.I - . 5 Svrn couples were issued mar riage licenses Saturday. They In cluded Albert Van Santen,' Sal- - Casey's Onaranteed RIIEUMATISM REMEDY Money refunded if it doea not i 4j- eore your case . . ; . . NELSO.V A HUNT, Dreggbrta Cor. Court and Liberty: Tel. 7 i iHEaiSTTTCIlING 6. S and 10 cents per yard. Also buttons stamping and pleating. I ANWa II. KUUEGER . Over. Miller's ; Telephone 117 Radiura Ore "RYigator - Purifies water, 'cleanses the blood and gives -health. J. I RLLI3 Distrlb-tow IS9S 8. Csarei 0 o. u ;l ' BAYS , .OUR D24 pAKLAND 4COUPK ; v WITH" OO PER ICENT NEW RUBBER, EX CELLENT MECHANICAL ; OONDmoy, AND SEV ERAL EXTRAS IS4 A REAL BUY AT 8350.00.- The BoflM That 8er lee Baflt" em, and Mamie Ora Dunifer of Sil verton: frank L. Hoover and Maude A. Herraen, both of Salem; Richard E. Chittenden of Inde pendence and May Florence Bolll-e- of Salem; Roy P. Farrand and Gladys L. i Jory, both of Route 4, Salem; Sayette T. Mitchell of Tur ner, and .Pearl J. Langtree of Route 4SaIem;' Leonard Brock ett. TillimQOk, and Jennie Hill of Salem; and Collett A. Ttuak and Elizabeth A. Lenon, both of Sal em. . Grand Jury to Report The Marion county grand Jury.' called in special session to consid er a number-of important- cases last Friday, will ' reconvene and make its report jiext Friday, it was learned from - the office of John Carson,-, district attorney, yesterday. ' . ; Auction Sale Tomorrow 1351 N. Cottage. H. W. Woodry A Son Auctioneers, Phone 75. a9 Car Struck WJiile Stopping When O. W. Russell, of Salem, slowed his' car down in order to light a cigar, his stop light was not observed by Charles F. Brechtil, 719 W. 9th street. Eugene, .who as driving behind. The Brech til car struck the . other machine in the rear, damaging the fenders somewhat. The accident occurred on the Pacific highway, near the Valley packing company, at 1 a. m. yesterday. One Sunday Acciden ReioHeI The only Sunday accident reported- yesterday In the office ot the city police was that of cars driven by S. T. McAdam, Rt. 8, and Joseph Serdotz, 1723 N. Sum mer street.' at Center and Church. The McAdam car hit the rear wheel of the other machine. r Rear End Collision Ocnrs A rear end " collision between two cars occurred yesterday at 1:15 p. m., at Commercial and Center, when Mrs. Minnie Deppen, 1665 N. 5th street, stopped her car suddenly ta avoid a collision from the side, her car being struck in the rear by a machine driven by H. A. Dakin. 1132 Center street. The rear fenders and tire carrier on the Deppen car were bent. Dakin declared that he did not see her signal, but adds, "It was not my fault, but I paid the damage on her car." ' D. Moaher the Tailor Will be open evenings during balance ot 20th anniversary sale, : , all Has Wronir License Plates G. W. Brooks, of 895 Bald Win street, Portland, pleaded guilty in justice court yesterday to a charge of driving, a car with improper license plates, and paid a fitoe 'Of ' - IS;"' '.' : -X - f i Return from', Y-cation---ii: ': A party 'including Dr: 'Virgil O. Long. .Mildred', Long. ' and' Mary Talon returned' Sunday from a two weeks' trip daring which they mo tored through -eastern Oregon and Idaho. Several days were spent in ' Idaho, where they joined an other party and went on a cmp- Ing trip. The return to -Salem Was made by way of Prineville and the McKenzie pass. : Every Morning Drink it while it's Bnbblins Health Salt Is a-effeshihg effer vescent ' laxative , that . .really, tastes good.' ." , , , During the hot sum mer days a teaspoon- -' ful of -R'exall Health Salt in: .a little" 'cold . ' water. ' wjll . cool ,'the blood. ? ' . Regulates , the bowels. ' Makes yod feel fit; fr; Perry 0mg ; Storw US KtfV V Trurk Ium Ittsof f lcjefit LLJsraM Cjharged with operating a track witTf , insufficient, license for thd mount of square Inches of- solid tire surface, H.'L.-Qeorge, truck driver of Portland.-::Vu arrested Sunday night by State Traffic Of ficer Reinhart. Georga was driv ing a trnek with two trailers. Since ht- wag hauling tor two different companies, - fines :of : 430 each f gainst the two, cOTnpagies rwere levied in justice-1 court yesterday. Plan Home in Englewbod ; O. R.' ' BonneJI was granted a permit yesterday to build a one and a half story :,hbme, id Engle wood addition, , at; 1610- IX. street, at a cost of about If, 800.' laso Rubles Family Visits ( Dr. W G. Gates and- family, of Paso Robles, : arrived in Salem Sunday and are -visiting at the home of William Blake, of Willow Lake farm. Dt Gates inspected the Marlon county health demon stration yesterday. : He is inter ested in a similar work - at Paso Robles. and fnnnd niurh nf Inter- Jest in the local work.. The family win visit here Tor aevera days, before going on "to their home. Auction Sale corrow ' 1351 N. CdtUge. JL F. , Woodry . Son Auctioneer. : Phone 7 P. c3 Car Stolen Saturday Night Peter Kirkti; pf Jst.-Paul,' Ore., reported the 'lbsa v of his ; Ford coupe, a 1926 model .with Oregon license 145-759. ".t local police. It was stolen from the. Thatb place Saturday night, he reported. C. J. Anderson, agd 5 ft, escaped from the State hoapltal-f or. insane sometime Sunday, official o that lDstttution reported. "Heas de scribed as weighing 165 pounds, bring 5 feet. 8 .Inches in height, and having brown' hair and gray eyes. x - Smoke Causes Alarm- Smoke from a newly Installed cil-burning heating system in the Ambassadore appart men ta yester day morning caused, three fire engines to respond to. a telephons call, with visions ot a serious apartment house fire. No damage was done. our Arrested for Car Theft Arrested while in possession nf Chevrolet coupe said to have been stolen from Portland, four hoys giving their names as Vern eterson, Tacoma; John' Adams, San Franciseo;. Maurice Gbldie. Chicago; and CerieDouglad. Ta coma. were held by local police over Saturday .ntght. and JSnnday noon turned oyer to Portland au thorities. ' - .. . .Disregard Stop AtgnMbt . . A. A. Taylor, 47B S; 53rd street, arrested Sundayvon a chafge of failure to stop at'-a Sign, yester day pleaded gtiiUy.ahd paid a fine of $. in police court. rOBTLASD, OBtCtiON rff- tol. trt -wiwnmm. Mial almtWN mm Mm traiaOae. C a 1 mmmrtniX VERY DESIRABLE HOME ! Best of Location j Modern 7 ' rwrni -"lionse, ' full basement furnace, St fireplaces, lot 65x163- lias Crage,l Wal nut and fruit .trees, ;. Price Is S7500 with payment of $2000. 1433 Conrt Street; : i' "- " See vi J. A. or W. J Mills PLUMBING Quick Reliable Service H. EGNER, iem Center Street Phones 333 and 1310-W - ' - J--:'; Fine Fixture! ; " -' ', Standard - Equipment . . - V - SEE . OUI . " Perennial Gardens On the, Wallace Road : G F.: BREITnATJPT Telephone 380 , It2 SUte' SU MEJTS AND LADIES' SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED . Ladles GHk .Dresses, 81SS . Coats Rellned, 83.00 lien's - Salts Pressed, 60 cents kVARLEY CLEANERS : 1 'Over Ruslck'a 1P37 PREti 7AIXPArcn 8AMPLI3 .'LOOKS Call Tdjisr OfwriU 5 "-" ZIAXJO-lXUREif i i 171 N. .Com-ircl j f ,8alem Final Settlement .iJecreo " -"; - Judge c::il. MUI-han, acting county judgein. the absence -of Judge J. T, Huntwho is spending his vacation; at bech points with Mrs; ' Hnnt yesterday v decreed fin-' -al elt!ement In thel.etate of A. til. Leona rd t deceased, h -f : HomecengxABnonnced-- - - The seventh" annual homecom ing of the Anmsville Pioneer as sociation will s be held r in the Swank grove at '&AumsvIlI(B next Rundav, according' to word receiv ed . here, Theodore Highberger U president of. tae -association and II. Maude Boone is secretary-lrea- surer. '..-, 7 . Has Wrong License Plates : Robert Chase, .1075 t; Willow street. Portland,, appeared Jn Jus tlrp, court - Monday mornine and pleaded guilty to a charge of driv ing with improper Ucense. plates. The case was continued for. sen tence, and Chase -was -released on his own recognizance.- " lioeal Men Go To Sea berk A group of local members of the YMCA, including Ben Rickll, Harvey Brdck and Kenneth Law- OBITCARY Stonebrlnk (k At the home three 'miles, south. Miss Wikje Stonebrlnk, age 81 years, sister- of . MisS Bauwkje Stonebrlnk, Miss Wietsche Stone brink and N. H. Stonebrlnk and Mrs. BI Tt Swart, Funeral eervices Tuesday, Aug. 9th. Jit 1:30 p. m from the residence ' under the di rection of Rlgdon- H Son. ,t,.f;KtmseTlw Gerald Maurlcelnfan't son, of Mr, and Mrai ; L. CVKImsey of fiend';' .died1 Ifi -Portland August 6, age ,4 motiihs.' Grandson of Mr. and Mrsr'GR. Moorehead of Sa lem and ' Mrs. R. U.' Kimsey of Bend. - Funeral services -., from Webb's chapel Tuesday at 10 o'clock a. xn. Interment in City View cemetery. . DUNN Died at her home at 255 N. 14th street. August 8. 1927. Rebecca Dunn, aged 78. The deceased is survived by two islets. Mrs. Mary M-Ga(h, of Salern. and Sister Mary Flavja, of Enint Mary's Ac ademy, Portland.; Recitation of the rosary and prayers will be held at the Terwilliger fnneral home Tuesday at 7 D.m. 'Funeral services held from St. Joseph's Ca Wednesday at 9 a. m. TERWILLIGERS Perfect Funeral Service For Less . Licensed Lady. Mortician 770 Cbemeket Street ' Telephone 734 - ne In profusion, with , flowers, greenery and reverent peace throughout, in alleviating sadness. WEBB'S FUNERAL PARLORS v - Telephone 120 WALK-OVER FOOTWEAR FORlvlENAND -WOMEN- Jonn J.;: KpttIe -415 SSSe.'SL c ', ': OWNER GOING AWAY, Most sell choice close in Ten Acre River Bottom Land - -Want an Offer Y 'P. Ti WOOD '' 841 SUte Street ! ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired, New or Used Mo tors 4 -1' VIBBERT & TODD . Things Electrical 111 South High , TeL 211 J YICICSO HERB CO. ; 1 JT. H. LEONG, Mgr. ; Onr life's work has been spent In studying the - healing properties of Chinese herbs and n ow ; daily we rel le ve those suffering from stomtch, liver and kid net tronble, - then ma : tisnt j ahd gall atones. -also disorders of men.- women and children,. . - ; , Freer Conioltation Call or Write Open A. IL to 8 P. Mu'.i. 40 Elate t- Salezo, Oresoa Sunsni nual -esmmef -school " tor" .YMCA nrorker&'s wtIchTis belng"; jjel'd: at SeabeckvJYasb-,' from; August 11 to 26.. The student .body will in clude men from Oregon, Washington.- Idaho, Montana and British Columbia, Nationally -known lead ers who will be on t-e facufty will include George-Irring,' head of the Rational eouneU religious work. Ai W. Alley, national members- Ship and promotion -secretary. Dr. G. G.' Deavers,iof the- Chicago YM CA college, A. J." Gregg,, national bead of the YMQA boys work program, and " George " Stock, na tional secretary, for; physical edu cation. About 160 - are expected to enroll in tbe school.- : ciir Uproots V The car. belonging to R. A. Su therland uprooted a small : four- year-old tree on the Garden Road near Swegle school Friday when LADD & BUSH, Bankers EsUbllabed 186. . General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a, m. to 3 p. m. Furniture of 5 Rooms, next Wednesday, Aug. 10 s " 1 -.- -tj:f i j-. $; v 1 p. m- at. 1351 N. Cottage Street consisting of 1 Cabinet Mahogany EdisonPhonography (with - rec ords) ; ,1-5 Tube Radio, Stewart-Warner, electric charg er. (This set is just like new) Oak Library Table;. Flower Stands, 7x9 9x12 Axminster rugs, Cong, rugs; 5 Oak Rockers, 1 Dufold (with mattresses like new) Drop-head sewing machine; Oak Dining Room, Table; , 6 chairs (leather seats) ; Beds, Springs, Mattresses; '.Dressers; Child's Bed; Rag Rugs; 1 Universal white . enamel trimmed Range with coils ; 1 Great Western . ,Heater; Oil Stove; Refrigerator (50 lb. cap.) 100 , quarts canned fruit; Fruit Jars; Wash Bds; Boilers; Garden Hose; Garden Tools; 7x9 Wall Tent; Cooking Utensils; Ice Cream Freezer, and many other things. r Don't forget the time and place This furniture is all like new v i No Reserve - - ' ;- E. Winchcomb, Owner , k . . . , ; 4 II. F. Woodry & Son . 271 N. Commercial Street - r. ' " . . are the . ... ., -.. . . Auctioneers . T'' '" m r Phone 75 ? - - Agents for Lang Stoves. PUBLI.O 2V2 MILES SOUTH OF CORYAL LIS ON THE HIGHWAY WEDNESDAY AUGUST 10 60 head of dairy cowkjFreshVand',comin3r-fresh' not later than September .OcjtobcrJExtra'&PQ'4 .An -y - - aairy - ' ' - - - -.-( : w - ---.:-,- - , ---- - 4 i ALEX HAYES,iOwner . v' -: A. 1. Stevenson, Auctioneer . . ' Matt WiUhelrri, Clerk . V j - "- ' . ... - ; "- TRANSFER and STORAGE ; - : Long and Short Distance Hauling ' . Public and Private Storage Fireproof Building . GRAIN, FEED : AND SEED Free Delivery to any part of the city v " 7 : ' ' - Quotations on Application V . , r V PAUL' TRAGUOlTop - Day Telrphcne 23 ' . JlMIvIYIIvifr AWl I HATES COMPA.HY IHOw OlD 1 KNOW x rr irV "Tkcr cka.112 TUaX TA.CK"WAb MEANT coo r tt ia.n. I Sutherland . lost control" of it and ' the -ear' Jumped the ditch along the road,- Sutherland reported." i mm; 8f l i - siock 1 - Vf ? 4 ' iSizk Tdcrhcne 1237-Z. V-.t .- . m 1 two yars .yesterday aiiv; a.m TL llf W