The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 09, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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y m. .. .,i TTTECREGON "STATESMAN; SALeOI, OREGON .i ' ' - - g--,- : J . . TUESDAY MOKmNG-AUGUST 9f 1027
ZfZE! Oregon statesman
1 f
. ..--.-.pi. Daily Bxeapt Maaday by i w ' '
- - 5 11 Santa ComiaarcUl Stmt, 8alia, Oratoa
I. J. Brtki-- . .. .. . V ana car
Irl 8, McSaarry Hiupii Editor
Falpa U. Oortit City Editor
Vietar D. GarUoa - Tlnpi Editor
aVoialla Bnaca Soeloty Editor
Ralph H. KlaUia - AdwtUia M aaafr
W. H. Haadartoa Cirfmlatiaa Maaagar
Geo. E. Martin Bupt. Machaaieai Dept.
, E. A. Rhotom - - - Liraatack Editor
W- C. Conner -' Pomltry Editor
I ' Tk AMeltd FrM to ozelasiTolr titled to the o for poblieotioa of oil aowa dU
oteao eradltod to It or mot oUerwito eroditotf la tkia poptf d aUo tt Ueai bow pafe
liokoAkoroia. ! ,,
. B. Boll. 232 223 Bcettrltjr Blof : Portlmd; l Tolopkono Bwodway
Doty Slype. lae Cali'oroio repreaentotivea.
VOBMtre iiusg u Aacoioa.
CUrk Co., New Torav LZS-lifl W. lt 8t-j Cheo Momaetto Bid.
rpe. lae- Cklileraia repreaeotativaa, anoroa JJia., aaiiruciMi
reo Bld(.
BasfaoM Offleo .
Booioty Editor-:
Jtt r 58
Kewa Iept 23 or 108
Job Department .
Circalatioa unit
. ' ' . AnsuKt O, 1927 v )
Lord, Thou has been our dwelling place in all generations. Psalm 90:1
Ea tared at the,Pit Offleo la Bolem. Ore oa, a soeoad-eUaa "alter.
" This innnirv ha come to The Statesman: "Can you
4iiTrta wrtpn whpro "and bv whom the first hops were plant
id In, Oregon? The state library could furnish me no part
pnf LhA hriawr tn this ' I am in hones that you can neip me.
I hi, The Statesman editor believes the first hops in Oregon
oil a commercial scale were grown at Aurora, by the Aurora
nhlnnv. founded and headed bv Dr. William Kiel. "
: There had before that time been! hop vines grown by
varidus individuals j throughout the'' state, as ornaments
against the sides of dwellings and on fences, efc., and for the
makinrr of hon tea. suDDosea to nave curative proper ties.
"If the writer is not correct as to the place of the first
Oregon hops produced for the general markets, The States
man Would be glad to be corrected, and to publish the correc-
uua. ,: - - - . . .- ... -
?! TriStfimSrofs-the ffrowincrof the first hops on a com
mercialialelaturora must have been in the latter fifties
oraifr-sfcrtfes?' ThVbegmnihgVx)f the colony there wefe
maae in 1856 and 1857.
buildings In Decatur', Illinois, steel and sash trames, after tour years; I
use, iaTe been replaced witn. wooa.; -
- It Is claimed that with steel sasn u costs w dv.yer cent
more to heat a building than if the sash is of wood. :
Oreeon shoould profit hearuy xrom me new . aiscoTryT,-rne
magnificent forests of the Northwest are a large factor In the pros
perity of the region, and a larger raiue is siren lum uj me .new
process. . . . .. . J ..... .. . ... .
' And it is proposed Dy aaopuon oi w-c-iiisu m uui i.ieo
to more these forests Into the Mississippi jalley!
The above from the; Portland Journal of last evening
is interesting to all Oregon . ' - .
And interesting to the Salem district
Because one-fifth of the standing timber of the United
Stetes is in Oregon, and vast resources are in the Salem"
iotif . oenopi'aiiv f hose of the Santiam forest reserve, trib-
UtOWAiVK) ,ojrwa- j
utary to this city as a manufacturing and trade center, and,
under logging regulations of the United States government,
enduring' will last for all time.
That discovery will be worth untold millions in future
years to Salem; many millions annually in due course of
time. - : '
It should be an additional incentive for speeding up
the campaigns for forest preservation; for: reforestation. .
We have in Oregon'a'Vast resource in our , forests. A
large part pf it can be frittered away by destructive logging
methods. It .n be perpetuated, and even increased, by wise
methods of hjsbandry. 1 " V-. ' --6:
Our statettmen of Oregon and of our nation have been
asleep too long: asleep to the importance of this industrial
And they should come awake, and stay awake.
mIaxy graduates to fiul
't 21 teaching" jposiTioxs ;
rOreeon Normal - School. Mon
mouth. Aug. 6; (Special)
Twenty-one. .teaching positions ii
tb 8tntH.f .Oreeon and'one in
Washington have been filled by
graduates of tht Oregon normal
school at Monmouth during the
past two weeks, according to the
appointment bureau secretary.
Students included in this list
are Marie Westhoff . who will
teach in Salem; Faye Libel. Co
lumbia, county: Hilda Hay. Lake
I county; Esther Graw and Lucille
thousand young bass, which were
taken from the Willamette river
near Linnton, and brought them
butjto the reservoir of the Falls
City ' water supply where they
were planted."
The bass will be tried out as
means of fighting water dogs and
other small pests of the reservoir
1 Trout; " "havef ' been used-in year9
past out Jt s ramer amicuii 10
keep uplhe; supply of large fish,
Bit Fo Bre&fexast
Hurrah - tor: Dayton! .
-. J. ;
This - means
Yamhill i
county ,'! . . ' - ..''
Where J. Robertson, editor
of the Dayton, Oregon, Tribune
last week 'celebrated bis first an
niversary in charge of that
sprightly newspapeer jwith a speH
cial edition,' showing alt the good
points of that beautiful and fruit
ful section of the Willamette val
You can prove by any- loyal res
ident of the , west side counties
that tbey;kave a better and Ticber
si tint a g avvx x v i :
i . ...... . - .
vtvm wins - ucr.-'iiotiai
. . Iji . I.'- t . .t
; .1QI MJliCMt VUUrCII .llicmwure.
Tb ilal sedVovs of the I :
or'.h Leaxue inati.rrf. l:i.-h has
. in session rnu ay
llu- It' week, io h-1 Sunday wiO
4 k I-. Of OUtEUUtll.- lllsJ0: i'i.'i
tL'f'T.bout tho day, attend w-l
. . . . u .
-". me aeia-n bu; a
bundrel viiLr.ra Irora 411
n..ntfr han the east side ot the I "V?r" nundre
itMii; VAnlMn of 'mariiUW U. WillaOTrU VlllClH and
provethe "contrary by any loyal
(Special) A group of Silverton
ians motored out to Newport Sat
urday night and returned to Sil-
veton Sunday evening. Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Larson, Miss Ethel
Larson, and Miss Dorothy Neal,
who have been spending a week
there, returned with them.
Ear! Emlav. manager of the E. R. L. Productions com
nan v. ia at Medford. where he is preparing the way for a
great film, based on the Indian tradition surrounding the
formation of Crater Lake.
$ The Medford News, printing an extended story of a
meeting of Mr. Emlay with a group of Medford business men,
used the following words : -
"Emlays plans provide for filming the entire production Harri9' ciackamas county; Inez
at inc laKe ana in tms city, oume ox me stcura win ichuhc stipp. Lakeview; lone Calloway
5.000 people: all of whom he proposes will be secured locally, voncaiia; g. s. Davies. Maupin
Onlv a very few of the better types of leading artists will be David Akron. Washington state;
required in filming what Emlay says will be a super-produc- Lucille Tarr. umapine; Marjorie
tioji. h An outline of the story around which Emlay proposed cbx Paisley; Beuiah Barnett,
L;t4 .roc ;on Kxr nrnoor onrl will dntA Beaver Creek; Evelyn White.
bacjk 10,000 years, which is the starting point for the famous 1
Indian legend as to lake's origin, and will continue up to ap- rnmn(,k. Trone smith
proximately 100 years ago, when Indian tribes were carry- H d R1ver county; May strat-
ing on continual warfare. A love narrative is interwoven m -ton. crook county; Mrs. Fior
the stbry, with a beautiful Indian princess and a handsome ence wnkes. corvaius; Gwendo
vodncr chief of another tribe asthe principals. The eruption iyn Bodie. Oregon city and Mar-
nf,1Wf MaTama and it nll9nsA into triA howplst of t.hf parth i earet Simms. Stanfield. Mafgar
.,iT ah tt,. limnv offnr v. m0.f or.i4aplQ rriolet Lee Blusher has resigned the
Tirr?noapd nroduetion 'It will rival if not excell such Produc- ulon accepted at Stanfield and Plans are under way for the reor
proposeq proaucuon. 11 Will rival, II noi exceu sucn prouuc u t tn university of ganUation of searching parties
lions ns ine iasi aays oi rompeu,pen nur, intolerance anu i Washington this fall,
many other of the leadincr film spectacles? said Mr. Emlay,! .
who has been devoting weeks to'the formation of the story Young Bass Loosed to War
and who has contributed much to the rapid advances made 0n Reservoir Water Dogs
aunn? recent years in tne mm lnaustry."
The Medford people are "all hopped up" over the pros
pect, aud they have a right to be.
The Medford News in an editorial about the matter
resident 'of I the east side counties
SDeaklng of the sulfur dusting
demonstrations, for, prune brown
rot; J. w: fieck, county agent for
Polk county, wrltea:,
"The Polk counity! demonstra
tion of dusting for 'brown rot will
be held in. the C. J. Shreeve or
chard, a mile and a half west of
Dallas, Saturday morning, August
13 th, at 6 : o'clock. , To. reach the
Shreeve ; orchard take the Ellen
dale road at the north edge of
town in a: due westerly direction
for one mile, there branch off a
half mile ! to the . right. Prune
growers ot Marion county will be
very welcome to attend this de
monstration, and" I. hope that
many of them; will dO'BO.
"We do-not know what to do
with this short life, and; we want
another which shall! be eternal.
- Anatole France.
j -U
The Statesman's "big1 "press,
weighing 100.000 pounds, is on
the good ship Laurel, leaving
Philadelphia for Portland today.
.You will be interested in seeing
it in operation. It will be an as
set to the life and . progress of
Salem, many times more valuable
than Its money cost
A. stirring appe:;l for li!t
xt la Christi;i 1 fildj ,wa
at lite nrsi msfUM.: iwi or.
Vt'iUtn- Hints oC CorvallUi
FALLS CITY. Aug. 8. Spec
ial)- T. W. Munyan. a member
of the City Water Board, drove
Waxes "(toquentas Will be ShoWXf by the following Concluding to Portland yesterday, and aecur
pafagraphs: led from the State Fish and Game
Emlay sees in the legend of Crater Lake the foundation Commission approximately tfo
for a story of love, which with the enrapturing scenes he has Xotlce of Ascessment for the Cost
planned to accompany it will captivate and thrill millions who of improving mui street From
will look upon the spectacle. Kthe S?st i M to
H "Bralay's is a beautiful dream, which, combined with his r th
practicability-and. knowledge of. the movies, will some- day j common council of the city of Sa-
make that dream cometrue. - - vhen it does the world will lem, Oregon, win. at or about 7: so
(Special. ) Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Hoblitt motored to Rosenburg to
ayend the Editor's Convention
held there. The Hoblitts are edi
tors of the Silverton Appeal.
Will Eiidratvor Find Boy Who Lost
IJfc in Mt. Hood Climb
SANDY. ORE., Au. 8. (AP)
which were engaged in the .hunt
last winter for the body of Leslie
Brownlee. who became lost near
Mount Hood and is believed to
have perished. The searchers wul
explore every possible place where
the young man may have lost his
Experience Is what you get
when you least expect it. Atlanta
be introduced to the greatest, the most entrancing, the most
thrilling, the most stupendous story and spectacle of the
p. m.. on me l&tn aay oi August,
1927. or at any subsequent meet
ing of the said Council thereafter,
in the Council Chamber of the City
Hall of Salem, Oregon, proceed to
assess upon and against each, lot
or -part thereqf or parcel of land
i ine statesman s new press is on the steamshin Laurel.
of the Quakeit Une, leaving' Philadelphia for Partland toda S"
ana auc in zr to JU days. It will then be rushed to Salem bv share of the cost of improving Mill
truck, and put together as quickly as it can be ; requiring I Street from tie east, line of, 14th
about two weeks. The news and advertising forces are plan- fL f&2f cnt"!'!
nng a celebration number, for the first issue printed on the fuHon cQ1 Oregon. ?
new, press, ana mey nope to make it October 52, the day after ! ; au perWnsalarested? lit- the
tne Closing oi ine State iair. - I said assessment are hereby nott-
(Portland Journal)
Tei ted in the ' laboratory of Columbia iiniverxitv Tsrow vv
jmaplo; yellow and white pine and white oak lumber have been
found iceptablf r for Jnterior construction, of fireproof Gotham sky-
-l-TTi'lnling as to the availability of this lumber was made bv
the New; York bureau ot buildings, whose regulations are regarded J gust 9, 1927.
iu jiiuBiBLripgeni. m tne country,
. Before nse in fireproof construction, the lumber is treated by a
-new process or iireproofing lumber, discovered by H. A. Dorr, a fire-
prooflnt expert. . ; - . . . . . .
' 4 I'll n - n . r ' 1 1. .
' , urn. jiuttM iuiuitci me impregnation qi luroDer m a
scrcu nbn-poisbnous themlcal solution after which It Is kiln-dried
Mr a period not exceeding 48 hours,; accord ng to the . type of wood
; A t est of the new process .was made: a few. days ago at Long-
f led" id appear"1efore1 -"ft5 sSId
Council at said time and place and
present, their objections, if any
they have, to said assessment, and
. . . . . . ,
appiy to saia uouncu to equalize
their proportionate share of same
By order of the Common Coun
cil, August 1, 1927.
M. POULSEN, City Recorder.
Date of first publication August
6. 192.7.
Date of second publication Au
Notice of Assessment for Hie Cost
of Improving Electric Avenne
From the West Line of Cottage
Street to a Point One Hundred
Feet East of the East Line of
Summer Street
Notice is hereby given that the
Common- Council of the City of Sa-
vlow, " linder22(W degrees of , heat, an aahestog shingle, supposed lem' Oregon, will, at or about 7130
to be ljrtproor.twas Durnea through In two minutes. A red cedar
..l.ll . i . . .
'nuiufciu. utaiyu .uj um uw $rtwr!K..r wa,s. suojectea. to . me same
licit for thrce minues.. and came out unscathed. The opposite aide
.tuej ningle Trom. which- the heat was applied. wasn't even warm.
aut iwo-uy-iour ,-wuicu oaa , oeen. ireatea . snowed eaual re-
p. m., on the 15th day of August.
1927, or at any.subsequent meet
ing of the aaid Council thereafter,
In the - Council Chamber ot the
City ' Hall of Salem, Oregon, pro
ceed to assess upon and against
ststance.l It was under ?220G degree of heat for 10 minutes. j eachlot or part thereof or parcel
' Where 93 stream' ot, heat, waa applied,, there was a; red glow, and
tuiu(u was harred to a depth" of three-sixteenths of an Inch
With lit. : few teconds after the "heat was removed! t h rlnw wax
gon nti -th epot presented a charred "appearance a though It had west line- of Cottage Street to a
becd tuefoly scorched. P, .- .. : l W . l a -M point one hundred feet east of the
; ThJ discovery makes It 'possible . to have a fireproof house east line of Summer Street. In the
of wood, All the -wood in .a.alx-room house can be! treated by the I City of Salem;' Oregon.
ufewj preJr s lor " a" little more than 70Q, fr? i i f i
: The rffect fhould be to give a new value to lumber. The lutu
bjr Indufctry has been badly depressed by the substitutes used in
buildfnc -'The underconsumption 'due to use of substitutes haa
bruiiffht on. laree over-production. w'
'; Thet ubkfituteir. for Instance, have-, gone si far as to ; lead
Bonie 'treWtet-ta--to,Tecommtnd'teet-lnsead -. of -wofd In KasU and
rrai Hfc ' Thouah there are buildings. In which wooden sash has
ldcf' years.", within the past .few years there has been consider same.
of land liable therefor its propor
tionate share of the cost of tm
proving Electric Avenue from the
All. persons interested In th
said 'assessment ar e here by not i
fled to appear before the .'said
Council at said time: and place and
present their' objections. If any
they : have, to '. said assessments.
and apply to said Council to equal
ize their proportionate ; share of
Notice of Assessment for the Cost
of Improving Myers Street From
the West Line of Commercial
Street to the East Line of Fir
8treet. '
Notice Is hereby given that the
Common Council ot the City of
Salem, Oregon, will, at or about
7:30 p. m., on the 15th day of Au
gust, 1927, or at any subsequent!
meeting of the said Council there
after, In the Council Chamber of
the City Hall of Salem, Oregon,
proceed to assess upon and against
aeh lot or part thereof or parcel
Of ;land liaale therefor its propor
tionate 'snare of the cost oi im
proving Meyers Street 'from the
west line of Commercial street to
the east line of Fir Street, in the
City pf, Salem, Marion County,
weaJjv4.'.V v i) 7- "
f kll persona Interested . in the
sa ra - assessment are hereby noti
fied to appear before -the said
Council at said time and place and
present their, objections, if . any
they have, to said assessment, and
apply to said. Council -to equalize
their proportionate shares of same
'By order. of the Common Coun
cil, August 1, 1927.
M. POULSEN. City Recorder. .
IDate of first publication August
6. 1927.
Date of second publication Au
gust 9. 1927. , at
Notice of Assessment for the Cost
of Improving fjee Street From
the West Line of South 14th
Street to the East Line of the
Southern Pacific Right of Way
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City or
Salem, Oregon, will! at or about
7:30 p. m., on the! 15th day of
August, 1927, , or any subsequent
meeting of the said Council there
after, in the Council Chamber ot
the City Hall of Salem, Oregon;
proceed to assess upon and against jJHj y
eacn lot or parx lueceui ur patcci
of land liable therefor its propor
tionate share of the cost of im
nrovlng Lee Street from the west
line of South 14th Street to tne
east line of the Southern racuic
tttght of Way. In the City of Sa
lem. Marion County. Oregon.
All persons interested in the
said assessment-are hereby noti
fied to aonear before the said
Council at said time and place and
present their objections, If any
they have, to said assessment, and
apply to said. Council to equalize
their proportionate share ot same
By order of the Common Coun
cil, August 1. 1927.
M. POULSEN. City Recorder.
' Date of first publication August
6. 1927.
- Date of final publication August)
9, 1927. ; a
Tho morning u?vci:onai sir-
ieo v addroi-ei by Rev. Thorn-
. .iiion, pas'fl- of Hi" j Jason
L 3' thodiat. cSuiv.i of Sab.-ni.
v...; led been rii'm'i by the fu--
itv ti soeak. " H
-. l-Uiue E. Ki-kpatrlcjv." n.i-
tri&: secretary tor tne Epworth
leaicue tnd form-ir pastor of the
RiH-Li? Flraf 7lotl:st ' rhimi;
ati i u: -address at the "a fteriMou.
service speaklnx on th, po-sslbili
tf s uf I when its purposes are
c V.cUrftrted and Jirectel tovard
'r i-nila n'i aprvl-Hi.ln ".llrit"T: fi
Awards were made at th after
noon serrlcetior tne vanoas' ac-
tivlt."H pf the" week. Salen ))i-
VricCwtlved t jrecreationaT pen
nam which for ibe past tTo yearn
L i been Wtd ciRtly by Portiaro
First. Churchalem, ,,won the
attendanco wsLt-ltor, ,the largo
nercentaee of its utemberhip of
the leaf ue present ' at institute
Pratum." League won firs? place
among the small league-groups, as
it did also in the "camp beautiful"
competition.. Jason. Lsn Leagu.
won first place among I large
?roap 5r the latter. I
A lbany : chapter 'won the pen
nant in the-lnstitu lee 'contest,
ff.r ! best iniVA i-o roiig vru-
m ;in.l sung. "V"'
tvi ficates for work !nKlasses
d' Jlna the weak, .with five or
nrn c ch day. wwc given to 259
it tlcf.. reglsteri,' with 27 dlplo-
un : present v? tnrec years
wk t Institu'ji. I '
f total reh' rot n of stu
i'tit ''legates rw 311, -with ;
Href mmber ciminK for the
week end who , d' not register.
IV, evening, srvii: 3 Sunday was
gospel teacni. Tvith Ilex
rirkfitg. ofSa!R'. in charge.
Many of the' Je'egates remained
aver ritil Monday morning, . re
t; their hqme,H in cars and
!ri .. during Breakfast
v as r.r f ea at the csmp yesterday
for those 'remaining over.
Driving While Intoxicated
and Possession of Li
quor Among Charges
Violations of. the. prohibition
law to" tho" number Tf five "were
charged; by. the Salem police in
onnectlon wltn arrests made ov
er the week end in cases in which
the Inebriating beverage was de-
lartd lohave figured, r ,
KwnhtlhrfBent3 " of Newberg,
wreckrd hls car and received bad
cuts en the-face In. driving while
iui.oxic:trU, accoraini! to fcuue
.u.i; otAicero Uo a. rested i..u
riatterr. Salem. -ulsio
. ui et" before J:ibiico o : xuc
i'eace crazier Small on a liquor
canrne, leading guilty to a charge
... iig -a ' M. 4ll. ,
v. lii luc .vuit ai.ljitJY iieCoititr
yesteriay, on j;liarge,of drunken-
uiai f pos&essioa oi liquor. .;. ,-.
Harold. Lavock, tap. S. ISth
street. . and Ernest Lind, 1335 "X.
Prout street, who, were a-Tested
late Sunday nigat, appeared iu a
joint complaint charging posses-
H4onof- liquor. Since the ..liquor
belonged to botbi of.theai,' ; thsy
wer jointly fined 2100.
".- V. J. Barnett, Rt. 4, waa also
arretted Sunday night on a charge
of beui j d runkj. by orficers" James
and Edwards. rJ '
', l ;'': tCeatiBuad.froni jj 1.) f V .
ntlett, of :-Seattle; ? expert press
erector. As soon as the date the
Laurel will reach V Portland U
known; .The Stataesman will be
able to announce the approximate
date of the fjrst edition, which will
be printed on the new press: '
; This plant will bel not only the
largest and most elaborate in Ore
gon outside' of Portland, bat, it
and other presses- of Its type are
characterized by the unusual per
fection of- printing which they
make possible, and The Statesman'
will bKossoni out as- one -of the
most beautifully printed' newspa
pers of Oregon: 7 ; .' a 7 j
The press will print any num
ber of pages from f our" to :2 4, be
ing unique in that it will take 14
pages, an-nnosual . feature, and
one which is important in a city of '
Salem's size, as It will frequently
be desirable to fun that ' number
of pages.. 7. . , "
The most marked .advance in
newspaper, publishing here- will ,
be the color printing equipment,
which may be used in the adver
tising pages as well as in embel
lishing feature news - pages and
comics. . '. v i - ps ' . , -i' .
6:00-7: 00 KWM (32), Twititt hnr
: 00-7: 00 KOIN (319). Oraa concent.
8:00-7:00 3KOW, 82). Dinaer conrert.
6 : 30-7 : 00 KEX. Org in coiert ay lar-
7 : 00-7 : 1 5 KTBk, XCV' r TterTST
3 : 00-8 : 00 KEX. , U vie aid . , . , , r
7:00-7 4S COW, TraVelos and r ulrlftr 1
(Special) Two - visiting pastors
stroke at the Jmmanuel and .Trini
ty churches Sunday." Rev. J. C.
Roseland of Chicago spoke at Im
manr.el church ; Sundav morning
ai:4 a.?;.in Snnday"jf'cii Dr.
ns-ar Tlnrlc-Ma ofDeah. Io-
wa'. spoke at the Trinitv church.
. Rev. Mr.Rasejand, with .'hia
wife is visiting at. the latter'
mother's, home at Silverton. w"hil
Dr. vi.situg at . the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
B. Tinglestad. . '
(Special.) Withers and Neal are
breaking ground for 7 their . new
warehouse near the Southern Pa
cific Station on North Water SL
The. concrete .basement Is tb be
frostproof. . .
E. V. Mcintosh. of Corval lis,
was registered at the Marion hotel
last nighU " . . ' , ,
7:1&-:J0-KPJB (283 Jnrm,) Juniors,
r: 45-9:00 KQW. KJuction) prorrm. '
9:00-10:00 KWBS t200). Sarak Vmr
tte. Mitdxd' UiaainU martnoj-ji;
S:00-10:00wKOW KBC. prvjru. . .7.-.,,
9 : 30-End IOIN. Blow 6 bUw ' iht U- '
' ' ' -riptioD.- - :. ' ." - "TlTotiT
9:30-11:00 KTJE. ( th. Ku-
irr. . - - . " -
10:00-12:00 -KEX. Krtnur'i orchestra'
and o)oist. s -
10:00a2:00 KQW. Kenia'a orektra and
kOloistk. , ' ' 7 ' ."
NBC t t 10 9. m. KGW, KHQ. KTOA.
KOIIO. KGO. . KPO. . KTI Hit and
Hits of Weorje ('truhwln. .
KGO Oakland (384). B. oreheetra ; 8.
, The FiJxrim: . NBC program; 10,
mrpris-e broadcast.
KFOA SeatUe ' (H7. 6. - childrca'a -
hMir; S, 0. SBC program. .
KPO San Franclaco (422). 6, 6:30 or..
; chestra; 7,' orchestra; 8, fireside hour;
, X8C vrogrim; 10. daaea -arahastnk
KFBC San Francisco (454. 6:80. or-
- rhestra 7. daiwe orehektra: 8. motif
' club; 8:30. orchestra and old-tima
- lmnd;.9::i(, danre anusie.
KFON Long Beach (242). 6. 6:15. r-
f lustra ; f. 7 :-,iO. book . rhat; 8.- band
-6cert; 9, girl trio; 10, 11, danea .
)rocrani. . " ,
KJK Seattle (34).' 6. 6:30. orchestra;
H, 10, danre orcluwtra. . . .i
KHQ Spokua (370). . orchestra; 7.
organ concert; 8, 9. NBC program ;' 10.
dance - tnuais.' .. -. - -,.V
KTWI San Francisco (268). 6, 7, 8, or
, chestra; 9, 10. orchestra; 11, myster .
loaa lutar.-"- -.' .
XBJT Ikm Angeles . (406). 6, trio; 6:3C
. children's program; 7:30, 7:45, '8 :JC
S:d5, 9, :15, 9;30, 9:45, 10.
KOMO Seattle - (306) 6. , 6:13. orehei.
i tn; 730, piano .recital; 9, NBC pit
rm;- lOV tireheatra. t - f
CMBV-r-iVaacoaver ; (291). 9. 10, daatt..
. orrheKtra. ,.7 . .. -..
"Notice of ' Assessment for the Cost
of Improving Capitol Street
From 31111 Street to Bellevue
Notice Is hereby given that th
Common Council of the city oi
Salem. Oregon, will, at or about
7:30 p. m., on the loth day ot
Auzust. 1927. or it any snnse-
quent meeting ot the said Council
thereafter. In the Council cnam
ber of the City HalL of .-, Salem.
Oregon.; proceed to . assess upon
and asainst each lot or part tnere-
of or parcel of land liable, therefor
its proportionate sharp oi.fie cosi
of improving Capitol; txeetfrom
Mill Street to Belleme Street, m
the City of Salem .Marion Coun
ty. Oregon; ' ? - tw - .
All nersons Interested A In .the
said assessment are hereby noti
fied to appear before the aaia
Council at said time and place
fahd present their objections. It any
khev have to aata assessmenii ana
atiDlv to said Council to equalize
tfceir nronortionate shares of same.
By order, ofthe common uoub-
cil August 1, 1927. - 7 ,
M. POULSEN. City Recorder.
Date of first publication August
Date of second puwicauon a
gust 9, 1927. r
u : ii.rnvement in the use. of 'steel sasn ana irames.
; iThe steel uashi however, is said -to be losing ground, due to
ct"rroin,' cost of maintenance, and increased painting and. heating
- 4 - .. ........1. ... -
In niisbureh. the heart of the sieei nisirvci,iSteei saan; ana
nine I
ffdUvl have been replaced In two scnooi yuuaings wnn wooa.
e&me thins has - been done In Bridgeport. Connecticut; - In
By order of the Common Coun
cil this 1st day of August. .19 21. ; r
UM. POULSEN, City Recorder.
.? Date of first publication August
4. 1827, ; -
Notice of Assessment for the Cost
I of -Improving Fifteenth Street
: From the North Line of -Trade
7 Street to the North Line of Mill
t Street. :
; Notice Is hereby, given that the
Common Council of . the City: of
Salem, Oregon, will, at or about
7:30 p.. m. on the 15th day of An
gust. 1927, or at any subsequent
meeting of theald Council there
after. In tbe Council Chamber of
the City Hall of Saletn. Oregon,
proceed ta assess upon and against
each lot' or part thereof or parcel
of land liable therefor its propor?
tionate share of the cost of Ira
proving Fifteenth Street from the
north line ot Mill Street, In the
City of Salem. . Marion : County,
Oregon. . ' 7 & v-vk. -v
I All persons interested In tbe
said assessment are hereby not!
fled to appear . before the said
Council at said time and place and
present; their objections, if f any
they have; to said assessment, and
apply; to said Council to equalise
their proportionate share of same
By order of the Common Conn
cil August 1, 1927. K
! M. POULSEN. Citr Recorder. !
t - Date of first publication August
- . a a
u Date of final publication August ' f Date of final publlcatloaAuguit
9,' 1927. . a9 9, 1927. - ' -
Notice of Assessment for the Cost
of. Imorovins f Lereiie . treev
From the East Line of Commer-
s clal Street to tho West Line 01
7 ' T.ltwrt v Street, j ! 1. : 4 ;." -'
Notice is hereby given that tb
Common Council of the5 City of
Salem,: Oregon, will, at of about
7:30 o. m..' on the 15th day of
August.- 1927V or at any aubs
quent meeting of the aaid Coua
cll s thereafter,- In the Council
Chamber ot the City t Hall of Sa
lem, Oregon, 'proceed to assess up
on - and against eacn lot or part
thereof or parcel . of land - llabl
therefon Its proportionate share of
the cost of improving Lefelle
Rtreetl from the east line of Lib
erty Street- to the .west'. line - of
Commercial Street, In tbe 3Ry of
Salem J Marlon County, Oregon. -
AU i persons interested In tbe
said assessment are hereby notl-
ril to aonear before the ' said
Council at said time and place and
present their objections. It any
they have to said assessment, and
apply to aaid Council, to equal!
their proportionate snares or same.
' - By order of the Common Conn
cil An gnst 1,71927. r
: ; tM. "POULSEN. City Recorder. .
; - Data of first publication August
; Date of tlnal publication AQgnit
9. 1927 ' 7 ' - c 9
. . " .- - . I '
Cover the Hcsld: ite
- Statesman Clarified Ads bring1 quick" sure results
. V Telephone 23 or 583 v.
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We may have just the form you are looking for at a bl
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Bill of Sale, Building Contract Promissory Notes,' Installment Notes,
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ceipts. Etc. These forms are caref ally; prepared for; the.5 courts and
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